THE CITIZEN, Fill DAY, MARCH 17, 1011. THE COUNTY HAMLIN. Special to THE CITIZEN. HAMLIN, Pa., March 10. P. A. Abboy Is In Honesdale, attending the session of court. Mrs. J. T. Stocker and Mrs. C. A. Spangeuberg visited Miss Electa Mooro on Tuesday last. h. .1, Peltnn Is on tbo sick list. Mrs. Minnie Brooks and (laughter, Alice, who spent the Inst three weeks In Scranton, have returned home. A. B. Walker made a trip to Honesdale on Monday last. Eugene Mitchell, who has been In Dayton, Ohio, for a part of tho Win ter, Is expected homo soon. A poverty social was hold Tuesday evening at tho homo of Mrs. Hattle Bortrce, Hamlin. A literary program consisting of music, recitations, etc., wns rendered. EAST HAMLIN. Spi-clat to THE CITIZEN. EAST HAMIN, Pn Mnrch 1(1 Sugar making on hand. Mrs. Rebecca Ressegule has had a bad case of erysipelas. D. Swlnglo lost a valuable cow recently. Earl Ressegule, who has been sick for tho past three weeks, is Improv ing. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peet made a flying trip to Newfoundland on Thursday last. Ed. has been confin ed to the house nearly all winter. Wc aro glad to sco him out again. The DImo Social held at Fred F. Chapman's, Friday evening, March 10. for the purpose of buying sing ing books for tho Littlo Chapel, was a success, being represented by Ar lington, hakeville, Avoy, Kizortown, and East Side friends. All reported an enjoyable time. Miss Edna M. Ressegule will leave for Honesdale, March IS to work at the milliner business on Main street. Goo. R. Bell is giving the Avoy church a coat of paint. PAUPACK. Special to THE CITIZEN. PAUPACK, Pa., March 10 A jolly load from this place went to Hawlcy on Thursday evening to the 'Nlckelot." Mrs. Sherman Fowler was a call er at tho home of Henry Fowler, Tuesday. U. F. Killam returned home after spending a few days with his daugh ter, Frances, who is in the hospital at Wilkes-Barro. We are glad to hear she is getting along so nicely. Miss Isabel Williams will spend th's week in Hawley with her-sister, Mrs. Gilpin. Miss Ida Fowler has returned to her home after spending a few weeks in Blooming Grove. Mrs. Bennett spent Wednesday with Mrs. Alvie Quick of Tafton. Wo are sorry to hear of the Ill ness of Mrs. Deacon and also of Mrs. Edwin Killam. Hope they will soon rcrover. ARIEL. special to THE 'CITIZEN ARIEL, Pa., Murrlt 10 In lov ing remembrance of Mrs. Joseph Chapman who died nt tho homo of her youngest son, Loren Chapman, ou Thursday last. The funeral ser- virpfl worn ItMrl of tli.. 1n rltnn 1 ..u(v, ..v.... t. i,,u uciiiQUtiuai j church in Treslarvllle on Saturday, J .uarcn 1 1 . interment In the Chap niantown cemetery. Farewell, Mother, thou hast loft us, But tho timo will not be long, Ere again we hope to meet tbeo, In tho summer land of song. Thy loIng hands now folded Across thy peaceful breast, Never more with work will weary. They forever are at rest. In tho grave thou hast no knowledgo What may be thy loved ones lot, Though thy sons may come to honor In the grave thou'll know it not. Soon the threefold message will be given, In every land and clime, And God himself in Heaven, Will declare the end of time. Then, Dear Mother, wo will meet thee On that bright celestial shore, And with songs of triumph groet thee Whoro parting Is no more. Orpha Swingle. STERLING. Special to THE CITIZEN. STERLING, Pa., March 10 A number are trying to make sugar, hut so far wo have had but littlo sap. We aro pleased to note that Mr. Robacker is Improving and the same may ho said of George Robacker and all the other sick, excepting Hugh Fit, who does not materially change. Mr. Ammernian is afflicted with rheumatism and is unable to get around. Harry Simons expired at a Wllkes Barre hospital and after a brief ser vice by Rev. W. E. Webster at Mrs. Anna Simons' at Newfoundland, Harry was buried at tho SImonstown burying ground on the 12th. M. C. Simons of Chicago, and all his sis tors were In attendance. On Sunday Mr. Webster also preached a sermon at the burial of Frank Rheluhart, South Sterling, and preached at Greentown In the