The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 07, 1911, Image 8

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(Special to The Citizen.
GOl'liKSUOJtO, l'n., April (I.
.John .McArco la moving Into the
houso recently vacated by John
Fahey. Mr. Marsh from Monroe
county has moved Into tho M. E.
Smith house. Mr. Knapp's man,
Wllkes-Darre, will move his family
in a short time. Mr. Hall has mov
ed Into the O'Boyle house. Otto
Searfoss has moved to Moscow. E.
Kessler to Analomlnk.
Mrs. R. B. Decker, after a very
serious Illness of three months, was
out for the first last Sunday.
Miss Maude Crooks spent Saturday
In Scranton with her brother, Leroy
Crooks, who was recently operated
on for appendicitis. He expects to
return home the last of this weok.
Henry Johnson and son, George,
have returned from a week's visit
with relatives and friends at North
Bangor and Pen Argyle.
Mrs. Minnie Rhodes entertained
on Sunday at Itockport her sister,
Mrs. Martin Adams, Pasadena, Cali
fornia, her brother, Lewis Latimer,
Scranton, and Charles Granacher,
Mount Pocono.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson gave
a surprise party Saturday evening
for their son, Leslie, to celebrate
the seventeenth anniversary of his
birth. A most delightful evening
was enjoyed by all. Dainty re-1
freshments were served the guests.
Thoso present were: Misses Helen
Crooks, Teddle Bender, Francis
Newell, Jessie Mathews, Rose
Heater; Messrs. Burton Colyer,
George, Charlie and Howard So
uring, Ralph and George Adams,
Clifford Newell, James Crooks, Ren
nie Cobb, Charles Simons, Irvln
Heater and Irvln Oakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall and
daughter, Essie, spent Wednesday
In Scranton.
Charlie Fritz, Scranton, spent
Sunday with relatives here.
Rev. P. S. Lehman, pastor of the
M. E. church, has been returned to
Gouldsboro for another year.
Charles Granacher, Mount Poco
no. has been spending several days
with Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Latimer,
at Rockport.
Mrs. Everett and son, Leroy,
Mount Pocono, were In Gouldsboro
on Sunday.
John Fairless and Benjamin
Henry were among those that spent
Saturday in Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall returned last
Saturday from a weok spent with
relatives in Scranton and at Lake
to White Mills,
Narrowsburg, N. Y
Wo welcomo Rev. Purklss
for another conference year,
it bo a very pleasant one to
tho pastor and people.
Mrs. Chrlstlnna Glosslnger receiv
ed tho news of the serious Illness of
her youngest sister at- the Jersey
City Hospital.
Miss Elizabeth Alpha spent Sun
day with her friend, Miss EBthor
Finley, nt her home at Arlington.
The L. A. S. mot with Miss Alma
Kellam at her home, here on Wed
nesday, April 5.
Mrs. Deacon and children return
ed to Paupack last week. Mr. and
Mrs. Deacon will Bail back to their
homo, In England, In Juno next.
Royal White, Gravity, Is here re
pairing his father's house, near Us
wlck. The M. E. Sunday school was or
ganized last Sunday, April 2.
Special Column
Week For a. a. Items
Tho Adaptability of tho II. I).
The incidents and suggestions
(Special to The Citizen.
IIOVDS MILLS, Pa., April (1.
Roads here are almost impassable on
account of the mud. Our milkmen
find It very difficult to get through
with their loads.
Air. Solan, Lava, has taken the
contract to carry the milk on one of
the routes.
Llllle Sheard has returned to
Bloomsburg State Normal school ut
ter spending her spring vacation
with her parents at Calkins. She
was accompanied by her friend, Miss
"Frances Hiller is attending school
at Bloomsburg Normal.
Rev. Charles White, Dyberry, will
preach his farewell sermon In the
Calkins Union church on April 9 at
1 1 a. m.
.Miss Laura Lilholt is attending
school at Honesdale.
Airs. Dora Rutledge Is visiting
friends and relatives in this vicinity.
An Easter program will be ren
dered by tho Calkins Union Sunday
school on Easter morning.
Airs. C. C. Clark Is visiting her
son, Boyd, in Philadelphia. Before
her return she will select her stock
of Spring millinery.
H. E. Decker and family spent
Sunday at C. E. Boyd's.
S. S. was reorganized last Sun
day with the following officers: Car
rie Clark, superintendent; Alma
Noble, assistant superintendent; A.
E. Sheard, second assistant; Ralph
Tegeler, treasurer; Russell Clark,
secretary; Lovlna Sheard, assistant
secretary; Wallace Sheard, librarian;
Searle Wood, assistant librarian;
Alma Noble, organist; Bertha Noble,
assistant organist; Mrs. A. E. Sheard,
Home Department Superintendent;
Laverno Noble, Cradle Roll Superintendent.
Regarding the recent Act of the
Pennsylvania Legislature, npproved
March 2, 1911, a prothonotary in
another county has received a com
munication from Harrlsburg, that is
of interest and Importance to jus
tices of the peace, as well as all
public officers in Wayne county. The
letter follows:
March 29, 1911.
To the Prothonotary: Dear Sir
Aldermen and Justices of the Peace
whose terms have been lengthened
by the recently adopted constitution
al amendments and schedule thereto
or by the act of 2 March 1911, are
entitled to serve the additional time
without being re-commissioned, as
the effect is to continue them in of
fice during the extended terms with
out any other or further commis
Official acts performed during ex
tended terms are by said act made
valid and of the same force and ef'
feet as If each of said officers had
been elected and commissioned to
servo until the end of the extended
Attention Is directed to the fact
that the terms of Aldermen and Jus
tices of the Peace extended by the
schedule from the lirst Monday of
May, 1911, until the first Monday of
December, 1911, are such public of
ficers, otherwise provided for,
whose terms, therefore, are not fur
ther extended by section one of said
act. Their successors are to be
elected in November, 1911, whose
terms will begin the first .Monday of
December, 1911, and continue until
the first Monday of January, 191S.
See section five of act.
In other words, the Act of 2
Alarch, 1911, does not affect the be
ginning or end of terms of Alder
men and Justices of tho Peace whose
terms were extended and fixed by the
schedule to the constitution; that is,
(1) thoso expiring In Alay, 1911,
which were extended to December,
1911, and, (2) those elected in Feb
ruary, 1910, whoso terms were fixed
to expire in December, 1915; but
section five of said act does provide
for extension of one month at end of
lerm of their successors, so the term
will end In January of the appro
priate year.
The terms ol Aldermen and Jus
tices of the Peace which would have
expired in Alay or other years are ex
tended In accordance with section
one of said act; that is, to January
of the appropriate year following.
Very respectfully yours,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
An Early Alrahlp. j
Wo nro told by Peter Farley! who
wrote as an eyewitness, that In Au
gust, 1835, the nlrshlp Eagle was of- 1
j ilcialiy advertised to sail from London
PvPfV w'tl1 Government dispatches and pas- i
CVery scngcrs for Paris and to estnbllsh di
rect communication between tup cnpi
j tals of Europe. This early type of nlr- !
I ship was 100 feet long, fifty feet high j
and forty feet wide, and she lay in I
I ' the dockyard of the Aeronautical so- I
wish to give will come very ap- clety in Victoria road, near Reusing- j
proprlately under tho above caption, ton gardens, then quite a rural spot. ,
1 have found that tho Homo Built to hold an nbundant supply of
Department Is no more difficult to a3i suo wn3 covereti wtu oiled lawn
keep going than any other depart-' d ,cd fRUUe seveiity-tive feet
ment In tho modern Sunday school, i, , . , t ,,,., .,;,, ui
It has an equal place In all respects, I 'ons and aevon feet high, with a cabin
with all tho other departments or secured by ropes to the balloon. An
tho modern Sunday school. This is immense rudder and wings or tins on
tho point we are trying to get ninny! each side for purposes of propulslou
workers to see. completed her fittings. The deck was
The Home Department is adapt- guarded by netting. After all this
able to tho ago. Wo are living In a pr atIon nnd advertisement the En
fast age. The twenty hour trains, I , beyond Victoria road, for
the flash of the telegraph, the auto-, f ' i i. ii
mobile-theso all give us the idea!cunt Lcnn? and hta assistants fail
of haste when we hear of , ed to provide the necessary motive
them or see them. T.he Home De-, power. London Standard.
partment is of just as much value j
to the up-to-date school as tho tele- Carrying a Stretcher.
graph or fast traveling facilities are, The bearers of n stretcher should be
to the public. This Is a fact which npnr tl)0 Bnnu, llclgllt a3 possible.
has been settled In my mind from , ,i iff. n, (nn,
experience in the work of the Home If ,tliere 18 nn difference the tailor
Department. an(1 stronger man should bo at tho
The Homo Department is adapted ' head. A stretcher should be carried
Roll of
Attention is called to the STRENOTb
of tlit.
Wayne Countj
to all classes ot people. The poor
have been neglected by the" Sunday
school for a quarter of a century.
There is now an awakening along
the line, and workers are endeavor
ing to get the poor into tho King
dom of Cod. In n Home Depart
ment under my control now, there
by the hands or suspended by straps
from the shoulders. Never carry a
stretcher when loaded upon the shoul
ders. It frightens the patient, and he
might fall off very easily, especially if
one of the bearers should stumble. The
bearers should not keep step, but break
Tho FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Or
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banke
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
t.l lW.c.4- trt .rnli.n 11 ia n 1111 if (in.
U,. HL'U IL'Cl Hint. wiiifr mil
contribute ' s,alrs tlu? ueal1 sliml111 l'e ,u frollt mul
are two fnmllles which are too poor step, the one In front starting off with
to havo clothes to go to the Sunday I tils right foot nnd the one behind with
school. It is a source of joy to i,i ., Tin. Inlttrivl should lie car-
can belong to tho school In
ftli'ciiniRtfinpfNS Tlinv
Umir mito the reverse In descending, except In
The Homo Department is not only case of a broken thigh or leg. when
adaptable to tho poor but to the 1 the feet should be first In going up and
n?ed and infirm. .Many of these , mst n coming down to keep the
would bo In the Sunday school iriii, - ,i, iir n tho hilm-wl
Imb.-"First Aid to the Injured." Di
ll. II. Hartiing. in Nntional Magazine.
Special to Tho Citizen.
PAUPACK, Pa., April 0 On ac
count of the bad roads there was no
sale at E. A. Gumbles on Thursday
as there was expected to bo.
Sunday school was organized at
the AI. E. church Sunday, April 2.
We hope It will be a success this
Mrs. H. Oney was a pleasant caller
at the home of Airs. H. Fowler, Alon-
day, April 3.
Air. Tewolplece Is replacing Von
Frank's saw mill which was destroy
ed by fire some time ago.
Archie Brown expects to move to
Tafton this week where lie is em
ployed by Von Frank.
A very pleasant surpriso party was
given to AIlss Ida Fowler at her
home at this place, In honor of her
twenty-third birthday on Friday
evening. Games, music and other
amusements were Indulged In, after
which tho merrymakers were given
refreshments. Among thoso present
wore: Air. and Mrs. Conrad Gumble
Jr., Airs. H. Fowler, Allsses Lucy Mc
Kano, Alargaret Marshall, Louise
and Hilda Vetterleln, Anna Gumble,
Gertrude Fowler, Annie Stelnman,
Blanche Fowler, and Ida Fowler,
Alessrs. Georgo Coutts, Henry Vetter
loin, Delbert Simons, James Manken
Ralph Williams, Arthur Pollett,
Leonard Ansley, Edwin Gumble, G
Gumble, Harold Gumble, Loland
Gumble, Floyd Gumble, and Hon
William Brown.
Special to Tho Citizen.
LAKEVILL1S, Va April (I. Airs
Walter Waiker and daughter, Olive,
returned to Narrowsburg, N. Y on
Tuesday, April 4, after spending
week with parents here.
Rev, Walker expects to move from
they could. This department has
brought joy and sunshine Into many
a life. 1 have known of such in
stances. It is adaptable to all localities. It
is possible to have a Home Depart
ment anywhere. The country is no
exception. In my work of getting
Home Dapartments started in tho
schools, I find that the town and
city schools are tho slowest to be
gin the work. Yet two largest de
partment! of this county are in city
schools. I have had country
churches for the past live years;
these churches have been In two
counties. I have found it possible
to have a Home Department in these , n
scnoois. i no wont none is wormy
of note. In one of these schools the
Home Department was run by tho
superintendent of the department
alone. She was an aged woman,
but her means and life were con
secrated to the Alaster's service.
She traveled about live miles to
leach some members of the depart
ment. 1 have at present, In two
schools, Home Departments doing
commendable work. The depart
ments are not large but are grow
ing. In a, revival a year ago we I
had several converts who joined the
church. They attributed the cause
to the work of the Home Depart
ment. So the smallest as well as
the largest country school may have
a Homo Department. The school
with few workers as well as the one
with many. The work can be car-
Coming In Out of the Wet.
There Is an amusing story by Atbe
naeus which suggests the possible ori
gin of the phrase "He does not know
enough to come In out of the wet." Ac
cording to the I'liicrtaining grammarian
referred lo. a town in Greece under
stress of evil circumstances borrowed
money from a rich man. who took as
security for the loan a mortgage on the
handsome portico which surrounded
the market place He was not an nn-
enerous creditor, for when It rained
he caused the town criers to announce
thai the citizens hud permission lo
take refuge under the colonnade.
Strangers visiting the town who fall
ed to have the ma-ter properly explain
ed to them were so impressed by the
extraordinary circumstances that they
spread abroad the report that the peo
pie were so stupid that they had to be
told when to come in out of the wet.
The High Cost Of Conl.
When a Dog Chokes,
Dogs frequently choke. A bone, n
nail or a piece of tin gets In the
throat., and there is great danger of
death before the arrival of the surgeon.
Many of them do die. but there Is no
reason for this, for it is easy, without
the slightest danger of getting bitten,
ried on in all conditions of weather. to put the hand In the mouth of a dog
The workers will come. At pres-, aU(1 to draw out or push down the ob
cnt I superintend a growing Hofnej structlml tbat ,s CU()UUS lt. A bandage
?.Smf "d JL"1? w.?rk V,'. handkerchief or towel will do-is
am training workers for tho future. I nassed between the teeth and over the
upper jaw, auu iu u siuiiuu- wuj .iinuu
There Is a deep-rooted Impression
among consumers of anthracite coal
in Pennsylvania that the high price
of that essential commodity Is not
.vholly due to the unlettered work
ing of economic law. The wldo dis
proportion between the successive in
creases in the wages paid to the
miners and tho increases in the price
exacted of the consumer, together
with tho equally striking discrepancy
in the transportation charges per
ton per mile for anthracite as com
pared with, the corresponding freight
rates for bituminous coal and other
commodities, have combined to deep
en the conviction that the consumer
Is the victim of extortion to the
tune of many millions of dollars
The close ' community of Interest
between the transportation and min
ing companies and tho restricted re
gion within which anthracite is
found making this sort of combina
tion and control possible, are factors
in the public dissatisfaction and in
the widespread distrust of the ex
planations offered by the coal pro
ducing and carrying corporations.
These considerations glvo to the
resolutions Introduced in tho Senate
at Harrlsburg an importance which
they might not otherwise have.
Pennsylvania politicians have only
themselves to blame If their motives
are mistrusted, and if all legislative
proposals affecting powerful corpora
tion Interests are suspected either
of too friendly Inspiration or of be
ing prompted by sinister intentions.
If tho Salus proposals for an exhaus
tive legislative inquiry into the high
cost of coal have no motive other
than to ascertain the truth, they will
bo heartily welcomed by consumers.
An investigation, undertaken in
good faith and prosecuted without
fear or favor, untainted by tho sus
picion of partisanship or rancor, and
covering every stage of the industry,
physical and financial, can not but
bo of benefit to tho whole commun
ity. If the coal operators and trans
portation companies have been mis
judged by public opinion, they
should be eager to facilitate In every
possible way tho most searching
probe that a legislative committee
could poBslbly inaugurate. The an
thracite Interests are so important
to this Commonwealth that there can
ho no secrets relating to them from
which the public should be excluded.
They do not really realize that they
are being fitted and enthused fori
future service. About the first I
thing to do Is to pray for the work-1
ers to come. Dr. Clark, the Sunday
school man, names four requisites
workers should have, namely, rellg-j
Ion, consecration, common-sense and
grit. Rev. L. E. Yahn, Supt. Home
Dept., Venango county. (Reprinted,
from "Pennsylvania Herald." I
er bandage Is passed between the teeth
and over the under jaw. One person
holding tho ends of thesa two band
nges. keeps the dog's mouth wide open
A second person can then with perfect
ease and safety put his fingers down
the animal's throat and relieve it
The Green Constable.
A new constable ou duty In a pro
vincial town handed to a sergeant a
shilling which be said he had found.
The man with tho three stripes told
him ho was quite right In acting as he
had done. Proceeding on his round,
the sergeant met a brother sergeant
and. with a grin, told him tho tale of
the shilling. They both agreed tho
new recruit was very green, and at
the conclusion of their duties they
went to the nearest Inn, and the pos
sessor of the coin called for two drinks.
On receiving them he threw down the
shilling to pay for them, but the land
lord refused It. saying It was a bad
one. The sergeant, notoriously mean,
had to supply the requisite amouut out
of his own pocket and also to put up
with the laugh against himself. On
bis telling the constable his find was n
bad one tho man answered: "Yes. ot
course lt was. Do you think I would
have been silly enough to give it to
you if lt hadn't been?" Pearson's.
If you like to have the news when
It Is fresh, just send your name to
THE CITIZEN with ?1.50.
An Honor to Allison.
"Do you know." Inquired Wilbur
Rcaser, the New York portrait painter,
"that whon my painting of Senator Al
lison was hung In the lobby of the
senate the precedent of forty years
was broken?"
Surpriso being expressed, Mr. Reaser
"It is a fact that since tho beginning
of constitutional government the sen
ate bad bought only nine portraits for
the lobby. The first was Washington's
and the eighth was Charles Sumner's.
For almost forty years nobody was
considered worthy to follow In the dis
tinguished line. It was generally
thought that no other portrait would
ever bo added to the group, but when
Senator Allison died, after serving
longer In the senate than any other
man In the history of the government,
the rule wns broken, and bis picture be
came the ninth." Washington Times.
Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88
Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26
Honesdale, Pa., December 1, 1910
Let U S Do It
If you have a pre
scription to be filled,
get it at our store by
any means.
Bring it, send it
or 'phone, and we
shall call for it.
Reason is, that
because prescrip
tions filled here
are filled absolute
ly right.
We have the drugs.
the equipment and
jj the knowledge, and
when we put our seal
g on a boitie, the con
H tents of the bottle
are right. .
(i'liarmacist) p
I 1121 Main St., Honesdale, Pa. j
:! Both 'phones. 8
8 H
Take the Citizen this spring.
rr.A ri
and keep out of all alleged money
making schemes that fail to stand
the test of common sense and com
mon honesty. The
Farmers and
Mechanics Bank
does not promise to make you rich,
but It holds out a helping hand to
an honest endeavor to save money
and for its safe keeping while being
The Reasons Why
White Bronze Memorials are
More Desirable are
1. Durability
2. Artistic Beauty
r?tfej3. Cheapness
ir t ii,.c, minima nro wi'll fomulml then White Bronze Is the best material on the market to
day for memorials. Whether tlicy arc well founded, Judgo for yourself after considering
me evidence, iuis we wm umuiy at-mi uw uiiijuuuuun.
We have beautiful designs at bottom prices.
No obligation to buy. White Hronze won both the (Sold and Silver Medals at the Unlver
sal Kxpositlon. St. Louis, 1901.
In compliance with Section 3 of
the Uniform Primary Act, Page 37
P. L. 1906, notice is hereby given to
the electors of Wayne county of the
county, township and borough offl
cers to be nominated and the party
officers to be elected at tho primaries
to be held on
SATUHDAY, .IUXK it, 11)11,
unlesB the time is changed by act
of Legislature.
Each of the political parties
namely. Republican, Keystone, Dem
ocratic and Prohibition is entitled
to nominate county officers as fol
One person for Presidont Judge.
One person for Prothonotary an
Clerk of Courts.
One person for Sheriff.
One person for District Attorney-
Ono person for Register and Re
One person for County Treasurer,
' Ono person for Coroner.
Two persons for County CommiS'
sioners. Two persons for County
In each township, borough and
election district each party may nom
inate persons for all such offices as
are to bo filled at tho election In
November, 1911.
Each party Is entitled to elect
such party officers as tho rules gov
erning tho party provide.
Petition forms for all county of
ficers can be obtained at tho Com
missioners' office. Petitions for
township, borough, district and party
offices may bo obtained from the par
ty committeemen In each district or
at the Commissioners' olllco.
Petitions for President Judge
shall bo filed with tho Secretary of
the Commonwealth at Harrlsburg on
or before Saturday, May 6, 1911.
All petitions for county, township,
borough, district and party candi
dates must ho filed In tho County
Commissioners' office on or before
Saturday, May 13, 1911.
J. E. Mandevllle,
J. K, Hornbock,
T. C. Maddon,
Attest: County Commissioners,
Geo. P. Ross, Clerk,
Honesdale, Pa., April 4, 1911,
The House Furnishing Department is Complete with
the New Goods from the Manufacturer.
The Floor Rugs
in all sizes made can be had in the Best Designs and Colorings.
Quality and Value Leads and Satisfies.
more to be desired than in any year are bright, soft and harmon
ious in blond ings
Window and Door Curtains and
are all that heart nl iyjjii .vis'), Di;iyi nl Siilho; V3iy a
tistic and captivating
The Floor Coverings
in Mattings and Linoleums are just the thing for the coming
Spring and Summer use. Clean, healthful and cool.
in all grades and standard sizes on hand. Special measurements
made to order and best goods furnished.
Room HfflouldSngs, Plate Rails
and Bead finish in many new styles and colors.
Select your goods early and securo tho best before stocks are
broken up in many patterns and styles.
MENHER & CO. Stores, Keystone M