"WEATHER FORECAST: Snow. WEATHER FORECAST: Snow. mHE CITIZEN is tlio most JL widely rend scinl-wcckly newspaper in Wnyno County. Lustier now than at any time in its 08 yours' history. 68th YEAR. Samuel Reed "That Mr. Reed will give you a little over a year," said Judge Alonzo T. Searle, after sentencing Samuel Reed, Monday morning to an indeterminate "term of not less than fourteen months nor more than twelve years In the Eastern Peni tentiary at separate and solitary con finement at labor; to pay the costs of prosecution and a line of $250," for the part he took in the "big fight" at Equlnunk, July 12, 1910, when Silas E. Lord, received a blow in the head, either from a pick or a hoe, which resulted In his death twelve days later, and for complicity in which Leona Lord was recently tried, convicted of manslaughter, and given a sentence of not less than three nor more than 12 years In the Eastern Penitentiary; to pay the costs of prosecution and a fine of 3G00. Sheriff M. Lee Braman brought the prisoner In when Court opened THE LITTLE SHOP AT EQUINUNK, WHERE SAMUEL REED PLIED HIS VOCATION OP WATCHMAKING AND REPAIRING. at 10 o'clock, Monday morning. Through his attorney, C. A. McCarty, I Esq., he entered a plea of "Notl guilty to the charge of murder, and of "Guilty" on the indictment of manslaughter. By order of the court the change of plea he made in October, 1010, of "Not Guilty" on both Indictments to that of "Not Guilty" on the first charge, and of "Guilty" to the sec ond count of the Indictment, was granted, the District Attorney, M. E. Simons, having consented to such withdrawal and such change In the plea as prayed for by the petitioner. Mr. McCnrty's Pica For Mercy. "On behalf of Mr. