THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, APIHL 14, 1011. THE COUNTY and Mrs. U. H. IIowo wore guests ' Mrs. Chas. Martin and children, i last Sunday for dinner at Miss A. M. j Lolta and Walter, are spending the Nobles'. I week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wo wore pleased to see J. W. ' W. A. Gustln. Itohrbackcr out again after his longi Misses Margaret and Gladys ' tussel with pneumonia. Wo are also Hauensteln spent the week-end with - vorv sorrv to sav that L. P. Ammor- their aunt. Mrs. Ernest Demlnc. of The Macoby Tribe of Red Men was mnn d5es not recover from his rheu- Mnplo Grove. reorganized Thursday evening with mmic'trouble. Mr. and Mrs MAPLEWOOD. (Special to Tho Citizen. MAPMWOOI), Pa., April ftfty members, omcers elected as follows: .Jacob Spangenberg, sachem; John Ransom, junior sagamore; Ilev. L. H. Yergle, senior sagamore; P. S. Keene, prophet; T. N. Jones, keeper of the seal; A. M. Sherwood, keeper of wampum; trustees, Prank Benja min, G. C. Hell, William Ransom. Harvest Grange met Saturday evening when two new candidates wore admitted and refreshments served. A special Easter program of mu sic will be given nt the Graco church Sunday evening at 6:45. All are cor dially Invited to be present. Quarterly conference will meet at this place Saturday, April 29, at 2:30 p. in. when presiding elder, W. P. Hell will bo present. The Ladles' Aid society wljl moot Wednesday at the home of Mrs. P. S. Keene. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Rev. Edward Morrison of Canaan to Miss Carrie Mae Dicklns at the bride's home Wednesday, April 1 !), .-it 4 p. m. This has been the best Maple syrup season In years. Some of the large camps have made nearly two hun dred gallons. One camp of a hun dred trees has made seventy-live gal lons or three quarters of a gallon to the tree and the season not yet fin ished. School closed in Miss Charlotte Gilpin's room on Thursday. William Sharpe is some better at this writing. Mrs. P. S. Keene visited relatives In Scrnnton last week. John Coates, Dunmore, has moved into the Davis house. The houso on the Meyers place, near Wimmers, burned last week. This makes the third lire in this icinlty In the past two weeks. Frank Wlldonsteln Wm. E. Ferguson ran an oia rusty and Mrs. W. S. Martin attended tho nail Into his hand and although tholmeotlng of tho Aldenvllle and Clln wound was apparently an lnslgnifl-j ton Ladles' Aid Societies at W. C. cant one, yet he is having lots of Norton's on Saturday, trouble with It. His brother Joseph ! George Hauensteln was a business Is now with him. , caller at Carbondalo last Thursday. .jonn Aicuauerson goi a iau irom a ladder and was badly shaken up. rI nomas Prazer has been doing some carpentering work for George Gilpin and is now repairing Thomas Prick's house. OALMCOOX. I Special to The Citizen. CAIiLICOOX, X. V., April i:t H. Roberts lias taken possession of his farm at Union. George M. Blume, who rented It for the past two years, has moved to Ilraman. The farm Is quite valuable and In good condi tion. Harry has purchased a team of horses and starts out with' good courage. All wish him success. Never was nature more beautiful than on Sunday morning, when every tree to the smallest bough put on Its robe of pure white. Russell Clark closed a very suc cessful term of school on Friday and returned to his home, lloyrts Mills. Miss Hazel Hopkins, teacher at Les ter school, Is home, having quite a severe case of measles; also Miss Liz zie Osborn lias measles. John Blume, Jr., Erie, Pa., is visit ing his parents and friends here for the past two weeks. He will return to his home on .Monday next. He has a host of friends here and all were glad to meet him. Miss Sopha Blume closed a very successful term of school at Union, and has gone to State Normal for the Spring term. Orvis Rutlodge, Galilee, is employ ed as clerk In Laford L. Teeple's store. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. J as. Eggleston died on Tuesday last and was brought here for Interment. Funeral was held Friday. Rev. Scott Bush Viiciated. LAKE COMO. Special to The Citizen. LAKE COMO, Pa., April i. Rev. Brail has returned from confer ence to be with us another year. The next lecture .course will bo held in tho M. E. church next Wed nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Knapp, Mrs. O. Geer, and Mrs. Hlggins spent Satur day in Hancock. EAST HAMLIN. (Special to The Citizen. EAST HAMLIX, Pa., April lil John Pcet has rented the R. M. Stocker property. He has rented rooms to Russell Cox and Charles Cox who have employment with Jones Bros. Lumber Co. Harry Conkliu, Scranton, has rent ed and took possession of the Cook Bros, farm, formerly called "Little Meadows." Emery Chapman has purchased the Harrington farm of A. N. Patterson. Frank Tuttle Is hauling sawed lumber from Paupack to Hawley for Travelpiece. E. D. Conklin and son, Harry, made a business trip to the county seat on Wednesday. Ira O. Ressegine has fitted his Edi son phonograph room with a new record case. A. B. Chapman went to Elmhurst Tuesday, April 1 1, to build three new porches to P. F. Osborne's new home. Miss Bidwell and friend, Hawley, have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward Peet, for tho past two weeks. Levert Chapman had tho misfor tune to lose a nest of nine young pigs, and Frank Wetherlll lost eight about two weeks old. R. W. Kellam is hauling his nrons to the Maplewood dock, for the pur pose of loading on cars, as the Lake Ariel loading grounds are all taken up. East school closed Friday, April PAUPACK. Special to The Citizen. PAUPACK, Pn., April 1.1 M. H. Vannntta, Beaver Brook, N. Y., was a business caller hero last week. Mrs. Bennett Is on tho sick list. We hope she will soon get better. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. H. Fowler on Thursday. Miss Esther B. Klllam Is visiting her niece at Rochester. She will re turn home to-dny. Archie Brown moved to Beaver Brook. He Is employed by M. H. Vannatta. ed Rev. Mr. Signor on Sunday last, tlon that the modern Idea was to Violet Jay gave a party In honor raise apples but not timber. Mr. of Helen Russell, who Is soon to Bullock then gave an Instructive talk leave her little girl friends at this on the preparation of spraying mix place, tures, tho various elements neces D. O. Chamberlain, our veterlnar- sary and tho easiest and best way lan, Is very busy attending to his to mix them. Ho also gave advice as practice. . to the best times for using tho spray- Mrs. E. S. Whipple and daughter, ing mixtures, Miss 'Sara, expect to spend Easter These exhibitions prove that It is In Scranton. I no longor necessary for the fruit MrB. Frank Sanford, who has been j grower to bo at tho mercy of the varl very 111, Is some better at this writ-1 ous pests that attack trees, and the ing. A trained nurse Is In attend- knowledge gained at the meetings anco. I will enable the farmers hereabouts Special Easter music will bo ron- to take advantage of the onnortunl- dered on Sunday morning next In 1 ties offered by the finest fruit raising the M. E. church here. belt u CITIZENS (Continued from Page One) Ger- Ihc land. COURT NOTES. Max Dennhardt. Thurlneer, many, Honesdale, May 15, 1896, John i pointed high constable for tho E. Krantz, Wyman W. Kimble, ough of Hnwley. SI. J. Hanlan was appointed guard Ian ad litem for minor children of Enos Gregory, lnte of Dyberry, de ceased. Edward J. Richardson was an- bor- HAWLEY. Special to Tho Citizen. IIAWLEV, Pn., April 11. Pred Bennett died of consumption at the home of James Compton on Marble Hill Monday, April 10, at 3:30. The funeral was held on Tuesday after noon at the home of Mr. Compton and the remains were taken to Pau pack for burial. The deceased was about 23 years of age, a glass cutter by trade, and always lived at or near Hawley. Nino months ago ho was compelled to give up work. He then spent as much of his time as possible in tho open air thinking that ho might gain some benefit. Honesdale. Walter James Graham, Stafford shire, England, White Mills, Febru ary 4, 1897, Wm. G. Blackney, Robt. A. Forber, Honesdale. Geo. Thomas Daniels, Devonshire, England, Carley Brook, May 6, 1889, Harry Beurket, Wm. II. Lee, Hones dale. Prank Suponciz, Tebah, Austria, October 19, 1903. Josef Hervatin, Podgrad, Austria, .March 24, 1905. Joseph Skubls, Zaticua, Austria, July 5, 1902. John Baber, Unec Logatlc, Oct. 21, 1903. Joseph Poloncin, .St. Vid Llttai, Austria, February 22, 1905. Leonard William Wagner, Ver bachszimmern, Germany, Honesdale, December 1, 1902, F. Ludwlg Gieh- Returns of sales of real estate of Amos Grlmstone, late of Dyberry township, and of Lewis Hausmann, late of Texas township, were approved. AMUSEMENTS. "My Clndcrllln Girl." "My Cinderella Girl," a musical farce, by Richard Walton Tully, who Is perhaps best known as the co-author with David Bolasco of "Tho Rose of tho Ranche," and William Fred erick Poters, composer of "Tho May or of Toklo" and other comic opera successes Is the distinctly high class offering at tho Lyric Thoatro o Monday, April 17. This attractloa Is unquestionably one of the Verr best of the local season, and as it has been, drawing crowded houses in the city, tho result will probably be the same hero. It comes to us with a record of over three hundred per formances at the Whitney opera house, Chicago, and tho endorse ments of all of tho dramatic critics and managers of St. Paul, Minnea polis, Kansas City, St. Louis, and the other principal cities where the company has recently appeared. It Is a clean, wholesome farce, with the unusually tuneful musical score presented by a company of un questionable ability. but ho craduallv crow wnrsn until the end came. The liovs nf tho KW- , rer, John Thomas, Honesdale. stone cutting shon very generously I otto Drown, Neldenburg, Ger- donated him quite a sum of money i man' ArIel- December 17, 1880, Dr, which helned defray tho exnense Harry B. Ely, Frank P. Kimble caused by his long leaves n mother, four two sisters. illness. He brothers and Honesdale Oscar Emlle Dennhardt, Apolda, Germany, Honesdale, July 15, 1S93, Norman Vandermart on Monday' chas- p- Se.irle, Wyman W. Kimble, moved into the houso. hp mmnt. Honesdale. ly bought of Mr. Hildcbrand. Frank Jeko, Rhelnrederchlngen, Mark Lasslev. nf tho Knnri Rnrln i Germany, White Mills, March 15, Boarding House, Bohemia, was do- 1903- Lawrence C. Weniger, John H. ing business In town on Tuesday. Sporer. .Many of the glass cutters are1 ln re bridge In Salem township, seeking employment elsewhere. i "Gal Holllstervllle, April 1 0, Moses Harry Bea and Frank Sheoley, Cobb, J. D. Stocker, and H. P. Nichol went on Tuesday to work in the son were appointed viewers. Glbbs shop at Stroudsburg. ln re bridge in Palmyra township, Harry Youngs is working at the AnrtI 10- L- s- Collins, surveyor, Blooming Grove club house while Thomas Gill and William Hittinger, many have gone in the lumber woods wero appointed viewers. at Wllsonvllle. In ro bridge In Texas township, Kenneth Bennett, Matamoras, at- near White Mills. April 10, L. S. Col B RAMAN AND KELLAM. I Special to The Citizen. MUAMAX, Pu., April lit. Tho L. A. S. met last Thursday at George Blums' Sr., tho receipts being nearly live dollars. , Sophia Blum and Lizzie Mlnckler departed last week to attend the Normal school at Stroudsburg. Mr. Louis Rauner, Sr., who has been failing for some time, died .March 31st. Rev. Scott Bush preached the funeral sermon at the house and the burial was at Paupack on wonday, April a. MisB Emma Woolhoater closed a successful term of school at Kellam Wednesday, April 12. Tho pupils showed their appreciation by pre senting her with n beautiful leather post card album. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marks have moved on D. M. Stalker's upper farm with whom they are employed. Perhaps the greatest surprise ever rendered Edith Stalker was when her mother invited the school chil dren ln to luncheon ln honor of her tenth birthday. Sandwiches, cocoa, cake, pie, nuts, fruits and candy were served. .Music was rendered by Mary Ryan. Gale H. Stalker, cashier of tho Oliver Typewriter Company, Wash ington, D. C, arrived here Saturday iui i wi i ui5 uaja viHii Willi ins par-1 cum tlllU U1UJ1UH. The Braman school closed March 29. A spelling and geographical contest was given by their teacher, .Miss Addle Rauner. Tho prize win ners were Edna and Leslie Rauner and