THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL !20, 1911. A CENT A WORD FOR SALE. FOR SALE Ono spring tooth har row In good condition. Low price. Honcsdalo Golf Club. 33t2 OHINA, BRICABRAC, stationery, candy, cigars, tobacco and notions at the store of Miss Maine Igo, 953 Main street, Honesdale. 33t2 FOR SALE One C-foot saw with V Inch inserted teeth, one 3 foot Inch solid saw M inch thick, both In good condition. Also engines, boll ers, etc., for saw mill and other sea. CHAS. V. TOUHILL, Scran. ton, Pa. 31t6. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn ogga for hatching. Watorville nferaln. Errs 5 cents a piece. Wll Ham Hertel, Box No. 4, White Mills 3lt4 TBAM HARNESS, light, singlo and double harness and all kinds o horse goods at MURRAY CO nonesdale. 3.U3 FOR SALE Six-room cottage with small orcnaru, locaiea in village, Bdw. O. Bnng. So. Canaan, Pa. 23tf HAVE YOU SEEN the now Walter A. Wood Sulky Plow? Bo sure and Me it if you are Interested In low. MURRAY CO., Honesdale Ks. 31t3 SPRAYERS, Lime-sulphur, Pyrox and all spraying supplies at Mur ray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 31t3 FOIi SALE Kelly & Stelnman brick factory building, including en glue, boiler and shafting. Inquire of J. B. Robinson. 50tf. KARGEST STOCK and greatest va riety of wagons ever shown in Wayne county now ready for your Inspection at the MURRAY CO., Honesdale, Pa. 31t3. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two apartments, six rooms second floor; 3 rooms down istalrs. 1231 Spring St. eoltf. TO RENT 7-room cement house on East Extension street. Hot and sold water, bath and closet. Gas and furnace. Inquire of Graham Watts. Sleoitf FOR RENT A modern house and improvements with garden on West street. Inquire Joshua A. Brown. 20tf. FOR RENT Five rooms and bath on second floor, 1019 Court street. Inquire Bentley Brothers. tf. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED laundry. 33t2. -Woman to work In Inquire at Allen House. ALL REPAIR WORK finished up-to-dato in all our different branches. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf FOR A ?1 PURCHASE the holder of this ticket Is entitled to a chance n the $350 Cabinet Grand Piano dis played at the notion store of Miss Mame Igo, 9G3 Main street, Hones dale. 33t2 INVENTORY of our repair depart ment shows 23G finished jobs wait ing to bo called for. Sommer, Jewe ler and Optician. 30tf. Tho next holiday is Day. Mrs. Wllllnin Hauser suffered a pnralytlc stroke Sunday evening at the homo of David Manning, Sr., uetnany. Miss Mnrthn Comstock has re signed her position at tho Hotel Wayne, and returned to Scranton last Saturdny. The Ladies' Aid society of tho First uaptist church cleared $75 from their Easter supper last Thurs day evening. A marriage license was Issued, Thursday, to William C. Dlrlam, nonesuaio, ana Miss .Maine B. Down ing, Bcachlnke. Rev. A. L. Whlt'takcr will hold n special Borvlco in the Indian Or chard school house Friday, April 28, at 8 p, m, All are Invited to be present. Collections will be taken next Sunday in the local Roman Catholic churches for the benefit of tho wid ows and orphans of the seventy-six miners killed in the Pancoast mine disaster. State Armory Inspector Captain George M. Hulme, Philadelphia; Architect Fred McCorniick, Wilkos Barre; Contractor H. J. Woelkers, G. M. Gould. Samuel M. Griffiths. Scranton, were in town Monday look ing over tne new ?30,uuu Park Place Armory. MR. WINT, the piano tuner, will be in Honesdale week beginning May 1. Drop a card to Hotel Wayne. 3 3t2 THREE experienced workmen at the bench dally. All repairs finished at tho shortest notice. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 30tf R. B. GOLDEN, Optometrist, (Eye Sight Specialist), who conducts ex clusive optical parlors at 20 N. Main street, Carbondale, will bo at the Allen House, Honesdale, on Thurs day, April 27, and at tho Park View Hotel, Hawloy, on Friday, April 28. Although Dr. Golden has over thirty appointments for this trip, he will Be prepared to serve several more, who may find uso for the services of an expert optometrist (Eye Sight Specialist). If your physician can't ure your headache, Golden can. Blfflcult cases of defective vision so licited. 32t2 Captain and Mrs. Carroll .1. Kelley returned homo Sunday even ing irom an extended honeymoon tour covering points of interest in Washington, D. C. Philadelphia and other cities. In Washington they auenaea a session or Concress. an saw Vice President Sherman, Champ uiarit ana "uncle Joe" Cannon. Applications for State roads were Hied at the, State Highway De partment, irom tue following coun ties Thursday: York, Chanceford township, 31.CS0 feet; Washington iianover township. 8.200: Greene (.illmore township. 2G.400: Wavn county, Honesdale, 0,540; and Mer cer county, west Middlesex, 5,280 Two woddlncs wero solemnized in St. Mary Macdalena's R. C. enurch to-day (Wednesday) bv Rev e inner j. w. isalta. the contracting purues neing Jonn Wasmau and .Mary Urauch, both of Honesdale, who were married at 7 a. m.. ami Thomas Brown and Vera .Mull, both of Honesdale, whose nuptials took piace in tne afternoon at 1:45 p. m Sunday afternoon at Heumann's restaurant, Father Balta Rave a ban quet to tho visiting singers and to tne trustees and cho r of tho uhnrnh nioso present were: Trustees, Jos Hsch, Ed. Deitzer. Robert Mnrrnv jr. unoir, uatlierino Illsse. F nr. enco Pult, Carrie Nonnenmacher Catherine Weidner. Marv Demur .Minnie Rose, Frances Demer. teta Klckert, Eva Huek. finnriw Schwenger, John Dorbad, John Scli- mucK, William Kunferer. Julius Jiou, Julius Pult, Joseph Hessling. -Judging from the advance snlR or ticKets lor tho Base Ball MIn sireis at tne Lyric Thursday, April tt, tney will no doubt be urentntl wun a capacity IlOUSO. All nrniinrn. tlons have been completed and we are assured ot a finished performance on Thursday evening. The produc tion is ueing staged by Henj. H. Dit trlch, assisted by John Carroll nnrt Jos. A. uodle. Jr. The stace RRt. tings, scenically and in electric ef fects, will surpass in snlenrtor nmiiv ui me proiessionai attempts made nere. me vaudeville acts aro all new and clean cut, each ono being a feature in itself. The entire com pany will bo composed of about for ty people, being above tho usual number or performers in similar nro- ductlons. Help Honesdale to have a good base ball team this summer by iwrunusing a ucKet or two for this poriormance. Memorial Thlrty-slx children made their first Communion Sunday morning in st. .iary .Magdalcna's church. Rev Father J. W. Balta, J. U. D rector. The members of tho St. Conrad' Glee club, a double malo quartette rrom St. Nicholas' Germnn R. church, Wilkes-Barre, sang at th Communion mass. Tho nnines of th children, thirteen girls and twenty- inreo uoys, nro ns loiiows: Boys Edmund Stegncr, George Schwes Inger, Alfred Theobald, Aloyslus Theobald, Charles Burkhart, Otto Ilerold, John Weidner. Cnrl Loesch Christopher Weidner, Albert Kinne, Alfred Pult, Joseph We dnor. Fred eric Eukor, Edward Flederbach, Jos uerrieK, uenry Mang, Francis Mul braney, Frederic Rlckard, Philip Si'hmltt, Lawrence Weidner, John Schmidt, Clarence Rlckard, Gebhard liolsrli. Girls: Mary Wenn cer. An toinette Rickcrt, Helen Rose, Helen Moil, Helen Soete, Barbara Brled Adelaldo Ruppert, Maria Herzog, -Maguaiono uicowitz, .Margaret Aus tin, Reglna Baumann, Catherine isonnenmacher, Maria Williams. -LOCAL NEWS- Miss Elsie Jacobs, Church ttreet, Is suffering from an attack of a-arlot fever. Friday morning at Central aieth- dlst Episcopal parsonage, Rev. Will H. inner married Isaac Bentnam and Miss Rebah Fielding, both of South Canaan. Miss Caroline Petersen gavo one f the social teas Thursday afternoon at the Lutheran church for the bene- t of tho Honesdale Improvement association. Advertised letters remaining In Honesdale postofflce week ending April 24, 1911: James Cook, Henry Ellsworth, M. J. Franey, Charles Keogh, "Miss Mary Jenkins, Lewis Smith. M. B. Allen, postmaster. Judgo A. T. Searle, Honesdale, will conduct court here next week for Judge Little. This week Judge Searlo has been presiding at court at Easton, and last, week at Harrlsburg, acting as a brother jurist. He is a popular Judgo and Susquehanna county people are getting to like him so well that they trust Wayne voters will elect him to tho bench at the expiration of his period of appoint ment, he having been selected by oyernor Stuart to fill the unexpired term of tho late Judge Purdy. In dependent Republican, Montrose. T . . isui many years ago It was thought anybody could bo a farmer but now it Is quite thoroughly un derstood that only scientific farmers are successful. Tho art of planting and caring for trees is undergoing the samo transformation. The scnooi directors were very wlso in the planning of their school grounds. They did not feel that they were competent to lay out the grounds and yet were not ablo to hire a land scape gardener. There are few peo ple who can tell what kind of trees are best adapted for certain places and why other ones aro better in some other corner. Bernard M. Rlf kin is an authority on the subject. If you fail to hear him you aro do ing yourself and the town an In justice. His lecture at tho High school next Friday night will give you much Information on this time ly topic. Tho lecture will be illus trated by many views prepared by a master hand for this special pur pose. About sjxty couple including a lnrgo number of out-of-town guests attended a dance given in the Lyric ball room, Thursday evening, April 20, under tho auspices of tho Mid night Sons. The committee on ar rangements consisted of Clarence Greene, Richard Bracey and Edward D. Katz. The patronesses were: Mrs. A. T. Searle, Mrs. Walter Fowler, Mrs. Silas McMullen, Jr., Mrs. Wil liam Katz, Mrs. Olaf Spettlgue, Mrs. E. T. Brown. A light buffet lunch eon was served during tho Intermis sion by Mrs. William F. Brlggs. A five-piece orchestra furnished the mu sic for the occasion. Among the out-of-town guests present were: Dr. J. F. Lynott ,Mlss Ruth Monaghan, Scranton; Ramsey Mefano, Wilkes Barro; Hunting Lord, Waymart; S. K. Yarrlngton, J. H. Fulkerson, Leo Doyle, James Linnor, Clell Anderson, C: E. Burdick, J. R. Sullivan, Georgo Colvln, Harold Roemmelmyer, Geo. Nicholson, Misses Bessie Bedland, Gertrude Harvey, Eleanor Relrdon, Carbondale; O. E. Mertz, Miss Freed, Hawley; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kim ble, Towanda; Miss Reglna Campbell, Olyphant; Miss Ruth Kennedy, Pleasant Mount. .Mr. R. B, Wilson, division super' intenuent oi tne international Cor respondence Schools. Scranton. Pa was in town and made arrancomentH for a display to be held In tho vacant store at SU7 Main street In the Lib erty Hall Building. This display win consist oi tne books and lesson papers used In teaching and the act ual corrected work of students, that nas oeen returned to them. This display will be In operation on Monday, the 24th of Anrll. and wr. wnson win be assisted by tho local manager. Air. m. j. simr rinn who ha3 charge of this territory. Mr. Wilson Informed us also that they will give away a scholarshli valued at J100 to the person who guesses the nearest to tho actual number of students' lessons that were corrected from Jan. 1st to April i, mil, inclusively. Cards to register your bids nn can be secured at the display after Monday noon. The International schools have quite a number of stu dents m this vicinity and they all have a good word to say for their Alma Mater which certainly speaks wen tor tne scnoois. The wedaing of Rev. Edward Wil liam Morrison of South Canaan, to Miss Carrie Mae DIckins, of Maple wood, took place at the home of the bride Wednesday afternoon at four o ciock. To the straliiH of Lohen grin's wedding inarch rendered by .wish Ferris, tne uriunl party en tered the parlor where In front of a bank of ferns and llowors the Im pressive ring ceremony was celebrat ed by the Rev. L. C. Murdock, pre siding elder of the Honesdale district of the Methodist Episcopal church. Tho bride was attired in a cream messalino gown trimmed with duch ess lace and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Sho was attended by Miss Lenore Stevens, Scranton, who wore a blue messallne gown and car ried roses. Tho groom was attended by Abram H. Fowler. Scranton. an old classmate. .Miss Ethel Swingle, it cousin of the bride, Peckville, was flower girl. During the ceremony Morrison's meditations was render ed. A wedding dinner was served at five o'clock, Mrs. Lillian Roberts, Hoadloys, caterlnc. assisted bv flvn of the girl friends of the bride. l be Rev. Morrison is pastor of the South Canaan Methodist Enlsconal church while his talented bride is well known for her vocal abilities and leaves a host of friends who will miss her charming voice at their many gatherings. Rev. and Mrs. Morrison will be at. home after Tuesday, April 25, at tho parsonage, South Canaan. Tho bride was the recipient of many and valu able presents. Those present were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ruther- lord, Airs. G. D. Stevens. Mrs. Jumps Sloat, Mrs. Arthur Ferris, Miss Clara uiuos ana Mr. is. J. Long, Scranton; iirs. u. u. AStman, Bridgovllle, N. J.; Dr. and Mrs. Bancos. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mnw- eii, Mrs. Enoch Swingle, Mrs. Hiram f ocKwen, .Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dershl- mer, .Mrs. Nelson Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shaffer, Misses Nettle and Rona Lerch, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Curtis, Mrs. Russel Swingle, Mrs. G. Shaffer and Goldlo Jagers, South Canaan; 'Mr. and Airs. F. M. Shaffer, -ir. anu .Mrs. j. is. .Masters, Mrs. E. n. uorey, uravity; Mr. and Mrs. El mer Swingle, Mr. and Mrs. G. W, uoberts and Miss Ethel Swingle, Peckville; Misses Trabella Jon Ethel Ely, Pink; Rev. Orson G. Rus sel, namilnton, nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. GIbbs, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Sharne. Mr. and iurs. tr. t. K.eene. Mr. and Mrs. s. a. Van Sickle, Mrs. George Ferris, Mrs. Porter Swingle. Mrs. John Coates. Mrs. EmmetPugh, Miss Kathryn Fer ris, musses jennio ana Helen Grom llch, Cora Bartlow, Clytla Van Sinkle, Eva Stevens and Messrs. Samuel Fer ris, Leigh and Lyie Keene. Em Arv 1 . . ' - IjUUH, AlupiUWOOQ. Frank Schuerholz went to New York city Friday morning to see tho Washington and New York baseball teams play. "Sherry," his brother, is a member of the Washlngtons. L. Smithing attended a banquot Thursday night at tho Hotel Reding ton, Wilkes-Barre, given by tho Northern Telephone society. Messrs. Fred Wise and Frank Slater also at tended the banquet at which J. H. Crosman, Jr.. was the toastmaster. OBITUARY. Walker In Clifton, April 19, 1911. William D. Walker, Wilkes Barre, aged sixty-one years. Donth Of Mrs. Duliigg. Mrs. Daniel Duhlgg, aged thirty four years, of First street, in tho Bollevuo section, Scranton, died Fri day. She is survived by her hus band, five small children and the fol lowing brothers, Charles and Wil liam McDonald, Honesdale; Edward, Pittsburg, and Thomas, Philadelphia, and one sister, Miss Julia, Honesdale. COTTAGES AND CAMPS. Preceding the issue of the D. & H. Summer hotel and bonrdlng-house booklet, known far and wide as "A Summer Paradise," the Passenger Department has compiled a list of cottages for rent In the territory reached by the D. & H. While this first edition is necessarily far from complete, It contains information of great value to any person desiring a summer home. Copies mailed free by A. A. Heard, G. P. A., Albany. A PROCLAMATION To The Citizens of Honesdale: Cleanliness Is next to godliness. The general prosperity of a commun ity can be Judged on this basis but notwithstanding strenuous efforts by tho authorities, the Ladies' improve ment Association, and tho Board of Trade, this can not bo successfully accomplished nnd the Maple City sustain Its reputation as a clean and beautiful place unless every man, woman und child, resident nnd tran sient, lends nld and assistance. By cleaning and disinfecting your col lars, by cleaning and beautifying yards and surroundings, you not only make this a model town but create an incentive for such work in every enterprising visitor who observes it. The first week In .May has been suggested for the purpose of main taining a clean, healthful borough. I, John Kuhbaclv, Chief Burgess of the Borough of Honesdale, do pro claim tho week beginning May 1, 1911, to be designated as clean-up week and call upon every man, wom an and child to co-operate with the civil authorities in this laudable un dertaking. JOHN KUHBACH, Chief Burgess. Attest: C. A. McCarty, Solicitor. Homer, youngest son of Mrs. Tryphenn Smith, of Indian Orchard, died of pneumonia on Saturday last after a week's Illness. Deceased was 20 years old and besides his mother is siurvived by three brothers and three sisters. MIbs Nelllo Ford, Wyoming, spent Friday and Saturdny In this place. R. M. Salmon, Esq., spent the week-end and Sunday In Scranton. Miss Nettie Feathers, Plymouth, Is passing a few days In Honesdale. Bessie Brown. Nnntlcoke. is vlsitine friends and relatives in this vicinity. Miss Louise Williams, Sayre, Is passing a few days In the Mnplo City. Mlsess Holene Bishop and Ruth Lord spent the week-end In Carbon dale. Emmet Meglvern, Cold ' Spring, was a .Monday business caller In Honesdale. Miss Antionette Durland, Brook lyn, is visiting her mother on North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Harris, Liberty, N. Y., are visiting friends In this place. R. H. Patterson, Scranton, is spending a few days In town on business. A. A. Oelnert and family will move into the Pellis house on East street .May 1. Fred Hartung, Patterson, N. J., has been spending a few days with his parents here. -Mrs. Harry Proumers, Allentown, Ib visiting .her parentB, Mr. and .Mrs. William Gelseke. Thomas FInnerty returned last week from a business trip through Western Pennsylvania. Mrs. J. M. Smeltzer and son. Lu ther, are visiting relatives in Goulds- boro, Taylor and Scranton. air. and Mrs. Homer Greene, airs. T. B. Clark, Mrs. Walter Fowler spent aionday in Scranton. ailss Amy Clark returned Saturday from a week's visit with friends in Wilkes-Barre and Pittston. Miss Anna Brown. Elmira. N. Y.. spent Friday and Saturday with her many rriends in Honesdale. Harold Yerkes, of Kelly & Steln man, Deposit, N. Y Is spending u few weeks with relatives here. R. D. Smith and James J. Conwav. Narrowsburg. N. Y.. were business callers In Honesdale last week. ailsses Elizabeth Bureer and Min nie .Miller spent Sunday at the home of airs. Daniel Griffiths, Waymart. airs. L. A. Brarier and slstor Mica !rtlttt;f ,.................. outrun nuiiiiuniu ,iiiu .uis. reior mc- Glnnis spent .Monday in Scranton. ailss Bessie Me (11 nnd left for Pin .mm bondale on Sunday after spending a week with her aunt, .Mrs. C. M. Betz. Judge A. T. Searle addressed n meeting of the .Modern Woodmen ol America in White Mills, on Saturdny evening. -Mrs. John A. Kimble. Towanda. is spending a few days with her par ents, air. and Mrs. E. C. Van Hnrn East street. Christopher LeiKliton. Mam-h Chunk, a traveling salesman, spent Friday and Saturday In the City. airs. Catherine aiurtha and daugh ters, .Misses Lucy and Beatrice. spent Sunday as the guests of airs, aiurtha's mother. Mrs. P. Scnllv. Qanaan. 0 W. R. LUIS, PIANO EXPERT Tuning and Rebuilding All work done in factory-like manner. Satisfac tion! guaranteed or no pay received. Temporary headquarters at HOTEL WAYNE, HONESDALE. Both 'phones. Home address, Owego, X. Y. Hih-grade local references The Marsh Child's Lullaby (A Song of the Meadows.) Words by - FREDERICK BRUSH Music by - FRANK A. JENKINS FOR SALE AT F. A. JENKINS MUSIC HOUSE, HONESDALE. PERSONAL F. A. Spencer, Glenburn. nassed sunaay in town. A. S. Johnson. New York, is visit ing in Honesdale. Meredith Clark. New York, is in town on business. Attorney C. J. aicCarty spent Sat urday In Scranton. ailss Charlotte P. Lane Is visiting friends at Elkins, Pa. ailss Nelllo Boyce, Nanticoke, is visiting friends In this place. Nelllo Anderson, Avoca, is visiting her mother in this place. A. G, Rowland, Rowlands, was a business caller here aiondny. airs. O. H. Rowland is spending a few days with Scranton friends. William H. Brown, Wilkes-Barre, spent Saturday in this place. A. G. Loomls, Deposit, N. Y., was a week-end visitor in town. Russell Clark, Boyds Mills, trans acted business in town, aionday. Mrs. William Cummlngs went to New York City, Friday morning. Georgo Foster, Scranton, spent Sunday with Honesdale relatives. Head This Letter from the JACKSON MOTOR CO To Mr, E. A. DORFL8PIGER. White GViiSEs 14 will showlyou that the 1911 model Jackson cars which have been advertised in Scranton papers at 1-2 price by the Gorson Automobile Co., of Philadelphia, are absolutely fakes. Mr. E. A. Dorflinger, White Mills, Pa. Dear Sir: Inf ri!"e7C,e t0 the advertisin being run by the GORSON AUTOMOBILE CO. of Philadelphia, where they advertise 191 1 Jackson cars, we wish to assure you that this is absolutely a fake, and that there is no truth whatever in the statements which they make. The facts of this case are that they never had any correspondence with the JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO.; never bought any cars from them and these machines that they have were purchased from the FULLER BUGGY CO. and were made up from scraps which the FULLER BUGGY CO. had left over last year when they decided to discontinue making automobiles. Any one who examines these cars closely will discover at once that they are assembled from a scrap pile as practi tvt mmnvBnA 'S different and therc are no two cars exactly alike. The FUL LER BUGGY CO. had quite an accumulation of this junk and rather than throw it oc? thc PPrtunity of making it up into cars and selling it to GORSON. GORSON is taking advantage of the fact that MR. G. A. MATTHEWS is a large stockho der in both the JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO. and FULLER BUGGY CO. and also of the fact that the JACKSON CO. did make cars last year similar to the cars made by the FULLER CO. We would say however, that any one who purchases one of these cars will get badly stung because, as stated above, they are made out of scraps and have no guaran tee whatever attached to them. The JACKSON CO. will prosecute GORSON for advertising these cars as JACKSON'S as they are certainly misrepresenting this cn 1HE JACKS0N AUTOMOBILE CO. HAVE NOT ANY SURPLUS blOCK and you need not be alarmed that they ever will have. They are one of the best companies in business to-day and are very strong financially. They are also conservative and will never manufacture more cars than they can dispose of at regu lar list prices. Very truly yours, JACKSON MOTOR CO. Although advertised as genuine, they are not Jackson cars. are made from scraps. Be Sure Your Car is a JACKSON They k : - A.-'