The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 21, 1911, Image 2

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May Coma From the Home of n Beau
tifut American Woman.
Au Ititcrcstliit? ruronntlon rumui" I I
that the king's coronation robe 1h like ,
ly 1o come from ttiu homo of an Ameri
cau girl. Itcccntly King (leorge ex
pressed 11 desire to wear the mantle of
George IV. Now, It hnppoiw that the ,
king's robe and much coronation punt-'
phcrnnlla are the perquisite!) of the
lord great chnmberlalu. An Karl of An- ,
caster was lord great chamberlain nt
the coronation of King George IV., and
bis coronation robes bang In the chapel
of Grlmstliorpe castle, at Bourne. In
Lincolnshire, one of the count) sea,
of the Ancastci-s. The Countess of
Aucasler. formerly Miss KloNe lirce
of New York, beard of the king's wiili.
Promptly sin, i,.,d i1L,r husband offer j
bis majesty the use of the robe, n
quosllng that it should bo returned iu
them after the coronation, for tlierv i
are three claimants to the ollli-e n ' !
lord great chamberlain, and otherwise
the robe might not return to the An
castors. Miss Breeso is a daughter of
the late W. L. Breese of New Yorl- '
and is a relative of the well knowi j
artist of that name. Her mother mar 1
ried a second time and Is Mrs. Harry j
Hlgglus. wealthy and a social leader i
in London. Before her marriage tin I
countess was n member of the clique '
that Included Princess Patricia of Con '
naught, Miss .lean Held, now the Hov i
Mrs. Ward, and several smart Anierl I
can girls, the Connaughts being no' j
ably partial to Americans. Her mar
riage to th then Lord Wllloughby dr
Lrsby was a reversal of the xi?:: i
order of things, for sho was not e
great heiress, while he was heir t
of the oldest and richest estates In
England. .Many persons believed 1 1 1 : r
his father, who was notable for his
public spirit and charities, would lie
created Duke of Ancaster, a title that
lapsed in the family.
Contempt For the, House of Commons,
Thoro Is nothing noble or exalted In
the history of the house of commons,
Indeed, a devil's advocate had be the
requisite talent could easily deliver white one scarcely any. By this simple pointed out the absurdity of the posl
au oration ns long and as eloquent as experiment ho learned that color has a l tion that I wanted the engravings for
tiny of Burke's or Sheridan's, taking
as hi., subject the stupidity, coward! . e
and. until recent times, the corrup-
tion of the bouse of commons, I con- j
fess I cannot call to mind a single oc
-asloii In its long and remarkable his-
tory when the house of commons, as
a whole, played a part either obvious-
ly heroic or conspicuously wise, but
we all of us can recall hundreds of or-
caslons when, heroism and wisdom be-
ing greatly needed, the house of com-
mous exlUDIted either selfish Indlf-
ference, crass ignorance or the vulgar
est passion. Augustine BUrell'fi "Es
s-iys and Addresses."
Knew the Boundary Line.
The friends of a couple lu Cleveland.
In whoso household no doubt exists n i "r olKmcn mscnargeu turougu this
to who Is the head of the family, tell novation sought to wreck the olilco
an interesting storv relative to the last ' PrlntlnB IIos square. Long be
trifllng passage at arms between bus- tUIs, tuo Tlmcs had bec" Printed
band and wife. One evening just be-1 'fsraphlcally-that Is to say. the pro
fore dinner the wife, who hnd been i,rlo.tor ctmcelvC(l the happy Idea of
playing bridge all the afternoon, came hav,"s ,words cast enth' t0 sllve tue
In to find her husband and a stmmr..
man laiierwaru asceriaineu to lie a
lawyer) engaged In some mysterious
business over the library table, upon
which were spread several sheets of
"What are you doing with all that
paper, nenry?" demanded the wife.
"1 am making a wish," meekly re
sponded the husband.
"A wish?"
. "Yes, my dear. In your presence 1
shall not presume to call It n will."
mous rafts of bamboo overlaid with
Not a Hindrance. cartll an(i i,earu,g ou tlle s,u.fllce of
It was n revival meeting, and the the water pretty houses and gardens,
church workers were working up nnd , They ore. in fact, aquatic farms, bear
down the aisles. A gray haired woman 1 ing crops of rlco and vegetables. The
past middle age approached a sedate rich bottom mud. utilized as nn artlfl
looking gentleman who occupied n rear cial soil, Is extremely fertllo nnd yleld3
seat on the end of tho row. Placing bountiful harvests, though on a "small
her hand ou his shpulder with maternal 1 scale. In a country where thcro is a
touch, sho said: . lack of available hind Mm flnntinir
"Don't you think you would like to j
o rMn-loHoiil"
bo a Christian?"
"My dear madam," bobcgau, "don't
you know that I am professor of theol
ogy In the little seminary at tho other
end of the town?"
Tho woman, a homely character, nnd
Ignorant of the "isms" and "ologles"
of the modern curriculum, gave answer
In smooth accents;
"Well, my dear brother, don't allow
a Httlo thing like that to stand in your
toav." Pnlladelnlila Times.
Copjripht by American Press Association.
iOK sixteen years Baron Lndlslaus Ilcngclmuller von Ilengervnr
(almost as long as his own name) has nerved Austria-Hungary
at Washington. He was minister from 1895 to 1903, when lie
was elevated to the ambassadorial rank. To make a short cut
through u!b name, be Is commonly known In America as Baron Hengel
mullor. With his family be has lived hi this country so long that he is
almost an American. In summer time the baron usually occupies a
house In the fashionable colony nt Now London. Conn. Prior to being
sent to Washington he bad represented bis country as a diplomat ut
Berlin. Parts, London, Dresdenand Belgrade. Ills wife, descended from
nn ancient Polish family, Is one of the most beautiful women In Wash
ington. The baron Is one of the mom popular diplomats in the foreign
Colors Warm and Cold.
One clear, cold winter's day Benja-
min Franklin spread a number of
handkerchiefs can-fully on a level
stretch of snow. One of the baudlcer-
chiefs was black, another white and
the others of various colors. Some
time afterward he returned and re-
moved the bnnkerchlefs carefully one
by one. measuring the depth of snow
under each. Under the black handker-
chief ho found that the snow had mclt-
ed considerably; under a red linndker-
chief, almost as much; under a blue
honkerchlef. very little, and under the
great deal to do with the warmth of
clothing. White sheds the sun's heat
almost as well as an oilskin sheds
water; blue is nearly as beat proof;
green la less so; yellow is a warm color.
red a still warmer color, while black
soaks up almost all the sun's heat that
strikes It. Make the experiment some
time and you will see why black
clothes are out of place lu the summer
time and white ducks in winter.
Christian Herald.
The Thunderer's Logographs.
Some of the most serious riots re
corded In the printing trades occurred
In 1814, when the London Times was
first printed by steam, nnd a number
"i mo irouuie or collecting
type. The logographs most In demand
were: Dreadful, robbery, atrocious out
rage, fearful calamity, alarming ex
plosion, loud cheers. Interesting fe
male. One hundredweight of each of
these was always kept in stock. In
teresting females no longer tigure in
newspaper reports, but otherwise the
cliches of journalism seem to have al
tered but little. London Chronicle.
China's Floating Islands.
On all tho great lakes of China aro
found floating Islands, which are euor-
plantations are most serviceable, largo
- i.-i . .. . ...
I nans uuiug uuucucu to tuo dwelling
house as well as to each corner of the
island whenever It is desired to move
about. After gathering a crop of
grain or garden produce from his farm
tho floating farmer casts his nets Into
tho water nnd from their depths brings
up a supply of fish for his family.
One bai example (polls a good manj
excellent prucepta.
I Cheeky John Forster.
In "William Harrison Alnsworth and
His Friends" the author. S. M. Ellis,
tells a quaint story of Alnsworth and
ibis friend John Forster. Alnsworth
bad discovered a tine set of Hogarth's
engravings which was held at 5, a
sum which, he said. "I could not just
then spare or at least did not think I
ought to spare. I took John Forster
down to see the Hogartbs, whereupon
he actually said that he would and
must have them himself nnd as be had
not 5 of loose money at that moment
I should lend that sum to him. 1
myself nul could not afford to lay out
the money; bow. rhen, could I lend lt-
to him? It was of no use. ne over
ruled me. had the 5 of me nnd bought
the Hognrths I was longing for."
The Moves In Chess.
In the number of possible moves
chess stands nlono among games, and
not only Is It perfectly safo to say thai
no living man has ever made even
once every possible move, but It Is
highly Improbable that in all the cen
turies of the history of the game lias
every possible move been made. The
different wnys of playing the first four
moves on each side aro so numerous
that If every man, woman nnd child
In a city of half a million population
were to set to work playing them at
the rate of four moves a minute night
and day It would be more than a year
before any one would bo able to leave
the chessboard.
A Freak Tortoise.
"Patrick, Patrick!" admonished a
lady. "Bo careful wbero you are walk
ing! You nearly, trod upon my darling
"Och, be alsy, me lady!" rejoined her
Irish gardener. "Shuns nn' I wouldn't
hurt a hair of his head, the sweet cra
tur!" London Telegraph.
His Choice.
Kindly Old Mnn Well, my little
man, what would you like to be when
you grow up?
Little Man I'd like to be n nice old
gentleman like you, with nothin' to do
but walk around nnd ask questions,
His Protest.
A bright little lad heard his parents
talking about the salaries of teachers.
"I don't seo why they should pay the
teachers," he said very seriously,
"when we children do all tho work."'
Policeman (to clubman returning
home late) nere. you can't open the
door with that. It's your cigar. Club
manGreat Scott, then I have smoked
my latchkey! Hire.
The Yankee Twist.
"You can always tell an English
man," said tho Briton proudly,
"Of course you can," replied the Yan
kee, "but It doesn't do any good."
Temporary Freckles.
There are two kinds of freckles, tho
t summer visitors and the permanent
residents. The former can sometimes
be removed by the application of any
one of many mild lotions.
, Crushed strawberries are reconi
mended. Finely powdered cinnanio;i
mixed with four times Its bulk of
honey nnd applied night and niorniiu
has done good. Pea broth Intent"! :
has boon credited with hclpfulne-s.
Some country maidens swear Jjy the
distilled water of wild tansy locally
used. Distilled elder flower water is an
old time preventive nnd remedy. I.ej
on juice Is found by some to suffice.
Peroxide of hydrogen has Its support
ers. Our great grandmothers used to
prepare in the still room, from garden
and wayside flowers, waters credited
with giving and preserving the pink
and white delicacy of skin they so
greatly admired.
Permanent freckles will not yield to
any such mild measures. Undoubtedly
they can be lightened by any of the
things that banish summer freckles,
but they do not disappear.
Dry Lips. '
Lips dry and constantly chapped
are apt to Indicate a poor condition of
the blood, so that a person who has
this symptom would do well to consult
a physician ns to her general health.
But, whether or not this is necessary,
external preparations applied locally
will relieve any Irritation and some
times effect a cure. When chapping
takes the form of deep cracks, almost
like cuts, gum benzoin Is the best ap
plication that can be made. Grease for
that purpose is not desirable, as the
skin must be drawn together and dried
in order that It may heal. This is the
action of gum benzoin. A bit should
be carried in one's purse or bag. ap
plying It when needed. Care should
be taken that the gum Is kept antl
eeptieall.v clean.
Cheap Complexion Cream.
An inexpensive complexion cream
for whitening and softening the skin
may be made as follows: Take a small
bottle of white vaseline, two and one
half ounces: simple tincture of ben
zoin, ten drops; powdered borax, one
quarter ounce: oil of sweet almonds,
one-half ounce; melted wax, one tea
spoonful. Melt the vaseline, add drop
by drop the benzoin, then the borax
and oil of sweet almonds. Boat with
an egg whisk until cool, add a few
drops of any perfume desired and
place in pomade pots.
Harmless Powders.
A really good powder for persons
suffering from a constantly greasy
complexion is not only harmless, but
is an absolute necessity. Powder, how
ever, must bo applied with judgment
nnd care and should only bo lightly
dusted on and never rubbed In.
Try mixing three ounces of wheat
starch with one ounce of powdered
orris root, adding a drop or two of oil
of berganiot to scent it. The powder
must be repeatedly sifted through u
very tine sieve.
Cleaning White Hair.
White hair should bo treated very
carefully, as It is always brittle and
breaks easily. The whites of two or
three eggs well beaten with one ounce
of cold water to each egg makes a
very tine shampoo for white hair. Itub
It well into the scnlp and hair, rinse
with tepid water and a very little blu
lug in the last rinse water will make
yellow while hair a prettier color. Use
no beat in drying and never curl with
hot Irons.
Emotion Cuts Wrinkles.
Strong emotions, either of Joy or
grief, leave their traces on the face.
Anger and tears soon trace deep fur
rows on the brows nnd leave the eye
sunken and dull. Try to look on the
bright side and hope for better things.
Massage will Improve your looks, pro
vided you do not undo all the good
work with daily tears. Work aud out
door exercise will be of the greatest
benefit. Try them.
Softening the Knuckles.
Knuckles which have been exposed
to dirt aud grime aro most unsightly.
Soap and water aro not sufficient to
clean them. First apply a Httlo olive
oil or a cleaning cream, rubbing well
Into the skin. Remove moisture and
scrub knuckles, using a brush, warm
wntor and soap.
Good Eye Lotion.
An excellent lotion for weak eyes is
the following:
Camphor water, fifteen drops; boric
acid (powdered) one-quarter ounce;
boiling water, one-half pint.
Mix, btraln and leave to cool. Then
apply to tho eyes several times a day
with nn yecup.
Crescents on the Nails.
Tho half moon or crescents at the
base of the nails can generally bo de
veloped by first soaking the fingers
in warm soapy water, then gently
pressing back tho cuticle that grows
over them. If this is very long it can
be carefully cut with fine curved scls-
More Elaborate Designs Popular For
Indoor and Outdoor Wear.
Tlie makers of fashions arc some
times considerate of our feelings and
our purses, and It Is kind of them not
to banish blouses from the pale of
stylish dress. For a general rule, it is
more satisfactory to have the blouse
match the color of the skirt material,
but both nil black and nil white blouses
are worn with colored costumes.
Nothing fortunately for most of us
can dim the glory of tho white silk
blouse for morning wear. For less
substantial bodices there are Bom
lovely schemes in veiled effects. Pale
gray ninon which veils pink is much in
favor, and the tissues of gold, copper
or silver glimmering underneath a
modest shade of uioussellno are partic
ularly fascinating and suggestive of the
lure of the orient. Appearing in the
same way Is a band of metallic gauze
running round the upper arm of the
sleeve, which In its entirety Is veiled
itli a dark blue chiffon.
Plain silk Is going to be made Into
separate blouses, and several pretty
results are obtained by a mixture of
Talsley and plain silk,
The Fullness of Her Love.
Pettibone One cannot live on love
nlone. Funulbone I can live ou my
love. Pettibone Why, how Is that?
Funnlbono She has $100,000. Ex
change. Faces are made beautiful by kind
aess. It is n divine sculptor.
Some of the best aud happiest hours
possible to a man's life are held In
trust for him, so to speak, by his fel
low men.
m i mm
Have you a kick coming ?
Is there anything that displeases you ?
Are you unhappy and need cheering up ?
Has any little thing gone wrong ?
Tell us your troubles. Let us help you ?
For each of the three best kicks each week, The Citizen
will give a brand new crisp one dollar bill. Don't kick too
lone;. 50 words to a kick. No limit, however, to the num
ber of your kicks. You don't have to be a subscriber to be a
Open to everyone alike, men, women and children, subscribers and non-subscribers.
Old and young, rich and poor. Remember two cents a word for the
three best kicks.
There must be something you don't like.
Kick about it. What good is an editor any
way except to fix up the kicks of his read
ers? Relieve your mind and get a prize!
A few suggested subjects at which to kick! Tho weather, of course.
Tight fitting shoes. The high cost of living. The hobble skirt and the
Harem trousers. High hats on week days. Suffraglsm, etc., etc., etc. The
tunnler tho better.
Several people have asked us if the fifty-word letters containing kicks
have to be signed. How olso will we know to whom to award tho prizes?
Whether in the event of the letter winning a prize and being published,
the name of the kicker would appear is another question. Undoubtedly
the writer's wishes would bo followed on that score. Our idea of the
"Kick Kontpst" Includes everything except direct and offensive personali
ties. Sit right down now and dash off fifty words about anything you don't
like and want to register a kick against. It won't take you five minutes
and you may win a prize. The more, original the subject tho better chance
for a prize. One dollar for less than flvo minutes work is pretty good par.
Of course you can make your kick as short as you wish. A clever fifteen
word kick may win a prize over a full-length fifty-word one. The shorter
tho better.
For the best kick of ten words or less The Citizen will pay an additional
prize of one dollar. Now then, lace up your shoes and let drive!
. ATTORNE a counselor-at-law.
Olllcc adjacent to Post Ofllce In Dinimick
ofllce, IIoih'siIu'c, l'a,
ATTOUKKV Jtt rnitUQPTnii.liiLT km
1.'.!?,0,io..vJ.r,po?t,0.mcev.A11 lcK' business
promptly attended to. Honesdule, Pa.
t,,fJ,,Cwr1'l,V,rt5'lr,n1,1 b'ldlni. opposite th
Post Ofllce. llonesdale. l'a.
Ofllce over Hclf's store. llonesdale Pa.
Special and prompt attention given to the
collection of claims. Ofllce over Kelt's new
store, llonesdale. l'a.
Olllceover the post ofllce llonesdale. l'a.
Ofllce in the Court House, llonesdale
Ofllce-Second floor old Savings Bnk
bulldlnc. llonesdale. l'a.
Ofllces Intelv occupied by ,liid2e Searle
Ofllce adjacent to Post Olllcc, llonesdale, P
"nR. E. T. BROWN,
Ofllce First floor, old Savlnss Hank build
ing, llonesdale. l'a.
OmCE HoUIiS-Si II. 111. to G p. 111.
Any evenins by appointment.
Citizens' phone. 33. Iiesldence. No. Sfi-X
Kye and Kar a specialty. The fitting of glass
es given careful attention.
LIVERY. i red. G. Rickard has re
moved his livery establishment from
corner Church street to Whitney's Stone
Certified Nurse,
Certified Nurse.-P. S. N.
Teleplioiie-Olen Kyre.
Advertise in The Citizen?
I f 9