Katie Weitzer. William Ryan visited Port Jervis recently. That Kellam is on a par with the world in tho way of luxuries Is evi denced by the fact that Charles White has purchased an up-to-date phonograph. D. M. Stalker is remodeling his houso and enlarging his store. F. Lawson Is tho carpenter. Mrs. Charles Casgln . and son, George, made a trip to Equlnunk last Saturday, the latter participating ln the examination hold under the di rection of Superintendent Koohler for common school diplomas. HAMLIN. I Special to The Citizen. HAMLIX, Pn., 'April Itt. The season seems to have been a very favorable one for sugar making. George Robacker, Sterling, is the guest of Carl Stevens. Rev. O. G. Russell, who is to be the M. E. pastor here during the coming year, occupied tho pulpit here on Sunday last. Rev. J. II. Boyce expects to remove to his new charge this week. He Is to be station ed at Carley Brook. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Boyce from our community. D. W. Edwards, .Mrs. W. A. Stev ens, Mrs. G. W. Simons and W. M. Clark nre on tho sick list. Rev. Robert Bllckensderfer con ducted services In tho Episcopal church here on Thursday evening, April 6. A pleasing feature of tho service was a solo by Miss Elizabeth Bunnell, Scranton. "On tho evening of Thursday last a goodly number of the people of this vicinity assembled at tho M. E. parsonage to spend a pleasant even ing with Rev. and Sirs. Boyce. Re freshments were served and the par ty adjourned at a late hour. J. F. McParland and F. A. Peet are transacting telephone business at the Flats. Mrs. Inez Curtis accompanied her son, Haiiey, to Stroudsburg on Mon day, April 3, where he was enrolled as a student. Mrs. Orchard entertained Rev. O. G. Russell over Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Hamlin is home from an extended visit with her son, Dr. B. G. Hamlin, Scranton. Dr. O. J. Mullen's offices in the Central" building are nearly ready for occupancy. Mrs. Prank Smith Is caring for Mrs. G. W. Simons. The remains of John Edwards, West Pittston, were brought here for burial Monday, April 10. Mr. Edwards was a resident of this place many years ago and Is very woll known In this vicinity. Mrs. Salinda Jones Is home from I Sterling. Mrs. L. J. Pelton is confined her bed suffering from la grippe. tended the funeral of his brother hero on Tuesday. The annual ball and entertain ment of the Hawley Fire depart ment will be hold in the Odd Fel lows' hall on Easter Monday night, April 17. Tickets 50 cents a couple. iurs. uusenuerry is spending a If its, surveyor, Thomas Gill and Wil liam Hittinger were appointed view ers. In re bridge in Damascus township, April 10, A. V. Tyler, surveyor, A. D. Rutledgo, L. A. Lybolt were ap pointed viewers. In re bridge in Buckingham town- short time with her parents, Mr. and sl,,P near Starlight, April 10, J. W. Mrs. Collum. Chestnut nvonno sho I Parley, surveyor, James Hoag and will soon leave for her home In ' Matthew Leonard ,Sr., were appoint-! Stroudsburg where her husband has eu viewers. recently entered Into business. I to STERLING. Special to Tho Cltlzcn.1 STERLING, Pu., April III.--Owing to tho recent fall of about flvo in ches of snow tho roads are now very bad. Floyd Cross, accompanied by a friend from Wyoming Seminary, spent a few days at Mr. Cross' and returned to school yesterday. Royal and David Cross returned to Farrell University to-day. The Ladies' Aid met at the church for dinner on the 12th. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gilpin and Mr. LEDGEDALE. Special to The Citizen. LEDGEDALE, Pn., April 13.- Isaac Martin, who is employed nt Maplewood, spent Sunday home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D Martin. W. J. Patterson is repairing his houso for John O'Connor who has been employed at Scranton. John Becker and George Roese are under the care of our now doc tor at Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs. M, H. Hnrloe made a business trip to Lakeville to-day. Mr. Harloo Intends to return this evening. Mrs. Harloe Intends to spend a few days with her parents. Miss Beahan, our teacher, held Mother's Day last Friday. The pro gram consisted of speaking and singing. ARIEL. Special to The Citizen. ARIEL, Pa., April l:l. The ORCHARD 1)EM( )XSTR ATIOXS. (Continued from Page One.) the last one at Hull Brothers farm at ARIEL la April 11 The in 1 l"ai- ull uuu uiumcia mnn iu termediat'e and primary 'rooms have Wnymart on Thursday and the other closed. There will be a select school j at J"dB A' T- Searl s farm at siko conducted bv Miss Floronro Jnnos I on Friday. Both meetings were conducted by Miss Florence Jones The examination for common school diplomas was held here last Saturday. The reception given to the young A. Knuppenburg, Lake Carey, people of Ariel,' by Samuel Lonstein Wyoming county, had charge of the and wife, wns largely attended ' demonstration and was ably asslst- Everyone enloved a irond tlmo. I etl 111 'ms worK y William ii. iiuuocK G. G. Collins hns been confined to T ls.Uie, locaI lnsl'ector- his bed for tho past week but is im- u""""i"u" "? '4U" proving slowly. Tho A. C. Milk Co. of New York have closed their milk depot at this place. Earl Kellam, the progressive liv eryman, has purchased several new wagons and horses which will enable him to serve the public to the best advantage possible. The Lako Ariel bank Is being raised another story, which will Im prove It very much. Enrl Rockwell has moved to his farm at the other end of the lako. Elmer Samson is homo from State College on his Easter vacation; also Homer Bell from the University of Pennsylvania. S. S. Sandercock is erecting a new house to be occupied by S. Lonstein. The Book club met with Mrs. P. A. Van Sclver at the parsonage on Tues day night. RIVERDALE. Special to The Citizen. RIVERDALE, Pn., April 1!$. Tho Rev. Mr. Pfell, pastor of tho Carbon dale Lutheran church, will conduct Easter services at the Rlverdale church on Monday, April 17 at 11 a. m. The Ladles Aid Society of Maple Grove Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. George Wllden- steln for supper on Friday, April 14. ORSON. ISpeclal to The Citizen. ORSOX, Pa., April 13 E. S. Whipple Is In Carbondalo on business this week. Ira W. HIne has returned from Owego, N. Y., where 'ho has been at tending tho conference as a layman from the M. E. church at this place. "Watch Orson Grow" Two now houses are being erected In town, and a brand new boy has arrived at the home of our station agent, D. M. Smith and wlfo. He Is not very large yet but Is growing. Rev. W. B. Signor delivered an ex cellent sermon to a largo congre gation on Sunday evening last. Mrs. J. E. Temperton and son. Paul, of Philadelphia, are visiting at me nome or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Leo. Miss Graco Hall Is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Evans, Edwardsvllle. Our community was shocked on Friday morning last by hearing of the sudden death of John Dunn. He had only been sick a very short time. MutJh sympathy Is extended the aged motner. J. H. Sheldon, Jr., and son. Ray. mond, were called to Susquehanna last weeK uy the Illness of an nunt. A farewell party was given Rev. and Mrs. Russell on Monday evening last, previous to their departure tho next day for Hamilton. Warm maple sugar was served and all enjoyed a jony good time. Ira W. HIne has secured a nosl tlon aB an employe on the O. and W, Railroad for the summer. He ex pects to wear the white apron as he is to uo the cook lor the linemen, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. HIne entertain- largely attended. The writer saw the work at the latter place which was very Interesting and instructive Actual of the proper method of trimming both old i nwl .",.. r,r..ln , ...1,1. ' emu no ui'i'iu ucca nullum side talks on how and when the trim ming should be done. Many fanners brought Infested twigs for examination showing the the engine which Is a 3 h. p. "New Way air cooled, stating that It can be used for all farm engine power by being detached from tho pump which takes but a minute. The tank holds 125 gallons in which an agita tor keeps the solution thoroughly mixed. The pressure Is easily kept at 200 pounds. Tho whole outilt Is neat and compact and looks to be very