THE CITIZEN, FIUOAY, AIMHIj 21, 1011. SAM LOYD, 1H PUZZLE 1M! He Was Inventor of file Famous "Pigs In Glover," AMASSED A LARGE FORTUNE. Known as the Puzzlo King, He Set Problems That Taxed the Ingenuity of the World For Two Generations. The Donkey Made Him the Most Money. Sam Loyd, the puzzle inun, whose puzzles have taxed the minds of the whole world for almost two genera Hons, died recently at his home In Itrooklyn. Ho had made a fortune out of his puzzles nnd died n very wealthy man. It was as the "puzzle king" that Sam Loyd was best known, hut be sides being a puzzle maker he was an artist of some ability, an inventor oi mechanical devices, a writer, a chess player of great proficiency and a pro found mathematician. Hs ability in the latter field was at the bottom of much of his success as n puzzle Maker. He was born in Philadelphia in 1S41 f an old Quaker family and at the age of ten was playing chess with some of the cracks of the country and often beating them. First he studied engineering, and then he studied math ematics and languages at Heidelberg. But all the while he was making puz zles for his own amusement and to perplex his friends. When ho was twenty-five years old he became a professional puzzle maker, conducting a puzzle department in various news papers for many years thereafter and spreading his fame to the far corners of the earth. Most Famous Puzzles. The two most famous puzzles in vented by Sam Loyd were "pigs I', clover" and the fifteen puzzle. Ills puzzles were divided into two general classes namely, those requiring ninii ual dexterity and those requiring mental dexterity. Many folks through out the world got the pigs into the right place at the expense of theli nervous systems, but nobody ever solved the fifteen puzzle. It had oc curred to. Loyd while trying an old Hindu puzzle of the magic square. Famous mathematicians sought to work it ont all over the world, but their solutions never came right, ac cording to its author. Mr. Loyd after ward said that he never made nny money out of his 'fifteen block puzzlo because he was unable to have it copyrighted, nor did he out of the "pigs in clover." One store alone sold 100,000 sets of his block puzzle when the craze was on. The puzzle out of which this Inventor of brain twisters made the most mon ey was the donkey puzzle, In which the object was to put two Jockeys on the backs of two donkeys. This he patented and sold in large quantities The facility with which his brain could turn out puzzles of such a kind as to bafllle the keenest mind and give half the world headaches was shown when he turned out the pony puzzle. It was turned out in response to a bet made hy a governor of Pennsylvania while returning on trie same steamer from Kuropo with the puzzle maker in 18i!S. The governor had challenged Loyd to produce a new puzzle before the pas sengers In the smoking room. Loyd took a pencil, drew a pony and cut him up into three pieces. The pony was galloping before ho cut it up, but the thing was to make It gallop afterward. The governor offered a reward then for nnybody to solve it on the voyage, but nobody did and not many afterward. Invaded England. P. T. Barnuin heard of this puzzle and ordered 10,000,000 for advertising use. The showman traveled around with the solution In his pocket, as he mild not remember it overnight, he Bald. In the end 1,000,000,000 copies f the puzzle were sold. This and some of the others netted him a great deal of money, which he shrewdly Invested la real estate and In good securities, . with the result that he amassed a large fortune. Shortly aftor turning out the "disappearing Chinaman" he went to Europe nnd introduced his puzzles to the English newspapers. Immediately nil England started to work over them. Hundreds of chess problems were turned out by Sam Loyd, whose first prize for a maker of these was taken when ho was eleven years old. He wns the author of "Chess Strategy," one of Hie most popular works on the game. Turning to the mechanical field, he In vented such puzzles ns the chair puz zle and the star puzzle, nlmost impos sible of solution. Phonograph Calls Cows. The phonograph, through the luge nuity of a couple of boys In Wisconsin, has become it thing of usefulness ns well as amusement. After the novelty had worn off tho boys had cast aside the "canned" songs and funny talks nnd gone back to checkers. But they found that doing the chores seriously Interfered with the game. One of them remembered that they could talk Into tho records and have the talk come out Just like it went in. So between moves each called Into the machine, "Come, fcoss; come, boss." Then they put the phonograph out facing the pasture and turned it loose. Thn rows came home. Copyright by American PreBs Asnoclatlon. THIS MAN HANDLES A MILLION PASSENGERS A DAY. i IHRTY years ago Frank Hedley, an English immigrant, came through old Castle Garden with about ?'J.15 In his overalls. The other day an interviewer queried