THK OITI.I. MtllAV, MA1K AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION Betty's Idea and the Result of the Experiment. By SUSIE B. WIGHT. "Now, Tom, dear," said little Sirs. Kills, handing him n cup of coffee, "1 have something serious to say to you." "Yes?" Mr. Ellis' tone was notably nbsontmtndcd. Ho was looking at the alluring curve of her soft white arm. She had the cunnlngest way of giving her big sleeves a twitch to keep them out of the way as she passed anything at table, and this mornlug the slcevi was a great silken one embroidered with Japanese Iris. However, for her wn good her husband had not told her ill her attractions for him. Not know ing his train of thought, she observed only the preoccupation In his tone. This confirmed her In the wisdom ' her determination, but It also gave hei a queer little disposition to let dowi' the corners of her mouth. "Well, It Is only this, Tom," she pro ceeded, her eyes studiously avoiding his. Preoccupation In his tone was bad enough; to recognize it In his eyes would be Intolerable. "You see, wt have been staying so closely together since the wedding, now three whole months. Aren't you just n little nfrald we are overdoing the devoted? When I see so mnny married couples who nre Just ns happy away from each other, or more so, I dread the time" nor Up quivered, but this time Mr. Ellis was giving his attention to the smooth whiteness of her neck. lie did not an swer, and in a moment she went on in a steadier voice, "You remember the 'ounce of prevention, dear?" "Worth a pound of medicine, isn't It?" ho replied frivolously, and when she proceeded gravely her voice had shaded down to nctual wistfuluess. "For fear, Tom, that our happiness should lose some of its tone in such constant association as ours I have t)eon thinking that maybe it would be better not to see each other quite so often. I couldn't bear to see that you were growing tired of me" "Her Infinite variety," he began to quote, but she interrupted htm with n lift of the kimono clad arm that set his thoughts adrift ngaln. "We must con sider the subject seriously, dear," she said softly and plaintively. "Suppose we plan deliberately to keep now to each other by taking some of our pleasures away from each other." "Goodness, Rctly!" he exclaimed. "I thought wo married in order to enjoy ourselves together." "Wo did, but see how people) get after a few years! The Thomases, now, for Instance how different they are! And yet I am old enough to re member that they wore perfectly self ish together at llrst. There are the IUpleys too. They are congenial and apparently the best of friends, but Mrs. Itlpley doesn't seem to mind at all that her husband spends the greater part of his time away from her. It Is only that I dread such a phase In our life." IIo looked at her in surprise. Who would have thought her capable of such serious consideration of n life problem, this pretty creature of sun shine and smiles? Just then a thought popped into his mind. Suppose she were already getting tired just a little bored with him. It would be like her to contrive some tactful way of telling lilm. And then Rotty hud been n belle; there had been a score of fellows dancing attendance upon her, even up to the very day of the wedding. Perhaps she was feeling dull, and no wonder, with such a poor stick ns ho as her only companion, even if she did love him as she pro fessed, ne pondered a few moments, making a great sacrifice, while trlvl ally engaged In sipping his fragrant breakfast coffee. AVhen ho sroke his tone was cheerful. "Well, Betty, darling," ho remarked, "that had not occurred to me until you spoke, but you are right. There Is danger of overdoing the devoted, and we mustn't get tired of each other we Just must not! I have not been to the club not since the wedding. I will go there to dinner this evening, and you must ncccpt one of your numerous in vitations. You have Dolly to go with you, and I will send n carriage to be al your disposal for tho evening." "Yes," acquiesced Hetty in a small voice, keeping her eyes upon her plate. She had not expected her Ideas to bo adopted with so llttlo protest, nnd it was not cheering to find herself so correct In her forethought. Ho looked at her sharply for n mo ment, then came over to her side of tho table and kissed her goodby most affectionately. She longed to tell him thnt It would seem llko a month for him to bo gone until late that evening before she should seo him ngaln, but no if ho was already feeling the pull of tho silken chain that bound them to gethcr sho must not let lilm know tha she was aware of It. Sho sprang mer rily up, went with him to tho door chattering about this nnd thnt, a though her every thought was not of the evening that was going to bo so lonely without hlni. When ho turned back at tho corner for a last look tho wave of her small hand was positively hilarious. Tho day crept by. At first her lm pulso was to remain quietly at homo for the evening, but ho was going to tho club, and she must not bo behind him in carrying out tho plan. Sho accepted Mrs. Hlpley's Invita tion to hear Nordlca with her. In the afternoon sho dressed and went to a tea, wasted some hours ovei a visit to her dressmaker, and when evening finally came she arrayed herself for tho sacrifice. It was no fun at nil to fluff out her golden hair when there was no one there but Dolly to remark upon the effect, and then Dolly was painfully matter of fact. Sho would wear the violet silk with tho yellow I lace cascades, even If there was no-1 body there to tell her it was the pret tiest dress that ever n pretty woman wore. It was a sort of solemn satis faction to be making herself lovely without the encouragement of nn ad mirer sitting over in thnt big chair, his Unco over the arm and n cigar in his mouth, but at the mental picture sho smothered an Irrelevant sob. Dolly looked at her acutely. "I believe I am about to take cold," faltered the little mistress nicndn-j ciously. "My throat feels so queer." j When she entered the box and throw her great white cloak in a luxurious heap in tho chair behind her Mrs. Itlp ley glanced over her with n look of decided approval. "You were never prettier, Betty," she whispered, "and then it is so sen sible of you not to be foolish about having Tom Ellis dangling after you everywhere you go." "That Is what wo ngreed only thU morning," said Betty in a burst of confidence, and then she grew sudden' ly silent. Her eyes, sweeping the crowde. house, had fallen upon Tom Ellis in fi group of men down near tho footlights As the moments went on she began tt feel aggrieved that he did not even glance toward tho Itlpley box, nlthough he surely had known of the Invitation She was glad when the music began, because her throat still had that queer feeling, and her lips wanted to tremble. Nordlca's superb presence nnd her sing ing failed for the first time to absorb Betty's attention. Sho would not look again at that group down near tho stage, but she could not keep from see ing them in her mind's eye. She was giau mere were ouiers in me uus wuu i felt like talking. She did not want Mrs. Itlpley to regard her too closely after tho drop of tho curtain. Tho hum of conversation began In n moment, ! and sho half turned toward those near her, seeming to listen, although she heard not a word. Still sho would not look below her. "Boo!" came a frivolous exclamation at her shoulder, and sho started vio lently. The rich, blood surged Into her face. She did not need to see whoso hand was resting on her arm. "Why, Betty Ellis," cried one gay voice, "you don't mean to tell me you are actually blushing over Tom, you ancient married woman, you! The blushes are for the buds." "Then they are for Betty," said Tom gallantly. "What rosebud ever looked sweeter than sho does this minute?" "Tom!" sho remonstrated, nnd he laughed and sat down beside her. When tho others were absorbed In themselves ngaln he whispered to her: "Forgive me, Betty, If I bored you by coming. I just couldn't help it. I had forgotten all about the Itlpley Invita tion until I saw you in the box. I came along just to be doing something." "Don't," she begged, and the eyes that were lifted to his were full of tears. Ho covered her hand a moment with his and waited; then, when sho had slyly wiped tho moisture from bet lids and had swallowed that trouble some lump, who whispered: "I was just mlsfaken after all. I don't believe in preventive measures llko this. Wo arc not tired yet. Let's just wait until wo are." "Done, Betty!" he agreed rapturously. "You are so sensible." "Sensible!" interrupted Mrs. Itlpley. turning quickly at the word, which bad drifted to her ears. "Isn't she so. Bronze Bust Shows Carnegie In Rector of University Robes Copyrisht by J. Massey Hhlnd. NDHEW CARNEGIE In bronze A New York sculptor, has modeled the ironmaster In clay and replicas have been cast In bronze. Mr, Hhlnd had a number of sittings beforo the bust was completed, and when it was finished the result was highly pleasing to Mr. Carnegie nnd his friends. They called it a perfect like ness, and tho cut printed above shows that it possesses much character. Mr. Carnegie is showu In the robes of tho lord rector of St. Andrews university, Scotland, ho being tho llrst American who over held that honored ofllce. Ad mirers of, Mr. Carnegie have bought copies of tho bust nnd have presented them to libraries which have been given to schools nnd municipalities by the philanthropist. The bust is preferred by mnny to a painting us being at tho same tlmo moro lifelike and nioro enduring. l om t i while ago t i-e-.imKi i ably so." The two nn ot'teil the unmerited praise tinbluslilnglv and looked at eacn other with a happy laugh. Charms of a Soldier's Life. The inducements England once held out to suitable men to Join the ranks of the light dragoons, as given in the following passage taken from tho Lon don Times of Sept. 25. 1S01. woro cer tainly strong. Those willing to Join are Informed that they "will bo mount ed on the finest horses In the world, with superb clothing nnd the 'richest nccoutcrments. Your pay and priv ileges are equal to 2 guineas a week. You are everywhero respected. Your society is courted. You are admired by tho fair, which, together with the chance of getting switched to a bux om widow or brushing with a rich heiress, renders the situation truly en viable and desirable. Young men out of employment or otherwise uncom fortable. 'There is a tide In the affairs of men which, taken nt tho flood, leads on to fortune.' Nick It and instantly apply to the above." Long Lived Dancers. Louis XIV., who granted IVAcude mlo do Danse of Paris Its charter, strongly advocated dancing, for he considered It an aid to develop dex terity and deportment nnd adapt men for n warlike career. It would bo somewhat exacting today to require recruits to take dancing lessons, but danciug seems to produce longevity, judging from the long life enjoyed by many of the aristocracy of tho pro fession. Vcstrls lived to be eighty, his son reached the age of 102, and one of his cousins attained ninety years. Pettlt pa, who died in 1S9S, reached eighty years, and a brother passed away at St. Petersburg wanting Ave years of his century, while the brother of Lou is Merante, who was well known nt tho opera, died In 1002 nt Rouen, hav Ing reached the age of 102. Sweetness That Nover Palls. During a sleepless night the Vizier MuJJeduddin Kumlja dispatched his slave, Bedruddln EJas, to bring him sweets. The slave procured a copper kettle heaped with many kinds of fruits nnd sweets, nnd Mujjeduddin began to eat. "You relish them, my master?" asked the slave. The vizier shrugged his shoulders "These fruits are sweet for the mo ment." he said, "but show me a fruit the sweetness of which will endure even unto the Judgment day." "Such fruits there are. my master.' cried the slave and hastened toward the Mesched Husa. where he awoke the starving orphans in the bouse of Allwln nnd led them forth into the room of his master. Overjoyed, the famished children devoured the fruits "Look, oh. my master." said the slave. "Here you see fruits the sweet ness of which endures unto tho Judg ment day." Utter Waste. "We all sigh for something unattain able." "That's right. My wife has never been able to find any good use for the burned matches." Washington Her ald. The Way of the World. "Isn't It -iwful? According to tho papers, there just seems to be one rev olution after another." "Yes. That's the way the world goea round." Judge. It Is tho peculiarity of a fool to bo quick In seeing the faults of others while he Is blind to his own. that Is, J. Massey Rhind, the well known For the Children Demonstration of the Pulling Power of a Small Magnet. Replying to the question from one of Its readers, "Why docs a magnet pull?" the editor of St. Nicholas says: No one knows Just why or how a magnet pulls As with electricity, we know only the resuls of the power and some methods of its use. However, your Inquiry suggested tho question of how much n small magnet can pull. To test this I tied the ar mature to the "platform" of an ordi nary weighing scale for family use. Then I tied a strong cord to the loop of the magnet, put the cord through a hook screwed to the table and pulled. When I was not trying to take a photograph 1 could pull It down to five and three-quarter pounds, and there It broke away. For an exposure of ten seconds I could not bold it steadily enough at a point much beyond thnt shown In the accompanying illustra tion. Try it. You will bo surprised to seo bow many pounds merely a little toy magnet can pull. If one had a series of weights each not much over five pounds, what a grand total the little "horseshoe" could lift In a series of repeated efforts, each effort being at Us limit of powerl A Pueblo Dance. The fleeka or nrrow dance is pictur esque as practiced by the Pueblo In dians In Arizona. One of the braves Is led before his friends, who are drawn up in two rnnks. Here be Is placed on one knee, bow and arrow In his hand, when the Mallnchi, a handsomely at tired young girl, commences the dance. From her right wrist hangs the skin of a sliver gray fox. nnd bells that jan gle with every motion are fastened to tho end of her embroidered scarf. At llrst the maiden dances along the lino in front, by ber movements de scribing the warpath. Slowly, steadi ly, she pursues; then suddenly ber step quickens as she comes in sight of her enemy. The brnve follows her with his eye and by the motion of bis head Implies that she Is right. She dances faster and faster, then suddenly seizes the nrrow from him nnd by frantic gestures makes it plain that the fight has begun in earnest She points with the nrrow, shows how It wings Its course, how the scalp was taken and her tribe victorious. As she concludes her dance sho returns the arrow to the brave. Firearms are discharged, and the whole party wends its way to the public square to make room for other parties, who keep up the dance until dark. Chicago News. Riddlemcree, Why is a coward