THK OlTIZEJf, WEDNESDAY, FI2H11UAKY , 1011. TAY HE A HELP YOUR TOW It Is the Duty of All to Go What We Can, CITY NO PLAGE TO Overcrowded, Unhealthful Metropoli tan Centers Have Little Room For Country Youth Your Own Town Has Larger Prospects. By JAMES SCHREIBER, Jr. As one who lone In populous city pent, Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air. From "Paradise Lost." ,K was ever thus and will no doubt CTer be so the city, whoro houses thick and sewers annoy the air; where the sun's rising nnd setting are Been by fw unless by chance; where the moon is forgotten, being undlstln gulshed from the dull glare of the eloctrlc lamps swinging above the Wi street; where people are confined in tenements and small roomed apart ments; where souls sro huddled to gether. all striving to beat their neigh bors to a phantom goal riches; where guileless wanderers como from afar and become lost in the mire of failure Or say success Is attained tlmt Is. a moderate success, for one In n hundred reaches the topmost rung. Is worth striving for? Doesn't your wn town show more advantages? The city Is a fascinating place. The height of ambition of most of the people living outside the big cen ters of population seems to bo to visit New York, Chicago or other large places. Visit them all to your heart's content, but don't make your home in ne of them. A great city is no place for the am bltious youth who wishes to become a power where he lives. A clerk in :i country store can do more with his salary than a manager of some of the stores In the city. The small town has advantages which you can see if you will, but take your eyes off that mirage, the city. The duty of the average youth Hes In the town of his birth or adop tion. Instead of wanting to quit it yourself, you should try to induce city people to come and live with you. Show them where they can benefit by so doing. Help increase the pop ulation of your town in this way. Tell them that you are a big family, not a lot of strangers to ono another, ns they are. Speak ct the good times you Indulge in that the city people never enjoy. There are thousands of people cooped op In the cities who if they are brought face to face with the beau ties of the small town will come to you and help yon grow. By the recent census it was proved that in Missouri wherever a town showed a decrease in population it was due to tho lack of good roads. This neglect will have a demoralizing effect en any community. People who other wise would reach your town will avoid It if the roads are In poor condition Some of your own people will pack up after awhile nnd leave in disgust Tho same might be said If the town Itself presents a slovenly appearance or if it shows a lack of civic pride. But the place that shines out In civic improvement, whose streets nnd roads show that the people are up nnd do ing, will be the gainer by Its neighbor's neglect. To Build- Beautiful Market. In Glen Ridge, N J., a village mar ket, a unique and pretty feature of modern suburban improvement, is to be erected at the corner of Bloomfield avenue nnd Herman street. It Is part of a general plan for the beautlQcation of tho borough and protection against the erection of unsightly structures The main building will have bIx stores, each 24 by -10 feet, with oQices on the second floor, a suit having al ready been reserved for borough ofii cials and the borough council chamber The buildings will be of light brick and have a red tile roof. The stores will be in an arcade. Tho borough of Glen Illdge Is now without a single store, not even a drug store being lo eated within the limits of the munici pality of over 3,000 inhabitants Cities Destroy, Cities always destroy; they never produce. The city sits like a parasite n the face of the country absorbing Its best The country always con tributes to tho city, the city never to the country. The cities could not ox 1st but for tho country. We have de veloped the city civilization beyond Wiat of the country. Professor Bailey A Quick Thinking Advertiser. It happened in Topeka. Three cloth ing stores are on the same block. One morning the middle proprietor saw to the right of him a big sign. "Baukrupl Sale," and to the left, "Closing Out at Cost." Twenty minutes later there up peared over his own door in largo let ters, "Main Entrance." Everybody'1 Magazine. One Wy to Keep Trade. There Is moo who has greater op portunity to make friends than the clerk In the Sore, and to him friends are valuable. Never consider any one a bore who is n customer of the place It Is quite as easy to be good naturert and smiling as to bo short, crisp and frowning. ADVICE TO CLERKS. By ELBERT IIUBBAItD. To the clerk who would succeed 1 say. CULTIVATE CHARM OF MANNER. Courteous manners in little things are an asset worth ac quiring. When a customer ap proaches rise and offer a chair. Step aside and let the store's guest pass flrst into tho elevator. These are little things, but they make you and your work finer. To guy visitors or to give short, sharp, flippant answers even to stupid or impudent peopio is a great mistake. Meet rudeness with unfailing patience nnd po- A iiieness uuu sue now mucn not- ter you feel. AiuBLiinii-curucicscuiuuiruuiuot really listening to what is said or not really see ing what you put down. Tho chewing o f gum, tobacco or paper ns a jaw exercise should be eliminated. Tho world is now pro-? nitnnnlni. If ,,1r,ni linhnelnnDD. llko, useless and silly. Keep ahead of your employer nnd of the board of health in this thing. If your busiuesa is to wait on customers be careful of your dress and appearance. Do your manicuring before you roach the store. A toothbrush is a good Investment. A salesman with a bad breath is dear at any price. Let your dress be quiet, neat and not too fashionable. To hava a prosperous appearanco helps you inwardly and helps tho busi ness. Give each customor your whole attention, and give just as con siderate attention to a little buyer as a big one. If asked for information be sure you have it before you givo it Do not assume that the lo cation or fact is so now because you once thought it so. Don't misdirect. Mako your directions so clear that they will be a real help. WASTE CAN FOR USE ON STREET CORNER POLE. Substantial Receptacle of Which Any Town Might Make Use. Tho accompanying Illustration shows a self closing can for receiving paper nd other waste which lias been In successful operation during the past four seasons, and any town that cares for tho appearance of its streets might WASTE RECEPTAOMi. adopt it with advisability. The can Is semicircular In horizontal section, with a flat back, and Is made to fit Into the iron street railway poles used in most cities, being held In placo by a hook which engages in the latticework of tho polo. This permits easy removal for the purpose of emptying tho can Tho bottom of the can is perforated with half inch holes, allowing water from rains to drain off. Tho top is a cover wlch Is made aomowhat smaller than tho can Itself, allowing about one inch play between the edge of the cover and the sides of the can. The cover is fastened to a horizontal rod which extends through boles in opposite sides of the can and serves as a swivel, nllowiug tho cover to swing downward. This rod is fas tened a short distance from tho back of tho cover, and at the back a weight Is fastened to the underside of the cover sufficiently heavy to draw tho latter oacS to place, thus making it self closing. The material used In the con struction of tho cans is heavy gal vanized Iron, painted. For guidance, the words "Push Down" aro print ed with stencil on top of tho cover, And the request to "Put It In Here" Is stenciled on tho outside of the can. Good Ntws For Retailers', It Is repord that tho mail order houses experienced a shrinkage in business during the past year, and the bead of one of the biggest mail order bouses states that this shrinkage Is due to the retail merchants learning to advertise their prices in big figures. The Scrap Book Entirely Too Liberal. Every once in n while a now cam paign story yet bobs up in Washing ton. This ono is on Ralph Cole, Ohio member of congress, who did his best to make his destrict go Republican, but who cannot point to any particu larly howling success in that regard. At oue town in his district ho was to divide his time with a local spell binder. The local man spoke first and was to have kept going for half an hour, but bo made it an hour nnd a half. When he got through he made an apology for encroaching on Cole's time. "It reminds me," Cole said, as he faced bis audience, "of whajt I onco heard in a courtroom. The defendant had been found guilty of a criminal charge. The judge sentenced him to fifteen years. 'Have you anything to sajtf' demanded the court of the pris oner. 'Nothing but this,' was the re ply. 'I think you're mighty d lib eral with another man's time.' " Then Cole turned loose and coaxed back the departing audience by the flow of his wonderful oratory. Cincin nati Times-fjtar. Thy Purpose. One and only must thy purpose be, Whole and decided. From plant force but pyemy deed wouldst see Were It divided. Thou must at once thy choice forever ma Ice. For strife or pleasure; Must choose the kernel or the husk to take Repent at leisure. Borne seek for pearls, others for bubbles mere. On life's sea cruising. Complain not if the bubble disappear. 'Twnti thine own chooslni. Father's Fairy Tales. During nn entertainment period which followed the business session of a woman's club one afternoon re cently some of the gentlemen who called for their wives were asked to tell some stories. The husband of the hostess begged to be excused. "It's something that I seldom do," he exclaimed, "and I am afraid I'd make a sad failure." Tho little duughter of the host and hostess was on her feet in an instant. "Oh, papa, how you talk!" she ex claimed. "I heard mamma say only last night that you had a new yarn to tell every time you came home late at night from tho office." Youngstown Telegram. The Winning Trick. A tricky lawyer was defending a man In n promissory note case, and he knew he was going to lose; But in the lunch hour in bis tricky way he sneak ed back into the courtroom and chang ed tho markers In all the prosecuting counsel's reference book. The judge after consulting all these reference books two hours later pronounced sternly: "I should cortalnly have decreed for the plaintiff, but on referring to the citations quoted by plaintiff's counsel I find that they none of them bears even remotely on the case beforo us, and I incline to think that a gross in sult has been perpetrated on this court. Counsel, with idiotic levity, has re ferred me to the action of a French man who sued a zoological society for having been bitten by a bear. The second reference is to a case of slan der. Next I am directed to a forged will and a cafe robbing. "What have these things to do with an action to recover on a promissory note? But perhaps the most shameless Insult to this court lies In counsel's final refer ence to the notorious Llppman versus Hensbaw case, the silliest and most ribald breach of promise suH In all the nnnals of western jurisprudence. Judg ment for defendants, with costs." His Awful Experience. A man who had been shipwrecked and then cast up on tho Jersey coast, where he" lny a whole day beforo he revived sufficiently to summon help, was receiving the sympathy and con gratulations of his friends on his re covery. "You must have had a terrible ex perience with no food and mosquitoes swarming around you," said one of them. "You just bet I had a terrible expe rience," the saved one acknowledged. "My experience was worse than that of tho man who wrote 'Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.' With mo it was bites, bites every where, but not a bite to cat." Taking No Risks. Henry Irving was intensely interest ed in criminology, and on one occasion this hobby of the famous actor made it rather nwkward for one of his friends. Tho two men were walking together on a lonely moor, Tho friend was a very nervous man, and unfortunately at a very desolate spot Mr. Irving glanced round nnd exclaimed, "What an ideal spot for a murderl "Now, suppose I murdered you here," Mr. Irving went on. The other start ed violently, but Mr. Irving was al ready deep in ills nefarious schemes ud paid little attention to the other's obvious dissatisfaction with the sub ject of conversation. Nobody, Mr. Ir ving explained, would ever bo able to traco tho murderer, and ho explained at great length how he could cover up his tracks. "Don't you think it might be done?" he asked, turning ngaln to his com panion. But his companion was disap pearing in the far distance as fast as his lags could carry him. SHE DID IT HERSELF. It Was a Good Job, Too, but Her Hua band Didn't Appreciate It. A Philadelphia man who may bo designated us Mr. nintik was asked by his wife tho other day to aid In re moving insido shutters from windows throughout tho house so that they could bo washed. Being In a hurry, ho asked his better half to defer the matter until his return from tho office. "I'll do It myself," was her retort. "Don't," was Mr. B.'s counsel us he departed; "women don't understand such work." This of course only more firmly de cided Mrs. Blank to go uhead, and when Blank returned that night he found the shutters down. Ills wife was nursing several lacerated lingers, but she woro a triumphant nir. "The screwdriver slipped once or twice," she explained In response to his In quiring glance at her bandaged digits. "Screwdriver slipped 1" repeated Mr. B. in a dazed tone. "Great snakes, woman! You don't mean to say you unscrewed all tho shutter hinges?" "Of course," said his wife compla cently. "What other way could I get the shutters down?" For answer Blank llfcd u shutter nnd pulled the pin cut of one of tho hinges, showing that the tsteing down of each shutter only involved the re moval of two pins, when ho figured that there were ton pairs of shutters and each pair required the driving of sixteen screws to put them up he swore while his wifo wept. Soon Learned. A Scottish gillie met the proffer of a nip from his master's flask with tho protest that he "cudna drink not o' a bottle." Pressed, however, to try, ho put the flask to his lips, and the sound of the steady gurgling never ceased until he handed back the empty flask. "Hoots, Dugald," sadly observed the laird, as he held tho flask upside down to confirm his astonished vision, "meb be ye canna drink oot o' a bottle but, hech, man, ye'd soon learn!" He Made a Mistake, A man from an up state town en tered a conference in New York city nnd sat down near the press table. It was noticed that, though he appeared bewildered, the man was eager to be pleased. He clapped boisterously at the slightest provocation, and whore others only smiled he would throw HE OI.Ari'ED BOISTEROUSLY. back his head and laugh loud and long. At the end of an hour or an hour and a half tho man stopped his noisy applause and mirth, and, lean ing toward a reporter, he whispered; "Say, this is tho white faced min strel show, ain't it?" "Why, no," tho reporter answered. "The white faced minstrels are two doors below. "What's this, then?" ho inquired. "This," said tho reporter, "is tho an nual conference of the Egyptologists' society." "Waal," said tho crestfallen man, "I'll be!" And, with a look of disgust, he hurried from the ball. Taking No Chances. An old man who had led a sinful life was dying, and his wifo sent for a nearby preacher to pray with him. Tho preacher spent some time pray ing and talking, nnd finally tho old man said, "What do you want me to do, parson?" "Renounce tho devil, renounce the devil," replied the preacher. "Well, but, parson," protested the dying man, "I ain't in position to make any enemies." Shooting to Kill. Poetry, it is said, at thepresent time is somewhat of a drug on the market, n8 a certain Scotchman and would be Bobby Burns found out to his cost when he tried to dispose of it a thing, by the way, which he never did. "I wish, dear," ho remarked to his sister one day, "that you would take this latest poem of mine to your hus band and ask him what he thinks of its merits." His sister willingly agreed to do so and that evening took the poetical brain wave in question to her husband, saying: "You are such a good judge of poetry, George. I wish you would Just run your eye through this poem of my brother's and tell me what you think of it" Tho long suffering husband, who had vaded through too many scintillations of tho kind on previous occasions, took it up with a sigh and commenced to read it through. The poem was en titled "I Wonder Whether He'll Miss Me." The goad fellow read it right through from beginning to end. Then he handed it back to hia wife, remarking sadly, "He ought never to bo trusted with firearms ngaln If be does." Freo For tho Nonco. They tell In Nebraska of n clergy man who In the pulpit was u fearless expounder of rights und wrongs, but who in the dojnestlc circle maintained for prudential reasons considerable re serve of speech and action. On ono ocenslou when this divine visited a neighboring town the editor of the only paper published therein, which never failed to notico tho pres ence of a stranger in town, offered tho following, so worded as to prove unwittingly keen: "Dr. Carroll Is onco moro among us for a brief stay. Ho says and does exactly as ho thinks right without re gard to tho opinions or beliefs of oth ers. "His wife Is not with him." Lippln cott's. Tho Very Rev. J. Armltage Robin sin, D. D., dean of Westminster abbey, has been translated to tho deanery oi Wells, a less responsible position. Dr. Robinson attracted attention to him self a short time ago by refusing to allow the body of George Meredith ta be laid to rest In Westminster abbey, ne is known as a Greek scholar and has written books on theological sub jects. Close to Olgu bay, not far from Vla divostok, a large settlement has been founded where in course of tho next year the flrst iodine works In eastern Asia are to be opened. Iodine was hith erto produced from algae and seaweed which were gathered in the North sea. This seaweed was burned to ashes in Norway, which wero treated for puru Iodine in chemical works in other -ountries. Field Marshal Hermes da Fonsecn. a nephew of Deodoro da Fonseca, the first president of the republic. Is the eighth executive chief that Brazil has had. Though the republic was pro claimed on the 15th of November, 18S9. and a provisional government was organized the same day, the con stitution, which was modeled on that of the United States, was not promul cited until Feb. 24. 1891. The Real Thing. "This," said the young benedict who iras just realizing that he had caught a tartar, "Is what I call real married life." "I'm glad you're satisfied with some thing," she snapped. "Oh. I'm not! I merely meant to in form you that It is not Ideal." Phila delphia Ledger. His Good Action. A little Cauadlan boy went to bed and then suddenly recollected that ho hadn't done one good action that day. His conscience was gnawing at him, lie heard a little squeal la tho corner of his room, and he got up and re leased a mouse that had been caught in the trap. Then he gave it to the cat. Expensive Fiction. "Is that picture really a work of art?" "I don't know," replied Mr. Cunirox, "but the story the dealer told me about It surely was." Washington Star. Enough Said. "Thrifty, is she?" "Thrifty! I won't go into a long discourse. I merely tell you that she banks money in December." Wash ington Herald. His Dilemma. "For $200 I'll fix your teeth so you ce.n chow without difficulty." "If I was to give you ?200 I couldn't get anything to chew on." Life. FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any thing Unless It Cures. The active medicinal ingredients of Rexall Orderlies, which aro odorless, tasteless and .colorless, Is au entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely valuable Ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, intes tinal lnvigorator and strengthener. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and ure notable for their agreeableness to the palate and gentleness of action. They do not cause griping or any dis agreeable effect or inconvenience. Unlike other preparations for n like purpose, they do uot create a habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the use of ordi nary laxatives, cathartics and harsh physic, and permanently remove the cause of constipation or Irregular bow el action. We will refund your money without argument If they do not do as we say they will. Two sizes, 20c. and 10c. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store A. M. LEINE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE MID DLE DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVA NIA. MANUEL JACOBSON of Honesdale Wayno county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other per sons in interest, to appear before the said court at Scranton, in said district, on the 28th day of Febru ary, 1911, at 10 o'clock In tho fore noon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not bo granted. EDWARD It. W. SEARLE, ' Clerk. Let us do your printing and satisfy yourself it is printing. REPORT OF THE CONDITION or mB HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close of business, Jax 7, 1911, RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts f 245,274 Wt Overdrafts.securcd nnd unsecured G5 W U. S. Honda to fecure circulation, 65,000 00 Premiums on U, S. Bonds 2,800 00 Bonds, securities, etc 1,352,431 87 Hankiiifr-house, furniture and fix- . tures ,, 40.000 W Due trom National linliks (not Reserve Agents)... 2.752 78 Due from State und Private Ranks and Hankers. Trust Companies, and Savinss Ranks 105 17 Duo from approved reserve agents ...... 152.8S5 00 Checks nnd other cash Items.... 9,070 47 Jsotesof other National Ranks.. 540 00 l1 rnctlonnl paper currency, nick- els and cents... 210 65 Lawful Money Iteserve In Rank. Viz : Specie $82,128 50 J Leeal tender notes 13,018 00- 95,HS 60 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, to per cent, ot circu lation) Duo from U. S. Treasurer 2.750 00 aoo uo ., .$1,950,6(2 46 Total LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in 150,000 09 Surplus fund... 150,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses nnd taxes paid G7.081 13 National Rank notes outstanding 64,-l50 00 Due to other National Banks 1.409 39 Individual deposits subject to cuecK $l,510.(JGI 14 Demand certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing HnmiR hnrrmvprl 23.2B1 00 155 00 2,144 80-$ 1,536,221 04 Notes and bills redlseounted.. illlls payable, including certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed Liabilities other than those above stuted . ' none None None None Total $1.0511.962 46 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I, H.Z.Russell, Presld.nt of .the nbove named Rank, do solemnly swear that the nbove statement Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. II. Z. Russell, President, Subscribed and sworn to before me thl 10th day of Jan.. 1911. R. A. SMITH, N. P. Correct attest: I.OUIS J. DORFLIKOER, ) Andrew Thompson. Directors. Homer Greene J 4w4 W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERB IX STATE. SEPH N. WELCH The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. O. Jadwin's drug store, Honesdale. nm:nimK::K::::::::::::::::::t::: 1 MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. 1 HONESDALE, PA. i H. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN NOTICE O ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OF WILLIAM PENWAKDKN, OREGON TWP All persons lndcbtcdto said estate are noti fied to mnko Immediate payment to the un dersigned : ami those liavlnpr claims against the said estate are notified to present them duly attested, for settlement. OLIVK l'KNW'AKDEN, E. IMltWIN l'KN WARDEN, LEVI W. l'ENWA RDEN, Executors. Carley Brook, Pa., Jan. 18. 1911. A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER You will make money by having me. fiRKLL PHONE 9-U K Gill 3 11V. VS.