THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MA V !f, 101 1. A-CENT -A-VJORD FOIl SALE. FOR SALE Itoso Comb Drown Leghorn eggs, GO cents per set ting. Arch Hlno, Orson, Pa. 3Gt4 FOIl SALE One 5-foot saw with U Inch Inserted teeth, one 3 foot 8 Inch solid saw V Inch thick, both In good condition. Also engines, boil ers, etc., for saw mill and other uses. CHAS. V. TOUHILL, Scran ton, Pa. 31tG. FOR SALE Six-room cottage with small orchard, located In village Edw. O. Bang, So. Canaan, Pa. 23tf FOIl SALE Kelly & Stelnman brick factory building, including en glue, boiler and shafting. Inquire of J. li. Robinson. GOtf. LEGAL BLANKS for sale at The Citizen office: Land Contracts, Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee Deeds, Bonds, Transcripts, Sum mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex ecutions, Collector's and Constables' Sales, Tax Collector Warrants Criminal Wnrrants, Etc. FOIl KENT. FOR RENT Six rooms with bath on second floor, also 3 rooms down stairs. 1231 Spring street. 34tt. TO RENT 7-room cement house on East Extension street. Hot and eld water, bath and closet. Gas and furnace. Inquire of orannni Watts. 31eoltf FOR RENT Pleasant rooms, ten minutes walk from postofllce. Clark's Farm, 329 Cliff street. lt4 FOR RENT A modern house and improvements with garden on west street. Inquire Joshua A Brown. 2fltf. GOOD PASTURE to rent for young or dry cattle. Address R. v. Alur phy, Hawley, Pa. 35t4 miscellaneous. HEALTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN wanted as nurses and at tendants at the Middletown New York State Hospital. For particu lars write Dr. M. C. Ashley, stating age, height and weight. 35t3. THREE experienced workmen at the bench dally. All repairs unisned at the shortest notice. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf WANTED Woman to work in laundry. Inquire at Allen House. 33t2. ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-date in all our different branches. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf 1NVENT0UY of our repair depart ment shows 23G finished jobs wait ing to be called for. Sommer, Jewe ler and Optician. 30tf. ! LOCAL NEWS - The Parish Aid society of Grace church will hold their meeting with Mrs, George Genung Friday after- Clean your yards, vacant lots and alleys of rubbish no later than the first week of May. Let us all work together. The lunacy commission con sisting of Dr. L. B. Nellson, Chester Garratt, l5sq. and W. L. Burnard, in the case of Loyal L. Hurd, Texas township, recommended his Incar ceration in the State Hospital for tho insane at Danville and a court order to that effect was issued by Judge A. T. Searle, Saturday. E. F. Doney, second lieutenant of Company E, who Is employed as electrician at the electric light sta tion, was the lucky winner of an I. C. S. scholarship, Saturday night, when ho came within nine points of guessing how many students' lesson papers were corrected from January 1 to April 1, his estimate being 253,750, and the actual number 253,759. He will take a course in electrical engineering. The Damascus High school held an oratorical contest Tuesday even ing, May 2. The program follows: Piano solo (Selected), Elizabeth Kane; "Joe," Eva Skilhorn; "Recog nize Tho Union," Merle Bogart; "Tho Painter of Seville," Miriam Mlnch; Blano duet (selected), Faye and Mary Abraham; "The Famine," Florence Sheard; "Americanism," Spencer Noble; "The School Master's Guests," May Vail; "Curfew Must Not Ring To-night," Nina Smith; "The Union Soldier," Arthur .Bingham; "Mandy's Organ," Helene Yerkes; piano duet, (selected), Faye and Mary Abraham; "Hiram's Housekeeping," Alma Canfield; piano solo, (selected), Elizabeth Kane. In an effort to determine how the expenses of the Postofllce De partment can bo reduced, every piece of mail that Is handled by tho United States government after midnight of April 30, and through tho month of May, will be counted. This will include letters, newspa pers, magazines, packages and oven " franked " matter. Everything will be counted piece 'by piece. Postmaster General Hitchcock has for some time been making an ef fort to reduce tho deficit In tho Postofllce Department, and It Is be lieved that the recent order is in lino with his policy to reduce tho operat ing expenses wherever possible. This will mean a considerable amount of work for the Honesdale ofllco as the mall for 10,000 peo ple Is handled in this