him. "No doubt you had pltumod to enter upon a career on arriving in America?" "Ca reer? Thunder!" ejaculated Hedley. "I was planning to enter upon a Job, and that mighty quick. I needed the money." Now Mr. Hedley is gonornl manager of the subway and elevated railroads In New York, called the Intcrborough system, carrying more than a million passengers every day. When ho got to this country Hedley knew what kind of Job he wanted, too, which was in his favor. He was a skilled mechani cian. He crossed over the Hudson river and went to work In the Erie railroad shops at $2.40 a day. Now he receives $25,000 a jar at least that much, and probably more. They say he's worth it, too, being al ways on tho job. nis favorite amusement, ho says, is "to go home and count tho kids." Hedley Is a human dynamo. A Few Thoughts on Money. Money, otherwise known as dough, cush, gelt, rocks, etc. tin. The corpuscles of national circula tion which indicate tho strength of our constitution. It is often called a curse. Some swear by it, others swear for it, and still others swear at it. It often causes a species of mental derangement or delirium called money mania. Many are willing to be thus Inoculated. It is tho feature of social distinction. It is the measure of intelligence those who have It are wise, those who have it not aro foolish. Possession of It entitles one to tho use of a money gram. Though a medium of exchange. It has no connection with souls or astral bodies. It is tho religion of today, often called moneythelsm. Preachers pray for iff laymen Iny for It It is tho be all and tho end all. Chil dren cry for it, women sigh for it, men die for it, and all He for it Smart Set. Wrecked by a Knife Blade. A ship was once wrecked on the Irish coast. The captain was a care ful one. Nor had tho weather been of bo severe a kind as to explain the wido distance which the vessel had swerved from her proper course. The ship went down, but so much interest attnehed to thollsaster that a diving bell was sunk. Among other portions of the vessel that wero exnminqg was tho compass that was swung on the deck, and inside the compass box was detected a bit of steel, which appeared to be the small point of a pocket knife blade. It was learned, that the day before the wreck a sailor who had been set cleaning the compass had used his pocket knife In the proc ess and hnd unceremoniously broken off the point and left it remaining In tho box. That bit of Unlfo blade ex erted Its influence on tho compass and to n degree that deflected the needle from its proper bent and vitiated it as an Index of the ship's direction. That bit of knife blade wrecked the vessel. A Calamity. Neighbor My! My! So the story is true and your husband has really eloped with the servant girl. De serted Wife (weeping) Yes. and she was the best girl I ever had, too, a perfectly lovely cook, and so quiet and respectful. Dear knows whero I'll be ablo to get another! Philadelphia Times. Money. Money is character: money also is power. I have power not in proportion to the money I spend on myself, but in proportion to the money I can. if I please, give away to another. Bulwcr Lvtton. The great soul of this world Is Just.--Carlyle. Nature's Scene Shifting. Although In the geological past vast changes of level occurred on tho bor ders and even in tho center of conti nents, It Is a debated question whether at present similar elevations and sub sidences can bo detected. Recently the frequently repeated statement that the coasts of Massachusetts and New Jer sey are perceptibly sinking has been disputed, tho apparent subsidence be ing ascribed to simple chnnges of shore line. But some curious records kept In Europe seem to indicate that actual fluctuations of the level of tho land may occasionally bo observed. In the valley of the Mnln a church tower hidden behind a mountain screen has since 1SC1 gradually risen into plain view from the chateau of Strossen dorf, and still farther in the same di rection another church tower, which began to bo visible from Strossendorf eighty years ago, is now clearly seen above tho horizon nnd is said to rise higher as time goes on. SImilnr rec ords exist in Bohemia, in Switzerland. In Spain and In the French Jura. Ocean Derelicts. There is un old dread of encounter ing a derelict that is Just below the surface of the water. There is no such danger. A derelict that will sink below theisurface will sink to tho bot tom. Tnke a tub of water and try to find any object that will unattached occupy a position that is other than at the surface or at the bottom. There is a long task ahead of you. There is tho false theory that tho water grows denser as one goes deeper and that a sinking object will find n place where it will remain suspended. This theory is not correct, and a boat that will sink beneath tho surface will sink to tho bottom, even if that bottom should bo twenty miles down. The derelict that Is bumped Into has a piece of it self sticking