WEATHER FORECAST: Snow. WKATIIHn VoitEk ART: Siiov.. ayllE CITIZEN is tlio most widely read semi-weekly nowspopcr in Wnyno County. Lustier now than nt any tlino in its 08 years' hhitory. aOOI) MORNING, Dear Hcad crst What, In your opinion, should n newspaper ie-djiilHsh tlio Truth or SupprcsH Tele- phono the Editor nw 68th YEAB. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1911. "LOVERS ONCE BUT STRANGERS NOW !" LAWYER GARRAH T hiu. 12 ARGUMEN COUNTY TEMPERANCE Samuel N. Reed, Sentenced To Imprisonment For Compli city In "The Big Fight" At Equinunk, July 12, 191 0, Takes His Fate Philosophically'The Course Of True Love Never Did RunSmooth"--Not Even In Equinunk I "They'll think I'm putting It on, if I talk so much," said Samuel N. Keed to a representative of THE CITIZEN who Interviewed him at the- Wayne County Jail, Wednesday, shortly after dinner. Mr. Reed seemed to be In very good spirits, hut rather averse to discussing the case. "You needn't say anything," ho first remarked to the reporter, but after persuasion, relented, and told the newspaper man something about the events at Equinunk on, before, and after the fatal day, of July 12, 1910, when Silas E. Lord received a blow on his head, from the effects of which, so the doctors nay he died twelve days later. The reporter, after learning that lir. Reed's occupation was that of a watchmaker and jeweler, asked him how he liked going to Philadelphia. "Well," said Samuel, "according to what they told me, If I go there and behave myself they'll treat me all right. Sheriff Braman has been good to me, and his wife has been good too. The cooking's been good, and I got plenty to eat. They are going to take mo to Philadelphia Friday morning." The reporter wanted to know whether he was anxious to see Leona Lord again. "I don't care to see her!" exclaimed Reed. "It's not likely I will either." Mr. Reed related that "he and Leona had "no fallouts," only that ahe wanted me to swear that she didn't hit him Silas E. Lord' with a pick." On the day of the fight, and after it was all over, Samuel Reed told wau J' is but wivtb - VUliu Kit ill -J 111 III "you neeun't say anything about my having a pick," and I said,..". I wouldn't If he didn't die."- "I wouldn't say anything about her," Reed said he promised Leona, "but if he died, It was more serious, and I'd have to say what was done. That was one reason why I kept still about tho plclc." "Leona told mo she wouldn't like to come up. again before the Wayne county courts, charged with assault and battery against the saute man." "She meaning Leona Lord 'didn't tell of everything as It was," continued Reed. "She told things HOWE TRIAL NEXT TUESDAY. Oluuige Of Venuo Granted Carl Howe, Who Will Bo Tried Hcforo Judge A. T. Scarle Battle Hoyal Of The Lawyers Promised. Honesdale will be thronged with visitors when for the fourth time Carl Howe will be placed on trial Tuesday to- answer the charge of having assaulted Madeline Patterson of La Plume. This time the trial -will be amidst new surroundings and with new spectators, the defense hav ing secured a change in venue, the trial being transferred to tho Wayne county court In Honesdale. Judge A. T. Searle of Wayne county will preside at the trial. District Attor ney Joseph O'Brien, Scranton, will represent the commonwealth and At torney Richard Holgate will appear for Howe. Because of the prominence given the case by reason of the hard fight made by Howe to save himself from prison, the case hns created more in terest than any similar case in years. On the three trials held at Scranton Howe was returned guilty by a jury each time. He was sentenced first to fifteen years In the Eastern peniten tiary and the case was at once taken to the Superior Court which returned it for retrial. On the next trial Howe was sentenced to twelve years. Again the Superior Court sent the case back. The same sentence was given him following the third trial and again the case came back for re trial from the Superior Court. Both In the trials In Scranton and in the hearing of the argument be fore the Superior Court the battles of tho attornoys have been of Intense interest. Howo asked for a change of venue when tho case was ordered tried over the last time. Wayne county was selected as the place for tho fourth trial. The expense of the trial will be borne by Lackawanna county. The Jury will he selected from Wayne county citizens. Tho three trials held In Scranton were before Judge E. C. Newcomb. George Patterson, tlpstave at the court house, Scranton, Is the girl's father. Following tho first trial Howe married' and, his wife will be with him during the trial next week. to suit herself. Her own talk would convict her after that pick business. She offered me as high as a $100 tho next day, If I wanted to run off." "I heard persons talking all day over tho 'phone that they was com ing from Honesdale to arrest me. I expected arrest hourly." Tho reporter wanted to know If he still had any love for Leona, ns It was alleged he did. "Oh, God, no," said Sammy. "It ain't likely I have. She got mad because I wouldn't swear as she wanted me to, and have her attorneys. I never passed a word with her here for over four or five months." "I used to call there" meaning Leona's house at Equinunk, and stay till 10 and 11. I never asked her to marry me. We talked arid laughed about marrying," When the reporter asked Sammy, whether he saw Leona strike Silas E. Lord with a pick, he answered "Yes." "We was always friends. Of course I was paying attentions to her. Only she made me no prom ises." Sammy was particularly bitter In his references to one of the witnes ses who testified about him. "Well, her story was stretched a good deal. She threatened to send me to State's Prison, if she could. She was an enemy of mine, and the only j'oung person in Equinunk that was. She's the one, I think, that put up that first piece in THE INDEPEND ENT... It sounds like her." In referring to Emma Lester, South Branch, N. Y., whom he mar rled In 1884, and who he said left him twenty-three years ago, Reed said "she's acted as a friend to me when I was in trouble." The reporter wanted to know why she' left hiin. "Oh nothing. She wanted to live to home with her folks. She had the care of the chil dren. Nothing, only mutual separa tion." "I'll be 57 on the tenth day of May. I hud two children, George and Jennie. They're both dead 17 years." "You'll have four columns out of what I told you," was his parting remark to the reporter. A WORD TO THE WISE ! A Fireman Points Out Cheap Plan For Having Horses. Speaking of the plan for using horses for the fire apparatus of the borough a prominent fireman made a suggestion which embodies a plan In vogue in many smaller towns by which the horses belonging to the borough could be of use In assisting the firemen in case of bad weather or In other instances whore the ani mals are needed. "This place has a number of heavy horses suitable to the work of draw ing heavy loads," says he, "and I be lieve the plan adopted In some oth er places might be found of bene fit here. My suggestion would be to place two or more of the animals at the disposition of each fire com pany, and in the case of fire let the drivers of those apportioned each house unhitch wherever they may be and hurry them toward the houses. In case of good weather the apparatus would have a start already for the fire, but the horses could soon overtake tho heavy ap paratus and draw them the remaind er of the distance If they are re quired and return them ,to the houses, after which the animals could return to the work where the carts had been left. Such a plan would be a good one, at least for tho present If given a trial." DR.. TANNER, AGED 81, WILL THY 80-DAY FAST. Says Ho Would Settlo Beef Trust Hy Simply Not Eating. Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 8. Dr. Henry F. Tanner, the advocate of prolonged fasting as a cure of dis ease, today celebrated his 81st birth day by beginning a fast which ho will endeavor not to break for eighty days. "I am going to try to show the American people the way to settle once and for all the Beef TruBt and the high cost of living," said Dr. Tanner to-day. "I am good for an eighty-day fast and intend to accom plish It. I shall live to he a century, and when I pass the hundred-year mark I am going to get married. At the age of 40 I was a sick man and had been give up to dlo by seven so called specialists. I thought so much about death, "in fact, that I nearly died." ON "PATRIOT SI" Young Honesdale Lawyer De livers Eloquent Address At G. A. R. Installation-Wayne County's Veterans Eulog ized. At tho Installation services of Captain Ham Post 198, G. A. R., a b'tlrrlng address was delivered by Chester A. Garratt, Esq., the young est member of tho Wayne County Bar. He said: "1 wish I could show by words my appreciation of the honor that has been conferred upon me to address you this evening. To-night, the place, the occasion and the people with whom we are assembled, fill us with patriotic emo tion. The little that I might say here, would add nothing to the luster of the deeds that these soldiers did In battle. Their deeds will over be kept alive In the memory of the people by the sheer force of their worth, for such Is the distinction that comes to any individual where a sacrifice for the right has been made. It Is needless for ine to describe their achievements, or to enumerate the successive battles of that great war, which meant so much to pre serve tho grand union of slates, and CHESTER A. GAHHATT, ESQ. which contributed so much to the1 preservation of the integrity of the federal government at home and to tho maintenance of Its prestige among foreign nations. As we think of the terrible slaugh ter of the bravest, the best and most loyal citizens of our land, we are breathless. When we think of the terrible sacrifice of human life for tho cause of the union wo are Inclin ed to be moved to tears; but it was a good cause and It demanded the sacrifice. We regret only that the opportunity to serve our country so well has never come to us of a later generation. Veterans of our greatest war we honor, respect and venerate yoju for your valor and patriotism, and for your devotion to your country; and we envy you that a like chance has not come to us. The Civil war had Its purposes, the most paramont of which was the pre servation of the Union of States. Its one