The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 17, 1911, Image 8

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. 1 , .a
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Beach Lnlco, Pa., February 1G.
Although February Is the shortest
month In the year a good many days
brighten the calendar, such as Saint
Valentine, Lincoln nnd Washington
days, etc. The original Saint Valen
tine hart nothing to do with our
present uay custom 01 excnanging Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
tokens of love and friendship. He jirs, James Crooks,
was a Roman priest who suffered, Mrs. Leap, Stroudsburg, who has
martyrdom and was afterward be-1 been spending a couple of months
headed by the Emperor Claudius, A. wlth her brother, n. B. Decker, ow
D. 270, and the 14th day of Febru-j )ng to the Illness of .Mrs. Decker, ro
nry was appointed by the church to turned to her home on Wednesday,
be observed In his honor.
Lumbering nnd hauling the sum
mer wood is now In order as the Ice i
harvest has closed; never before did p.ciai to THE CITIZEN,
wo see such (inanity of Ice taken i Bethany, Pa., February 10. Mrs.
from this lake. I Henry N. Miller spent Sunday In
Wesley Dnvey, who has had a pos- Scranton with her daughter, Mrs.
ition in Philadelphia, is now in W. C. Seifaith. Mrs. Wesley Payn-Wllkes-Barre
with the same firm. ter has charge of the postofllce in
S. A. Bradbury Is now going to i her absence,
take a trip to New Berlin for a sev-1 John Strongman, New York, was
oral weeks' visit. j here over Sunday Inspecting the
Row Mr. Seymour is still holding new well pump that has been put on
extra meetings, also the F. M. chair-
man has been with them some even
The W. C. T. U. served dinner nt
the home of Mrs. Neal Jast Tuesday. Cody's friends, Friday, nnd u very
Each member was supposed to bring I pleasant time was had. The amount
their husband; hence It was called ' raised was $35.
"a father's meeting." , Mrs. J. V. Starnes has been suf-
Ladies' Aid Society met with .Mrs. ' fering with a severe cold. Her
Etta Wood, Wednesday afternoon. ; (laughters, Blanche and Mrs. Noyes,
Bible study meets every Saturday ; Honosdnlo, were with her over Sun
evenin.T, and cottage prayer meeting day.
every Friday evening. i Rev. .1. B. Cody wat able to be
The sick seem now to be improv-
ing, and hope to be around again
In the Spring.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Aldenville, Pa., February 1G.
Steven and Morris Snedeker, Ca
naan, spent Sunday at George Sne
deker's, of this place.
F. M. Gaylord, one of our respect
ed citizens, is confined to his bod
with heart trouble.
at her home of fatty" degeneratio
orthehearl' '
Mrs. N. O. Walker Is critically 111
Mrs. Llllle Drake Vaudenberg,
formerly of this place, underwent an
operation at Riverside hospital,
Wilkes-Barre, at which time two tu
mors and tho appendix were remov
ed. Her condition wan reported
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gummoe,
Forest City, were guests at W. J.
Folley's, Sunday.
The Wllmarth saw mill Is being
surrounded with largo piles of logs
ready for tho saw.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crossninn,
Whites Valley, called at the home of
their daughter nnd family, Mr. and
Mrs. Truman Bryant, of this place.
Frank Derrick has been assisting
James Moore in the blacksmith shop.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Kent on Thursday last.
Special to THE CITIZEN
Gouldsboro, Pa., February 10.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rhodes gave a
farewell dinner party on Sunday in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Lath
am, who leave for Blnghamton on
All are very glad to learn that
John McLaughlin has been rein
stated as gate tender at the D., L.
& W. crossing. It would be very
hard to find any one that could suit
the public better than Mr. Laugh
lln. Lewis and Olln Lattimer, Scran
ton, spent Sunday with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Latimer,
at Rockport.
Quito a large number attended the
demonstration of pruning, spraying,
etc., at Sunny Crest farm, by Mr.
Bullock, tho horticultural agent, on
Monday. Among those from a dis
tance were James McCarty, Lewis
Keesler and Theodore Hetler, Clif
ton. Miss Bessie Smith visited Scranton
friends the last of the week.
Mrs. M. E. Smith and Miss Helen
Smith spent Saturday in Scranton.
Chester H. Rhodes returned to
Stroudsburg pn Monday.
Mrs. M. Kelley was a Scranton
visitor tho last of the week.
Mlss Florenco Conklln spent Sun-
day with lier parents at Freytown.
Miss Grace Crooks, who Is attend'
ing the Normnl school at Strouds
burg, spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Crooks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Shlterllo. '
Miss Mary Shiterlle, Airs. Joseph!
liiocKner and Mrs. Fred Dlerolf
were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Latimer at Rockport on Sunday.
Miss Edith Greenwood, Forty
Fort, Is the guest of Miss Mildred I
sebring, nt West End.
The return of the yard work on tho i
u., i,. Ac v. to Gouldsboro has
brought about a revival In all the
business of the town. About fifty
men wero returned from Hampton on
Wednesday. A number wore those
that owned homes here.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Rhodes enter
tained at a farewell dinner on Sun
day in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Latham who left on Wednesday for
thoir future home at Blnghamton, N.
Y., after spending a fow days with
their daughter, Mrs. David Ellon
berger. Fred Messier has rented his home
at Sunnysldo to William Heater and
moved his family to Scranton.
Chester H. Rhodes returned to
Stroudsburg on Monday.
Miss Mildred Sebrlng gave a Valen
tine party on Thursday evening.
Miss Maine Benjamin, Nicholson,
who has been spending the winter
with her friends in Boston, Is the
guest of Mr. .and Mrs. David Ellen
berger. Mrs. John "Fahey was a Scranton
visitor the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney and
Misses Rose and Minnie Courtney at
tended the funeral of Lawrence
Gloggler at Tobyhanna. He was kill-
cd hero on the North Jersey crossing
last week.
Quite a number attended the de
monstrations given by Air. Dullock nt
Sunny Crest Farm Saturday. Among
those from a distance, wero Messrs.
James McCnrty, Lewis Keesler and
iheodoro lleatler of Clinton.
Miss Grace Crooks, a student at
' the normal at Stroudsburg, spent last
ma place.
Jurtson Noble, Scranton, spent
Sunday at the home of I. .1. .Many.
A perfect night greeted ltev.
out ounuay, nut not able to preach.
Patrick Fives and wife left for
Scranton Monday, where Mr. Fives
will undergo a slight operation on
ins ear.
A. O. Blake was sworn in ns post
master Saturday as our former post
mistress, Mrs. H. N. Miller, is in
Scranton, being treated by Dr. Heed
Burns and expects to be away two,
weens or more.
Mrs. John Smith is suffering from.
a very uad coiu.
Tho many friends of .Mrs. Charles
iaaiz win no pieaseu to learn tliat
?he ls do,nt niceI' and if "tlllnG
l 'l"vc,nt, expec,ts l llaYe
111, ICJIIUVCU UUUl lltir I11JI 111
three weeks.
Mrs. Henry A. Bennett has been
afflicted with a severe cold
Miss Etta"Faatz, Haines, Is spend
ing tho week with Mr. and Mrs. C.
A heavy snow storm landed here
Tuesday covering the trees and
Miss Marjorie Hauser returned
Friday from New York after spend
ing a delightful four weeks with
relatives. She was accompanied
home by her uncle, .Mr. John Strong
man. While in New York, dinners
and theatre parties were given in
her honor nnd she also attended the
Grand Opera.
I to tliank tlioso who -f
-f ho kindly assisted me in ,se- -f
cmiiif; the prize, tho trip to -f
Bermuda In THE CITIZEN -f
-f contest. -f
-f Bethany, In., Feb. I I, ion. -f
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Damascus, Pa., February 15.
Station Agent Bock has rented
the Presbyterian parsonage and Is
removing his family from Mast Hope
this week.
Rev. R. D. MInch delivered a
"Lincoln" sermon at the Baptist
church last Sunday, February 12,
and will speak of "Washington"
next Sunday morning.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Hamlin, Pa., February 1G. Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Wolfo and children
have returned to their home at Net
cong, N. J., after visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Stocker.
Mrs. B. F. Hamlin is In Scranton
spending some time with her son,
Dr. B. G. Hamlin.
Among those on the sick list are:
H. F. Nicholson, George Hamlin,
uarry iwernng and winfleld Ed-
Mrs. C. B. Spangenberg is In
I scranton at tho home of her son,
.Mrs. Orchard has returned home
after spending a fow days at Mrs.
'nez Curtis'
The L. A. S. met on Thursday last
wun inez uurtis on the South Side,
Charles Howe, Sterling, attended
League hero on Sunday evenlne.
Julian Lawrence, who Is working
in Olyphant, was nt home over Sun-
Mrs, C. M. Loring visited Scranton
one dny last week
i mo uxcuuuge uuiiuinc nere is lie
ing improved and Dr. Mullen ex
pects to have his ofllco there.
Gertrude, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chapman, Is
quite sick.
The Keystone Dramatic Club will
produce a play entitled "Topsy Tur
vy or Tho Deacon's Courtship" In tho
I. O. O. F. Hnll here on the evening
of Fobruary 24 and 25.
L. J. Pelton, H. Furgeson and Lu
cien Brink are among the Jurors
this week.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Steeno, Pa., February 16. The
Rev. Mr. Burch of Waymart preach
ed a very interesting sermon hero
Sunday afternoon, taking for his
tojt, Psalms 4:2, "Tho Lord looked
down from heaven upon the children
of men to see if there wero any that
did understand, and seek God."
Mrs. Warren Buckland is in at
tendance at the bedside of her sis
ter, Mrs. Nathan Walker, at Alden
ville, who is serlouBly ill. Fears aro
entertained for her recovery.
Mrs. Minnie Mills nnd son, Leslie,
visited friends at Aldenville Sundny.
Horace Short, Wilkes-Barre, spent
Sunday with his parents, Air. and
Mrs. John Short hero at Steeno.
William Wright returned to his
homo at Carbondalo Saturday, after
spending n few days with the Bobo
link and mate.
Clnrenco Arnold returned In lila
homo at Susquehanna Saturday after
vitjiriTifr n wnnir ...'irn mid tnrimt.
..u.v...n " -. ......, ...tut;, .
UllUill ill. .19, IVUJ'IUUIL, WHS I
testing the strength of his new cut-
ier in mis section Sunday,
John Smith. Koeno. who has henn
confined to his homo several weeks
by sickness, Is able to bo around
again as he and his old friend, Mr.
Koene, were out last Saturday trying
the speed of the little farm horse
that was mentioned several weeks
ago. It was a surprise to seo tho
There will be an oyster supper and
Ico cream social at the M. E. parlors
at Prompton, Tuesdny evening, Feb.
1-1, for the benefit of the pastor.
The Bobolink predicts a very light
crop of maple sugar and syrup this
Spring as there Is but very little frost
In the timber at the present time.
Mrs. John Short Is confined to her
homo by illness,
Samuel Found Is confined to his
homo at Prompton caused by falling
on Ico one day last week. Richard
Pierce Is attending his chores.
John Wesley Arnold is spending
a week at Carbondale.
Mrs. Charles Denny Is much im
proved from her recent Illness.
i Special to the citizen.
Union, Pa., February 1G. The
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Tyler are glad to hear that they soon
intend to move here on the farm be
longing to Mrs. S. A. Stephen, of New
I York,
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Teople spent
i sunuay wltli relatives here.
Miss Emma Woolheater, who has
i been taking care of his Hlstor. Mrs
i John Blake, who has been very sick.
i returned to Kellani, Friday.
llenry Ulum and Miss Ada Lester,
Lookout, called on friends at this
place Sunday evening.
Miss Sophia Blum spent Saturday
with lifer parents at Braman.
Nathan Morgridgo is working for
uepew reepie.
Chester Stryker called on friends
at Kellani, Sunday.
The following are tho names of
pupils who have attended every day
or tne nun monin or school at tho
Union school: Gustis Decker, Chas.
Telschow, Leroy Bell, Elhe Sheerer,
Mary Decker, Theodosla Bone. Leafa
Bone, Veraina Bone, Blanche Bron-
son and Cora Bronson.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Lakeville, Pa., Fobruary Hi. The
Lakevlew House entertained a num
ber of young people from Hawley
on Saturday night and spent a very
Harry B. Cross and Myrtle James.
Hoadleys, were guests of G. Lafay
ette james and family on Sunday
Mrs. i. N. Stephens Is just recov
ering from la grippe.
Misses Davis and Bahvln, Scran
ton, spent a few days recently with
Richard Hazelton.
Georgo Kolliam, Scranton, is visit
ing his father, .Marcus Kollam, here.
Edwin Nelson, Long Pond, Is
visiting at Brooklyn, N. Y.
-Mrs. Frank Haney and little son,
Aaron, recently passed a time with
relatives at Ashley and Sugar Notch.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Goble entertained
a party of friends on Saturday even
ing. Some fine piano selections were
given by Miss Abie Brink, Ariel, and
violin selections by Mr. A. Brink
and Air. Frank James. Alany games
wero played. The party consisted
of seventeen from Ariel: AIIss Lena
Osborne, Arlington Abble, Air. and
Airs. Brink and daughter, Air. and
Airs. Harry Sampson, Air. and Airs.
Frank James, Air. and Airs. Floyd
Bortree, Air. and Airs. James Noble,
Arlington, Pa., Air. and Airs. R. Kel
ley, Kasper Sampson, AIIss Elizabeth
Giupin, Air. and Airs. Earl At. Cur
tis, Air. and Airs. William Everly,
Lakeville. Pa., Air. and Airs. W. H.
Seegar, Lakeville, Pn. All had a
very enjoyable time. A delightful
lunch was served at 1:20 o'clock.
The party left at a "wee hour."
On Sunday evening, February 12,
a largo congregation of people as-
semoied at tno M. E. church here to
listen to n special sermon by Rev.
H. T. Purklss, on the life of Presi
dent Abraham Lincoln, tho day be
ing tne anniversary of our Great
Uiinancipator. Long be It remera
.uiaa .u.irio u. senraaer made a
Dtismess trip to Honesdalo on Alon
day last.
G. L. James passed tho day, Fri
day, wun ii. c. neniy at the park
at Ledgedalo, hunting foxes.
AIIss Julia Welsh returned Satur
day alter spending a time with her
sister, Alnrgnret, at Newark, N. J.
All are pleased to know Airs. Chas,
Daniels is homo from the State Hos
pital whore she has been for three
months. She Is in a very delicate
condition, hut wo aro glad to know
she Is better.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Sterling, Pa., February 1C. Ray
Stevens' llttlo boy, Harry, has been
quite ill, but is improving. Tho same
might be said of Rev. Webster's llt
tlo boy.'
George Robacker is very III with
pneumonia, and has been In a criti
cal condition from tho first,
Mr. and Hrs. N. A. Frantz, East
Stroudsburg, were guests of J. E.
Cross over Sunday.
Howard Butler is attending a busi
ness college In Scranton but usually
manages to spend the Sabbath at
The Ladles' Aid met last Wednes-
dny for dinner at Mrs. Charles Yates
and Mrs. Mlunlo Garrls united with
the society,
G. D. Stevens nnd daughter. Lo
nora, Scranton, wore pleasant callers
in town for a couple of days last
About forty of George Cross'
young friends mndo hhn a pleasant
I anrnrlon nn i,tu nriti. ,!,.,
. and at a late hour cake and coffee
, Laura A. Gllnln has tho crln.
t ATtt1 rr-nirr, LUMU,
s'leclal to T1,E citizen.
Lake Como, Pn.. February 1G.
Mrs. Ettle London and dauchter
have returned after visiting friends'
in Fort Jervis.
Charles Knapp is spending the
week in Honesdale.
Mrs. E. W. White, Hancock, spent
saturuay and Sunday with her par
ents, .Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor.
Charlie Sherwood, Grace Bullock
anu Inez Knapp, Equinunk, spent
iMonuay at u. Knnpp's.
Rev. Copp of the F. M. church.
preached last night at the revivals
held In the M. E. church. His ser
mon was very deep and many wero
toucneu and some made a start for
tno right.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
South Canaan, Pa., February 1G.
ueaiii ui flirti. (icoi'Ke Rhodes.
Just as wo were singing that match
less hymn of William Cowper, par
ticularly tne last verse, "Then in a
nobler, sweeter song I'll sing thy
power to save," tne spirit of Airs.
George Rhodes released itself from
all that was mortal, to become at
tached to that which is immortal in
her Father s home above. Hor's was
not a life of pleasure at all times as
manifested by. her sovere suffering
and the patience with which she bore
It was a manifestation of her trust
and, confidence in God who doeth all
tilings well. She died Sunday morn
ing at 11:50. Funeral services wero
held at the AI. E. church Wednesday,
l'eoruary io, at io:3U a. m., Rev. E
W. Morrison officiating.
.Mrs. Nesbet Shaffer Is recovering
grauuany irom a serious Illness.
Airs. H. L. Butler goes to Dr,
Thompson's hospital this week to be
operated upon for Internal troubles.