like a leaky barrel? They both run. What is that which' never asks ques tions, yet requires many answers? Tho doorbell. What is that which goes up the bill and down the hill and yet stands still? The road. What ship is It that no woman ob jects to embark In? Courtship. What is that which Is full of holes and yet holds water? A sponge. A Piece of Candy. Who says candy is not good to entl Mrs. Sarah Bush, who lives In Kirk wood, I'a., likes candy, and she often gets some to eat. Sue bought some a week or so ago and ate part of It. She began on another piece, and her teeth crunched on something bard. A piece of nutshell? Oh, no; It was not a piece of nutshell. It was u diamond, that's all. and It looked as if It might have come from a ring worn by the person that made the candy. The Cattail. The cattail of the American swampi is almost exactly the same nlant ni the Egyptian bulrush. It is no long er used for making paper as It onc was. but from Its root is prepared nt astringent medicine, nnd Its stems an used for the manufacture of mats, chair bottoms and the like. The Toy Soldier. I've heard of many soldiers Who after they had fought In two or three hard battles Have won renown. There ought To be Rome decoration Or medal. I thuuld think, For one who's fought so often. The field was black with Ink One day I was disfigured For life! 'Twas Marathon That time. I've been at Sumter. 1 fought there, on and onl At Fort Tlconderoga 1 lost a leg An arm At Bunker Hill was taken. In Lexington's alarm My gun. was Bmashed to pieces. And yet I fought next day At Gettysburg. Gibraltar, Bull Run and Monterey. I'd like a little medal- 1 think It should be gold For In the ranks of soldiers Was never one more bold Vouth's Companion. Mixed Emotions. A Bostonlan tolls of n clean, well set np young Irishman who formerly snw service in the British navy, but who Is now engaged In business nt the Hub. "When aro you going to get freedom In Ireland, John?" the Bostonlnn once Idly asked. "The only way that we'll get free dom In ould Ireland," snld tho Celt, "will be If Franco nn' Russia nn' Ger many an' Auslrln an' mnybe Italy if they would all Join together to give those blnckcunrds of English a rarfc ould batln'. That's tho only way, sir. we'll get home rule." Then as lie looked cautiously about a twinkle of cunning was added to his expression, "An' tho whole lot of 'cm together couldn't do it, sir. Oh, It's the grand nnvy we've gotl" Lippln cott's Magazine. The Talmud. The Talmud Is (lie compendium of an cient Jewish oral, or unwritten, law, as distinguished from the I'entnrench, or written, law. its origin is coeval with the return of the Jewish people from the Babylonian captivity, 530 B. C. Its compilation In Hebrew was be gun by the scribes, and by their suc cessors the work was carried on till 220 B. C. The Talmud is a combina tion of prose and poetry and contains two elements, legal and legendary. Its morality resembles that of the New Testament, and Its philosophy reminds us very forcibly of that of the great Plato. New York Ame'lcan. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVcgelablePrepaMonforAs sirailaliiig iheroodandRcdula ttag Ute Stomachs aiulBowcIs of Promotes Difeslion,Cheerful nc ss and Rest.Contalns rteilticr OpiuntMorphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Km JtctfreofOMDrSWmniumt Brnipktn Seed Jlx,Stnna WormSeed ClorHlrd Sugar Vatajneatlimr. Anerfect Remedv for Conslipa- tion.SourStoraach.Dlarrtoea VYorms,Coitvulsions.l'CTCrisn ncss andLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. . Guaranteed i jjiHii""?!' ttui Exact Copy of Wrapper. lSenss9 Boys9 land Children's OVERCOATS MUST GO AT HALF PRICE FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS ibs win De a qooca oppor H tunity to buy next Winter's Overcoat. Remember for 15 DAYS ONLY. Bregstein Bros. HONESDALE, PA. - i Wild Hog Invades Missouri. For seven months a wild hog has destroyed much corn on n farm two miles south of Carutlicrsvllle. This wily beast eluded tho pursuit of many hunters, hiding in inaccessi ble thlckots. Sheriff Franklin and F. F. Cunningham routed him out with a pack of hounds, and the former brought him down with a steel bullet from his automatic rifle. Tho hog weighed 5G5 pounds, and Is estimated to have been eight years old. Canithersvlllo correspondence St Louis Republic. Qualifying As a Juror. "Are you here to qualify as a Juror In this case?" Inquired the Judge "I be." "Are you a citizen of tho state and co'inty?" "I be." "Are you competent to weigh care fully and judicially the arguments, deductions and evidence thnt may be presented?" "I bo." "Don't keep saying you 'bo!" Sax you 'are I" "I are." Blown By Proxy, "Does ho blow his own horn?" "No, he has a chauffeur." Dead and Burled. Tho man who is dead In love) Is usually burled in thought The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In Use or Over hirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Reorescut Reliable Companies ONLY IE la ' ' For Infants and Children. A .TV