THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAKCif 1, 1 11. IN THE REALM " OF FASHION First of the Lingerie Frocks. This charming little frock Is one xrhlch mother or big sister may em broider during the long winter even ings to bo made up later In the Bprlug for n party frock for the little glrL tTlie material may be of linen on a del- SEW DESIGN l'OR BUMSIttll FROCK. Icato shade of pink or blue embroid ered In self tones, though It Is safer to select white for any frock which re quires a great amount of work, as a folor Is apt to fade. A design may be stamped at the needlework depart ment of any of the large stores. The little girl wears n sash of any dainty olor with this little frock with little bows on the sleeves to match. Damask For Shawl Scarfs. Silk damasks are used In the fash ioning of the broad shawl scarfs that tre fashionable. They have the air f having once covered sofas and thalrs of the grand monarch period, are soft and pliable and especially woven for the dressmaker's use. These scarfs are so ampin that when wound about the llguro they arc as warm as a coat. The colors are ex quisite. A blurred design In Japanese red, which has all the romance of the east in it, Is most effective. A mellow thistle blue shade and a peculiar green that is named after the Nile, yet which makes the ,old fashioned nile green seem Insipid, is used with excellent effect. These are often bordered with mara bou and are thrown over the shoulders with the defiant abandon of the Span iard's cloak. OF 1911 ST ATTRACTIVE Kimono Sleeves the Most Strik ing Feature of New Modes. Long ago, when you were really young, the first showing of spring shirt waists In tho windows In the middle of winter actually set your heart all in a flutter. They were so enticing, and you wished you bad about twice ns many as you could af ford, and you made up your mind to copy some of those that looked so sim ple and cost so much. But now that you are a thousand years old and have seen the new shirt waists In the windows many, many times you huve even been known to walk right by a window full of them without looking In, which is n grea mistake. It's a mistake because it's truckling to old age, and it's n great mistake, too, becauso tho new blouses are un deniably pretty, and this year there ro many new points about them. Perhaps the most striking character istic of tho now blouses is the preva lence of tho kimono sleeve. Almost half the soft waists seem to be made with this new seamless shoulder. It is tho logical outcomo of tho winter's modes. The suit blouses of chiffon and silk were nlmost all made with half or three-quarter length kimono sleeves, and no objections were offered, so It was tho logical thing to repeat this popular style in tho summer blouses. Another distinguishing feature of tho new waists Is tho use of One French voile or marquisette. The vollo is to be preferred to tho marquisette, however, as It Is a little firmer. Tho vago for beads, so marked in tho winter styles, also has its echo in tho waists for 1011. Some wash blouses nro seen delicately embroider ed in porcolnln beads of black, white or color. But Binco tho laundering of these beaded patterns Is rather diffi cult tho designers have cleverly made ase of a now kind of embroidery which imitates tho little porcelain beaded effect to perfection. It resem bles a series of French dots, each dot being about tho size and shape of a iwhlto porcelain bead. Dainty patterns aro worked in thill beaded effect on marquisette nnd voile. On other waists small coral beads are used, and tho coral touch is accen tuated by narrow folds of coral vollo at the neck and -.looves. Tct ncueftc S0113 heifot l43oftott Erot". .offcntlid) ift Oeiicr al8 fcin Sftamc. S11 9Jett) Sort iit bie SteiterJUer iiitlaamia um $900,000,000 ecijofji loorben. CDcr (bcrftorDcttc 23uitJ)e3jciinfor G. fin fjiuterliefj jiuanjia OTiaicnt'tt Dollars. SMe olitif tft nod) Ionoc nidjt Ja3 fdjlcdjtefte (Jkidjaft. Sit Sranfreid) foil bnS TJitcIl dcc Dotert iDcfbcu. 