The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 01, 1911, Image 2

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Luuiehuui i
' I
STM' '("Jl
lie was christened, and nobody
cun blaino him for changing it
to Joaquin. That was uot
only more poetical, but was a better
fit. Cinciuuatus Heine would naturally
belong to a conventional person, prop
erly barberod, clothed In the mode and 1
in bis right inind, while Joaquin would J
not bo so circumspect. Neither was
Miller. There have been unconven
tional poets before and doubtless will
be again, but never one so unconven
tional as Joaquin Miller.
Miller was born In November, 1841,
In a prairie schooner headed west. He
remained headed west until he arrived
in Oregon at about the ago of twelve,
his parents accompanying him. His
father, whom he called "papa" even
after both had long whiskers, was a
Quaker who taught school occasion
ally and pioneered all the time. The
popfs mother lived with him until a
few years ago, Joaquin building a cot-'
tage for her adjoining his own, where
she remained until her death.
fter arriving in Oregon the lad
soon caught the gold fever and went
to California, but got more poetry than
gold out of the trip. About this time
he became the comrade of an Indian
and later participated In several In
dian lights. He also matle "copy" out
of the career of a desperado, Joaquin
Murietta, which some people who did
not like desperadoes resented. At some
time In his early life Miller had stud
ied law and when ho returned to Ore
gon was made a judge.
How "Joaquin" Originated.
While on the bench he published a
nook of verse entitled "Joaquin et Al.,"
which gained the praise of the Over
land, but was unmercifully guyed by
the lawyers. They dubbed Judge Mil
ter "Joaquin," and he took the name
as his own. seizing the opportunity to
get rid of the mollltluous but rather
too elaborate Clnclmiatus Heine.
There are no present records as to
Just how good or bad a Judge Miller
made, but at any rate the writing bug
got the better of him, and he abandon
ed the woolsack. Bret Harte took him
up. and not many years later the two
of them drifted to Loudon. Owing
perhaps to his moro picturesque make
up. Miller made an Impression on the
Britons sooner than Harto. Ho first
published a thin book of verse called
"Specimens," and. these being approv
ed by the reigning literary faction
known as the "pre-RaphnolItos," ho
followed up the samples by a regular
consignment, this being called "Songs
of the Sierras."
Joaquin Miller was not ns famous in
Tjondon as Byron, perhaps, but for
some moons was a literary lion, lead
ing duchesses out to dinner and being
the fad of the hour, nis getup had
not a little to do with his vogue. lie
woro high topped boots with the trou
sers stuffed In the tops, nis coat was
the unbuttoned Prince Albert, now
mado famous by the governor of Okla
homa as the "Jlmswlnger." A flaming
red shirt heightened the poet's sar
torial effect as an exotic.
Ho was a tall and striking looking
Japan to Conservo Water.
Tno Japanese government has sus
pended tho granting of water power
lights by provincial authorities and Is
tnaking a systematic survey of tho em
pire's resources of that nature.
Rudder Weighs a Hundred Tons.
Tho heaviest rudder ever known, a
100 ton affair, has been built for the
new transatlantlq llnor Olynipla.
Copyright, 1900. by C. H. Miller.
! Where ranged thy black mancd woolly
I bulls
By millions, fat and unafraid;
Where sold, unclaimed In cradlefuls,
I Slept mid tho crass roots, gorge and
I Where peaks companioned with the stam
And propped the bluo with shining white,
With massive silver beams and bars,
' With copper bastions, height on height
There wast thou born, O lord of strength!
O yellow Hon, leap and length
Of arm from out an arctic chine
' To far, fair Mexlc peas are thine!
What colors? Copper, silver, gold,
1 With sudden sweep and fury blent,
lCnwound, unwound, lnrollcd, unrolled,
) Mad molder of the continent!
What whirlpools and what choking cries
I From out the concave swirl and sweep
1 As when some god cries out and dies
Ten fathoms down thy tawny deep!
I Tel on, right on; no time for death,
No time to gasp a second breath!
You plow a pathway through the main
To Morro'K caFtle, Cuba's plain.
Hoar siro of hot, sweet Cuban seas.
Gray father of the continent,
Fierce fashioner of destinies,
I Of states thou hast upreared or rent,
j Thou know'st no limit. Seas turn back,
i Bent, broken from the shaggy shore,
1 But thou In thy resistless track
I Art lord and master evermore.
' Missouri, surge and sing and sweep!
j Missouri, master of the deep,
j From snow reared Rockies to the sea
Sweep on. sweep on eternally!
man, with long hair and beard, then
ns ever the typical plainsman. More
over, he had written some real poetry
with the swing and breeze of tho west
in the lines. One can Imagine what
such a combination meant in London
drawing rooms.
Returned to America.
After his return from England Mil
ler lived for a time in a log cabin In
the hills near Washington, no then
shaved all his beard except a flowing
mustache and imperial, and his hair
was also cropped to an approximate
shortness. While there some Wash
ington ladles called on him to write a
poem about a new statue that was
about to bo unveiled. Miller refused
to write the poem, holding that most
of our horseback statues are mon
strosities that sin against art and that
represent little of the noble or heroic.
Instead he wrote a poem that was not
read at this unveiling, but has been
perused by several million people
since. The first stanza ran:
The bravest battle that ever was fought
Shall I tell you where and when?
On tho maps of tho world you will find It
It was fought by the mothers of men.
The last home of Joaquin Miller is
on a wild and picturesque mountain
overlooking the Golden Gate. It is
about two miles back and one mile
up from Oakland, nere the poet
planted trees lu the form of a cross
now visible from all tho country round
about, lie made his mountain estate
of a hundred acres, originally a wild
and barren spot, a place of trees and
flowers. Hero bo erected three cabins
one for himself, one for his mother
and one for his Japanese attendants.
On the very top of the mountain he
built himself a funeral pyre where his
body was to bo cremated.
One of the chief reasons for making
his nest in tho mountains was that ho
might be alone. Sightseers, not re
specting this motive, flocked to tho
place in droves, running over his flow
ers, scattering lunch baskets and their
remains about the place and poking
tho poet out wherever they could find
him. It was his habit to do his writ
ing In bed In tho forenoons, and the
industrious tourists would even break
In upon him while in the middle of an
Inspiration. There Is nothing like be
ing popular, especially when one tries
to run away from his admirers.
"Columbus" Highly Praised.
One of the most famous of Joaquin
Miller's poems is his "Columbus,"
which the London Athaeneum onco
pronounced tho best American poem.
It begins:
Behind him lay tho gray Azores,
Behind the gates of Hercules,
Before him not tho ghost of shores.
Before him only shoreless seas.
Tho good mate said; "Now must we pray,
For, lo, tho very stars are gone.
Brave admiral, speak. What shall I say?"
"Why, say, 'Sail on, sail on and on!' "
Even better known are his lines
which he nfterward said were written
by tho grave of Burns:
In men whom men condemn as 111
I find so much of goodness still,
In men whom men pronounco divine
I And so much of sin and plot,
I hesitate to draw a line
Between tho two where God has not.
World's Rainiest Spot.
Tho Khnsla hills. 200 miles north of
tho ba.v of Bengal, nre the rainiest re
gion In tho world, the annual precipi
tation frequently exceeding 400 Inches.
Developing New Zealand's Electricity.
Now Zealand plans to spend about
$10,000,000 In the nest four years to
develop electric power from her lakes
and rivers.
Luke Lea, New Senator From
Luke Lea, recently elected United
States senator from Tennessee to suc
ceed James B. Frazler, is owner and
publisher of the Nashville Tenucsseean
and American. Air. Lea is but thirty
two years old, and when he takes his
seat among the conscript fathers will
be the youngest member of that august
The United States senatorshlp is
Luke Lea's first office. He has been
active in politics since 1905, but never
before was a candidate. In 1000 he
made possible tho nomination of Mal
colm B. Patterson for governor. Gov
ernor John 1. Cox was a candidate for
renomination. The chairman of the
Democratic state convention becoming
I'Onfuscd, Lea seized the gavel, brought
order out of turmoil, and Patterson was
nominated. When Governor Patter
son sought rpnominatlon he favored a
county unit primary plan. Lea oppos
ed this and in his newspaper, the Teu
nesseean, boldly denounced Patterson
nnd his plan and espoused the candi
dacy of the late Senator Edward W.
Carmack. ratterson was renominated
and re-elected. Senator Carmack was
editor of Mr. Lea's newspaper when
ho was slain lu 100S. From the time
they spilt Mr. Lea has been unrelent
ing In his fight against Patterson, and
he made Impossible the re-election of
Patterson last fall. In that campaign
Lea had much to do with the nomina
tion and election of Ben W. Hooper
for governor. Hooper was the Joint
candidate of the Republicans and the
prohibition Democrats and is Ihe flut
Republican governor of Tennessee lu
thirty years.