place every day. May has been se lected for this work, as it Is an av erage month, there being no holi day post card or gift rush. The residents of Willow avenue nre planning to oil their street this week. Mrs. E. E. Taylor entortalned the "000 club" at her nomo on l'aric street I'Tiuny evening. A marriage license was issued .Monday to Vincent Shaffer and Miss Anna .May Epslin, both of Gravity. Tho Ladies of the G. A. R. Clr clrle will meet with Mrs. I. H. Ball, Ridge Street, Friday evening at 7:30 o clock. John Kline, Seolyvlllo, bought 30 acres of land of Robert H. Vogh er In Cherry Rldgo township; con siderntlon $300. The annual meeting of the Honesdale Improvement Association will bo held at the town hall on Monday, May 8, at 3 o'clock. The Honesdale base ball team will play its first game of tho sea son May 20 at Taylor, when tho Athletics will bo their opponents. Fifteen marriage licenses were Issued In Wayne county for the month of April, as compared with twenty-one for the same month last year. The Bridge club met Friday evening with Miss Mary A. Menner, Church street, as hostess. Dainty refreshments were served. Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold a special service at the Indinn Or chard school house Friday, May 5, at 8 p. m. All aro Invited to be present. Health Officer S. Amos Ward on Friday quarantined the house at 715 High street, where a fifteen- months'-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Munson McDermott Is ill with diph therla. Judge A. T. Searle went to Eas- ton Monday where he resumed the hearing in the case of the city of Easton against the Warner Arc Lamp company, principal, and Evan Knecht and Philip Welsenbach sureties, assumpsit. A list of advertised letters re maining in Honesdale postofllce, week ending May 1: .Miss Katherine Gilles pie, Mr. William Herzog, Miss Fan nie Krakonbork, Sidney Markle, .Mrs. Sarah .Martin, George Rosem ger, Mr. and Mrs. Seerin. M. B. At len, Postmaster. .The teachers and pupils of tho Honesdale schools are working very hard this week getting ready for the entertainment to be held on Friday evening. This Is one of the most elaborate entertainments ever attempted by the Honesdale schools, and deserves to be well patronized. Tunkhannock, Wyoming coun ty, Pa., situated along the beautiful Susniienanna river. Is in havn a "Cl'edAup Week" also. We con gratulate our sister town, tor we have always heard that Tunkhan nock was one of the most beautiful and healthful spots in the Keystone State. The Independent Republican, Montrose, in commenting upon an opinion handed down last Wednes day, by Judge A. T. Searle, who was specially presiding, in the Rose Will case, In the Susquehanna county courts, speaks of his opinion as one "that showed much learning and research." Prof. J. J. Koehler, a graduate of the East Stroudsburg State Nor mal School, and the present super intendent of the schools of Wayne county, Is a candidate to succeed himself. He has made a fine record. The gentleman Is a cousin of the superintendent of the Monroe county schools. Monroo Record. Mr. and Mrs. William Bader, Thirteenth street, pleasantly enter tained twenty-four of their gentle man and lady friends at cards last Friday evening. Progressive pin ochle was played, Mrs. John T. Boyd and Charles L. Bassett winning the first prizes. In honor of the occasion Mrs. Bader served dainty refresh ments. Bernard M. Rlfkln, the Wllkes Barro tree specialist, delivered an illustrated stereoptlcon lecture in the High school auditorium last Fri day night before an appreciative au dience. Miss Jennie Hagaman sang a solo. Instrumental duets were rendered by the Misses Gertrude and Edna Krantz and by the Misses Julia Storms and Ethel Schlessler. The production of tho Base Ball Minstrels, 'which was so successfully managed by the base ball team, netted them a profit of $125. New uniforms, repairs to the grand stand, grounds and bleachers, as well as new bases and some other neces sary improvements will soon absorb this sum of money. Wilson and Rich and Harry Madden said It was the best amateur performance they ever saw. County Detective N. B. Spencer, who has been spending several weeks at a private hospital in Scranton, following an accident which deprived him of the sight of ono eye and threatened to leave him totally blind, greeted his many friends in Honesdale, Monday. The mishap which ended so disastrously for him, occurred at