The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 17, 1911, Image 5

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aro In a position to furnish reliable
fertilizers at Interesting prices.
Murray Co., Honesdale. Pa. 21tf.
FOR SALE Eggs for setting sin
gle comb White Orphlngtons, Kel
lerstrass Strain, ?2.G0 per 15; White
Pekln Ducks, $1.00 per 11. Chas.
S. Burger, Whlto Mills, Pa. 16t4
and soluable oil for spraying or
chards, also big line of sprayers at
Murray & Co., Honesdale, Pa. 21tf
FOIl SALE Kelly & Stelnman
brick factory building, Including en
glue, boiler and shafting, inquire of
J. B. Robinson. BOtf.
at prices lower than you are ac
UBtomed to pay. See Murray Co.,
Honesdale, Pa. 21tf
$3,500 buys 439-acro farm about 30
acres clear, the rest In timber,
good water, houso and barn; situate
near White Mills, Pa. Inquire of
W. K. Hlttlngor, White Mills, Pa.
work and all kinds of horse goods
an bo found In good variety at
Murr37 Co., Honesdale, Pa. 21tf
FOR SALE Country store proper
ty, with or without stock of
erocerles. Business established 35
years. J. E. CROSS, Sterling, Pa.
Sixty-three palefaces were adopted
Thursday night by the I. O. R. M.
Oslek Tribe, No. 318.
Bernard M. Rlfkln, Wilkes-Barre,
will appear before tho special meet
ing of the Town Council this (Thurs
day) evening at City Hall and ex
plain ways and means for beautify
ing and preserving the stately elms
and brushy maples of Honesdale.
Prof. T. F. McGrew, principal of
the School of Poultry Husbandry at
the I. C. S., Scranton, will lecture at
City Hall this (Friday) evening. The
general public is cordially Invited
An arc light is being installed
tho centre of Central Park.
Charles A. Seig, isewfoundland,
was a Tuesday business caller in the
Uaplo City.
'Marriage licenses were granted,
Wednesday, to Floyd Wetherill, Sa
lem, and Getta Bidwell, Salem; also
to Walter Thomas, Whites Valley,
and Mable Graco Wedge, Dyberry.
W. W. Wood left Wednesday
nornlng on a business trip to the
A marriage license was granted
unmh .4. to Frederick Decker. Haw-
ley, a glass cutter, aged 19, and Miss
OUve Smith, silk worker, aged 16,
Hawley. Tho application was made
before Justice of the Peace W. B.
Ammerman, Hawley.
It is rumored that the Anthracite
News Company, Scranton, will short
ly open a branch ofllce In the 800
block Main street.
Miss Anna H. Brown, stenograph
er In the County Commissioners' of
fice, is on the sick list.
Harry Freeman left Thursday
morning on a business trip to the
Judge Ralph B. Little, Montrose,
Susquehanna county, presided speci
ally at several court cases this week.
Jonas Katz will celebrate his for
tieth anniversary as a Honesdale
merchant next Sunday.
A marriage license was granted
March 13, to Royden Young, Riley
vllle, and Lulu Yale, Cold Springs.
Man creeps into childhood, bounds
into youth, sobers Into manhood,
softens Into age, totters Into second
hildhood, and slumbers Into the
radle prepared for ub all.
Ex-Sheriff J. D. Brannlng, Damas
cus, was shaking hands with friends
In town, Monday.
Lester Knapp, former local Erie
station agent, now in the employ of
the company at Passaic, N. J.,
transacted business In town this
R. E. Lowrlo, Scranton, 1b spend
ing tho week In town.
Usgr. P. J. Coffey, Carbondale, Rev.
Fathers J. J. Healey, Jermyn; Ger
rlty, Dixon; Leonard, Carbondale,
jaid a fraternal call to Father Burke
who has recently moved Into his new
rectory at Hawley.
The Rev. Edward D. Johnson,
West Plttston, was the special
preacher at the Wednesday evening
Lenten service in Grace Protestant
Episcopal church.
Attorney Richard H. Holgate,
Scranton, March 13, filed exceptions
to bill of costs in tho Carl Howe
According to tho local register of
tltal statistics tho number of births
and deaths during 1910 for his dis
trict aro as follows:
Honesdale Boro 47 44
Texas township 89 58
Berlin township 27 19
Oregon township 7 3
Proraptlon borough 5 4
175 128
In this same district from Janu
ary 1, 1911, to March 13, 1911, there
ccurred 41 blrtns and aa aeatns.
KOIt RENT 7 rooms and bath, gus
and furnace. GIG Church street,
tnqulro at house.
FOR RENT A ton-room house with
all modern improvements, includ
ing electric lights, situated on River
street, inquire of Jacob Demer,
642 River street.
dale. Large garden aud plenty of
fruit. Inquire at 155 Tyron street.
FOR RENT The store occupied by
Flagg's Clothing House, 8G3 Main
street. Grambs' Building. The best
location in Honesdale. Inquire at
the store. l&tf.
for the lands sake, use
brooker's fertilizers! we
now ready for your Inspection at
Murray & Co., Honesdale, Pa. 21tf
Do you need somo printing done?
Come to us. If you need somo en
velopes "struck off" come to us.
We use plenty of ink on our jobs.
March 20. S. S. WINT. 2U2
The Spring tailored Ladies' Suits
nt Mnnner & Co.'s store are latest
mnrtols. 19eoiG
The new cut glass factory being
erected at Hallstead by tho Heroecfr
Demer Company Is rapidly nearing
completion, and It is said will be
ready for occupancy April 10.
The first annual ball of Hoso Co,
No. 1. Honesdale Fire Department,
will be held in Pioneer Hall, corner
Sixth and Church streets, Easter
Mondey evening, April 17. Refresh
ments served in hotel dining rooms
Music by Freeman. Tickets, 50
Miss Lactea Hawkins, East street,
returned from a few days visit with
Peckvllle relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hawkins
spent Sunday In Peckville.
Rev. Fathers Thomas M. Ilanley
and J. W. Balta attended the funeral
of the late. Msgr. Nagel at Wilkes-
Barre, Thursday.
Rev. Fathers Dr. T. W. Malone, of
the cathedral, Scranton, John Healy,
Jermyn, John Kern, Wilkes-Barre,
Thomas Leonard, Carbondale, John
O'Donald. Stowell: Hugh Gerrity
Dickson City, paid a fraternal visit
to Rev. Father Thomas M. Hanley,
Mrs. Charles Gray continues to bo
dangerously ill at her home on Main
Herbert Qulnney, who has been
seriously 111 for somo time, is some
what improved.
Mrs. H. C. Ensign, daughter, Miss
Anna B. Ensign, and sister, Miss
C. Isabel Diraock, all of Waymart,
who went to Leesburg, Florida, last
fall, and assumed charge of a large
boarding house for the entertain
ment of northern people, during the
winter, have closed their establish
ment. The latter is now In Wash
ington, D. C, and the mather and
daughters In Charleston, West Vir
ginia, tho guests of W. L. Carr and
family, former residents of Scran
ton. The three ladies will return to
Waymart at an early date.
Chris Lowe, the popular proprie
tor of a restaurant in the 500 block,
Main street, who has been seriously
ill, was removed Wednesday morn
ing to tho Catholic hospital in
A. Brannlng, Narrowsburg, N. Y.,
and O. P. Howell, Scott Center,
were pleasant callers at The Citizen
ofllce, Thursday.
Mrs. Mary McGranaghan returned
Wednesday to her homo In Flat
Rock, after a month's visit with her
son Tnomas In New York city,
where he has been laid up for s.x
weeks with a broken arm.
Miss Olive Lockwood, Waymart,
left Tuesday on an extended visit
with relatives in Binghamton, N. Y.
