The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 17, 1911, Image 1

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    WEATHER FOnEoAs'tf: FAttt.
68th YEAR. NO. 22
Judge Little Presides In Two Cases-Land Dispute
Case Still On-Routine Business. (
News and Views of The
Warren Simpson, who says he lives at Wlnwood, was convicted Tues
day of horso stealing and receiving stolen, goods. Sentence will be pass
ed tho close of the court session.
Tho case lasted part of Monday
and nearly all of Tuesday. Charles
Spowak was prosecutor. It will bo
remembered that Warren Simpson
was arrested Thursday, December
IB, by Constable Jesse Sherwood,
Preston, at Wlnwood, In Dan Labar's
barn whero he had gone to work, on
complaint brought by Charles
Spewak, Waymart, "that Simpson
did on tho night of September 3,
1910, at Clinton township, steal,
tako and lead away one horse of the
Taluo of $150, the property of
Charles Spewak."
The second case fcr trial, C. A.
Cortright and E. II. Cortright, trad
ing as Cortright and Son vs. Erie
Railroad company, trespass, was
tailed late Tuesday afternoon.
Judgo Ralph B. Little, Montrose,
President Judgo of Susquehanna
tounty, presided. A plea of not
cullty was entered and the following
jury empaneled: Patrick P. O'Neill,
Lebanon; G. A. Spangenberg, South
Canaan; Rev. W. II. Swift, D. D.,
Honcsdale; James Blackwell, Da
mascus; John H. Flynn, Manchester;
George Klnnoy, Gouldshoro; Walter
Bigolow, Mt. Pleasant; James Bur
nett, Waymart; Charles Davey, Ber
lin; 0. E. Fitzpatrick, Mt. Pleasant;
Maurice Pothick, Clinton; George
Selpp, Damascus. Attorneys P. H.
Iloff, Chester A. Garratt appeared
for tho plaintiff, and Charles P.
O'Malley, Scranton, and Searle &
Salmon for the defendant.
Seldon Munger, Esq., Montrose, is
attending court this week. He will
be associated with the District At
torney M. E. Simons In tho prosecu
tion of the case of E. K. Alrey and
F. K. Spencer, trading as Airey and
Spencer vs. J. B. Keen, Jr., assump
sit. Attorney Munger is a promi
nent Republican candidate for Dis
trict Attorney of Susquehanna coun
ty. In the' case of Cortright & Son
rersus Erio Railroad Co., Judge
Ralph B. Little, Montrose, Wednes
day afternoon, after hearing the evi
dence Instructed tho jury to find a
Terdlct for tho defendant.
Tho third case on tho calendar was
that of Albert A. Fitze vs. John T.
Mills, ejectment, tho plaintiff claim
ing tract of land in Clinton contain
ing about 82 square rods, to which
a plea was entered of "Not guilty"
by tho defendant, Judge Ralph B.
Little presiding. Attorney F. P.
Kimble appearing for tho plaintiff
and Lawyers W. H. Lee and E. C.
Mumford for tho defense. These
jurors wero drawn Wednesday after
noon in the case: Leslie Cease, So.
Canaan; Yens Lllholt, Damascus;
James J. Hoag, Buckingham, Em
mett Swingle, Prompton; James
Blackwell, Damascus; Edw. Aminer
man, Lake; G. A. Spangenberg, So.
Canaan; Charles Davey, Berlin;
Friend Black, Lake; C. E. Fitzpat
rick, Mt. Pleasant; Rev. W. H.
Swift, D. D., Honesdale; John H.
Flynn, Manchester. Testimony In
fhla case was heard all day Thurs
day, and had not been concluded at
tho time of going to press.
Tho Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D., who
erved on two juries In ono day,
found time Wednesday noon to
marry Walter Thomas, Whites Val
ley, and Grace Wedge, Dyberry, at
the Presbyterian manse.
Tho case of Elizabeth Hawker vs.
Georgo Poppenhelmer, trespass, has
been settled.
Orphans' Court.
Tho following flrst and final ae
eounts were confirmed nisi:
First and final account of F. W.
Oswood, adm'r of Annette Shaffer,
lato of Lake Twp. dee'd.
First and final account of Georgo
W. Frey, adm'r of Margaret Fass
bauer, lato of Texas Twp. dee'd.
First and final account of H. E.
Bassett and. Charles L. Bassett, exrs.
of Electa R. Bassett, late of Hones
dalo borough, dee'd.
First and partial account of Vere
B. Stone, F. J. Stone, and W. E.
Perham, excrs. of H. R. Stone, late
of Honesdalo borough, dee'd.
First and final account of Agnes
C. Purdy, excx. of Georgo S. Purdy,
lato of Honesdalo Borough, doe'd.
First and final account of Allssa
8. Kennedy, Admx. of Porter Ken
nedy, lato of Mount Pleasant town
hip, dee'd.
Second and final account of Nellie
Woodward, admx. of C. H. Wood
ward, late of Hawloy borough dee'd.
Appraisement of $300 to Jane G.
Palmer, widow of S. T. Palmer, late
of Hawley borough dee'd.
Appraisement of $300 to Anna M.
Burcher, widow of John L. Burcher,
late of Honesdale borough, dee'd.
Appraisement of $300 to Elizabeth
Bayer, widow of Andrew Bayer, late
of Paupack township, dee'd.
In re salo of estate of Wm. C.
Campbell, dee'd, return of salo filed
'and approved.
In re sale of Sarah A. Gromllch,
dee'd, return of sale filed and ap
proved, also report of distribution of
proceeds of sale filed and approved.
In re appointment of guardian for
Agnes It. Carr, minor child of Mich
ael and Mary- Carr, late of Texas
township, dee'd. Mrs. Eugenia Kill-
gallon appointed.
Summary of Important Events
ABB Over The Country ToBd
(Continued on Page Four).
March 12. There are many Re
publicans, sincere friends and ad
mirers of tho President, who will
not follow him In his endorsement
of Secretary Balllnger, and many
there are who believe that tho Taft
administration would have been
stronger had the resignation of Mr.
Balllnger been accepted a year or
more ago. It Is true that the Conr
gressional Investigating Committee,
or at least the majority of It, gave
him a clean bill of health, but his
usefulness 6s a pillar of strength to
the party and to the administration
was seriously impaired, and though
no evil act was directly laid at the
Secretary's door, he failed to make
tho right Impression when put up
on his defence. Ono cannot help but
admire the President's loyalty, even
though his opinion is not made
unanimous . The Secretary's prose
cution of his defamers may bring
out his side of the caso more
strongly. Courts have a way of get
ting at the real facts.
Park Extension mil.
The bill Introduced in the Senate
by Senator Fox of Harrisburg,
known as the Park Extension bill,
passed that body this week by a
vote of 34 to 3, and it will now have
to work its way through the House.
From present Indications the pur
chase will be made, for the land Is
likely to be needed In a few years.
Large as the new Capitol is and
complete as it seemed, it Is not suf
ficient to house tho different state
departments, and the Water Supply
commission nas been assigned to
quarters away from Capitol Hill.
Some departments have more room
than is needed at present, but it
cannot well be utilized for any oth
ers, so the Board of Public
Grounds and Buildings is seri
ously considering what cau be done,
The best available space for build
ing Is the part which it Is now pro
posed to purchase, between the
present Park and the Railroad, and
it can bo secured for a less figure
now than ever again. Tho friends
of the bill have strong hopes of
getting tho bill through. Governor
Stuart vetoed a similar bill two
years ago, on account of insufficient
Judges' Salary Bill.
The Judges' Salary bill, which
means an Increase of the expense of
maintaining the courts of about
$250,000, passed the House and Is
now before the Senate, There are
whispers of what the Senate will do
to It, and what tho Governor will do
to It, but It stands a fairly good
chance of becoming a law at this
session. Tho minimum salary pay
able under the new act Is $GO0O a
year. The courts will probably be
asked to say that It shall apply to
tho Judges now In office.
It is now Judgo Witmer of the U.
S. District Court. Only a few years
ago he succeeded Hon. Fred C.
Leonard as U. S. .Marshal of the dis
trict, later succeeding Hon. S. J. M.
Mcuarrell as Attorney and now suc
ceeding Judge Archbald as the head
of the court. It Is intimated that
after a while there may be a change
in me ciencsnip so long held by E.
R. W. Searle, of Susquehanna coun
ty, but we shall have to wait and
Notice To Express Companies.
The House passed a bill this week
which is causing the Express com
panies to sit up and take notice.
Under tho law as it stands upon the
books at present the five or six big
companies, all of them foreigners,
pay a sum total of less than $20,
000 In taxes to tho state, when they
should rightfully pay about ten
times as much, and this bill, which
passed tho House by a vote of 17G
to nothing, proposes to properly tax
them. Practically all tho express
business In this state is done by the
Adams, United States, Wells-Fargo,
National and the American. Tho
principle or method of taxation in
the new bill has already been favor
ably passed upon by the U. S. Su
preme Court in a caso which went
up from another state.
