The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 10, 1911, Image 6

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    THK CITIZEN. FltlDAY, MARCH 10, 1011.
The Bravery of a Woman and
the Saving of a Life.
The long gray adobe vralla of the
hack-ruin laj bathed Id the (pjlver of
yellow light. Alleyne watched Mar
garet's fare for a sign of truce, but tor
shadows eauie and went between the
Tines that draped the initio as the In
terminable Siilitmth afternoon dragged
nwuy and Margaret remained burled
In her book, "And ill about a beg
gurly horse thief," he murmured to
himself as be sat up straight and sent
the pllo of magazines crashing to the
There rras a look of consciousness,
about the back of that shapely brown
head that held Itself so persistently
averted, but Alleyne deemed It wiser
not to reopen tbo subject of Miguel.
Over In the corral things wore a de
sorted air. Two or three men lounged
in the shade of the blgb wall. Alleyne
yawned and looked at bis watch and
at a faint movement of the Qgure In
the rocker. "Margaret. I" Crack-ack-ack!
Somewhere away to the west
three shots rang out In rapid succes
sion, a pause and then three more.
Over in the corral the lounging Sc
ares sprang to life, and an Instant
Inter three ponies were galloping In the
direction of the shots. Alleyne dashed
Into the house, reappearing with the
fieldglassea. "They've got him!" He
was peering at a collection of black
dots on the edge of the horizon.
"Got who?" Margaret laid her band
upon his arm.
"The mischief!" Alleyne Jerked the
glasses down. "I forgot you were
here." Under her steady gaze his col
or changed. "Yes. If ynu will have the
whole ghastly truth and cannot be per
suaded to stay out of it. it's that
scoundrel Miguel."
Margaret shrank away from him
with a low cry of distress. The look
in her eyes went straight to Alleyne'a
heart, and his voice softened to a ten
der pleading as he tried to draw her
to him. "Little woman, you cannot be
the Judge of these matters, and you
ennnot shield n horse thief. I could
have told you this morning, but I pre
ferred to let you think me a bit hard
on Miguel than to shock you with the
truth. There have been some queer hap
penings lately both here at the Alnho
and at Jose's. Last night n bunch of
Joso's best ponies came up missing,
and the boys have been trailing him
since sunrise."
"John Alleyne. do you mean to let
those savages of yours murder a man
here on the Alaho Just for the sake of
a few bronchos?" Margaret faced him
sternly, and Alleyne lost bis hard kept
"You forget that there are men's
Jaws to be considered as well as f.od's.
and out here on tho fringe of the world
the code knows no greater crime lhan
lifting n broncho, and the lifting of
many bronchos aggravates the cane It
Is not a question In which my wife
may meddle" And Alleyne strode to
ward the corral, while Margaret picked
up the glasses.
The wind blown stretch of bare
brown mesa told her nothing of the
tragedy brewing behind Its crest. She
watched Alleyne until her eyes ached
A clatter of hoofs nnd a voice calling
her name brought her to the door
where a half broken cayuse snorted
and pawed Astride of him sat Bright
Eyes. Miguel's Indian wife, the brown
baity swung to her back. There wne
a queer ashen pallor on the woman's
atolid face as she slid from the pony'f.
bark, one hand clutching at the deer
skin thong that held the papoose
"White man got Miguel. Miguel he
die." Here she p'nt.wl to her throat
and made a gasping sound. "White
squaw much hurree. Miguel he no die
Margaret cowered before the aw fin
pleading In those savage eyes. "Not
a question In whlrb my wife may med
die," John had said, but there was no
time to weigh scruples, and Ave mln
utes later a strangely assorted pair
rode Into the fare of the setting sun.
and the rough little cayuse strove to
keep pace with the swinging stride of
the Hindu mare. Far ahead a black
dot moved against the sky that Marga
ret knew to he Alleyne. A glimmer of
consequences flashed across her mind,
but the sweet young mouth only grew
little firmer as she struck the trail of
many horses and knew the goal to be
lu sight.
On and on, sagebrush and prickly
pear, the yellow sand beneath, and
overhead the blue melting into the
evening's violet crown, nature's own
smile upon the scene that swept into
view, where men and horses were
grouped around the Impassive figure
wrapped in the ragged poncho that
lounged in careless grace against the
white scarred trunk of a large mes
quite. Margaret's eyes went Instlnc
tively to the Inrtnt knotted about the
bronze throat It was not the first time
that Miguel had felt It there, but Rusty
Pete himself held the end of this one.
The voices hushed Instantly, and to a
man the wide Rombreros were lifted ns
Margaret slipped from the saddle and
stood looking from one dark fare to
another An n vful sense of self en
gulfed her. and lu another moment Mi
guel's cause would have been lost. Rut
the grim set of Alleyne's mouth as h
started toward her gave her the cour
age that Is born of cowardice. Before
he could reach lii-t she nad broken
tbnuyli the circle to Miguel's side, and
thf sun struck along the b.irrel of a re
volver leveled straight al Rusty I'cta.
"Drop thai rope!' site cried.
I'ete let go as If (lie lurlat were red
hot iron: then she wheeled to face tbs
ring of Miguel's accusers "Men of tba
Alaho. you are many This man Is but
one. bound and helpless, but the first
man that moves toward him does so at
his peril If you persist in taking him
It will be over my bodyl"
Alleyne's eyes were blazing, but not
a man stirred for a long moment, an
interminable time It seemed to the wo
man who stood between that ring of
fierce faces and their prey
God In heaven, will it Inst forever?"
Her brain was reeling, and the blnck
figures danced In a blood red mist as
earth rose in waves beneath her The
silent battle was almost done when a
wild yell from the darkening mesa
scattered the circle to right nnd left
as the men from Jose's galloped In.
Cut that rope!" yelled the leader as
he bore down upon the group under
the mesqtilte.
Mnrgaret staggered blindly into Al
leyne's arms, seeing nothing but the
Hash of Pete's knife as be cut the
thongs, then utter blackness until she
awoke to the white walls of her own
Alleyne was bending over her. There
was something distinctly apologetic In
his attitude. Mnrgaret grasped her ad
vantage. "Well?" Her tone was ten
tative. Alleyne settled himself on the
side of the bed. laughing a bit un
easily. "I suppose you have the best of me,
little woman. Your dramatic entrance
upon the scene saved the day or we
would have sent Miguel on the long
ride on another man's count. Jose's
men would have coma too late."
"Who did It?"
"One of the greasers. Miguel had
been over to the post loading up on
fire water, as usual, and the greaser
ran across him Just about the time be
discovered that the boys were close
on bis trail. Things were getting pret
ty warm for him when he persuaded
Miguel to take charge of the ponies
while he skipped out. Naturally the
boys did not stop to question Miguel
when they found him heading away
from the ranch and the proof trotting
alongside. It would have been ail over
for Miguel but for the fact thrft the
greaser met a man who had good rea
sons for wanting to find him and
found blm. Explanations came later,
and when the greaser realized that a
few bronchos more or less couldn't
count against a man who had only
about twenty minutes to live be set
things In motion to reach Miguel. That
is all the story "
The south wind rustled the vines in
the patio. Margaret looked down to
the grove of mesqulte Just beyond tho
big corral, where a brown baby rolled
in the dust at the door of Miguel's
topee. Alleyne's eyes followed hers.
He understood.
The Open Mind In Travel.
To leave oneself behind Is per
hnp3 the first and best initiation for
travel. As one steps on the train or
goes up the gangplank one says fare
well to that wearing and aggravating
personality who has lived so close to
us for months, demanding, exacting,
questioning, exhausting us with anx
ieties and brooding troubles, it re
quires no entire essay of Montaigne's
to prove to us how "that the spirit
often hlnderetb Itself" Fresh fields
and pastures new ahead and the hour
to throw aside the old and put the best
foot foremost bring a new benrt as
readily as conversion. Care is shifted
from the shoulders; the back Is turned
upon tensing, reiterated obligations,
nnd adventures and strangeness, so
exhilarating after a long siege of the
accustomed round, are ahead. Mon
taigne says that some one reported to
Socrates that n certain man was In no
wise Improved by his travels, and he
replied. "I can well believe It, since be
took himself along "Louise Collier
Willcox in Harper's Bazar.
Tho Real North Polo.
The popular idea of the compass la
that it 1b an Instrument having a free
ly moving needle which points to the
north pole. But the needle points to the
north pole when tho compass Is situ
ated on the meridian of longitude that
runs through the north magnetic pole.
The real tor geographic) north pole
and the magnetic north pole are not In
the same place. The magnetic north
pole, toward which the compass needle
really points, is situated in the north
ern part of Canada In northern lati
tude 70 degrees & minutes and longi
tude 00 degrees 3 minutes west from
Greenwich. It was first visited In
1831 by Sir James Ross. The south
em magnetic pole Is in a correspond
ing position In the antarctic region. It
was discovered by Sir Ernest Hnarkle
ton's expedition to be latitude 72 de
grees 25 minutes south and longitude
164 degrees east.-St. Nicholas.
The Kaiser's Palaces.
The number of the kaiser's palaces
Is Inrgely due to the fact thnt the
Prussian monnrchy has absorbed many
minor German states, including the
kingdom of Hanover, the ducby of
Nassau and the electorate of Hesse
Cassel. All the palaces and castles of
the rulers of these states thus passed
luto the possession of the reigning
bouse of Prussia, as it was considered
Injudicious either to destroy or to sell
them for fear of Impairing the popu
larity of nohenzollern rule. Thus It
Is that the emperor Is burdened with
the possession of more thnn threescore
residences, some of which he has nev
er seen and many of which are totally
unsulted for royal habitation. Al
though their maintenance entails a
heavy drain upon his exchequer, they
cannot for political reasons'lBV either
sold or leased. Munsey's Magazine.
An Example of the German Idea of
the Way to Govern a City.
German cities are the best govern
ed In tho world. How far apart are
tho Ideas of Germans and Americana
on tho subject of city government
may bo seen from reading an adver
tisement which lately appeared in a
number of Gorman papers:
"The' place of Mayor of Magdeburg
Is vacant The salary Is 21.000 marks
($5.253 ) a year, Including the rental
of a dwelling in the city hall. Be9ldo
his salary the Incumbent will receive
4,000 marks ($1,000) for his official ex
pensos. Candidates should apply bo
fore September 1."
The German Idea is that a muni
cipality is a business, to be conduct
ed on business lines. The of
mayor is ono requiring knowledge
and skill of a technical, professional
character. A mnn who has provod
hlnself a good mayor In one German
town Is frequently invited to another.
Tho World's, Work.
Breaking Up Soli with Powder.
It doesn't take long to tear an acre
to pieces with the powder system now
being used In adobe lands. A demon
stration on tho college farm showed
how thoroughly the ground was brok
en up. E. It. Angast has charge of the
work now being done. In ground to
be used for an orchard Mr. Anhaat
bad holes bored 108 to the acre
fifteen feet apart The charges put
into these were connected with wire?.
Three rows, about twelve or fifteen
charges, were fired at one tlmo. The
tough adobe was cracked 'from hole
to hole: large piece? rose twenty-five
or thirty feet Into the air. The ground
was In fairly good condition to
plough, but was even better after
frost had laid its softening Influence
upon It
It costs about $15 an acre for the
powder and possibly $2.50 or $2.75
for the labor. Manhattan Industrial
ist The Indian In Politics.
A glance over the list or names of
the first officials of the new county of
Dc'.vey Indicates that Lo knows how
to play politics when tho opportunity
comes his way Just as well as doos
his pale-faced brethren. There were
three voting precincts. Timber Lake,
White Horse and Isabel. Isabel want
ed the county seat, as did Timber
Lake, both being within less than
two miles of the northern line of the
new county. White Horse was not a
candidate, but the results show that
out of the situation Whito Horse gets ;
tho official list and Timber Lake got
tho county scat Isabel threatens to
contest everything, but tho wily reds
pulled out of it with practically every
office in the new county as their
share of the spoils. St Paul Dis
patch. "Going Some."
(Harper & Bros.)
Our literature, once so sedate,
Quite frisky grows, and up-to-dato!
Harper & Bros, make things hum
With a book entitled "Going Some!"
Perhaps the Century will bid
For patronage with "Oh, You Kid!"
Tho Atlantic now will bo pursuing
Vox popull with "Nothing Doing!"
McClure will give us let mo sco
Oh, sure! "Skidoo" and "23!"
And the Ladies' Journals, too, will
Suggestively, "Aw, cut It out!"
Hamilton Pope Gait
Painters' Colors.
Present-day artists buy their col
ors ready-made, and spend largo
sums of money on pigments with
which to color their canvasses. The
pictures of modern artists will bo
colorless when many of the works of
the old masters are as bright as they
show to-day. Just as the secret of
dyeing has been lost, so has the secret
of preserving the colors of artists'
paints. Yet this secret was known
to every ancient painter, for all of
thorn mixed, their own colors.
Holding His Job.
One of the section foremen on a
railroad has a keen Gaelic wit Ona
warm afternoon, while walking along
the line, be found one or his men
placidly sleeping on the emDankment
The bosa looked disgustedly at the
delinquent for a full minute, and then
remarked: "Slape on, you lazy spal
peen, alape on, fur as long as you
slape you've got a Job, but when you
wake up you ain't got none."
Cat's Fifteen Day Fast.
On the sails of the Undine, the
flagship of Admiral Sir Charles Drury,
commander In chief at the Nore, being
unfurled at Chatham the ship's cat
rolled out on the deck. She had been
enshrouded in the sails fifteen days.
She was very emaciated. London
Ornithological Slang,
Chlmmle (after his first day at
school) Say, fellers, wot sort of a
teacher is Miss Flynn?
Mlckio She's tho kind wot'a al
ways layln' for us.
Teddle Sure ting! She's a bird,
she Is.
Few New Yorkers know that the
great Broadway was once called
"Great George street,' in honor of the
English King. It was afterward
known as the "Bloomingdale road"
before It acquired the name of "the
Broadway," which was lubsequentlj
changed to Broadway.
(These articles and Illustrations must not
be, reprinted without special permis
Tho egg factory turns out a product
far more remarkable than a watch or
nu automobile, for these become Junk,
while an egg contains a germ of llfo
that is perpetuated in generations to
The majority of hens go through llfo
without accident to their egg machin
ery; others have their reproductive or
gans deranged or destroyed, mainly
by tho maladies here mentioned.
Ovarian diseases are seldom known
till revealed by a postmortem.
Black, brown, soft ovules (yolks) in
stead of pinkish, yellow ones ludlcate
fatal gangrene.
If ovules cannot enter oviduct they
form a cluster of hard yellow tumors,
1 to 2, ovary, where yolk is formed; 2 to
3, intunulbulum, where white Is formed;
3 to 4, uterus, where shell Is formed; i
to G, cloaca, the end.
or they do not mature and become wa
tery cysts.
Such incurable diseases are caused
by overfat, which crowds the egg or
gans so they cannot perform their
functions. .
A hen that is egg bound Is generally
known by her frequent attempts to
Tho egg may he felt In tho cloaca.
This condition is generally caused
by a very largo egg, irritation that
causes n swelling in oviduct, drying
of mucous membrane, a tumor or fat
crowding the oviduct, a soft shelled
egg blocking tho exit of a normal egg
or tho faeces of constipation closing
tho cloaca.
If treated early, hen is often saved
by Injecting sweet oil into parts, lay
ing her on back nnd pressing egg to
ward outlet
A large egg may have to bo punc
tured, Its contents spilled outside nnd
fragments of shell removed piece by
Much force to remove egg results fa
tally, nnd if cloaca is black hen should
be killed.
When egg contains no yolk, ovary is
deranged; If without white, tho iufun
dlbulum is inflamed; If without shell,
the uterus Is affected.
Inflammation of the oviduct is
caused by a very largo egg, egg tonics,
too steady laying, rupture of an egg
in oviduct or constipation.
The hen is generally found straining
to lny and becomes feverish, pale of
comb and dull.
Administer a tablcspoonful of castor
oil; Inject weak solution of tannic ncld
(1 to 100), to which add chlorate of
potash (3 to 100).
A hen may so strain in laying that
oviduct will turn inside out nnd pro
trude, nnd If long exposed to air gan
grene results.
Quickly examine organ for an egg
or tumor within nnd note color.
Ilemove egg If present; if there Is a
tumor or organ is black or dark purple
(gangrene), kill tho hen.
If membrane is red, wash off any
filth In warm water, grease with vase
lino and press organ back to place.
If it again protrudes, place within It
a piece of Ice, press tho organ back,
and it will generally stay.
Place such patients in a quiet place
and feed them sparingly a cool, non
stimulating diet.
Don't growl because you think your
show birds should have a better posi
tion. "There uro others."
Don't wmo or buttonhole tho Judge
about your exhIM beforo tho awards.
You'll get Into contempt.
Don't shower compliments on the
Judge If you win, no will laugh at
such chaff.
Don't knock if you don't win the cup,
Put up the flvo dollar forfeit and ap
peal or shut up.
Jill I
my h
A Delayed Exocution.
An eighteenth century execution on
Kcnnlngton common was ntopped for
a time owing lo a strange cause. On
Aug. 10, 1703, two days before the
date of the execution, n heavy fog
came over London, accompanied by
thunder and lightning and torrents of
rain. These conditions lasted for near
ly forty-eight hours, and many people
believed thar the last day had iirrlved.
When the time fixed for the execution
arrived tho assembled crowd cried
shame on tho sheriff for hanging a
mnn when the world was coming to nn
end. As he persisted in his prepara
tions they burst through the barriers
nnd stopped tho proceedings, shout
ing that the culprit might as well wait
n few minutes, when the grand sum
mons would .come to all. The sheriff
had to obtain the assistance of n force
of soldiers before tho execution could
be carried out.
The Self Sacrifice of Fadzeau.
A fine historical dog story Is recalled
by Mr. Edwin Noblo in "Tho Dog Lov
er's Book." The incident is connected
with the flight of William Wallace to
tho mountains after Erneslde, accom
panied by only sixteen followers,
among whom was one named Fad
zeau. When tho baying of the blood
hounds was heard announcing tho
coming of the English Kadzcau refused
to go nuy farther, affecting weariness,
nnd Wallace, suspecting him of traitor
ous intentions, killed him. When the
English came up the hounds stayed
upon the dead body and refused to fol
low beyond the Ktnlns of blood.
Tho Kind You Havo Always 'Bought, and which has heen
In uso for over 30 years, has homo tho sigmaturo of
and has been matlo under his pcr
fyid sonal supervision sinco its infancy.
ifuzrvy, UCilZ Allowno ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" arc but
Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morrihino nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The KM You Haie Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
- -
Typewriter Supplies
Office Necessities
Time to Get Well.
Congressman Francis W Cushraan,
of Washington, some time ngo bad oo
caslon to visit one of the noted physi
cians at the national capital, and wad
compelled for many weary minutes to
cool his heels In an ante-room. Final
ly, his patience becoming exhausted;
he summoned an attendant, to whom
he said; "Present my compliments to
the doctor, nnd tell htm it I am noi
admitted In five minutes I shall got
well again." The physician found U
convenient to admit Mr. Cushmnn at
Trade In Sea Worn Pebbles.
A new Industry Is being started ha
Scaton which will provide employ
ment for people in the winter Al
present a large business is transacted
In ao.t worn pebbles which are Import
ed from the French coast, and It Ik
hoped to capture part of this trade.
Trial orders from several largo
users of the pebbles are on hand, and
gangs of men are engaged In selecting
the pebbles from the beacn at Scatoft
and the neighboring Tillages. Lon
don Dally Mall.
The wife of Gerhart Hauptmann
Margnrete Marshalk' before her mar
riage to the dramatist was for a long
time a popular member of the Lobe
Theatre at Breslau. She went on tho
stage for the second time, but not as
an actress. At a concert given by
the Vereln der Muslkfreunde, ai
Hlrschberg, Frau Hauptmann played)
a Grieg composition, and, according
to a report printed the folowing day.
showed that ah nras an accomplished
Signature of
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