TUB C1TIZKX, WKDXESDAV, MAY. 1, 1011. AUTOS NOW TO CLEANSTREETS New Machines Can Sweep With out Raising Dust, NEW YORK TO USE THEM. Motor Driven Cars Can Clean Com munity Without Water The Dirt Is Sucked From the Pavement and Car ried to the Body of the Machine. The advisability of introducing an auto street cleaner is being seriously considered by the New York street cleaning department. Tests hnvo been made of a now type of street cleaning machine which have impressed many of the officials who have something to do nbout the welfare and improve ment of the city. The demonstrations showed that the streets can he thor oughly, noiselessly mid dustlessly cleaned. The machines, which ure manufac tured and operated by the Emerson Contracting company, as was shown in the tests, can. at the will of the operators, clean the streets either by a sweeping or n (lushing process, it thus having a distinct ndvantago over the various types of flushing machines In that cleaning can be done without wa ter as well as when using water. It is not intended thnt the machines are to be purchased by the city. The Emerson company's offer is that the street cleaning depnrtment shall lease these machines for the use of the de partment and pay for such use at a stated price per 1,000 square yards of streets cleaned, the Emerson company paying all costs of operation and main tenance. The machines, which require but two men to work them, are motor driv en and built in different sizes to suit different conditions of traffic and street width, with a carrying capacity for sweeping proportional to the width of brooms. The brooms are five and nine feet in width, and the sweepings arc instantaneously thrown into con veyors that carry the sweepings to the AUTO STREET CLEAN EB. body of the machines, which hold five and ten cubic yards' respectively. The process raises absolutely no dust, thus avoiding the spreading of germs and doing away with other objectionable features of the present day method of cleaning streets. The machines when filled can bo driven to the nearest dumping station, emptied and the work resumed. One of the claimed ad vantages of the machine for flushing purposes over the other types now on the market is that it will clean 1,000 square yards with forty gallons of wa ter as against 400 to 050 gallons used by other machines, and wet sweepings, too, are taken up into the machine Just as expeditiously as are the dry. No sweepings are washed into the gut ter, catch basin or sewer. Texas Improvement Club a Success. The Civic Improvement club of San Antonio, Tex., looks back upon tho year 1010 as one of distinct progress In civic betterment. Its educational work has Included the introduction of the study of civic improvement into the public schools, so that when the young student leaves tho high school to as sume the responsibilities of citizenship he will be fully grounded In its princi ples. The leaguo has also worked for tho establishment of a municipal band to give free concerts in tho plazas and parks, for tho removal of all unsightly billboards and fences, for new ordi nances making such Improvements compulsory and preventing further en croachments on the river, for cleaning up vacant lots and planting trees and flowers and for establishing play grounds. Prizes For Home Gardens. Tho offering of prizes for home gar dens Is now receiving considerable at tention in many cities, for tho commit tees on awards are completing their work. Thoso premiums are offered by civic organizations, business Arms and Individuals for general Improvement, best gardens and window boxes, and tho high praise thnt is given the re sults In tho public press nnd by those interested In tho movement Is proof that nothing beautifies our homes and cities more than horticulture and Is more easily and readily appreciated. The florist should certainly give this movement his hearty approval and do all in his power to make the world more beautiful. H' ... .t .. i T i i .Ti ....... . Every sign in your store is a word directly from you to your customer. If you value a repu tation for veracity be careful that every word on every card Is properly chosen to express Just what you would say If in personal conversation with the purchaser. t.4HH. J. P. MORGAN