other and equally Important pur pose was to inculcate in the follow ing generations tho spirit of patriot Ism, the love of country and devo tion to duty. There Is one reason for which I might wish that the whole world might have looked upon the scenes of that great war, In order that what was done might be fully appreciated. We of a younger generation have not seen these sights, we have not heard the thunder of war, we have not faced the cannon's mouth, yet we do appreciate what was done, and we will continuo to appreciate what was done so long as the Stars and Stripes shall float above us, and just so long as they continue to be a reminder of the great price In human blood that was paid for them. If It were not for these veterans here and their com rades, we would not have our starry banner to-day, which represents the grand union of states, and which Is the symbol of all that Is good and worth while among nations. To that dreadful carnage Pennsyl vania gave her quota. In fact the Pennsylvania reserves were the sec ond to reach the field of action. To that carnago Wayne county gave her quota of noble sons and wo aro here to-night to honor and revere these, the remainder of tho thinned ranks of veterans of our greatest, bloodiest and most relentless war. Now our great -war is over, and with patriotism in our hearts, and with the glorious, undefiled flag float ing over us there Is no danger of sep aration, of anarchy, of secession, and tho American Union of States is des tined to bo preserved. And indeed the unity of tho Repub lic Is secure so long as wo continue to honor the memory of the men who died by tho hundreds of thousands that this nation might live; and we are here to-night to honor those liv ing whose lives, too, were on their country's altar, ready as a human sacrifice In the cause of right, for freedom, for union, for their homes and for their native land. And now my revered and honored gentlemen, veterans if that great wnf, go forth and teach patriotism to the present generation, that the bulwarks of the nation may be as safe in the future as your valor so nobly defended, floats above us." T UNUSUALLY LARGE AMOUNT OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED LAST MONDAY THREE APPLICA TIONS FOR DIVORCE MADE. Common Picas. In re venire for March sessions, February C, 1911, order made and filed. Commonwealth vs. Allen Bodte, No. 2, October sessions, 1910. Feb. 6 defendant sentenced to pay costs. In court of common pleas amic able scire facias on judgment enter ed to No. 148, Dec. term, 1905. Case of Jennie M. Edgett vs. Chas. C. Loercher, judgment entered In favor of the plaintiff for the sum of $250. No. 49, January term, 1911. Lil lian M. Connors, llbellant vs. George W. Connors, respondent. Libel In divorce. Subpoena awarded Febru ary C. The petition of Lillian M. Con nors shows that March 29, 1891, she was married to George W. Con nors, and lived with him until Au gust 14, 1907. Cruel Treatment Alleged. "Yet so It Is that the said George W. Connors from January 1, 1907, and for a long time prior threats, cruel and barbarous treatment hath endnngered her lfo and offered such Indignities to her person as to ren der her conditions intolerable and life burdensome and forced her to withdraw from him. Such with drawal being on August 14, 1907. The house then occupied by Re spondent belonging to your pe tioner." Argument Court. E. K. Alrey and F. A. Spencer, trading as Alrey nnd Spencer vs. J. B. Keen, Jr. February G, pro ceedings under rule to arbitrate stricken from record. In re order to mako trial list for March term, 1911. February C, or der made and filed. In re venire for March term. February C, order made and filed. EITle Swingle, llbellant vs. Webb R. Swingle, respondent. February G, subpoena awarded. John Reynard vs. The County of Wayne. Feb. G, rule granted on defendant to show cause why It shall not pay costs. Lake Lodore Improvement Co. vs. J. A. Brown. February G. Permls- 4!on given to amend petition for Is- sue to quiet title, Joseph Olszefski by her next friend Paul Olszefski vs. William F. Tay lor. February G. Rule granted on defendant to show cause why new trial shall not be granted. Harrison Wood vs. John Wood, et al. In equity. Feb. G. Henry Wil son appointed master. Grace C. Harroun, llbellant vs. A. K. Harroun, respondent. Feb. G, E. C. Mumford appointed master. Court adjourned to Monday, Feb. 13, at 10 a. m. Orphans' Court. In re estate of John Gromllch, died February G. Wm. H. Lee ap pointed auditor. In re sale of Real Estate of Sarah A. Gromllch, late of Lake township, died February 6. Petition read and filed and sale ordered. Bond filed and approved. In re sale of real estate of Wil liam Campbell, late of Starrucca Borough,' died February G. Petition read and filed and sale ordered. Bond filed and approved. WRITE YOUR NAME LEGIBLY IN INK! A Question Of Legality At Issue Olllce-Seekcrs Take No Chances! The candidates for tho various of fices that will be filled at the June primary, that Is the nominations will be made then, are hustling Just now for signatures to the petitions neces sary to get their names before the primary. In some instances the sig natures liave been written with lead pencil and the question has been raised whether this Is legal. There is a difference of opinion on the sub ject and some aro of the opinion that those written In lead may be stricken from tho petition. There fore, the only safe plan to pursue is to write the name in ink. If this is done there will be no chance of any trouble with tho petition. made them In your day, that tno good that you have done may not be forgotten, thnt the dead shall not have died In vain, and that you, the living, shall be an enduring monu ment to tho cause of your country, and a great example to the coming generations who know so little ot war. And remember the advice of Washington, always to preserve una maintain in mis country the nucleus of an army, and especially a knowledge of the art of war, so that when danger does come we may not have to do as we did In the revolutionary days, send to Ger many for another Steuben to teach our soldiers the tactics of the field. We of a younger generation must not forget that the rights which these men fought for, and the union which they preserved, places upon us the greatest responsibility. We have the freest government in the world, but our strength depends up on our patriotism. And now peace, order... .security, and national integrity, vaw.safo so long as love of country abides in the hearts of the people, and so long as the starry banner, which these men NOTES INSTITUTE Large Audience Hears Rev. Father J. J. Curran, Rector Of The Church Of Our Saviour, Wilkes-Barre, And A Native of Hawley, Deliver A Stirring Address On "Total Abstinence" History, Growth And Present Status Ot Temperance Movement Outlined Chairman Brandt Orders The Collection Taken Before The Speak ing Begins 1 "I'd light for the freedom of Ire land to-morrow If I had a chance. "In Ireland to-day there is not a county or a town or a parish that has not its Temperance society. "No young man is ordained a priest In Ireland without taking the pledge for ten years. "I must say as a descendant of an Irishman that a great deal of the poverty and want of that nation Is duo to the excessive drinking of the people." These and similar statements eli cited prolonged applause from the large audience who crowded the Court House room Monday night to hear Rev. J. J. Curran, rector of the Roman Catholic church of the Holy Saviour, Wllkes-Barre, address the general mass meeting held under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Anti Saloon League on "Temperance." Following the opening Invocation of Rev. William H. Swift. D. D., who prayed for a revival of Personal and civic righteousness. Rev. Thomas M. Hanley Introduced Father Curran as one who has been for very many years Interested In the work of tem perance and total abstinence. Beautiful Honesdale. Father Curran speedily got Into the good graces of the crowd by com plimenting them upon the beautiful little town in which they lived. "It reminds me," he said, "of those pic tures we see In books and works of Art, representing towns In England. I think that Honesdale is an Ideal town -as far as beauty Is concerned, and Its buildings represent a great deal of taste." He confessed that he was born In Hawley 51 years ago, mentioning nicknames applied to Hawleyites by outsiders, such as "Bridge Dodgers" and "Canalers." He expressed his pleasure at being a native of Wayne County. Father Curran confessed that he had never, yet told a "jokablo" story, and that he never could joke in the presence of an audience, and then proceeded to show that he could by relating several laughable Incidents. Futhcr Cumin's Address. "The question of temperance has been treated so often and from so many points of view that It Is dif ficult to say anything new on the subject, or to throw any side lights on the situation that have not been used more than a thousand and one times before. "However, since the vice of In temperance exists and threatens the destruction of family and nation, there will bo found good men and good women everywhere to stand up for the cause and against the vice which has brought so much misery and sorrow Into the world. "The word TEMPERANCE In Its relation to drink has a more re stricted signification than It former ly had, as now It stands for total ab stinence from all intoxicating liquors, whereas formerly It was applied to the moderation in the use of strong drinks. Hence temperance and total abstinence are now considered Iden tical and the great temperance movement which Is sweeping this country today Is none other than the total abstinence movement. Observing and well thinking people have come to the conclusion that moderation In drink for the college man Is an impossibility, and thence the effort to bring about a reform In society In favor of out and out total abstinence. History of Temperance. 