THE CITIZEN, WKDNKSDAV, FKllKUAIlY 8, 1011. - SEVEN DAYS IN WAYNE WHAT THE FOLKS IN THE SHIRE ARE DOING. - "1 HAWLEY :- WHITES VALLEY. Special to THE CITIZEN. Whites Valley, I'n., February 7. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dryant re turned Monday to Big Pond, Brad ford county, after spending several weeks hero visiting relatives. Mr. Bryant has charge of a creamery at . that plare. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Mead spent last Friday In Honesdale. Miss Anna Fitze, who has been ill, nus rucovureu. Miss Edith Crossman, who has at tended school In Honesdale the past winter, Is at home, caring for her mother, Mrs. S. P. Crossmnn. Preparations are being made to plane lumber at the White lumber mill. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fitze left, Mondaj, via Honesdale, for Newark, I N. .1., where thoy will make an ex-; rt water too coa for bathing, tended visit with their son, W. H. nomer Ames was struck by a pike Plt,e.'rn c,ty-, , . . Saturday. The wound was slight F. W. White made a business trip however being on the shin bone and to Honesdale, Thursday. not very Berous. G. N. Bonham, who suffered a re-, Jnmes PoweU ts able to be out lapse, is slowly recovering, but still i a ln aftor a few day8. conilnement. confined to the house. Mrs B M Keene was ,.anea to Recent news of the death of Mrs. Paterson Saturday, by the Illness of John M. Johnson, Saginaw, Mich., j her slgt JIrs Alfred Barnes. was received by Mrs. II. W. White. The young Men's class of the Mr Johnson was a former resident Graco Sunday achooi wln ,neet at of Wayne county, and visited hisHoward Gromlich.s Frl(iay night to many friends here last Fall. Sympa-, stlldy the lesson thy is extended to him in his Iato Tho Ladles. am B0Ciety met last Mark L. Fisher is ill at his home with a severe cold. This Is his first absenro from school the present year .Members of the M. E. church will : give an oyster supper nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Spencer, Lake LeMar, Friday evening, February 10. All are Invited n attend and bring i good things to t. '. in plenty. Pro-, Tho c R. Gi L, Ciub met Thurs ceeds for the pastor's salary. , dav at tne j,me 0f Miss Rose Dap- The very young people spent Fri- per. a delightful social evening was day evening pleasantly at the home spent and daintv refreshments were of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Miller. served. i Cherry Ridge is considerably cx- T n,rro?T"k AT T7 cetid over the announcement that ! Gug and Herman Harder, sons of Special to THE CITIZEN. I Mrs. Hannah Harder, had been Ledgedale, Pa., February 7. Mr. I stricken with cerebro-spinal meuln- and Mrs. F. B. Simons and family are gltis and would probably not recover. recovering from tho grip. Gus is paralyzed in one arm, and has M. H. Harloe, Rocky Glen, visited i .lost the sight of an eye. his family, last week. I Tho young people of this place are enjoying the skating at Mud Pond. The men, from this place, who have been working at Gouldsboro, re turned home, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, Scran ton, moved on tho BIoss farm last week. Mr. Smith intends to be care taker of L. W. Healey's park. William and Henry Stormer made a business trip to Hawley, Monday. We are glad to hear that Sophia Schrader, Is able to call on her doc tor, with her mother's aid. Miss Nettie Stermer is working for .Miss Friend Simons. Mrs. Harloe entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Utt, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith and Mrs. Martin and Lloyd at dinner last Thursday. While Pearle Martin was sharpen ing a pencil at school last week she cut her linger very badly, and is now suffering from a very sore digit. SOUTH CLINTON. Special to THE CITIZEN. South Clinton, Pa., February 7. At a business meeting of the South Clinton Baptist church hold Febru ary 1, it was decided to raise the church and build a basement under the building. Brothers George Nede, Amos Geer, S. B. Swingle, O. E. Beckwlth, C. M. Stanton and Sher man Leo wore appointed a committee to estimate tho cost of the work, and how soon the work shall be done. Many who have been suffering from colds and grip are able to bo out again. Nearly everyone in the community has suffered more or less of lute from the epidemic. Our weather prophet says the hardest of our Winter is over. We all hope so. B. B. Swingle made a business trlii to Canaan last week. He Is luo'Mng for a suitable horse. .iir. aud .Mrs. George Lee, Hew and Mrs. Baker and daughter, Louise, spent a pleasant day at Mr. and Mrs. Huge Otendorf's January 30. Many of the people of this place are attending the special meetings held at Waymart. Great Interest Is manifested on the part of the church. Many hnve already accept ed Christ in these services, and wo are still looking for a larger mani festation of the power of God. .Meetings will continue all this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. John Necle, who have been suffering with grip, are! better at this writing. J. W. Stanton, who underwent an operation for a cataract, Is able to enjoy reading again. Dr. Frey, St -vinton, performed the operation, and fitted his eyes with glasses. Miss Ida Bortree mado a business trip to Carbondale, Saturday. Mrs. Burnard, who was serious ly 111 with pneumonia, is again able to be about the house She is In her 8Sth year. Our pastor, Henry J. Baker, preached at Waymart M. E, church, Friday evening. The young men of tho church and vicinity made a wood bee for Pastor Baker. A nice pile of wood now lies in his back yard. He wishes to express his gratitude to all who as sisted in this work. Abel Wilcox attended a meeting in Harrisburg last week ln tho In terest of the public schools of tho state, no had the pleasure of hear ing Governor Toner speak. MAPLEWOOD. . Special to THE CITIZEN. Maplewood, Pa., February 7. The Ice houses at Lake Henry are filled, tho work being completed Sat urday. The work of storing this year was Interrupted three times by thaws. The sun shone brightly for a few minutes Thursday afternoon about three o'clock so that Brer ground hog could sco his shadow. The pre diction of six weeks more winter Is likely to be fulfilled; even the "bIx week sleighing In March" predicted by our upper Wayne county friend. O. P. Sliarpe, scranton, lias mov- ed h)s fnmiiy back to his father's where they will help take care of his! ,... i, in nnnr nanlth. K j' Dlftck hns purchased the Rmrnlo trnrt from thJ Manlewood Lumber comnany Griffith T. Davis, manager of the Consumers' Ico company, Scranton, visited the plant nt Lake Henry, last Saturday. .Mrs. G. M. Black is confined to her homo by an attack of grip. George Corey and son, Edward, nml n W Knllntn trlml a flit) 111 .,, j", ' ,irinn- Ipr r.uttlnir. All Thursday at tho home of Philander Black. CHERRY U1IIGI0. Special to THE CITIZEN. Cherry nidge, Pa., February 7. Mrs. John Spinner, who recently fell and dislocated her arm, is confined tn i,,i i,v thp Inlurv, EQUINUNK. Special to THE CITIZEN. Equinunk, Pa., Feb. 7. J. K. Hornbeck, who Is quite an automo bile enthusiast, took in the automo bile show in Scranton, Wednesday. Mrs. Stafford has gone to Calll coou for an extended visit among relatives. The young people were pleasantly entertained at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haddaway, Friday even ing. J. Waldron Farley Is in Honesdale on business. Paul Brannin, Horton Lord and Fred Watson spent Sunday at High Lake. Seymour Coddington and wife spent Saturday in Hancock. Charles Knapp nnd wife, Lake Como, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Tyner were re cent visitors at the home of her brother, William Barnes, Garteen. Mrs. Frisbie had the misfortune to fall on tho Ice, Friday morning, and dislocate the elbow Joint. Through tho efforts of Mr. Clias. DeDackner, vocal music will be taught In our schools onco a week. Grant Hawley, Secretary of Man chester School Board, called on the primary school Friday afternoon. Mrs. Slater and daughter, Grace, have moved into tho rooms over Barrett's carpenter shop. William Emrich has rented the Leona Lord property and will open a meat market. I desiro .to . cVtcml .my grateful thanks to those who -f f so kindly aided mo with -f their subscriptions und cou- pons during tho Bermuda Contest; also the Citizen -f -f Publishing Company for nf- -f fording mo tho opportunity -f f to win tho gold watch. ADELAIDE WATSON, -- Kqiiiiiunk, Pn. -f February O. 1011. WAYMART. Special to THE CITIZEN. Waymart, Pa., February 7. The following program will be rendered by the Protonlan Literary Society February 10: Song by school, "Let Us Be Cheer ful." Piano Solo, Isaac Bentham. Piano duet, Genovleve Kennedy and Lelda Chubb. Song by quartette, Loroy Hooper, Isaac Bentham, Prof. Watkins, Percy Minor. Current Events, Loren Barkigt. Guitar and Mandolin Duet, Edith and Neil Keen. Song by Intermediate Room. Piano solo, Alta Bronson. News, Inez Seeley. Vocal duet, Leona Hooper and Mabel Rice. Song by High school. Piano Solo, Irma Wonnacott, Song by school, "The Lord Is My Shepherd." BETHANY. Special to THE CITIZEN. Bethany, Pa., February 7. Tho Presbyterian church has been closed several Sundays on account of the Indisposition of the pastor, Rev. J. B. Cody, who has been having dys pepsia. Mrs. Susie Blake and Miss Addle Jennings, Prompton, recently spent the day with Mrs.' James Johns. Howard Johns, Carbondale, spent last Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Johns. Tho oyster supper held ln the Presbyterian dining room was well attended and over $14 was realized. The oysters and crackers were liber ally donated by A. O. Biake and with the Ladles Aid's help a fine supper was served. Mr. Blake's grnphophone furnished music during the evening. Mrs. George Hnffner, sister of Mrs. Charles Kaatz returned to her homo in Mlnnlslnk, N. Y., last week. Ella Gammell recently visited in Wilkes-Barro and Scranton. Miss Laura Slayton, Portland, Me., nccompanlncd by her friend, Miss Ball, came Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. M. L. Slayton. Winners here in the recent CITI ZEN contest are receiving congratu lations on all sides and wish to thank their friends for their sup port. On Friday evening, Rev. J. B. Cody will hnve his annual donation. Hobcrt Miller, Carbondale, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Henry N. Miller. Next Sunday, February 12, Bev. Zweizig, Carley Brook, will preach in tho Methodist church. Helen Manning returned to New York last week and took tho Re gent's examination for Trained Nurses, Mrs. Ernest Bode has made a very good recovery from her recent at tack of typhoid fever. Mrs. William Avery recently un derwent an operation at the hands of Drs. Burns nnd Ely. Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom, Honesdale, is expected to-day (Monday) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faatz. INDIAN ORCHARD. Special to THE CITIZEN. Indian Orchard, Pa., February 7. The Berlin and Oregon teachers will hold their local Institute in the Grange Hall, Indian Orchard, Satur day, February 11. The institute be gins at 10:30 a. m. An interesting program has been arranged. TEACHERS' (Continued from Page One.) number of ablest relatives hered ity." "Tho greatest Instinct in man is life. The instinct of deception was found ln the remote past." Miss Freida Rose, Honesdale, read a splendid paper on "Feeling," "Sen sation," "Fusion and Discrimina tion." Among other things she said: "As long ns we assume a cool and calm appearance we are not angr or afraid. Indigestion produces' a feeling of dissatisfaction with our work. Excessive novel-reading and excessive theatre-going are sources of morbid feeling." The morning session closed at twelve o'clock. Saturday Afternoon. The first subject at the afternoon session was presented by Walter Healy, Honesdale, in an Interesting paper entitled "Provision for Speci fic Purposes," "The Supplementing of Thought," ns two factors of study. The question of how rightly to In fluence pupils during their High school courso evoked considerable discussion. Many are there, it was said, simply because they were sent. What to do to make them have a specific purpose, and something de finite in life is a serious proposition, "in some cases," remarked Prof. Mark Creasy, Hawley, "we ought to give them different ancestors." Prof. Koehler thought "we ought to take the pupils aside and have a private conversation with them." "Ability, health and strength," he considered three fundamental qualifications for any young person who wanted to be come a successful teacher. "The Organization of Ideas," "Judging the Soundness and General Worth of Statements," as two fac tors of study, was the subject of a well-prepared paper given by Miss Marie McDermott, Honesdalo, Among other things she said: "The reading and judging of newspapers uuu may uu u jiruuiuuit; exercise, iteuu nui 10 cuiuruuici and refute, but to weigh and con sider." The High School Boy's Chorus sang "We are Jolly Blacksmiths" ln a pleasing manner. A Farmer's Remarkable Memory. "Memorizing," "The Use of Ideas," as two factors of Study," was the subject of a paper given by Miss Mar garet Rose, Honesdale, who cited the Instance of a "Pennsylvania farmer who could remember the day of tho week on which any date fell for forty-two years back, and the kind of weather on that day." A list of un related words Is hard to remember. According to Supt. Koehler, the State High School Inspector only re commends History three times a week. "We have a large number of country schools," said Mr. Koehler that have only fifteen pupils, and a lot of them have fewer. In the majority of the country schools, the little ones are neglected." Miss Orra Rollison, Hawley, and recently of Chicago, 111., gave an instructive talk on "Primary Plans and Devices." "We ought to have several visit ing days," she suggested, "so that we could go into other rooms and see how other teachers meet their prob lems." Among tho "Indispensable" things a primary teacher ought to have, she enumerated 1. Pencils Dixon's Be glnners No. 308 2. Oak tags. 3. Letter "alphabet cards." 4. Manila envelopes for seat work, 5. A pair of scissors for every child, 6, Charcoal, etc. 7. Picture books baby books, animal books, etc. "I couldn't teach school," she said, "without a pair of scissors." STITUTE "The primary teacher should de velop the pupil's ability to attend. Hold him to the thing we havo re quired him to do. Develop his abil ity to study. Teach him to acquire the hnblt of drawing a conclusion for himself from what he rends, ln the lirst year there should be four periods a day for Reading. "Wo play a great many games. Children enjoy doing tilings In "play way." The "play Idea" will help the children. I want them active. When they're doing something they're interested. Stop them In tho height of their play. Action work Is Important." When the institute adjourned at 4:30 p. m., tho general consensus of opinion was that It was the most profitable local Institute ever held ln Honesdale. The teachers who registered Sat urday morning were: Honesdale: Miss Alma C. Schuller, Miss Bessie Bunnell, .Miss Bessie Dudley, Miss Ida Coleman, Miss Mary Murphy, Miss Isabel Rellly, Miss Mary Hlggins, Miss Marie McDer mott, Miss Julia F. Schimmel, Miss Vera Murray, Miss Grace A. Jadwin, .Miss Eliza Burke, Mrs. Alma J. G. Dlx, Miss Alice L. McKenna, Miss Mary Sluman, Miss Alice Gregory, Miss Rose Swltzor, Miss Freida Rose, Miss Margaret Rose, Miss Nellie P. Gleason, Miss Caroline Stephens, Prof. H. A. Oday, R. T. Davis, Walter F. Healy, Miss Clara G. Eck, Miss Amy E. Clark, Miss Ida M. Ha vey. Miss Emma Flora, Miss Eliza beth D. Baird, Miss Essie M. Kelly, Miss Theresa B. Soete, Miss Mame li. Downing, Miss Anna Seaman, .Miss Jennie S. Lee. Waymart: Miss Flora L. Loomls. Waymart: Miss Irene A. Curtis. Cold Spring: Reed Gager, Ray mond E. Smith. Prompton: Walter Pennell. Scelyville: Arthur A. Hopkins. White .Mills: A. H. Howell. Hawley: Prof. Mark Creasy, Chas. E. Martz, .Miss Eva Palmer, Miss Orra Rollison. Canaan: Miss Gertrude Drake. GAM K INCHKASL,.. State Gnnio Commissioner Says So And He Ought To Know. State Game Commission Secretary Joseph Kalbfus in his report on game for 1910 reports a general in crease of game, insect destroying and song birds in all sections of the state, the ,gamo birds hunted in the fall be ing especially abundant. Tho report also recommends that there be a codification of tho game laws and a revision of the seasons. some of which suit one section of the state and some another while laws for the destruction of vermin are commended. The commissioner also strongly favors the hunters' license bill which is just now being widely discussed. The following letter from Prof Surface, economic zoologist, of the State Department of Agriculture Harrisburg, to an inquirer from the western part of the state, who