Mr. Lippitt of Rhode Island.
Henry F. Lippitt. elected to succeed
Nelson W. Aldrlch as Uulted States
senator from Rhode Island, is a
wealthy business man and a noted ex
pert in the manufacture of cotton.
For moro than thirty years he has
been identified with one of tho great
manufacturing industries of New Eng
land as employee, manager and own
er. When he was but twenty-four and
had only two years' experience in the
manufacturing of cotton goods his
father made him superintendent of tho
Pacific mills at Lawrence, Mass. This
was a mill of 40.000 spindles, employ
ing some f00 bands. He made good
and has since become known through
out Now Euglnnd as an authority on
The senator elect Is descended from
John Lippitt, who settled In Provi
dence in 103S. two years after the ar
rival of Roger Williams, and was as
signed one of the so railed "home lots"
In the original Providence plantation.
The homo of Senator Elect Lippitt is
built on a part of that Identical prop
erty. It has always remained In tho
family. Outside of his business In
terests Mr. Lippitt Is most Interested
in yachting, ne owns several fast
ones and always sails his own craft.
He will be flfty-flvo years old next Oc
tober. The Galloping Reporter.
W. It. Holt, the "gnllfcplng reporter"
from London, described neatly nt the
Now York Press club the essentials
of good reporting.
"A good reporter," he said, "should
bo able to handle a man as an astron
omer lundles a telescope that Is. he
should be able to draw him out, Bee
through him and shut him up."
Sad Incident of the Spanish
American War.
Having business in the country. I
stopped one morning for breakfast
with an old woman who lived alone.
She cultivated a little patch of vegeta
ble garden in rear and n few flowers
in front of her cabin, the latter be
ing chiefly morning glories. They are
rightly named. No flower is more lu
keeping with n bright summer morn
ing; none more delicate reflects its
glory. Then, too, there was the fra
grance of tho country, heightened by a
newly mowed field on the other sido
of the road. After having eaten my
breakfast I sat on the porch enjoying
the delicious country landscape, the
odors, the songs of the birds. Afttr
(lie old woman had cleared away the
breakfast dishes she came out to do
some pruning, and I fell into conversa
tion with her. During our chat I men
tioned that I had recently returned
from Cuba.
"Cuba?" she said, a slight tremor
passing over her. "You have been to
"I came from there n month ago."
"Did you see anything of my son
"Your son? What is ho like? What
Is his name?"
"He is tall. His hair and eyes are
like that bird cawing in the tree over
"nis name? You have not told me
his name."
By this time I saw in the faraway
look that there would be no practical
use In getting Information from her
and lot her talk on according to her
own sweet will.
"When the war came," she said,
"Harry was Just eighteen years old.
lie wanted to go as a soldier, but ho
baw that it would break my heart to
part with him, and he promised to stay
with me. But I saw that he had come
to an ago when to stay in this little
nest was not natural. Just as the young
birds fly away when they arc grown,
so I told him he had better go. For a
week longer he kept his promise,
though I had released him. ne used
to walk back and forth in the road,
and I knew he was thinking of tho ex
citing scenes going on In the war, and
again I told him that ho must not
mind me, but go. Then he gave In
and, going to a recruiting station, en
listed." The old woman paused to wipe a
tear from her eye. She was lost for
the moment In a parting which she did
uot need to describe in words, for it
was painted in the expressive lines of
her face.
"Did you hear from him occasional
ly?" 1 asked.
"I heard onco a week or oftener till
they got to fighting down before San
tiago. The last letter I got said they
were fighting all the time. Harry
wrote that every day they woro draw
ing nearer to tho town and when It
was taken they would nil go home he
would come homo to mo and never go
away any more. I haven't heard a
word from him from that day to this."
There was n tremble In the voice
when she spoke tho last sentence.
"And did no one of his comrades ever
toll you anything about him?"
"Ills captain came to see me. I re
member every word ho said, for I
havo repeated them every day since
he spoke them. 'Harry was the best
man I had In my ranks,' he said, un
til he was wounded and sent to the
hospital the day before the surrender.
I went there to see him, and ho told
mo that he wanted to get well for tho
sake of his old mother, who was count
ing the days till he would come back
to her, and he mado me promise that
if I If I went north first I would
go to see v"ii and tell you nbout him.
So I've come to tell you that well, ho
wasn't well enough to come with us,
but when he's better he'll surprise you
some morning by walking in on you
as sound as he was the day he left
you.' "
It was plain from these words that
tho captain, though he might have
been bravo euough to face tho Span
lards, was too cowardly to tell this
old woman that her son had died for
his country. Five years bad passed
without tidings, but they had not un
deceived tho mother, who hoped one
that she had nursed ns a babe, who
had toddled In and out of her cabin ns
a child and left her on the verge of
manhood, would return to her. I was
not sure that my surmises were cor
rect, and had I been sure I would not
havo taken away the old woman's
hope. When I left her I spoke no
word of encouragement, nor did I tell
her that I considered the chance of
her son's return not one In a hundred.
The Inst words I heard her say were:
"no'll come."
A year later I went to the country
again. I found tho old woman's cabin
deserted. Neighbors told mo that her
son had 'not returned. She bad gone
to him.
Simplicity of Expression.
A story was told on Martin Lomas
ney at the Cape Cod commercial trav
elers' dinner by Representative Pope
of Leominster: "Last session Lomnsr
ney was seen talking to Bome one In'
one of the corridors, and ns I passed
I heard these words: 'Shall I write
him?' 'No,' said Lomasney: 'never
write a thing when you can talk, and
never talk when you can nod your
head.' " Boston Record.
Roll of
Attention is called tottio STRENGTI
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Oh
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the AVAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands lOtl in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88
Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26
Honesdale, Pa., December 1, 1910.
hereby given that the accountants
herein named liavo settled their respective
accounts in me oiuce 01 me iicgister or wins
of Wayne County, l'a., and that the same will
be presented at the Orphans' Court of said
county for confirmation, at the Court House
in Honesdale. on the second .Monday of
.mirai nuxt viz:
First and final account of F. W.
Osgood, administrator of the estate
of Annette Shaffer, Lake.
Second and final account of George
W. Frey, administrator of the estate
of Margaret Fasshauer, Texas.
First and final account of H. E
Bassett and C. L. Bassett, executors
of the estate of Electa K. Bassett,
First and partial account of Vere
B. Stone, F. J. Stone and W. E. Per
ham, executors of the estate of H.
K. Stone, Honesdale.
First and final account of Agnes
C. Purdy, executrix of the last will
of George S. Purdy, Honesdale.
First and final account of Allssa
S. Kennedy, administratrix of the
estate of Porter Kennedy, Mount
First and final account of Nellie
C. Keeney, administratrix of the es
tate of W. Bruce Keeney, Preston.
Second and final account of Nellie
Woodward, administratrix of the es
tate of C. H. Woodward, Hawley.
Register's Oflice, Honesdale, Feb.
1G, 1911.
E. W. GAMMELL. Register.
APPRAISEMENTS. Notice is giv
en that appraisement of 5300
to the widows of the following nam
ed decedents have been filed in the
Orphans' Court of Wayne county,
and will be presented for approval
on Monday, March 13, 1911, viz:
John L. Burcher, Honesdale: Per
sonal property.
Andrew Bayer, Paupack: Personal
S. T. Palmer, llawloy: Personal
Late of Vctnl Center, N. V deceased.
The undersigned, on auditor appointed to
report distribution of said estate, wlllattend
to the duties of his appointment, on
SATURDAY. March i. 1911.
nt 10 o'clock, a. hlsolllce In the borough
of Honesdale, at which time and plac all
claims against said estafemust be presented,
or recourse to the fund for distribution will
be lost.
C. 1. SEARLE. Auditor.
Honesdale. Feb. 7. 11111. 10eol3
Late of Lake Township, deceased,
Tho undersigned, an Auditor appointed
to pass upon exceptions, re state tho ac
count if necessary, hour and determine all
claims on the assets and reportdlstrlbutlon
of said estate, will attend to the duties of his
appointment, on
at 2 o'clock p. m., at his oflice In the borough
of Honesdale, at which time and place all
claims against said estate must be presented
or recourse to tho fund for distribution will
be lost W.M, H.LEE, Auditor.
Honesdale. Feb. 7. 1911. 5Sw3
The Jeweler
f would like to see you If
f you are in the market!
f for
I "Guaranteed articles only sold
Office ndlarent to Post Oflice In Dimmlek
mice, Honesda'C, Pn.
M. H. LEE,
Oflice over post oflice. All legal business
promptly attended to. Honesdale. Pa.
