THE CITfBEN, FIUDAY, MAY 3, 11)11. , Woman'sWorld The Dryans' Younger Daughter Expected to Be a June Bride. ' ft hi neon n matter of moro public interesi had her father bceu president. Every ne felt sorry for her, and particularly for her parents, when the marriage :urncd out so unhappily. Certainly the pounger daughter will have- the best n'tshes of the American people In her lew life. Although so prominent, the Brynns lave always insisted on keeping the particulars of their private life from :ho public. That their daughters are jood looking, healthy and wholesome morlcnn girls Is obvious. They arc ivcll educated without being represent ttlves of the modern higher education lor women. Miss Grace attended a ichool for girls In Virginia and after ward studied In Germany. She'Is roml )f dogs nnd horses, a lover of the out loor life and In most respects a thor nighly typical American girl. She Is :hu last of the three Bryan children :o marry, her brother, William J., Jr., aavlng married Miss Helen Uerger, laughter of a wealthy Milwaukee busl less man, about two years ago. On their recent return from Europe :ho Bryans brought many handsome :hings for their daughter's trousseau. SCHOOL CHILDREN FORM BRIGADE TO CLEAN TOWN MISS (WAGE BRYAN. When June comes around with its roses there will be another wedding In the family of the great commoner, and Lincoln. Neb.. Is delighted, since It means the keeping of tho younger of the popular Bryan girls with them. Tcrhaps tho Bryans are delighted, too, for Miss Grace, the youngest child, Is to marry no stranger, but a young man who has always been known to them and whose parents have long been their friends. Richard Lewis Har Breaves is the prospective bridegroom. The young man Is only a few years elder than tho bride to be. who Is bout nineteen. Presumably the wedding will take place at Falrvlew, the family home on the outskirts of Lincoln, or else In one f the local churches. Miss Grace Bry an resembles her mother In appearance and has the same charm of face and Banner. That she Is clever goes with out saying, for the children of such parents could be nothing else. Her special talent Is music, as that of her elder sister Is literature. Tho Bryan girls have always been great favorites with the American peo ple. Like their mother, they are slm pie and democratic and put on no un due airs, although their father's great position in the world would excuse them for so doing. When Miss Ruth Bryan was married to W. H. Leavltt in 1003 tho marrlago could scarcely have j GARDEN SHRUBS. j xvevcr plant shrubs or flowers or Any , Ihlng else In the center of the lawn It dwarfs the place and spoils nil nrtls J dc effect. I Where the house foundation meets , the lawn Is n harsh line. Plant shrubs iround the bouse close to the founda I lion to bide it. The view under the ! front porch is not pleasing, so plant lomethlng to hide that The weekly wnsb and other things occasionally i icon In tho back yard nre not beauti ful, so plant a screen of tall shrubs from the back .of the house to the ttnee on either side. Tho division fences nre not handsome, so shrubs amy be planted to hide them, at least partly. Square corners are not pleas jig, so plant shrubs In the corners to round them off. If there is anything unsightly about which can be hidden by plantations of ibrubbery plant It out. Use shrubbery for all these purposes, because, while Bower plants arc dead seven months In the year, shrubbery partly conceals ' and has pleaslug forms even In winter. Do not make a circle in the lawn I around every shrub you plant Plant the shrubs In borders and plant them fairly thick, since If you get them too j far apart they will suffer from drought and winter winds. The Polite Chesterfield. A nobleman of questionable veracity told Lord Chesterlleld one day that he had drunk six bottles of champagne. "That Is more than I can swallow," remarked his lordship. Chicago Girls and Boys With Rakoa and Brooma Make Dirt Fly. An tinny of forty Chicago "regu lars," armed with rakes, hoes and sticks with sharp points, are waging n liurco warfare on dirty, blowing pa pers and rubbish that may be lying around on vacant lots. And maybe you will find n crowd of "rookies" who have hopes f some day belong ing to tho "regulars." Tlio "regulars" nre the bona tide members of the Junior Civic league and nri all pupils in the eighth grade of the Park Manor school. They arc the only ones eligible to the organiza tion. Tho undergnulcs can only come In as "recruits" or "volunteers." Every Friday the members of the league go Into executive session. A plan of the day's campaign is then outlined. The general draws his maps, nnd the lieutenants are assigned their duties. Tho army, girls and all, then marches down to the school nrsenal In the basement, where the artillery of rakes anil brooms and lines Is stored. There Is a final command, and tho battle begins. The league has been organized for two years nnd Is declared to be one of tho most effective organizations of Its kind In tho state. In fact, there Is not known to 1mj any similar organiza tion in the country. MY LADY'S BONNET. Recalls the Headgear of Her Great grandmother. Man has never been able to disasso ciate woman's millinery from the name of bonnet and now ho may literally speak of his wife, sister or daughter's bonnet since the most modish thlugs In the shops are the coquettish little af fairs that tie under tho neck with rib dous. The bonnet pictured here Is an ts.t .i S "Noses Which Suffer." The latest organization for public Im provement in France bears tho name of "L' Association des Ncz Qui Souf frent," or "The Association of Noses Which Suffer." Its object Is unceas ing warfare against unpleasant odors, and In this category are placed not only gasoline fumes and such nui sances, but also musk and other pene trating perfumes. The name of the society will strike tho outside world as a most valuable asset. It Is much more appealing than the blunt businesslike appellations of most of our reform organizations. It is a recognition of the power of Im agery even In the everyday affairs of life. We might well adopt the label, "Les Nez Qui feouffrent" lu some of our own reforms. t"fr4Mt3'"r V-rn--S-i-t'- Jttj V Some merchant somewhere some time may have taken ad vantage of all of his opportuni ties for Increasing his business among his home folks, but not you nor I. That is why the mail order houses flourish. The best . way to build trade is by adver- tising. Here's n. Real Business Boomer. The .Merchants and Manufacturers' Association of Philadelphia Is going to make the tl.lrd of Its "trade booming" excursions n record breaking event. Seventy-live of the members will start on May - In a solid steel Pullman car outfit and spend four days In visiting the smaller (owns within a radius of 200 mlltw. They will spend their en tire time on tho train, except when holding receptions In the towns visited. They will bo provided with sleeping cars, dining cars and club car accom modations, the train being practically a traveling men's hotel of the highest type. No samples will be carried, but at each town the trade boomers will meet the merchants of the place, giv ing them au opportunity to become per sonally acquainted with the heads of the Philadelphia linns, an opportunity many of them have not heretofore en joyed, although probably having dealt with each other for years. A Big Drawback. A man was praising the Improve ments by a friend in his dwelling. "Your house looks a lot better now that It has been painted." "Well." tho man who had been re decorating admitted gloomily, "it does look a bit better, but we shall have to clean the windows moro frequently to keen In harmony with it" A SPRING BONNET. almost exact copy of the headgear of the French dlrectolre period and re calls tho old fashioned poke bonnet. Bonnets are far more becoming to young girls than older women, for whom, presumably, they aro Intended, and some of the quaint bonnet effects of this season make charming frames for girlish faces. On young girls these captivating bonnets are babyish and picturesque, and the fresh, pretty face b all the more lovely because of the quaint bonnet that surrounds It. Cerise nnd the American Beauty shades play a prominent part In the present millinery bouquet Every year artificial llowors grow more like their natural prototypes until there seems nothing' more for the artist, to accom plish. The Thirsty Elm. It has been computed that if the leaves of an elm tree sixty feet high were spread out on the ground edge to edge they would cover live acres of land. These leaves, averaging 7.000, 000 to a full grown tree, will absorb water to the amount of seven tons during tho normal summer day. Were It not for the Ingathering by tho sto inata during the night u few elms would soon draw off all tho wuter from a district. i Experience Teaches. "I wonder what has happened to Mr. Green?" said Mrs. Brown to a lady friend. "He seems so dismal now, and he used to be a practical Joker!" "Ah," was tlie response, "he pro pos.ed as a Joke to his present wife. She accepted him, nnd he says he will never Indulge In n Joke ngain." A Prank of the Types. A sentimental novelist, describing his heroine us one who "always kept mod estly in the background," was horri lied to find It recorded in print that she "always kept modesty in the back- NOTICE 01 ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OK T.EH OAI.VIN SMITH, Late ot Luke Township, All persons Indebted to said estate nre noti fied to make Immediate payment to the. un dersigned ; and those having clulnis against the said estate nre notified to present them duly ntlestcd, (or settlement. MINN IK TOWNSBNI). Kxeeutrlx. Ariel. I'll.. April 8.. 1811. '.OeolU W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE IN STATE. WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that; have his pn-criptions put up nt a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for moro care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescript tionB brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST. Opp. D. A II. Station, IIokksdale. Pa. Do you need some printing done? Come to us. If you need some en velopes "struck off" come to us. We use plenty of ink on our Jobs. KRAFT & CONGER D I 1110 W fiil M HON ESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Companies ONLY ."- -- -- -- -- -f -f - International Correspondence of 4- WHAT WE TE ACH Adverlslng Man Show-Card Writing Window Trimming Bookkeeper Stenographer Civil Service Exams Commercial Law Banking English Branches High-School Math. Teacher Commercial Illus. Electrical Engineer Electric Lighting Electric Railways Heavy Electric Traction Electric Wlreman Electric Machine Designer Telegraph Construction Telephone Expert Architecture Contracting and Building Building Inspector Concrete Construction. Carpet Designing Architectural Draftsman Wallpaper Designing Monumental Draftsman Booltcover Designing Bridge Engineer Ornamental Design's Structural Draftsman Linoleum Designing Structural Engineer Perspective Drawing Plumbing & Steam Fitting Lettering Heating and Ventilation Stationary Engineer Plumbing Inspector Marino Engineer Foreman Plumber Gas Engineer Sheet-Metal Worker Automobile Running Civil Engineer Refrigeration Engin'r Surveying and Mapping Mechanical Engineer R. R. Constructing , Mechanical Draftsman Municipal Engineer Machine Designer Mining Engineer Boiler Designer Mine Surveyor Patternmaklng Coal Mining Toolmaklng Metal Mining Foundry Work Metallurgist Blacksmlthlng Assayer Navigation ' Chemist Ocean and Lake Pilot Cotton Manufacturing. Poultry Farming, and Languages: Italian, French, German and Spanish. THE 1. C. S. WORK 1. We teach unemployed people the theory of the work in which they want to engage. RESULTS: Positions easily secured, days of drudgery shortened, and sometimes avoided al together; quick promotions. 2. We teach employed people to do their work better. RESULTS: More responsible positions; better pay. 3. We teach dissatisfied people how to do what is more congenial. RESULTS: Prepara tion for new work before leaving the old ; rapid progress in the new field. HOW WE DO IT 1. We furnish all necessary preparatory instruction. 2. We explain facts, principles and processes so clearly that the student quickly compre- " hends and easily remembers. 3. We illustrate our text-books thoroughly. 4. We give concise rules and practical examples. . ' 5. We grade our instructions. 6. We criticize and correct our students' written recitations and send him special advice regarding his course whenever necessary. OUR LOCATION FOR DOING IT ; k . . We occupy three buildings in Scranton, having a floor space of over seven acres. We employ 2,700 people at Scranton. ' 1 ' We spend $250,000 each year in improving and revising our instruction papers. We handle about 30,000 pieces of mail daily and our daily postage bill is about $500. - , issued about 63 million pages of instruction last year. We received and corrected 849,168 attions and positively know that 1,180 students have their wages increased. f f f -t- -f -f We reci- f f -r - -