The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 08, 1911, Image 7

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The Head of
the House
S A Story For Young Men About
to Be Married.
Conf rich t liv Amerlrnn Prpss Arko- 4
5 elation, 1911.
u - " - i
Sam Martlndale and .Theodora Trask
had been engaged a Week. There had
been more billing and cooing and kiss
ing In that, one week than there would
be In flvo lycars of the married life be
fore them. 'Then Sam called a halt to
"look practically at the future. Ho was
iriot a man to drift through life; he pre
ferred to prearrange everything. It
teemed that there was a great ocean
ahead of him and Theo, of comfort or
Buffering, of anxiety or discord, of con
tentment or unhappiness, and across
tills ocean it became him as the head
tt tho Iiouho, the pilot, to steer their
bark. Before taking a voyage does not
,iho mariner familiarize himself with
the areas of probable storm and sun
khinc, of navigable water and sunken
rocks? Vhy should not ho as com
Blunder lay down on a chart the exact
courso the family ship should sail?
To begin nt the bottom, was he to be
tho commander? The very fact of his
asking himself the' question shows the
depth of his understanding. If a gen
eral Is to conduct a campaign It Is
'necessary that his word bo the law
for his army. Martlndale realized at
Onco that If ho were to pilot the family
bark ho ,mtist have, no interference.
Ilavlng thus settled tho matter by
deliberation, Martlndale concluded to
'broach the subject to his fiancee, mere
ly as a preliminary reconnolssanco In
rder to feel the enemy.
"Theo," he said gravely, "since you
and I nro to pass our lives together
It may be well for us to come to an
understanding on one Important point.
In, every government, every business,
every family, in order that the wheels
may run smoothly, there must be one
ihead. I would llko to know how you
feel about the matter."-
"It seems to mo," said Theo after
thought, "that wo should both be
Martlndale was not prepared for
vrhtt ho considered flying right In tho
face of the fundamental principles of
order. What was the family but a
miniature state? And the Idea of a
ctato having two governors! Absurd!
ff'h.eo saw ,by tho expression of his
faco that she hnd assumed too much.
So she hastened to say: "Why, dearie,
don't you know that n woman just
loves to lean on n miin for guidance?
Tou'ro to be heag, of course."
Tills was a great relief to Sam. ne
'.topic his fiancee lii his arms, kissed her
and said:
"Sweetheart, ynu have no adea how
happy you've modo me by saying that.
Our future hopplness depends upon it.
There must nlways bo a head to a
family. And how hard It would bo for
botli of us if you had a disposition to
usurp tho husband's place."
"I would htTer think of such a
lie gave, her dozen kisses and left
her, filled with Joy that the basic prin
ciple of married life In his case had
been settled w.'thout a word of dis
pute. Indeed, it eliminated all the rest
f the problem, for since he was to be
undisputed captiin ho had no doubt
that he could 'ilde the family bark
Tho couple wers married. There was
a llj wedding g!fts galbre, rice throw
ing, n trip and n' last a settling down
in a home of ,thMr own. During the
pncraRcment Thee had never expressed
an opinion, much less made a decision,
that wduTd' havo Interfered with Sam's
position as heir apparent to -the sov
ereignty of the fstnlly.
Theo had long been connected with
ji charitable .association of , which she
was the secretary. One inornlng; n
fortnight nfter tho couple's return
from their wedding trip she woke up
with an ncWng ot, the bones, in a
feverish condition nnd in 'other ways
indicating that' ear must 'bo taken to
nvoht a severe Illness, perhaps death,
But there was to bo a meeting that
day of the charitable society, and the
secretory was expected to be there.
Sam was, astonished" tb , see hfs .'wlfel
preparing to go oui in a siorm, nireauy
ill nnd with the probability of coming
back to face pneumonia. - -
"What do you mean by oven think
ing of' going irtijt?'1 ibpi exclaimed,
"Why,d"oarlb, Ihey'canjtr get on with,
out me."
"They will get qn., without youj il
forbid your going."
