The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 10, 1911, Image 3

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Elections This Year Must
Be Held the Last Sat
urday in September
1114 HELD ON Til 15 SKO
Copies of the new primnry election
law have been received In this place
and politicians and other persons
interested In matters politically aro
studying Its provisions. The now
law says that the prlmnries Bhall be
held on the last Saturday of Sep
tember, in all odd-numbered years,
and on the second Saturday of
April In all even-numbered years.
The September primary shall bo
known as the fall primary and the
April primary as the spring pri
mary. Delegates to state and nntlonal
conventions, except delegates-at-large
to national conventions, which
hall be elected at the spring prim
ary by any body of electors, one of
whoso candidates at either the gen
eral or municipal election preceding
polled 2 per centum of the largest
ntire vote cast In the state for
any candidate at the last general
Candidates for all offices to be
filled at general elections shall be
mominated at tho spring primary.
Candidates for all municipal offices
hall be nominated at the fall pri
mary. Tho following is the full text of
tho new law:
Ono Primary Held Each Year.
Section 2. Prom and after the
approval of this act one primary shall
lie held each year, in every election
district of this commonwealth In
which nominations are to be made
r delegates or party officers elected
as horeln provided. The said "pri
maries shall be held on the last Sat
urday of September in all odd-numbered
years, and on the second Sat
urday in April in all even-numbered
years. The primary held on the
last Saturday of September shall bo
known as the fall primary, and tho
primary held on the second Saturday
f April shall be known as the
spring primary.
Delegates to state and national
onventions, except delegates-at-large
to national conventions, which
shall be elected by the state con
vention, shall be elected at the
spring primary throughout tho com
monwealth by any party or body of
lectors ono of whose candidates,
at either the general or municipal
election preceding polled 2 per cen
tum of the largest entire voto cast
In the state for nny candidate at
tho last general election. - Candi
dates for all offices to bo filled at
thd general election, with tho excep
tion of those nominated by national
or state conventions, shall bo nomi
nated at tho spring primary. Can
didates for all offices to be filled at
the 'municipal election shall bo
nominated nt the fall prmary; and
such party officers as provided for by
the rules of tho several political
parties, to be elected by vote of tho
party electors, shall be olected at
the spring primary, by any political
party or body of electors one of
whoso candidates, at either the gen
eral or municipal election preceding
such primary, polled 2 per centum
of the largest entire vote cost In tho
political district, in which nomina
tions are' to be made or candidates
olected, for any candidate at tho
last general electiou.
Docs Not Affect Presidential Electors
No delegates to state or national
conventions, or officers or parties,
shall bo elected or candidates for
tho public offices herein specified be
nominated, In any other manner
than as set forth In this act: Provid
ed, That nothing herein contained
shall prevent the nomination of can
didates for borough or township of
fices, or other offices not heroin spe
cifically enumerated in the manner
provided by existing laws; or any
association of electors, not constitut
ing a party, from nominating candi
dates by nomination papers, as is
provided by existing laws.
This act shall not apply to the
nomination of candidates for presi
dential electors, or to the nomina
tion of candidates to be voted for
at special elections to fill the vacan
cies; but it shall not be construed to
prevent the nomination of presiden
tial electors at primaries If the rules
of tho respective parties so pro
vide. Section 3. On or before the ninth
Saturday preceding the primary, the
secretary of the commonwealth
shall send to the county commission
ers in each county a written notice,
setting forth the number of con
gressmen and officers of the com
monwealth, not nominated by state
conventions, to be elected or voted
for therein at the next succeeding
On or before the same date In
even-numbered years, the chairman
of the state committee of each par
ty shall send to the county commis
sioners a written notice, setting
forth tho number of delegates to be
elected in such county to the state
and national conventions of such
On or before the ninth Saturday
preceding the spring primary, tho
chairman of the county committee
of each party shall send to the conn
ty commissioners of such county a
written notice setting forth the
names of all party offices to be filled
by election at the ensuing primary.
On or before the ninth Saturday
preceding the fall primary, the chair
man of tho county committee of
each party shall send to the county
commissioners of such county a
written notice, setting forth tho
names of all county and city offices
to be filled by the election at the
ensuing primary.
Upon receipt of such notices, and
beginning within one week there
after, such county commissioners
shall publish tho number of dele
gates to be elected to tho state and
national conventions of ench party,
together with the names of all offices
for which nominations aro to bo
made or candidates for the party
offices to be elected, within tho coun
ty, at the ensuing primnry, at least
each each week for three successive
weeks, in two newspapers of gen
eral circulation, published within
the county, wherever such course
Is possible, such newspapers, so;
far as practicable, shall bo repre-'
sentative of different political par-!
ties. j
Section 10. The (nullifications of
electors entitled to vote at a pri
mary shall bo the same as the quali
fications of electors entitled to vote I
at elections within the election tils-1
trict where the primary Is hold. ,
Each elector shall prove his qualifi
cations and his Identity in tho
same manner in which electors in
the election district In which he of
fers to vote are, or hereafter may
be, required by law to prove their
qualifications or identity on election
Ahk For What You Want.
Each elector shall have the right
to receive the ballot of tho party
for which he asks: Provided, That,
if ho is challenged, he shall bo re
quired to make oath or affirmation
that, at the last preceding election
at which he voted, he voted for a
majority of the candidates of the
party for whose ballot he asks.
Upon executing such affidavit, the
voter shall be entitled to receive the
ballot for which he has called and to
cast his vote according to law.
Section 11. The ballot boxes, lists
of voters (a copy of which shall be
posted outside of the polling place),
and other records shall be delivered
Into the custody of the officers, who
are, or hereafter may be, required
by law to keep similar records of
Upon the closing of the polls at
such primary election, the election
officers shall forthwith proceed to
open tho ballot boxes and take there
from the ballots, and first count the
number cast for each party, and
make a record thereof; and then
count the vote cast for the different
persons named upon said party bal
lots; and, when said count is finally
completed they shall cortlfy in due
and proper form, to the number of
votes cast for each person upon the
respective party tickets. They shall
then replace the ballots, counted
and canvassed, . in the boxes, and
lock the same. They shall then place
the returns of votes and the register
of voters aforesaid, for each party,
in separate envelopes, and seal the
same; which said envelopes shall,
on or before noon of the Tuesday
following, bo deposited by the Judge
of electiou in porson, or by register
ed mall, with the county commis
sioners, who shall, on the succeeding
day, at noon, publicly commence
the computation and canvassing ot
the returns, and continue the same
from day to day until completed,
and for that purpose to have the
right to petition tho court of com
mon pleas for tho use of its pro
cesses to enforco the provisions of
this act In relation to the returns of
the election officers.
How llallot Hoxes May lie Opened.
Upon tho sworn petition of five
qualified electors of any election
precinct, division or district that
any specific act of fraud, which, up
on Information which they consider
reliable they believe has been com
mitted in any election precinct, di
vision or district of the county,
the court of common pleas of said
county shall order tho county com
missioners to open the ballot box of
such election precinct, division or
district and recount the votes; such
recount to be conducted In such man
ner and under such conditions as the
court shall prescribe. Any person
aggrieved by any decision of the
county, commissioners relative to
the counting of the votes mav anneal
therefrom to the court of common j
pleas of the proper county, whose 1
duty It shall be to hear said appeal, .
and to make such decree as right'
and Justice shall require: Provided, I
however, That In case of a contest
of delegates to a state convention,
such contests shall be determined !
by the state convention, according
to the rules of their respective par-,
ties. Contests of primaries shall be I
originated and conducted as In the I
case of elections.
Tho county commssloners shall
make the proper certification of re
turns of Votes cast for the candi
dates for nomination for members
of congress or for state offices to the
secretary of the commonwealth,
who shall tabulate the same, and
shall certify to the county commis
sioners the result of the computa
tion of the vote for such offices at
least twenty (20) days prior to the
Section 5. All acts or parts of
acts inconsistent herewith are hereby
Approved the Cth day of April.
A. D. 1911.
George Pierce has got brownkeetus,
An" he stays homo nil day
An' looks at funny papers
To pass tho time away;
An' you should see the playthings
His pa an sisters bring
To him I He's got brownkeetus
An' I ain't got a thing.
Dick Ramsay's faco is swole up,
Fer he has got tho mumps;
His faco ain't like a face, much'
It's Just a pair of bumps.
He's plnylng in their dooryard
An' got a top an' string.
He's had the mumps a week now,
An' 1 ain't got a thing!
Fred Jones has got his arm broke
From fulltn' down the Btalr;
I don't git no diseases
Nor get hurt anywhere!
I don't have luck at nothin',
An' I ain't never sick
By JIng! I'm gouna sneak off
An' go an play with Dick.
Chicago News.
Lute of Luke Township,
All persons Indebted to snldcstnte aro noti
fied to ninko Immediate payment to the un
dersigned ; nnd those having claims agnlust
the said estate are notified to present them
duly attested, far settlement.
Ariel, l'a.. AprllH. 1011. ' oOeolB
Must Have Been Poor.
Critic Where did you get the Idea
for that play? Playwright Out of
my head, of course. What do you
mean? Critic You must be glad that
It is outl
Taking a Chance
Hill Smith has got the measles,
An' he dassent go outdoors,
He dassent go to school at all
He dassent do no chores;
He's grinnin' In the windows
When there's wood and' stuff
Dill Smith has got the measles
An' I ain't got a thing.
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over O. C. Jadwin's drug store
TT m m m a-m a, n vwa a n mm. -a f
8 WntilM l MtKL
in your family yon of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at thut ; have hia prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can Una no mure reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding, l'rescrip;
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and the prices will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp. D. ii- II. Station, IIoxr.snAi.E. Pa.
uitttt ttitumustuttunnimuHntttttttttn
Do you need some printing done?
Come to us. If you need some en
velopes "struck off" come to us.
We use plenty of ink on our jobs.
fTT " !
' . . I - 7
.1 .'i!!lllV
f - . .7 1 ,sj:- ,
Renresent Reliable
Comoanies ONLY
Adverislng Man
Show-Card Writing
Window Trimming
Civil Service Exams
Commercial Law
English Branches
High-School Math.
Commercial Illus.
Electrical Engineer
Electric Lighting
Electric Railways
Heavy Electric Traction
Electric Wireman
Electric Machine Designer
Telegraph Construction
Telephone Expert
Contracting and Building
Building Inspector
Concrete Construction.
Carpet Designing Architectural Draftsman
Wallpaper Designing Monumental Draftsman
Bookcover Designing Bridge Engineer
Ornamental Deslgn'g Structural Draftsman
Linoleum Designing Structural Engineer
Perspective Drawing Plumbing & Steam Fitting
Lettering Heating and Ventilation
Stationary Engineer Plumbing Inspector
Marine Engineer Foreman Plumber
Gas Engineer Sheet-Metal Worker
Automobile Running Civil Engineer
Refrigeration Engln'r Surveying and Mapping
Mechanical Engineer R. R. Constructing
Mechanical Draftsman Municipal Engineer
Machine Designer Mining Engineer -Boiler
Designer Mine Surveyor
Patternmaking Coal Mining
Toolmaklng Metal Mining
Foundry Work Metallurgist
Blacksmlthlng Assayer
Navigation Chemist
Ocean and Lake Pilot Cotton Manufacturing.
Poultry Farming, and Languages: Italian, French,
German and Spanish.
1. We teach unemployed people the theory of the work in which they want to engage.
RESULTS: Positions easily secured, days of drudgery shortened, and sometimes avoided al
together; quick promotions.
2. We teach employed people to do their work better. RESULTS : More responsible
positions; better pay.
3. We teach dissatisfied people how to do what is more congenial. RESULTS : Prepara
tion for new work before leaving the old ; rapid progress in the new field.
1. We furnish all necessary preparatory instruction.
2. We explain facts, principles and processes so clearly that the student quickly compre
hends and easily remembers. ' "
3. We illustrate our text-books thoroughly.
4. We give concise rules and practical examples.
5. We grade our instructions.
6. We criticize and correct our students' written recitations and send him special advice
regarding his course whenever necessary.
. We occupy three buildings in Scranton, having a floor space of over seven acres. 1
' ' ' We employ 2,700 people at Scranton.
, 1 We spend $250,000 each year in improving and revising our instruction papers. '
Wef handle about 30,000 pieces of mail daily and our daily postage bill is about $500.
issued about 63 million pages of instruction last year. We received and corrected 849,168
' 1 , N attions and positively know that 1,180 students have their wages increased.
4 H 4- t -