Local option, for this session at
least, received a solar plexus blow
last Monday night, when the House
refused to put the bill on the calen
dar. The vote showed that not
much gain had been made over the
strength shown by thd friends of the
measuro two years ago.
Sproul Good Roads,
From present appearances the
Sproul Good Roads bill Is to bo' put
through and tho people will be ask
ed to allow the Constitution to be
amended so as to allow tho state to
A dispute has arisen between Mex
ico and the United States over the
detention In the Mexican Jail at
Juarez of two American sympa
thizers of the revolutionists named
Edwin M. Blatt and C. H. Converse.
The State Department has positively
stated that the two men were cap
tured on American soil. The Mexi
can Embassy denies that tho capturo
was made on American territory.
Blatt Is the son of one of the con
stituents of Stephen G. Porter, Representative-elect
from Pittsburg. Mr.
Porter asserts that Blatt and his
companion, Converse of Glendora,
near Los Angeles, were kldnepped
by three .Mexicans within American
An official statement issued at
Juarez gives tho assurances that all
Americans now confined In Mexican
jails will bo given trials in civil
courts on tho cliargo .of sedition
against tho Mexican Government but
that In tho future nil insurrection
ists no matter what their nationality
may be subject to the death penalty
under military law.
Senor Limantour, the Mexican
Minister of Finance, has loft New
York Fi-ddenly in response to a se
cret message from President Diaz.
Tho 'Mexican Minister has issued a
statement in which he affirms that
the revolt in his country may be
laid directly at the doors of maga
zine muckrakers.
Public opinion In America Is pro
revolutionary and Is becoming more
so every day. Diplomats aro of tho
opinion that tho situation should be
given moro publicity in order that
tho people may be fully Informed.
An attempt was made to blow up
the barracks at Juarez with two
charges of nitro-glycerlne. Parts of
the buildings occupied by Mexican
troops were destroyed.
Speaking for tho President, Sec
retary of tho Treasury MacVeagh
said that tho troops will not cross
the border and that there will be no
interference with the Mexican Gov
ernment on the part of the United
Bill Approved By Rep. State Leaders-Applies To
Odd Years and Party Officers.
Governor Tener signed the follow
ing bills yesterday:
Regulating extent to which a de
fendant mny bo cross-examined
when testifying in his own behalf.
Permitting County Commissioners
to issue bonds for erection and re
pair of buildings for the care of chil
dren under jurisdiction of courts.
Refunding to A. Sidney Reynolds,
of Philadelphia, $470 erroneously
paid as a State license.
Authorizing county commission
ers to erect and maintain dykes along
non-navigable streams affected by
the tide or floods.
Appropriating $25,000 for State
Hospital near Shamokin, to complete
Validating acts done and convey
ances made by or to corporations af
ter letters patent are Issued and be
fore the recording of their charters.
Frank Heldemann, a florist of As
bury Park, N. J., was arrested Wed
nesday charged with the mur.der of
the ten-year-old school girl Mamie
Smith, whose body was found In the
Manasseo Woods, near Asbury Park,
on November 13 last.
Heldemann was arrested on the
Express running from Atlantic City
and New York between Farming
dale and Red Bank. Ho was on his
way to take a boat to Honduras.
Heldemann has been suspected of
the murder for months past by John
S. Applegate, Jr., prosecutor for
Monmouth county. He obtained the
services of a German detectivo who
va3 a boyhood friend of the suspect
ed man. The detective, whoso name
lias been withheld, soon gained the
confidence of his old chum and it
is said that Heldemann has mado a
full confession of the crime to his
supposititous lrlend.
Tho police were obliged to protect
him from the crowds when he step
ped off tho train at Red Bank and
he was rushed in an automobile to
the county jail at Freeholu.
.Mamie Smith did not come home
from school on November S and
four days later her mutilated body
was found in tho woods near Deal
Lake with the skull split by tho blow
of an axe.
Heldemann and one other man
were seen leaving that part of the
wood on the day of the crime it is
alleged. Heldemann was arrested
and later discharged by a coroner's
From special despatches to tho
Rome Trlbuna it is learned hat H.
Do Cou, an American archaeological
explorer, was shot and killed by an
Arab in the town of Telene. After
the shooting the Arab escaped and
so far has not been captured.
Mr. De Cou was a director of the
Carter Archaeological School of
Rome, and was a member of 'the ex
pedition sent by the Archaeological
Institute of America and tho Mus
eum of Fine Arts "of Boston to make
excavations in the ancient city of
Cyrene, in northern Africa.
The State Department at Wash
ington has received a cablegram
from Richard Norton, the director
of the expedition, stating that an
American was killed by Arabs. It
Is known who the murderer was and
steps have been taken for his ar
rest. The American Embassy of Con
stantinople has taken the matter up
with tho Ottoman Government.
A bill fixing the flrst Saturday In
October as the date of the primary
elections for tho nomination of can
didates to be voted for at munici
pal elections, was Introduced in tho
Senate by Senator Tustin yesterday.
It was the result of the conference
held In Senator Penrose's office last
Monday. It applies to the municipal
elections In the odd numbered years
and for tho election of party offi
cers. There is reason to believe that this
bill will pass the Legislature and be
approved by the governor. It has
already been reported out for print
ing. If it passes, the nomination of
a candidate for Mayor of Philadel
phia will take place in October un
less the term of tho present Mayor
bo lengthened by Legislative enact
ment, together with other municipal
ofllcers whose successors are to be
elected next fall.
A largo majority of the represen
tatives of the interior counties are
in favor of postponing the primaries
from June until September or October.
Ono of the arguments In favor of
a lato primary from a party organi
zation point o'f view Is that the In
dependents would have but a short
time to elect nn organization to sup
port an opposition ticket. Senator
McNlchol wanted to hold the pri
maries on June 3rd while David H.
Lane, a member of the Commission
on Elections was very much in fa
vor of September or October.
It Is thought that no other bill to
revise the election laws will be
passed at this session of the Legis
lature. One of the provisions of tho
bill Is:
"That in years In which munici
pal elections occur (being the odd
numbered years) the uniform pri
mary elections for the nomination of
all candidates to be voted for at the
municipal elections In such years
and for electing certain party officers
shall bo held on ho flrst Saturday
of October, and that tho said pri
mary elections shall bo conducted In
accordance with and subject to all
the requirements and provisions of
Ing Angel Fish, moans the N. Y.
aQ :
Merchandise history, like National
history rings with the echo of certain
names. The name
It is not probable that the bills for
woman's suffrage now before the
State Legislature will bo given a
favorable recommendation. Never
theless the suffragists have stirred
the State Capitol as never before and
it Is considered only a matter of time
before they get their demands.
It Is common opinion that the
cauBO of woman's suffrage has been
greatly advanced In Pennsylvania.
Of course among the various Senators
and Legislators you can get as many
shades of opinion on the subject as
the number of people to whom you
However In spite of the fun pok
ed at the affnlr, underneath there
run's a vein of serious consideration
which points to a probable success'
ful outcome In futuro years.
Joseph O. Robin, former Presi
dent of the Northern Bank of New
York, went before the Grand Jury
yesterday to tell what he know of
many bank secrets including the
failure of the Carnegie Trust Conv
Seventy-five bankers were sub
poenaed to fill in the links of the
chain of evidence which District At
torney Whitman has forged against
the despoilers of that institution.
Mr. Carnegie himself may be called
before the Grand Jury.
Robin was expected to confirm
much of the evidence that the dis
trict attorney has gathered rather
than to offer any new and startling
evidence of his own.
Most Important in tho story Rob
in was expected to relate wero the
details of tho deposits of city mon
eys. The district attorney directed
Dobln's disclosures so that each
phase of the situation was exhaust
ed before another was taken up as
Robin has complained that he is in
such poor health that his mind can
not be concentrated for long on i
single subject.
bo bonded in tho sum of $50,000,
000 for good roads purposes. It is
proposed to saddle a portion of this
burden upon posterity as they will
bo largely tho beneficiaries. So far
no organized opposition to the plan
has nppeared, the only objection to
be made, if liny, being as to the plan,
and not to the purpose, for every
body favors good roads. Governor
Tener Is reported as being In favor
of tho bill, as well as Senator Pen
rose, and their support will un
doubtedly result In the passage of
the act. Nothing much can be done
however, until the bonds are au
thorized and sold, and that means
several years from now.
Hiram Comfort, a married man
who lived with his wife and daugh
ter, at Galilee, was found dead In
bed Tuesday morning at tho home of
Osborne W. Baker, a prominent
Slko farmer, where he had gone to
work a short time ago. Ho went to
bed complaining of pains at his
heart Monday evening, and expired
during the night. Coroner P. B.
Peterson, Honesdalo, was summon
ed and decided that as lie died from
naturar causes, neuralgia of tho
heart, no inquest need bo hold.
Death Of Michael Crlmmlns.
Mlc'hael Crlmmlns died Tuesday
evening at 8:30 oclock at his homo In
Dyberry from general debility, at the
age of 75 years. Mr. Crlmmlns was
a well-known farmer having resided
on the old Sidney Bushnell placo for
upwirds of 35 years. He was born
In Ireland, his parents being Ed
ward Crlmmlns and Fllen (McCarty)
His wifo died 7 years ago. A severe
attack of grippe confined him to his
bed since Tuesday a week. Three
children survive: Mary and Michael
at home, and James, Newark, N. J
Funeral services will bo held In his
late homo Saturday morning at 8
o'clock and in St. John's tho Evan-
gellst R. C. church at 10 o'clock
Rev. Father Thomas M. Hanley, of
ficiating, with Interment In St
John's cemetery.
Panlinmllcrs Arrested.
Tuesday night, corner Main and
Ninth streets, County Detectivo N. B
Spencor arrested a hobo, for pan
handling. Ostensibly, bo was an
umbrella mender. Ho was also
drunk. After a night In Jail bo was
permitted to leave the town. At the
Invitation of Officer John Canlvan
two other "umbrella fixers' enjoyed
a night's lodging, Tuesday in the
municipal hotel.
familiar to every man, woman and child, stands before the
public since March 20, 1871, therefore our 40th annivers
ary. For your benefit we ofFer 40 special selected arti
cles at record breaking prices.
Remember' the following prices are for
Best Granulated Sugar. 25-pound bag 1.30
Snow White Flour, bbl., $1.75 value 1.50
Seemau Bros. Warfield Tomatoes, iGc value.... 13c can
Argo Laundry Starch, 1 lb. pkg., 5c. value 4c pkg.
Challenge Condensed Milk, 12c value 10c can
Fancy Prunes, Best Ioc value 8c lb.
Blue Label Ketchup, 25c value 20c bottle
Fancy California Navel Oranges, 40c. value 29c doz.
Heinz Tomato Soup, Large Size, 25c value 21c can
27-in. Princess Foulards, 50c value 3gc yd
27-in. Naushou Raja Silk, 50c value 42c yd
36-in. Taffeta Silk (black and colors), $1.00 value
85c yd
36-in. All-Wool Batiste or Nun's Veiling, 59c value
4gc yd.
1,000 yards Fancy Sheer White Goods, 25c value. .19c yd
40-in. French White Lawn, 25c value 13c. yd
36-in. Silkaline, new designs, izy2c. value ioc yd
Fine Niagara Cotton Batting, all in one sheet, 25c
20c roll
36-in. English Figured Percales, 13c values ioc yd
Children's School Hose, Double knee, 15c value. . .ioc pr
Ladies' Black and Tan Hose, best 15c value 11c pr
Gent's Lisle Socks, Plain and Fancy, 25c value.. 17c pr
Ladies' Silk Gloves, colored and black, 50c value. .40c pr
500 Doz. Handerkerchiefs, Ladies' and Children,
4c value 4 for ioc
Colgate's and Mennen's Talcum Powder, 25c value
15c box
New Dutch Collars and Jabots, 25c value 20c each
3000 Yards Best Taffeta Ribbon Extra Wide, 25c
value. .14c yd
100 Ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas, well made, $1.25
83c each
Fancy Doilies, Squares, and Scarfs, 50c value. . .39c each
Fit Form, Hose Supporters With Belt, 25c 19c pr
Colgate's Shaving Cream, Stick and Powder, 25c
1 8c each
9x12 ft. Hartford Velvet Rug, $20.00 value $17.5
Wall Paper, (all new styles, double rolls), 18c value
lie each.
Best Union Ingrain Carpets, 50c and 60c values. .39c yd
Granite Stair Carpet, extra heavy, 30c value 22c yd
Ladies' Kimonas, new Spring designs, $1.25 value. .97c ea
Ladies' Dressing Jackets, 59c value 42c each
Ladies' Shirt Waists, (long and short sleeves), $1.25 val.
98c each
Children's School Dresses, sizes 6 to 14, $1.19 value
90c each
Ladies' Wool Panama Skirts, (black and navy), $3.50
Middy Blouses, Best Quality, $1.25 value 89c each