writes for information on how to rid his cornfields of wireworms, may be found instructive to others troubled with this pest: "Concerning wireworms in your corn, I must say that 1 am satisfied that you can not put anything in the soil that is strong enough to kill the wlreworm, or even drive It away without damage to the soil and the crop. Tho best thing, to do Is to get ready for these pests by plow ing the land In the fall. Perhaps plowing in the early spring and cultivating several times with a spring-toothed harrow would help greatly to reduce them. If you can follow the sod with some crop like potatoes, which, as you havo ob served, they do not so severely In jure, it might be well to do so. Then immediately after the potatoes sow rye, doing this as early as pos sible in the fall, and turn the rye down ln the spring, and follow this with corn. 'The treatment of the wireworms Roll of HONOR Attention is called to tne STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL OJ? HONOR of the 11,470 State Banke and Trust Companies of United States. In this fist the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capital. Surplus, $527,342.88 Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26 Honesdale, Pa.. December 1, 1910 HAWLEY. Special, to THE CITIZEN. Hawley, Pa., February G. Miss Gussle Williams returned from New ton, N. J., Wednesday, accompanied by her sister, Minnie, who recently underwent an operation In a Now York hospital. Miss Lillian Townsend, Blngham ton, N. Y the new cleric in the post ofllce, entered upon her duties Feb ruary 1. Miss Townsend under stands tho work, having clerked in the Endicott, N. Y., postofllco nbout two years. She will be joined by her mother as soon as rooms can be secured. Mrs. Alice Degrote, East Side, has been confined to her room during tho week with Illness. Dr. Catterall is her physician. James Stevenson passed Sunday with Port Jervls friends. Miss Agnes Misklll, who has been the efficient bookkeeper at the First National Bank for several years, has resigned her position, and re turned to her home at Forest City, Wednesday. Wilson Decker, Scranton, Is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ames, and other friends. " Mrs. Bellamy, Honesdale, is at the home of Artemus Simons' caring for Mrs. Simons who is suffering with an attack of grip and other mala dies. The little nephew of Mrs. Albert Oschmnnn, who with Ills mother came here from New York city a fortnight ago, was stricken with a rheumatic attack from which, under the skillful care of Dr. G. T. Rod man, he is now rapidly recovering. The L. A. S. of the .Methodist church will meet with their pastor's wife, Mrs. B. P. Ripley, at the par sonage, Wednesday afternoon. This being their last meeting before con ference, all members are requested to be present. The "Jollities" were at the Stand ard theatre February 2. The next attraction expected is the J. L. Temp est Co., who were here last season and gave good satisfaction. .Miss Delia Hurd, Honesdale, will remain with her sister, Mrs. D. Blng' ham, until Spring. must be one of agricultural meth ods rather than the direct applica tion of insecticides. It Is there ow ing to the fact that It breeds In, the roots of the plants ln a sod Held, and when these are destroyed by turning with a plow, the pest sim ply transfers its attention to the corn roots as these are the only growing plants offering available food. "Where sod Is turned for corn, ! there are liable to be several insects ' in the soil that will do damage. Cut worms are often bad In such places. These can be killed by mixing one part of Paris Green with about fifty pnrts of bran or shorts, and molsteiiT lng with water to which a little strong molasses has been added. A very small pinch of this dropped along in tho corn row immediately after the corn comes up, or about the time it is sprouting, will serve to destroy thousands of cut worms. "One of our progressive Lancaster county farmers destroyed the cut worms in his newly planted sod field by sowing the corn broadcast over the field under our directions. Tho crops of other fields surrounding him were badly injured, but his wns fine, and paid well for the slight ex pense and trouble." Mnrringe License Record. Clurenco Sterner Scranton. Anna Wagner Hawley. Miss Daisy Alberty, Carbondale, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Alberty, East Exten sion street. Schwenker & Bried are making some Improvements in their store on Main street. C. W. McMullen is transacting business in Sunbury this week. The Bank for All Classes $1 starts an account. Arejyouwith us? Courteous Treatment Assured COMPARATIVE GROWTH : DEPOSITS June 1st, 1907 Nov. 7th, 1910 OFFICERS: M. E. SIMONS, Tres. J. E. TIFFANY, Vice Pres. O. A. EMERY, Cashier. DIRECTORS M.B. Allen, George C. Abraham, J. Sam Brown, Oscar E. Bunnell Wm. II. Dunn, W. M. Fowler, W. B. Gulnnlp, John E. Kranti. Fred. W. Kreltner, John Kuhbach. Q. Wm. Sell, M. K. Simons, Fred. Stof ens,'.Georire W, Tlsdell. J. E. Tiffany, John Weaver. Tho Poverty social given by the Whatsoever Circle of tho Presbyter ian church nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Murphy, Wednesday night, wns well attended and proved a very mirthful affair. The proceeds were ?1G.00. ' Mrs. Miles Bishop, who has been very sick at Hotel Dennlson, is convalescing. Edward Richardson took Charles Ryder to the State Hospital, Scran ton, Saturday. He is ln a critical condition. Frank Regue, Nnrrowsburg, N. Y., Is now working for Philip Krouse. New Postofllco liulldhiK For Hawley. Through tho efforts of Postmas ter Colgate and others Hawley Is to have a now postoliico building. The buidlng will be located on Keystone street between tho First National Bank, and the hardware Btore of G. Watts & Son. We understand that the directors of the bank donated tho lot to the government. This lot was purchased by them at the time of the building of tho present bank and has been held in readiness for some enterprise that would benefit especially that part of the town. And now the opportunity has come. The First National Bank has been awarded the contract for building this government building and are to have it completed by June 1. The building will be in tho same gener al style as the bank which is on the corner facing Main Avenue and Key stone street. It Is to be of stone front and sides of solid brick, two stories high. The second floor will be used for ofllces, etc. lluwley's Invincible Basketball Team A very exciting game of basket ball was played at the High school building Friday night. The Techni cal five met defeat at the hands of the Hawley High school team by the overwhelming score of 4 2 to 11, which goes to show that Hawley has a five that Is ably fitted to com pete with any of our neighboring city teams. We are informed that Hawley has not been defeated this year and that Its total score for the season is 179 ns against 73 for its opponents. Miss Minnie Thornton, teacher of Bohemia, school, spent Saturday and Sunday in town. The men of Seelyville will -f give their regular annual oys- -f ter supper at tho Seelyville Chapel on Thursday, February 9, 1911. Teams will leave -i Wayne Hotel every 20 minutes -f f beginning at G o'clock. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. !he Kind You Have Always Bought Beam tne Signature of LiaZV-cUci AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF SAHAH E. NKWCOMU. Late of Vestal Center, N. Y deceased. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to report distribution of said estate, will uttend to the duties of his appointment, on SATUHDAY, March 4, 1911. at lOo'clock.a. m.,at hlsofllce In the borough of Honesdale, at which time and placn nil claims against said estate must be presented, or recourse to the fund for distribution will bo lost. C. P. SBAKLE, Auditor. Honesdale. Feb. 7. 1811. 10eoI3 AUDITOR'S NOT1C1'.. Estate of JOHN GHOMLICH, Late of Lake-Township, deceased. The underslgnedt on Auditor appointed to pass upon exceptions, ro state tho ac count If necessary, hear and determine all claims on tho assets and reportdlstrlbutlon of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment; on THURSDAY. MA1SC1I 2, 1911, nt 2 o'clock p. m.. at his olllcc ln the borough of Honesdale, at which time and placo all claims against said estate must be presented or recourse to the fund for distribution will bo lost VM. II. LEE, Auditor. Honesdale, Feb. 7, 1911. 68w3 $24,398.54 $266,465.61