the roller skat ing rink, where he was engaged in Installing electric Hght, when a wire In some unaccountablo fashion, flew back, and hit him in the eye. Petitions for naturalization wore filed Saturday by Emil Larson and Ivan Ludwig Larson,, brothers, and glass blowers of White Mills, who emigrated to America from Rosta, Sweden, In 1888, An application for citizenship was also made by Julus Petterson, a White Mills glass blower, who camo to this country In 190C. This brings the total number of applicants, whoso cases will be considered at naturalization court in August up to eight. Alfred II. Wllkins, Pittsburg, is a now foreman at tho Gurnoy Electric Elevator Company , A number of Honesdale people will go to Scranton Wednesday to see Barnum &. Bailey's big circus. Tho annual May pole dance of the Alert Fire Co. at their hall Mon day evening proved very successful. Rev. Ferdinand Von Krug, Wyoming, filled the appointments of the Bethany Presbyterian church last Sunday. A marriage license was Issued to Frank Jeko and Miss Julia Sea- mon, both of Whlto Mills. Attorney C. A. McCarty Is Miss Seamon's guardian. , A wind storm at Bethany Mon day night unroofed barns belonging to J. L. Monlngton and Joseph Bates. Mr. Monlngton's house chim ney was blown down as well as twelve apple trees by the force of the cyclono. A marriage license was issued Monday to Major George H. Whit ney, Honesdale, and Miss Elizabeth G. Mackley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mnckley, Seelyvllle. On the afternoon of the same day, they were married by Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D., nt the, home of tho bride, and left on a wedding trip to Binghamton, N. Y.,.nnd other points of interest In York state. A very interesting spelling match was held at Miss Keen's school April 25. It consisted of "Choosing Sides," Messrs. Warren E. Samson and Carl F. Marsh being drawn choosers. Warren's side gained all of Carl's but not Carl. Tho final contest, the spelling down, resulted In Warren Samson be ing the successful one, having spell ed all of the two hundred words cor rectly. Joseph Butler and Irma Bond were next best. Following are the number of head marks obtained since Christmas: Warren Samson 13, Joseph Butler 11, Irma Bond 10, Earl Bishop 1, Ed ward Dean 3, Ray Bishop 1, Aha Siddle 4, Aramls Van Deusen 4, Carl .Marsh 3. Special attention has been given to Penmanship, with good results. In Bookkeeping Misses Irma Bond and Florentine Greenfield have done es pecially well. Little Helen and Fred have also done well in their work. PERSONAL Miss Lena White, Olyphant, is visiting In Honesdale. L. J. Smithing was a business call er in Scranton Friday. Lee Fie left Friday to( spend the week In the metropolis. Van Allen Hlsted, Carbondale, was a caller in town Sunday. T. Frank Ham, Scranton, passed Saturday with his parents here. Andrew Thompson spent Monday and Tuesday with his wife in Scran ton. Walter O'Connell was called to New York on business on Friday last. Robert Patterson returned to Scranton Saturday after spending' the week In town. Miss Hattie Adams, Wilkes-Bar- re, Is visiting friends in town. R. M. Salmon, Esq., was a caller in Scranton on Saturday last. Sheriff M. Lee Braman left Sat urday on a horse buying trip in the West. Harold Borden, Hazelton, was shaking hands with friends here Monday. John Strongman. Now York, pass ed the week-end with his sisters on Park street. Mrs. J. T. Fuller was the guest of Wilkes-Barre friends and relatives a few days last week. Miss Ina Babbitt, Scranton. pass ed Sunday at the home of George Searles on High street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Adams, Port Jervls, aro spending several days in tins place visiting relatives. Dr. L. B. Nielsen went to Phila delphia tho first of the week where he will take a post-graduate course. Rev. Will H. Hlller and wife at tended tho funeral of Mrs. Hlller's brother In Susquehanna last week. W. M. Whitney, salesman of the Dayton Shoo Company, Bloomsburg, spent Sunday with his family on Church street. Sidney Freeman was a caller at the home of hiB parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Freeman of Court street last week. Mrs. Harry G. Penwarden and daughter Joyce left yesterday for Nyack, N. Y., where they will join Mr. Penwarden who has secured the formanshlp of one of Nyack's shoo factories. They have sublet their furnished rooms on West Eleventh street