ovoning and at Sterling in the morn ing. But two Sundays more before conference. On the 11th Mrs. A, J. Cross' mother, Mrs. Hlldebrand. was brought up from Now Jersey, al though a helpless invalid and now is at her daughter s. On the ovoning of March 11 the Ladles' Aid made all tho Odd Fel lows a complete surprise by clvinn them an oyster supper after tho clos ing of the lodgo. LOOKOUT. Special to THE CITIZEN. LOOKOUT, Pa., March 15. Sat urday brought sorrow to many hearts here. There were two fun orals held In . the church. At 2 1). m. Mrs. John N. Volo, who has Jived in our little town for over a quarter of a century, was burled. Hov. Coleman, Damascus, preached tho funeral service, assisted by Rev. F. W. Contant of this place. Mrs. Colo was a highly respected woman, and a dovout christian. Friends came from far and near to pay the last tribute of respect to one belov ed by all. At two o'clock in tho afternoon tho body of Nora Tyler, the beloved wife of Rev. W. T. Schenk, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, at Pleasant Mount, was brought hero for Interment. Mr. Schenk has a host of friends here where thoy both lived from childhood. Rev. John Gardner, Etiulnunk, preached a very sympathetic sermon. On account of the bad weather tho Epworth Lcaguo meetings have been closed for a few Sunday evenings. John H. Flynn and E. Teeple are attending court this week. Master Lynn Cole, who has been quite sick with la grippe, is able to bo out again. He Is a grandson of Peter H. Cole and the pet of the home. ' STEENE. Special to THE CITIZEN. STEENE, Pn., March 10. A Bachelors' club was organized here at Steene and Prompton last week on Saturday evening. Our butcher was duly elected president. After election nbout a dozen, all told, pur chased several quarts of oysters and started on a tramp of two mles up tho river road where they halted at a friend's home and demanded the use of tho kitchen and cook stove', which was granted, with plenty of milk thrown in (In the stew) con ditionally that the host could have a share of the oysters which was granted by the president, providing the host would furnish cider enough to keep the oysters down. Well, thore Is no mistake, our Tom did do ample justice in serving his brother Batches with several A No. 1 oyster stews until the wee small hours of the morning, when they retired to their several lonely bachelor quart ers. Another meeting is sot for next month. The writer hasn't learned yet the place. Mr. and Mrs. James Kagler, of Scranton, spent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Short of this I place. Farmer Short has three ewes that gave girth to triplets. Each mother with three lambs and all are doing fine. We think it beats Mr. Cliffs sheep record as ho has lost several lambs of late. Don't forget tho donation and oy ster supper at the home of Edward Keen at Keens station, Thursday evening, March 1G. All aro invited to attend as there will be plenty and wo all know that the farmers' wives know how to handle a hungry crowd. Just come and convince yourself. Elmer Hambly, Honesdale, visited with friends at Steene Sunday. Miss Margaret Haley, Honesdale, spent Sunday with her parents at this place. SIKO. SpwUl to THE CITIZEN. SIKO, Pa., March 10. Mr. and Mrs. James Coueland and children of Lebanon visited at John .teller's Tuesday. James Copeland mado a business trip to Galileo Monday. John Heller and family visited at E. Van Orden's Monday. Judson Bates has bought tho John Mnson farm near Pleasant Valley. He will move from Mrs. Justin's farm here. Wo wish Mr. Bates sun cess on his new farm. HAWLEY. Special to THE CITIZEN. Mrs. C. A.- Purdy, Seolyvllle, and Mrs. William Erk, Troy, spent Mon day and Tuesday in town at tho home of Mrs. R. W. Murphy. Mrs. Farrlngton Suydam and Mrs. Ralph Martin attended the card par ty of Mrs. John T. Fuller at Hones dale on Saturday. Theodore, the littlo son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Miller of tho East side Is sick. Mrs. Edward Hardier and two children left for Scranton on Satur day for a week's visit. A party composed of all gentle men from Peck's lumber camp, Us wlck, enjoyed tho hospitality of Geo. Kohlmnnn on Saturday night. On Monday D. J. Brannlng pur chased a valuable horso of Henry Simon of Kiptown, Pike county. Governor Watrour, Scranton, was in town on Tuesday in the interest of tho Paupack Power company, which it is supposed will soon com mence the construction of a dam across tho Paupack river at Wllson vllle. Clarence Pennell, Uswlck, attend ed the Masonic' meeting on Tuesday night. Carl Oberlo is still In town al though he has been spending most of the time with his friend, Mr. Hoffman on Bono Ridge. At about 5 p. m. today Mr. Wm. Sheeley was notified that his eldest son, Philip, had his arm cut off near the elbow whllo at work sawing wood with a gasoline englno at Lake- vllle. He was taken on tho evening train to a Scranton hospital. Miss Gill, White Mills, was in last Saturday. Miss Minnie Locklin, Lackville, was shopping and calling on friends here Tuesday. J. D. Ames Is having his dwolllng house shingled. Clarence Kimble, proprietor of tho Home Laundry, who has been very 111, Is convalescing. Mrs. Jacob Adams Is entertaining her sister who lives near Honesdale. An Economic. "Vou should ride u horse." "Cnti't afford It." said the npprehen 8ivu person. "But It will glvo you nn nppetite." "Perhaps. But It will do tho same for the horse." Washington Star. A Big Gun. "Professoi Smart Is a man of large mental caliber, is be not?" "He certainly Is a big bore." On! versify of Minnesota Minnehaha. His System of Self Defense. 'Have you ever studied the art of self defense?" said a young fellow to a man of magnificent physique and noble bearing. Tho elder man looked nt his ques tioner with a quiet smile and then an swered thoughtfully. "Yes. I have studied and practiced It" "All!" said tho other eagerly. "Whose system did you adopt?" "Solomon's." was tho reply. Somewhat abashed, the youth stam mered out: "Solomon's! What Is tm special point of his system of train ing?" "Briefly this." replied the other: "A soft answer turneth nwny wrath.' " For the moment the young man felt an Inclination to laugh and looked at bis friend anxiously to see whether he was serious. But a glance at the ac complished athlete was enough, and soon a very different sot of feelings came over the youth as his muscular companion added, with silent empha sis. "Try It." Christian Endeavor World. The "Green Flash" at Sunset. A correspondent writes that during tho course of a voyage when midway between Marseilles nnd the strnlt of Bonifacio a "green flash" was seen nt sunset. The sky was perfectly clear after a cloudless day. with little wind. As the sun approached the horizon the line 'twist sea and sky for about forty five degrees each side of the sun be came suffused with a rich dull rose pink, and the waves reflected a mar velous ruby shade on their surfaces facing the sunset, while the other faces were nn opalescent blue or green from the upper sky. The two colors flashed and changed in a marvelous way. Such intensity of coloring bad never been seen by those on board. The sun set clean Into the sea. and nbout ten (or less) seconds after It had disappeared a bright green single flash, just like n railway signal lamp, but brighter far. met our view and re warded our watching for It. Symons' Meteorological Magazine. A .Good Creed. To be able to look every man square ly In the eyes; to make friends and hold them: to keep clean of mind and body: to smile at ill fortune; to laugh nt my mistakes; to frown when temp tation comes avislting; to be ready with a -word of cheer when that word will help; to strive to develop to the utmost tho heart, head and hand qualities endowed by the Ruler over all: to hold all women In respect and to love one: to weave the thread of eternnl optimism Into the lives of all with whom I may come In contact: to worship nature and the Great Spirit that conceived it all In a word, to play tho game of life with a steady band and a qualmless conscience and a real desire to bo of service that Is my re ligion. And. say. if I can live up to the mark, don't you think I've corralled about nil the creed that Is necessary? Backbone Monthly. A Stream of Water. A high pressure Jet of water will bowl over a man as easily as a box of matches and leave him half stunned It will even turn a bullet from Its path. Experiments have shown that a Jet of water can bo produced at such n high pressure that it becomes practically a bar of Iron. Swords have been blunted In nttemptiug to cut through these ex tra high pressure jets. Some years ago an armed thief attempted to hold up a high official of tho Bank of England In his private office. The official man aged to get out of tho room uuhnrmed nnd locked tho door. A resourceful at tendnnt brought tho Are hose. He opened tho door sufficiently to insert the nozzle. In a few minutes the would be thief was picked up sense less. Pearson's Weekly. The Lion and the Lamb. He was a gentleman of the old school never mind his wrinkled brown skin nnd wrinkled brown clothes and It was with the most distinguished po liteness that he gave bis order to the butcher man: "De madam say please to cut her two lam' chops fum de lion, sub." The butcher man Jerked a loin from a hook, and his customer watched him cut Into it And a waiting woman said to herself: "Addition forty-eleven to the litera ture of the lion and the lamb." Wash ington Star. His Denomination. Dean do Moulin of Trinity cathedral told this bright little story during one of bis delightful talks not long ago: A man was asked to what religious denomination be belonged Ho thought it over. "Why," ho presently replied, "I be lieve it Is the Episcopal church I stay away from." Cleveland Plain Dealer A Misinterpreted Question. A young Canadlnn visited Washing ton one winter to spend tho holidays with n pretty cousin nnd her family. As ho was motoring with his pretty cousin one afternoon she said to him: "Do you have reindeer In Canada?" "No, darling," he answered quickly. "At this season It always snows." He Wasn't Afraid. When Bishop Phillips Brooks was "commanded," as the phrase goes, to speak before the queen some one ask ed If he wna afraid. "No," be replied, smiling; "I have preached before my mother." Not 8erlous. "Husband, I found a lock of hair among your old papers. I never gave it to you." "You needn't worry. I don't remem ber who did." Louisville Courier Journal. HINTS FOS THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE Convenient Flatiron Cleaner and Polisher. An effective cleaning and polishing device for sadirons has been designed by a New Jersey innu. It consists of a triangular box In two parts and large enough to permit of the free movement of the Iron wlthiu Its bound aries. In tho bottom of one side of tho box Is a felt pad. which Is saturat ed with oil. On top of this is laid a, piece of fabric sufficiently porous to allow of moistening from tho lower pad. In the other side of the box Is a piece of corrugated metal. To clean an iron tho implement Is nibbed over the oil soaked cloth till the rust ou It is softened. It Is then nibbed over the corrugated metal and the surface cleared of grit ns far as the corruga tions can do this. Tho final polishing is done with n dry flannel cloth. Tho box is made with the two parts hinged so that they can be folded up when it Is not In use nnd will not take up so much room. Potato Patties. Senson hot mashed potato with but- , tor. salt and pepper and bent until ; creamy; then press Into a buttered shallow pan, making it nearly an inch deep. When cold tuni on to a slightly (loured board and cut Into rounds. ' using a French patty cutter. Stamp ' the centers out from half tho rounds, forming rings. Mark the remaining I rounds and take out the potato in the 1 center to make cutis. Place on a but tered pan nnd brush over with bcutc yolk of egg mixed with a little milk 1 Place the rings on the cups and brush these with tho eggs. Heat through and brown in the oven. Fill with creamed chicken or fish. Flank Steak, Mexican Style. Tako three pounds of flank stcaK scored by the butcher and put in the pan with a little lard or butter. Salt and pepper lightly, then put a layer of onions sliced thin, a little cuyeune pep per, then n layer of sliced potatoes Season with salt and pepper. Take a can of tomatoes and pour over the toj). Bake slowly for three bourn About half an hour before taking from tho oven cover with a thick layer of boiled rice. Let it get nicely browned. Lift out ou a platter nn,d cut through like shortcake. Potage Clermont. Boll three-quarters of a pint of white beans In three or four pints of second stock with two small pieces of carrot, a bay leaf, two small onions, two or three cloves, some peppercorns and salt. Let simmer about four hours, stirring occasionally. Then, with the exception of carrot and herbs, pass all through a hair sieve and return the puree to a clean saucepan. Let It boll up, add a pat of butter and lastly u tablespoonful of hot cream. Serve with croutons. Coffee Mccaroons. Blanch four ounces of sweet almonds, pound to a paste In n mortar aud moisten with four teaspoonfuls of very strong coffee. Then ndd the stlUly beaten whites of four eggs mix ed with one pound of white sugar Shape into macaroons nnd arrange them in paper lined cases. Bake for ten minutes In a hot oven. Tbes.e tire very dainty Indeed when decorated with a small crystallized cherry on top of each macaroon. Remedy For Burns. An excellent remedy for a burn U composed of equal parts of linseed oil nnd llmewater. Saturate some modi cated cotton In this and bind on tin burn, first wrapping the cotton with a bit of thin cotton cloth to prevent bat ting adhering to burn. This Is also very fine for frostbites. Poor Man's Pudding. Four cups of milk, half a cup of rice, one-third cup of molasses, half n tea spoonful of salt, half a tcaspoonful of cinnamon, a tablespoonful of butter Bake threo hours In very slow oven, stirring three times during first hour to prevent burning and rice settling. To Cure Toothache, The worst toothache or neurnlgia coming from tho teeth may bp speed ily and delightfully ended by the ap plication of a bit of cotton saturated In a solution of ammonia to the de fective tooth. Diana of Philadelphia. At the mini in Philadelphia are number of coins fur more precloua than any which And their way Into circulation. They nre u collection of j curios, and many of thein date from i times of great antiquity. Perhaps the I most Interesting among them is a handsome coin bearing on Its fnce the , profile of a woman which has a strik I ing resemblance to the goddess of j Liberty of our own currency. Under neath is the single word "Demos," which is the Greek for people. On the reverse of the coin Is a beautiful , figure of the goddess Diana nrcbing her bow, and the Inscription trans lated Into English reads, "Diana. Friend of the Phlladelphlans." The coin wns minted more than , 2,000 years ago at the city of Phlladel- puia, in Asia Minor, wncre mere grew up In later years one of the seven churches of which St. John writes. The prize wns discovered some years . ago In Europe by a citizen of our own I Philadelphia, himself an authority on coins. By him It was appropriately presented to the mint In Philadelphia. -New York Press. Carlyle's Sneer at Gladstone. .1. E. Boohm, the sculptor, once met Gladstone at a country house nnd wns Immensely Impressed by the extent nnd diversity of the statesman's knowl edge as revealed In his conversation. Boehm wns still full of the subject when tho morning arrived for Carlyle's sitting for a bust, nnd to the philoso pher the sculptor poured forth his ad miration for Gladstone's Intimate ac quaintance with subjects so far apart as gardening and Greek. Carlyle lis tened for a time In scornful silence: then he said. "And what did he say about your work?' "Oh. nothing." said Boehm "no doesn't know any thing about sculpture." "Of course." growled Carlyle. "of course, and be showed his knowledge nbout things that you didn't understand. No doubt if you asked Blackle he'd say that Gladstone knew nothing about Greek, and the gardener would tell you that he knew nothing whatever of garden ing" How Sheridan Paid a Debt No one knew better the power pos scsscd by a really polished compliment than Shirldan. and on Innumerable oc casions during that rather stormy the atrical management of his did he ox trlcate himself from a difficulty by means of one A good instance is the following: An English nobleman who had married a beautiful actress once applied with much dignity in the greenroom to Mr Sheridan for the ar rears of her salary and vowed thnt he would not stir till they were paid. "My dear lord." said the Impecunious manager, "this is too bad. You have taken from us the brightest jewel In the world, and you now quarrel with us for the little dust she has left be hind her." The nobleman Immediately burst out laughing, and the debt was canceled. London Standard. Graveyard Marriages. A strange custom prevails among a certain tribe In the Caucasus. When a single young man dies some one calls upon a bereaved parent who has car rlcd to the grave a marriageable daughter In the course of n year and says: "Your son Is sure to want a wife. I'll give you my daughter, and you shall deliver to me the marriage portion in return." A friendly offer of this description is never rejected, nnd the two parties soon come to terms ns to the amount of the dowry, which varies according to the advantages possessed by the girl In her lifetime Cases have been known where the young man's father has given as much as thirty cows to secure a dead wife for his dead son. As It Really Was. On the morning after his first ap pearance ou the stage the confident but untnlented youth met a friend who bad witnessed bis first perform nncc. "What do you think of my act ing?" asked the'would be Hamlet. "That wasn't acting," replied the friend. "That was misbehavior." THE FIRST YEARS OF ill MUST MAKE PROVISION FOR TIE LAST You can make provision for your declining years by saving-a part of your earnings Open an account with $1.00 or more at the FARMERS and MECHANICS BANK -THE BANK FOR ALL CLASSES- COE. MAIN AND 9th ST. Warming the Devil. An almost Incredible' ca -e of supor c' inn Is reported from Itihnl. near 0 osswardeln, Hungary The placo haf never before experienced a e'rthquake, but recently a series of violent Ehocks shook the neighbor hood, some being so violent that the e! irch bells rang. Tho villagers wero giaatly alarmed, and consulted an old vjt an quack of tho place, who de cl red that tho shocks wore tho g 'ins of thodovll, who suffered cold vr I hunger. Thereupon tho poasnam a number of calves and gnats in. n M chasm outside tho village to .i case the devil's hunger and sot I' - to the Bishop's forest in the neigh-In- Mrod to provide him with wai'mth. T quack nnd several peasants har In c i arrested. Vienna correspond en c the London Leader. An Almshouse Class. Thirteen Inmates of the New York ah1 shoiiEe, among them tho once fa in;) us Harry Courtnlne, the original PI 'on Legroe in "Uncle Tom's C;i n," were confirmed by Bishop Pi!:..ldge, of the Protestant Episco pal church. Another notable mom be r of the confirmation band was Jmige Badgley, once on tho bench ha California and well to do, but then eighty years old and a public charge. Jrdgc Badgley prided himself on hav ing given more than $10,000 to char ity during his days of prosperl' 7 la tbo west HONESDALE POSTOFFICE. Mail Opens. 1 :55 A. M., 1). & II. R. It. 1:50 P. M., Erie It. II. 3:15 P. M.,' 1). & II. It. It. 0:50 P. M., Erie It. It. 7:21) P. M. 1). & II. IS. It. Sunday Only. 10:15 A. M., D. & II. It. U. 7:00 P. M., Erio It. It. 12:00 M., All Star Routes. 0:15 P. M., It. 1). 1, 2 and 3. Mail Closes. :30 A. M., D. & II. It. It. 00 A. M., Erie It. It. :00 M., 1). & II. It. R. 125 P. M., Erlo It. It. 0 8 12 10 P. M., 1). & II. It. It 15 P. M., E. & W. It. It. 30 P. M., Star Route. To Tyler Hill. 50 P. M. All Other Routes. Star Saturday Only. 5:!S0 P. M., E. & W. V. R. It Sunday Only. 0:15 P. M., I). & II. It. It. 0:50 A. M., R. I). 1, 2 and 3. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tne 53ignaturo Republican Candldato For Nomi nation of County Commissioner, I. G. SIMONS, Sterling, Pa. HONESDALE, FA.