The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 24, 1911, Image 2

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Suffragists at Albany Want Con
stitution Amended,
The woman HtiffraKe campaign, 1
which is nil Irresistible feature of ev-,
erjr legislative session, opened with a
reception at tho Hotel Ten EycU In 1
Albany. Women who want to havo
tho constitution amended to give them;
the right to vote were there In largo
numbers. Tho event was tho formal
inauguration of suffrage week, which
will be marked by two or three public
meetings, many teas, church and social
gatherings generally.
For tho first time In several years
the antlsuITrnglsts arrived in Albany
about the same time as tho vote seek-
era. Usually the antls wnlt until the ,
day of the legislative hearing and ,
come to Albany merely to talk down
their ambitious sisters. This time,
however, tho opposition got on the
ground early with a wagon load of
prepared speeches, and there may be
clashes for the balance of the week.
The opening reception was attended
by members of the legislature, state
officers and others who happened to
drop In. There was no formality about
It. The blue tlag of the Kqual Fran
chise society had a place alongside of
the stars and stripes, and the green
and white flags of the Women's Politi
cal union also formed part of the deco
rations. o
GENERAL Charley Boston, the
Chinese leader nnd
NEWS merchant, who rccent
HAPPENINGS. iy ,vas arrested in
Now Vork in connection with the opi-l
um raids, was indicted by the federal
grand jury In that city on the charge
of having smuggled opium ln his pos
session. The accused man was ar
raigned before Judge Holt in the crim
inal branch of the United States cir
cuit court. lie pleaded not guilty and
was released on $2,500 bail, which was
The Democrats of tho house of rep
resentatives secured the adoption of
an amendment to the naval appropria
tion bill which renders Impossible the
expenditure of u dollar of the many
millions carried by that measure for
the purchase of a pound of steel for
use in battleship construction until the
attorney general lias decided whether
or not the United States Steel corpora
tion is or is not a trust, a monopoly or
a combination in restraint of trade.
Tills action is a culmination of a tight
on the steel trust conducted for years
by Representative Stanley of Ken
tucky. "Taking the country as a whole, it is
probable that the population Is slightly
understated by the census bureau,"
declares Director of the Census Dur
and in Ids annual report, "but whether
tiie margin of error is a fraction of 1
per cent or amounts to as much as 2
per cent no one can positively know."
This statement, which indicates that
more than 1,000,000 persons may havo
been missed in tho count, Is made in
tho course of Mr. Durand's discussions
of the twenty-three cities which were
Harry I'emberton, thirteen years old,
and Esther Kacheie, fourteen years
old, children of wealthy farmers living
near Wharton, O., aro missing. Their
parents believe they have eloped nnd
are married. Tho couple were seen to
board n train at the Wharton station,
and to friends they said they were
bound for Windsor, Canada, to wed.
Poinbcrton and tho Knchelc girl were
schoolmates. One day recently the
young people told their parents they
wanted to marry. This brought about
strenuous objections.
President Tuft sent to the senate an
Important new treaty of commerce
and navigation between the United
States and Japan to supersede tho ex
isting convention, which lias been ln
force since July 17, 18!)9. The now
treaty affords Impressive evidence of
the cordiality of tills government to
ward Japan. The United States has
shown its good will by omitting from
the now treaty a paragraph of the old
relating to immigration which had al
ways been distasteful to the Japanese.
A floating body which bore a resem
blance to Klcliard I,. Ashurst, post
master of Philadelphia, who disap
peared from Atlantic City several
weeks ago, was sighted at sea Sunday
by the fruit steamer Admiral Schley.
The body was sighted about 120 miles
south of Atlantic City. Tho northeast
storm which was sweeping the joust
on the day the postmaster disappeared
might have carried tho body ln this
direction had Mr. Ashurst fallen from
tho pier into tho sea, as many believe.
That Una Cavalier! will accept ?50,
000, sue for divorce and waive all
claims under the famous antenuptial
contract was reported following the
announcement of a secret visit to this
country by Orcste Cavullcrl, brother
of the grand opera singer. The money
will bo paid by Sheriff Hub Clianler
and ids relatives. The Chanler family
and attorneys ln the various suits
which followed announcement of tho
separation were reluctant to discuss
the settlement.
.mMC. Posses with blood-
A NO ll0UIUlS lmV ben
AND scouring tho section
CASUALTIES. aroua Galnosvlllo ln
an effort to capturo tho five bandits
who hold up tho Southern Rallwuy
train ao, known as tho "United States
Vaat Mull," northbound from New Or
leans to Now York. So far no trace
of tho I audits has been found. The
Moodliomirti litivo Iji'i'Ii hi , i,,e n.,
due. It Im ,i.d. to Mi- rn ; Unit lliu
Ijm ii (II t s In ninkliif: tl-i r 'n'p' In an
nuto scutlcrod foil pupi'i'i' iuoiik the
road, thus pri'Ventim; flic diifjs from
following llio scent. Some of tho train
men Intlmntu thai I hi- Imndlts cot
awn'y with about !?r.:).()()(i. The robbery
was one of the boldest ever perpetrat
ed In the smilli.
A cnniapo In which uepri js partici
pated nnil suffered was experienced In
, Jcffercon comity, Ala. In the western (
1 part of tho "otinty a white man killed i
a negro In self defense. At Ilepnlillc.
nnotlior small mining town, a bad
negro from Colorado tttempted to
shoot up th village, i nd he fell to the
ground well filled with lend when the
officers took after him. At Trussvllle
u riot took pmce nnd one negro was
Killed and one fa' shot. Three
deputy sheriffs nisi. 1 to the sceno
ard n running battle followed, and nn
other negro was fatally hurt.
Edna Henry Mann, thlrty-soven
years old, who says she is the wife of
Dr. Louis Mann, a surgeon nboard the
Rlnrimmlitn Pnrncns InlM hnnn pnnvlrtnil
of hm.Ke slw,llns. Mrs. Mtintli testlfy.
,n ln ,.. ...... ,,, toI(1 of scl.les
of burglaries and robberies which sho
alleged she committed while under the
hypnotic Influence of Sidney Denning,
twenty-five years old. Denning is In
jail waiting trial on three indictments.
Three passengers, two women nnd a
man, were killed, two other persons
were mortally injured and several
were seriously hurt in n wreck of an
Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fo pas
senger train near Stillwater, Okla. The
wreck was caused by the derailment
of three conches. It Is believed that
the recent heavy rains undermined the
track. None of the train crew was
As tho result of playing with a natu
ral gas stove Theodore Villi, nineteen
months old, of Cleveland, O., caused
an explosion which killed nn Infant,
fatally injured Mrs. Hose Meraclcy,
twenty-two years old, nnd blew out
tho front wall of tho house whore tbo
accident occurred. In some way tno
baby disconnected a rubber hose which
let free the gas, causing the explosion.
Two men are dead as the result of a
battle between two brothers at Emlgh
rtun, Cambria county, Pa. John and
Don Tuccl, who had quarreled, met In
a hotel and began n revolver duel, a
total of eleven shots being fired. John
was shot to death, but not before one
of ills bullets Intended 'for his brother
struck nnd killed an unknown man
standing behind Don.
Four men were scalded so that they
will die nnd portions of a Raltlmnro
and Ohio engine were bio -n fifty feet
from tho track when the boiler ex
ploded as a train of unloaded cars
were climbing the heavy grade near
Ilalplne, Md. So terrific was the shock
that parts of the heavy track rails di
rectly under the engine were torn from
their position.
After four hours' de
liberation the Irish
party decided not to
take part in the coro
nation festivities, it issued nn explan
atory statement evidently designed to
disarm possible resentment on the part
of English sympathizers with home
rule while maintaining in Ireland the
appearance of uncompromising anti
Iiritnlnisrn. Assurance is expressed
tiint the Irish will receive the king
with hospitality on his coming visit to
Carlos Gonzales, the celebrated Mex
ican bullfighter, made his debut ln
Madrid nnd met with an accident
which furnished much excitement to
tho large crowd of spectators. The
first bull Gonzales was to kill rushed
him and caught him between tho
horns and throw him with great vio
lence. The animal was on tho point
of rushing at the matador's prostrate
body when another matador drew tho
bull's attention by displaying a red
capo. Gonzales was taken to n hos
pital, where It was found that he wns
terribly bruised, but no bones broken.
China will soon witness airship
(lights by one of her sons. Fung Guey
wjll soon leave San Francisco for his
home in China, taking a biplane In
which lie Intends to make exhibition
(lights. Fun, Guey has been experi
menting with aeroplanes "or two years.
Ho has built several machines nnd
niter many mishaps lias recently suc
ceeded in his flights. The machine he
is taking is of his own make.
An earthquake shook central Italy,
especially tho provinces of Emilin, the
Mnrchas and Tuscany. The damage
was not great. Several buildings were
damaged at Forll and Casena. A wild
panic seized the people. Many were
attending early mass. They rushed
out of tho churches, and several were
thrown down and crushed or bruised.
Ilequests of $1,000,000 each to Den
mark, Norway, Sweden and Holland
have been inado by Andrew Carnegie
for hero funds. Denmark lias accept
ed tho offer and lias requested Minis
ter Egan to thank Mr. Carnegie heart
ily. It Is suggested that the king of
Denmark become the patron of tho
Ad Wolgast, tho light
weight champion, nnd
ids bride havo left
Chicago for New York, whero tho Cud-
lilac boy will attlo with Knodkout
Brown Xlnrca 3. Ad unnounced that
the fact tit. t he Is mnrriod will not
hasten his retirement f.ora tho ring.
"Brown will never bo n champion."
said Wolgast. "Ho has 'eiii given a
great reputation by the oas'crn critics
becauso he rns knocked out n lot of
dubs. Ho hasn't any terrible punch.
I purposely let him hit me several
times on the point of tho jnw and can
say that I was not hurt by nny of the
blows he landed.
Champion Jack Johnson lias cabled
Hugh McInJoh. promoter of the Sum
Lnngford and Hill I.aug twenty round
bout, agreeing to meet tho winner.
Mcintosh Ins not made known tho
amount ho offered Johnson, but it is
reliably reported that a JfliO.OUO purse
will be hung up. Although the win
ner of tho Lnngford-Lang fight Is al-1
ready matched to fight Sum McVey,
Mcintosh said that he was so confi
dent tiint either man could whip Mc
Vey that lie will go right ahead with I
the Johnson fight.
Tho TrI-state league has adopted n '
schedule of 112 games. The season
will open on May 3 nnd close Sept. 0.
Added to this will be six games to bo
played as double headers on the last
six Saturdays of tho season. Trenton
and Wilmington will bo pnlred, Hnrrls
burg with York. Lancaster with Head
ing nnd Johnstown with Altoono.
Trenton plays with Wilmington Deco
ration day and at home July 4 and
Labor day. I
For the first time ln history a bas
ketball team of blind girls played a
contest ngnlnst seeing girls at tho
Western Pennsylvania School For tho
Blind ln Pittsburg. Depending entire
ly on their sense of location, tho blind
girls threw n ball into the basket four
times, scoring eight points, while they ,
hold their opponents down to twenty
"Knockout" Brown, tho most talk-
cd nbout lightweight just now, will
have another chance to win fame
when ho tackles "One Round" Hogan !
In a ten round bout tonight nt tho
narlem River casino. Tim Hurst, the
veteran referee, has been selected to
serve ns third man in the ring.
In n special swimming event at the '
New York Athletic club C. M. Daniels
made a new world's record for tho 200 ,
meters. Tho old record wns 2 minutes '
30 seconds. Daniels clipped three-fifths 1
of n second off the former mark. !
o o
DEATHS Granville A. El-
OF NOTED liS' 11 Writ0 dl0d on
"nTr the Isle of AVlght. Mrs.
PEOPLE. E1ls dIc(j j ner C0lm. i
try home, I'entwynu, after a long Ill
ness. Mrs. Ellis was intimately ac- i
quainted with Louisa M. Alcott nnd I
Mark Twain. She traveled extensive- I
Iy abroad and wns on the editorial '
staff of tho Roston Herald for a mini- !
bcr of years. She also wrote f6r the :
New York Herald and tho New York
World and founded the Roston Amuse-
ment Gazette. j
Albert Sutherland, who was Angus
tin Daly's representative in London i
for n number of years and Inter be- '
came lessee and manager of the
Shaftesbury theater in London, died ,
suddenly of heart disease in New i
York. He wns widely known in tills I
country and in Europe as a theatrical i
and vaudeville manager. j
John Graham, forty-nine years old,
who in his youth wns tho fastest ama- j
tour sprinter in New England and who
for over twenty years was closely Iden
tified with athletics !n this country,
wns found dead in n bathroom In the
Wostboro (Mass.) State hospital. Apo
plexy was the cause of death.
After a week's illness Representa
tive Amos L. Allen of Maine is dead in
Washington. Pneumonia was tho
cause of death. Mr. Allen succeeded
to the vacancy In congress created by
the retirement of Thomas B. Reed.
Mr. Allen wns Mr. Reed's secretary
for many years.
Former Mayor Grnssman of Hobo
ken. N. J., collapsed at tho box office
of n theater as he was buying nn ad
iu.ssion ticket for tho benefit of tho
Seamen's home nnd diod a few min
utes inter. Heart failure was the
cause of death.
Carlos Gilberto
Scliuorb, Mexican vice
consul nt Cordoba,
Argentina, has been
assassinated by nn Argentino cowboy
named Mugica. Schuerb was shot as
lie lay in bed at his hotel in tho City
of Mexico. Tho crime was tho result
of financial trouble between Schuerb
and a' party of Argentino cowboys
who exhibited ln the City of Mexico
during tho centennial last year.
"When I saw him I fell at his feet
as ono dead." was tho text from which
tho Rev. Dr. Andrew Mowatt, seventy
two years old, was about to preach a
sermon nt tho Ersklne Presbyterian
church ln Montreal when ho wns
stricken by heart disease. Tho choir
was singing tho hymn preceding the
sermon when members of tho congre
gation noticed thnt their pastor was
In distress. Several helped to carry
him to tbo vestry, where ho died with
out regaining consciousness.
Information wns received nt El Paso,
Tex., that tho federals havo been fight
east of Juarez with insurrectos nnd
that General Navarro, commanding
tho federals, has retreated some dis
tance toward Juarez with ninety killed
itnd ns ninny wounded. If nny such
Information lias been received In Jua
rez tbo ofllclnls refuso to confirm It.
Tho report says Flores Magon. for
merly claiming to bo provisional presi
dent' of Mexico. Is leading the Insur
rectos ngalnst the federals.
General Markets.
BUTTER Barely steady; receipts, 12.051
packages: creamery, specials, per lb., 28c;
extras. ffiaSfic,; thirds to nrsts, lGa23e.;
held, specials, 23a23V4c: thirds to extras,
10n22c. ; state dairy, common to prime, lea
25c.; process, seconds to specials, lCa20c.;
factorv, current make, 15al7c.
CIIEKSR Steady; receipts. 1.2S3 boxes;
State, September quality, fancy, white,
HHc: colored, 14al5c.
EGOS Closlnc firm; receipts, 21,257
cases; fresh gathered, firsts, per dozen,
18V4c; seconds, 17alSe.; refrigerator, firsts,
lCc.i seconds, 15al5c; state, Pennsylva
nia and nearby, hennery, white, 23a26o.;
brown, 20a21r; gathered, white, 22a25e.;
brown, 18V.a20c.
POTATOES Steady; sweets. Jersey,
per bbl., Jl.75at2.75; per basket. 70c.ajl.25.
DRESSED POULTRY Firm on fowls.
MEATS Country dressed veal calves,
prime, per lb., HHc; common to good,
He Gels Manufacturer's Aid In
Fighting Mail Order Game.
Advertising of Brand by Maker Goes a
Long Way to Introduce Goods Into
New Territory First Profits 8maller,
but Business Is Built
John Smith of Cresco, la.. Is lu tho
shoe business. He Is in competition
with two other shoe stores ln town and
three general stores. He is also fight
ing for trade ln competition with mail
order bouses In Chicago. Minneapolis
and ICansas City.
When ho puts in a stock of goods he
finds that he cannot buy any cheaper
than the stores already in the field. He
can have shoes made with his own
name on thorn which net him a profit
on an average of 33 1-3 per cent per
pair, but he Is dealing with n value
then which the people of his communi
ty know nothing about, and he realizes
that it will be a hard pull to sell only
those shoes which bear his own uame
and which have no Identity ns to vnlue
with the average consumer, no finds
the other stores are established, doing
a comfortable business. They are Just
as popular socially as ho is, and he
looks nbout for some aid to enable him
to break Into the shoe trade.
It is logical, then, that he should de
termine upon some advertised brand
of shoes that is known to every fam
ily in his neighborhood, which has
been advertised so effectively that the
standard of value is fixed in the pub
lic's mind, so that when he hangs up
his sign and puts his advertisement
ln the papers that he haudles
shoes the people will immediately
come to him because they recognlzo
that he is marketing n well defined
shoe value.
In a town like Cresco John Smith
can generally get an exclusive agency,
no can have a shoe that is not sold
by any other store In his town he
can havo a shoe that Is not sold by
mall order houses at all and thnt nets
him ou the nverage as good a profit as
an unndvertised brand of shoes.
It Is true that his Initial profit on
tho advertised line of shoos may bo
smaller than the profit that Is marked
on the uonadvertlsed lines, but the nd
verllscd shoe seldom requires a clean
up sale or a cut price to move It.
whereas tills is tho regular procedure
with the nonndvcrtlscd shoe, so that
the profit percentage margin per year
is as good or better with tho advertis
ed line ns it is with the nonadvertlsed.
The dealer is able to sell a shoe that
is known to every family In his neigh
borhood, which can't bo sold by mall
order houses and which is produced by
a manufacturer constantly striving to
give tho dealer advertising helps and
store co-operntlon so ns to build , a
constantly growing business.
Tho dealer gets from the manufac
turer this friendly co-operation be
cause the dealer Is the sole represent
ative of the line of goods in the deal
er's neighborhood. The manufacturer
desires to build the dealer's account as
much ns possible. He therefore sup
plies him with advertising matter,
booklets, circulars, window ideas, and
so on, and enables the dealer to be a
live, progressive advertiser. Printers
She Has Positive Proof.
Tho Cook Sure, an' ye don't mane
to tell me that ye think it's bad luck
to break a mirror? The New Maid
(earnestly) I don't think; I know It.
The Cook Glory be! An' how do ye
know it? The New Maid Every tlino
I break one I lose my job. New York
Part of the Role.
"Shall we poso as millionaires or as
foreign dukes at the hotel?"
"As the latter, my boy. As million
aires wo might be expected to display'
some evidences of wealth, but as
dukes nobody can possibly take it
nmlss if wo skip." Kansas City Jour
nal. HAN
Why the Filipinos Are Free of Ono
Insect Pest.
Capt. Percy L. Jones of the Army
Medical Corps, reports that flies aro
comparatively rare In the Philippines
becauso of a species of ant which
consunios the larvae of Uie fly with
"Upon watching these ants attack
fly larvae," he says, "it Is Interesting
to noto that thoy do so In a way
which proves that they are no nov
ices at the procedure. Ono will nt
tack an extremity and apparently
bite it, and as soon as tho larvao bo
gins to coll nnd make efforts to es
cape numbers of others will Immedi
ately Jump upon it, nnd ln the course
of a few moments the larvae will bo
apparently dead.
"I believe that tho ant introduces
some venom in the act of biting,
formic acid In character, which pre
serves the larvae as food until such
time as the ant needs It cans It, lu
other words. As soon as the strug
gles of the larwao havo ceased they
haul it off to their nests and return
for others. In many instances I havo
seen them carry away pupae. It will
be Interesting for tho reader to pro
cure n few maggots and place them
over an nnt bed."
So far as is known this species of
nnt is not found in the United States
and indeed Is not yet classified. Capt,
Jones has considered the practical)!!
lty of Introducing it Into countries
whore tho extermination of the fly Is
destined to become an important feat
ure of sanitation. This ant te said to
be an energetic destroyer of bed bugs
as well as of files. Military Rnrrmu.
The following named persons
have filed their petitions for a li
cense, and the same will be present
ed to the Court of Quarter Sessions
on Monday, March 13, 1311:
Canaan James Glldea.
Clinton II. T. O'Neill.
Dreher H. 13. Smith, O. E. Si
mons, Charles F. Wort.
Dyberry Asa K. Kimble, Mat
thew F. Clemo.
Hawley Christian Lehman, Mar
tin Rcnfler, August II. Frank, Geo.
Kohlman, F. J. Hughes, Frank J.
Denlson, F. .1. Crockonberg.
Honesdale Frank N. Lord, Jr.,
P. F. Lennon, and M. F. Coyne, Al
bert G. Loomls, Charles McArdle,
Clint Doyle.
Lake Flora M. Schadt.
Lehigh C. W. Garagan.
Manchester Benj. F. Westbrook,
William A. Bleck, Frank and Martin
Do Broun.
Mount Pleasant I. W. Bunnell,
William T. Davis.
Preston Anthony Yeager, P. F.
Madigan, Warner Knapp, W. J. Hea-
Salem II. F. Nicholson, Ralph
South Canaan John Benthara.
Starrucca John Woodmansee.
Texas Thos. Gill, Frederick
Kranz, James Mundy, F. W. Bun
nell, Charles II. Murphy, George
Meyor, John C. Smith, Victor Mess
ier, J. Monroe Austin, Frank Mang.
Waymart Walter J. Mitchell.
Canaan James J. Burnett, Trus
tee. Clinton John Opeka.
Ilawley Mary Doitzer, Jacob
Adams, Louis Goislcr.
Honesdale Christopher Lowe,
Henry Buerket, John H. Heumann,
Fred O. Gelbert, F. W. Mlchels,
Benjamin Loris, Jr., Albert R. Taeub-
ncr, Lawrence 0. Weniger, T. D.
O'Connoll, Herman Meyer, W. B.
Roadknight, Clias. P. Silsby, John
Texas Chris J. Hook, Jacob
Hawley Patrick II. Kearney.
Honesdale Michael Galvln, Paul
McGranaghan, Leopold Fuerth.
Texas The Pennsylvania Central
Brewing Company.
Honesdale John Roegner.
Palmyra Luke P. Richardson.
Texas Fell Brewing Company,
William Nelmeyer.
M. J. HANLAN, Clerk.
Feb. 14, 1911. 13t4.
Watch ReparirBg9 Clock Repair
a-ware C9eaned.
1127 MAIN
puoiueiQ c6uiAej6u3 'Buuied
Officn ncllnrrnt in Pn nolo.. It, rtlmmlr-
otllce, IIonc9dae, i'n.
Office I over post olllcc. All lccitl business
promptly nttended to. Honesdale, l'a.
Office Liberty Hnll building, opposite the
Post Olllce. Ilonpsdnlc. l'a.
Olllce over Kelt's store. Ilonesdnle l'a.
Special and prompt attention civen to the
collection of claims. Olllce over Kelt's new
store, Honesdale. l'a.
Office over the post office Ilonesdnle, l'a.
Office in the Court Houee, Honesdale,
Office Second floor old Savings Unk
building. Ilonesdnle. l'a.
lntplv npeiiplecl by Judge Searle
Olllce adjacent to Post Office, Honesdale, l'a
Otllce First floor, old Savings Bank build
ing, Honesdale, l'a.
Dr. C. it. BKADY. Dentist. Honesdale. l'a.
OrFiCElIonRS-8 into p. m
Any evening bv appointment.
Citizens' phone. 33 Residence. No. 8G-X'
Kye and Enr a specialty. The fitting of glass
es given careful attention.
LIVERY. b red. G. Rickard lias re
moved his livery establishment from
corner Chuch street to Whitney's Stone
The Jeweler
would like to see you if
X you are in the market!
I "Guaranteed articles only sold
C We wish to secure a good
correspondent in every town
in Wayne county. Don't be
afraid to write this office for
paper and stamped envelops.