The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 19, 1911, Image 1

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    You Want a Better County Paper
Help Us Get Both !
68th YEAR -NO. 31
Alleged Fire Bug May Not Cororner's Jury Report! Wayne County Visitor
be Prosecuted : On Double Tragedy ! Makes 'Em Laugh
Sustained Interest Shows Popularity of Kick Kon
test Fresh Supply of Brand New Bills.
We Want 5000 Circulation
m ' i
12-Hour Conflict Rages at
Agua Prieta
The most iinportani battle of the
-Mexican revolution thus fnr was that
on Monday at Rgua Prieta between
1600 Federals, under command of
Lieut-Col. Diaz, and 1000 rebels
under Balasario Garcia, and result
ed in the repulse of the formen
The battle, however, was not fin
ally decisive. It lasted from 6:30
i a. m. until sundown. At nightfall,
two Federal machine guns were In
I i.1 i r , 1 i . ,
cuu lusHussiun oi lie reueis anu me
Federals had sustained a loss esti
mated by the rebels as at least 200
killed and wounded. The rebels
gave their own loss at 20.
From the beginning of the battle,
regardless of the warning given by
he United States Government to the
leaders of both forces, a rain of bul
lets poured Into the American town
f Douglas, and, when the day was
ver, It was found that seven non
iombatant residents of that city had
been wounded.
The situation Is regarded in Wash
ington as serious. The President
yesterday received many bulletins re
garding the battle, and is described
as being much worried. His inten
tion Is to leave the question of in
tervention by this country to Con
gress. Senator Stone of Missouri
has introduced a resolution directing
the Committee on Foreign Relations
to investigate the situation in Mex
ico and to make a report to the Sen
ate. Efforts toward peace continue.
The Journey of the elder Madero,
who will appeal to his son to stop
the conflict, was interrupted yester
day by the burning of railway
bridges, but was later continued.
Gen. Orozco is still engaged with
the Federal forces north of Chihua
hua in his attempt to rescue rebel
prisoners, including Americans, cap
tured at Casas Grandes.
Important engagements are ex
pected today in the States of Publa,
Tabasco, and Yucatain. Rebels are
again active in Morelos and the Fed
eral district, In one town of which a
revolutionist Government has been
set up.
Capt. Oscar G. Crelghton, an
American, who blow up many rail
road bridges for the rebels, was
killed near Juarez.
Mexico City is anxious over the
situation. It is feared that rebel
successes will greatly add to their
How Sproul Bill Will
Affect the Town
There are two hundred and eighty
different routes provided for in the
"Sproul" Stato Highway bill as it
passed the State Senate. The bill
Js now being considered in the
House of Representatives. Hones
dale and Wayne county are effected
by the following routes:
Route Six from Scranton to
Honesdale commencing at a point
on the boundary line of the city of
Scranton and running by way of
Dunmore, Throop and Carbondale
to a place on the dividing line be
tween Lackawanna and Wayne
ounties, thence into Honesdale,
Route Seven from Honesdale to
llilford commencing in Honesdale
and running to Hawley to a point
on the dividing lino between Wayne
and Pike counties, thence by way of
Blooming Grove into Milford, Pike
Route One Hundred and Seventy
ne from Stroudsburg to Honesdale,
ommencing in Stroudsburg and
running over Route One Hundred
and Sixty-nine to Swiftwater, thence
to Pocono Summit, thence over
Route One Hundred and Sixty-nine
to Mount Pocono, thence by way of
the North and South Pike to Drov
er's Homo to a point on the dividing
lino between Monroe and Wayne
counties; thence by way of South
Sterling, Newfoundland, Hamlin,
Ariel, Pink, Hoadleys and Cherry
Ridge in Honesdale, Wayne county.
Route One Hundred and Seventy
two from Scranton to Honesdale:
Commencing at a point on the
boundary line of the city of Scranton
and running over Route One Hun
dred and Sixty-eight to Elmhurst;
thence by way of Drinker to a point
on the dividing line between Lack
awanna and Wayne counties; thence
by way of Hollistervllle and Hamlin
thence over route One Hundred and
Seventy-one into Honesdale, Wayne
Route One Hundred and Soventy
three from Honesdale to the New
York State lino: Commencing in
Honesdale and running by way of
Dyberry, Rileyvllle and Equlnunk
to a point opposito the New York
State line.
Route One Hundred and Seventy
four from Honesdale to Montrose:
Commencing in Honesdale and run
ning over Route Six to Carbondale;
thence running to a point on the
dividing lino between Lackawanna
and Susquehanna counties; thence by
way of Clifford, South Gibson, Har
ford and the New Milford; thence
"Well I don't know, I'm sure,"
said Eugene H. Cortright of the firm
of C. A. Cortright & Son, when seen
at his office, Thursday morning by a
Citizen man, anil told that it was
rumored about town that the case
against Thomas Healy, charged with
setting lire last Wednesday night to
the Cortright barn, was to be drop
ped, and asked whether that rumor
was correct.
"I went over and talked with him
Sunday," continued Mr. Cortright.
He simply says he didn't do it; that
he wasn't in the barn after half past
"Oil yes, he feels awful bad as he
naturally would. He feels bad to
think we accused him of it. I don't
know what to do."
Thomas Healy came to Honesdale
about fifteen or sixteen years ago,
according to Mr. Cortright, and he
was away about eight years. He
came as an orphan from the New
burg, N. Y., home.
"lie came here," resumed Mr.
Cortright, "on a boat. Somebody
took him from the home, and he has
been here since, save when he was
out west.
"He went by the name of "Tom
my" Cortright quite a little. My
father, Chauncey Cortright, took him
in. He has been here ever since he
came back from the west.
"He's a line boy when he's sober,
and an awful good worker.
"I hardly know what to do. We
only had him arrested on suspicion
"Coals Of Fito On His Head."
"I bought a new suit of clothes and
sent It over to him yesterday. He
hadn't spent a cent of money for
clothes, for several years. Every
cent of money he got went for
"Healy had his meals up at the
house. He very seldom went to the
house when he was drinking, and he
would go for two weeks at a time
without eating anything, so you can
imagine what condition he was in.
When asked again what he was
going to do in the matter, Mr. Cort
right said: "1 am going to let him
get good and sober. He's got quite
a number of friends. When he's so
ber, there's no better boy every lived.
He'd do nnything in the world for
As to his early life, Mr. Cortright
told of his coming to Honesdale
many years ago. "He said the' men
whipped him on the boat. He must
have been ten or eleven years old
then. Ho is about twenty-seven
years old now. He came here in the
day time. My father went to Father
John, who was the parish priest here
then, and he told him to keep hlra.
He stayed here seven or eight years.
He went away in 1900 and came
back a little over two years ago.
"I got a letter from St. Louis say
ing if I'd send him money, he'd come
back to Honesdale. I sent him ?20.
Joined 'Hie Salvation Army.
"He worked for the Salvation
Army in St. Louis quite a long time.
Ho gets letters from Salvation Army
headquarters out there now."
Sir. Cortright thought Healy
might have been Jealous of Edward
Hempstead, who is to go into partner
ship with him after the barn is built
and things are straightened out.
On the day of the fire Healy went
up to the Cortright house, and want
ed to go to bed in the spare room.
Mrs. Cortright wouldn't let him, and
told him to go down to the barn and
sleep. Healy said to her "he'd get
even with her," or words to that
over Route Ten into Montrose, Sus
quehanna county.
Route Two Hundred and Twenty
from Honesdale to Stroudsburg:
Commencing- In Honesdale and run
ning over Route Seven to Blooming
Grove; thence by way of Porter's
Lake to a point on the dividing lino
between Pike and Monroe counties;
thence by way of Ressaca and Pop
lar Bridge to Marshall's Creek;
thence over Route One Hundred and
sixty-seven to Stroudsburg, Mon
roe county.
Route Two Hundred and Twenty
seven from Honesdale to the New
York stato line: Commencing in
Honesdale and running over Route
Six to Prompton; thence by wny of
Aldenvllle, Creamton, Wayne Fish
Hatchery and Belmont to a point on
the dividing line between Wayne
and Susquehanna counties; thence
by way of Herrick Center, Ararat and
Jackson to Susquehanna; thenco
over Route Ten to Great Bend;
thence to the New York State lino.
Route Two Hundred and Fifty
five from Honesdale to the Now
York State line: Commencing In
Honesdale and running over Route
Seven to the dividing line between
Wayne and Pike counties; thence by
way of Baoba, Rowlands and Lacka
waxen to Shohola, Pike county, op
posite Barryvllle, New York.
The Harrisburg Telegraph of
April 13 said: Governor Tener will
probably have the pleasure of at
taching his official autograph to his
great State highway measuro next
week. There was not a vote against
the bill In the Senate yesterday and
it will go through the House In
about the same fashion.
"That Edward Hunkelo and Chns.
Hunkele came to their death in the
township of Palmyra, November 11,
1910; that Edward Hunkele came
to his death from dilation of a de
generate heart, caused by some un
due excitement; that Charles
Hunkele came to his death by suf
focation or strangulation by some
person or persons to the jurors un
known," was the verdict rendered.
last Saturday afternoon," at an aa
journcd meeting of the coroner's!
jury held in the office of Dr. E. B. .
Gavitte at White Mills.
The report Is signed by the six
men selected to serve by acting coro-1
nor Robert A. Smith when the ilrst j
Inquest was held November 12, who
are Eugene A. Dorilingor, Morris
Evans, H. E. Bassett, J. S. Edsall,
Nelson Johnson, Jno. C. Dorflinger.
Dr. John D. Wilson, Scranton, ap
peared before the Inquest, and went
over the case quite thoroughly.
Skipping unimportant details and
summing it up he said to the jury
about what they found as a verdict,
viz: that Edward Hunkelo came to
his death by reason of dilation of a
degenerate heart, brought on by
some unusual excitement. He (Dr.1
Wilson) couldn't tell what that ex-,
citement was of course.
Charles Hunkele was either suffo
cated or strangulated, and under the
circumstances as the witnesses de-,
tailed it, it could not possibly have
been done by himself.
The reason for the delay In the
finding of the coroner's jury, was due
to the delay of Dr. Wilson in furnish
ing his report and partly owing to
the difficulty of getting the jurymen
As far as can be learned no chemi
cal examination of the viscera of the
ill-fated Hunkele brothers wat- ever
made, since such an analysis would
have cost from $1,000 to ?1,500.
Dr. Wilson's pathologic diagnosis
in the case of the Hunkelo brothers
covers twelve closely-written type
written pages.
The whole countryside was shock;
ed one day last November to hear
of the tragic death of the Hunkele
brothers at the homo of their father,
Fred J. Hunkele, who lives on a farm
in Palmyra township, Wayne couuty,
one short mile south of White Mills,
right over the township line, along
the towpath of the old Delaware and
Hudson canal.
(Continued on Page Five.)
Next Tuesday Last Day
for New Bills
Next Tuesday is the last day for in
troducing new bills in the House of
Representatives, except by unanl
mous consent, for this session, but
as this Is not often denied except to
unpopular members, the door will
still bo left open for anything of a
worthy nature. In the Senate no
restriction has been made so far as
the time is concerned and bills can
come In for some time yet, even
though May 25 bas been set as the
day for final adjournment. With five
months of work ahead to clean up in
Ave weeks, there must bo a weeding
out process, for in matters legisla
tive it is not always a case of the
survival of the fittest. Probably a
thousand bills will fall by the way
side, some of them meretorlous, while
others, probably less so, will manage
to get through and up to the Gov
ernor. "Something Doing."
There will bo something doing
from now on. Bills of vast import
ance remain to bo acted upon, to
some of which the Republican or
ganization practically stand pledged,
and which it will try to work
through. The school code is past the
House and In a fair way to pass the
Senate with some amendments await
ing It. Senator Sproul's bill will get
through with but little opposition.
Governor Tener's Public Utilities bill
seems destined to cause trouble for
the lawmakers, for some of the big
corporations are disposed to light.
Bills reorganizing several of the De
partments are still pending, as well
as some salary questions. During
the second week of May and from
then on appropriation bills and ad
ministration measures are given the
right of way, so that there is need
for some hustling on the part of the
ambitious member who is desirous of
making a good Impression by getting
his bill up to the Governor.
Governor Tener Is showing a flno
discrimination on matters requiring
Executive approval, and has his veto
axe working, just to show how handy
ho can be with that weapon. His
reasons for disapproval are bo fair
and convincing, that so far no offer
has been made to override tho veto.
Autoniobillsts Kick.
Automobillsts over the state are
planning a fight against the bill put
ting the license fees well up over the
(Continued on Page Four.)
Step lively now if you want to split
a few laughs with Mr. Willis Sweat
nam; head porter on the "Excuse Me"
express, and long recognized as head
quarters for an original brand of
burnt cork comedy.
For almost fifty years the Sweat
nnm face has had Its daily dip In
burnt cork, and tho rugged health
of Its owner makes It fairly Bure of a
brunette bath for many years to
come, a fact which will please thous
ands who have been amused by tho
ebony entertainer. During that per
iod he has joked his way around the
world, his high pitched voice and
hesitating delivery having made au
diences laugh in many countries. Old
timers will recall htm best as one of
the funniest end men that ever inter
rogated nn interlocutor about the
chicken, but the present generation
knows him as the delineator of a
number' of darky characters In plays
of the last decade.
"Wo-wo-wowhat you want with
me, man?" asked Mr. Sweatnam
throwing on his stuttering dialect to
the last speed. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-has
Ah done anything wrong?"
Assured that every little thing was
all right and that there was no need
of being alarmed, he reached down to
his ankles and drew up a sigh of re
lief. Then ho went on with the work
of destroying his identity. Half a
dozen moves with the sooty hands
and the Sweatnam smile was burled
under an Inky blanket.
"Doesn't your face ever protest
against such treatment?"
"It knows better. It wouldn't get
anything to eat if I didn't black up."
"You've been blacking up a few
years now?"
"About fifty. What are you laugh
ing at? You're like all the rest of
my friends. They think I'm twice
fifty." Every once In a while I meet
an admirer who insists that I must
be at least two hundred and ten years
old. That's because I started so
young. I began when I was seven
and 1 was llfty-seven last month.
When you've been before the public
fifty years you can find lots of per
sons .who romember seeing you fifty
years before you started. And they'll
tell their friends that you were an
old man then."
"Have you ever tried white face?"
"Several times, but not for very
long. 1 always felt half undressed
when I reached the footlights. You
know how you feel when you forget
to put on your undershirt. Well, just
like that. I don't mind It any more.
It's got to be second nature. My face
could' black itself without any as
sistance now. Tho habit is so strong
that I 'have to wear handcuffs to keep
from blacking up during the vacation
Has Had n Shady Past.
"You've had a shady past?"
"And I hope the future Is just as
dark," laughed the comedian. "I
know it's a shame to deprive the
matinee girls of the chance to rave
over my beauty, but It cannot be
helped. Nature Intended that I
should go through life under a
cloud, and that's all there Is to it."
"And now for the little school
house stuff."
"Meaning where was little Willie
bornj '
"Then prepare yoursolf for the
worst. Zanesvillo, Ohio. I Inter
rupted the proceedings there one
bright morning fifty-seven years ago.
When all the children began acquir
ing crooked mouths from trying to
say Zanesvillo my father decided it
was time to move to' Cincinnati. I
was fivo years old at the time and
did not have a vote in family matters.
If 1 had I would have been for New
York on the first ballot. I made ray
first appearance in Cincinnati as a
member of a juvenile dramatic com
pany. I was seven years old at the
"What was the name of the
"I can't recall just now, but I
had the leading comedy role. My
sister Sally had the principal sou
brette part. Wo travelled all
through Ohio and did fino business.
Juvenile companies wore In great
demand at that time. I don't re
member what wages I got, but I
can't recall that It placed any great
strain on my trousers. My mother
went with tho troupe to look after
"When did you begin your min
strel career?"
"Not till several years later.
While I was with tho dramatic com
pany I put In all my spare moments
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Scliuerliolz Retained by Washington.
J. Ed. Griffin, baseball writer for
the Washington Star, says in Satur
day's Issuo:
Sherry, the youngest member of
tho National's pitching staff, will be
given an opportunity to develop
gradually. It is not likely that he
will start any game for some time,
but the first time a game Is lost or
the Nationals get a big margin on
the right side of tho ledger, Sherry
will bo given an opportunity to face
some Major League batsmen, Tho
youngster has plenty to make him
a winner and only needs experience
and he Is to devote his entire season
to getting that.
The fifth week of The Citizen's kick kontest finds an inkreased and en
thusiastic response, judging from the stacks of letters the kick editor re
ceives with every mail. Interest in the kontest continues unabated. The
kicks kome In from every part of the country and not a few from oxitsida
the state; as, for instance one kick which came from San Diego, California.
Tho kontest has proven one of. the, most popular ever run by a news
paper in Wayne county and not least of its many merits Is the fakt that no
subskrlptlon strings are attached to It. Everybody Is eligible to kompete
whether they subscribe to The Citizen or not. For details see page 2. Some
of tho kicks aro as follows:
Editor The Citizen:
Hero's my second kick:
My first you did not comprehend,
Men always kick awhile,
Before they justly bow or bend;
My lone estate, I did not mention,
My real estate does need attention.