2Bef)d& bem SQoIfc baS uni'djnlbiflfte ttnb Tiarmlofcftc Serflniinen ncljmcn? Uncle 5nm fccjaljltc jcijt cine SUciberredjmtiig auS bem 5Diirae; frtc(jc. So laitfle foil man onftdnbt oerroeife fel&ft cinen djneibcr nidjt auf fcin 6clb marten laffen. 2ic Ginfulir con Ghamlwflner dot um 50 rojent ntiQcnommcu. cr nber qernc floDftDrt) Ijnbcn mill, 'bent ftcfij and) ba3 Ijeimifdje robitft t:t geniigenber SNenrje jitr aJcrfitfliiinj. 2entfd)Iaii'b fnnn tm Strtcn&falle itaf)C3u 8 2HHioncn mit ben Stiffen ocrlraitte Dicinncr in Sfelb ftcllcrt. 3aS tft bcr (Sninb, loc5fjn!6 ScRlfcr Ianb fid nidjt itfieraH tm SlnSlniib nrofjer 33elicutf)cit crfrent. 5er Sebertrnft fdjlicfit ad)tjtn Oicr uereieit auf f.cd3irj aac. 2aS tit ein trcfflidje HJJiitri, bie Scbcrbmft auf ifjrcr &6l)t ,311 Ijaltcn, bcr alliK tueiuen SSotjlfaljrt btcnt c abe: nidjt. 2er 23i'trocrmciftcr uon ftaniV.c (Titt) Fjat ba ftabtriitTjIidje SBcrbot oc; StraacnS iibcrlaitflcr .utnabcln auf- Geljoucit, rucil c fid) bod) mdjt buta'i fiitjren IicBc. 2Bic ftcF)t c mit bcii boriiflcn roTjibitiotiSGcfetien? ScbcS cfctj, baS 1'cine SegiSlct'it jdjafft, Foftct bem Staatc $hm g)or! $1800; 2a fjei&t, fo Did Foftet c bcr StantMnffe, tnic i)od) c bcr 33e boIFcrunrj fommt, ba& fteljt in ciiiciu anberen Sfttpitcl. $n SQanflor, Sftaiiie, ift cine 23e roegitnQ 3ur 5d)licfjuitn. bcr Sffiirti) fdjaften am 3tf'&unrl) in Slnfj fse Drndjt inorben. llnb barmtS icber SWnnn erfidjt", bafj and) in $ro F)ibitiouftaatcn bcr fcudjtfroFiIidjc Sonntao DoIfSlJtjiimlid) tft. G mirb Bcridjtct, baf3 Bet bcr frier lidjcu Giufiirjruno bcS neucu ouuer neurS bou DFIaFjoma jlcauaio nflo nen SUuttermild) actrunFcn rourben. So, bic 2ciftuuofaF)iaFcit bcr Ccute im ferucu SBeftcn orenst au roitU' bcrDarC; 2cm Berncrmtcn nnd) fid) uietc curopaifdjc Sfuard)iftcn mit ber Slbfidit. nad) SFiucrifa 311 Fommcn. 2a Fjnbcn uufcrc Slcformcr itnb SScIt Derbcifcrcr cine fdjouc clcflcnbeit, ait ben iHttboubritberu mtltdjc UJur acr 311 mndjen. Sin SdjufratF) Don SOTilluaitFee fjnt cine bcutfdjc grau iic Sbfd)nffnnfl beS beutfdjcn Untcrridjts int adjten 03rnbe benutraot, rourbc abcr dp3 nid)tbcutfd)cn fflfitnliebcrn nicbcrgi. ftimmt. Slitd) in SWilmauFec flibt t' 2cntdic auf tocldje ftoF3 3U fcii.. Feine Urfadje borlieot. 55on ie 86 iiberfit'Orten TOorbtrr fjiilr in unferem Qcfeoneten 2anb nur cittcr .od)3cit mit cilcr '6dt terlcin". SSon ben onbercn 85 luc'. ben iiber f nrj ober Initfl bie meifto', toieber auf ba 5PubIiFum Io3geIar: fen. 2aS crFIart 3umtFjeiI toentg ftenS bic grofje Unfidjerfjeit. 2)cr neuc ta!gltruftprafibeut 3fat rcl fing al WiUbo)" mit cinen SSodjcnlofjn Don sroet SoIIarS an unl Bcjiet ict cin SneieOnlt oon $100,000. Gr raun nidjt batubeH flogcn, iafj jcine cl)nlt&3ulagcn mil bcr sprcisfteigeruug bcr SeBcnSmittc"1 nidjt gleidjen Sdjrirt flcljalten fatten 3roar ift Sanfing, bie taat fiaubtftabt toon SNidjigan, troaen" bodj roirb bcridjtct, baf3 bic bort tocr iammelten QJefctjgcber Fcinen Surf' 3u Icibcn Braudjen. Unb rtenn einet Don iljnen einen flewiffen egenftanb Dcrgcffcn Fjabcn foflte, braudjt er nut 3u fngen: $err 9?adjbar, Guer Sliifdjdjcn." JSJiHiam Z. SBaebroen, cin cFji'ma ligcr 93camter icr tnnbarb Dif (Tomfant), Fjnt cinem 9?eto orFcr ofpital $100,000 uuter iter fflcbin gitug bcrmadjt, bafj in -bicfer Fnftnlt nie 5pirituoicn, nud) nidjt olS OTc bi3in, tocrruatvbt iocrben. SWuft ber aber int Uebermafj flctoidjelt IjaBen, roenn cr iefet ein-en fofdjen S&ibertuil. (en gcgen alleS Q5eiftigc" ernbfirtbeti Ser outoerncur 2J?arfFjaII bon Sn biana Bcfiirtuortctc in fcinerfflotfdjaft bie SDcfdjrauFuug be SSarjIredjtS eitf getoonbertcr JUiirger, toeil bicfe Fcin Serftanbnifj fiir unferc affcntlidje Scrtoaltung Ijabeu. a ftimmt. Son ber eriebeuljeit, mit locldjer bcr tnafdjedjte SImeriFancr bem iiibli fum baS Sell iiber bie 'DJjren 311 51c tjeti berftcFjt, Ijabtn bie meifleu &oreignerS" Fetnen Sdjimntcr. SELECT CULLINGS A Yard and a Goat. "Give mo back a yard with forty square feet 111 it and a goat," said Dr. Thomas J. Allen of Chicago, noted ns a food specialist, "and I will show any one how a family of Ave largely can be supported. Tho high cost of living problem is all bosh If tho head of the family would Just adapt himself to circumstances nnd surroundings. On a small city lot you can easily raise all the vegetables necessary, except potatoes, to support a family of live people, and with the goat the cost of living will be reduced still more. Tho goat Is lost sight of in this country. Goat milk Is by far the best that any one can drink. I state this ns nn au thority on food values. Another thing, it is a good animal to have around. It is cheap to keep, is a fine playmate for the children, and you can depend upon it to keep the lawn well cropped with out digging up tho roots." Kansas City Star. By Their Voices She Knows Them. Jllss Blnnche Thompson is tho only "voice detective" in the national capi tal. She is telephone operator in tho big building occupied by the postofflce department nnd enjoys the reputation of being able to recognize on the wire tho voices of 80 per cent of all con gressmen, offlcials and business men who do business with men In the de partment. On one occasion a newspaper corre spondent named Smith, who works most of the time in Washington, called up the department by long distance telephone from New York and, with out giving his name, said ho wanted to speak to the postmaster general. AVithout hesitating a moment Miss Thompson called Mr. Hitchcock's sec retary and said: "Mr. Smith, the corre spondent, wants to speak to tho post master general. lie's talking from New York." Washington Star. Chinese Superstition. The Chinese nre offering stubborn resistance to the European doctors who aro endeavoring to stamp out the plague. The authorities and the doc tors, we learn from a French source, are at their wit's end, for the educated Celestials share with the common peo ple a belief that the hygienic measures and clinical treatment advocated by European surgeons nre designed to kill and not euro tho people. One of the legends which has a powerful influ ence over the peopto Is that the Euro peans want tho bodies, more especially the eyes, for the preparation of different medicines. More horrible stories still are circulated, and it Is said tho native press Is much to blame for not endeav oring to educnto the people up to an understanding of European medical nnd surgical treatment. London Globe. Lost by Two Feet. An actress recently figured in an amusing suit brought against her by a photographer at Dobreczen, Hungary. She had been photographed with bare feet and had refused to pay for the photographs, alleging that her feet were made to appear ridiculously large. In court she was asked to take off her shoes and stockings in order that a comparison might be made. This, however, she refused to do. It wns then decided to compare the fin ished photograph with tho origlnnl neg ative, and it was seen that the pho tographer In "retouching" had remod eled the actress' toes so as to make her feet appear really smaller than represented In the negative. He con sequently won his case, the actress leaving the court in high dudgeon. Last Year's Aerial Tragedies. The record of fatalities in aeronau tics for 1010, which was not complet ed until the last day of the year, ap pears in Popular Mechanics Magazine. Fifty-three names make up the list, beginning with Leon Delagrange, on Jan. 4, and ending with Molsnnt and Hoxsey on Dec. 31. A number of in teresting facts are pointed out: The four pioneers of three years ago, Wil bur and Orvllle Wright, Henry Far man and Alberto Santos-Dumont, are all living; an uncannily large number of the stated fatalities occurred on the 13th day of the month, nud the grcntest number of deaths occurred in the last six months of the year, there having been only fourteen before July 1. The Generous Tramp. Mayor Gaynor at a dinner in New York said of a charity that had fallen into disrepute: "I understand that they paid their collectors 40 per cent of all that they collected. That Is charity on a mer cenary basis. It recalls the Christmas eve talk of the two tramps. " 'I wish I had money enough to make every little child In New York happy tomorrow,' said the first tramp on Christmas eve. " 'What would ye do J' tho second tramp inquired. " 'Iluy stocks nnd bonds and live on tho interest,' was the reply." Limburger Will Assert Itself. Llmburger cheese will nlways make itself known. Swiss cheese will nl ways bo porous. So says U. S. Uacr, secretary of the Wisconsin Cheese makers' association. "Wo hnve made rxperiments," continued Mr. Baer, "but they never proved n success. We thought we had a chceso that contain ed all the flavor of llmburger, minus the smell, but it wns a decided fail ure. Then, again, we had a cheese that looked something like tho Swiss variety, but It was solid, no holes or eyes. But tho taste was far from be ing Swiss. It cannot be accomplished." FOR THE CKJEi The Cautious Cat. A Cautious Cut Anil a ItccUlcss Hat Went to sea with nn Innocent Lamb. They called In a yawl With nothing at all To eat but a Sugar Cured Ham. Tho wind blow high In a sky blue sky At a rate they hud never foreseen. The wind blew low, And tho wind also Blew a little bit In botweon Just a little bit In between. Said tho Cautious Cat To tho Reckless Itat, Llkewlso to tho Innocent Lamb: "We'll tack this smack And sail right back To send a Mar-conl-o-gram, For the winds might blow Both high nnd low, And I wouldn't caro a Lima Bean, But I never can Ball When tho ocean gale Blows a little bit In between Just a little bit In between. "Or course with me You will never ngree," Said tho Cat to tho Itat and tho Lamb, "But If you balk You will have to walk. That's tho kind of a kitten I ami" So they sailed right back On the larboard tack To tho nearest port of call, And the Kecklesa Rat Let It go at that, While tho Lamb said nothing at all Said nothing whatever at all. St. Nicholas. The Jackdaw's Advice. Once upon a time a jackdaw found some beautiful peacock feathers lying on the ground, so he thought he would deck himself with them. "Now," said he, "my friends will admire me, and I'll bo their leader In dress." Then she strutted nbout. But It was no use. fehe was only a jackdaw, and all the other birds knew It nnd made fun of her. They jeered nnd mocked at her, and the wisest birds In the tree cried: "She is pretending to be something she is not. She is not true to her colors. She is unfit for our com pany." "Let's pluck off her borrowed finery," said another. "When stripped she will appear in her true light." Thus was tho jackdaw exposed, and she never got over tho disgrace. When she was dying she called her children to her nnd gave them this advice: "Never pretend to be what you are not. "Do not be like some boys and girls I know, who think that fine dresses will make people admire them. "A jackdaw should not try to look like a peacock, for she'll be nothing more than a jackdaw, nnd a very fool ish one at that." Some Old Buildings. Down in old Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, the oldest seat of civil and religious government on American soil, there exist many remains of build ings erected by the old Spanish con querors of the country. One of tlic:e. the Adobe palace, has been used as the 'executive" mansion since tho first governor and captain general, .luan de Otermln, occupied it in 1CS0, while the cathedral, built in 1701, is now rapidly mmibllng nway and