THE CITIZEN. FRIDAY, AIMtlU J 4, 1011. A Sympathetic j Oriental By EUNICE IDA BLAKE Copyright by American I'rivn An- clatlnn. Ilill. I urn tliu wile ot n UnltrU Stales nr my olllcer tnd liuve lived u good dr:i of my Uda? on the Pacific slope, where tho only servants to bo bud are riil nese. 'Sucre Is no doubt but tin- Cln ncso make very good servants If they wish to be good, but If t bey prefer to be bad tbey can excel at tbat too. I married In the Infantry mid went out with uiy husband to a station where the Chinese were ns thlcl; as blackberries. I had the pride natural to n bride of showing bow well 1 could keep house and appreciated the importance of winning the confidence of my servants, or, rather, at that time my servant, for the wife of a second lieutenant neither she nor her husband having anything but his pay Is not supposed to keep more than one. My llrst Chinese servant was Tl Wang. Ti was the smoothest, softest tongued rascal I ever met. Ue hud enough duplicity In hlru for an eight ecntu century European dlplomnt. To him words wore indeed Intended to conceal Ideas. "You volly young wife," he said to mu. "You want vclly good Chinaman for cook. Muchy Chinamen vclly bad. Ti feel solly for Mellcnn lady. Tl he good cook." All this was spoken with a look of commiseration for a young thing like myself that to one familiar with the man from the Flowery Kingdom would have boded no good. 1 did not doubt that my servant would be n great comfort to me. It was not long be fore bis true Inwardness showed It self. Ue first made nn excuse of hnv ing n sick brother who couldn't washy washy to provide for to wheedle me out of a month's wages in advance Then he surreptitiously removed un der his capacious cout nnd ample sleeves all the staple kitchen provl slous I had bought to last several months Tea, coffee, sugar nnd splcei disappeared like magic. Then, having received nn offer of better wages than I was giving him. he took himself oil without so much as saying he wn going. My next servant was Charlie I.I Why so many Chinese are called Char lie I don't know, though Li is an up propriate uame for them. Charlie was recommended by the major's wife, who had him in her kitchen for nwhlle when her regular servant wn 111. She told me she would rather have Charlie than the other. 1 hud no fault to find with Charlie except that he stayed with me but n day He didn't stay long enough to ask foi any wages, and since experience had taught me not to pay Chinamen in ml vnnce he didn't get nny. After tills servnnts were passing through my kitchen, none staying wl'li me more than a week. In vain 1 re fused to engage one unless ho would agree to stay a month. Somethlii'-' must he scaring them away. I dldu i see how they could see nnythlng in a younpr woman of nineteen to frighten them, nnd I was the only person w'th whom they came In contact. One of them, who was about to depart after three days of service, I asked why h left. "You get Mellcnn cook. Chinaman not vclly good In this house." "Why not?" "Donno. Chinaman won't stay here." "Why do you go so soon after com ing?" "I am velly well." lie did not seem to care whether I believed utm or uot. Indeed, he know he wns lying, nnd 1 knew It too. How ever. I had had such bad luck with Chinese servants and there were no others to be had that I made up my mind to do my own cooking for nwhlle Meanwhile my husband, who had been making Inquiries for me ns to servants from brother olllcers' wives, began to be considerably vexed that 1 could uot keep any of them. There was no such loss of servants among those who sont me mine, and it up peared that I must either bo too ex acting or hnve a frightful temper or some other blemish that prevented a servant from working for me. where as the truth was that after the earlier ones loft i simply gave up everything to those who came later, granting all requests qnd opioslng them in noth ing, I didn't even dare criticise the cooking of a slugle dish. The first tiff I had with my husband was when he ventured to remark that perhaps 1 didn't give them quite free rein enough I resented the Imputation with n fervor that sent him off to the officers' club nnd prevented his over making any such suggestion In future. One day I put the tin bread box out In t.ti.; sun, turning It up on its side and exposing the bottom. I was sur prised to see Chinese characters on It I wondered what they meant. When a woman begins to wonder what is the meaning of anything it Is preparatory to making plans to find out I called the servaut of my next door neighbor, who was beating a rug, to como over und translate the characters. He did do as follows: "This Is a very bad woman. She doesn't pay the servants' wages and gives no extras." That smooth tongued villain Tl Wang, who bad pitied my youth and Inexperience and had robbed me be side, had chalked a notice on the bread box warning all other servants against me. I waited patiently till my husband came In from bis duties and, showing him the characters on the bot tom of the box, banded him a transla tlon. JAMES GIBBONS, AMERICAN CARDINAL Y prelates, bishops and all dignitaries of all denominations and by the laity and citizens generally C'nulliial .lames (iibbons, the only cardinal