to Alfred H. Wilkin and fam ily who have already taken posses sion. Mr. Wilkin Is a new employe oi tne uuernoy Electric Elevator Co. In Tho Recorder's Office. - Heirs of Major E. Brooks to Her bert Amy and Arthur Tremaln, 108 acres in uyuerry township, $2200. Later Mr. Tremaln sold his half in terest to Mr. Amy. Ardeen Patterson to Emery Chap man, 03 acres in Salem, $475. Gilbert H. Knapp sold to Chas. H. Wllmarth the right of way to a road from tho east end of tho bridge across tho Lackawaxen river up in front of the saw mill to land of Mr. Knapp. Heirs of Ellas O. Ward to John H. Smith, property known as Ward homestead to Bethany on which nre dwelling house, barn and orchard. Ralph F. Howard to John D. Mil ler, Thompson, one-half Interest in twenty acres of land In Preston, $550. J. V. Starnes to A. O. Blake, sev eral building lots In Bethany. Elmer L. Mcintosh to Willis L. Morse, 75 acres In Starrucca. Wo print monthly statements, Wo print wedding Invitations, OBITUARY. The body of Henry Dillon, who ' died at n Scranton hospital, aged j S3 years, was brought to Honesdale, Tuesdny morning for Interment In I the cemetery at Bethany. Tho Rev. i W. II. Swift, D. D., officiated. Mr.1 Dillon Is survived by his widow. Death Ui' Frank Walsh. Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. MIch-j nel Walsh, died at his parents' home, 72G Hampton stcedt, Scranton, Tues-1 day nt 1 a. m. from pneumonia, aged i 28 years. Ho followed his trade as wood-worker until a week ago when ho was taken sick. The body will be brought to Honesdale Thursday morning on tho 9:5G a. m. D. & H. train, and taken to St. John's R. C. church, where requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment In St. John's cemetery. He is survived by his parents, who moved to Scranton twelve years ago, and by two sis ters, Margaret and Harriet, and one brother, Jnmes, all at homo. Mrs. E. C. Higglns and Miss Margaret Fox, Honesdale, are aunts. Dentil Of Mrs. William Iliiusvr. Mrs. Fannie Isabelle (Torrey) wife of William Hauser, died Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home in Bethany, from the effects of a paralytic stroke. She was taken Sunday a week ago, and never regained consciousness save for a few moments before her death. She was sixty-three years old, and was a life-long resident of Bethany. Sur viving relatives are her husband, two sons, and one daughter, viz: .Mrs. Harry Smith, Bethany; Roy Hauser, Seelyvllle; James Hauser, Vandllng. Funeral services were eld Tuesday afternoon nt 1:30 o'clock at her late home, the Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Hones dale, officiating, with interment at Riverdale cemetery. AMUSEMENTS. "The Arrival of Kitty." Know what repeaters are? One Is the political breed that votes ear ly and often; another Is the theatri cal variety which may not get there early but does get there often. "The Arrival of Kitty" Is of the lat ter class, which is creditable and desirable. As a repeater the Nor mnn Lee Swartout play has a repu tation which dwarfs into insignifi cance that of any waul voter In the land. The public is responsible for it. It made "The Arrival of Kitty" a repeater, and still insists that it shall continue its course, and the public is not to be denied. So this play will keep on repenting this season as it did last, prospering therein and repaying its instigators the length and breadth of the conti nent with the entertainment it af fords whenever it comes. We in this place wll lbe participants in this en tertainment, and joyous ones, for "The Arrival of Kitty." with Hal Johnson as Billy Brown, will be at tno Lyric on Friday. May 5. when everybody will be on hand to give it tne support and encouragement it Justly deserves. "The Confession," James Hallock Reld's great moral play that has created so much talk in New York City is now playing in its third month at the Bijou Theatre. The play while dealing with a subject in a reverent, intelligent manner, does not depend upon that alono for its largo audiences of interested specta tors, Its powerful dramatic situa tions, knit together with gripping power, hold Protestant. Jow and Catholic alike, breathless to tho end of the play. However, it is the only theatrical amusement that members of tho Catholic faith havo been ad vised to attend during Lent. The author deserves immense credit for the reverent and Intelligent manner In which ho has handled his play. KO lST