durable. Demonstrations of various spray ing devices were also given. The 'New Way Motor Company, Lan sing, Mich., demonstrated a power sprayer called the "New Way" Suc cess. J. J. Moore, from the factory, and E. W. Gammell, who has the sole agency for Wayne and part of iacKawanna counties operated tiio machine during the afternoon, except when lectures were given. That this sprayer is what Its name indicates, a "Success" was satisfactorily proven as all who saw it work can testify. It would go over rocks and climb the hills doing as good work as on tho smooth and level ground. Mr. Gammell called especial attention to presence of scale and fungus and re ceived instructions ns to tho best procedure to cure these undesirable conditions. O. M. Spettigue, Jr., also demon strated a Myer Century Spray Pump. This pump has a cog gear handle and Is claimed to be tho easiest working hand pump on tho market. It is very compact and durable, all the work ing parts being of brass or bronze. The pump dovolops a pressure of 120 pounds and does very efficient work. After the demonstrations of spray ing and trimming the trees Messrs. Knuppenburg and Bullock delivered addresses on practical horticulture. Tho former contrasted the condi tions In Pennsylvania with those ln Washington and Oregon and stated that we could grow better apples in Pennsylvania than can be produced in the San Jacinto Valley, Washing ton. He gavo some interesting and Inspiring accounts of what had been done with old orchards ln Pennsylva nia and proved conclusively that an orchard cared for, as a farmer would care for any other crop, would pay enormous dividends. Ho also gave Instructions as to how to select trees for new orchards. Ho laid a special emphasis on the fact that the mod ern method is to keep the limbs of a tree near the ground; the trunk of the tree should not be over three feet In height. He stated In this connec- The Globe Easter and Spring Wear. For Ladies, Misses and Children. Upto date Styles, fine qualities, large assortments and the LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN. Ladies' Spring Suits, all new styles, $15 value at.. $10.00 Ladies' Spring Suits, all new styles, $18 value at. . .$12.50 Ladies' Lawn and Lingerie Shirt Waists, long or short sleeves, lace or embroidery trimmed, $1.50 and $1.75 value at 98c Ladies' Lingerie Waists, reg. $3 value at $1.98 Ladies' White and Colored Dresses, $4 value at . . .$2.98 Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, Lawn and Lingerie, nicely trimmed, $6 value at $4.50 Ladies' and Misses' Dresses made of all over embroidery, reg. $10 value at $6.50 Reduzyou Corsets, long hip, special for stout women, $1.50 value at $1.00 Ladies' Long Lisle Gloves, 75c value at 49c Ladies' White Underskirts, lace or embroidery trimmed, $1.50 value at 98c Ladies' Silk Petticoats in all colors, worth $4.00 at. .$2.98 We are showing a nice line of laces and embroideries on which we will save you money. Millinery Dept. We are showing a nice line of Ladies' and Misses' trim med and untrimmed hats, flowers, and feathers and will save you from $1 to $3 on your hat. Special on Honesdale make shoes and slippers for ladies and children. THE GLOBE SPrG NEWEST PRODUCTIONS SPRING! 1911 IN OUR COMPLETE STOCK The House Furnishing Department is Complete with the New Goods from the Manufacturer. The Floor Rugs in all sizes made can bo had in the Best Designs and Colorings. Quality and Value Leads and Satisfies. Carpets more to bo desired than in any year are bright, soft and harmon ious1 in Mendings Window and Door Curtains and Portieres are all that heart and eye can wish, Design and Shading very ar. tistic and captivating The Floor Coverings in Mattings and Linoleums are just tho thing for the coming Spring and Summer use. Clean, healthful and cool. Shades in all grades and standard sizes on hand. mado to order and best goods furnished. Room Mouldings, Plate Rails and Bead finish in mauy new styles and colors. Select your goods early and secure tho best before stocks are broken up in many patterns and styles. Special measurements MENNER & CO. Stores, Keystone Block HONESDALE, PA.