in this country, is conceded (o be pre-eminent In the church and a great intellectual force In whatever he docs He wns born In Baltimore July 12.1, 183-1. At the age of seventy-seven he is active and alert, a successful director of ecclesiastical affairs and a citizen of influence. At the age of twenty-M-ven he was ordained l Archbishop Keudrlck in the cathedral at Baltimore. Raw Musk. Musk In the raw looks a good deal like axle grease and smells worse. The popular notion that the musk of com merce is obtained from the muskrat is a mistake. There is obtained a Romcwhat similar perfume from tho muskrat, but most of the supply comos from tho musk deer, n crea ture that is carefully reared in India for tho sake of the secretion. The secretion is shipped in the crude state and is used not only in tho manufac ture of the liquid perfume sold .as musk, but nlso in very small quanti ties to give strength and staying pow er to mnny perfumes made from the essential oils of flowers. Curiously enough, tho blossoms of two native plants have a noticeably musky odor. One is the small yellow blossom of a creeping vine known as the musk plant, Its odor Is marked and is coun terfeited in the commercial perfume called musk. Tho other is the blood root. Tho pure white blossom of that early spring plant has a distinct though delicate musky odor. A bean known as the musk bean Is a cheap substitute for animal musk. Fine Language. In the school year of 18C0-7, in the town of Topsfleld, Mass., there was at least one committeeman whoso com mand of language was unusual. This is shown by tho annual report of tho school committee for that season, part of which' is copied here: "The primary center school was in structed by Miss . Under tho guidance of this muster hand In gou ulno philosophic simplicity tho school presented tho same phase of unvarying successful advancement ns in former years, from the dissonant mouthlngs of half fledged Juvenile articulation, through the winding passages of sylla blcism to tho Mount IIopo of spell rending, the same grateful Intersper slon of gymnastic, vocal, recessive and studious enaction rendering every ex ercise equally n pastime nnd romanc ing tho reality of tho flrst efforts in dry study." Youth's Companion. Astrology and Var. It has been stated on what Is said to bo good authority that a representative of tho Prussian government asked of a French astrologer the proper time to pick a quarrel with France. After cnrefully comparing horoscopes of high officials he answered that any hour In the afternoon as near as possi ble midway beteen the Oth nnd 14th of July, 1870. On the 11th of July William snubbed Bencdettl, the French emissary, ami on tho 12th friendly re lations censed. An Ancient Die. In the museum at Athens is shown what is probably the only genuine antique die used for coinage that is now extant. It was found in Egypt in 1004 nnd consists of bronze, engraved with tho owl that was stamped on Athenian tetrndrachma pieces, which contained about as much silver ns three quarter dollars. The die is of scientific Interest on account of the evidence It gives of the skill of tho ancients three or four hundred years before Christ in metallurgy. It con tains about 22'i per cent of tin nnd nearly TO per cent of copper. It is extremely hard, but at tho same time possesses n certain malleability, due to the great purity of the copper and tin, which were cnrefully freed from all traces of lead and zinc to preserve tho hardness and from nrsenlc nnd antimony to avoid brittleness. Har per's Weekly. Hard to Deny. As Miss Hypatla Squuretoes reached the culminating point of her lecture ou "Woman's Itights nnd How to Wield Them" she threw buck her head and stood In an attitude of defi ance. "Talk of man!" she cried. "What has man ever done for woman?" "He's furnished the model she's try ing her best to Imitate!" boomed a manly voice from the rear of tho hall. And then a palpitating silence rolgncd for nearly u minute. "HAT' CHASE, manager of the Highlanders, who Is confident of snatching the pen nant from the rest of the American League. ! Passports In Russia, .' Every person arriving in Russia l'i j tvqulrcd to surrender liN passport t ' the owner or mainr-ei- of the hotel or j house hg stops nt imil If mart led. give i all .information us i. name und 1 nges of his wife tuiil li.,d,in. so as to enable the home i v. it i ,r hotel pro prietor to com; I e l .. hi. ink prescrib ed by law for -.iitlMiiee with the passport to the irs,ie-tive police dis trict station for registration. The blanks nre made nut hi duplicate, one copy being (Hied out nt the police sta tion and the other forwarded to He address bureau, at which place it Is possible to learn the address of any one residing, temporarily or otherwise, In the city. A similar blank Is filled out when the party moves Into anoth er house or leaves the city, notation being made ns to the destination. The traveler in leaving need only inform the hotel management or house owner, provided he N living In prlvnte apart ments, of his departure and give th. name of the city or country he i' bound for. The Retort Legal. "Sometimes the law seems unjust for the reason that It Isn't compre hended," said u judge. "Take the case of the woman prisoner before Sir Ed ward Coke. This wonlnn appeared in ! court with her hat on. The Judge said i sternly: " 'A woman may be covered In church, but uot when arraigned In a rourt of Justice.' "To this the woman replied: " 'It seems singular that I may wear my hat in the presence of Clod, but not in the presence of man.' "And she would appear, in her legal Ignorance, to have got the better of the argument until Sir Edward Coke retorted : " 'It isn't singular at all. Man, with his weak intellect, cannot discover se crets known to God, and therefore In investigating truth the court must see all obstacles put aside. Accordingly It Is fitting that the prisoner's hut be removed and with it the shadow that It casts on her face.' " He Didn't Like Connecticut. "1 have always had a mild Interest," 1 said the lawyer, "In the origin of the Connecticut Yankee's reputation, hut 1 had no Idea that it extended so far back until I ran across in the surro gate's office the other day the will of i Lewis Morris of Morrisanla, made in , ITCiO nnd admit ted to probate In 1702. U contnlns this paragraph: , " 'It is my desire that my son, (ion i vernenr Morris, may have the best Education that is to be had In Eng land or America but my Express Will anil Directions are that he lie neve: i-oiit for that purpose to the Colony of Connecticut, least he should Imbibe In his youth that low Craft and cunning so Incident to the people of that Conn Ivy, which Is so Interwoven in their ( cnstltutions' Hint nl! their art cannot disguise It from the world, tho many of them under tho Si.nctlfyed garb of Iteligion have Endeavoured to Impose Mioinsolvos on the World for honest Men.' "- New Ynrk'Sun. "Beautiful as a Dachshund." It Is in the drawing rooms of the Gorman diplomats and their friends hat you meet occasionally the long hair ed, aesthetic masculine beings whom you have perhaps noticed sjjatlng In the Tlergarten, with their long coats Happing In the breeze, or hunched over a journal at Bauer's artists and writ ers whose names every one knows, nnd there are dozens of young army olil eers, their cheeks scarred with tw wounds of many duels. They tall. Wagner nnd Schopenhauer with seri ous appreciation, and in the midst of the waltz as they are spinning fraulein giddily around nnd nround like an ani mated top you may overhear them whispering in her ear, "You are ns beautiful us a dachshund." It Is their supremo compliment, De lineator. A Grewsome Bequest. What Is probably the strangest and at the same time the most horrible be quest over made is to bo found in tho will of Lieutenant do Tap, formerly nn officer in n smart regiment of Aus trian hussars, who was executed by strangling some yenrs ago for the mur der of his brother. . Previous to his execution the mur derer requested that ho might bo pho tographed while hanging on tho gal lows and n copy of the ghastly picture sent to his fnther. Phil May's Habits. The all night and next day habits of Phil May, the artist, have furnished material for many a story. Joe Tap ley, the singer, said thnt he enme across May one night nnd heard that the latter had not been to bed for four nights and days. He remonstrated, and May said: "Never mind, Joe; we'll make u bargnln. Don't you lose uny sleep on my nccount, and I'll promise thnt us soon as I feel tired I'll go to bed!" To Win Notice. Mrs. Greene One docs not like to bo Ignored. I wore n brand now gown at tho reception Inst night, and I don't believe a soul noticed mo. Mrs. Gray Thoro's where you made a mistake. Now, I wore my old black silk that has been turned twice, nnd everybod. saw me fast enough. Crooked and Straight. In all tilings throughout the world tho men who look for tho crooked will see the crooked nnd tho men who look for tho straight will seo the straight. John ituskln. No one is usles in this world who lightens tho burden of it for any one clue. Monster Banquets. At the wedding feast of Richard, brother of Henry III., there were no fewer than 30,000 dishes, and scarcely less Imposing must have been tho ban quet given on the occasion of tho en thronement of Archbishop Neville in the fifteenth century, for mention is made, among other comestibles, of 3,000 dishes of Jelly, 2,000 hot cus tards, -IQ0 swans, (1 wild bulls nnd 100 pigs. At the noted feasts of the gay and hospitable Prlnco Hal a favorite dish wns what the "epicurean cooks" cnlled "poudorrnge." It was a savory Jumble of partridge, pork and the yolks of eggs boiled first and after ward linked In batter. But tho most hospitnblo entertainer on record wns surely Itichard II. Ten thousand of his subjects were dally bid to tho ban quet. In order to cater adequately for such u vast assembly of guests never were there less than 28 oxen supplied, 300 sheep, besides Innumerable fowls nnd choice game. Those were handed over each morning nt daybreak to tho 2,000 cooks employed in the king's kitchen mid the prodigious prepara tions for tills huge medieval banquet began. London Globe. Parrots In a Fire. In all likelihood no fireman on duty is going to stand around with his hand In his pockets long enough to read the warning, nevertheless it is printed In large type above the bird fancier's desk : "In case of lire save the parrots last. They are best able to take care of themselves." "Looks like hard luck for tho par rots," remarked u visitor. "I have no grudge against them," said the bird man. "1 am only trying to protect the smaller and more deli cate birds. When a fire starts In a bird store most persons who Join the rescue party make a grab for tho par rots. First aid should he extended to the canaries. They nnd other small birds are mighty soon overcome by the, smoke. The parrot Is no phoenix, but mile" lie is actually nduced to ashes lie can put up a pretty stiff fight against u fire and can hold his own until the rescuers make n second inva sion." Now York Sun. Tha Moss Troopers. .Moss troopers wns the name given to the desperate plunderers nnd rob hers who secreted themselves through out tho sixteenth nnd seventeenth cen turies in the "mosses" on the borders of Scotland These outlaws were largely made up of deserters and crltu Inals from the armies of England nnd the continent, nnd their depredations nnd cruelties were the terror of the re gion infested by them. Many severe laws were passed against them, but they were not fairly extirpated until the eighteenth century. Good deeds ring clear through heav- like a bell. Rlchter. KICK, THE EDITOR !!! Have you a kick coming ? Is there anything that displeases you ? Are you unhappy and need cheering up ? Has any little thing gone wrong ? Tell us your troubles. Let us help you ? For each of the three best kicks each week, The Citizen will give a brand new crisp one dollar bill. Don't kick too long. 50 words to a kick. No limit, however, to the num ber of your kicks. You don't have to be a subscriber to be a kicker. Open to everyone alike, men, women and children, subscribers and non-subscribers. Old and young, rich and poor. Itemember two cents a word for tho three best kicks. There must be something you don't like. Kick about it. What good is an editor any way except to fix up the kicks of his read ers? Relieve your mind and get a prize! KICK! KICK ! KICK I A few suggested subjects at which to kick! The weather, of course Tight fitting shoes. Tho high cost of living. The hobble skirt and the Harem trousers. High hats on week days. Suffragism, etc., etc.. etc. The funnier the better. Several people have asked us if the fifty-word letters containing kicks have to be slgnejl. How else will wo know to whom to award the prizes' Whether in the event of tho letter winning a prize and being published' the name, of the kiclcer would appear is another question. Undoubtedly the writer's wishes would ho followed on that score. Our Idea of the "Kick Kontest" Includes everything except direct and offensive personali ties. Sit right down now and dash off fifty words about anything you don't like and want to register a kick against. It won't take you five mtnutea and you may win a prize. Tho more original the subject tho better chance for a prize. One dollar for less than five minutes work is pretty good nay Of course you can make your kick as short as you wish. A clover fifteen! word kick may win a prize over a full-length fifty-word one. The shorter the better. un For the best kick of ten words or less The Citizen will pay an additional prize of one dollar. Now then, lace up your shoes and let drive! PROFJESSIONAIi CARDS. Attornevs-nt-Lnw. E WILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Jlllce adjacent to Post Office In Dimmlcfc office. Ilonpstln'e, Pa. WM. II. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LATT. Office over post office. All lcgul business irnmptly attended to. lloncsdale. Pa. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW i.'J1J',ln7L"V,rty "J11,1 bUlldl"B- opposite the Cost Office. Ilonesdale. Pa. HOMER GKEENE. ATTORNEY A COUXSEI.OR-AT-LAW Office over Kelt's store. lloncsdale Pa. pIIAELES A. McCAJRTY, U ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW. Special nnd prompt attention given to the ollcctlon of claims. Office over Keif's new itore. Ilonesdale. Pa. 1,-1 P. KIMBLE, V . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office over the tiost office lloncsdale. Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office in the Court House, Ilonesdale Pa. PETEH II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office-Second floor old Savings Knk building. Ilonesdale. Pa. EARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW Offices lately occupied by Judge Searle CHESTER A. GAREATT, " ATTORNEY A COUNbELOR-AT-LAW. Office adjacent to Post Office, lloncsdale. P Dentists. DR. K. T. BHOWN, DENTIST. , Office Plrst floor, old Savings Hank build hi!;. Ilonesdale. Pa. DR. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, IIONESDALE, PA. Office Hoijhs-H a. m. to C p. m. Any evening by appointment. Citizens' phone. 33. Itesldence. No. it6-X Physicians. PR. PETERSON, M. D. . 1120 MAIN STREET, IIONESDALE, PA. Kyeand liar n specialty. Tho lltting of glass es given careful attention. Livery. LIVERY. r red. U. llickard has re moved his livery establishment from corner Chuch street to Whitney's Stone Barn ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl Certified Nurse, MRS. C. M. BONESTEEL, GLEN EYRE, TIKE CO., PA., Certified Nurse, P. S. N. Tcleplione-uicn iiyre. 17moJ Advertise In Tho Citizen?