will soon be replaced by a modern stone build ing. Another interesting ecclesiastical od ilice is the Church of San Miguel, erect ed in the sixteenth century, but de stroyed during tho Pueblo revolution of IfiSO and rebuilt in 1710. Close to this structure stands n house generally recognized as the "oldest in the United States." It was built before tho Span ish conquest, and it is traditionally reported that Coronado lodged in It In 1M0. Conundrums. I When is a lawyer like a horse? When drawiug n conveyance. What is that which you can keep after giving to some one else? Your word. To what church did Eve belong? Adam thought her Ev(e)angellcnl. AVhy is n woman lucky at cards nn agreeable person? Beenuse she has winning ways. AVhat tree bears the most fruit to market? The axletrce. Why Is n pretty girl like a fine mir ror? Sho is a good looking lass. What affections do landlords most appreciate? Parental (pay-rental). Why nre nose and chin like quarrel some children? Because words are always passing between them. Why is a person with his eyes closed like a poor teacher? He keeps his pu pils In darkness. Why is beef suitable for holiday din ner? Meet for rejoicing. A Ring Trick. You must have two rings exactly nllke, one of which has n notch which admits your cheek. When you have exhibited the perfect ring you change it for the other and prlvntcly slip the notch over one side of your mouth, meantime slipping tho whole ring on your stick nnd hiding it with your hand. Then desire some one to hold the stick, whip the ring out of your cheek and Hinlte with It instantly upon tho stick, concealing it nnd whirling the other ring which you hold your hand over round nbout tho stick. The Laughing Game, The players divide Into sides and choose n, leader, who stands in tho middle of the room and tosses a rag doll in the nir. If tho doll falls on its face the people on one Bido laugh as loudly as they can. Any ono on tho other side who laughs, however, has to Join the laughing side. When the doll falls face upward it is tho turn of tho people of the other sldo to laugh and win players over. Tho game does not fall to end hilariously. Statement of Finances OF WAYNE CO. (Continued from Pago G.) " " bounties 1W M Clinton supervisors 2M) no Clinton school district. . . 2fiO m Drehersup'rsnetstnto rond 1HI) IS Hnrley Flemlnit estate . . 517 IB HllUldo Goat A Iron Co, taxes IflflT, US, M9 225 00 poor district l'reston. 2177 1 " " Hawloy 9X1 76 " Berlin NVjtl CO " I'nlmyrn .... 015 71 Honesdnle-Toxas 915 80 " Dyborry . . 2d xt ' Oherry Itltldo ion 20 collector Palmyra Uup '02, W tin sm I) berry dup Wit, VS 23! 7J " Lehigh dup 1007. . 1 00 Manchester dupW, WIS 21 Wnymnrt dup 1007 0 m " Clinton dup luos Js " DiitnasciH dup 1008 20 41 Droller dup llH . 1 M Lebanon dup 100S 8 HS duplicate lli9. 710 78 1010. . 1600-2 so Balance county fund In treasury. 4972 15 $ S22U 03 CLAIMS AGAINST COUNTY Due r II lU'lnlnpr,Jr,nectn9csi) Kldno $ 14 14 Ohas Wood, Jury duty.Oet term.'lo 1 so W II Bullock. error In bill Nof,78 1M0 2 00 J W Ilnrtford, " in costs, CI K Wheeler ease 60 T C Madden, expense account Into 40 w J K Hornbeck, " " " 117 88 JK Mnndevllle, " " " wns M J llnnlon, Imlanconcct 11110 fit) 01 M Leo lirntmin, shorilT, bal ncct 1421) 13 Vnreoo& Hoyd, bain -ct Snleiu brdg 408 00 " White Mills " HI 00 A Brnnnlng. bal Stnrllaht brldno 400 00 Win Watts, note and Interest lo:i7 07 Mrs Klljnli Oruy, " " " 4,17 25 Thomas (Jill, " " ' Kmi 00 K K Ferguson, " " " lews Kl II II Ferguson, " " 6101 41 W L Ferguson, " " " Mil 00 Myrn Hill, 12I i Trustees. I'rot Kng Oo note fc Int 3000 00 .1 C; Schmidt, liei-lin, dup 1000 21 M T Cummlngs, Dyh.-rry dup VJ so .lohn Uutii iney, Lehigh, dup '00 1 00 l'eter F Schmltt, I'nlmyrn dup -09 2 43 Anion Goble. Paupnckdup TO 1 00 O II Hteplienson, WiiMimrt dup "00 4 48 Estlmuto nin't due collectors, Ilo . 3000 00 I 33180 24 FINANCIAL STANDING OF COUNTY Totnl claims ngnlnst county $ 33180 21 Totnl claims fnvor county $ 32211 03 Iialanco iignlnst county w HI 83130 21 Vvo, tho undersigned Auditors, In and for tho county of Wayne, do certify Hint wo met at tho court h um at tloncsdah. Wayne Oo., Pa. on January 2, 1011. Have examined tho foregoing accounts of the (loiinty Commissioners, Sheriff, County Treinurer, Coroner nnd District Attorney of Wayne County, Pa., and llnd them correct as nbovo presented. Witness our hand at Honesdalo this 4th dny of Februaiy A.D., 1911. A W LahiiaiikkI ) W B Lkhiikk, Auditors J P Fl,YNN. ) CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of If you like to have the news when it is fresh, just send your name to THE CITIZEN with $1.50. -f -f-f -f -f-- Ll'KEX'S TltAINEl) LIONS. -mi ... rcs?'7- sis The attraction tit tho Lyric for day -r SAY! ITS GOBR3G TO RAIN! "The day Is cold, It rains, nnd the Rainy days aro dismal days, cheerless aud full of gloom; hut they are sure to come into the life of every person. You cannot hope to escape them entirely, hut you may PREPARE FOR THE COMING STORM By opening a savings account in IIONESDALE 1)IME HANK. Such a "rainy day" protection Is better than an umbrella, for the latter will get old and fail to bo of service, while the bank account, with Its compound interest, will grow and grow and become a joy and comfort when you most need such factors of helpfulness. Come in and let us talk it over. With n one dollar deposit, which will belong to you, we give a Household Bank free. HONESDALE RES Cheeses as Heirlooms, In some parts of Switzerland It to said that cheeses form family heir looms which are somotlmcs handed down from ono generation to another. At Los Ormonts, in tho canton ol Vaud, it is customnry to make spe cial cheeses for certain family feasts. They are tagged with explanatory la bels and eaten several years later, at other feasts, or even at funerals. Re cently, at Les Ormonts, In n conceal ed shelter, there was discovered a cheese dntlng from 1785. It was na hard as a rock, and had to be cut with a saw. It is roportod to haTO taBted good. rrcucli Thrift, From time to tlmo the English workingman has tho French peas ant's thrift thrown In his face. The French peasant may not be able to find "sermons In stones, books in tho running brooks," but ho can and does find food In everything. Ho and a large family could live on. what an Englishman in the same po sition wastes. People, however, seem to forget that the habits of tho Englishmen are determined by their climate. Lady. -VTOTIOE Ol- ADMlNlSTllATlON, IN ESTATE OK WILLIAM PENWARPKN. OKKGONTWP All persons indebted to said estate nro noti fied to mnko immediate payment to the un dersigned: and those havlnsclalm3 against the said estate are notlllcd to present them duly attested, for settlement. OLIVK PKNWAHPKN. K. DARWIN PKNWA ItDEN. LEVI W. PEN WARDEN, . Executors. Carley Rrook. Pa.. Jan. 18. 1911. NOTICE OF ADMlNlSTllATlON, ESTATE OF ANNA M. WIZARD, Late of Texas Township, Wayne Co., Pa. All persona Indebted to said estate are noti fied to make Immediate payment to the un dersigned ; and those having claims against the said estate are notlllcd to present them duly attested for settlement. Wlllias Coinpton nnd William Cornpton, Executors. Honcsdale. Pa.. Jan. 11 1911. W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHEItE IN STATE. EKIE TllAINS. Trains leave Union depot at 8.25 a. m. and 2.48 p. m week days. Trains arrive Union depot at 1.E0 and 8.05 p. m. week days. Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming arrives at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at 5.50 p. m. Sunday trains lcve 2.4 S and ar rive at 7.02. -f ---f -f-t 4- Tuesday, HVdnesdny unit Thure- Evenings. -r -f -- and dark, and dreary, wind is never weary." DIME BANK ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN