The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 31, 1911, Image 6
TIDC CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 10ii Self Condemned Br MARGARET C DEVEAUX Copyright by American Press Asso ciation, 1911. M. le Judge Curler was dispensing Jnstlee on the bench during the Kronen revolution. The Justice he was dis pensing was between classes, not lndl Tlduals. The nobles had tyrannized vcr the common people for centuries. Kow the common people were endcav ring to extirpate the nobles from the lace of the earth. Judge Curler was eendlng a batch of them to the guillo tine. "Who Is this?" ho BBked. seeing a girl, a mere child, brought before hltn. "Cltlzeness Ellse Bellalr." replied the Ulcer of the guard. "Who ordered her brought here? She la not old enough to to understand the difference between patriotism nnd tyr imny." "She was Included in n list furnished wf M. Marat" "Indeed," said the Judge, frowning. "M. Marat is accustomed to make In quiries If all those on his lists have keen taken care of." "But this one did he know that she is a child?" The ollloor shook his head. M. Ma rat's brain was not open to him to look into. The Judge pondered a few moments. There was something wrong In this ose. Possibly a list had been made ut and presented to some one In au thority who had signed the warrants accompanying It while thinking of something else. Nevertheless the Judge did not dare disobey the order he had received to sentence every one sent be fore him. "Take her away with the others," he said reluctantly. lie was looking down into the child's face pityingly. She saw tho expression n the Judge's face. Children are quick o recognize their friends, and the mar quise, not understanding that tho Judge had sent her to the guillotine, smiled at him. Then a soldier took her Mttle hand In his and led her away with the others. The Judge asked one standing by something nbout her and was told that she was the Marquise de Bellalr, and wince she aloue represented the Bel lairs and since the revolutionary com nlttee was anxious that no member of the family should be left alive the ohlld had been marked for execution. When the deed had been done it would he put down to an error. The judge went homo that evening, and his own little daughter, about the age of the child, he bad condemned, sat upon his lap, put her arms about his neck aud kissed him. "How hot your face Is, papal" she said. He unwound her arms, gently put ker away, and called for a glass of wine. He had stood up under the grim duties required of him till the matter of the little marquise had re quired his attention. Ho did not eat his dinner and went to bed feverish. The smile ho had received from the Jlttle marquise had unnerved him. All night ho lay In bed, two sights coming up alternately before his mental vision the one the marquise's smile, the oth er her little figure lying on the guil lotine, the drop of the knife and her little curly head dropping Into tho basket. In tho morning Judge Curler looked as If he had passed through a fit of sickness. lie ate nothing, spoko not a word. When he went out after breakfast his little daughter put up ker arms, as was her custom, for her morning hug and kiss. Her father put her away and left her standing with tears In her eyes In the hallway. The Judge turned Into a boulevard and after following it for awhile en tered a street that led him to the Place de la Revolution, now tho Place ie la Concorde. It Is one of the most spacious plazas In the worlds lying as It does between the Champs d'Elysces .and the gardens of the Tulleries. Car ilages drive through It, but few who Tide or walk past its fountains and its bellsk think of the work that was going on there more than a hundred years ago. A crowd was collecting about the .guillotine, and a tumbrel was driven up loaded with condemned persons. As is passed the Judge be caught sight f a little figure about half the height f the others and saw a little hand waving to him. He walked on and joined the party at