The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 01, 1911, Image 8

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Special to THE CITIZEN'.
Maplewood, Feb. 23. Mrs. Alba
Black visited Scranton relatives the
forepart of the week.
Many friends of William Sharps
gathered at his homo Tuesday even
ing and enjoyed ' a song service.
Mr. Sharpe Is confined to his bod and
is very feeble.
Itev. L. II. Yergie leaves soon to
attend the nnnual conference at Wil
llamsport. Now York parties have been
through the country picking up
table beeta at $1.75 per barrel. A
shortage in the crop causes the
heavy demand.
G. M. Dlack is home from Scran
ton for a week or two.
Miss Lee, our popular principal of
the graded school, is able to ho out
again after a few days' Illness.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Methodist church mot at the homo
of James Powell last Thursday.
The Young Men's Bible Class of
the Grace Sunday school met at the
homo of Guy Black, Friday evening
and studied the lesson. Election of
officers for the ensuing year was
hold and resulted as follows: F. S.
Keene, president; O. P. Sharpe, vice
president; I.ylo Keene, secretary;
Howard Gromlich, treasurer. The
class will meet at F. S. Kcene's
next Friday evening.
Theodore Klein, of the State
Grange, addressed a meeting at the
school house Saturday night. A
Grange will bo instituted here next
Saturday evening if a suitable meet
ing place can be secured.
Ex-Bishop W. F. Hell will be the
new nresldlnc elder of the United i
Evangelical church.
Adelaide Mitchell led the Christ
inn Endeavor meeting, Sunday night
Miss Lee is still confined to the
house by severe Illness.
Many of our young people attend
ed the play at Hamlin Friday and
Saturday nights.
Sugar making will be in order1, If
present weather prevails.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
SOUTH CLINTON, Pa., February
0. There Wi.. he an oyster sup
per at John Neclo's, Thursday even
ing, March 2, for the benefit of the
basement fund. We hope to make
this event a financial success. Come
and help in the good cause and show
your appreciation. If stormy, the
supper will be served on the follow
ing evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stanton, Rev.
and Mrs. Baker and son, Leroy,
spent a very enjoyable day at the
home of G. W. Lee, Washington's
The Ladies" Aid society's social !
held at the home of H. Bullock, was .
a success in spite of the stormy
The ladies of this place are going
to organize a thimble tea for tho
benefit of the basement fund. An
other announcement of this will ap
pear later.
S. B. Swingle has purchased a
new saw with the new fixtures at
tached and now can do the work of
two men.
PAUPACK, Pa., February 2K.
Miss Nettie Case is omployed by
U. F. Klllara.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hopps and
children are spending a time with
Mrs. Hopp's parents, George Ansley
and wife.
Mrs. Bennett spent Wednesday in
Hawley. We are glad she can go
Mr. Frivelplece, of this place, had
the misfortune of hurting his foot,
while working on the mill.
Miss Frances Killam Is home for
a short time. From here she will
go to Wilkes-Barre.
We all hope the good sleighing
Will UlBl. I
?.l,s? "la"c!iei! T"1 '."Mone does not seem to be able to get
Saturday and Sunday in Blooming
Grove, with friends.
Miss Mabel C. Stark, teacher of
White school, spent Saturday in
Tho pupils that attended the
White school every day this month
were: Anna Gumble, Edith .Gumble,
Edna Singer, Alice Singer, Gertrude
Fowler, Lawrence Singer, Willie
Singer, Fred Singer and Leland Sin
ger. The first three girls have at
tended school every day In the term
so far.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Centervllle, Pa., February 28.
Thursday, February 1C, being a very
nice day tho Centervllle school went
for a slelghrlde, and visited tho
High School at Newfoundland. All
enjoyed tho afternoon very much
and reached homo about six o'clock
in tho evening. Thoso who went in
the slelghrlde party were: Thomas
Garrity, William. Laird, Homer Frls
hio, teacher, George Simons, Clar
ence Smith, Henry Murphy, Nettle,
Marjory, Nora, and Beatrice Kimble,
Margaret and Jennie Marshall, Eliza
beth Garrity, Loretta Walker, Anna
Mae Stormor and Edna Becker.
Mr. and Mrs. Url Everett are visit
ing tho lattor's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Becker, of this place.
Anna Walker, of this place, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Royal Fow
ler, at Hawley.
.Special to THE CITIZEN.
ALDENVILLE, Pa., February 28
Tho members of tho senior class
of the - high school, together with
their Principal, Prof. Rlchwlne, and
Miss Marguerite Kennedy, teacher of
tho under grades, were agreeably en
tertalned at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Snedoker, of White Oak
Farm, on Wednesday, February 22.
A very pleasant evening was spent.
Several from this place attended
the box social hold in tho Edenvale
school district on Friday evening.
They report a pleasant time. Some
thing over eleven dollars realized.
Another enjoyable affair was the
dinner held at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Dleterlck on Thursday
Inst, by the Baptist L. A. S. The
sum of five dollars and ninety cents
was added to the treasury,
n nln nronnhnrt'"fn n flnP
Rev. Ilainey preached to a fine
congregation on Sunday morning
from the text: "God forbid that I
should glory, savo in tho cross of
Jesus Christ."
Prayer meeting this week on
Thursday evening at G. H. Knapp's.
The Choyno school was treated to
a sleighrldo on Wednesday last.
F. M. Gaylord is somewhat Im
proved. The sap works are being opened
up about these parts and soon wo
expect the maple sugar parties, so
cials, etc., will bo right in season.
Special to TUB CITIZEN.
LOOKOUT, PA., Fcbruury
Ewaln is the name of the now post
office near the South Branch creek,
three miles from Equlnunk. Frank
Ewaln is postmaster. At present
they will have mail service three
times a week and will be supplied
by tho mall carrier on route from
Hankins, via Lookout, and termin
ate at Ewaln.
A petition is being circulated and
largely signed for a station at Kel
lam Bridge on the Erie Railroad,
which if it proves successful, will be
a great accommodation to the people
of the town of Fremont Center and
all along the lino on the Pennsylva
nia side. At present there Is only a
flag station. We think it would bo
a benefit to the Erie railroad to give
us an agent.
The ladles of our little hamlet pre
sented Frank Bruce with a "sunshine
box," consisting of some thirty pieces,
one for each day of the month.
Frank has been a helpless invalid for
the past six months. Mrs. F. W.
Contant, wife of our beloved pastor,
was the solicitor. He also has a new
invalid wheel chair. It is the wish
of a host of friends that It may bring
some rays of sunshine and cheer to
one so sadly afflicted.
Frnnk Lester, the hustling farmer,
is rushing the season somewhat. He
has at present two large incubators
running at full blast. If nothing
happens, he expects to hear the
chickens sing before the robins re
turn. Miss Helen Rutledgo spent a part
of last week with her aunt at Han
cock, N. Y.
A jolly slelghload consisting of
the entire school at Lesters, taught
by .Miss Hazel Hopkins, visited the
Cole school, taught by Russel Clark,
Washington s Birthday. Tho
team, a nair of fine matched blacks.
owned by Albert Gallow, was driven
by his nephew, Elwood Stalker,
Spfcii: to THE CITIZEN.
i(,LLl)SIH)It(, PA., Feb. 21
Charles W. Garagan, the modest but
genial host of the St. Charles hotel,
usually wants to spend his birthdays
In u quiet and unostentatious man
ner. This year, however, ho was de
nied such a desire for this forty-seventh
birthday was the cause of some
forty friends gathering at his hotel
from Wilkes-Barre, Pittston and
Scranton, to celebrate so auspicious
a time in his life. A dinner was
served in his honor and any one who
has ever dined at tho St. Charles
knows that for good, substantial eat
ing his table is an attraction that en
courages patrons to come from afar
and causes the traveling public to
tarry awhile that they might enjoy
anotner meal, umerson has said
that he who does something better
than any one else causes a path to
be made to his door, oven if he lives
in the woods. So it is with the St
Charles Hotel. They cook lust a lit
tle better there than anywhere else,
they prompt your appetite with those
.IMInlmio nywl tirlin1nI?nmn tMnnn
anywhere else, and there is an air
of good management about tho place
wnicn Plus you stay longer than you
Intended. Having lived forty-seven
years, Mr. Garagan's friends felt
that the gift of an easy chair might
have some charm for him, for when
one draws near the half century
mark he deserves some suggestion of
rest. A bouquet of flowers was also
a means of showing the high regard
in which ho is held by his many
patrons. Among thoso who were
present were: Misses Margaret and
Isabel Scrlmgeour, West Pittston;
Mr. and Mrs. George Drake, Sr., Mrs.
Thaddeus Stewart and daughter
Sarah, Miss Mary O'Hara, Old Forge;
Mrs. M. J. Garagan and Mr. and
Mrs. Addison Keesler, Scranton; Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Bryden, Mrs. Cather
ine Root, Miss Mary A. Bryden, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Foster. Donald Fos
ter, Elslo Foster, Catherine Foster,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Peck and son
Kenyon, West Pittston; Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Williams, Wilkes-Barre,
and Daniel Foley, Gouldsboro.
Little Harry Ellenberger, who has
been very sick, is some better.
Guy Sebring has been suffering
from a very severe attack of quinsy
at his home at tho West End.
E. N. Adams, West End, spent
Thursday with Mrs. S. A. Adams, at
A large number nttended the
Washington birthday exercises given
by tho Intermediate and primary de
partments at tho school Wednesday.
Mrs. A. L. Rhodes and Mrs. G. A.
Kerllng spent Tuesday in Scranton.
Mrs. David Ellenberger and son
Donald are spending a week with her
paronts, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Lath
am, at Binghamton, N. Y.
Mrs. S. S. Hager has been spend
ing several days with Mr. and Mrs.
S. Wilson Ellenberger, at Sunny
Crest farm.
Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Garagan have
been entertaining at the St. Charles
hotel Mr. Garagan's mothor, Mrs.
Garagan, Scranton, and sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Kees
ler, Scranton.
Special to TUB CIT1ZBN.
HAWLEY, la., Kebrunry S!8 W.
J. Keesler, vice-president of the
Hawley Bank, who has been seriously
afflicted with a bronchial ailment,
following his physician's advice, will
6n takJ a trlP ttJ tll ashore ill
. inln Efnv filoro
hopes that a prolonged stay there
may effect a complete cure.
William Sheoley, Chestnut Avenue,
is at tho home of his son, Walter, at
Port Jervis for treatment by a local
physician for a stomach trouble of
long standing. His wife, who accom
panied him, returned on Monday.
Mrs. R. F.. Martin treated her
daughter, Elizabeth, and members of
her class at school to a slelghrlde
Saturday afternoon.
Miss Locklln, Lakevllle, passed
Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Ad
dison Vicker and other friends of
this place.
Mabel Lewis Is very ill at her
homo on River street.
On Saturday T. F. Wall had
brought here from the Westbrook
dairy farm at Blooming Grove, a
valuable new milch cow and calf
which ho recently purchased.
A hold midnight marauder at
tempted to gain an entrance into the
home of Mrs. Decker on Spring
street Friday night. He lighted a
match to locate the door lock and was
heard by Mrs. Decker's daughter,
Mrs. Edith Kellam and was frighten
ed away by her call for assistance.
Miss Kathryn Drake, a student at
the Stroudsburg State Normal school,
paid a recent brief visit to her home
Mary Thielke accompanied her Bis
ter, Elizabeth, to her home in Brook
lyn Saturday, Rebruary IS, whore
she will make an extended visit.
Miss Orra Rollison and Miss Eliza
beth Gregg of the High school fac.ul
ty, are in New York for a short
time receiving instructions In first
grade school work. Mrs. Mark
Creasy has taken charge of Miss
Gregg's room during her absence.
Miss Lena Poeppel, Brooklyn, was
homo on Sunday, February 19. She
is completing a course in trained
nursing in tho Methodist Episcopal
hospital of that city.
The Meyers building on Main Aev
nuo, occupied by Jacob Adams as
restaurant and resdence, has been
in the hands of contractors .Murray
and Strong, painters and decorators,
J. W. Murray and Ralph Turner, for
some time. The result is an addition
of 20 by 20 feet of two stories at
rear of building which supply a
much needed spacious dining room
.and sleeping rooms with all modern
equipments. The Inside walls and
wood work of entire building were
given attention, so that this popular
hostlery presents a very handsomt
Michael McAndrow, Marble Hill,
who for the past fifteen years has ,so
faithfully performed his duties as
sexton for tho Catholic church and
rectory, has resigned owing to his
advanced age. Thomas Drake will
succeed him.
Mrs. K. Brannlng, White Mills, was
a guest at the home of her son, D. J.
Branning, during the week.
Rev. B. P. Ripley will conduct
special services during Lent begin
ning on Ash Wednesday, March 1,
with Holy Communion sermon on
"Lent and Hints on Keeping It."
Thursday, the subject will be "The
Doctrine of Penitence and Forgive
ness." Sunday morning next, "The
ory and Practice of Self-Examina-tlon."
Sunday evening, "Sermon to
tho Masonic Fraternity and Order of
the Eastern Star on "Masonry, the
Mothor of the Fraternities; Are Fra
ternal Organizations of Any Value
To The Community?"
The Home Missionary society will
meet with Mrs. James Stevenson on
Wednesday afternoon when Import
ant business will be transacted. All
members are requested to be pres
ent. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Seeger, Lake
vllle, attended Rose Rebokah Lodge
here, Saturday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. G. T. Rodman spent
Friday at tlielr cottage at Fairview
Lake in Pike county.
Miss Anna T. Keleher, a nurse of
the Jewish Hospital, Brooklyn. N. Y..
Is spending a few days at her home
on River street.
"The Simple Life" In Hawley
Everything moved along In the
same genial, quiet, orderly way on
Washington's Birthday, In just nbout
tho samo manner that the people of
Hawley have been nccustomed to see
ing it for many years past. This, of
course, is characteristic of our peo
pie. In the evening there Is always
a supper followed by a dance for tho
benefit of one of tho fraternal orders,
completing the day's program. The
absence of Old Glory floating to tho
breeze wns most noticeable. Wo
have not learned why so few wero
raised in honor of this patriot's birth
day. Tho Odd Fellows supper In
their hall was quite largely patron
ized, and the danco which followed
seemed to bo tho most enjoyable of
tho occasion.
On February 22, a largo company
of friends of Miss May A. Richard
son gave her a delightful surprise at
her home on Church street, this be
ing her birthday. Coming as they
did like a band of "Kentucky Night
Riders" in such number, for a
time it puzzled the Richardson fam
ily not a little to know Just how to
handle the jolly company. But Mr.
and Mr. Richardson soon caught on
and with the assistance of tho victim
of tho hour soon had them all In
their spacious house and in a com
fortable way of enjoying themselves
In which they suroly did. Thoso
present wero: Mary Bower, Gertrude
Bea, Silvia Rodman, Harriet McAn
drow, Viola Crockenherg, Jessie
Adams, Mabel Losey, Marguerite Ker
ber, Augusta Crockenberg, Helen
Spring, Joseph Murray, George Mur
ray, George Murphy, Allen Gilpin,
George Jacobs, George Hlttlnger,
Wilson Ames, Roland Snyder, Floyd
Swingle, Austin Connors, Fred Ben
nett, John Ames, Frank Rowland,
George Gregg, Walter Qulnney, Ed.
Hawley Again Victorious.
The Interscholastlc champion
ship game of basket ball played on
Saturday night between tho Hawley
High school team and the Seelyvllle
team resulted In their getting It
"where the shirt fits the tightest."
Score 1C to 17.
John Pennell visited his paronts
at Arlington on Saturday and Sun
day. Mrs. Amanda Glmbley, Warren,
who has been making an extended
visit with her sister, Mrs. Eckbeck,
at Adella, leaves this .veek for New
York city where she will spend two
weeks. After that she will return to
spend some time with her sister be
fore returning to her home.
An unpleasantness occurred at the
Eddy on Saturday to mar the quiet
of the town. Mr. Lehman, proprie
tor of Park View Hotel, discharged
IiIb hostler for some cause and the
man refused to leave tho house, be
coming boisterous. Mr. Lehman was
compelled to call Policeman Richard
son to put him out. The man was ar
rested but soon after released. He
Is a stranger In these parts.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
HETHANV, Pa., February 28.
The Bethany school visited the
Haines school, Thursday afternoon
Russell Starnes took them over In
his "bob." All had a delightful
Miss Ella Gammell returned home
Thursday from an extensive visit In
New Jersey, stopping at Hawley
where she visited Miss Eva Harmes,
Mrs. J. B. Faatz returned home
The dinner at Mr. and Mrs. W. J
Ogden's pleasant home In Pleasant
Valley, Friday, was very much en
joyed by a goodly number. Chrlsto
pher Bodie brought a sleigh load
from Haines and Mr. Edgar Ross
from here. The dinner consisted of
chicken-pie and all tho accompanl
ments, ending with desert of four
different kinds of pie and two kinds
of pudding. Proceeds, ?7.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bodie xuid
little daughter, Helen, spent Sunday
In Honesdale with Mrs. Bodlo's sis
ters, Mrs. Voigt and Miss Schoon-
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hauser,
Honesdale, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. William Hauser.
Mrs. William Avery spent the
week-end In Carbondale consulting a
Patrick Fives was obliged to go
to Scranton Saturday to have his ear
There will be special music at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday
morning by Bessie and Lillian Hen-
shaw and Elmer Lippert.
Tho many friends of Mrs. Charles)
Faatz are helping to make her a
"sunshine" box. The first box will
bo given this" week.
Wilbur Cody is on the sick list.
Mrs. William Paynter has been
spending the past two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Paynter and fam
ily. We enjoyed reading Mrs. Abra
ham's letter from Orange City, Fla.,
and look forward with great Interest
to tho next one.
Mrs. M. L. Slayton gave a live
o'clock tea on Monday for Miss Ball
and Miss Slayton.
Hpiwlal to THE CITIZEN.
ary 27. J. Nelson Garrett, Scranton,
came over Saturday afternoon to
spend Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Garrett, and sister, Mrs.
W. H. Hall.
Miss Alice Collins, Carbondale,
was a recent guest of Cora Weeks.
Mrs. Bertha Kellam recently visit
ed her sister, .Mrs. W. Tuttle, and
son, at Hawley.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Henshaw at
tended the funeral of a relative, Mr.
Thomas, at Peckvllle, Monday.
Hubert Wood, Atco, recently visit
ed his cousin, Mrs. E. F. Maver.
Katherino Wagner spent Sunday
with her parents at this place.
P. L. Braman and wife spent Sun
dny with his sister, Mrs. Garrett, at
W. II. Hall's. Mr. Hall Is at pres
ent employed In Scranton.
The friends in this vicinity of
Mrs. Sarah Headley, Prompton,
were very sorry to hear of the nature
of her recent operation and hope for
a complete recovery.
Mrs. R. Leftwltch, who has been
quite 111 with La Grippe, is able to
be around again. '
Mrs. P. L. Braman recently spent
a few days, with her daughter at
White Mills.
The L. A. S. met with Rev. J. W.
Seymour and wile at the M. E. par
sonage, Beach Lake, on Washing
ton's Birthday. They were joined
by a number of the members of tho
B. L. Aid and had a most enjoyable
time. Four dollars and nineteen
cents was cleared.
Hpeelal to THE CITIZEN.
ItlYEIlDALE, l'n., February 28.
Several from this place attended
the funeral of Mrs. Augusta Demlng
at .Maple Grove on Tuesday. She
died of pleuro-pneumonla at tho
home of her oldest son, Wesley, of
Scranton, at whoso homo sho had
been visiting for several weeks.
Tho Maple Grove Ladles' Aid so
ciety met nt tho home of Mrs. Wil
liam Martin last week. Tho meet
ing was well attended, over eight
dollars being added to the treasury.
Many In this vicinity are still af
flicted with La Grippe.
Clara, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Georgo Wlldensteln, who has
been very HI with pneumonia and In
flammation of tho bowels, is much
Miss Margaret Hauensteln has re
turned homo after spending a few
days with her aunt, Mrs. Ernest
Demlng, Maple Grove.
Paul Ihlefeldt, Belmont, spent
Sundny and Monday with his sister,
.Mrs. Henry Wlldensteln.
Miss Mary Schnfor. who is em
ployed at Scranton, has been visiting
her parents for the past week.
Several of tho Riverdale young
people attended the entertainment
and supper at Mooslc Grange Hall.
All report a flno time.
Mrs. Leroy Doming, who has been
spending a few months at the homo
of her daughter, Mrs. George Hauen
steln, has returned home.
Special tor THE CITIZEN.
EQU1NUNK, Pn February 28.
Paul Brannlng spent tho past week
with his parents, F. W. Branning
nnd wife at Inglehart.
Hazel Lord, Lordvlllo, spent Fri
day and Saturday with Anna Lord.
Mrs. Seymour Coddlngton had tho
misfortune to break her collar bone,
Charles Spencer and niece, Rose
Butler, Gnrteen, spent Monday and
Tuesday at tho home of J. S. Wat
son. Chas. Van Steenburg and wife aro
preparing to move to Kingston, N.
Y. Mr. and Mrs. Van Steenburg
have made Equlnunk their home for
the past eight years and In depart
ing leave a great many friends who
will miss them.
Mrs. Clark Spencer and son, Ar
thur, Poyntelle, attended the funer
al of her sister, Mrs. Silas E. Lord,
The children of Elmer chapman
are entertaining the chicken-pox.
G. Cadmus and wife, Passaic, N.
J., spent several days of the past
week at the home of Daniel Lord
and wife.
Gertrude Hornbeck Is visiting
friends In Honesdale.
Leon Lord is ill with tonsllitis.
Tho young people were entertain
ed at Haddaway's hall, Friday even
ing. .Margaret Dillon spent Saturday
with Mrs. C. E. Woodmansee.
Charles De Lackner was unable to
conduct his singing class, Saturday,
on account of illness. Tho class
was to meet with Miss Mayme Fin
negan. Isaac Sandercock, Hawley, was a
recent visitor at the home of J. K.
Elizabeth Hanahran, Lordville,
spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs.
Frank McGuire.
.MONEY 31AKEK 150-acro farm to
rent on shares. Never failing
water throughout. Eight-room
house, large barn. Location near
Galileo creamery. Party must have
good reference, stock and Imple
ments. Address with particulars, A.
F. GLOVER, Oceanport. N. J. 15t2
in all their Hadeup Stock.
Ladies' Tailored Suits, Fur Coats,
Muffs and Collars, Long Heavy Coats
in black and colors, Separate Skirts,
Ladies and Misses Bath Robes.
A genuine reduction on regular prices.
An annual opportunity that you will be wise
to take advantage of.
Reciprocity Sale!
While President Taft and Congress have been fighting over Re
ciprocity between Canada and United States,
Practicing; Reciprocity
with our Customers, by exchanging our best quality of
goods, made into the very best style of Mens Clothing and
furnishings for the very LOWEST PRICES.
We have 100 suits of Up-To-Date goods and style,
which we will exchange for a small sum of money. These
suits are warm enough for March, cool enough for April and
May and will look nobby all Summer and Autumn. First
come, first served. Ask to see our Imported Clothes made
up by American tailors.
Dentil Of Mrs. Drown.
Ill loving romembrnnce of Mrs.
Duauo Brown who died February 21,
1011, aged 38 years, 4 months an
27 dnys.
"Farewell! Yes, her burden is lifted,
Tho rough places all aro made
Tho sorrow, the trial, the sufferlnt
Can never disturb her again.
With sweet childlike trust nnd sub
mission She bent to the chastening rod,
And now, In the fulness of glory,
She rests on the bosom of God.
For her Is the beauty, the bright
ness, Tho peace which God gives to Hie
own ;
We dwell In the silence and shad
ows That hang round our desolate home.
With hearts that aro weary wltk
And eyes that aro saddened by
tears, We gaze at tho desolate future,
And Bhrlnk from the on-cpmlne
So calm, when shadows wero thick
est So patient, so cheerful, so brave
Strange, strange that so noble a
Should sink to the rest of the grave.
But God, In His Infinite wisdom,
And Infinite pity and love.
Know best when He gathered our
loved one
To shine In His kingdom above."
Mrs. Brown was esteemed by all
who know her. There could bo n
better evidence of this than the
beautiful floral tributes which bus
received, tho casket being covered
with flowers. Very lovely piece
wero sent by the Slko Sunday
school, W. C. T.- U. and Pleasant
Valley Grange as well as by relative
and friends.
Miss Ruth Lord, Middletown,
passed tho week-end with her par
ents here.
TRIAL LIST Wayne Common
Pleas, March Term, 1011.
Week beginning March 13, 1911.
Cortright & Son vs. Erie R. R. Co,
Fitze vs. Mills.
Hawker vs. Pappenhelmer.
Smith vs. Brown.
Herbeck vs. Kelly & Steinman.
Airey and Spencer vs. Keen.
Brown vs. Cortright & Son.
Tully vs. Cortright & Son.
Fives vs.' Auto-Transportation Co.
Stuck vs. Blgart.
Telllp vs. Chapeak.
Klanser vs. Do Breun.