The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 03, 1911, Image 1

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    lelp Us Get Both !
SAFE, SANE, sum:.
68th YEAR --NO. 35
J. J. Koehler County
' Superintendent Again
Base Ball Minstrels Get Great Interest Shown at;
1000 Batting Average Ariel Conference
From Far and Near They Roll in Here; Wliy Don't
You Try ?
We Want 5000 Circulation - You Want a Better County Paper
"I didn't know wo had so many i
line-looking young men In town. My
but wasn't the singing great!" j
This is only a sample of tho many '
complimentary remarks passed by
the crowd of almost seven hundred
people which filled the Lyric Theatre j
Thursday night, when the Base Ball
Minstrels held the boards with a ,
three-hour long, two part perform
ance. I
mere wasn i any question uuoui
the minstrels being entertaining. For
providing a large amount of pleas
urable excitation, It has seldom been
equaled, and never been beaten In
Honesdalo. From beginning to end
it was one long laugh test. .
The value of team work was nev
er so apparent as in the first part of
tho program entitled "The Japanese
Lawn Festival." Every one of the
singers was recalled, and if they are
as successful in hitting the ball safe
ly next summer as they were in
making hits with the audience that
night, it will keep the Honesdale
tailors busy handing out suits of
clothes as rewards for home runs.
Tho opening overture introduced
the entire company seated on the
stage in the usual minstrel way.
Vigor and vim and perfect trim were
apparent in their broad shoulders,
whoso lines of strength the absence
of coats and vests, helped to dis
play. Umpire Michael J. Hanlan, the
man with the fan, and the man for
the fans, and a great fan himself, an
nounced the batting order. The
first at the bat was Stanley Wilson,
who landed a safe drive just inside
the first base lino that was good for
two bingles we mean an encore.
His doleful song commenced "When
the Hearts Behind A Kiss."
The rest, commencing with Chas.
Truscott, were all good for two bag
gers. One of tho performers even
landed a three bagger.
This is the way they came to the
bat in the first inning:
"The Japanese Lawn Festival."
Opening Overture. .Entire Company
"When the Heart's Behind a Kiss,!'
Stanley Wilson
"Marguerite" Charles Truscott
"Chicken Reel". .Thos. Charlosworth
"I Wonder How tho Old Folks Are
at Home" Paul Sonner
"Mandy ou" Louis ioomls
"Where the River Shannon Flows"
Harry Madden
"You Can't Jolly Molly Anymore,"
John Carroll
"Dream On, Dear Heart, Dream On"
Joseph Folk
"Molly Lee".. John Carroll and Co.
Michael J. Hanlan, Interlocutor.
Some clever local take-offs were
registered between the songs. The
streets, tho trolley, the times, pretty
nearly everything was mnde the sub
ject for good-natured badinage.
The first act was brought to a
close with an ensemble by the per
formers, who lined up in tho front
of the stage, and spelled out the
words "Honesdale Ball Team" on
Tho end men were John Carroll,
Jos. Jacobs, Clarence Green, Robert
Dorin, Tnomas Charlesworth, Wil
liam Kupfer.
The chorus was composed of Stan
ley Wilson, Henry Theobald, Paul
Sonner, Louis A. Loomis, Charles
Truscott, Horace Wizzard, Fred But
ler, Harry Madden, Jos. Folk, Georgo
Rlppel, Walter Jeitz, Charles Jeitz,
Claudo Chase, Vincent Carroll, Jacob
Tho second act was opened by
ueorge ivoercner, the contortionist,
who bent, doubled un and tied him
self into all sorts of shapes imagin
able. .Mr. Loorcher generously gave
his spare time for three weeks In
preparing for his part In the show.
and to say that he took the audience
by storm is putting it mildly.
MaBter Russell Dunn, the sweet
voiced boy soprano of Scranton, sang
"My Hero," in a rich clear voice,
lie was encored, of course.
John Sutton, the winner of the
declamation prize In the recent tri
angular contest at Carbondale, took
the leading part in a playlet entitled
"Tho Indian Chieftain," In a way
that would have done credit to any
member of a degreo team in the Red
Men. He was supported by a com
pany of listening Continentals.
An Instrumental quintette the
members of which were Walter
Jeitz, Fred Butler, Rex Nicholson,
mandolins; Claude Chase, banjo,
Charles Jeitz, guitar, was a pleasing
feature of the second act.
John Carroll and Robert Dorln
brought down the house with their
little skit entitled "Just Before Tho
Michael J, Hanlan was applauded
to the echo when ho delivered his
inimitable baseball talk. He said
that more genuine pleasure and re
creation could be gotton out of base
ball than all other games combined.