PELJIONS OLD NEGRO MESSENGER. Jake, Faithful For Forty-five Years, "Retires From business." "No, sir; I won't go down to the of fice In the morning, it'll be the first lime I've missed, saving holidays aud Sundays, for going on forty-five years. Mr. Morgan told nie I needn't come nny more unless I felt good and spry, but that I'd he well taken care of." Jacob Henry Hitter, a white hiilri'd negro who became a messenger for .1. P. Morgan's father in August, lNi'.r. continued oil with the firm of Drexel Morgau & Co., and went with J. I'. Morgan when that man took control of the busiucss, was telling why h' had "retired from business." "I expect I have carried about as much money in my' time as nny man. alive or dead," the old negro continued. "The biggest amount I over had In my pockets at one time was $12,000,(XX). 1 carried millions and millions every day. Sometimes it was In cash, hut mostly it wns in checks. "If all the money I've carried could he put together there wouldn't be vaults enough to hold )t. 1 never lo-d a cent. 1 never was attacked on the street and I uover had any trouble with anybody." Hitter Is known to thousands in the financial district as Jake. While Jake would not tell what Ills pension would be, it was known gen erally hi Wall street that Morgan hail arranged that $-10 a week should ho paid to his faithful messenger as long ns he lives. NEVER WHIPPED A KID. Record of Schoolteacher Who Has Quit After Thirty-nine Years. Thirty-nine years u schoolma'am and never slapped, spanked or boxed the cars of i pupil that is the rer ord of Miss Mary Todd, who has just retired ns instructor of drawing and mathematics in the West Aurora till.) schools. "Spare the strap and spoil the boy" has never been tho motto of Miss Todd. No pupil in her class has ever been made to extend his little hand to be "warmed" with a ruler, and no girl she taught ever had her ears box ed for whispering. Frank Vanderllp, president of the National City bank of New York, is one of the hundreds of successful men who have often said they owed their early success. to the kind words of Miss Todd. "Kind words go further jvith the boys and girls in school than a whip ping," Miss Todd said. "I have always used one plan with pupils In my classes when they were unruly, and that was to use words of kindness. Instead of rushing for the ruler or tho strap when my pupils were guilty of wrongdoing I would place my arm around them and appeal to their sense of righteousness. My plan always seemed to be tho host. "School children are not bettered any by whippings. In my long expe rience I have found that the child who Is shown kindness nnd given ad vice after a wrongdoing reforms quicker than tho pupil who is whip ped." NEW ELEMENT LIKE RADIUM. College Professor Says It Will Be Great Benefit to Humanity. Professor C. T. B. Fennell of tho Uni versity of Cincinnati told tho American Chemical society that he has discover ed a new elemey which has been ox traded from iodine nnd which Is sim ilar in Its action to radium. Professor Fennell has been working on this sub ject for the past two years. He told how he found this new clement and stated that he Is now engaged In sever al new developments with It which will bring his discovery to a better usefulness. Professor Fennell said that he came upon the element In a roundabout way while he was making experiments on another line; that he dropped that lino of research and has now found this new clement, which will make his dis covery of great benefit to humanity by reason of the fact that materials can be made from this nt a much less ex pense than with tho usi of radium. Singapore's Great Harbor. Singapore within n few years will have one of the greatest harbors in the world. Nearly $14,000,000 more is to be spent on It. 8pring Fever. Gosh, but I feel lazy Tired as I can bet Worklne drives me crazy. Home I'd rother be. Bully loanns weather. Gee, I'd lovo to rest! Like to set together Friends I like tho best Go somewhere n-flshlns. Hook and line and bob. What's tho use of wlshlngT I can't leave my Job. Bame old grind tomorrow That I've got today. Guess I'll drown my sorrow In the same old we. What In old tarnation stakes mo feel so bluer Guess a short vacation Lots oi good would do. Like to do some walking, Take a "bubble" ride. What's the use of talking? To my Job I'm tied. Every blessed minute Yawn and dream some pipe. Mornings I begin It Don't get through till night. Stretch until I wonder I don't come apart. Work goes all to thunder Lost my working art. Guess I've got "spring fever." Will I "fold my tents T" Kir, .you gay deceiver! Bame old Job prevents! -C. II. Conkllnf. TIMELY HINTS FOR FARMERS The Hen's Laying Capacity. A writer in the Petaluma Toultry Journal says of White Leghorns: "In the pullet year the pullet lays more eggs because she has more time in which to lay them. If she commences laying in September or October she will have twelve mouths of laying be fore she molts, so she can produce 180 eggs. "When she molts she is unproductive Tor nn average time of throe months, so tho next year she has only nine months in which to lay. If she does as well as she did when a pullet she may lay 135 eggs. As liens grow older they take more time to molt nnd the rests between the periods of laying nro longer, so she will probably bo unpro ductive four mmitlis the third laying year, and will dojWell if she produces 100 eggs. Beyond this It is very un certain what she will do." Rape Pasture For Fowl. Rape makes very good pasture for cither young chickens or laying hens. For best results the seed should bo sown as early as possible in the spring and allowed to got a good start before the poultry Is permitted to pasture In it. If a good growing season the rape plants will continue to put forth now foliage, which will bo sufficient green food for the birds throughout tho sea son unless the yards are overcrowded. Hens or chickens can never do their best when confined lu yards so small that a sufficient amount of green food cannot be grown. In case the chick ens strip the plants of the leaves it is a good plan to cut the stalks and keep tho fowls out until they nre again well started. Rural New Yorker. German Grafting Wax. Take in proportion one pound rosin, half a pound beeswax, one ounce tal low, half an ounce Venetian turpentine (the last to prevent running in hot weather). Place all in a ;ossel and boll. Stir well, aud when thoroughly molted pour the whole mass into cold water. When cooled off somewhat work well and form into sticks. Tills is an old German recipe and one of the best. No Profit In Poor Feed. Some stock owners argue that musty, burned hay that is a little too far gone to feed to tho horses Is plenty good enough for the cows, which, needing more roughage than tho horse, will eat it when they can get nothing else. But the unoffending cow Is sure to get her revenge in the milk pail for that kind of treatment. TREATMENT OF GOLDS IN HORSES. Remedies Should Be Applied When Disease Is Manifested. The changes in the weather during the spring months may cause the horse to contract a cold. The cold is usually manifested by a mucous discharge from either one or both nostrils, a staring coat, general depression, slightly off feed, bowels constipated and scanty passages, high colored urine. These symptoms be come aggravated as tho disease pro gresses. The mucous discharge takes on n more sticky appearance, nnd the cough Is quite frequent when tho horse is exercised. The cold may extend into the throat, 'causing considerable soreness, as ' is shown by the horse protruding the head, tenderness from manipulations of the throat and frequent coughing. If the cold is neglected it becomes chronic and may last for months. In this condition the animal loses flesh, the coat remaining rough and good feed apparently doing the animal no good. Preventive treatment is, of course, much easier than medicine. One should keep the horse out of drafts while warm. Blanket tho animal dur ing cold weather whllo In tho stable. If obliged to work the horse during rainy weather or in severe storms a canvas blanket to keep tho horse dry is necessary. Medicinal treatment consists of steaming the nose, using a pall of hot water to which is attached a sack, the other end being cut so as to allow tho steam to enter tho nose. A pint of raw linseed oil to open the bowels Is betieflcial. A hot poultice of Unseed meal applied to the throat will relieve tho tenderness there. When tho pa tient begins to improve n course of tonics is Indicated. C. Ij. Barnes, Col orado. . i Hens Thrive on Clover. With, plenty of clover hens will re qulro llttlo other feed so long as the clover lasts, but as fowls nro very fond of this plant they must bo moved from place to place if their numbers nro very largo or tho clover will be eaten off too clean. r Improving the Sheep Flock. Selection of a slro is of the greatest importance in the breeding of a profit able flock of sheep. Hero Is where we look for tho improvement of our flock, nnd therefore tho greatest caro rests on the selection. W. A. McKerrow, Wisconsin. CHICAGO'S WOMAN BOSS. Mrs. Kate Doyle, Who Got Votes For the Harrisons, Dead. Mrs. Kate Doyle, who became known as Chicago's foremost woman poli tician through her nctivltlcs in behalf of the members of the Harrison fami ly lu their political campaigns since the father of the present mayor elect was n candidate for congress in 18TO. is dead. Mrs. Doyle, who was seventy-six yers old. entered tho Harrison family as a nurse in 1804. In the following nine years she became acquainted with mnny of the Irish voters of the city, assuming a political leadership over thorn that became an important clement In the potiticnl affairs of the city When Carter II. Harrison. Sr.. bo carao a candidate for congress in 1873 Mrs. Doyle began her career ns an nctlve politician. By her acqunlntnnce with the Irish voters of tho city she was enabled to give the Harrison forces material assistance in the cnm. paign. Election day she visited the polls at the head of her forces, all of whom cast their ballots for Harrison. When Cnrter H. Harrison. Jr., began his political career Mrs. Doyle did ef fective work among the voters. The Word Vaudeville. The word "vaudeville" sprang from Vnux de Vire, the name of a hamlet In tho picturesque town of Vlro, In Switzerland. In tho fifteenth century this town wns the home of Oliver Itasselln, the author of witty drinking songs. One of the best known of theso songs was n merry dissertation on the author's red nose. CjlllCKIFK'S SALE 01'" VALUABLE n ii. ii ucTi'nr; i,.. e lKRIlpn n 1 m r in nllrr nv l.mmnn Pleas of Wayne county, and State of t-eunsyivania, ana to me airectei' and deliverer!. I Imvn lpvlnrt nn nnn will expose to public sale, at the wouri iiouse in tionesaaie, on I'll UJIS DAY, MAY JH, 1011, li I. M. i All the defendant's ritrht. title. and Interest In the fnllnwlnc de scribed property viz: All that certain lot or parcel of land together with the improvements inereon, situate in ueriin township, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a heap of stones the common corner of lots 23, 22, 34 and 35 in tho allotment nf Mm TnrHtin Orchard tract: thence by lots Nos. 1 nnd 22 in said allotment, smith sixty-seven degrees west one hun dred and nifrhrv-Rm'nn rnrla In n stones corner in the middle of the bmith Hill road; thence northward along said road by land of Joseph uerzog twenty-seven and three quarters rods to n corner; thence by land now or formerly of C. N. Root north sixty-seven degrees east to a post and stones corner; thence by said lot No. 31 south twenty-three degrees east twenty-six and one tenth rods to thn nlnnn nf lioiinn1nir. containing thirty acres be the same uiuru or less. The other lot or parcel beginning lu the center of the public road lead ing from the Ilonesdale and Dela ware Plank nn.nl tn riorlln rinto. at the Northeast corner of the land of Anton Knehr; thence north sixty- seven degrees east by the above de scribed lot one hundred and fifty seven and one-half rods to a stones corner; thence south twenty-three degrees East nineteen and two-tenths rods to a stake and stones corner; thence by lands now or formerly of C. N. Itoot south sixty-seven degrees west one hundred and sixty-six rods to the center of thn snld mi 111 In rnn I thence along the center of the same me suverai courses twenty-tour rods to- tho place of beginning; contain ing twentv acres. Iia Mm or less. Being the same land which Fred Hafner et ux by deed dated March 1G, 1887, and recorded in Wayne County Deed Book No. 64 at page 67, granted and conveyed to Jacob Haf ner and the said Jacob Hafner et ux granted and conveyed to Desmond Keesler by deed dated December 2, 1908, and recorded in Wayne Coun ty Deed Book No. 99 at page 169. On the above described premises there is one house (and two barns. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Jacob Hafner and Desmond Keesler, Terre Tenant, No. 83, October Term, 1908. Judgment ?20. Searle & Salmon, Attorneys. ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Berlin township, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of a lot conveyed to Edward 'Manley by Chapman N. Root and Hannah, his wife, at a Stake and stones corner on the west side of Holberfs Brook; thenco by lands of tho said Chapman N. Root, north sixty-seven degrees, east by the Standard Merldan of Wayne county two hundred and tulr-ty-flvo and one-half rods to a stake corner; thenco north twenty-three degrees, west to a post in Huck Pond; thenco by land of Edward Manley by the said Merldan south sixty-seven degrees, west two hun dred and twenty-two and one-half rods to tho -western side of tho Hol bert Brook; thenco down and along said Brook the sevoral windings and courses thereof, the general courses being south, three degrees east thirty-seven and one-half rods to the place of beginning; containing fifty ncres, be the same more or less. Being the same land that E. C. Mumford et ux conveyed to Georgo Stegner by deed dated Juno 17, 1907, and recorded in Wayne County Deed Book No. 97, at page 333. Seized and taken in execution as the property of George Stegner nt the suit of E. C. Mumford to Minor Brown's use. No. 6 June Term, 1907. judgment f44G. Searle & Salmon, Attorneys. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must bo paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LBB BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., April 21, 1911. 33ool4 M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. AXiLEN HOUSE BARtf German-American nome Treatment x&iWArxr&iS' I baMIMIBIIll qi, jf. AdrHiln Honor Fooled. !relTtd or Hobhd Ton, Don't ludra tl .Ilk.. TheCERMAN AMERICAN TREATMENT ft Strlcllr Htiontlrle Conblsitlon Htltelrd ComMafd out ol 5000 lliflercal brutl. to Bait each A tftrj Indlfldtal CMf, It poiitltelr ll Only Ourr-, no natter nhttaotTer your Ailment or UIae& piny b, came or orlrln. no matter who lallrd. Write, flat janr Caf In atrlet tnnfMenre. A Cum ntlAlt ANTKKI). AddreiaOLD GERMAN DOCTOR. )'at llox XUHO. rMI.JtlDhlaVl' THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Asency nt llonesdtile, Wayne Co. , . FROM THE 53d ANNUAL UEPOKT. .luiiuui'u usseis Total Insurances In -force Total number policy-holders .' New Insurance ltcported and paid for In 1910 Increaso In Insurance In force over 1900 Total Incomo for 1910 Total payment to policy-holders '..!!"!" Itatlo of expense and taxes to Income YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE IF YOU INSURE WITH NEW FOR - - AT - - MENNER & COMPANY STORES ILATEST iCUTS a and STYLES in CLOTHS mils ill '111 1 1 Our long Traveling Pretty in Shades and enne & SAY! IT'S GOING TO RMW. "The. day la cold, It rains, and tho Ualny days are dismal days, cheerless and full of gloom; but they are sure to come Into the life of every person. You cannot hope to escape them entirely, but you may PREPARE FOR THE COMING STORM By opening a savings account In HONISSDAL'B DIME DANK. Such a "rainy day" protection Is bettor than an umbrella, for the latter will get old and fall to bo of service, while the bank account, with Its compound Interest, will grow and grow and become a Joy and comfort when you most need such factors of helpfulness. Come In and let us talk It over. With a ono dollar deposit, which will belong to' you, wo give a Household Dank free. HONESDALE A. O. BLAKE AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER YOU WILL MAKE MONEY BY HAVING ME Bell Phone 9-1) BETHANY. PA, JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Ir The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over (J. C. Jndwin's drug store, Honsdale. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Pa. 273,813, 1,063.55 1,050,239, 425, 118,789, 67,240, 53,979, 32,809, ,708.00 ,481.00 ,033.00 til3.UU ,892.23 ,899.00 12.78 per cent. H. A. TINGLEY. Asent, HONESDALE, 1'A. SPRING and Walking Coats are Styles. Co. New Offerings. and dark, and dreary, wind Is never weary." DIME BANK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers