The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 08, 1911, Image 7

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A Happy Blending of Mod
ern and Old Fashions
In the charmingly girlish dance frock
Illustrated are blended the modern andA
old fashions that are prominent In the
season's modes. The rather scam
straight skirt is trimmed with three
ruliles of graduated widths. It is nt
tacbed to a bodice veiled with gold net
ana white chiffon and trimmed elabo
lately with bullion fringe. A moire glr
die dell u os the waist at the front and
sides, while the chiffon tubller at tin
back is draped in n manner to lend an
empire effect to the costume. Hum)
embroidered silk gloves match the
shade of the girdle and the silk fotin
dation of the gown, which Is Ameil
an Beauty color. The little carriage
card is of lace and liberty satin.
A Girl's New Year's Resolution.
I'm going to be glad. Who known
what nice things may be Just around
the corner?
I'm going to be all dressed before 1
leave my own room and then forget It.
I won't sit bias In u street car.
1 won't gossip so It hurts any one,
Just nice Interesting, harmless little
1 won't alwuys tell all I know.
1 won't tell my friends of holes In
ilielr clothes when they aro far from
I won't fuss over things I cannot
I won't hurry more than half of the
I'll try to be pleasant and not lie, bin
I won't llo to be pleasant A good nn
tared liar makes every one mad In tin
long run.
I won't lend money. I'll Just give it
and get the credit
When "in company" I'll talk, wheth
er I have anything to say or not
I'll try to keep all my 'old friends and
make ns many new ones as possible,
for some of the old will surely drop
ut It Is better to be on with the new
before you are off with the old.
Last I'll try to keep some of these
resolutions, all the easy ones anyway
An Ironing Board In Disguise.
When you have read about the won
ders of the Ironing board seen in the
oat you will think It is the most prae
Ileal, economical nnd handiest conven
ience you have seen In a long time.
When not in use ns an Ironing board
it forms the most practical settee that
could be imagined. The hamper uudet
tho ironing board forms the seat part
of the settee and tho ironing board the
back. For use as an Ironing board tlu-
wooden knobs are thrust through the
holes In the board proper and the
stand, and there you are. The under
part forms a convenient hamper either
for clothes to be Ironed or for those
that have nndergon the treatment.
Gen, Grant Favors Them
Troops and Supplies.
Mnjor Gen. Frederick Dent Gnnt,
In command of the Department of the
East, but recently In command of
tho Department of the Lakes,, with
headquarters in Chicago, ha3 sug
gested in his annual report to the
War Department on the Department
of the Lakes that a National law be
enacted authorizing the Federal Gov
ernment to commnnder for the trans
portation of troops in time of war all
private automobiles holding four or
more passengers.
With tho improvement of nrids
and the perfection of automobile loco
motion Gen. Grant foresees the tlmo
when troops will bo transported long
distances almost exclusively In auto
mobiles, and It Is his idea that with
proper reimbursement to tiie owners
tho use of private machines would
provide the army with sufficient trans
portation on short notice. Ho also ad
vises the construction of automobile
trucks for tho transportation of
supplies In the field, believing that
the use of motor trucks would save
tho Government both time and money.
Now York Sun.
Work as a Health Factor.
Congenial work with mind and
hands should be encouraged in all
persons, for its prophylactic as well
as Its curative Influences. Rest will
prove serviceable doubtless In num
bers of cases, but its application
should bo restricted and carefully
studied. There are many conditions
where absolute rest will not only
prove useless but really harmful. To
send a man from an active business
life to one of complete inactivity will
often prove disastrous, as much as to
prescribe all food for the obese.
Tho nervous will complain that they
do not feel like working. If left to
themselves and told to do noth
ing, not even to read, they aro sure 10
dwell upon their infirmities and grow
thereby morose and hypochondriacal,
thus Increasing the invalidism. The
desire for work should bo encouraged
in all conditions and in all classes.
Medical World.
The Red Shirt.
The origin of the "red shirt"
worn as a blouso by English women
in the 'GOs, when Garibaldi was a
popular idol throughout Great Britain
is sufficiently curious. When the
celebrated filibuster was warring In
the South American republics, he was
anxious to obtain a distinctive, and
above all economical, uniform for his
followers. He learned that a local dry
goods store had an Immense "Job lot"
of these garments, worn by tho "sala
deros" or cattle slaughterers, of the
great South American cities. The
"bargain sale" appealed eloquently to
the leader's purse, and he lea his men
to victory in the butchers' shirts,
which are now the accopted emblem
of the "rlsorgomlento" of United
Italy. London Globe.
Hypnotic Triumph.
A doctor related the following
story: "I had a patient who was very
111 and who ought to have gono to
a warmer climate, nut wnoso means
were Insufficient, so I resolved to try
what hypnotism would do for him. I
had a large sun painted on the ceil
ing of his room, and by suggestion in
duced him to think it was the sun
which would cure him. The ruse suc
ceeded, and ho was getting better
rapidly, when one day on my nrrlval
I found he was dead."
"Did it fail, after all, then?" asked
the doctor's hearers.
"No," replied the doctor; "he died
of Bunstroke." The Circle.
Portuguese Burial Custom.
They have an unusual mode of
burial in Portugal. Instead of the
headstones and monuments of the
graveyards of other countries tho
cemetery of Lisbon shows rows and
rowB of tiny chapels ranged in long
avenues bordered by cypress trees.
Tho Portuguese are reluctant to bury
their dead out of sight and these
chapels serve as mortuaries for the
coffins, which are placed on shelves
within. Through the iron grilles the
eye discerns small altars and flowers
gleaming through the subdued light
of the interiors. Manchester Courier.
Menaces Avoided.
With the hope of materially do
creasing the number of street car ac
cidents occurring to children playing
In the streets, a text-book pointing
out the dangers resulting from traffic
and electric wires, has been prepared
and will be introduced into public
schools of Detroit. Tho booklet has
been especially prepared with tho
view of impressing upon the youth
ful mind tho various menaces which
are likely to be encountered and to
teach them the ways of avoiding
Unlucky Coronation Color.
The Ilev. Jocelyn Perkins of West
minster Abbey, lecturing at the Hoyal
Photographic Society's exhibition in
Pall Mall East, said that for a long
timo back in English history white
had been considered the unlucky col
or for coronations. Charles I., ho point
ed out, wore white vestments when
ho was crowned. London Evening
Spider Feeds on Humming Birds.
A poisonous spider, four Inches
wide, of the variety which feeds on
humming roads, has been presented to
the Guildford Museum by a local
grocer's assistant who found it on
bis apron. It la believed to have been
Imported In a crate of bananas.
London Standard.
Wrestling's Lack of Popularity
Due to Several Oilier Causes.
Fighters Engage In More Crooked
Bouts Than Do Grapplers Technical
Knowledge Necessary to Its Enjoy-
mcnt Great Sport For Competitors.
Placing the blame for the lack of
popularity of wrestling to the prone-
ncss of the grapplers to fake is but
half tho truth. The other half is that
tho game gives very little consldcra-
tion to the spoctntor without technical
knowledge of tho game, nnd some-
times not even to tho latter. In other
words, the wrestling game is made for
those who compete rather than those
who are spectators, and ns the latter
have the privilege of staying nway
from anything thnt docs not appeal I
to them the wrestling game Is not in '
it with boxing as a drawing card. I
Argument that faking has killed
wrestling Is not borne out when con-1
sldered along with boxing. If faking i
killed wrestling it should also hnvo
killed boxing. Not only have ring
fakes been ns numerous as those on
the mat, but tho top notchers hnvo
hoeti mixed up in them as well. Some
of those who have gained notoriety
In the ring through their disregard of
the honest way to get money are Jack
Johnson, Jack O'Brien, Tommy Rynn,
Joe Gans, Bob Fitzsimmons, Abe At-
tell aud Sam Langford, and these in
clude champions past and present;
hence if faking would kill wrestling
it certainly would also deliver it knock
out blow to boxing. There is no ques
tion but that faking has injured the
sport in popularity, because there is
enough of it to make the wrestling fan
doubt whether he is going to get what
is coming to him when he pays to see
a match, but this is not tho only draw
back to the game by any means.
Americans Want Snap.
Americans must have something
with snap and action to It, and base
ball Is the national sport because It
supplies this better than nuy other.
Wrestling is almost the opposite of
this. Strength, endurance nnd ability
to stand punishment are what decide
championship matches In this country,
nnd science, speed and skill are at a
minimum. Most of the skill shown Is
not along the line of obtaining a fall,
but of punishing an opponent until he
Is so badly used up that he can offer
but feeble resistance.
Frank Gotch Is one of the most pun
ishing wrestlers In the world, nnd that
Is the main reason why he holds tho
championship. One proof of this is fur
nished by the fact thnt his- most fa
mous hold is one which forces nn op
ponent to give up because of pain nnd
not because he Is put on his back.
This is the toe hold. In addition,
Gotch has other holds thnt In any
other game except wrestling would be
considered so brutal as to be barred.
What is true of Gotch Is true of other
champions, and tho result Is that men
are on the mat for hours with each
trying to disable tho other rather than
throw him. In most of the big
matches one might ns well smoke n
cigar and rend a paper for tho first
hour, because it is devoted to tugging
around, trying to punish each other.
Should Decide Match on Points.
