THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1011. 11 i . THE COUNTY DREHER. Special to The Citizen. DItlMIIOIt, I'll,, March IK). Just two weeks between now and Easter and without anything unforseen oc curring to change the even tenor of the egg market, wo are likely to have hen fruit at a price that even the "poor In purse" can indulge In In the annual egg feast, to their satis faction. Those who are In the chicken raising business, are not slow to take advantage of the pre vailing low prices and bushels of eggs are in storage (not the cold kind) and are expected to bring forth recruits for the cackling and crowing feathered army, that serve us a product that the pure food man don't have to look after and If taken in reasonable doses, is good for mankind, womankind and the children thrive on It, too. The chicken Is everybody's friend, for as a Spring chick it is In demand as a high class food, later as a broiler and further along in life, it does duty In the egg production (wo mean the hen) and on retiring from active ser vice, if not too aged and properly scned, they are a dish fit for the hungry. How times have changed, hut we remember well when a boy, living on a big farm In Southern Pennsylvania, where along with the horses, cows and other stock kept on a farm and a small llock of lions did duty, scratching for a living and if In line of good luck, we found an egg occasionally, there was usually something as a reward for our vigi lance. Eggs were not plenty enough in those days to cut much of a ilg ure in cold storage, but necessity is the mother of Invention and in stead of preserved eggs" in storage, we have embalmed eggs, fit only for fertilizer. We are promised cheaper fresh eggs as the season advances. There will be but little oats sown in March, 1011, especially in Wayne county. There Is still plenty of frost In the ground and on the northern hill sides, snow a foot or more in depth. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. llird and son, Edward, recently returned home af ter spending a week, visiting rela tives and friends in Scranton and vicinity. Miss Verna M. Hazelton Is visit ing and attending a "Court" in South Uethloheiii, Pa. Christ Woltjen will represent Wallenpaupack Lodge, No. 478, I. O. O. F. at the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. to convene in Wllkes-Barro in May. Helen Brown, Wilkes-Barre, is visiting in town. Mrs. F. E. Robacker is quite ill and a daughter, Edith, and son Allen, are afflicted with measles. The Newfoundland High school ha3 been closed for two weeks on ac count of measles and there are still some fifty cases reported measley. Mrs. Carrie Voesto is with the family of Myron Sebrlng at Buck Hill, Monroe county in the capacity of nurse for Mrs. Sebrlng who is well known In this locality, before marriage as Miss Carolina Beehn, daughter of C. A. Ueehn, deceased. Robert Rafler, employed on a lum ber tract near Shohoia, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. .1. W. Kerr is suffering with an affliction known as Brow Ague. WAYMART. ISpiTlnl to Tho Citizen. 1 WAVMAItT, Pa., .March HO. John and Lois Donne have returned to school after spending several weeks in Scranton. H. Inch is moving in his new homo on Church street. The Protonlan society postponed Its meeting from March 24 to .March 31. .Miss Smith and Ruth Inch spent Saturday at Carbondale. Ida Lee, Aldenvlllo, who is at tending school at West Chester State Normal, visited our school last week. Prof, and Mrs. Watkins spent Sat urday of last week In Scranton. Pauline Shaffer is postmistress during tho vacation of Ruth Inch. Mrs. A. .1. Merwln has returned to her home here after spending a few days with her mother at Clinton. Hazel Chubb was absent from school two days caring for her moth er, who is ill. Mrs. E. Smith has returned to her home here after spending some days In Carbondalo and vicinity. r Olive Lockwood is staying with relatives in Binghamton. Mrs. S. F. Stephenson and son Harold, spent one day last week in Honesdale. Stuart Scott spent Monday out of town. Ray Estelle, who has been ill with la grippe. Is able to be at the storo again. SIKO. (Special to The Citizen. SIKO, Pn., .March :. O. N. Bak er lost a valuable cow recently. Mrs. George Loronz. Honesdale. and Mrs. Tillle Dershelmer, Seely-I vlllo, spent two days of last week v.ith their brother, John Heller, of, this place. . John Heller, who rented the Bis hop farm the past year, has leased 1 tho Sadie Brooks farm near here and will move this weok. Chester Koeslor will lease Mr. Bis-1 hop s farm. Clinton Conklln, who has been sick lor some time, Is ablo to bo out. i Mrs, Kzra. vauorder nnd children spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Rileyvillo. Mr.s. John Heller, Jr., and chil dren, spent Sunday with John Heller, Sr., and family, Seelyville. George Holler and wife spent last Sunday with friends at Slko. LAKEVILLE. Special to 'Die Citizen, liAKKVIFiliH, l'n March 30., Miss Mae Kllllam expects to leave on Wednesday for Honesdale where she will he employed by Mrs. Homer Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loveless and son, Edward, passed Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. John Malnes at Us wlck, Mrs, A, Goble and niece, Miss Ha zel James, and Phil Sheeley wero I pleasantly entertained at tho homes of Frank James and Edward Kimble at Ariel, on Sunday, March 2G. ' Mrs. W. Walker and daughter, Olive, of Narrowsburg, N, Y., are the guests of G. Lafayette James and family. i Miss Lena F. Osborne, of Elm . hurst, is with Mrs. A. Goble for a ! time. I D. A. Smith and wife, Ledgedale, were entertained by G. L. James and ' wile on Sunday laBt.' i Edwin Nelson, Lake James' Ho- tel. here, Is In Brooklyn this week. Philip Sheeley's arm is doing , nicely at this writing. Dr. Volgt is I in attendance. He expects to have I the stitches out this week. I Miss Minnie Locklin and Mr. Clar once Pennell passed tho day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith at Ledgedale, Pa. Rev. H. T. Purklss is attending tho Methodist conference held at Owego, N. Y this week. The Ladles' Aid society of this place met with Mrs. Eliza Haney at her home here on Wednesday, March 22. Net proceeds, $3.75. ' Mrs. C. Schwarttng and daughter, Martha, were In Scranton, last week. Bert Daniels and wife expect to move to the Murray farm near Hones dale in the near future. Conrad Reineke, Hawley, passed Sunday with his wife and mother here. The secretary of HUdegard Re bekali Lodge, No. 359, of this place, gave to the P. O. S. of A. Hall o very pretty eight-day mission clock for the benefit of the four orders here. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Locklin en tertained the latter,'s parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Walker, Hamlin. Mrs. D. Smith entertained her daughter, Miss Gertrude, Hawley, re cently. Mrs. M. Welsh is ill at this time, we are sorry to note. Charles A. Daniels, Lakevllle's noted poultry raiser, has 110 small chicks, the oldest ones being about six weeks old and weigh over one pound each. Mrs. G. W. Hazelton, Arlington, passed the day lately with her par ents here. Ward Haney is very sick at his home here and is under the care of a physician. .Mrs. S. Miller Is spending the werk in Scranton with friends. On Sunday morning next the Sun day school will he reorganized. Everybody come out as, there, will be no services whatever, as Rev. Pur klss will be away. S. Miller's three children from Hawley, where they are attending High school, were his guests over the Sabbath. STERLING. f.Speclal to The Citizen. STERLING, Pa., March :$( We are now having so many showers thnt It Is very unpleasant sugar making. Rev. W. E. Webster left Monday for conference. His wife and chil dren ieft last weok for Lockwood, N. Y where they will spend a few weeks with her folks. On the evening of the 24th about forty of Miss Ruth Webster's young friends made her a very agreeable surprise party. A very pleasant evening was passed and refresh ments were served and enjoyed. Mrs. Sallnda Jones, Salem, Is kindly assisting Mrs. George Gilpin. A Miss Martin, from Ledgedale, is assisting .Mrs. C. A. Frick in her household duties. Misses Flossie Bortree and Ethel Simons are up from the East Stroudsburg State Normal school on a week's vacation. We notice by a Scranton paper that a marriage license was granted to Claude Bortree and Belle Gilpin. A number of our boys took a horseback ride last Sunday. William, Buckley is a guest at R. B. Simons' and James Buckley Is a guest at R. D. Gilpin's. Both gen tlemen are from Coolbaugh. .Miss Annie Simons is dressmaking for Mrs. S. N. Cross. Thomas Frazer and George Howe are carpentering for George Gilpin. BEACH LAKE. (Special to The Citizen. BEACH LAKE, Ph., March iJO A heavy thunder shower Monday evening makes us feel that each sea son of the year has Us unpleasant features. Tho oystor supper at Sam uel Gregory's had to be postponed on account of the inclement weather. The Aid society will meet with Mrs. Wheeler Wednesday. Revv Seymour started for confer ence Monday morning and his fam ily left for a visit with her friends. William Ives and Charley Davey started on a business trip this morning to Binghamton and other nenrby places. A. T. Slumnn and wife were vlsit- "The Red Mill, fresh from Its triumphs at the Knickerbocker Theatre, Now York City, whero it held forth for an entire year followed by engagements of six months earh in Chicago and Boston, will be presented at the Lyric on Tuesday, April 4. Tills tuneful musical comedy, the Joint work of Henry Blossom and Victor Herbert, presented by Mar tin & Emery s admirable company, proved the fourth consecutive success In which' these clever comic opera builders have collaborated. The field of action of "Tho Red Mill" is laid In Holland. The first pcene, an exterior, shows the red mill of the story at the edge of the little village in Holland. The second scene, an Interior, gives us a look at the home of a well-to-do Burgomaster. lng their relatives at this place Sun day. Wm. Butler's brother and sister visited him Sunday. J. P. Budd'B handsomo new cot tage Is nearlng completion. The masons are now there at work. When completed It will be a very linndsomo residence. William Butlor Is hurrying his boarding house as fast as possible. Three carpenters are there at work. Mrs. Mary Wood Is quite HI and Eliza Dunn Is suffering considerable Just now with sore eyes. Schools In and around the village close In about three weeks; then the teachers "will go to school or be at some other vocation. LAKE COMO. (Special to The Citizen. LAKH COMO, Pa., March !): Mrs. Right Spencer have returned af ter spending a few days In New York City. The funeral of Arnold Poole was held In tho M. E. church Sunday. In terment was made at the Little York cemetery; also Elijah Schoonover was held In the F. 'M. church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Katie Jones is on the sick list. Rev. Emmel Is attending confer ence this week. It Is the wish of the entire community for his return. E. W. Lakin, Winwood. has pur chased a line horse of Charles Knapp to replace the one of his team horses that died lately. GOULDSBORO. Special to The Citizen. GOULDSBORO, Pu., March HO H. S. Decker made a business trip to Stroudsburg Wednesday. Little Charlie, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Reuben Beseoked, is critically ill. Frank Wheeler, Scranton, spent the last of the week here. His moth er is ill. Mrs. Leap, Stroudsburg, is spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Decker. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zacker and Mrs. Charles Garagan wero Scranton visitors the first of the week. .Mrs. James Crooks spent Satur day In Scranton with her son, Leroy, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. R. Ferloss spent Sunday with his family in Scranton. Dennis Shaffer spent Sunday with his parents at New Milford. Clarence Surplus, A. H. Flower and Stanley D. Adams have been elected trustees In the M. E. church. Rev. P. S. Lehman, pastor of the M. E. church, left for conference on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Rant Ferloss and Eugene, Scranton, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munson. Miss Jennie Simpson, Hallstead, and Mrs. Arlle Brown, Factoryville, spent the week-end with Mrs. Samuel Aiken. Word has just been received here that the largo meat market of Wil liam Catterson, Binghamton, N. Y., was destroyed by lire on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Catterson are both former residents of Gouldsboro. The many friends here of G. F. Smith, Cresco, will be very sorry to learn that he has been detained In the City of .Mexico by illness. Mrs. Smith returned home last week and Mr. Smith is expected to be able to travel In a weok or so. Dr. Moses, Scranton, spent Mon day in town. Miss Rose Courtney and brother, Ernest, spent Saturday in Scranton. CLINTON. I Special to The Citizen. CLINTON, Pa., March HO. Mlssj Ida Lee, of Chester State Normal, is enjoying her vacation at home, also Francis Curtis, of Cuttstown State Normal, and his sister, Miss Carrie, Bloomsburg State Normal, and tho coming week Warren P. Nor ton and Claud Arnold of Keystone Academy are expected home for their vacations. At their recent meeting at .Mrs. M. Norton's the Ladles' Aid elected the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. C. R. Bunting, president; Mrs. Myron Norton, vice-president; Mrs. F. N. Rude, secretary; Mrs. F. E. Loomis, treasurer. The L. S. C. met with Mrs. Rena Coperworth for dinner and help her on a quilt.; Mrs. H. M. Bunting is spending a 'few weeks with her daughters who live In Waymart and Carbondale. CENTERVILLE. (Special to The Citizen. CENTEUVILLE, Pa March HO Mrs. J. F. Walker and daughter, Anna, passed through Centervllle on Sunday, March 2G. Margaret Marshall Is assisting Mrs. James Kellam, of Paupack, with her house work. Gwellyn Jones, Ariel, is putting up a mill on some land ho purchased of David Patterson. Edward Garrlty, Hub. called on friends here on Saturday last. Willie Simons has bought a val uable horse of Mr. Curtis, Ariel. Patrick Ryan has also bought a fine team of work horses. Mrs. Michael Garrity, Trenton, N. J is visiting Mrs. William Ryan. R. Marshall mado n business trip to Ariel on Monday. Mr. Frlsbie has Just received the new library books for the Centervllle school. DEPOSIT, N. Y. C. J. McKenna, salesman for Kel ly & Stelnman, Inc., is In tho city for a few days having his samples gone over preparatory to starting on his spring trip. Mrs. Frank Stelnman left on Mon day for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lester R. Knapp, of Passaic, N. J. Mr. Stelnman will Join her there In a few days. Wm: T. Heft, Jr., is spending a few days with his s grandparents at Honesdale. Ho was accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Richonbacker, who had been visiting relatives In this city for the past several weeks. Mr. Charles . oil Is In Montrose on business. Bert Daln has removed from the Wlckwin block to a lino concrete residence on Wheeler street. Mrs. Henry Fischer entertained a party of friends on Tuesday night. A. F. Stelnman and M. J. Kelly spent ono day last "iiinm ton on business. Walter Saddler, youngest son of Leonard Saddler, who has been sick with inflamatlon of the kidneys, has recovered and Is his usual health Miss Ethel C. Post spent Sunday at McClure. Death of Ilhoda Butler Corey. Rhoda Butier Corey, wife of Victor Corey, of Greentown, died on Satur day of last week, after an Illness of nearly two months, aged 39 years. The funeral services wore held pn Tuesday at the Hemlock Grove church, of wiiich deceased was a most faithful member, Rev. Mr. Webster nfllpintinn Mrs Pnrpr wna a good wife and mother, an excellent neignuor anu auovo all a line Chris tian woman. Surviving are her hus band, three sons and two daughters, her parents and one brother. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community in meir sad affliction. Milford dispatch. B 5 A START SPRAYING YOUR ORCHARD sib wifw&r iu yesTSEoe oesi resuns irrom spraying s you part of April, if foBBow if up you wilB he surprised at the results you will get next fail. When you huy your spray outfit it is very important that you buy one that is well made, so' that it will stand the action of the different spraying solutions. In offering you the Myers Spray Pumps we offer a Spray Pump that works easily and one that is built to last. Our hand Spray Pumps are priced from $5.95 to $21. Our power Spray Pumps run from $28 to $52.50. Our Spraying Solutions are of the Sherman-Williams make and this means that they are strictly pure. We would like to show you the different Spraying outfits and how they work. Write for our Spray Pump Catalog and our booklet on Spraying. nmmmmn ntmtttimtttttiintt 0. M. SPETTME 8nm!J:m:m8i:imiim!amimraitmwmm!tm!mmmim:it!mm88mtm Death Of Georgo Brown. George Brown, one of tho very few colored people living In Wayne coun ty, died Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in his home near the HalJ Way .louse, from rheumatic troubles In his seventy-first year of his age. Mr. Brown was universally liked and wns always willing to1' help any one he could. He was a carpenter by oc cupation. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife 'and an adopted daugh ter, Miss Mary Major. Funeral ser vices will be held in his late home Friday afternoon nt 1 o'clock, and tho body will be brought to Hones dale for Interment. Benj. H. Dittrlch and wife return ed Monday evening from a business and pleasure trip to New York en's, Boys9 OVERCOATS MUST GO AT HALF PRICE FOR THE NEXT IS DAYS This will he a good ppor- Rem ember for 15 DAYS ONLY. Bregstein Bros. HONESDALE, PA.- TO J. JL H snouaa & H I you wiSS start spraying now and YOUR EYES The optical department of this store is in charge of a thoroughly competent optician with 15 years experience Id the optical business. Ask any of our pa trons if they have not received the best results and arc thoroughly satisfied. Rowland Jeweler and Optician 1127 Main St. and Children's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers