The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 05, 1911, Image 4

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    THH CITIZEN, Fit I DAY, MAY 5, 1011.
Semi-Weekly Founded 1008 Weekly Founded 1811.
Kntprpil na secoiul-clnss matter, nt the imstnlMce. Honcsdnle. Pa.
c.H.noHruNOFii. n. ii AnnKSBcnmi. w. w. wood
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to
have the same returned, should in every ease enclose stamps
for that purjtose.
ONE YEAIt, $l.-"0 TllltKi: MONTHS, - 38c.
SIX MONTHS, - .71 -. ONE MONTH, - 13c.
Remit by Express Money Order. Urnft. Post Office Order or le
istered lrttci. Address all c uninlililiutlons to 'I lie Citizen. .So.
WJMuIn fctltet. Honesdnle. I'll.
All notlees of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose
of making money or any Items that contain advei tlini; matte will
only bo admitted to this paper on payment of recti ar advertisitii:
rates. Not lee of entertainments for the benefit of elmrches or tor
charitable purposes where a fee Is charted, will bepii dWied nt half
rates. Cauls ol thanks, memorial poetiyand resolutions of respect
will also be charted for at the rate of a cent u word.
The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local
news tn an interesting manner, w nvwmumc i mm u, m,
world at large, to fight for the right as this paper sees the
right, without fear or favor to the end that it may servcthebest
interests of its readers and the welfare of the county.
FltlDAY, MAY 5, 1011.
The student who Is suing a university for $100,
000 for being expelled shows that he has learned
That JG.000,000 lire at Bangor was started by a
half penny cigarette, dropped during a poker game.
The reward of wickedness, what?
0 0 0
Massachusetts boasts a man who can eat sixty
boiled eggs, one hundred oysters and thirteen lohsters
at a sitting. ' He's not a man, he's a marvel.
0 0 0
America Is the only Important country not rep
resented officially at the Hygiene Exhibit at Dresden.
Horrible, horrible! Why, even China has erected a
0 0 o
George 1J. McClellan, former Mayor of New York,
visited the famous Camorra trial at Vlterbo. Must
have reminded him of certain periods of his own term
of office.
0 0 o
The steamer President Lincoln from Germany
brought as its queerest passenger an Australian ani
ml called tho "Cantchlll." Mehbo not In Australia,
but it has yet to become acquainted with our beautiful
spring weather.
0 0 0
That minister who resigned his St. Louis pulpit
to accept a call to- Detroit in order to see a better
brand of baseball, maybe kind of fanciful, but he
surely Is right there as a fan.
"As the Hoe book sale continues it becomes daily
more and more evident that the collector of this won
derful library had a keen sense of values," says the
N. Y. Times, "and that his acquisitions were made
with a discrimination the accuracy of which is recog
nized by all the American and European bibliophiles.
Jn other words, book collecting with Mr. Hoe was not
a mere fad, and it was not a personal fancy but en
lightened taste that he gratified as ho added treasure
to treasure until he had what was admittedly the best
library of Its kind In the world. To be sure, not all
of us can see why somo of his books fetch the prices
they do, but to other people the mystery is no mystery
at all.
Presumably Mr. Hoe bought without a thought of
selling again at a prollt. He bought the books ho
wanted, and It Is only incidentally that the books he
wanted Increased in value as the years went on, and
were therefore a wise investment as well as a delight
to their owner. Had the same amount of money been
devoted by him to the building of a house that ex
emplified his ideas as thoroughly as this library did
his judgment, the chances are that the highest bid
now made for It would be less thnn half the csot, and
had a like expenditure been made in laying out a
country place, probably tho auctioneer's hammer would
record a loss of seven-eighths, if not more.
Whether or not the prices paid for Mr. Hoe's
books are "absurd" is a question, to be answered some
or many years from now. Tho only reason for calling
them so seems to be that they are much higher than
the prices commanded by the same books at previous
sales. That argument would have convicted Mr. Hoe
himself of extravagance and folly, since ho frequently
paid huge advances over prices realized before, and
yet, as events have turned out, some of the greatest
of them were his best bargains. Tho present buyers
may have the same good fortune, and then the ac
cusation of absurdity will no longer be made against
We agree that books good books are good in
vestments not only from the viewpoint of a possible
monetary increase in the future, but because of their
present value merely as literature. But by good books
we do not mean the best sellers, although once in a
while a good book does creep Into that category. By
good books we mean the works of the standard authors
of all nationalities. These hooks can be bought
cheaply, cloth or paper cover if need be and tho mental
delight as regards the pure reading matter is Just as
great and generally a whole lot easier to read than
in the original itseir.
A Shakespeare play in a paper cover will give as
much pleasure as far as the words and the thoughts
aro concerned as tho same play under a $10,000 bind
ing. Not that we wish to detract from the value of tho
expensive volume. They are nice things to have If
one can afford them. But they're not to bo read
thoy're to be looked at. And It is safe to say that
when Mr. Morgan or Mr. Quarltet, or Mr. Hill or Mr.
Smith want to READ any of the works of the- famous
authors whoso books are bringing these amazing prices,
they take down an edition that can be bought for a
moderate price. Put your money In books good
books. Tho mental Interest will be compounded every
time you read a chapter.
0 0 0
According to tho statistics there are about 10,000
lawyers in Now York. Of this number it is estimated
that 10 per cent, make fortunes, 20 per cent, make a
competence, 30 per cent, a decent living, and 40 per
cent, cannot make both ends meet. One thousand
dollars Is set as the average income of tho non-corporation
lawyer. Probably that 40 per cent, couldn't make
both ends meet In any other business either.
Hetty Green Is surely growing old. She hasn't
collected her St. Louis rent for half a year.
0 0 0 -
In these days, when the Ilrst thought of so many
of our cities, as well as of not n few of our people, is
to ask somebody to give them anything they want, it
Is distinctly pleasant to, hear thnt the Mayor of Ban
gor, while grateful for the offers of help that have
come to him so promptly, announces In behnlf of his
felloxy-townsmcn that they prefer to rely on their own
resources. As he puts it, "I believe we can take care
of our unfortunate citizens without outside assistance,
and no aid will bo accepted until It is found to be ab
solutely necessary."
The towns that have made the offers may find in
this announcement a certain ungraciousness, but they
should remember, and probably will, that in the cir
cumstances tho Mayor could not be expected to search
long for s save phrases In which to veil his refusal.
The refusal, too, Is conditional Bangor will accept
gifts If its own means of relief prove to be inadequate
for taking care of its homeless people. That Is exact
ly what a city should do when a disaster has como
upon it, though fully realizing, of course, that, if
"absolutely necessary," assistance can be accepted
without the slightest loss of dignity.
Indeed, the necessity need not be quite absolute
to render acceptance of aid permissible, for It Is prac
tlcally disadvantageous for tho country at large that
any of the cities should fall too deeply into trouble or
be too long In recovering from a calamity. It is, there
fore, something like a right as well as a privilege for
all of them to hasten the return to prosperity of one,
and the self-respect of the one need not suffer when
It only takes what it would have been glad to give
had tho relation between Itself and any of its bene
factors been reversed.
Still, it is admirable to prefer self-help to outside
assistance, no matter how freely the latter may be
offered. Municipalities as well as individuals can be
pauperized, and some of them have come to think
much less than the "absolutely necessary" a sufficient
excuse not only for taking alms but for asking them.
There is a golden mean in this thing, as in most oth
ers. Perhaps the Mayor of Bangor did not quite hit
iti but at any rate the miss was on the safe, not the
dangerous side. New York Times.
0 0 0
.What Position Do You Want? You Can
Take Your Pick If You Win The Citi
zen's Scholarship Contest.
Coal Mining
Gas Engineer " .
Civil Engineer
Metal Mining
Mine Surveyor
Foundry Work
Boiler Designer
Marine Engineer
Bridge Engineer
Poultry Farming
Advertising Man
Mining Engineer
Commercial Law
Carpet Designing
Electric Lighting
Electric Railways
English Branches
Electric Wireman
Textile Designing
Telephone Expert
Foreman Plumber
Machine Designer
Window Trimming
R. R. Constructing
Agricultural Course
Municipal Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Show-Card Writing
Structural Engineer
Plumbing Inspector
Linoleum Designing
Stationary Engineer
Automobile Running
Perspective Drawing
Mechanical Engineer
Sheet-Metal Worker
Bookcover Designing
Structural Draftsman
Wallpaper Designing
Ocean and Lake Pilot
Cotton Manufacturing
Mechanical Draftsman
Concrete Construction
Ornamental Designing
Refrigeration Engineer
Woolen Manufacturing
Monumental Draftsman
Commercial Illustrating
Surveying and Mapping
Telegraph Construction
Heating and Ventilation
Architectural Draftsman
Hea.vy Electric Traction
High-School Mathematics
Contracting and Building
Civil Service Examinations
Electric Machine Designer
Lettering and Sign Painting
Plumbing and Steam Fitting
$ $
(Continued from Pago One.)
requiring his approval. So far his
course lias been far above criticism
and his former opponents and de
tractors are forced to concede thnt,
if the tlrnt four months of Governor
Toner's term may bo taken as an
earnest of what he means to do
while In the chair, Pennsylvania wns
most fortunate in choosing Mr. Ten
or over his competitors.
About 1,600 bills will bo the
measure of tho needs of this state as
Indicated by the labors of the Leg
islature. Less than 100 have be
come laws, and less than half of
the whole number offeied ran get
through. Nineteen dnys are left to
get anything through and tiie ap
propriation bills have the right of
way from now on. Necessarily
many pets are marked for slaughter.
Judges' Assignments.
Among the bills signed by the
Governor this week was one provid
ing for the assignment of Judges to
hold court in districts other than
their own. It Is provided that
judges whose time Is not entirely
occupied with Judicial work in their
own districts shnll certify to tho
Prothonotary of tho Supreme Court
as to the time they can devote to
holding court elsewhere, and Judges
who need assistance shall also file
with that official information as to
their needs. Visiting judges are to
be allowed twenty dollars a day and
car fare, in addition to their regular
annual salary. Judges needing help
may designate who they wish In tho
assignment, but If that judge is
busy, the Prothonotary may desig
nate another judge to serve.
Penrose Head.
Senator Penrose succeeds Senator
Aldrlch as the head of tho Finance
Committee, one of the most Import
ant in that dignified and responsible
body known as tho U. S. Senate.
In accepting this he was obliged to
relinquish the Chairmanship on Post
offices and Post roads, a position
which he was especially iltted for and
which he has ably filled for some
years. As the senior Senator from
the banner Republican state in the
Union, the head of a thoroughly or
ganized party in his home state, by
education and training a scholar and
statesman, Senator Penrose has
easily won his way to the front
ranks of the Republican party and
Is a national figure. His services
to tho state and to the nation en
title him to far greater recognition
than he has yet received, and he
would undoubtedly be chosen to be
his party's nominee for President,
were it not for the fact that such
honor seems to be regularly denied
to a Pennsylvanian. Senator Pen
rose has enjoyed the confidence of
all the Republican Presidents since
entering the Senate, and is always
called into conference for advice and
counsel when national affairs are
discussed. As chairman of the Fi
nance committee he will bo regard
ed as the leader of the Republican
party in the U. S. Senate, occupying
a position second only to the Presi
dency. Pennsylvania has just cause
to bo proud of him.
Wo print monthly statements,
For Infants and Children.
She Kind You Have Always Bought
of c-ivVX -&-lcSu44
Bears the
Drives Distress From Upset Stomachs
in Vivo Minutes.
MI-O-NA stomach tablets not only
euro indigestion but build up the en
tire system and make the weak and
frail strong and vigorous. They are
guaranteed to do so by G. W. Pell.
They cause the glow of health to
appear in tho cheeks and make the
eyes bright and sparkling. They
chase out bad blood and cause pim
ples and sallow skin to disappear.
MI-O-NA stomach tablets are such
wonderful stomach invlgorators and
upbuilders that they are sold under
an agreement to return your money
if they do not cure Indigestion or any
other trouble arising from an upset
stomach such as biliousness, dizzi
ness, sick headache, loss of appetite,
fermentation, nervousness, sleepless
ness, nightmare, etc.
And only 50 cents a large box at
druggists everywhere and at G. W.
"Stomach trouble had bothered me
a long time, and though I doctored
and used several remedies there was
no cure given me until I used Ml-O-NA.
I used to feel weak, bloodless and
depressed, but MI-O-NA built up my
health and made me strong." Mrs.
J. Newton, .Bellevue, Mich.
$100 REWARD, $100.
Tho readers of thlB paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at
least one dreaded disease that
science has been able to cure In all
its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only posi
tive cure now known to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional dlseaso, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's
Cntarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the System,
thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the consti
tution and assisting nature in dplng
its work. Tho proprietors have so,
much faith in its curative powers
that they offor One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
It Is tho same old story repeated
ngain the samo old pathetic tale of
a steadily decaying nation from
which tho life-blood is being drained
day after day, year after year and
generation after generation. In
other and plainer words, It is the
sad and discouraging story of the
iuterininnhlo Irish exodus, to which
the lines of the poet, "Men may
come and men may go, but I go on
forever," may very nptiy apply.
We know nothing in tho literature
of statistics nothing within the
scope of periodic official reports
that appeals to our sympathies more
than tho annual statement of tho
registrar general for Ireland, of
which the gradual depopulation of
the country Is the over-paramount
tcature. It is saddening reading, In
deed saddening, discouraging, and,
.n a sense, humiliating. In cold fig
ures that need no word-painting to
'no ke the more clear their terrible
ignlficance It tells how for fifty
.on and weary years the Irish peo
ple have been deserting the land of
their birth to seek in other lands that
opportunity for a livelihood denied
them In their own. Day after day
within that half century's round
"Westward!" has been the slogan of
the Irish race, and year after year
thousands have left the spreading
plains and verdant valleys of Erin
to sail in the track of that setting
sun which their pagan ancestors
worshiped in the days before St.
Patrick taught the Christian faith
to king and bard, to chief and gal
lowglass. The latest report of the Irish reg
istrar general, just laid before par
liament, has, if anything, even more
of pathetic interest than those re
ports preceding it in recent years.
It is more retrospective and tells its
tale of wholesale expatriation with
even more brutal frankness than
usual. In the olden days, when
famine had wellnlgh decimated the
land and the "coffin ships" of trans
atlantic lines bore their wretched
freight across the seas, the London
Times, gloating over the terrible
picture of a rapidly decaying nation,
used the' expression, "The Irish are
going with a vengeance." Though
brutal, this was true then, and, un
fortunately, it Is almost as true now.
The Irish are going with a venge
ance; and the island which once
boasted a population of 10,000,000
has now little more than a third
of that population to her credit.
But here is an epitome of the
registrar general's report which
needs no comment, for the figures
given tell their own sad and humili
ating tale. During the year 1910
the total number of emigrants from
Ireland was 32,92:'., showing an in
crease of 3,083 over the number in
1909. Of those who emigrated, 18,-
113 were males and 14,810 were fe
males. Of the males 17,737 and of
! the females 14,720, were natives of
i Ireland, tho total number of such
emigrants amounting to 32,457,
i equivalent at a rate of 7.4 per
thousand of the population of Ire
land, estimated to tho middle of
'1910, and showing an increase of
'3781 as compared with 1909.
The returns, as collected and pub
lished show that the total number of
emigrants natives of Ireland- who
! left Irish ports from tho 1st of May,
1 1851, (when the collection of these
I returns commenced), to the end of
December, 1910, amounts In the ag
gregate to 4,187,443, the number of
i males being 2,175,041 and of females
I It would appear that the largest
number of emigrants for any year of
the period 1852-1910 was 190.
322, in tho year 1852, this number
representing at rate of 30.0 per 100
of the population of Ireland, estimat
ed in the middle of tho year; and
that the lowest number was 23,
295 (or 5.3 per 1000 estimated pop
ulation), In the year 1908. Between
the figures for 1852 and 190S the
six highest numbers were 173,148 in
1853, affording a rate of 27.9 per
1000; 140,555, or 3.1 per 1000, in
1854; 117,223 in 18G3, with a rate
of 20.5 per 1000, in 1854; 117,229
in 1803, with a rate of 20.5 per
1000; 114,109 in 18C4, representing
20.2 per 1000 of the estimated pop
ulation; 108,724 in 1883, the rate
per 1000 of the population being
21. G, and 101,497 in 18G5, or 18.1
per 1000 of the population; and the
six lowest between the extremes re
ferred to were 28,070 (equivalent to
G.G per 1000 of the population) In
1909; 30.G7G equivalent to 7.0 per
1000 of the population, in 1905; 32,
241 in 1898, the rate per 1000 of the
estimated population being 7.1; 32,
457 (or 7.4 per 1000) in 1910; 32,
535 (or 7.2 per 1000) in 1897, and
35,344 in 190G, representing a rate
of 8.1 per 1000 of the estimated
These figures are certainly ap
palling, yet, strange to say, that so
far as they relate to 1910 they con
tain the germ of a scintilla of hope
for tho future, for the number of
emigrants in the year 1910 is below
the average for any of the decennial
periods for which records are avail
able. In the ten years, 1900-1809,
the average was 35,880; In tho ten
years, 1890-1809, the average num
ber of emigrants was 44,955; in the
ten years, 1880-1889, tho annual
average was 89,491; in the ten years,
1870-1879, tho average number was
60,327, and In the ten-yearly period.
We act a lot of fun out of thin column. It'e you to enjoy it alio. 1'rimarilu it run
for pour amusement. If anything appears here
which otfcmlt you In any way whatsoever, drop
in a postal or 'phone us to thnt effect, A n apol
ogy will apjcur in the next issue of the paper.
That's fair, isn't it t
We have no wish to hurt anybody's feelings.
All we want to do is to brighten one moment of
your day; and it but one single, item brings a
smile, wc shall feel it was not written tn vain.
Rowland (Jots Another Vote.
While George Ross still lends in
the Smile Club Presidential cam
paign with a total of 12 votes, the
friends of another candidate have
started to get him the coveted hon
or. Harold Rowland jumps Bmlle
into the lead of Honesdale candi
dates with another vote (making a
i rand total of 4. The other candi
dates remain the same.
There will be no regular bal
lot for Vice President hereafter. The
two names which receive tho greatest
number of votes for President will
be awarded the handsome gold and
silver medals with which Tho Citizen
i wishes to decorate the two most pop
ular persons In Wayne county. Now,
then, it's up to you to voto for the
person who is, in your opinion, the
best liked in tho county.
Tho names of the candidates thus
far sent in follow In order of the
number of votes each has received:
George P. Ross, Honesdale. . .12
Michael J. Hanlan, Honesdale. 5
Brock Lesher, Nobletown . . 4
A. W. Larrabee, Starrucca ... 4
H. G. Rowland, Honesdale. . .4
.1. A. Bodle, Jr., Honesdale ... 3
R. W. Murphy, Hawley 3
We have received a great letter
from a Hawleylto on "Husbands."
It will be a special feature of the
next issue. Look for it.
18G0-18G9, it was 85,900. The aver
age for eight years, 1852 to 1859,
was 11,842.
This perpetual draining of tho life
blood of the country this suicide of
a race must cease. The remedy lies
largely, if not entirely, with the
Irish people, and to them, in kindli
ness and sympathy, The Nortli
American would say Stay at home,
young men and young women of
Erin. Give to your motherland the
tribute of your brain and of your
brawn. Build the structure of a new
nation on the glorious foundation of
the old. Show the world that a
country which has withstood and out
lived the persecutions of centuries
cannot die of more decay, and that
the manhood of your race Is just as
vigorous and its womanhood just as
noble and self-sacrificing as in any
single epoch within the history of
Ireland. Ireland has had her trials
and her tribulations, but as sure as
sunrise follows the darkest hour of
the night so sure will those trials
cease and your country become, in
the amplest acceptance of the his
toric phrase "A Nation Once
Again!" North American.
In youth I labored hard at school;
I could repeat tho lengthy rule
That told how tho cubo root is found;
My boyish brain whirled round and
round - -' -
With all the mazes of the rule
Yet never, since I wont to school,
Have I a cube root yet discerned
Nor used tho rule' that then 1 leara-
I wonder why?
Full oft, in hazy memory,
I call to mind tho G. C. D.
What was tho thing? Why was it
O, what prodigous, painful thought
I spent on It, and how I'd fret
The dodging G. C. D. to get!
And still in all tho years to me
Has never como a G. C. D.
I wonder why?
And fractions, too, I multiplied,
I turned them up, or on one side.
And added them, or used some trick
To get tho answer right and quick.
Yet since my brave diploma came.
I must confess perhaps with
I've never had to multiply
A fraction when I sell or buy.
I wonder why?
Old Euclid, too I toiled with him;
1 tackled diagrams with vim;
And cones and other things I wreck
ed While various angles I'd bisect.
Dots, circles, lines and flying arcs
And all the cabalistic marks
I've never used that far day.
They do not help me draw my pay
I wonder why?
The algebraic mysteries
Once were as plain as A, B, C's.
I could stretch x's, y's and z's
Across the board and then with ease
Could solve, although my mind
'twould vex,
The problem, showing what was x.
Yet since I left the schoolhouse
I've fathomed x plus y no more
I wonder why?
Chicago Post.
Wo print
Wo print
Wo print
Wo print
Wo print
Wo print
Wo print
bill heads,
letter heads,
legal blanks,
postal cards.
Bregstein Bros.
is tho place where you can save your money as jiow is the time. Spring
styles are ready. Tho best styles of the season for Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's clothing.
Remember we have 250 Men's Suits all up-to-date,
worth $15, $16, $18 and $20 we sell for
the next 10 days at
So come early ana see for yourself . Watch our windows and see tho
A full lino of Youths' Suits from ?4 to ?10; Children's Suits from
f 1.50 up to 8.
Men's underwear B, N. D. Balbrlg gan Porosknlt neckwear to suit
everybody. Full lino of dress shirts, collars, Knox hats and caps, also
trunks, dress suit cases, hand bags, as now Is the time everybody can
use a full line of Gents', Furnishing Goods. Remember the place.