'No matter how far back we go Into history, we find that temper ance was more or less advocated in the civilized state, because from tho very dawn the vice of drunkenness had set In and threatened the safety and stability of tho family and the nation. History records that exces sive drinking prevailed in Egypt 5,000 years ago when It was pictur ed on tho tombs of the Egyptians how men and women wore carried from their feasts to their homes by their slaves. "We also read in the Old Testa ment how Lot became drunk on wine and how, while In that state, he committed one of the foulest and most revolting crimes ever recorded In history. And It may be stated here that like in the case of Lot, drunkenness seldom comes alone; It brings many other crimes with itself, one worse than tho other so that tho vice of Intemperance Is only secondary In Itself to the hein ous crimes which It generally leads to. No wonder, therefore, that among the best people the world over, there are to be found men and women who give much time and talents to the total obliteration of that potent and fruitful vice. No wonder that. In nearly all civilized nations today strenuous efforts are being made to abolish by law In whole, or In part, the manufacture and sale of these vile and poisonous drugs. While the temperance move ment made but little headway until the beginning of the 19th century, AT COURT ROUSE yet It Is Interesting to know that both Church and State have worked hand In hand for the restriction, or suppression of the drink habit. Anti-Trentlng Laws In Egypt. "About U000 years B. C, in Egypt there was a general crusade waged against the vicious habit, and pledge taking was forced to some extent upon the people of that fam ous country. Anti-treatlng laws were also enforced but the Egyptians still continued to drink, and there has been no nation in all the world that suffered more from that deadening blight than Egypt during long and eventful history. "Ancient Greece had rigid laws against the manufacture and sale of wine. Plato taught that no man should drink wine until he had reached his thirteenth year and then only sparingly. And while that scholarly and enlightened nation practiced moderation, or total ab stinence, she forged ahead in the development of the arts and sciences; but when she swerved from her path of sobriety, then she began to crumble and became an easy prey to her successor, in the making of the world's history. Romulus The First Prohibitionist. Rome like Greece began well. It Is said that Romulas was a prohibi tionist and that he made a .law to the effect that any husband could put his wife to death for drinking wine. But, like Greece, Rome too. In the course of ages, Introduced Bacchus and after Bacchus, Ve nus "also; which marked the begin ning of the decline and fall of the proud and mighty empire. "Whisky found Its way Into Eng land about the time of Henry VIII, or a little before. It grew to be such a lucrative traffic that his daughter, .Queen Elizabeth, made a. great deal of money1 out of it, until its sale be came quite common .in the King dom. "Among the various signs over the doors of saloons and ale houses in England In those days the following was typical of the social customs of the day: Customers can get drunk here for one penny; dead drunk for two pence,- and can have lots of straw for nothing. Thus we can ob serve that with the rise of civiliza tion everywhere, somehow or anoth er, the drink habit Increased and be came widespread. "In the Colonial days of this coun try the government had a whisky re bellion on its hands down South; and even out where Pittsburg now stands, In our own State, there was an uprising against the authorities who threatened to restrict the abuse of intoxicating beverages. "In fact, only last year, or the year before, In London, where strict and prohibitive laws were threaten ed by the government, an army of 300,000 men and women congregat ed on one occasion In protest of the laws to be enacted." At the Saturday morning session of tho County Temperance Institute, Rev. C. H. Brandt, Wllkes-Barre. presided. The opening prayer was .offered by Rev. A. C. Olver. Rev. James Ralney, Aldenvllle, presented a paper on "The Prohibition Party." Miss Minnie E. Coleman, Damascus, explained the workings of the W. C. T. U. Much regret was expressed at the absence, from sickness, of Rev. J. B. Cody, Bethany. At the afternoon session, Super intendent Brandt expalned the "Brooks High License Law." G. H. Knapp, Aldenvllle, spoko on " Law Enforcement." Rev. Dr. Swift read an editorial from the Wllkes-Barre Record. Rev. Dr. Hlller also spoke, nnd several other addresses were made. WAYNE MEN BANQUET. Former Residents of Dear Old Wayne Make Merry At Hotel Manhat tan, New York, Wednesday Night. Former Wayne county residents who have made their homes In New York, met Wednesday night In the Hotel Manhattan In that city In the annunl banquet of tho Wnyne Coun ty Pennsylvania Club of New York. There were more than a 'iiundred members of tho club at tho banquet and they sang the songs and told the stories and listened to the addresses that eulogized Wayne county. Rt. Rev. M. J. Hoban, Scranton, and Homer Greene, Honesdale, wore guests of honor and speakers at the dinner. Harry T. Madden, Scranton, also a former Wayne county man, sang the county song, "In Dear Old Wayne," written several months ago by two Honesdale men, Frank Jen kins and Joseph Bodle. Mr. Madden was called to New York by telegram yesterday afternoon that he might sing the song that tells the glories of Wayne county. Miss Ruth H. Ruppert Is visiting relatives In Green Ridge.