Some day the wrestling fraternity
will wake up and begin to decide
matches on skill nnd points, and then
tho game will boom. Europeans are
rather sneered nt In this country bo-
cause they wrestle short bouts and
know but little, about punishing nnd
disabling cn opponent. But there Is
mucli to be commended in this stylo
as compared with tho ono wo have In
this country. The only trouble Is that
they do not render decisions quick
tnough and nllow the wrestlers to loaf
too much. If wrestling In this country
were conducted in ten or fifteen min
ute bouts nnd provision mado for ren
dering a decision nt tho end of n cer
tain number of bouts, provided no fall
was gained, with tho further proviso
that only holds would be allowed
which were designed to aid directly In
getting a fall, the game would become
nnnnlar In a, hnrrv.
One of the secrets of Larry
Lajolo's consistently good bat
ting is said to be the fact thnt
the Clevelander seldom rend aft
er dark. When he Is on (In
road or nt home the big French
man goes through the papers
closely enough to keep in touch
with baseball news nnd current
events, but so much does he
fear artificial light that ho al
ways finds some other form of
amusement or pastime nfter
As a pool player Lajole is also
an expert, but most of his wield
ing of tho cut Is done before the
shndos of night fall.
This close training has un
questionably had much to do
with the fact that Lajole Is al
ways in perfect condition, and
even when In the midst of n
batting slump he seldom fails
to hit tho ball, but is unfortu-
X nato in driving it right at the
Veteran Driver Requires Two Months
to Assort Green Campaigners.
Tear after year the veteran trainer
Ed (Pop) Geers is seen on the grand
circuit, and year after year his name
is found either at the top or close to
the top of the leading money winners.
The reputation of a trainer when
once established means as much to
1 him in making tho going easier thcre
1 after as in any lino of business, nnd as
a result for years Mr. Geers has had
the pick of n largo field of horses from
which to select his stable.
Mr. Geers has a system of training
of his own, nnd that It is a good ono a
glance nt tho records will show. At
tho close of each racing season Mr.
Geers returns to Memphis. There he
gives the horses he expects to race the
following season two months' stiff
It is then that the grand old man of
trotting begins searching tho green
campaigners in his stable to find out
which of them aro worth staking nnd
1 which are counterfeits, no generally
reaches Memphis about the middle of
1 October, nnd the middle of December
( tho young stake candidates are put
through a thorough test.
During this time it is always inter
esting to horsemen throughout tho
muntry to know what the develop
uitnts nt Memphis nro. History shows
whnt a good Judge of n horse Goers
lu. Seldom docs he make a mistake
ailing up a horse's ability, and as soon
as he puts his stamp of approval on
l'lioto by American I'rcss Association.
n trotter the horse fraternity knows
thnt horse has a fair chance of win
ulng in every race he is entered.
Lust year about this time the tip
was sent out from Memphis that Du
die Archdnle and The Abbe were stake
candidates that would be mighty dan
gerous in 1910. That no mistake was
made by the veteran trainer In his
estimation of both equlnes Is proved
by tho fact that Dudlo Archdalo was
the largest money winning trotter of
tho past season, while The Abbe gath
cred in tho bulk of tho money the
pacers raced for.
Since tho past racing season closed
Geers has worked flvo green trotters
In U:10, and ho has two mere at Mem
phis that could have trotted that fast,
so it looks ns if tho Goer string In
1011 would bo n hummer.
Seventh Annual Regatta to Be Held
March 14 to 17.
Tho Palm Beach Power Boat asso
elation has decided upon Morch 14, 15,
10 nnd 17 as tho days for holding their
seventh annual regatta for high speed
raotorboats and offers for each race of
the regatta n suitable prize, in add!
tion to tho special prizes for the en
lurance race, the speed record race
aud tho contest for Florida designed
and constructed boats. Tho endurance
race, which has become n classic, will
bo held on Friday, March 17, and there
will be many starters for the coveted
Palm Beach grand prize of $2,500.
Lajolo's Great Batting Record.
In the fourteen years Larry Lajole
has played In the big sh6w bo has
batted under ,300 only twice.
vw-r '"wj -
He Obeyed Orders.
General Dnbnoy U. Mnury In his
"Incidents of General T. 3. Jnckson"
says that when the wnr between the
states broke out Jnckson was the pro
fessor of irmtheimitlcs at tho Military
College of the South. lie wished
strongly to take command of a endet
corps, but the bends of the institu
tion were desirous to have him con
tinue his teaching. Governor WIsq
called out the state troops and ordered
that u corps of cadets be held ready
for inimcdinto service. Jackson, then
major, reported at once at tho guard
room as ready for duty. General
Smith said:
"Major Jackson, you will remain an
you arc until further orders."
Jnckson nt Jhat moment was sitting
on a camp stool In the guardroom with
his saber across his knees. At reveille
the next morning he was found in thu
same position.
Why, major, why are you here? ex
claimed General Smith.
Because Inst night you ordered mu
to remain where I was," was the reply.
A Lightning Change Artist.
The rapidity with which chameleons
change their color is marvelous. You
gather one from nn outdoor shrub and
it immediately becomes dark, nlmost
black, hissing and with Its mouth wide
open, threatening to bite. Meanwhile
it is never still, but continues to crawl
upward whenever possible up you, up
your sleeve, always upward. By de
grees the angry black changes Into
whatever color is nearest. If one's
dress is of n brownish color so is the
"The day is cold,
It rains, and the
Italny days are dismal days, cheerless and full of gloom; but they
are sure to come into the life of every person. You cannot hope to
escapo them entirely, but you may
By opening a savings account in HOXESDALK DIME BANK. Sue
a "rainy day" protection is better than an umbrella, for the latter
will get old and fail to be of service, while the bank account, with
its compound interest, will grow and grow and become a joy and
comfort when you most need such factors of helpfulness. Come
in and let us talk It over. With a one dollar deposit, which will
belong to you, we givo a Household Bank free.
1911 Special 1911
Menner & Co.
Will close out
in all their
Ladies' Tailored Suits, Fur Coats,
Muffs and Collars, Long Heavy Coats
in black and colors, Separate Skirts,
Ladies and Misses Bath Robes.
A genuine reduction on regular prices.
An annual opportunity that you will be wise
to take advantage of.
a 30
U? 00
10 00
10 00
4 30
Albany ....
, lllnchamton .
6 05
10 00
2 15
12 30
8 30
2 10
.. Philadelphia.
1 20
2 08
7 25
8 15
4 40
1 20
2 OS
7 10:
7 65
5 30
5 40
S 51
a 11
D 05
9 15
0 19
B 36
9 42
9 48
6 20
6 30
6 31
2 05
2 15
2 19
2 37
2 43
2 49
2 52
2 67
8 45
8 55
8 69
.. .Carbondale....
..Lincoln Avenue..
Canaan ......
... Lake Lodore ...
6 52
6 58
9 18
C 17
6 23
9 24
7 04
0 29
9 32
9 ei
7 07
7 13
7 16
7 20
7 24
7 27
7 31
B 67
9 3
B 35
6 39
6 43
M 46
10 00
2 60
3 03
9 39
9 43
9 47
B 60
10 04
10 08
3 07
3 10
3 15
10 15
9 55
Lion'', Tigers nnd Leopards.
Mr. n. Lydakker, the English nat
uralist, calls attention to the obser
vations of Mr. It. I. Pocock on the
significance of the spots on lion cubs
as Indicating the close relationship
of Hons, tigers and leopards. U:i
lion cubs the pattern of tho mnrk'nns
is intermediate in character between
the stripes of the tiger and thu
rosettes of tho leopard, but fntllnrs
more toward tho former. East Afri
can lions retain more or loss d'rt,,,',t
traces of these early markings e eu
when they reach maturity. A dis
tinct tlger-liko feature of the ll-m
cub 1b a white patch over the c" e,
which disappears in the adult. Piu'in
cubs show a pattern qulto mil Uh
that of the lion, tiger, leopard and
jaguar - Youth's Companion
Trains ieavo Union depot at 8.25
a. m and 2.4S p. in., week days.
Trains arrive Union depot at l.tO
nnd 8.05 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming
arrives at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at
5.60 p. m.
Sunday trains leve 2.48 and ar
rive at 7.02.
Late of tlonesdale. Wayne Co.. Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate aro noti
fied to make Immediate payment to the un
dersigned ! and those having claims against
the said estnte are notllled to present them
duly attested for settlement.
' Ezecutor.
Honetdale. Pa.. Jan. 17 1011.
and dark, and dreary.
wind Is never weary."
Winter Goods
riadeup Stock.
P. M.
2 00
12 40
10 60
8 45
10 50
8 05
3 63
7 31
7 32
7 31
10 20
4 05
3 15
7 10
6 20
2 25
1 35
9 37
10 OS
8 05
1 35
1 25
5 40
6 30
12 17
12 07
8 29
8 17
8 13
7 64
7 47
7 41
7 39
7 SO
7 88
7 64
7 50
7 33
1 21
0 21
12 031
1 03
12 66
5 08
11 44
7 25
6 01
11 37
7 19
7 17
7 12
12 61
6 56
11 31
12 49
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
12 29
12 25
4 64
11 29
,. Prompton.,
,. Fortenla...
..Heelyvllle ,,
, Honeadale ,
4 48
4 45
11 23
11 20
11 16
11 12
7 09
7 05
4 41
7 01
4 37
6 68
6 55
4 34
II 09
4 40