out of the water as an alarm if the eyes of tho lookout are only sharp enough to catch It New York Tribune. Scotch Students. Many a man who never had nny "schooling" gets an education, and often a surprisingly good one. A traveler In Scotland onco met a farmer whoso ground rent was about ?20 a year and who wrote poetry In Gaelic that was of a high order. This same traveler met a youth In Scotland who rode from home on horseback to tho seaport and then across Scotland to Aberdeen, where bo sold his horse to enter the university. It is related of nuother Scotchman that ho was overheard repeating a lino of Ttmnyson, whereupon somo one ask ed him what poet ho liked best. "Homer," he replied. "Whoso translation do you read?" "I rarely read a translation," he said, wiping the fish scales from his apron. "1 like best to read Homer in the original Greek." Minneapolis Tribune Thackeray's Disfigured Nose. Tho usual account of how Thack eray was disfigured says that Vcnnbles broke the novelist's nose In a fait fight. John Ward In Notes and Que ries supplies number version. About a year after Thackeray's death Mr. Ward was traveling on one of tho tnnin railways and had ns companions two old ladles who know Thackeray well. One of them said tho novelist hnd told them this story: "Being one of the youngest pupils (nt Charterhouse), he was chosen by one of the older lads, a rather proud aristocrat in his way. to act as his fag. Thackeray bore It as well as he nould. but demurred t,o some more nr ultrary command than usnnl and flatly refused to obey, whereupon the young 'aristocrat' caught Thackeray up. hold his head under his arm and with the heel of his boot used as a hammer beat the beautiful aquiline nose quite flat with his face In fact, breaking and injuring Its structure completely the excuse being. 'You'll clenn my boots next time, sir.' " Before his injury Thackeray wns. tho same authority says, remarkably handsome. Westminster Gazette. Won His Supper. Terry Is of that class of gentry whose nimble wit Is the only thing which keeps tbcin from stnrvlng In this day of practicalities. Terry Is n great coffee drinker, and many are the expedients he will undertake to get It I when he is without funds. The other evening ho walked Into a cafo and said to the proprietor: "Good evening, Mr. M." "How are you, Terry?" was the re sponse. "Pretty good, pretty good, bnrrin' n bad t'roat. It's glad I am to sec ycr Bclf lookln so smart and yer doln' so well in yer business, now, ain't yer? It's glad I am, too, about that By the way, Mr. M.. would yer bo nfther trustln' mo this evcnln'?" "Trust you! Terry. I wouldn't be trustln' my own father." "Thrue fer you, Mr. M. If I'd know ed yer father as well as you perhaps I wouldn't trust him mesolf !" And Terry got his coffee and rolls. Chicago News. When Nature Was Timekeeper. In tho British museum Is a large stone composed of carbonate of lime, which would serve perfectly as a day laborer's calendar Inasmuch as it would Indicate to him every Sunday and holi day of tho year, though not the day of the month. Moreover, the stone Is an actual time record of the work done for a long period In an English coal mine. Tho "Sunday stone," as it Is called, was removed from a colliery drain. When tho miners were at work the water running through the drain left a deposit colored black by the coal dust, but when no work was being done the water ran down clear and loft a white deposit. These deposits in the course of time built up tho stone. Each day of work left a black streak. Immediately followed by a white streak made during tho night. Wide white streaks indicate the holidays and Sun days. Harper's Weekly. Back to Adam A parchment roll over a foot wide and nineteen feet long containing the genealogical tree of King Henry VI. is in the Welsh Natlonnl library at Aborystwith. Tho work is beautifully executed in tubular fashion of the lat ter half of the fifteenth century and is illuminated with miniatures, rich capi tals aid red ornamental letters. The pedigree is traced from Adam, and the particulars occupy a red line of six yards on tho scroll. On the loft side of tho pedigree appears the list of archbishops of Canterbury down to John Stafford and on the right side tho list of Welsh princes down to Ed ward I. Dundee Advertiser. Eskimo Trial Marriage. The trial marriage is an ineradi cable custom among the Eskimos. If a young man nnd woman are not suited with each other they try again, and sometimes several times, but when they find mates to whom they nre adapted the arrangement is generally permanent. If two men want to marry the same woman they settle the ques tion by a trial of strength, and the better man has. his way. "The North Pole," by Robert E. Peary. Ont) loses all the time which he might employ to better purpose. Rous spun. IT GROWS HAIR. Hero Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our Risk. Marvelous as It may seem, Rexall "03" Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. Of