The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 19, 1911, Image 2
XIIE CITIZEN, WEKNKSDAV, AIMUIj 10, 1011. ANNVERSAR Semicentennial of the First Year of Nal.'o.i'r. Life and Death Strug gle The Going Out o' the "Cotton Republics." By JAMbS A. EDGBUTON. ONE most fortunate fact fur nlshi'S the keynote to the llf tleth anniversary of the heglu nlng of the .civil war-the Union Is now so tirmly cemented that the celebration cannot disturb In the slightest degree the fraternal relations hctweou the two sections. There could 1 he no more complete vindication oi I popular government. Not only did the 1 Vnlon sustain the shock of the great- i est Internal war In history, hut In less I than a single lifetime Is more strouglj knit together than over before. : The first year of the war was not i conspicuous for the number or size a'- ! its battles. Indeed, the first Hull tt-i.i was the only general engagement of j first class Importance. It was a tiii.c , of preparation, of the mustering ii i and drilling of armies, of the phiunlu'. of campaigns, of a political strug e i over the border stales nnd of the i lection of generals. The preliminary steps leading to I'm i struggle had taken place hi the lnt days of 1800. They began Immediate i ly after the election. 'hen congress met there were various conferences of the southern senators and repreeuta tives, followed by addresses to their states and preparations for villi drawnl. South Carolina led the wa, in actually seceding from the Union, her ordinance having been adopled on Dec. 'JO. or nearly three weeks prior to that of 'iny other state. Without Compass or Eudder. The new year opened in gloom am1 uncertainty. The outgoing ndminltra Hon was vacillating between the doc trine of noncoerclon on the one side and the stiffening Union sentiment of the north on the other and was rtnlii'-' nothing effectual. Mr. Lincoln wti silent as to his coming policy. The uhlp of slate seemed to be drifting without compass or rudder. In this period of doubt t !i3 condition of the public mind may be imagined. The only people who seemed to know e' nctly what, they wanted were the southern leaders. There was no l.icl; of decision here. On .Tnn. 0 Mississippi went out. Florida followed on the loth and Alabama on the 11th. .Ian. ill neorgia cast In her lot with hoi" se ceding sisters, and one week later, on the 2(51 h. Louisiana cut loose her moor ings. Then came Texas on Feb. 1 rnmploting the seven cotton slate's, oi cotton republics, as they were called l.i the prints of the day, that formed the lint provisional government of the fnut hern confederacy. Events moved swiftly nt the south On Feb. 4 the provisional congress jim-i at Montgomery and on the Sth hid '.omplotcd the plans for a proUsioi il government. The next day Jefferson DavK who had resigned his post as United States senntor from Mississippi only a few days before, was eloitei' provisional president and nine dnvi later, on Feb. 18, was Inaugurated.. So matters stood when Abraham Lincoln became president on March 4. Things now began to happen also at the north. There was caution, yes, hut no more Indecision or halting. The difference was that the new head of the Washington administration knew ns definitely what he wanted as did the leaders nt Montgomery, ills en tire Inaugural address had been de voted to the one theme of preserving the Union, l'erhaps he did not yet realize the stupendous nature of tin1 struggle to reach Unit end. Nobod. did. Mr. Lincoln, Inexperienced as he was and unfamiliar with recent inside facts at Washington, yet seemed to have a keener insight into the situa tion and a more lively appreciation of the gravity of the crisis, however, than did those who surrounded him. On the I very tlrst day of bis term he was fife to face with the question that was to I prove the actual starting point of the war, that of provisioning nnd holding Fort Sumter. The Fall of Sumter. The anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter, which occurred on April 12, has already been celebrated throughout the land. The supplies and ie-enforcenients ordered by Lincoln were on their way and npproachetl the fort during the bombardment, only to he turned back. Despite the discour agements, the disparity in numbers, the exhausted food supply and the fall ing ammunition, the little garrison held out for three dnys, finally capitu lating on the l-lth. On the next dny President Lincoln sent out n call for 75,000 throe months troops. There was no more Indecision, As Greeley said in the Tribune, the government; nt last had a "man nt the head of it." The challenge wns accepted the moment It was made, Major Itohert Anderson, the hero of Kort Sumter, had a part later in the rear. He wns appointed to recruit Union troops in his native state of Kentucky nnd as a general hod charge for a time of tho Kentucky forces, . The firing on Sumter was the be ginning of the war. Tho people of the north were ns instant as Lincoln in rising to meet the crisis. The whole north blazed. Even New York city, that wns suspected of disloyalty, held monster mass meetings, and one news liier that hart been siding with the OF CIVIL WAR Struggle For the Border States The Advent of McClellan and Lee Cap tain Nathaniel Lyon's Death to Save Missouri. south was forced to change Its policy overnight. Stales overfilled their quota and clamored for the privilege of offer ing more troops. Not only men were forthcoming, hut money nnd supplies. Ilurdly since the crusades was there 'over witnessed such n spontaneous popular uprising. It was as though a divine decree had gone forth nnd the heart of the nation responded. The south was affected equally with the north. Virginia nnd North Caro lina had been In the balance, but Sum ter decided them. Henceforth there was no middle ground. lie who wns not for the nation was against it. On April 17 Virginia went out of the Union. Tennessee and Arkansas would probably have Joined the cotton states anyway, although there was a con- slderahle Union population in the ! mountain section of Tennessee. These, with Virginia and North Carolina, made up the eleven states that finally constituted tho rebellion. Fighting For the Border States. There then began a struggle for the border states, which in one sense was altogether the most important develop ment of the year. In this struggle tho north was the victor. Had the result been different there might have been nnother outcome to the war. The story of the holding of Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland and of tho cutting off of West Virginia Is of thrilling in terest. While there was little blood shed In the process, there wns general- - I 1. MONUMENT ON BILL RUN BATTLEFIELD. 2. TREE RIDDLED BT BULLETS DURING THE RATTLE. II. GENERAL GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN. 4. GENERAL V. G. T. BEAUREGARD. fl. MAJOR ROB ERT ANDERSON. ship of a high order. The retention of each of these states was worth the winning of many battles. In point of time nnd perhaps in strategic importance Maryland came first. The Baltimore riots occurred on i April 10. Portions of the Sixth Massa I chusetts in passing through the city were attacked by a mob, several sol ! dlers being hurt and some killed. The I troops (lred back, wounding and kill ing ninny. Tho police finally restored J a semblance of order, and the soldiers ! proceeded. The "massacre," as It was called, had a still further effect in In flaming the north. Its influence on Maryland was equally great. Other uprisings occurred In outside towns, and It looked for a time that the state would be swept into tho rebellion and tho city of Washington would lie ma rooned iu hostile territory. Delega tions from Baltimore visited tho cap ital with demands that no more sol diers pass through Baltimore. Some of tho more timiii Marylanders peti tioned that soldiers should not cross the state at all, which caused Lincoln to sny rather quaintly that as they could not fly over or go under the stato they would have to cross It. The famous Seventh New York spent days of arduous labor in rebuilding the rail road from Annapolis and finally reached Washington, marching up Pennsylvania avenue In fine form, to the prodigious cheering of the citizens. Henceforth this route wns used with out further difficulty. Soon afterward General Butler took charge In Balti more, and the uprising In favor of the south subsided. Lyon and McClellan. In Missouri the governor nnd many of the state officials wcro on the side of the sout'i and were active in the efforts to take the stato out of the Union. They were defeated only by the nativity of a league headed by Frank P. Rlafr end Caftnln Nathaniel Lyon, lloverin)'' Jackson liihllshcrt n camp In St. J.otilM ii.-u-ifii In honor of himself. Ou May lc t rptnlu Lyon de scended on Camp .bit'' i-n and cap tured It Wtrhout b!o"l heil Ho then followed Jr. kson and (fouoml I'rlt'1. defeating them In several engage ments, only to lose bis own life In the battle of Wilson's Creek or' Air 10 It wns a costly sacrifice. Lyon belli" one of the most promising oltlcers de veloped In the early part of the war but It kept Missouri In the Union ami this fact wns unquestionably Inlltteii 'inl.ln holding Kentucky. Tho winning of West Virginia brought General George It. McClellan to tho front. McClellan Joined the army In Ohio nnd was sent across the Ohio river with several regiments early In the yenr. The Virginians west of the Allegheny mountains had never been In close political sympathy with those of the eastern part of the slate and voted nlmost solidly against re cession. Under the protection of the Union troops a convention was called nnd on June 10 Its members practiced a little secession on their own hook, formally separating from tho remain der of the state on Juno 10. The next day a governor was elected, and a month Inter a new state was erected, which was admitted In ISO-"1. Mean while McClellan nnd his generals ,iad won a succession of victories In the vicinity of Grafton and had driven the opposing troops out of the new state. McClellan wns not the only ofllcei' afterward conspicuous who participat ed in the flchtlng lii 18(51. Colonel Rob. ert E. Lee. his great opponent, while opposing secession, went out with his ,lllto aml r(.st;nc(1 from tho lItllt(.(1 States army in April, soon afterwaul being placed nt the head of the Vlr glula troops. "Stonewall" Jackson ,ili made his first appearance In 1S(il, n did General Sherman. Grant also won his first battle, though late in the year Th Death of Ellsworth. An eveat that served to arouse the north almost as much as did the 'firing ou Sumter or the Baltimore riot was the assassination of Colonel E. Elme1 Ellsworth on May 1!4. Ellsworth was tho colonel of the famous zouaves re cruited from the Now York llrenien When ordered to Alexandria his tlrst act was to remove with his own hands a Confederate flag floating from a hotel that had long been an offense to Washington, since on clear days It was in sight of tlie capltol. While descend ing with the flag wrapped about his body Ellsworth was shot by the pro priotor of tho house. The first actual battle of the war be tween organized troops wns that at Big Bethel, Va., fought on June 10. Bull Run came only eleven days late1' Volumes have been written to expl.iii. the outcome of this battle. In the light of subsequent investigations It doe. uot appear the rout at first reported It was a well planned action ami, con sldering the unseasoned condition of the troops, was well fought. In the forenoon the Union men bad all the best of the lighting, but the arrival of Johnston's fresh troops from Winches tor In tho nfternoon turned the tide It was tho release of this army from the vicinity of Harpers Ferry, where they had been engaged by General Patterson, that unquestionably decided the fate of tho day. General Beaure gard commanded for the Confederates. The engagement served nt least one useful purpose. It aroused the north to the seriousness of tho struggle. Most of the battles of 1801, especial ly In the east, were Union reverses Ono of the most lamentable was the fight of Ball's Bluff, Va., in which Colonel Edward D. Baker, Lincoln's lifelong friend, lost his life. On tho whole, however, the yenr was not one of discouragement to the Union cause. Tho north hnd been aroused nnd united, an army created and drilled and tho border states held In line. These three things laid the Rvoundwork for future success. FLORAL BEAUTY FOR HATS A Wealth of Exquisite Blos soms For tho New Headgear, FLOWER TBIMMBD HAT. Flower decorated hats are the rule this season, and the flowers are applied with such abundance that the cost of the hats is far from being as encour aging ns It should be. For instance, tho elegant white chip hut shown here Is adorned with roses that so success fully imitate the natural flowers that they might well be mistaken for thorn. Tho roses are of pluk tulle, whit h gives them their peculiarly light and airy appearance. There Is something very attractive this season about the new millinery, partly, no doubt, because the latest shapes show so much variety and partly also boeauxo the colorings which nre most in vogue are of the daintiest and most delightful description. Various small blossoms, massed closely together, will be employed to cover entirely the high crowned and narrow brimmed toques and hats, which seem likely to take the place of the extinguishers of last season. Giant violets in thlr own beautiful purple coloring lire being used for these floral toques, intermingled with the same flowers dyed In a vivd shade of crim son. The violet anil crimson blossoms are grouped together so that they cover both crown and brim, while high ou one side there is frequently a tall aigrct of flowers. The Swedish Almanac. The Swedish name almanac differ from English almanacs in giving, he sides the usual information, a Chris tian name for each sex for every day of the year. The names set forth have to receive the approval of tho king. The object ulmert at Is to secure a greater choice of names for" parents and to avoid tho endless repetition of a dozen or so names. A similar uaino almanac Is Issued under roynl author ity in one of the German states. Lon don Graphic. Sounded Bigger, "How did you get that new clerk? Ho wouldn't accept an offer from me." "Probably I offered him larger In ducements." "I told him his wages would be S10 a week." "That's It, then. I told him his sal ary would bo $10 n month." Cleveland Leader. Moral Courage, As to moral courage, I have very rare ly met with the 12 o'clock in the morn lng courage. I mean unprepared cour age, that which Is necessary on an un expected occasion, and which, in spite of the most unforeseen events, leaves futt freedom of judgment and decision. wi nr,Tf i,r,. Roll of HONOR Attention is called to tne STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL Or HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wavne County. Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88 Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26 llonesdale, Pa., December 1, 1910, ! Mm ill Ann Bofeyn and the Lemon. WliO1 vcr thinks of onnectlng such a commonplace at It 1 if diet as the lemon with the rorni' history of lit fated Anne Uoleyn'.' Y l indirectly she wns the cause' nf its llrsl Introduction Into England and so Into i.mpulnr no tice. Henry VII L gave such splendid feasts and pageniitK in honor of the coronation of Anne and of their pre vious nuptials as had seldom been ac corded to queens of the blood roynl. Tnese kingly entertainments were in turn followed by the grunt civic feasts of London, for which tin.' whole world was searched for delicacies to add ti the splendor. At one1 such banquet, graced by the presence of the royal pair, a lemon was Introduced as an elegant novelty. To an epicure such as Henry the acquisition of a castle In France would have proved less ac ceptable, and such wns tho Importance? attached to the discovery so says un old biographer that a special record I " was made of the fact that the cost of this precious lemon was six silver pen-1 tiles! His "Turnout." Isn't this earlier than your 1 for going home? Yes hut my wife said If I by the :i:-I,r she'd meet me' ('lel-UoA usual time IJarUley came out with tin1 carriage. 1 "1 didn't know you kept a horse and , carriage." "Er er It's a baby and carriage ' Order your furniture by mall and get factory prices. Only $3.92 for this fine, brass-trimmed Iron Bed In any size. Lacqnered brass rods, orna ments and vases. Beautifully enameled In every detail. Reverso rails to fit any kind ot sprlnp. A bed of similar style and quality retails In stores for $5.50. Carefully packed, shipped for $3.92. Do you wish to save fully a third in buy ing your furniture? Send today for our Factory-Price Cat alogue. Sent free on request. "Stlckley Brandt" furniture Is the kin that serves you. longest and best. BIKGHAM'TOH. IT. Y. KICK THE Have you a kick coming ? Is there anything that displeases you ? Are you unhappy and need cheering up ? Has any little thing gone wrong ? Tell us your troubles. Let us help you ? For each of the three best kicks each week, The Citizen will give a brand new crisp one dollar bill. Don't kick too long. 50 words to a kick. No limit, however, to the num ber of your kicks. You don't have to be a subscriber to be a kicker. Open to everyone alike, men, women and children, subscribers and non-subscribers. Old and younc. rich and poor. ltemember two cents a word for the three best kicks. There must be something you don't like. Kick about it. What good is an editor any way except to fix up the kicks of his read ers? Relieve your mind and get a prize! KICK! KICK ! KICK ! A few suggested subjects at which to kick! Tho weather, of course. Tight fitting shoes. Tho high cost of living. The hobble skir( and the Ilarom trousers. High hats on weok days. Suffraglsm, etc., etc., etc. The tunnler the better. Several people have asked us If tho fifty-word letters containing kicks have to be signed, llow else will wo know to whom to award the prizes? Whether in the event of the letter winning a prize and being published, the name of the kicker would appear is another question. Undoubtodlr tho writer's wishes would be followed on that score. Our Idea of the "Kick Kontest" Includes everything except direct and offensive personali ties. Sit right down now and dash off fifty words about anything you don't llko and want to register a kick against. It won't take you five minutes and you may win a prize. The more original the subject the better chanoe for a prize. One dollar for less than five minutes work is pretty good par. Of course you can mako your kick as short as you wish. A clever fifteen word kick may win a prize over a full-length fifty-word one. The shorter the better. For the best kick of ten words or less The Citizen will pay an additional prizo of one dollar. Now then, lace up your shoes and let drive! PKOFESSIONAIi CARDS. Attornev-at-Lnw. e: WILSON ATTORNEY A COIINBEI.OH-AT-I.AW. ()lllra nrilnre nt til Prist ntltrn In Tllmmlflr ofllce. lloncsilaie, l'a. WM. II. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOn-AT-LATf. Office over post ofllce. All lecul business promptly attended to. Honcsdale, Pa. E. C. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY A COUKEELOR-AT-LAW Otllce I.lhortv Unit hlllllllno. imnnolfn Him Post Olllce. llonesdale. Pa. HOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office over Itelf's store, llonesdale Pa. CHARLES A. McCARTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW. Special and prompt attention clvcn to the collection of claims. Olllce over Kelt's new store, llonesdale. Pa. n P. KTIM KITE. I, h . attorney a cohnselou-at-law Olllce over the post olllce llonesdale. Fa. iTlf E. SIMONS, ill. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LaW 1 Ofllce in the Court House, llonesdale l'a. iETER H. ILOKF, ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllce Second, floor old Savings Bnk Hnnesrtale. Pa. SEA RLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELOR8-AT-LAW. Otllccs lately occupied by Judge Kcarle c HESTER A. GARRATT, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllce adjacent to Post Ofllce, llonesdale. P Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Olllce Kirst Hour, old Saving's Hank build ing, llonesdale. Pa. DR. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, IIONESDALE, A. Office Hoimg-8n. in. to 6 p. 111. Any evening by appointment. Citizens1 phone. 33. liesidence. No. 8&-X Physicians. T 15. PETERSON, M. D. 1120 MAIN' STREET. IIONF.SDALE. PA. Ev?und Ear n snnciultv. Thf (It tin? of pIarm- es given careiui attention. LIvcry. TI JLi moved his livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone Barn ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl Certified Nurse, MRS. C. M. BONESTEEL, GLEN EYRE, PIKE CO., PA. Certified Nurse,"!. S. N. Tcleplioiic-Cileu ICyre. 17inoi Advertise in Tho Citizen? EDIT f f a