ATTdtlMEV A nmivapTnlj.lT.f i
nffinn1 TIoll 1... 11.11. .
Post Office. Honesdale. Pa.
Office over Itelf's store. Honesdale l'a.
Special and prompt attention given to the
ollection of claims. Oflice over Keif's new
itore, Honesdale. l'a.
Office over the cost office Honesdale. Pa.
' mice in the Court House, Honesdale
Office-Second floor old Savings link
building. Honesdale. Pa.
nnirps Intolv occupied by Judge Scarlet
Oflice adjacent to Post Oflice, Honesdale, Pa
Office First floor, old Savings llank build
ing, Honesdale. Pa.
Dr. C. R. IJHADY. Duntibt. Honesdale. Pa.
Office Honns-8 ui to p. m
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phone. Si Residence. No. S6-X'
Kyc and Earn specialty. The fitting of glass
es given careful attention.
LIVER V. red. G. Rickard has re
I moved his livery establishment from
corner Chuch street to Whitney's Stone
The following named person
have filed their petitions for a li
cense, and the same will be present
ed to the Court of Quarter Sessions
on Monday, March 13, 1911:
Canaan James Gildea.
Clinton II. T. O'Neill.
Drehor H. B. Smith, O. E. Si
mons, Charles F. Wert.
Dyberry Asa K. Kimble, Mat
thew F. Clemo.
Hawley Christian Lehman, Mar
tin Reafler, August II. Frank, Geo.
Kohlman, F. J. Hughes, Frank J.
Denlson, F. J. Croekenberg.
Honesdale Frank N. Lord, Jr..
P. F. Lennon, and M. F. Coyne, Al
bert G. Loomis, Charles McArdle,
Clint Doyle.
Lake Flora M. Schadt.
Lehigh C. W. Garagan.
Manchester Benj. F. Westbrook,
William A. Dleck, Frank and Martin
Do Rreun.
Mount Pleasant I. W. Bunnell,
William T. Davis.
Preston Anthony Yeager, P. IT
Madlgan, Warner Knapp, W. J. Hoa
ley. Salem H. F. Nicholson, Ralph
South Canaan John Bentham.
Starrucca John Woodmansee.
Texas Thos. Gill, Frederick
Kranz, James Mundy, F. W. Bun
nell, Charles H. Murphy, George
Meyer, John C. Smith, Victor Mess
ier, J. Monroe Austin, Frank Mang.
Waymart Walter J. Mitchell.
Canaan James J. Burnett, Trus
tee. Clinton John Opeka.
Hawley Mary Deltzer, Jacob
Adams, Louis Gelsler.
Honesdale Christopher Lowe.
Henry Buerket, John H. Ileumann,
Fred O. Gelbert, F. W. Mlchels.
Benjamin Lorls, Jr., Albert R. Taeub
ner, Lawrence C. Weniger, T. D.
O'Connell, Herman Meyer, W. B.
Roadknight, Chas. P. Silsby, John
Texas Chris J. Hook, Jacob
Hawley Patrick H. Kearney.
Honesdale Michael Galvln, Paul
McGranaghan, Leopold Fuerth.
.Texas Tho Pennsylvania Central
Brewing Company.
Honesdale John Roegner.
Palmyra Luke P. Richardson.
Texas Fell Brewing Company.
William Nelmeyor.
M. J. HANLAN, Clerk.
Feb. 14, 1911. 13t4.
J the Judge of tho several Courts of
the County of Wayno has Issued his precept
for holding a Court of Quarter Sessions, Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery la
and for said County, at the Court House, to
begin on
MONDAY. MARCH 13. 1911.
and to continue one week:
And directing that a Grand Jury for the
Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and
Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday.
March 6, 1911, at 2 p.m.
Notice Is therefore hereby given to tho
Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of the County of Wayne, that they be
then and there In their proper persons, at
said Court House, at 2 o'clock In the after
noon of said Cth day of March. 1911. with their
records, lnqulsltlons.cxamlnations and other
remembrances, to do those things which to
their offices appertain to be done, and those
who are bound by recognizance or otherwise
to prosecute the prisoners who nro or shall
beln the Jail of Wayne County, be then and
there to prosecute against them as shall be
Oiven under my hand, at Honesdale. thl
11th day of Feb. 1911, and in the 135th year
of the Independence of the United State
o. tm &LEE RRAMAN. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office i
IIonesdale.Feb.14,1911. low