He described the heart-rending and
purse-racking efforts put forth by
Carbondale in former seasons, when
tlfey vainly tried to wrest the hon
ors from Honesdale. In his opinion
Honesdale has not deteriorated. He
believed that the .enthusiasm for
baseball in Honesdale, the most fam
ous base ball town In Pennsylvania,
is on the Increase.
(Continued on Page Four).
The meeting of Wayne County i
Pomona Grange was held at Ariel,
II,.. ( . nrn i 1 ....1.1.,... ... I M
Union Grange, No. 977, on April 21. j
Grange opened in regular form at,
10:45 a. m. with Master M. G. Noble,
Calkins, in the chair. The convention
was opened with song, followed by
reading of the minutes and reports of
subordinate Granges. The reports in
general wero very good and showed
progress. A report from Harmony
Grange at Greentown, Pike county,
was a surprise. This Grange wnB re
organized a short time ago and al
ready has attained a membership of
seventy-two, several of whom were
present. It Is reported that In this
intelligent and prosperous farming
community much Interest is shown In
Grange work.
Afternoon Session.
The afternoon session came to or
der at 2 o'clock with a song by the
Grange. The Worthy Master ap
pointed tho following committees:
Time nnd place for the fourth
quarter: Samuel Saunders, John
Male, Ward Wall.
Soliciting: Earl Rockwell, Mrs. E.
E. Kinsman, F. M. Shaffer.
Resolutions: A. W. Eno, Mrs.
Olive Shaffer, G. C. Bell.
The committee on time and place
for the third quarter reported that
the next meeting of Pomona Grange
would be held with Labor Grange
at Calkins and was then discharged.
The Worthy Lecturer, E. E. Kins
man, then took the chair and called
on Rev. Mr. Van Sclver who gave a
most cordial address of welcome to
which County Superintendent J. J.
Koehler flittingly responded. A
short reading was given by E. E.
Kinsman. A song was rendered by
members of Hope and Union
Granges entitled "Pennsylvania
Shall Yet Be Free!"
Indue Searlo Relieves In The Grunge
A letter from Judge A. T. Searle
in reply to an invitation from Union
Grange asking him to be present
and deliver an address, was read
by tho Secretary of Union Grange
in which the Judge said: "I regret
exceedingly becauso I cannot be
present with you this evening as I
have already promised to go to
Easton and hold Common Pleas
Court in Northampton county. I re
gret especially that I cannot be with
you because I believe in the Grange
and have showed my belief by be
coming a member of the Grange
several years ago.
"The Grange is doing a splendid
work in the State of Pennsylvania
and it is awakening an Interest
among both young and old in ag
riculture which is the basis of all
true prosperity of our country. I
look to the time when the cry will
be "Back to the farm." It has al
ready arrived in many parts of this
country and there is no place any
where in the East or the West
where for the same amount of mon
ey invested, greater returns can be
had than upon a Wayne county
farm. The price of farm land is
bound to advance. We are near
markets and the soil is not depleted
and with good methods of agricul
ture and following out the teach
ings of the Grange, I believe we
are still to have better times in
the future in Wayne county in
farming than we have ever had.
Tho farmers in Wayne county to-day
are prosperous. Mortgages and
judgments upon tho docket are be
ing rapidly paid and for thirty
years I have watched those people
who have stayed upon the farm
and those that have left and from
my experience I do not hesitate to
say that those who have remained
on the farm who have ability and
good health have obtained quite as
high a degree of success as those
who have gone into other pursuits.
It takes brains, industry and good
executive ability to properly con
duct and manage a farm."
N A general discussion followed on
calf raising nd milk production or
tho most milk at the least cost.
Those questions brought out some
important facts worthy of a trial at
At the fifth degreo session conven
ed at 1 p. m., F, L. Hartford,
Salem, was appointed county press
correspondent. The Granges in the
county are all earnestly requested to
report Grange news to Mr. Hart
ford and he in turn will report the
same to our county papers. The
soliciting committee reported twenty-seven
candidates who were duly
initiated In the fifth degree In full
Preston Wins Runner.
Pomona's honor banner, which
always attracts considerable atten
tion, was awarded Preston Grange
at WInwood. The Worthy Lecturer
now took charge of the meeting and
the following program was glvon;
Mr. Emery, Ariel, gave a good talk
on "Money," backing up several of
his statements by scriptural quota
tions. His talk was Interesting, In
structive and appreciated by all. A
solo was sung by Mrs. Van Sclver
with Miss Abble Brink as accom
panist. Hiss Susie Brown gave a
recitation. An address was deliv
ered by A. W. Brink, who spoke
1 M&am
County Superintendent J. J. Becauso Honesdale Is in tho throes
Koehler was unanimously re-elected , of clean-up week, the rules of sani
to the olllce for a term of three , tatlon are herewith reproduced,
years, Tuesday afternoon, at a con- Those rules or directions follow:
ventlon of the school directors of Keep the flies away from the sick,
Wayne county, following a roll-call especially those ill witli contagious
in which his opponent, C. H. Pen-! diseases. Kill every fly that strays
nell, Uswick, received less than a into tho sick room. His body is cov
dozen votes. Ills salary was also i ored with disease germs.
Increased from $1G00 to $1800 per
The meeting was called to order
in the court house at 2 : 0 1 p. in., by
County Superintendent Koehler.
Harry J. Atkinson, Hawley, was
nominated and unanimously elected
chairman of the convention. F. M.
Woodmansee, Lake Como, was
chosen secretary. Arthur M. Leine,
Honesdale, W. B. Lesher, Sterling,
and Dr. C. E. Eilenberger, Goulds-
boro, were selected as tellers.
Mr. Koehler said he considered 1
ins election as a vote or conn-
Thrown b y Runaway
Breaks M Arm
As Henry Hartung, who for more
than forty years conducted a meat
market in Honesdale, but who is
living a retired life at present, was
driving down the steep hill at
Seelyvllle near Chris Erk's, in a
buggy, late Sunday afternoon, ac-,
companied by his wifo, one of the
brlches broke, and the frightened
horse dashed away, breaking the
$200 carriage all to pieces,
throwing the occupants to
Mrs. Hartung's left arm
broken between the shoulder
the elbow, and Mr. Hartung
badly bruised on his back and side.
Drs. E. B. Burns and H. B. Ely
were hastily summoned, who ex
perienced much dilllculty In find
ing the exact nature of Mrs. Hart
ung's injury which was located in
the fleshy part of the arm.
The horse was caught near Geo.
Erks farm. Mr. Erk conveyed the
injured persons to their home at
1835 Main street, where Mrs. Hart
ung Is resting as comfortably as can
be expected under the circumstances.
Brothers Jailed on Charge
of Theft
Jesse Andrews, aged 15, and
Ansel Andrews, aged 11, Preston
township, are in the Wayne county
jail, charged with stealing goods
from the cottage of W. D. Webster,
Scranton. They were given a hear
ing before Justice R. N. Lee, Pres
ton, last Thursday, and were com
mitted to jail In default of ball.
The stolen goods consisted of a
pair of $3 rubber boots, a 7Cc hand
saw, silver knives, forks and spoons,
haminer and clock and dishes.
Tho boys claim that their Undo
Edward, aged 21, and Arthur
I Snedeker, aged 17, stole the goods
irom Air. weuster s cottage, anu
hid them near a stump a short dis
tance away. Not sufficient evidence,
however, was brought out at the
hearing to hold the Snedeker's.
The Andrews boys traded the
boots, it is claimed to Leal Silver,
receiving a water wheel nnd two
gallons of syrup In exchange. Their
father died about four years ago In
Tanners Falls, and tholr mother has
particularly of the good that the
Grange was doing, and the benefits
that might bo derived therefrom
by the young people. A pleasing
violin and ogan selection was ren
dered by Fred Smith and Abble
Brink. They wero encored. Mrs
Fred Keen recited. A few brief re
marks wore made by Rev. Mr. Hoop
er. A talk on our schools and the
State appropriation by County Su
perintendent J. J. Koehler follow
The meeting was well attended
and great interest was manifested
In the work. Gerry Bell, Maple
wood, who organized Pomona
Grange in May, 1890, which at that
time was known as Wayne and
Lackawanna County Pomona, was
present. Mr. Bell was County Dep
uty and probably organized more
Granges in Wayne county than any
other man.
A rising vote of thanks was ex
tended Union Grange for their kind
and generous hospitality.
A Few Rules for Routing
Dirt, Dust and Rubbish
"From Flies and Filth to Food
and Fever," Is the caption of a cir
cular issued last week by the Civic
Club and Board of Health of Harrls
burg as a striking warning of what
may happen If the municipal house
cleaning planned for the week of
May 1 is not a real clean-up.
Decorated with a border of malic
ious looking Hies, disease bearers of
the most finished sorts, the circular
enumerates a number of rules In the
interest of public health.
"Clean up your houses and
ynrds," Is another request because
"This is the time to look out for the
1 flies. The common house lly is a
carrier of disease."
Rules of Sanitation.
Do not allow decaying material of
any sort to accumulate on or near
your premises.
All refuse which tends in any way
to fermentation, such as bedding
straw, paper waste and vegetable
matter should be disposed of or cov
ered with lime or kerosene oil.
Screen all food.
Keep all receptacles for garbage
carefully covered and the cans clean
ed or sprinkled with oil or lime,
Keep all stable manure in vault
or pit, screened or sprinkled with
lime, oil or other cheap prepara-
See that your sewage system is in
good order; that it does not leak, is
up to date and not exposed to flies.
Caro of Drains.
Pour kerosene into the drains.
Cover. food after a meal; burn or
bury all table refuse.
Screen all food exposed for sale.
Screen all windows and doors, es
pecially the kitchen and dining
Burn pyrethrum powder in the
rmiuseHo -kill the files.
Don't forget if you see flies, their
breeding place Is In nearby filth. It
may be behind the door, under the
table or in the cuspidor.
If there is no dirt and filth there
will be no flies.
If there is a nuisance In the neigh
borhood write at once to the health
Town to be Spotless.
Spurred on by the joint efforts of
the Honesdale Improvement Asso
elation members and health officials,
the big clean-up week appears al
ready to have won many converts.
Early Monday morning the garbage
carts started on their clean-up trips
through Irving Boulevard. Thereaf
ter each section of the' town will bo
visited daily until the place becomes
Indeed a spotless town.
Women, Buttons and the
"Women can never get suffrage as
long as their clothes button up the
back," declared the Rev. Dr. Cyrus
Townsend Brady, In a lecture before
tho church congress (Episcopal),
which met in Washington last week,
and which set aside a session for dis
cussion of "votes for women."
"When women haven't any more
sense than to have dresses that but
ton up the back, they certainly have
not enough sense to vote," declar
ed Brady. "I tell you, buttons up
the back are foes not only to com
mon sense, but even to liberty.
"The same objections apply to
other ridiculous customs of women,
customs which prove them to be an
inferior sex. There Is the picture hat
absurd. There are other more In
timate garments which I forbear to
mention. Finally there Is tho hob
ble skirt, a garment which looks as
If It might have been born of a wed
lock between the Spanish inquisition
and an Insane asylum."
State 'Highway Commissioner
Hunter last week Issued a letter to
all dealers that tho new regulation
regnrding licensing of dealers' ma
chines has gone into effect: The
notice was contained in this letter:
"Herewith you will find a copy of
the amended section seven of the au
tomobile law. Under the law as
amended you are no longer entitled
to operate or have operated any
motor vehicle for hire under the
'Dealers Class' application. A deal
er's tag issued under tho provisions
of this section shall not be used for
any other purpose than testing or
demonstrating tho vehicle to a
prospective purchaser or in remov
ing the same from place to place
for the purpose of sale. Each mo
tor vehicle used for hire must be
registered Individually and the prop
er fee paid.
Death of 610 persons by street
car accidents in fourteen cities of the
United States Is reported for the
year 1910, and the list is not-complete.
It's amazing how the kicks keep piling in. The Kick Kontest Is now
on its seventh week and if anything, there is more enthusiasm now than
when this popular kontest started. There Is much that is instructive
in these kicks as well as amusing. There Is also a psychological si do
of tho kontest that Is worth separate mention. Everybody enjoys them.
So will you If you take a few minutes to read some of them which ap
pear below.
Editor The Citizen:
I kick when out In the rain;
I kick when 1 do not get the news
from dear old Wayne;
The county of my boyhood and those
days did I oujoy,
Now in the fifties and I kick because
I am not a boy.
Stirling, Morris County, N. J.
Answer: And if it was a good
place to grow up In it's an even
better place to grow old in or
rather young in in. Ask anyone.
Dear Editor:
I kick because my girl don't come
and see me. I guess it's cause she
don't like me.
Hamlin, Pa.
Answer: Still you never can tell
about a woman as we are learning
rapidly. Mebbe she's crazy about
you only she doesn't show it. Why
don't you go to see her and ask?
Delifilited To See It.
Dear Editor:
I received the new dollar bill with
thanks and will tell what color tho
hat is to be when I find It. I imag
ine it will be the color of the rain
bow, and I will be at your office to
show It.
Dear Editor:
I kick because old Honesdale
Is so far away.
Please send me the dollar,
It will help me on the way;
I would love to see the editor,
And have a little talk,
So please send on tho dollar and
the rest of tho way 1 11 walk.
Austin, Pa.
Answer: We'll be charmed to see
you and have that talk any time be
tween 8 a. m. G p. m.
Dear Editor:
I kick because my father takes
The Herald Instead of The Citizen.
Tyler Hill, Pa.
Answer: Don't. The Herald's a
good sheet and some day he may
take 'em both.
Successful Applicants.
The following applicants wero suc
cessful at the common school exami
nations held April 8.
Joe Buckingham, Berlin.
Stella Buckingham, Berlin.
Katharine Gray, Berlin.
Ella B. Blake, Bethany.
Annlta Monington, Bethany.
Mary Stoutenberg, Buckingham.
Russell Wayman, Canaan.
Edith Belknap, Cherry Ridge.
Otto Dirlara, Cherry Ridge.
Dwight Rude, Clinton.
Florence Shanley, Clinton.
Katherino Novak, Clinton.
David Counterman, Clinton.
Edna Noble, Damascus.
Catherine Brown, Damascus.
Arbutus Wood, Damascus.
Annlta Clark, Damascus.
William Matlor, Damascus.
Elva Angel, Dreher.
Fred Edwards, Dreher.
Lee Haag, Dreher.
Edna Martin, Dreher.
John Gallik, Dyberry.
Edna Dippert, Dyberry.
Win. McAndrow, Hawley.
Herman Jones, Lake.
Edith Jones, Lake.
Edna RIdd, Lebanon.
Austin LeStrango, Lebanon.
Alta Hadden, Lebanon.
The campaign for President of the Smile club has started. Everybody
Is Interested. Everybody has a chance to be elected. All you have to do
Is to fill In the coupon with tho name of the person most fitted In your
opinion to hold the office. You can vote as often as you wish.
There is one great consolation In this campaign. If nobody else will
vote for you, you can vote for yourself. So sharpen up your pencils and
name your choice.
This coupon represents one vote cast
for 1. ;
for President of the Smile Club.
Polls close 12
Editor Citizen:
I am kicking, kicking, kicking,
And from kicking I'll not lag,
'Till all South Canaan township
Use tho split-log drag.
For better roads, yours,
Answer: We're with you. "A
town is known by tho roads it
Dear Editor:
I kick bekauso my last kick,
Didn't win that dollar bill,
But I'll keep on a kicking.
And stick up for The Citizen still.
Ledgedale, Pa.
Answer: You see, we're making
more and more friends every day.
Editor Citizen:
I kick kause I live In Broome coun
Instead of dear old Wayne;
But then I am glad of one thing,
The Citizen gets here just the same.
II Woodruff Ave., Binghamton, N.
Answer: Another Instance of the
silver lining in tho cloud.
Editor The Citizen:
I kick because my doll kan't read
The Citizen.
Siko, Pa.
Answer: Well, anyway, she'll en
joy hearing you read it to her.
Dear Editor:
I kick because my shoes are get
ting old and worthless.
Answer: Well,"1 it will soon be
barefoot time.
Dear Editor:
Hero's a kind of "reciprocity."
Wo'll favor, to begin,
Let's shake hands with the Citizen
And "kick" for It to win.
Milford, Pike county, Pa.
Answer: If everybody will do that
there'll be no trouble about that
5000 circulation.
Orrin Mandsley, Manchester.
George Cargin, Manchester.
Edwin Kelley, Manchester.
Horton Perry, Manchester.
Myrtle Hessberger, Oregon.
Victor Scudder, Oregon.
Carlotta Bryant, Oregon.
Violet Bryant, Oregon.
Lafayette Martin, Palmyra.
Elizabeth Hendry, Palmyra.
Sara A. Smalley, Palmyra.
Belma Rice, Salem.
Lura Ressegnle, .Salem.
Mildred Brown, Salem.
Allen Wiley, Salem.
Allle Chapman, Salem.
Ernest Williams, Salem.
Vaughn Smith, Scott.
Maude Musgrave, Sterling.
Ruth Webster, Sterling.
Ward Cross, Sterling.
Beulah Cross, Sterling.
Edna Lee, Sterling.
John Friegleln, Sterling.
Joseph Fritz, Sterling.
Gerald Butler, Sterling.
Emma Brown, Sterling.
Mabel Musgrave, Sterling.
Marie Osgood, Sterling.
Ben Carr, Sterling.
Mabelle Shaffer, South Canaan.
Perry Wall, Starrucca.
Horace Glovor, Starrucca.
County Supt. of Schools.
noon, June 16.