course, in none of these cases were tho hair roots dead, nor had tho scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearance. Rexall "03" Hair Tonic nets scieu tiflcally, destroying the germs which aro usually responsible for baldness It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating and nourishing them. It is a most pleasaut toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed, nnd will not gum or permanently stain the hair. Wo want you to got a bottlo of Rexall "03" Hair Tonic and use it as directed. If It does not relieve scalp irritation, remove dnudruft. prevent tho hair from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair, and In every wny give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, nnd with out question or formality wo will hand back to you every penny you paid us for It Two sizes, 60c. and $1.00. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. A. M. LEINE. A Double Risk. It was well known In Mayvlllo that when Cyrus Kauulug lent anything, from a hammer to a plow, he expected a good return for the favor. It was a matter of astonishment to Wilson Green, however, when on Inquiring of Mr. Funning how much It would tost to rent his lung ladder fur an after noon Cyrus replied promptly, "One dollar fifty." "Now, look here, Cy." remonstrated his neighbor; "you know I've got to borrow It. for mine Isn't long enough to reach where I'm obliged to climb to search out that chimney leak for the Widow Sears. Can't you make It less?" "No, I can't," and Mr. Panning shook his small head and closed his nbstlnato mouth. "Why can't you?" demanded Wilson Green. "Because there's a weak place In It ' two-thirds the way up!" snapped Mr. Fanning. "It'll bear my weight all right, but you're a good thutty pounds heavier. If it way under you 'twould cost mo.n dollar to get it mend ed. Considering the resk, 1 call a dol lar V a half cheap." Youth's Com panion. Questions and Answers. The time elapsing between a ques tion and au answer is almost as impor tant as the answer Itself. It may be wisely long or short, but the longer it is the wiser must bo the answer. Let nothing shocking to eyes or ears a roach those doors that close upon your child. Juvenal. Trustee's Sale of Stock The Creditors after the sale of the Herman stock of grocer ies have chosen Buel Dodge as their Trustee to dispose of their goods and they are do i nil to be sold regardless of cost. They must be sold at once. The sale opens Wednesday, at 8 A. M. at HERMAN'S STORE. 624 Main St. The stock consists of Groceries and Canned Goods, Etc. BUEL DODGE, Trustee. The Farmers tell us it is a "backward" spring; and our spelling recognizes the fact. But the spring is coming and the wise shoppers have been coming here to pick out the Spnngish Jewelry which goes so well with dainty Spring dresses and Millinery. Don't be backward in coming for ward to find the pretty thing which especially meets your taste. 1127 Main St. "The liny Is cold, It ruins, and the i SAY! IT'S GOING TO RAINS I Rainy days are dismal days, cheerless and full of gloom; but they are sure to come into the life of every person. You cannot hope to escape them entirely, but you may PREPARE FOR THE COMING STORM By opening a savings account In HONESDALE DIME DANK. Such a "rainy day" protection Is better than an umbrella, for the latter will get old and fall to be of service, while tho bank account, with its compound interest, will grow and grow and become a joy and comfort when you most need such factors of helpfulness. Come In and let us talk it over. With a one dollar deposit, which will belong to you, we gve a Household Bank free. HONESDALE NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, E8TATE-OF KUOENK Lateo South Canaan Township Wnyne. Co. All persons Indebted to said estate are noti fied to make Immediate payment to the un derslgncd ; and those ImviiiK claims against the said cstato aro notified to present them duly attested for settlement. JKANNKTT SWINDLE. Executrix. South Canaan. Pn.. Kob. 27, 1911. Jn:::j:nn::nnn:i:t;::r.::::::n5::t:t: I WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop nt that; have his proscriptions put up at. a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for more enre to be taken in t lie selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent, registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp.I). it II. Station, 1Ioni:sdai.e. Pa. :mtm:::itumM:::jmnjmm JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Ofllce: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store, Honeedale. M. LEEBRAMAN EVERYTHING UNLIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always' for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN MARTIN CAUFIELD t: H Designer and Man- ufacturer of ARTISTIC I MEMORIALS j Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. 1 HONESDALE, PA. g msmnnwimninttmtimttttmmHKttn mid dark, and dreary. wind Is never weary." DIME BANK Insurance