"Oh. I couldn't possibly Btay at
home. I'll wrap up well, wear my
rubbers and keep dry. There's not a
bit of danger," , 3 "' ' '
llnrtlndnle sat with his morning pa-
per on his lap, looking fixedly at' h!s;
wife, whllo sletcoutlimcd to, put on
her belongings 'with hs 'much sang
frold as If she hnd.Tiot heard the com
mand of her lord hnd master. When
she was ready she took up an um
brella, bent over her husband, kissed
him and went out.
"Well, by Jove! I like that!" .ex
claimed Sam to himself as soon as the
ioor was closed behind Ills wife.
It would bo Impossible to give an
adequate description of the disappoint
ment, chagrin, mortjllcgtipn nn4 fore
bodings the young husband experienc
ed at this tter disregard for his word
of command as captain of the family
ship. Ho carried out tho simile thus:
In the faco of n storm ho had orderod
precautions, whereupon the crew hnd
crowded, on sal) to .wreck- tho vesnel..
What was to be done?
-right Jt out to u tlulsli, conquer notq
or never.
When Mrs. Martlndale enmp linme
from the meeting her .husband wun nut
there. He hail ifyno lo Inwiness, Thru
came for hlin to return, but bis' key
did not rnttle In the lock of the front
door. He had gone -to his club ami
was sitting with the evening paper be
fore him, trying to persuade
that he wns reading it, but really In
a mental turmoil. The question f
the domestic supremacy' had Come up
for settlement, nnd it must be settled-
his way.
Ho, ordered his dinner at the club
nnd when it was served went Into the
dining room nnd nto It nlono thut is,
ho nte a few moiithfuls; ho couldn't
eat any more, nis wife would kuow
where to find him, and if she wanted
him very badly she would telephone
for him. Then he would Insist on an
apology and a promise nevor to do so
any more. After that ho would go
homo ,and forgive her. It might bo n
good lesson for her if she would be
very ill In cbnsdquonco of her stupid,
obstinate defiance of his order not to
Invito pneumonia. At one moment he
almost wished this would happen; at
the next he was in terror lest It should.
Dinner over, he sauntered out Into
the cafe, lit a cigar and suffered,
Several men he know were there, but
when he saw one of (them advancing
to speak to him, pretending not to see
him, Rani turned .and walked the
other way. Ho hoped every minute to
bo called to tho telephone. Whenever
a waiter came toward him he looked 1
at the man anxiously, and when the
wnltor passed him without the sum
mons he desired he crushed back n '
But he wouldn't yield.
By 9 o'clock he wns In despair, no
concluded that If he didn't get a mes-
sage from Theo before 10 he would go
homo and upstairs to a room by him
self without paying any attention to
his wife. Meanwhile his actions had i
made it apparent to every waiter In j
the club that ho was eager for a tele
phone' message. At 9:55 ho went Into
the coat room for his hat and coat,
and when he emerged n waiter ran !
Into him, shouting: !
"You're wanted nt the ' telephone,
Martlndale ran to tho booth, knock- '
Ing down nnothor waiter who was
hunting him to tell him he was wanted
there, brushing by three more who '
were making dives for him from dlf- 1
forent directions to give him the snme 1
news. Inside the booth he took up the I
receiver nnd heard In n faint, husky I
woman's voice:
"Is that you, dear?"
"Yes." j
"I thought you must be at the club. I
I just called you up to say I'm talk- I
lng from the phono next tho bod that
the doctor lias been here to see me
and said, I had a high fever. That wa?
nbout 0 o'clock. Since there was no
one hero to take care of mo but the '
cook lie telephoned for a trained
nurse. I know you must bo having r.
nice time at your club with nil your
old friends, nnd I didn't llko to spoil
your fun. But nurse says that I'd bet
ter try to get some slppp now, and I
preferred to tell you about It before j
doing so. Don't hurry homo; have a
good tlmo." '
"I told" lie was about to give her
the usual "I told you so," but checked
himself, saying Instead that he would
be at home as soon as ho could got
"You were very unreasonable this
morning," the voice continued, "but I
have forgiven you, and yon needn't
trouble yourself nbout that at all. But
don't make a nolso when you come In.
I don't believe I shall get any sleep,
There,, wns a click, followed py n
ring, nnd a, different woman's, voice
snld: :.
"Mr. Martlndale?'-' I
"Yes." 1 '
""I'ni speaking "to you fronTtho lower
.hall--telephone. .Your wife Is veryJIl:
nirentencu wun, pneumonia; tempera
ture 104 degrees."
IJJl be. thjer(o , In fl,ve,.njinutcs, , Why
the devil didn't you' ' n Vj
He dropped tho'- receiVerand bolted
for the street door.
Mrs. Martlndale. fortunately csgnpod
:i long' Illness, .but she was 'fori several
'days In a condition not warranting her
husband bringing up any other subject
than toast, tea, temperature nnd time
to take medicine. During the danger
period ho was in an agony of fear lost
Ho. p houfd. lose'1 he woman who would
surely dominate him through. life, for
this first episode bearing on the balance-of
power in his family had open
ed his eyes. It wns too lato to go back
and.chooso some other; woman who
wohld permit him to assume bis posi
tion as head of the family, and he
Y9Uldn't,hqvq done so If he could, no
quietly made up his mind, ns many
another man has done beforo him, that
In the case of woman certain laws
that regulate the universe are suspend
ed His. wife' had disobeyed an order
ho had given her for her own good,
thereby showing a perversity for
whlcli he ap well ns she had suffered.
And - for -having ' brought' upon them
both,- this ;sufferng, (nchjdlng n fifty
dollar doctors "bill she had forgiven
Sam Martlndale has joined the in
pyi.noruble throng of married men 'who
Joke with one another about fbeir
position as head of the family and
take their orders from their wives
dutifully ns become obedient hus
'baflda, their wives the while, or many
of tfiem, not douptlpg In thq least that
they are themselves willing slaves.
But one year brought him revenge.
Ai small lump of flesh, came who could
neither walk nor talk, no hadn't even
a tithe of tho sense Mrs. Martlndale
possessed, but he assumed commandof
the Iwhole household. :-' - i' V
tOilfle SticnfAoftrn bltlflbtn IjoMm mnttcn. iik
etl8"lS! tvlttcii ju tdnnca.
S)er Hnbrctng 311 ciII-M.J it ir
heraniluortunnSuoIlcit 5D?niu' .
RraitfcnfdjtDeftcr 1ft,-,,'), )'!
jebem Sn&re cirt ftarrercr. 11110 fft..v
fatten fid) fcfjr uictc, nldjt 6cn' b.iieiM.i
Staitbeit augtfjomlbcit; jititcn 1111?
dlicrcn SDIabdjcn i'tr nuCcrnjai)it'-,
fid) tm 23cntfe bcr STrattfciiid)rn:fter
3U bctfjattaen, itrbefien toemne (tub
in bcr Xt)al boju aiiSgcfndjt,' reft).
ucriifert", fo bafj bicicIDcn rcdjt bnlb
ou5 bthx Sfmte fdje'rbcn, itndjbcm (id)
bcren UHfafjiofcit jur Gtibeti3 crime
en Ijat. Bo mS'ae beim ljicr eiite
furac djilberung berjenigen MGi
genfdjaften" cDertfo iittcrejnnt mic
0eitgeirid(j fcin, hjcldje fitr bie Aran
Iend)roefier crforberlid) (tnb, tljreit
aiifreibenbcn 5Ueruf Aiir $ufrtriienlirit
ber 2ter0te unb ntienten, fomie 3ur ,
cigenen :oeneoigiing aiuuiuucn.
SSenbeit loir un8 uorerft ben rein
'-"luji.a v-.yHujuiiL.. 0u, u ,,i v.v
notOiuenbtg 3u fieionen, bofe id) nun
foldje Sftqbdjen, graitcn Uttb$amcn"
fiir ben SJerttf ber Jtranfenfdjirjeiter
melben foMen, lneldje im 9on6ejtl)e
ber ejunbfjcit (iltb, vilien fcften Ultb
tDiberftanbSfafjigcn flower Beiihcii,
(omit ntfo 'ben an fie fierantretcitben
.,.,(, .s,.,..a ti
Strnbahen 'biirdjauS gcitiadjfen tnb.
Serber fjnt man in ben lehten Saliren
b': itnliebfame Gntbedung Ultb lie-
obadjtnng ntndjen miiffen, baft gerabe
fdjrofidjHdje unb mit firanfcit ficfinf-'
teic SJJcibdien uftt). firfi ber torttiatcn
Sranfcnbflegc aumenben, oljnc cine
Sifimtng babon gu oaben, onB titer
fdjrocre 53flid)ien imb forberlidje S(n
firengungen ifjrcr fiarren, unter be
ncn fie nad) !urjer Beit sufammeii'
bredjen. Snfolfle beffen fanu an bie
fer SteHc nut 'bcr bringenbe 9lat&
crtljcilt (ein, bafj fid) nut foldje Gle
mente 'ber frciroiHigcn nub Beruflt
djen Slranfenbflege auwenben, tueldje
in forperlidjer Sejietntng ju ben be
ffen unb rotber(fanbSfaI)tg"ten geI)o
(Sam befonberS tierbient jerborge
fjoben au inerben, bafe jebe itranfen
fdjiuefter unb firantenpflegerin, bie
e crnftljaft mit iijrcm 93entfc
uimnit, eine Gigcnfdjaft unbebittgt
in erfter Sinic bepen mufj, nh'ntlid)
ebuPb. G5 ift gan3 erflarlid),
bafj allc Krqn'fciV, Q5enefcnben unb
ber Pflcge SDcburftigcn ungcbulbig
unb ifjdilioeife rcdjt ncro ftit'b, unb,
jc grofjer bie Itngcbulb unb 9iert)ofi"
tat bet ben atienten auSgebilbet ift,
refb. in ben rojefj beS ,geilDerfai)
rcu fiorerrb einarcitt, urn fo aebul
biger unb laugmiitbjger mufj bie
STranfcnffltoeftcr fcin. benn fenft
...:-. r.l. ,. .v.'r:, :,rLSn
u.,rb t..K. "nnwfl.1' "mtmrbc
fcin, fitr Iangerc Sett mit bem Stran-
felt auSiUfommen, mng berfelbc
mannTi'dicn obcr rociblidjen 0)e-
id)Icd)t fcin. ( foil ijier nid)t, uni
OTifjberitanbmf fe 311 bcriuctbcn, ber
SluSbrurf $t)pnofc" ofbrnudjt lucr
ben, aber e ift bennodj'oft notljtg
unb febr niihlid), ruenu bie itranfeu-
djnjefter imitanbe ift, ber)crrfd)enb"
aur oen itranten ooer Die strantc
bind) ebltlb unb 2ieben5roiirbigfcit lng ducks that is simple and may bo
eilt3Urrnrfcn, fo bafj baburd) eilt ge- adapted to large or small flocks,
njtffer iDobJtljuenbcr unb beruhigen- Breeding ducks should have water,
ber Gtnflufi au'&geiibt roirb. Slber " Pssible' af tho,lr eess are more
and) ein grofecS 3fla& bon CiebenH- fertll thnn othcrwlse
luitrbigfejt mu& bie Ieiftunofar,.ge j feathers and eggshells.
unb crfolgreid) ttnrfen rooflenb? , A staie ,9eg naturally dries up. and
Kranfenfd)toefter befihen, roa roofjl thus the air space within grows larger,
iin allgetneinen loeniger mit forper- Place a fresh and stale egg in water
iidjer Sdjoufyett 31tfammenf)iingt, and tlie latter will soon be covered
fonbern bielmc&r tm urcigenen' e- with bubbles. Perhaps it's one of
fen 'Sfflunel finb'ei unb berartiae 2ie- thoso historic hot air. haymow nest
GenStDitrbigfeit. be Gf)araffer3 Ia&t
fid) bei nur einigermafjen gutein
SESiHen redjt Ietdjt unb fdjneu enocr-
Siufjerbem finb nun nod) i3roei br
onbere (T-igenfdjaficu 3u errafihncn.
in bcren SQefih jebc 3ltberlaffiqe ilrntl
"leufdiroefier ebcn'fans fcin mufi
'roenn fie jid) ben beruflidjen Sfnfor
berungen gerood) en 3Cigcit mm, unb "rou luTvy, llr "y1
5n3ar Tauten biefe bctben Gigerifdjaf- it SSSJXSi
ten: Umfid)t unb cWttfljAfeU! fZZZnLlSlS
S)cnn , fojuiagen mil einem'; DItcfe A woman of 0cca Springs Mlss.f
lltufj icbe SranfcufdOTefter bte neue ,Vas rpcenfly sent to ,the ponlteutlary
Utngebung jit l&'eutJIjcilen miffen, bicor stealing a half pqund of. butter and
(Id) il)r b. drbifiet, unb fofort J?afl- five ieggs. Her sentence waff seven
liafjmen 3U ergrctfen bcrfteOen, burd) J'cars. and It was ntllrmed by the su-
loeldje SibOilfe gefdjoffen lberbcn Preme ctotitt- wful, sad,fop ioia;
Fann. ann aibt cS befanntlid) rirroBaimff
ft-.,rnf4-nrtJv. r:sn- :., a terror for so, small an offense and
ftrai Fe tfmeftcrn, 4te leibec eine raen 6tcai a InI1Uon nn(1 steal oa aud
l)arte anb f)aben, unb cS mufj on
ben bornfjerein . gefagt roerben, ba'B; A foreigner in Pottsvllie. Pa, in
bfefe bcbaitemSroerjen SMibdjen unb stead of killing his Thanksgiving duck
Sraueri fid) abfofut nidjt fiir bie afti-,with his stiletto went into his bnck
"be S.etljatigung; im Sranfenbflegerin-' yard and killed it wlth-a shotgun. As
ncnioeien einnen; 'fonbern nur toldic.
hit iltt rtliirTlirfiflM 'nfitio nfiipr Vnni.
V.V .,4IV, -V.ltUW l-lll.
j,,;. - .,;!r,r,l. K.HM .i
djen,, flbcr cnergtfdjen - anb fmb,
u v. k, t ..:r.i ......
lUtjme UUll UKIll MUllUKn mail' Ulinil-
flcne8m.f foribem- niof)Itm'tenb unb The United States agricultural report
fnmbotljifd) tmpfunben WlPb. is 58.7C0.O00.OO0' and beats the record
0" fonje fid) Vcm cine jebe gran .by $,ooo. Now, if thq poultry
ober Same, reft), ein 'febeS iTOSidjen. census is thorough as promised
gleidjbiel, au3 weldftcm Stanbe fid) th,ulfi t.P'fi..0' this country
brufen, ob fte btcfe Gigenfaften be-j A hew uso for cnlcl;en ,,a reported
ftfet, Ultb namentltd) bie djUbictifl. 1 from St. Joseph's hospital, Omaha,
feitcn" ,nid)J unterfdj'dUen, beldjcbif- N'eh.. where a portion of n'chlld's dls.
fer era,)fnjaru,ngbolIp JOcruf in (id) cased' Jawbone was rcm'qved arid .a
birgt. - , 1 . , I'Pj00' of shfeken .bone Inserted. The
J 1 TJHie "Su'aetuV Jeber, Se'it ber(pol.
let flajc bielciuqS.fie, eur3Rann6eit
gelangt, adjten unb .berefjren rotrb:
unb fie Bctoiinberf; tootuBer fie cinft
'ladjeln tttrb. 1 -: ' 2 e i s'n e"rj
i me At '!
lfOUACKl quack!
ThefWre fdWth i&rtr'nelsliborhood'
Who urncly have the knack
To keep the whole place lively
With thotr, quack, quack, quackt
-o'horeJj&triat eosilt 'With1 'the twlrll
Just like un endless' chain.
Who quacketli here, and quacketh there
; And quacketh back again. ,
Oh, you old quack, when do you 'sleep? -How
do you eat your Grub , i"
With tongue a-twlrllng overtime- i ,
A-rub-a-dub-a-dub? ),'
Then there's tHat Mr. Goody Good,
Who thinks all others' black. 1
Ho tells us all our awful faults i '.
With bis quack, .quack, quackt
Look here, you whitewashed Pharisee!
When do you your prayers say?
When do you practice what you preach
With tongue ahvaVs'ih play?
I fear when you reach yonder eratoi
Peter will say to you: "Too late!
You can't come' In becauso you're lacking.
You wasted your whole life a-quackins."
But now, lest you charge me with quack-
I might put you, too, on the rack.
Duckg nrcn.t partla, t0 palaccs. butt
nkc human quacks they can't sleep
with cold-feet. Thetcfore. in building,
make your duck houso simple, but bo
uro to have a dry floor; for cold
trli menn iead ducks,
, Qpncta can stajid more cold than a
hen, as their thick feathers seem cold
f but as th , sltH a d
drv cartll floor covcred wlth leaves,
swamp grass or straw and protected
from drnfts is necessary.
Select n well drained site, have floor
uiglier than outside surface and calcu-
J?'0 n siJa," 12 bJ" 14 feot for evory
fifteen old ducks.
Use rough Inch boards, strip all
cracks,- have a water tight shed roof.
nousn and jiuns ron ducks.
place windows to catch the sun and
keep floor space clear, as ducks roost
and lay, on the ground, and obstruc-
tl0113 m6au crippled ducks.
Arrange for good ventilation, for
ducks need lots of air and must not be
shut up ht ag tucy CQnnot stand
confinement like hensi
Arrange outside yards and let them
go In and out at their pleasure, for It
is their ceaseless motion that keeps
tlielr. digestive organs In good condl-
Place the water founts outside, where
they may splash to their hearts' con
tent. Our picture shows a good plan for
house, yards and water runs for breed-
CB- T . , ' ,
for chicken thieves. A thief stole 200
fowls from a Burlington farmer nnd
stopped at tho next farm and stole corn
to fatten them. The VIneland Poultry
association offers $100 for the- thief
1 who stolo forty-flvo show birds from a
Wblle a fully matured Mammoth
unnaturalized forelgners'ln Peunsylva.
nln dare notipwn giins.,he,was arrest-
1 , . ,1
eu, uneu $;fi, nnu, ms gun was .comis-
ontm, wIth . ,:,.
voivu, 1
Hmnkflll nvon thn .tilnli--)
pperation was a. success. Jaw. jvran
gjers may , now swing their talk ma
chines without fear, for chicken bono
substitutes aro not dear. 1
t Statement of Finances
(Continued from Page 6.) 1
" " bounties 184 M
-; ' . Clinton suporvleorsi..... 2S0 (it)
Clinton school district. . . 2W1 00
Drebersup'rsnctstnte road 1146 IS
Hnrley Plemlni; rstnte., , M7 IB
, Hillside (Jon I t Iron Oo,
- taxes 1607, XW, s . JiS 00
poor district Preston.,,,. 2i77 1
" .llnwloy PB7 75
. ' 'Horlln KKSOO
i , ' ..Palmyra,,.. WG 71
, ,.1 . Honesdale-Tcxns JS 80
' Dybdrry aw m
Oherry RidRe 100 20
; collector Pnlniyrndupttt, lis an
" DyberrydupltOT, 1H,263 74
hellish dup 1007.. 100
' 1 ' MnncliestordupWAlSlS 21
1 ' Wnyninrt dup 1907 6 8S
Ollnton dup 190S is
' Dnmnscus dup 1008 2d 41
Drelierdup lw 1 69
Lebanon dup 1W18 -8 8
' duplicate IK, . 719 78
' - , " I910. imt so
Balance county fund in treasury. 4072 lr
S 32241 03
DuoPlI, ncetnsn-aO Kldpe 1 14 14
Ohns Wood, Jury duty.Oct term, 'In 1 8H
W II llullock, error In bill No678 1H0 2 (X)
J W Hnrtford, " In costs, a F
wheeler case
T O Mnddon, oxpenso account 1910
J K Hornbook, ", , " "
J K Mrtndevllloi " " "
M .1 Ilnnlon, bntnnco ncct 1910.
M Leo Hrninnn. fihnrln'. bnl ncnt...
40 117
07 88
9H Ri!
C8 01
1420 13
Vnrcoe t Boyd, bnl ncct Hnleni brdff 498 00
Whltn Mllla
A BranninB. bal BtnrllKht brldee
win Watts, note nnd Interest ;
Mrs KHJnli Qray,
TbomnsGllt, ;
E K Kersuson, " " " H
II H Kcrmison, " " " 1
W Ij FerKuson, " " " 1
Myrn Hill,
Trustees, Prnt Knu Oo note A lnt 1
,T G Schmidt, Berlin, dup 1909 ..
M T (JummliiKS, Dybony dupDO
John Courtney, Lehigh, dup "Pd.
Peter F Schinltt, Pnlmyra dup V3
Aaron Golilc, Paupnck dup tm, ..
O H Stpphenson, Waymart dup t'
t 83180 24
Totnl claims nttolnst county l'331S8 21
Total claims favor county 82211 03
Balance aunlnst county 89,) 21 1 .13130 24
We, the underpinned Auditors, in nnd for
tho county of Wnyno, do certify thnt we
met nt the court h ue nt Honcsdnlc
Wnyno Co., Pn. on January 2, 1911. Ilnve
examined the foregoing necounts of tho
Comity Commissioners, Sheriff, County
Trensurer. Coroner nnd DNtrlct Attorney
of Wnyno County, Pn and find them correct
as above presented.
Witness our hand nt Tlonesdnle this 4tli
day of February A.D., 1911.
A W LAitHAiniK, )
W II LnmiKit, Auditors
J P Fltnn, )
(T We wish to secure a good
correspondent in every town
in Wayne county. Don't be
afraid to write this office for
paper and stamped envelops!
W. 23d ST., NEW YORK,
Effective Sunday., Exarch 53 9U
Ferry for train 1 will leave at 3:50 A. ElI. in
stead of 8:55 A. HB.
Ferry for train 3 will leave at 2:35 P. M. in
stead of 2:40 P. $.1.
" In your favor Is the use of good
printing. It starts things off in your
favor. People read your arguments,
reasons, conclusions, when attractive
ly presented. It carries weight. En
terprising men uso GOOD PRINTING
hecause it GETS UUSINESS. If you
don't already know our kind of
' printing, let us show you. It's an
even chance wo can save you money.
Both Phones.
, and
Points in West, Northwest and Southwest
MARCH 10 to APRIL 10, 1911.jRiRgm
IO.R v
Lato of Vestal Center, N. Y., deceased.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed to
report distribution of said estnte. will nttend
to the duties ot bis appointment, on
SATURDAY, March 4, 1911.
at 10 o'clock, a, m.,nt his office intheboroucfe
of Honcsdale. fit .which time and plncn a
claims nenlnst saldcstnt6mnstbopresentl.
or recourse to the fund for distribution wlh
be lost.
Ci P. SEARLE. Auditor.
Honesdale, Feb. 7. 1911, , JOcoa
Mt-tttttt ft
The Jeweler
would like to if
you are in the market!
t for
I "Guaranteed articles only sold." T
Trains leave Union depot at 8.26
a. na, and 2.48 p. m., week days.
Trains arrive Union depot at 1.C0
and 8.05 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erlo and Wyomlngr
arrives, at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at
5.60 p. m.
Sunday trains lcve 2.48 and ar
rive at. 7.02.
in in.
1 1