Mrs. C. M. Harris returned homo
Tuesday evening, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Anna Harris, who has
been visiting relatives In Danbury,
Tho special preacher at Grace
Enisconal Church, Friday. March 17,
7:30 p. m will bo the Rev. Benja
min S. Sanderson, M. A., of Bethlc
hem, Pa. A general invitation to
attend this service is extended.
In the lease recently arranged be
tween the Honesdale Realty Com'
pany, otherwise known as tho Lyric
Theatre, it Is stipulated that the
present successful Manager Benj. II
Dittrich will give tho use of the
house two nights a year for tno ben
eflt of the stock company, when it Is
expected fully $500 will be netted
for tho corporation. Mr. and Mrs.
Dittrich agreed to manage one enter
tainment a year for the benefit of
the stockholders and Mr. Dittrich
also agreed to get some good com
pany to give a show a second night.
Mr. Dittrich has managed the Lyric
to the complete satisfaction of tho
company, and no complaints have
ever been made against him. He Is
ever oeen maae against; mm. i is
a d"1 "S?8.' J
dltlon, he has absolutely prohibited
any show that was not all right,
from appearing on the boards there,
Rev. A. L. Whittaker will hold ser
vice In White Mills, Sunday, March
19, o p. m. All are Invited.
Wednesday was pay day at Bor
den's milk station, East Honesdale,
when, It is said, about $7,000 was
disbursed. During tho past month,
on an average, IG.000 prounds of
milk was delivered daily at their de
pot, tho prevailing price paid farm
ers for their product being $1.75 a
hundred pounds. This is an in
crease over last year of about "4,000
pounds a day. It Is reported that
1. - ..,..i.. e r. nnn r,na ne
mlllr u rtnv In New York city and it
s rumored that Borden's will close ,
qimrtlv It is believed however that i village spoken of as tho "Maple the home which he desires, calls up
? " ll? e?lCLe,r' , m Cltv." and nerhans we have some-' on the builder and tho purchase
not bo affected in the contemplated !
shut down.
Harold Tonkin has returned to his
home In Carbondale, after visiting
relatives in the Maplo City.
A danco will be held at Woodsldol
Hotel, Bethany, Friday night, March
Wednesday noon, Rev. Will H.
Hlller, pastor of Central M. E.
church, at the parsonage, married
Floyd 'Wetherill, Salem, and Gotta
Bidwell, Salem.
Tho directors of tho Honesdale
Realty company, otherwise known
as the Lyric theatre, at a meeting
Tuesday night, renewed the lease of
Benj. H. Dittrich. for three years
with the privilege of extending it to
live, the annual rental being set at
$2300, an Increase of $450 over tho
previous annual charge of $ib&u.
Mrs. James II. Miller is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Griffiths, Carbondale.
James H. Miller was a Thursday
business caller In Lackawaxen.
Funeral of Mrs. Mary E. Dcln.
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
Mary E. Deln, who died Sunday af
ternoon at her home in Seelyvllle,
in the 7Gth year of her age, were
held Wednesday afternoon in her
late home in Maple Avenue, at 2:30
o'clock, Rev. Will H. Hlller, pastor
of the Central Methodist Episcopal
church, officiating. The pall-bearers
were: Gustave Smith, Henry Owen,
Seelyvllle; Benjamin F. Haines, R.
J. Penwarden, W. A. Gaylord, Jos.
A. Bodle, Sr., Honesdale. The floral
tributes were numerous and beauti
ful. Out-of-town relatives In at
tendance were: Mr. aud Mrs. W. J.
Johnson, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Menner and son, Robert,
Peckville; Lewis Edelhauser, New
York; Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Menner, Jersey City.
John V. Ilodcmcr Demi.
John V. Bodemer, uncle of J. Adam
Kraft, of this place, died at 11
o'clock Thursday at the home of
Michael Loercher, Clilf street, after
a few weeks' illness. Mr. Bodemer
was born In Germany 67 years ago.
He camo to America In young man
hood and stayed in Honesdale a
short time, later going to Scranton,
where ho was employed by the Dick
son Locomotive works. He had been
lately employed at the retail coal
pockets, Honesdale, and was well
known In this vicinity. He is sur
vived by one sister, Mrs. Barbara
Witmer, Scranton, Mrs. Bodemer
died last October. Mr. Bodemer was
a member of the Honesdaie Maen
nerchor. Real Estate News.
Kreltner Bros, have sold tho lot
on Mnln and Seventeenth streets
which they bought from tho John
Torrey estate, to Edward Katz. Tho
lot measures 80x150. Tho terras of
the purchase have not been made
public. Mr. Katz will erect a fine
dwelling. Plans aro already in tho
hands of the architect.
ISaskctbnll Game.
In the Seelyvllle Fire Company
Hall, last Saturday night, the Seely
vllle five had no trouble in severely
toruncing their opponents from
White Mills, defeating them In a
one-sided game by the score of 3G
to 7. Eight fouls were called on
Seelyvllle, and four on White Mills.
Last Tuesday the bill to pension
Pennsylvania veterans of tho Civil
war was presented favorably to tho
House, with tho total appropriation
reduced from $2,500,000 to $1,900,
000. The bill places the issuance
and control of the pensions in the
hands of tho Auditor General and
makes a scale of $5 per month for
each person who served a year or
less; $6 for those serving between
one and two years, and $7 for those
serving over two yearB.
Tho Spring and Summer Wash
Dresses at Menner & Co. are more
beautiful then ever; latest forms. 196
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for tho nomination for tho
office of County Commissioner sub
ject to tho decision of tho Republi
can voters at the coining primaries.
Lake Ariel, Pa.
The Outdoor Nation.
No nation loves uuture so much as
the German. The Itnllan travels to
get somewhere, the German to travel.
Tho country walk for Its own mike is
a Germiiu discovery. The English
man's Ideal Is u park, the German's a
wood, and the Frenchman loves his
boulevard. Hamburger Zeltung.
She Admitted It.
A Mrs. Mulnprup said to Clara No-
ve,j0f ,ue nuted KnKsh prlmil donmlt
"You "I" admit that there Is a great
de.ur ev.", ,,' h,f
"TTue. Indeed." replied Clara.
oa which aide of the curtain r
Association Gets Check
To Start Fund.
Mlss Dora Conger has started a
campaign for Improving tho condi-
tion of the trees. Sho wants the co-
operation of everybody In Honesdale.
She says:
"We aro accustomed to hear our
times used the term ourselves, with '
of trees which arch our streets with
cool green vaulting, from springtime
su" ""b
"eea tue protection oi uicir suaue.
Nature's Work.
"Though Nature, by tho Cliff on
tho one side, and by the gently-
sloping hills on the other, has limit-1
ed Honesdale as to possibilities or
growth, she has, In those same bar
riers, provided Its most attractive
features. Archltectually, man has
done but little for the town. There
are but few buildings which can
boast of graco or dignity, nnd wero
it not for the surrounding heights
were the place but a flat expanse,
thero would be, to redeem it from
the commonplaceness of a thousand
such villages, nothing but that which
Naturo aud Man together have giv
en us the green open space which is
the "Square" of our village, and the
beauty of tho maples which line its
Ancestors' Work.
"Our ancestors, who planted those
trees, must have hiuWtlic good, and
the beauty of their homo deep in
their hearts, and wo have reaped tho
beneflt of their thought and work.
But Is that all we are going to do?
Think what our town would bo
without Its trees a dreary habita
tion indeed and that is a possibility
which we may have to face, unless
something Is done at once, to pre
serve them!
Present Condition.
"Tho situation is this: Our trees,
botli in the parks, and under Indl
vidual care, all through the town,
have beun Improperly trimmed
Limbs have been lopped off as was
thought necessary, regardless ,of, or
in ignorance of the proper method
for the tree's preservation. A limb,
severed, leaving a part on the tree
to give an opening for decay, spells
eventual death for tho entire tree.
A wound, improperly treated, or
witli no attempt at all of a healing
dressing, means that the life-blood of
tho tree flows away, and its strength
,1s lost.
"This is not Imagination It Is a
very present menacing condition
which has been observed by one
whoso business it is to know of such
things. Unless we wish to become
a town of dreary, barren streets, we
will use such foresight as had those
who gave us our beautiful trees, and
take Immediate measures for their
conservation. Even at this season
of the year, an examination will show
that thero are many dead branches
on trees, which should be healthy.
Honcsdnlo Improvement Association
Receives Check For $15.
"Mrs. A. B. Heine, of Now York,
who has the welfare of tho town at
heart, has already sent a check for
$15 to bo used for tho cause, and it
is to bo hoped that we may all bo
aroused to tho necessity of immedi
ate Interest nnd action.
Mrs. Holne says: "Tho citizens of
Honesdale ought to take enough
pride in their town to look after the
trees, for Honesdale without trees
would be like a beautiful bird shorn
of his feathers. One begins to real
ize and appreciate what the First
Comers did for the town, when they
laid it out and planted the rows of
beautiful trees. I am afraid the
present generation has not the pride
and affection for the old town that
tho past generations had. However,
I see the Improvement society is do
ing a great deal to keep up the
proper interest in the town. I en
close a check for this purpose."
Wear Good Clothes and Laugh at tho
World's Folly.
O sage," said tho young man,
"I am surprised, almost grieved, to
find that one who has such a repu
tatlon for wisdom as you should
pay so much attention to his clothes.
You aro as Immaculate and as
nobby as a young lover."
"And why not?" asked the elder
"Why not, Indeed?" rejoined the
young man. "I am afraid I cannot
explain. Many people have told me
it is foolish to pay so much atten
tlon to clothes. That's all I know.'
"It Is a common error," spoke the
sage, "but it is nevertheless an er
ror and one which once possessed
me. When I was young as you aro
I was attracted by the extornal
things only, and of these external
things clothes wero by far the most
important. When I was a little old
er I underwent a reaction. I had
a revulsion of feeling. Somehow I
gained the idea that clothes wero
an absurdity In toto. I thought that
the Inner spiritual man was every
thing. According as my thoughts
became introspective I neglected my
external appearance and went about
unkempt and slovenly.
''The two extremes," suggested
the young man discerningly.
"Yes, tho two extremes, but with
neither alone was I happy. With
out clothes I found I could not go
among my fellows In comfort, and
thus tho social side of me became
atrophied. Without knowledge und
an Inward appreciation of the Im
portant fundamentals of llfo I could
not bo happy In my own company."
"Wherefore," observed the young'
man, "you struck a happy medium I
, by compromising on both." I
Legal Routine In HuyliiR House
Mndo Clenr To tlio Lny Mind.
The numorous legal requirements
In taking tltlo to a house are liable
to bewilder tho average person who
is contemplating the purchase of a
home! There is .however, a regular
process, which, while appearing very
complicated, is in reality a simple
legal method for perfecting his tltlo
to tho property.
In tho purchase of a home the av-
erage method Is somewhat like the
"following, according to tho Altoona
Mirror. Tho person having selected
price Is determined upon. The next
of financing tho purchase. When
all this is Bettlcd an agreement of
sale Is prepared in which Is specif!
cally set forth, the purchase prlco
and the manner In which the mort
gages are to be provided for. These
agreements are signed by the owner
and purchaser, and usually provide
for settlement within 30 or GO days.
It is customary to make a deposit
of either $100 or $200 at the time of
signing the agreement and this
amount is, of course, deducted from
the amount to be paid when settle
ment Is effected.
Preparing Tho Papers.
As soon as this portion of tho
agreement is completed tho prepara
tion of the deed and mortgages, the
taking out of titlo Insurance and the
investigation of tho title begins. The
Issuing of title insurance is the great
est safeguard to the purchaser, as on
the payment of a stipulated amount
the purchaser Is given a guarantee,
backed up by any of the big trust
companies, to protect him from loss
if It at any time In tho future a flaw
In tho titlo Is discovered. For that
reason no purchase of a home should
be made unless thero Is provision for
title insurance.
After all these preliminaries are
completed a day for settlement is
agreed upon, and when the pur
chaser presents himself, either at his
lawyers' office or that of the build
er or at a trust company, he gets
his first insight into the legal re
quirements of a real estate transac
tion. If, for Illustration, he has
purchased a home for $3500, on
which he is to pay $500 in cash, the
balance, to be secured by a first mor
tgage for $2000 and a second one
for $1000, it will be necessary for
him to sign two mortgages and two
This is where he will get his flrst
shock, because if he is a careful man
the complicated phraseology will be
apt to confuse him, especially so far
as the bonds are concerned, because
in reading these documents lie will
discover that he declares himself
firmly bound unto the mortgagee
(the person who loans the money)
In the sum of $4000 on the flrst
mortgage and $2000 on the second
mortgage, although further down In
tho same documents is the prevision
that on the payment of either $2,-
uuu or $1,000 the obligation shall be
entirely void.
These legal Instruments are only a
relic of olden days, but aro still used
and the purchaser need not concern
himself about the matter, as he will
only be obliged to pay the amount of
the mortgage and not the amount
that he holds himself responsible for
in the bond.
After these papers are signed the
actual settlement takes place when
Our long Traveling and Walking Coats are
Pretty in Shades and Styles.
Menner & Co. New Offerings.
tho purchaser will pay tho amount
agreed upon, plus rent for tho bal
ance of the year, and tho cost of
preparing the papers as well as the
tltlo insurance costs. After all the
formalities are completed tno uocu
ments are taken to the recorder ot
deeds and copied verbatim into the
deed and mortgago books, where
they remain as permanent records.
Tho Final Transaction.
In from four to six weeks the
deeds and mortgages aro ready for
delivery, when the purchaser will re
ceive his deed, while the owner of
tho mortgages will receive those pa
pers and retain them until such time
as they are paid off, when the satis
faction or payment of tho mortgage
Is noted by the recorder In tho same
books where the mortgage 1b enter
ed of record.
In creating first mortgage the time
limit is usually from one to live
years, but the owner of a homo with
a mortgago against it need never
worry about the tlmo of Its expira
tion, because as long as ho pays his
Interest he need not have any fear
of it being called in, as investments
of this kind are very desirable, usu
ally paying 5 4-10 per cent, interest.
NOT1UK in hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania on April 4,
1911, at 11 o'clock a. m., under the
Act of Assembly, entitled an Act to
provide for the incorporation ana
regulation of certain corporations,
approved April 29, 1874, and sup
plements thereto for the charter of
an intended corporation to be called
the Wallcn-Paupack Power Com
pany, the character and object of
which is the storage, transportation
and furnishing of water with the
right to take rivulets and lands and
erect reservoirs for holding water
for manufacturing and other pur
poses, and for the creation, establish
ing, furnishing, transmission and us
ing of water power therefrom and
for these purposes to have, possess
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and
privieges of the said Act of Assem
bly and supplements thereto.
Scranton, Pa. 22eoi3
REM. H. ElTTR'Cii, - - - Um & vanager
M4RCH 20 & 21
"Tho College Girls"
"A Prince For a Day"
Refinded Musical Comedies including
America's Highest Ton r Singer
The Orlu'Inal Cowboy Ounrtettc.
Heaiity Chorus tipcrbl Scenery.
Klectrlcal Effects. 'JO People :M
PRICES: 25, 35. 50, & 75c.
Seat Sale opens at the Box Ollice
at 9 a. m. Monday, March 20, 11(11.
fr$m MM