Hawley, Pa.
Answer: A thousand pardons,
madamc. Wo know a mighty good
real estater If you care for his ad
dress. To The Citizen:
The editor of The Citizen
Sent out a kicking problem,
And some have kicked about
And some about the hobble.
And some are trying hard to kick
To find the hidden treasure
But I am very glad to read
The Citizen 'tis a pleasure.
Answer: Many thanks. We have
more faith in It now than ever.
Mr. Editor:
I kick hard because The Citizen
does not come dally so I can read the
White' Mills, Pa.
Answer: We knew they were
arousing a great deal of Interest but
we didn't know they were as popular
as the above would seem to indicate.
Editor The Citizen:
I kick because my off ox don't
walk as fast as my nigh one.
Respectfully yours,
Answer: Fool him by changing his
Editor The Citizen:
I kick bekause the boys stare at
my kute harem skirt.
Very truly yours,
Paupack, Pa.
Answer: Aren't they the rude In
dividuals? Enjoying Every Moment
in Bermuda
A dispatch from Miss Helene
Purdy, Seelyville, with The Citizen
party in Bermuda, states:
We have arrived in Bermuda and
find everything lovely. It Is an ideal
day; tho sun is very warm. I was
the only one sick on board in our
Rev. John R. Atkinson, the rector
of Trinity church, Elizabeth, N. J.,
has formally accepted tho call to be
come the rector of St. Luke's church
of Scranton, succeeding Rev. Rogers
Israel, D. D., who was recently elect
ed the Bishop of Erie. Mr. Atkinson
is well known In Honesdale. Ho was
married to Carlotta Dorflinger,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian
Dorflinger, White Mills.
The campaign for President of the Smile club has started. Everybody
is interested. Everybody has a chance to be elected. All you have to do
Is to fill In the coupon with the name of the person most fitted in your
opinion to hold the office. You can vote as often as you wish.
Tboro Is one great consolation In this campaign. If nobody else will
vote for you, you can vote for yourself. So sharpen up your pencils and
name your choice.
This coupon represents one vote cast
for President of the
vote for
for Vice President.
Polls close 12
Editor The Citizen:
1 kick you, Mr. Editor, because
you allow so many to kick at the
best paper In the county Tho Citi
R. D. 4, Honesdale.
Answer: Now, there speaks a man
who knows what's what. Still, we're
going to try to make it better and
better all the time.
Dear Editor:
I kick because my pocket-book
Was smashed so awful Hat,
I could not find enough wlthia
To buy an Easter hat.
But If by some good fortune,
1 could that dollar get,
I'd add It unto what I have,
And buy that ere hat yet.
Answer: What color will it be?
Dear Editor:
I kick and kick hard, against
"Stop Kissing."
Galilee, Pa.
Answer: Well, you know there's
raelly no law against it.
Editor The Citizen:
I kick because a lot of kickers kick.
When their kicks have been kicked
without a prize,
They kick and swear a ripping tear
They'll get that editor by the hair.
For kicking their kicks into the
Hawley, Pa.
Answer: That's what we wero
afraid of, so we got a hair cut yes
terday. Editor The Citizen:
I got a bright new dollar bill
For kicking once before,
And just to see one once again,
I'll kick just this once more.
Tyler Hill, Pa.
Answer: Nothing succeeds like
success, does it?
Tliroop Disaster Benefit.
The entire receipts of a moving
picture performance at the Lyric
on Monday night, April 24, will be
given to fund committee for aid for
tho widows and orphans of the vic
tims of the Pancoast Mine disaster,
Throop, Pa. The entertainment oa
the evening mentioned will consist
of a regular moving picture per
formance and some additional feat
ure, to be announced later. There
will be no fixed price of admission
to the Lyric on this occasion, but
any amount given for a ticket at
the box office will be greatly appre
ciated by the Pancoast Mine Disaster
Committee, the unfortunate people
of Throop and the management of
the theatre.
Funeral of Miss Martha Paul.
Funeral services for the late Mies
Martha Paul, who died Friday at
New York, in the 52d year of her
age, were held Monday morning U
St. Mary Magdalena's church, Rev.
Father J. W. Balta officiating, wltk
Interment in the German Luther&a
cemetery. Tho bearers wero: Joha
Erk, Martin Dirlam, Fred Hahn,
Fred Relchenbachor, James Mundy,
Bernard Cavannugh.
Smile Club and one
noon, June 16.