The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 03, 1911, Image 3

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Get the Owners to Lend Them
to People to Cultivate,
Quaker City Association Sucoeeds In
Getting Poor Families to Grow Vege
tables on Borrowed Land Kansas
City Also Takes Up "Farming."
Every town has vacant lots which
aro eyesores to the community Some
of them are used as rubbish dumps and
aro littered with tin cans, garbage,
ashes and other unsightly things. Oth
ers nre covered with rank weeds. 11
these lots were planted to useful vegc
tables or beautiful flowers how much
more attractive would they be!
Why not get busy and transform
such lots Into gardens and make them
look ornamental instead of unsightly?
Get the owners to lend their unused
land to the poor, who will bo glad to
cultivate it and raise vegetables.
Tho splendid work of the Philadel
phia Vacant Lots Cultivation associa
tion is ably exemplified in tho four
teenth annual report.
Last year tho association conducted
355 family gardens on vacant lots.
The land under cultivation was loan
ed by generous owners. They were not
nslng It, and the association bound it
self to return possession to them when
they desired to put it to use or sale.
Tho harrowing, plowing and all nec
essary preparation for the cultivation
wcro carried on by the association, and
about one-sixth of an acre was turned
over to each family. The families
spread the fertilizer, planted the seed,
cultivated the growing crops and gath
ered their mature prbduce. They took
to their homes what was necessary for
their tables and sold the surplus, In
suring fresh vegetables for home con
sumption and n snug income.
The association plans to carry on this
work the coming summer, and they are
overwhelmed by tho new applications
received daily from those anxious to
raise crops.
Owners of vacant lots in Knnsas
City, Mo., who would like to see them
blossom like the rose without any la
bor on tho owner's part can get some
information as to how it may bo done
by communicating with ihe homo .gar
dening committee of tho City club.
Tho committee, which obtnlned such
good results last year, now Is prepar
ing for its spring campaign, which Is
to be opened wllh a general cleanup
day, tho date of which has not boon
fixed. "
"While it is a Utile too early to
plant. It is not too early to lcgln to
think about preparing the ground."
W. C. Winsborough, vice chairman of
tho committee, said. "As the preparn-
tlon of the ground involves a cleanup
of the winter's accumulations of rub
bish, we aro co-operating with tho
board of health to make that opera
tion a thorough ono this year."
Tho distribution of seeds will bo
through the schools, as last year. One
of those gardens, cultivated by two
boys, yielded a $75 crop of potatoes.
An effort is being made to Interest
tho real estate exchange in the work,
and through that ngency tho commit
tee hopes to get in touch -with owners
of tracts thnt can bo cultivated by
volunteer labor.
"It's just as easy," Mr. Wlnsborough
said, "to grow vegetables on a vacant
lot as It Is to grow tin enns and ashes,
and we will leave it to tho owner to
say which crop makes the best appear
ance and enhances most the value of
his land."
Selection of vegetables which it will
bo worth while to grow under condl-
tions unfavorable ns to soil requires
study and patience. Experience in
gardening under such conditions has
proved the following vegetables to be
profitable in the order here given:
First, the round red radishes, which
should be sown in a row not more
than fifteen feet long at ono time or
there will be more than can well be
disposed of.
Next, the loose leaf lettuces, notablv
tn6 uanson variety. Make sowings a
month apart to obtain succession. To
matoes are profitable next In order.
Set out tomato plants If it Is possible
lo get thehi. They can bo easily raised
!n n hotbed. Prune them when a good
;rop Is set so they will rl?n.
Melbourne, Aurtralla, nas oniy four
electric light signs.
The canal zone soon will lrnvo lis
first electric railroad.
A Russian electrician has invented
an insulating material made from
Tobacco forms the sixth item in im
portance on tho list of Brazilian ex
ports. The chief industrial pursuits of Low
er California aro mining and pearl
Maiden lane (London) Jewelry stores
are quoting platinum at $43 nn ounce,
a record price.
The motor of a new motorcycle Is
carried within the rear wheel instead
of on the frame.
The Chinese in Hongkong liae es
tablished a society for cutting off their
cues, but not changing their dress.
A plant for tho manufacture of
bricks from lava Is being erected at
Honolulu by a San Francisco man.
A rubber stamp to be worn on n
finger so that when nn egg is picked
up the date will be imprinted on the
shell Is a recent Invention.
The Budapest pollen are enforcing
the anti-long hatpin ordinance in thnt
city, not by arrests or fines, but by
confiscation of offending pins.
Besides shipping several "knocked
down" steamboats to South America,
a Pittsburg firm has sent one to the
Kongo nnd another to the river Nile.
Fresh apple exiwrts from the United
States last year were very large
1,070,000 barrels, valued at $5.4GGVinO.
or almost double those of the year
Because of objection- to the word
"heathen" the Woman's Union Mis
sionary Society of America for heathen
lands has dropped (he last three words
of its name.
Sugar production in Formosa under
improved modern methods has reach
ed a point where the profitable dis
posal of the crop is becoming a se
rious problem.
Chilean forests contain immense
quantities of timber suitable for wood
pulp, for tho possession of which
French, German and American firms
are now 'competing.
Many letters are being received in
India from tho United States bearing
only 2 cents In postage, while this rate
applies only to (he British Isles, Cana
da aud Newfoundland.
The value of products taken by tho
fisheries of the Atlantic coast is nearly
double that of nil the rest of the coun
try combined, being i0 pcr'cent of the
totnl of tho United States.
Turkey breeders who have been trou
bled by their charges straying nre rec
ommended by the London Agricultural
Gazette lo put a bell on a few of tho
leaders', old hens by preference.
is tho name of a new business con
cern in Frankfort-on-thc-Maln. It
means In commercial English fhe
Company For the Insurance of Dogs'
After long Investigation three Euro
pean scientists have decided that trees,
through their foliage," extract free ni
trogen from the atmosphere, something
that men only recently discovered how
to do mechanically.
Itelndecr in Alaska .increased from
4.075 In 1002 to over 20,000 in 1010.
The civilizing effect of the reindeer in
dustry upon tin' Eskimos, who nre nat
urally a people of ready intelligence
and adaptability. Is remarkable.
Virginia has placed a memorial to
Patrick neury, orator, patriot and tho
commonwealth's first governor. In his
toric St. John's church. Kichmond. it
Is a bronze tablet, paid for with an
appropriation granted by the legisla
ture. The new Japanese gardens of Bue
nos Aires were opened on Feb. 2. They
are on the bank of tho river Plate
and nre tho only outdoor amusement
resort of the city. They nre the near
est approach to such public resorts as
Coney Island, etc., in Argentina.
In the Sixty-second congress the total
number of senators is ninety-two, rep
resentatives. SOI. Tho salaries of both
senators and representatives are $7,500
per annum, no extra salary for extra
session, but they receive mileage nt
the rate of 20 cents a mile each way.
There is a general movement through
out the Husslan empire to improve the
peasants' cottages and to put up fire
proof model dwellings on tho model
farms established In many rural dis
tricts. This movement is duo in part
to the great destruction of houses and
whole villages by tire.
Captain Butt and James Sloan, Jr.,
of the secret service, tho president's
always present protectors, have proba
bly been photographed more than any
two men in the country. They have
been with both Mr. Taft and Colonel
Roosevelt. Sometimes fifty cameras
have been snapped at their party in
five minutes.
According to a recent report by Dr.
Conrad BiesalskI of Berlin, there aro
75.000 crlpplesin the Gorman .empire
out or a population of 00,500,000. Over
GO.OOO of tho cripples arc in need of
proper treatment. Dr. BiesalskI states
that in 15 per cent of the cripples ex
amined their deformity wns due to tu
berculosis of the bones and joints.
The old conflict In Germany between
the supporters of the Latin nnd Hie
Gothic charnrfer In writing has ag- In
broken out with great fury. The Im
mediate causp of the outbreak Is the
acceptance by the petition committee
of the ro'clwtng of n petition signed by
many induentlal .persons begging that
the Latin character be tho only one
used In the first three years of school
When He Was Bad.
It has been said that you never know
a man till you travel with him, and
certainly traveling has a tendency to
bring out all tho depravity innate In
human nature. Out of this test, how
ever, Benjamin Disraeli emerged with
flying colors. This is what wns said
of him by Mrs. Austen, who with her
husband traveled with him when ho
was quite a young man, as related in
Mr. Monypeuny's biography:
"Your brother," she says (the letter
was addressed to Disraeli's sister), "Is
so easily pleased, so accommodating,
so amusing and so actively kind that
I shall always rellect upon the domes
tic part of our journey with tho great
est pleasure. Your brother has be
haved excellently, except when there
is a button, or, rather, buttons, to be
put on his shirt; then he Is violently
bnd, aud this happens almost dally."
Whales In Nets.
Just south of the Bay of Islands.
New Zealand, where in n landlocked
harbor beautiful Wangamumu nestles
In the shadow of Cape Brett, there is
established a whaling station, aud here
Is carried on the unique business of
catching whales by means of nets set
in a narrow channel between rugged
rocks. The cetaceans frequent this
passage, it is said, to rub off the ac
cumulation of sea growing parasites
gained in long journeys through deep
Lateo South Canann Township Wayne. Co.
All persons Indebted to sulci estntuuiu noti
fied to tnnkc ltninedlnte payment to the un
dersigned : nnd those having claims nirnliist
the said estate are notltled to present them
duly attested for settlement.
South Canaan. Pn.. Feb. 27, l'Jll.
in your family you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; have his prescriptions
put up at a reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than eome other store.
You can find no more reliable
istore than ours. It would be im
possible for more care to be taken
in the selection of drugs, etc., or
in the compounding. Prescript
tions brought here, either night
or day, will be promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
nnd the piiccs will be most rea
sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS,
I Opp. V. & II. Station, Honksdale. Pa.
Do yci need some printing dono?
Come to us. If you need some en
velopes "struck oft" come to us.
We use plenty of ink on our Jobs.
Renresent Reliable
Companies- ONLY
Adverising Man
Show-Card Writing
Window Trimming
Civil Service Exams
Commercial Law
English Branches
High-School Math.
Commercial Illus.
Electrical Engineer
Electric Lighting
Electric Railways
Heavy Electric Traction
Electric Wireman
Electric Machine Designer
Telegraph Construction
Telephono Expert
Contracting and Building
Building Inspector
Concrete Construction.
Carpet Designing Architectural Draftsman
Wallpaper Designing Monumental Draftsman
Bookcover Designing Bridge Engineer
Ornamental Design'g Structural Draftsman
Linoleum Designing Structural Engineer
Perspective Drawing Plumbing & Steam Pitting
Lettering Heating and Ventilation
Stationary Engineer Plumbing Inspector
Marine Engineer Foreman Plumber
Gas Engineer Sheet-Metal Worker
Automobile Running Civil Engineer
Refrigeration Engln'r Surveying and Mapping
Mechanical Engineer R. R. Constructing
Mechanical Draftsman Municipal Engineer
Machine Designer Mining Engineer
Boiler Designer Mine Surveyor
Patternmaking Coal Mining
Toolmaking Metal Mining
Foundry Work Metallurgist
Blacksmlthing Assayer
Navigation Chemist
Ocean and Lake Pilot Cotton Manufacturing.
Poultry Farming, and Languages: Italian, French,
German and Spanish.
1. We teach unemployed people the theory of the work in which they want to engage.
RESULTS: Positions easily secured, days of drudgery shortened, and sometimes avoided al
together; quick promotions.
2. We teach employed people to do their work better. RESULTS: More responsible
positions; better pay.
3. We teach dissatisfied people how to do what is more congenial. RESULTS: Prepara
tion for new work before leaving the old ; rapid progress in the new field.
1. We furnish all necessary preparatory instruction.
2. We explain facts, principles and processes so clearly that the student quickly compre
hends and easily remembers.
3. We illustrate our text-books thoroughly.
4. We give concise rules and practical examples.
5. We grade our instructions.
6. We criticize and correct our students' written recitations and send him special advice
regarding his course whenever necessary.
We occupy three buildings in Scranton, having a floor space of over seven acres.
We employ 2,700 people at Scranton. t
We spend $250,000 each year in improving and revising our instruction papers.
We handle about 30,000 pieces of mail daily and our daily postage bill is about $500.
issued about 63 million pages of instruction last year. We received and corrected 849,168
attions and positively know that 1,180 students have their wages increased.