The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 17, 1911, Image 3

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    THE CITIZEN, IfKlPAY, MAHCII 17, 1011.
Newspapers of United States Pub
lishing Whnt Purports to Ho
Sncrcd Writ.
Papers throughout the United
States nre printing what purports
to bo a letter written by Christ. In
this letter was an injunction that it
should be published to the world by
whoever found it, together with the
statement that misfortune and bad
luck would follow the person havlug
possession of It, In the event that it
was not givep publicity. There was
likewise a promise that whoever may
have a copy of this in his or her
possession will prosper and be fol
lowed by good fortune.
According to the history of the
letter, it was written by Christ Just
after his crucifixion, signed by the
Angel Gabriel, ninety-nine years af
ter the Savior's birth and presum
ably deposited by him under a stone
at the foot of the cross. On this
stone appeared the legend, "Blessed
Is he who shall turn me over." No
one knew what the inscription
meant, or seemed to have sufficient
curiosity to investigate, until the
Stone was turned over by a little
child, and the letter which follows
was discovered:
"Whosoever works on the Sabbath
day shall be cursed. I command you
to go to church and keep holy the
Lord's day, without any manner of
work. You shall not idle or mis
spend your time In bedecking your
selves in superfluities of costly ap
parel and vain dressing, for I have
ordered it a day of rest. I will
have that day kept holy that your
sins may be forgiven you.
"You will not break my com
mandments, but observe and keep
them, they being written by my
hand and spoken from my mouth.
You shall not only go to church
yourselves, but also your man ser
vant and maid servant. Observe my
words and learn my command
ments. "You shall finish your work every
Saturday at C o'clock In the after
noon, at which hour the preparation
for the Sabbath begins. I advise
you to fast live days in the year, be
ginning on Good Friday afid con
tinuing the five days following, in
remembrance of the five bloody
wounds I received for you and man
kind. "You shall love one another and
them that are not baptized to come
to church and receive the holy sacra
ment, that Is to say, baptism, and the
supper of the Lord, and be made a
member thereof, and in so doing I
will give you long life and many
blessings. Your land shall be re
plenished and bring forth abund
ance, and I will comfort ypu in tho
greatest temptation, and surely he
that doeth to tho contrary shall be
"I will also send hardness of the
heart on them, and especially on
hardened and unpenitent unbelievers.
He that hath given to the poor shall
find it proiitable.
"Remember to keep the Sabbath
day for the seventh day I have taken
as a resting day to myself.
"And he that hath a copy of this
letter written by my own hand and
spoken by my own mouth and
keepeth it without publishing It to
others, shall not prosper, but he
that publlsheth it to others shall be
blessed by me, and If their sins be as
many as the stars by night, and If
they truly believe they shall be par
doned, and they that believe not this
writing and my commandments will
have my plagues upon you and will
be consumed with your children,
goods and cattle and all other world
ly enjoyments that I have given you.
Do but once think of what I have
suffered for you. If you do, it will
be well for you In this world and In
tho world which Is to come.
"Whosoever shall have a copy of
this letter and keep It in their house
nothing shall hurt them, neither
pestilence, thunder nor lightning, and
if any woman be In birth and put
her trust in me, she shall bo deliver
ed of her child. You shall hear no
more news of me except through the
holy scriptures, until the day of
Judgment. All goodness and pros
perity shall be In tho house where a
copy of this letter shall be found.
The story goes that the little child
who found It passed It to one who
became a convert to the Christian
faith. He failed to have the letter
published. He kept, It however, as
a sacred memento of Christ, and It
passed to different generations of his
family for more than 1,000 years.
During this period the family suf
fered repeated misfortunes, accord
ing to the Altoona Mirror, and mi
grated to different countries, until
Anally one of them came to America,
bringing the letter with them. They
settled in Virginia, then moved far
ther south, still followed by mis
fortune, when finally the last mem
ber, a daughter, approached her
death bed and called a neighbor,
Mrs. Thompson, giving her the let
ter, and related Its history for more
than a thousand years. The Thomp
son woman began tho attempt to
have it published and it first appear
ed in tho Rome, Ga., Tribune, on
October 31, 1891. It then appear
ed in the Dalton, Ga.. Citizen, and
Mrs. Wortman, now living In Marlon,
Ind., clipped it and kept It in her
possession for many years without
an effort to have it published. She
was followed by many misfortunes,
which she attributed to her neglect
in trying to have tho letter publish
ed. Mrs. Ruby Crutchfield of Freza
vant, Tenn., also had a copy and
failed to make an effort to have It
published for three years, and was
followed by a varied lot of misfor
tune, which sho attributed to the
fact of her neglect in this respect.
The Citizen has a bright bunch of
correspondents. Read their letters, I
The Demonstration Orchard Work
under the direction of Prof. II. A,
Surface, Is progressing rapidly in
every county, notwithstanding the in
clement weather. During tho past
month tho Inspectors traveled, ac
cording to special engagements with
private orchard owners, throughout
tho orchards, showing tho owners
how to prune and spray and how to
make tho boiled lime-sulphur solu
tion, which Is tho best and cheapest
material to use for the San Jose
scale on any and all plants whllo
While these meetings are for the
personal benefit of the orchard own
er, and are very helpful and highly
appreciated, they are also frequently
attended by very large nd Interested
audiences of visitors, who are espec
ially Invited by the owners.
Over fifteen hundred requests for
this personal supervision work hove
been received by Professor Surface,
and he says that all will receive full
attention Just as soon as he has
enough trained men to give the ssr
vices needed.
It is the desire of the State Zoolo
gist to have funds enough to station
a thoroughly competent person in
each county as Consulting Agent for
the suppression of pests. This will
speedily result In the production of
more perfect and more valualle
crops, and will effect not only a
saving of millions of dollars to tho
agricultural people, but will also put
Pennsylvania squarely at the head of
the list of fruit producing States.
During the next live weeks a cam
paign of education will be carried on
by Inspectors and Demonstrators of
the Division of Zoology. Public
meetings will be hold In the orchards
of private Individuals and public In
stitutions where the DIvison main
tains demonstraton stations or "Mod
el Orchards." Of these there are
about 250 now in charge of the Di
vision. A plot of fruit trees Is being
treated In each of these orchards ac
cording to the most approved meth
ods of horticulture, and results are
shown to all who care to come to see
them. Lectures will be delivered,
and actual work done by tho agents
of the Division, questions answered
and specimens Identified. The public
are cordially Invited to attend the
meetings held during tho coming
week on the promises of the following
persons on dates set opposite their
II. L. Shelly, Quakertown, Ducks
county, March 13.
H. T. Adams, Kellers Church,
Bucks county, March 1 5.
School of Horticulture for Wom
en, Ambler, Montgomery county,
March 1G.
O. D. Nathans, Centre Dridge,
Bucks county, March 18.
J. G. Elsenhower, Myerstown, Le- (
uiuiun couiuy, ,iarcn ij.
James M. Bonn, Onset, 'Lebanon
county, March 14.
Edw. P. Berkheiser, Summit Sta
tion, Schuylkill county, March 1G.
M. M. Shellhamer, Chain, Schuyl
kill county, March 18.
P. M. Kilmer, Kilmer, Juniata
county, March 13.
Wilbur D. Keemer, E. Waterford,
Juniata county, Mnrch 14.
William P. Woods, Lewistown,
Mifflin county, March 16.
D, O. Saylor, Todd, Huntingdon
county, March 17.
Wm. H. Schweitzer, Stewartstown,
York county, March 13.
George Oyler, Gettysburg, Adams
county, March 15.
George F. Sites, Fairfield, Adams
county, March 17.
What To I)o With Pruned Huish.
Many Inquiries nre sent to State
Zoologist Surface, Ilnrrishurg, con
cerning the necessary treatment of
brush to prevent the spread of In
sects nftor pruning. Ills general re
ply is as follows:
It Is not necessary to gather and
burn brush from trees infested with
scale Insects of any kind In order to
prevent the spread of the pests as
they do not spread from the falling
brush, but it Is very important to cut
carefully all twigs and limbs on plum
and cherry trees which contain black
knots and thus show they are in
jured by tho fungous disease known
as Black Knot. The freshly cut
stubs should be washed with an an
tiseptic like lime-sulphur, or bo
painted, and the pruning instruments
should be washed with Lime-sulphur
to prevent carrying the disease from
one tree to another.
All blighted parts on apple, pear
and quince trees should bo cut out
and removed with care, and burned
at the first opportunity. Tho blight
which Is properly called pear blight,
and commonly known by the various
names of black blight, twig blight,
body blight, bark blight, trunk
blight, and black flag is due to a
bacterial disease beneath the hark,
nnd is not to bo reached by spray
liquids. To cut out the diseased
parts and let them remain In the
Oliorous Girls in "Tho College Girl"
orchard means to subject tho living
trees to danger of reinfection.
'1 ho best possible treatment for
brush Is to trim out nil that Is largo
enough and use for boiling the Lime
sulphur for spraying and put the
liner brush In ditches or places
where washes are starting. If
there be no ditches to fill pile tho fine
brush in small piles In open places
in the orchard and burn them at the
time when you uro sure the wind
will carry the heat away from tho
trees. Many trees are carelessly in
jured by burning brush too near
My son, there are so many things
you have no right to be,
I point them out to you as once they
showed them unto me;
You have no right to be a thief
of others' happiness,
By taking for your own whnt
makes another's portion less.
You have no right to be a fool and
walk in pain and night
When all around you wisdom lies In
splendor and In light.
You have no right to be a knave at
anyone's expense,
Nor take auvantngo of tho weak be
cause they have no sense;
You have no right to grind your
ax at grindstones some one
Because another gets the cream
that his own hardship earns;
You have no right to spurn a friend
whose use to you may fail,
You have no right to sail your ship
by some one else's sail.
You have no right to fie so mean, If
by some chance you won
A fortune from the help of toll, to
see that help undone
And buy Immunity far on in other
years from fate
By giving now and then a dime
to beggars at your gate;
You have no right to be a sneak In
any form or kind.
For one can be as .much a sneak in
morals as in mind.
You have no right to lose your sense
of righteousness In zeal
To make your dreams ol power and
fame and sordid fancies real;
You have no right to all these
things of which I speak so
To cause a tear or make a wound
or give another pain;
But one thing 1b our common right,
according to God's plan,
And that is left you still, my son
the right to be a man!
Baltimore Sun.
His bath was prepared when he rose
in tho morn.
So he gave up a tip.
Ho got his shoes shined and the boy
struck his corn
But lie gavo up a tip.
He went to be shaved and the man
cut his chin
And talked to him, too, with an
onion-breath grin
While telling which ball team next
season would win
But he gavo up a tip.
Tho waiter was slow and his coffee
was cold,
But he gave up a tip;
The hoy brushed his hat till it look
ed worn and old,
But he gave up a tip.
The cabby almost made him miss the
last train,
And if this had happened his trip
had been in vain;
The thoughts that he had almost
curdled his brain
But ho gave up a tip.
The porter was rude and half made
up his berth.
But he gave up a tip;
Tho dining car stung him for all he
was worth,
But he gave up a tip.
A hoy came and grabbed his valise
from his hand
And walked with it up to the taxi
cab stand
He knew the maneuver was careful
ly planned,
But ho gave up a tip.
O, why go ahead with the talQ of
his life?
Why go on with each tip?
He got so each time he was kissed
by his wife
He would give up" a tip.
Ills children, likewise, knew if they
would bo good
They could work their poor dad as
they properly should
It was perfectly, absolutely under
stood IIo would give up a tip.
He lay down In bed and was sick un-
to death,
But ho thought of the tip.
Tho doctor and nurse measured
every breath
And he gave up a tip.
His funeral hadn't gone more than
a mllo
Till he lifted the lid with a pardon-me-smllo
And called the embalmer and stop
ped things the while
Ho produced his last tip,
Chicago Post.
at tho Lyric Monday, March liOtli.
Lotteries Furnish Revenue.
Lotteries ure operated in nil Impor
tant towns and cities of the Dominican
Republic, in many of the larger cities
there nre from two to Ave, practically
nil under municipal supervision. Sev
enty per cent must he given In prizes,
B per cent goes for streets und ronds,
nud the rest, less expenses, is divided
among tho public hospitals, schools,
lire departments nnd charities.
Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove
at Our Risk,
Mnrvelous us It may seem, Retail
"03" Hnlr Tonic han grown hair on
heads that were once bald. Of course,
in none of these cases were the hair
roots dead, nor had tho scalp taken on
a glazed, shiny appearance.
Rexnll "IW Hair Tonic acts scien
tifically, destroying the germs which
are usually responsible for baldness.
It penetrates to tluAroots of the hnlr,
stimulating nnd nourishing them. It
Is a most pleuuuttollet necessity. Is
delicately perfumed, nnd will not gum
or permanently stain the hnlr.
We want you to get a bottle of
Rexall "03" Hair Tonic and use It as
directed. If it does not relieve scnlp
irritation, remove dandruff, prevent
tho hair from falling out nnd promote
nn increased growth of hair, and In
every way give entire satisfaction,
simply come back and tell us, and with
out question or formality we will hand
back to yon overy penny you paid us
for It. Two sizes. 50c. und $1.00. Sold
only at our store The Rexall Store.
By virtue of an order of the Dis
trict Court of the United States for
the Middle District of Pennsylvania
the undersigned, Trustee In Bank
ruptcy of F. Korff & Company, will
sell at public sale at the Court House
In HONESDALE, PA., at 2 o'clock
p. m on
MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1011,
all those three pieces or parcels of
land situate in the township of Tex
as, County of Wayne, State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as
THE FIRST Beginning at a post
on tho berme shore of the Delaware
and Hudson Canal on an extension
westward of the line of survey for
tho public road leading from Beth
any and Dlngmnn's Choice Turnpike
road to Holbert's Creek; thence
along tho said land of survey which
is to be the middle of said road
north GO degrees east 13 rods to
a post and stones corner; thence by
land conveyed to Ephriam White
and other lands now or formerly
owned by Lord and Tracy, south
degrees east 24 and G-10 rods
to a small maple corner; thence
south G degrees east 29 rods to a
post and stones corner on the east
ern side of aforesaid turnpike;
thence along the eastern side there
of north 18 degrees west 22 rods
to a post and stones corner on the
southern side of Carley Brook, tho
last mentioned being the eastern side
of the public highway on Bethany
& Dingmans Choice turnpike road;
thence south 72 degrees west cross
ing said turnpike road 2 rods to a
post corner on tho berme shore of
said canal; thence along the same
tho several courses and distances
thereof to the place of beginning.
Containing G acres and CO perches,
more or less.
THE SECOND Beginning at a
corner of land sold by Wm. H. Dim
mlck to Jas. M. Brookileld on the
southern shore of tho Carley Brook
and on the berme shore of the Dela
ware & Hudson Canal; thence by
the samo land north 72 degrees east
2 rods to 'a corner In the Delaware
and Honesdale plank road; thence
along said plank road by lands of
said James M. Brookfied, John
Sayre, Dennis Baxter and others
south 18 degrees east 22 rods and
south 14 degrees 25 and GG-100
rods to the corner of land now or
formerly owned by Jas. Rutherford;
thence by the said lands south 7G de
grees west 3 rods to the berme
shore of said canal and thence along
the said berme shoro northward the
several courses and distances there
of to tho place of beginning, be the
quantity more or less.
THE THIRD Beginning 37 and
8-10 rods south of the north line of
tho Indian Orchard tract at a stake
In tho center of tho Bethany and
Dlnghams Choice turnpike road;
thence north 81 degrees east 7 and
4-100 rods adjoining lands now or
formerly of Geo. H. to Cot
tage alley; thence along tho western
lino of said alley 8 rods to a stake;
thence south 81 degrees west to a
stake In the center of said turnpike
road; thence along said turnpike
road 8 rods to the place of begin
ning. Tho three above described pieces
of land contain about 8 acres of im
proved land, excepting from the
above described premises and hereby
reserving to the President, Managers
and Company of the Delaware &
Hudson Canal Company, their suc
cessors and assigns, tho several
rights and privileges of any kind
and nature whatsoever which are
ceded to the President, . Managers
and Company of the Dolaware &
Hudson Canal Company by convey
ance duly entered of record or In
tended so to bo in tho Recorder's
ofllco of Wayno county.
Being same lands which C. Dor
fllnger and others convoyed to Cha3.
J. Smith by deeds dated Nov. 24,
1905, and Dec. 1st, 1905, respective
ly. And being same lands which
Chas. J. Smith et ux conveyed' to F.
Korff & Company by deed dated
January 20, 190G, and recorded In
Wayne county in Deed Book No, ,
pago . '
Sale of this real estate will be
made free and clear of all incumb
rances and Hens,
E. C. Mumford, Jas. A. Robinson,
Attorney. Trustee.
Lute of the llorouth ot lloncsdalc.
All persons Indcbtedto said estate are noti
fied to mnkc immediate pnynient to the un
dersigned : nnd those having claims against
thesnld estate nre notltled to present tliein
duly uttcstcd.for settlement.
... .. Kxecutor.
Honosdnle. Pa., Feb 22, 1811.
If you like to havo tho nows when
it is fresh. Just send your name to
THE CITIZEN with $1.50.
f-M-M-M t
CAPITAL, $ 150,000.00
SURPLUS 241,711.00
TOTAL ASSETS 1,902,000.00
i x ou nave more or less
is Willi us, such txnng the case you know something ot our
serviie, but if not a patron would it not be well for you to
become one ?
will help you start. It is calculated to serve all classes, the
old and the young, tbe rich and tho poor,
and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest will be paid from
the first of any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of the
month provided such deposits remain three calendar months or longer.
'863 Main St. Grambs Building.
No Over Coats or Winter Goods to be carried over if low
prices will sell them.
m4WttH MHt
Men's ?8.00 Overcoats at 3.05
Men's $12.00 Overcoats at 3.05
Men's ?15.00 Overcoats at 7.05
Youth's $10.00 Overcoats at 2.05
Boys' $3.00 Overcoats at 1.20
Boys' Odd Vests, 30 to 3G size 25c
Men's Sweaters, value 75 cents !5.o
tHHHttHMHHHtltH -M--M---M- -Mf-M"f
-M-T-M MttMMtTt 4- f -H""fH"H-
863 Main St. Grambs Building Honesdale
In your favor Is the use of good
printing. It starts things off in your
favor. People read your arguments,
reasons, conclusions, when attractive
ly presented. It carries weight. En
terprising men use GOOD PRINTING
becauso it GETS BUSINESS. If you
don't already know our kind of
printing, let us show you. It's an
even chnnco we can save you money.
Both Phones.
H 30
10 00,
10 00
4 30
6 051
Albany ....
. llinehamton .
IP 00,
10 00
2 15
12 30
2 15
i Philadelphia.
a 15
4 01
7 25
4 40
5 30
1 30
2 18
7 10
7 65
. Wllkes-llnrre.
o 15
5 40
6 50
9 05
U 15
0 20
(i 30
2 05
2 15
2 19
2 37
2 43
2 49
2 62
2 67
2 59
3 0.1
3 071
3 10
3 15
8 45'
8 55!
8 69
.Lincoln Avemio..
.. I.nku J.odoro ...
., . Wnymart
Stieno. ......
.... Kortcnm
... Honesdale ....
5 51
(i 17
U 31
G 62
0 36
9 18
9 42
(i 6X1
9 24
9 29
9 32
9 37
9 43
9 47
a 23
6 2ti
6 32
6 35
0 39
6 it
9 48
7 01
7 07
9 6
9 671
7 1.1
7 10
7 20
10 00
10 01
10 OS
7 24
7 27
7 31
li 4ti
10 11
9 50
9 55
6 DO!
10 15
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar
G We wish to secure a good
correspondent in every town
in Wayne county. Don't be
afraid to write this office for
paper and stamped envelops.
nanicmg nusmess. rossuuy it
P. M,
2 00
2 40
10 60
8 45
10 60
i 10
12 'Ol
7 1'
7 38
V 3"
2 25
8 S3
9 12
8 0
a 13
1 35
8 05
I 35
1 25
6 40
6 30
12 17
12 07
8 29
8 17
8 13
7 47
7 41
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 22
7 6
7 50
7 3.1
7 25
7 19
1 21
5 24
12 03
1 0.1
12 6U
6 Oh
11 44
5 01
11 37
12 51
6 60
11 31
7 1
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 30
12 32
12 29
12 25
4 51
11 29
7 12
7 09
7 05
i 48
4 45
11 Z'i
11 2W
4 41
11 10
11 12
11 00
11 05
7 01
4 37
6 58
G 55
4 31
4 40
Lv A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P,M