the guillotine. At the moment an officer began to call names from n list be had In his hand. "Citlzeness Ellse Bellalr!" The judge approached, took the child by the band and said: "1 condemned this child by mis take." He was recognized by the officials and permitted to lead the little mar quise nway. She was never seen again In Paris till long after the revolution. She re turned a middle aged woman. When the judge went home that evening he seemed to have tho seal of death upon his brow. He took his little daughter in his arms, while tears rolled down his cheeks. In the middle of the night there was a knock at his door. The Judge went downstairs and met an officer,' who told him ho was under arrest for being In conspiracy with the emigres. The visit was not unexpected, and the prisoner went with the soldiers with out a word of protest. A week later a tumbrel drove up to the guillotine In the Place de la Revo lution, and among those who stepped out was Judge Curler, He died on the engine' of death from which ho had JWVpri thA MqmiiIqa tn RallalV TO THE MODERN QUACK. (After reading the curly history of meJ Iclne.j Ye maker of fortuned Blifr.ntic. Junck vcndcri! it Jio.icns I p'IN Who now bIvoiUs iiothlna rumnntlc Except your advertisement bills. Consider the wondrous concoctions Put up In the bottle or box By doctors aforetime nnd, wasting nt more time. Just pull up your socks. Digestion," they'd ask, "mlsbohavlngT" Or! "Hllsters on both of your hecls7 Tut, tutl Tnlto an Ivory shaving Thrice dally on hour beforo meals." Such sorts of medicinal dainties, Dackcd up by a ponderous mien. They'd foist upon folly as certain of jolty Well curing the spleen. They'd (almost) put up In a flagon And afterward offer for sale Pink hairs from the head of a dragon. Blue tufts from a unicorn's tall. And, could they havo only got at them. No doubt they'd have mixed with their drinks For troublesome tummies the wrapping of mummies Or chips off the sphinx. Rut you, did we ask that a pimple Do cured with a balsam of bats. Would only look hopelessly simple Or rudely ejaculate, "Hats!" Come, give up your commonplace nos trums. Present something quaint tn nur view. Those picturesque liars could always find buyers, So why shouldn't you? Punch. CLASSIFICATION AND APPRAISE- Hoadknlght W I) MKNT. The .undersigned duly ap-1 Kupuert Fred . i ..... a . 1 r tn . r.,v 1 I in i iir 1 (JUllllVU uioi;i Hi uicivoiiiiiv iuavo iui . tne year laiu, manes inc roiiowing classi fication and appraisement of venders of merchandise, etc. Dunn W. II. Ives Wm Smith Jncob F R E T A I L. BERLIN. Faatz J B BETHANY. BUCKINGHAM. A Jlocschluu C Ulugeway U O lieuew brother!) Richmond J E uoeguei' John nowiaml 11 U rtpoier E R Gcn'l Mil hc . .nun Jacob H . etiiuuei- i' rank F Groceries bpruns Airs S E bpcnLur As Co C. b Gen't Wie HSSH,,". Gen'l Mdse Furniture Gen't Mdse This Is What tho Mention of Pie Did tn Willie Brown. I 11 Carey J A Furley 11 Knapp II Lord Cain Lako R E Randell John " Spencer H W Flour and Feed Starlight Dairy Company Gcn'l Mdso Woodmansee C E " CANAAN. Glldea James , Cigars Lake Lodoro Imp Co CHERRY RIDGE. Cobb W J Gcn'l Mdso Brown F C " Roncar R B " GarrlnR B F Feed Stahl Mrs Louisa Gen'l Mdse CLINTON. Frcedman E , Gen'l Mdso Fitze M D Gummoe Wm T Feed and Flour Mills Harry Gcn'l Mdso O'Neal H J ' Cigars O'Pika John DAMASCUS. Abraham Geo C It Sometimes Happens. "Do you remember that little, water, eyed, lazy chap wo had here three ot four years ago?" asked the head of the firm. "Dinks, I think his name was. I discharged him for Incompetency." "Blnks?" the assistant manager re plied. "Oh, yes, I remember him well." "He came In to see me today." "Did he? lie went from hero to New York, didn't he? I suppose he was wearing a silk hat nnd an over coat with a fur collar." "That's tho funny thing about hi? :ase. I can't understand It. ne was all run down at the heels and wanted to know If 1 would give him 50 cents." -Chicago Ilccord-Ilerald. Abraham A J Bachrcr Henry Clark C E Cantteld, J A Decker Mrs Julia Fromer T J Gregg C G Qulnnlp W B Hill Joel G Hocker F J Kays and l'ago L.oveloss Isaac Pethlck C M Rutlcilgo Frank Skinner Core E Sheard Joseph ryier i' ii DREHER. Bleseeker Andrew Carlton E E & Son Elirhuidt F A Jr Ehrhaidt F A Sr Fryo Ward W Gilpin & Barnes Laugo C Miller H It Simons O E Sommers F Smith David B C Smith H B Simons Frank Waltz F D Wert Charles F ' DYBERRY. Bunnell E d Butts J I Davis It Hauser J J Kimble A K Welter & Sons HAAVLEY. Atkinson Box & Lumber Co Adams Jacob G Atkinson & Quinney Babcock O M Barrett M R Blgart & Rose Bower P J Baschon Lena Curran John Corcoran M Drako J F Envel Georgo Eveiulng John Foster Frank Frank A H Guinn Bros Golbach Edward Gelsler Louis Henscl L Kerber A L t Kearney P H Kohlman George Lehman Chi 1st Lynch Michael l.angan O E McDonald G C Miller S Matter & Son Furniture Gcn'l Mdse Harness Gen'l Mdso Phonographs Gen'l Mdse Cigars Confectionery Footwear Art Store ilardware Pianos Cigars Jewelry Meats Footwear Confectionery .Millinery Joweily Hardware Cigars Phongraphs Flour and Feed Gcn'l Mdse Tobacco nnd Cigars Jowelery Confectionery Gen'l Mdsu Harness Gen'l Mdse Confectionery Gen'l Mdse Cigars Gen'l Mdse Cigars Meats Gen'l Mdse Cigars Clears Flour and Feed Cigars Meats Cigars Gen'l Mdse Lumber Cigars Gcn'l Mdse Harness Gen'l Mdso Groceries Gen'l Mdse Groceries Confectionery Groceries Cigars Hardwaro Footwear Cigars Art Store Clothing Cigars Miaipsteln & Bro J N Cigars & Tobacco busnltsky & Co M Gen'l Mdse htegner J H Mnlth & Co C W hmith H T bommer G P Schucrholz F W Schwanker U O Swingle L B Smith Maggie Taeubner A R 'rheobold John Terwllllger F G Wayne Co. Co-operative W'eniger L C Watts Graham LAKE Black E J Brown Jonathon Howo P T ourtis S B Bortree E N Mrs Bortrce & Son S C Collins G G Jones T N ivlzer Leslie Klzer W W Keyes & Son A S Lonsteln Samuel Masters C A Manilevllle George A U'Dell Lottie I Shallcr O W Shaffer Ben Schadt Flora M Simons E W Samson & Cook ..LEHIGH Carr & Co W L Crooks J B Flower W E Garagon C W Harvey W L Mathews C P & Sons Khoues A L Smith M E bhooK R E MANCHESTER. Hleck Wm A Bullock Grace S Emerich Wm K G DeBruen Martin Harford J V Kellam 11 I' Lord Isaac Stalker D M Tuuplo L L Weltzer Hyman Westbrook B F MOUNT PLEASANT. China & Crockery Wagons Jewelry Cigars Bakery Furniture Candy Clgais Gen'l Mdse Asso " Cigars Hardwaro Gen'l Mdso Footwear Cigars Rootling Gen'l Mdse Flour & Feed '1 lnwai o Groceries Gen'l Mdse Flour and Feed Cigars Gen'l Mdse Groceries Cigars Gcn'l Mdso Groceries Cigars Gen'l Mdse Gea'lMdso Meats Clgais Building Material Flour and Feed Gen'l .Mdse Cigars Cigars Gen't Mdse Cigars Meats Gen'l Mtjsc Cigars Bryon M J liralu Bios ureunan J D Bonham C V Bunnell I W Fowler Robert Giles R W Miller O C U'Hara M L Davis Hotel Pel ham J J 1 litany J E Gen'l Mdse Cigars Feed Gen'l Mdse Groceries Millinery Cigars Clothing Mangan Estate Mrs. Thomas Gen'l Mdse A Stickler For Principle. "Will you be my owucst own for over and ever, darling?" pleaded the lover. "Do bt reasonable, Percy," softly remonstrated the lady Socialist. "You know I don't approve of granting spe cial privileges or encouraging monopo lies, so please put your 'Uiestlon In another form." Illustrated Sunday Magazine. Napoleon's Loss. "Shall you return to power, sire?" nsked Napoleon's secretary as they departed together from the field of Waterloo. "I fear me not," said the emperor sadly. "That hook nosed warrior the Duke of Wellington appears to have captured my return ticket." narperV Weekly. Proud of His Coin. "Sir," said the haughty aristocrat, who was as proud as lie was poor, "you ought to be proud of the fact that I even recognize you." "I am," rejoined the self made mnu. "It shows that I have money." Chi cago Ncwn. McDonald F II Nell C P Nallan M J Obcrle Carl Phillipps Lewis Denlson F J Peltz L H Poepple Fred Relneke Fred Reallor Martin Racker Carl Snyder & Freethy Snyder & Freethy Schlager E L Skier M D Skier Jos Teeter Estato R Tuttlo F L & Co Thompson Geo S Unger P J Von, Frank Henry Vogler Earnest Watts G & Son wolf wm Welsh and Ames Watterson Mary A Warg R F Wetzel August Wick Gustavo HONESDALE. Ammer J G Abrams A W Brooks C A Buerkett Henry urown i is Barberl A Bodle J A Bregsteln Bros Betz C M Brady J T Brown Est John Chambers O T Clark & Bullock Charlesworth Thomas Cole I'crcy L Crosby John Doyle Clinton Dunkleberg H A Dunning C L Deln Charles W Dunn J P Deltzer Edward Deck H Erk Bros Eld red Mrs A M Eberhardt Jr A Flagg's Clothing Freund Henry Eisner uaviu Furniture Cigars Farming Implements Gen'l Mdse OREGON. Hlghhouse C L Flour & Feed Jvnorr Fred Meats Penwarden E D Gen'l Mdse PAUPACK. Goble A Cigars & Candy , PRESTON. Clothing Meats Confectionery Jewelery Cigars Confectionery Meats Harness Cigars Confectionery Drugs Drugs Gen'l Mdse Clothing Furniture Gen'l Mdse Groceries Confectionery Gen'l Mdse Flour and Feed Hardwaro Clothing Gen'l Store Groceries Footwear Meats Gen'l Mdse Clothing Groceries Cigars Clothing Confectionery Art Store Clothing Harness Drugs Furniture Drugs Gen'l Mdso Photographer Drugs Groceries Cigars Meats Gen'l Mdse Meats Meats Footwear Ilardware Coddlngton Fred Cole Fred Clune & Son Thomas Dlx Howard A uoylu W H Dumond J G Hackett Co E Hlno A F Hlne Stanley Howell a Co tiarry Healy Wm J Lewis J W Madlgan P F McLean E F Sillsbee S C Smith D M Tiltany F W Woodmansee R C Walling J Wager Anthony Wluwood Milling Co PROMPTON Dytnond J B Snedeker A E SALEM Andrews George C Alt W H Chumard W E Dierenlleld Joseph Elliott J E Edward D W Foote Ralph Uoodrich Florence Hamlin B F Kellum and Reldy Lorlng Chas M Nicholson tt " Potter E II Surrldge W II Sosenhamer John Simons C L Savltz William Stevens W A Williams I G Groceries Cigars Groceries Gcn'l Mdse Groceries Gen'l Mdse Flour & Feed Gen'l Mdse Farm Implements uen i niu&e Cigars Feed Cigar; Coal Cigars Groceries Gen'l Mdso Cigars ucn i muse Gen'l Mdse Hardware Farm Implements Farm Implements Gen'l Mdse Jewelry Clgai s Implements Gen'l Mdse REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At tho close of business, March 7, 1911. RESOURCES, Loans and Discounts i 220.200.37 Overdralts.secured and unsecured 10 M u, a. lion (is to secure circulation. ro.uuu w Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 2.800 00 Bonds, securities, etc 1 J52.431 67 iiuiiKins-nouse, lumuure ami na tures Due from National Jlunks (not 10,000 00 3,031 13 German -American Home Men Voinen,younEol, 1 CHtlllbllll q,k. As lilwtlilnr !! rWd. rlTd Br l!nbh4 TN, IVt 4f ll kill Tho GERMAN AMERICAN TREATMENT, B Slrletlr Hclvntlrla Coiubliitloa StlteUd Jh ConbUtd of 6000 MllertBt Drata, U )! cta A ,ry Individ! Cai, 1 trotltUtlr th Only Cure, o Mtlr wbufTr 7ar itlmaat ar Dl,rl taar b, f ana r orltla, aa Baatbaa bo (alltd. Writ. Blal year Caa la atrlct tattll, A Core (1IIA1I ANTKCU. ait-Iran OLD GERMAN DOOTORb l'at llox CH88, I'lillailclplila, Pa. Reserve Airents) Due from State and Private Banks anu iiankers. Trust companies. and Savings Banks 30(1 9T Due from approved reserve agents 112.G8S 25 Checks and other cash items.. .. 2,2)1 Ki Notes of other National Hanks.. SM 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els mid cents... 250 72 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: specie -fsi.zij ou Leiral tender notes UJtX 00 Ul.OfiS SO Redemption fund with U. S. i reasurer, to per cent, oi circu lation) 2.7M 00 Dno from U. S. Treasurer 000 00 Total $1,881,887 SI LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In 150,000 00 150.UO0 0U Surnlus fund, Undivided prollts. less expenses and taxes paid 70.H50 31 National Hank notesoutstandlns 5I.500 00 Due to other National Hanks Ml 51 Individual deposits subject to ClieCK tl,4,H,4iU 01 Demand certificates (if deposit . 23,501 00 Certified checks 50 00 Cashier's checks out- stundlnir C03 50-$ I.153.G36 07 None None None None llonds borrowed Notes and bills rcdlscounted Bins payable, mcliulliit' certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed . Liabilities other than those above stated Total $1,881,887 D2 State of Pennsylvania. County of Wayne, ss. I, H. Z. Russell, Presldi lit of the above named Bank, do snlemnlv sucir thp above statement Is true to the best of my kuuw jeUb'u Hiiu ueuei. II. Z. Russell, President, Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 11th day of March. 1911. R. A. SMITH, N. P. Correct attest: Andrew Thompson. ) P. R. Murray. f-DIrectors. E. 11. IlARDFJJHEROH, J 20w4 W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALKS ANVWIIEUE IN STATE. NOTlCK is hereby given that an ap plication will bo made to the Gov ernor of Pennsylvania on April 18, 1911, nt 11 o'clock a. m., under the Act of Assembly, entitled an Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations, approved April 29, 1874, and sup plements thereto for tho charter of an Intended corporation to be called the Wallen-Paupack Power Com pany, the character and object of which Is' tho storage, transportation and furnishing of water with the right to take rivulets and lands and erect reservoirs for holding water for manufacturing and other pur poses, and for the creation, establish ing, furnishing, transmission and us ing of water power therefrom and for these purposes to havo, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and prlvleges of the said Act of Assem bly and supplements thereto. LAURENCE H. WATRES, Solicitor. Scranton, Pa. 22coi3 A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER! You will make money byhavlne me. Bell phone 9-u Bethany, Pa. W. a. HOLMES, President. A. T. SEAKLE, Vice Pres. II. S. SALMON, Cashier W. J. WAKD, Ass't Cashier We want you to understand tho reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECUItlTY of this Bank. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF 427,342.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 527,342.00 BVERY DOLLAR ot which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving .in increasing number of customers with lideelity and satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative management, insured by the UAllKKUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly eUen the Bank's affairs by a notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons of that SUPREME SAFETY which Is the prime essential of a cood isaiiK. DECEMBER 1, 1910 Total Assets, C" nei rMQ ix , y kj i , v u . ju j ,V. R. HOLMES A. T. SEAKLE II. ('LA UK Farm Even Then. First Antediluvian (In Methuselah'B time) What's the discussion nbout over there': Second Ditto Same old topic, whether a man aged 320 ought to mnrry n girl of 140. Puck. Not That Make. "You know old Jollaby? Well, ho has locomotor ataxia." "He has? I thought all the time It was a limousine." Baltimore Amer ican. When Johnny Counted. Mother Johnny Jones counts ten be fore ho fights. Tommy Yep, and he doesn't count for anything nfter It. New York Sun. Worth It. "My wife always kisses me when she wants money," "Well, she certijlnly cams all sh KOts." Spokane Spokesman-Review. Art Store Clears & Tobacco House Clothing Groceries Freeman Store Company Clothing reruer uroa (jigars fis Tobacco Oammell E W Gasoline Enclncs Galvln and Theobald Hardware Gray Chas II Drugs Grand Union Tea Co Tea & Coffee Green Mrs. Theresa Stationery Galvln Michael ' Cigars Gilbert & Sllsby Clears Gongolls Chris Confectionery Hclwlpr B H Wall Paper Honesdale Garage & Mach. Shop Gasoline TEXAS. Austin J M lieek Jacob lllshop H T lianeert John Brown Minor Bunnell P W liellman J II Christ Wm Dunkleberg E Edwards W D Klmblod L Gill Thomas , Gavltt E U Hook C J Herman M & Son Kranz Fred Mundy James Murphy C II Meyer George Nelmeyer Wm Penwarden Mfg Co t'otter uavia Itutlcdge BenJ Smith John C Skelly E T Iteatler Henry Schmltt P J Smith G & Son Secllg IS & C Tuman Joseph Werner Mrs. O A White Mills Coal Co Weber Brothers Wayne Milling Co Notions Cigars Gen'l Mdse Flour and Feed Farm Implements Gen'l Mdse Drugs Fertilizer ' Cigars Gen'l Mdse Cigars Gen'l Mdse Footwear Gen'l Mdse Meats Meats Cigars Drugs Cigars Wagons Cigars Shingles Cigars Hour and Feed Cigars Gen'l Mdso Cigars Meats Gen'l Mdse Confectionery Gen'l Muse Uoal Confectionery Flour and Feed WAYMART. A Little Child's Heart. A little child's heart Is a place where the sun Puts on Its green klrtle To laugh and to run. It Is full of sweet mornings That sing as they rise t To peep through the violet Tiluts rims of her eyes, Baltimore Sun. Ham S T Hcssler W O Heumann J H Hurley E Herrman W L Hlller J A Holbert B L Holl E & A Holbert B L Igo Mame A Jadwin C C Jenkins Frank t Katz Bros Knoll W H Kraft & Conger Klmblo Geo B Kroll Mrs F Kreltner Bros Lelne A M Llghthlzer T A Loercher John Lowe Chris Lord F W Lorls Jr BenJ Loomis A G Cigars Lennon and Coyne Cigars McKenna Sons Cooperage McKenna Miss Katherlne Notions McOranaghan Paul E Cigars Mclntyre W J Sewing Machines Harness Cigars Gcn'l Mdse Feed & Hay Notions Drugs Music Oen'l Mdso Groceries Coal Gen'l Mdso Hoofing Drugs Footwear Furniture Cigars McArdlo Chas A Maple City Garage Myers Frank J Marsh nnd rlsh Moore W T Meyer Herman Markey Charles Martone L Menner & Co Michaels F W Murray Co Nielsen J n O'Connell T D Olsen Wm Peterson Charles Peters' Ten Cent Store Pell O W Batten Itobert Denk J C Decker J W Dymond J B Hlnes F S Hull Brothers Keene J B Mltcnell W J l'lerson W W Stephenson F Varcoe F It S Farm Implements Cigars Gen'l Mdse Farm Implements Flour and Feed Cigars Gen'l Mdse Coal Gen'l Mdse Clears Gasoline Shoes Groceries Furniture Cigars Hardwaro Gen'l Mdse Cigars Wagons Notions Cigars Jewelry Notions Drugs WHOLESALE. HONESDALE. Atlantic Itefinlne Co Oil Brady J T Drugs Durland-Weston Shoo Co Footwear Freund Henry Gen'l Mdse Holmes W B Flour & Feed Honesdale Milling Co Flour & Feed Kraft & Conirer Coal Murray & Co Hardware Wayne Milling Co Flour and Feed MANCHESTER Atlantic Refining Company Oil PRESTON Hackett E & Company Gen'l Mdse TEXAS. Smith G & Son Dairy Produce RESTAURANT. EATING ilUUSH, CAFE. ETC. Heumann John Restaurant BILLARD AND POOL TABLES, ETC, BERLIN. Ives Wm Four Alleys wood wm l' Miller E " IIAWLT3Y. Croekenberc F J One Table Denlson F J Two Tables McDonald F II " IIONESnALE Relf J A Two Tables Hharpsteen J W & Brother One Tame Theobald John An appeal will be held at the County Treasurer's office on .Wednesday, April 10, 1911, between the hours of 10 a, m. and to. 'nnnirwRLTi. 23w3 Mercantile Appraiser, Advertise in The Citizen? t&r DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL, -a DIRECTORS CHAS. J. SMITH. II. J.OONGEK. W K. SUYDAM. K P. KIM11LK. II S. SALMON J. W. FARLEY KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. I N Rearesent Reliable Comoanies ONLY COUPON COUPLETS. There was an old of Pawtucket, Had a as big as a When she sat on a chair She exploded the And now she don't know just what ..I There was a young man of Fall River, Had a and an arrow and Took a shot in the air Then he heard his Dad For it hit the old man in the ! Cut out this coupon. Fill in the missing words. Enclose ten cents and mail to the Coupon Couplet Editor, Citizen Publishing Company, Honesdale, Pa. In return you will receive a cute little rabbit with a humorous verse attached to his tail. USEFUL, ORNAMENTAL EASTER GIFT. Send one to your friends. GET THIS FUNNY BUNNY Do you like to laugh? Some men we know would give $50 just to '"ee hee" twice a day. They can't laugh. They've got dyspepsia. Don't be a rich dys peptic ! Mail this coupon with ten cents to-day. You'll laugh for half an hour. If you don't crack a smile you're hopeless and can get your money back. GET BUSY! You're a long time dead! 4- f H"f-H-H-f-M"H"M"H-M"f t 4 -H-f4 The Coupon Couplet Editor desires to lnfprm all those who are wonder ing why they have not yet received n "Funny Bunny" after having filled In tho missing words and forwarded a dime, that there has been an unavoid able delay In catching the little rascals. Tho editor expects, however, to havo trapped enough by the time this announcement Is read to satisfy even the enormous demand for theso really sidesplitting rabbits. REMEMBER. IP YOU DON'T CRACK A SMILE YOU QET YOUR MONEY BACK,