Airs. George Wllmot nnd family
are confined to the house witli la
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Lookout, Pa., February 1G. Airs,
Wesley Rutledge, Rutlodgedale, is
spending a few days with her moth
er, Airs. J. N. Colo.
.Mrs. Tlngley, Jackson, Pa., and
Airs. Howard, Susquehanna, who are
spending the winter at the homo of
their sister, Airs. Lord, of Union,
visited Airs. A. Daney a few days Inst
Postmaster L. L. Teeplo returned
irom I'niiadeipiiia on Friday last.
Henry Blum has gone to Prompton
to work for G. Smith.
.Mr. nnd Airs. Fred Balwin and
.Mrs. james iiiair, GIrdland, spent
auiiuuy nt .Mrs. a. Daney s.
Mrs. Harriet Layton, Blnghamton,
N. Y., is visiting her daughter, Airs.
urin Lester.
.miss uiara Potter recently spent
u iew nays witli .Mr. and Airs. Ralph
Glllow, dt Equlnunk.
Freeman Lester, Prompton, visited
his brother, Frank Lester, and sister,
Airs. H. O. Hill, on Tuesday of this
week. .
Coe F. Young, Braman, attended
church at this place on Sunday.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Siko, Pa., February 1G. Spencer
and Fred Pulls are drawing hay to
V. A. Bishop and son, Wesley,
Honesdale, passed through hero Sat
urday. Airs. S. Pulls, who has been sick,
Is convalescing.
Airs. Daniel Kimble Is nuifn 111 nt
this writing.
Fred Smith, who has been siek. Ih
slowly Improving.
James Copoland, wife and two chil
dren, Elen and Katherlne. Lebanon.
spent Sunday at the homo of John
Addle Palmer. Honesdale. Is visit
ing at the home of Air. and Airs. F.
AIIss Lulu Yale, Cold Spring, Is
working for Airs. S. Pulls.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
NonoKcnniian In Failing Health.
Dreher, Pa., February 1G. Chas,
Bartleson, aged nearly 90 years, hav
ing been born on July 4, 1820, Is at
tho resldenco of his son, R. W. Bar-
tieson, in south Sterling, and unable
to leave his bed, from ills Incident to
old age. Air. Bartleson has been a
familiar figure in this section of
Wnyne, also of Greenetown, Pike
county, and his ninny friends will re
gret to learn of his falling health.
He Is familiarly known as "Undo"
Oharlio Bartleson bv a host nf tho
old, as well as tho younger popula
William Singer, Jr., has been af
flicted with pneumonia and pleurisy
for some time and at tho present
time he is improving in health and
able to be up nnd about tho house.
Henry Stucker Is improving in
health after quite a lengthy sickness
from bowel trouble, bolls, carbuncles
and minor complaints. His son, Otis
Stucker, Port Jervis, N. Y was a
visitor at home last week.
Airs. John Gerhart is quite Indis
posed and under the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frey have
gone to housekeeping In a cottnge
adjoining tho residence of C. E.
Smith In South Sterling.
J. W. Kerr and family are afflicted
with the grip and pink eye.
Elmer and Friend Waltz have shot
ten foxes during the winter and
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Hawley, Pa., February 1G. "-Elizabeth
Cawly, Pittston, has been 'mak
ing an extended visit with Jane
Smith on Bollemonte Hill,
Harry Stone and wife are spend
ing two weeks with relatives at
P. J. Bower js now engaged In
taking Inventory of goods In tho
Alain Avonuo Jewelry store which
has been conducted for several years
by Carl Oborlo. Air. Bower has sold
the ontlro stock to Ludwlg nnd
Balsden, two progressive young men
of Hawley who have already taken
n course In a school for watch
making and repairing. They will
tnko possession at once.
Death Of AI, .J. Lynn.
Michael J. Lynn died Sunday
morning at 9:30 o'clock at his homo
at Tafton, Plko. county, aged 7G
years. He was sick but a few days
with pneumonia which was the
cause of his death. Air. Lynn was
born In Ireland and while a young'
man came to America, taking up his
residence at Pittston, Pa., where ho
conducted a liquor store for several
years. In 18G4 ho came to Hawley
nnd purchased what was known as
the Brown farm located at Tafton.
On this farm he spent tho remainder
of his days, farming, also doing con-
slderablo buying and selling cattle
trapped qulto a number of skunks.
En Records Broken!
Airs. Louisa Hazelton gathered
during the month of Jnnunry from
38 hens, 597 eggs and they have not
been awarded any special medal.
Air. and Airs. Isaac Klein, residing
near the Union church, are about to
dispose of their house and some per
sonal effects and will move to Eas
ton, Pa., during the month of Alarch.
Air. Klein Is a huckster by profession
and will engage In the business In
If Vnu Want To Tnke Tho "Rest
Cure" Go To Newfoundland!
Airs. George HInklle, of the ancient
town of Nicholson, Pa., has been a
visitor with her daughter. Airs. H.
B. Smith, at the Newfoundland Ho
tel for the last fifteen weeks and has
returned to her home much improv
ed in health and avoirdupois. When
Airs. Helnklie arrived In town, early
In the winter, she was not in real
good health and tipped the scale at
or near tho 150-pound mark and
coming as sho does from a town so
noted as a health resort, her friends
and relatives were quite anxious to
note the effect a change of sur
roundings and climate would have.
Airs. Hlnklie is loud In her praise of
her home town, but old and ancient
"Hopedale" will not take a back seat
In tho show, as a healthy place and a
great flesh producer and Is as much
up-to-date In other lines, ns many of
the railroad towns. Two daily malls
supply tno town with all the required
news of the world at large and tho
local and long distance telephone
lines nre dlspensors of all the doings,
far and near, also a handy steno
graphic visiting affair without going
out in the weather.
AIIss Nina Bartleson and Allss
Frances Phillips, both of Lancaster
City, are spending a short vacation
at their respective homes in Dreher.
William H. Osborne. South Sterl
ing, lost a valuable horse on Friday
oi last week.
Death Of Thomas Simons.
Thomas Simons, aged about elch-
ty-four years and a life-long resi
dent of Greentown, Pike county,
died February 11. As to time of the
Interment and other particulars, we
aro not informed.
Trouble In The Public Schools.
An unpleasantness between nunlls.
teachers and nearby residents of tho
Newfoundland High school, during
last week, resulted in a hearing and
suspension of two of tho male pu
nas. Along witli tno different
branches that aro taught In the
public schools, there should bo In
cluded good manners and manliness,
and an observance of the same would
tend to elevate the youne minds to a
higher and nobler sphere in tho
walks of life.
Airs. W. u. Hause and dauchter.
Alario, Scranton. aro guests of J. W.
Hnuse nnd family.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Waymart, Pa., February 1G. The
second number of the High School
entertainment courso will bo given in
rierson s Hall, Wednesday evening.
February 22. Tho Jess Pugh Conv
Dany Will -bo tho attraction. f!niiriin
tickets cost ?1, and single tickets are
worth 40 cents. Who will be one of
fifty persons to purchase a ticket for
the series of concerts?
For Infants and Children.
!ho Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Geographical Comparisons.
It Is only by comparison that some
things can bo understood, and this is
particularly true of divisions of the
earth's surface. Every ono has n fairly
clear Idea of the size of bis own state
or county or even of the whole urea
of tho United States. By comparing
other countries and seas with those
that are familiar to us on the map n
much clearer notion of them is ob- 4
t (lined.
Greece Is about the size of Vermont
Palestine Is about one-fourth of the
size of Now York.
nindustan Is more than a hundred
times as largo ns Palestine.
Tho great desert of Africa has nearly
the dimensions of tho United States.
The Red sea would extend from
Washington to Colorado, and it 1
three times as wide as Lake Ontario.
nnd butchering. As ho sold the
most of his meat at Hawley thla
brought him to town nearly evory
day in the wcok. Eight years ago
lid was a candidate for Representa
tive of Plko county, hut met with
defeat. His funeral was held from
tit. Phllomenn's church on Wednes
day morning, conducted by Rov.
Father Burke.
Airs. August Herman is recovering
f.rom her recent illness.
Frank H. .AIcDonald, Carrie M.
Harloo and Nollio B. Lnngan have
entered the Scranton Tribune-Republican's
contest In district No. 18,
which Includes Hawley.
Fletcher Bunnell and Fred Rlck
ard with their wives and other lady
friends composed a sloighrlde party
who enmo down from Honesdalo Sat
urday afternoon and wero entertain
ed at the Kohlmnn House.
AUno host Air. Crockenberg, of tho
Eddy Hotel, has had a pool room
fitted up for tho amusement of his
Airs. H. V. Wickhnm, Scranton,
called on friends in town Alonday
Harry Plerson Is very ill at his
home at the Eddy.
Commissioner J. E. AInndevllle is
one among the sick at present.
J. W. Sandercock, Ariel, was do-
! Ing business In town on Saturday.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
The Simple Life (?) In Treslnrvillo.
Ariel, Pa., February 1G.
An enterprising young farmer of
Treslarvllle, has recently returned
from a business trip in tho South, in
tending to invest, in some property
which evidently did not suit as he
came homo without it, the property
I mean. Having had some experi
ence in the past, in returning dam
aged goods, he took the precaution
this time of "seeing his goods before
I they wero shipped." That's right.
Neighbor. Never buy a pig In
Poke- for,1lf vou tl0- they are bound
t0 squeal!
A good many people from La
Plume and Factoryvlllo are attendlne
court this week.
The following named nersonn
have filed their petitions for a li
cense, and tho same will be present
ed to the Court of Quarter Sessions
on Alonday, March 13, 1911:
Canaan James Glldea.
Clinton H. T. O'Neill.
Dreher H. B. Smith, O. E. Si
mons, Charles F. Wert.
Dyberry Asa K. Kimble, Mat
thew F. Clemo.
Hawley Christian Lehman, Alar
tin Realler, August H. Frank. Geo.
Koniman, b
J. Huehes. Frank J
1 Denison, F. J. Crockenberg.
, Honesdale Frank N. Lord, Jr..
P. F. Lennon, and AI. F. Coyne, Al
bert G. Loomis, Charles AIcArdle,
Clint Doyle.
Lake Flora AI. Schadt.
Lehigh C. W. Garagan.
Alaiichoster Benj. F. Westbrook,
William A. Bleck, Frank and Alartlu
Do Broun.
Alount Pleasant I. W. Bunnell,
William T. Davis.
Preston Anthony Yeager, P. F
Aladlgan, Warner Knapp, W. J. Hoa
ley. Salem H. F. Nicholson, Ralpk
South Canaan John Bontham.
Starrucca John Woodmnnsee.
Texas Thos. Gill, Frederick
Kranz, James Alundy, F. W. Bun
nell, Charles H. Alurphy, Georgs
Aleyer, John C. Smith, Victor Aless
ler, J. Alonroo Austin, Frank Atang.
Waymart Walter J. Mitchell.
Canaan James J. Burnett, Trus
tee. Clinton John Opeka.
Hawley Alary Deltzer, Jacofc
Adams, Louis Geisler.
Honesdale Christopher Lowe,
Henry Buerket, John H. Heumann,
Fred O. Gelbert, F. W. Mlchels,
Benjamin Lorls, Jr., Albert R. Taeub
ner, Lawrence C. Wenlger, T. D.
O'Connell, Herman Aleyor, W. B.
Roadknlght, Chas. P. Silsby, Johi
Texas Chris J. Hook, JacoW
Hawley Patrick H. Kearney.
Honesdale Allchael Galvin, Paul
McGrnnaghan, Leopold Fuerth.
Texas Tho Pennsylvania Central
Brewing Company.
Honesdale John Roegne
Palmyra Luke P. RIcha
1 oxas Fell Brewing Company,
William Nolmoyer.
M. J. HANLAN, Clerk.
Feb. 14, 1911. I3t4.
hereby given that the accountants
herein named havt Rettleil timir r,un,n.
accounts In the olllce of tliu Heglstcr ol Wills
of ayne County, l'n., and that the sanio will
uoiiiraiiira ui uiu unmans- court or said
county for confirmation, ut the Court House
In Honesdale, on the second .Monday ol
March next viz:
First and final account of F. W
Osgood, administrator of the estate
of Annette Shaffer, Lake.
Second and final account of George
W, Frey, administrator of the estate
of Alargaret Fasshauer, Texas.
First and final account of H. E.
Bassett and C. L. Bassett, executors
of the estate of Electa K. Bassett.
First and partial account of Vere
B. Stone, F. J. Stone and W. E. Per
ham, executors of tho estate of H.
K. Stone, Honesdale.
First and final account of Agnes
C. Purdy, executrix of the last will
of Georgo S. Purdy, Honesdalo.
First and final account of Alissa
S. Kennedy, administratrix of the
estate of Porter Kennedy, Alount
First and final account of Nellie
C. Keeney, administratrix of the es
tate of W. Bruce Keeney, Preston.
Register's Office, Honesdalo, Feb.
16, 1911.
E. W. GAMMELL. Iteglster.