REAPPOINTED. Jnmes Foust, Altoona, was last Wednesday reappointed Dairy and Food Commissioner for a term of four years and Governor Tener will send his name to the Senate for confirmation on Monday. Mr. Foust's reappointment was made because of the excellent work ho has done at the head of the di vision, which has made rapid pro gress since he took hold and which is now known throughout the coun try. Mr. Foust, who was formerly chief of police of Altoona and coro ner of Blair county, has been con nected with the division since 1900, when he was made a special agent. Governor Stuart made him commis sioner in 1907 and his administration has been characterized by vigor and advance in methods. He was tho author of numerous laws to bring about purity of foods and the credit for chasing many of tho "doped" products out of the State is duo to him. The commissioner Is president of the Association of State Food Com missioners of the United States and treasurer of the National Pure Food Officers' Association. AVo print danco invitations, PURLTO SALE. There will be exposed to Public Sale at Fnrvlow, Wayne county, Pa., on May 1C, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m ten carloads of property, viz: Two carloads of Fire-Proofing matorlnl, four carloads of hollow brick, three carloads of sewer pipe, one carload of cut stone. This material was made and shipped to George A. Glenn & Company and others to be used in the construction of the hospital for tho Criminal Insane at Farview, and has been held on the cars for freight, storage and demurrage charges and will bo sold under an order of A. T. Searle, President Judgo of Wayne county, Pa., to pay tho lien of the Delaware & Hudson Company, the common carrier, for freight, demur rage and storage charges. Terms of Sale, Cash. THE DELAWARE AND HUDSON COMPANY. Welles & Torrey, Attorneys for Delaware & Hudson Co, 3Goo!2 "Clean up Week" The Mayor having desig. nated this week as "Clean up Week" we thought we would "Clean Up" our stock and the result is that we've got some "Clean Up" bar gains in our "Clean Up" Window this "Clean Up" week that will strike your fancy "Clean Up" to your Pocket Book. - - - - ROWLAND Jeweler 1127 N. B. We do A No. I Opti cal work every day from 8 o'clock a. m. "Clean Up" to 6 o'clock p. m. FARMER BANK WITH US. THE BANK FOR ALL CLASSES M. K. SIMONS, President C. A. EMERY, Camukji The Farmers and SVlechanflcs Bank COR. Main and 10th St., HONESDALE LABORER $1 starts you with an account Open a savings account in your name and then wo that you deposit some of your spending money in tho bank at intervals. Once establish the saving habit and gratifying results are certain. With the latest improved vault safe with time lock, lire proof vaults, modern methods, and assured courteous treatment We Solicit a Share of Your Trade Bring your deposit in person, send money order, express order, draft or send It with a friend. LAWYER THIS SEE IIS BIG SAVINGS Low prices alone aro a poor guide to economy especially in buying clothes. If poor materials and careless work go Into a suit they will break out and fade. It's poor economy. The Suits in this Sale are all Wool Materials They show perfect tailoring. They are made by first-class tailors. And yet we aro selling them at from $4.00 to $6.00 less than other retail dealers ask for them. I!? BECAUSE THESE SUITS 1700 of them originally comprised an order thav was made up for one of tho largo retail stores in the country. Just before they were shipped the order was cancelled because of financial troubles. The maker was anxious to dispose of them. Wo were fortunate in securing 129 of these suits at a price concession that we couldn't turn down. It's not tho TRICKS alone but the QUAIillW wo aro offering you at the prices that makes this sale of Men's suits mean big savings. If you are lucky enough to own a Boy be sure to see our $1.49, $1.98 and our special 2-Pants Suits $2.98 and $3.49. Enterprise Clothing House A. W. ABRAMS, Prop. EXTRA 5 PER CENT. ALLOWANCE. This Coupon will be received as part-payment on any Suit purchased during this Sale. BENJ. H. Diraicil, - - - Lessee k -Return Engagement- FRIDAY', MAY 5lh A. G. DOHERTY -OFKEIiH The Arrival of Kitty." lly NORMAN LEE SWAItTOt'T with HAL JOHNSON as "Billy Brown" A COMEDY WITH MUSIC 12 MG SONG HITS 12 Hrlglit Comedy nnd Cntcliy Music PRICES : 25-35-50 and 75c. Seiits Itcndy Wednesday. Muy 3. 1811. MECHANIC MERCHANT DOCTOR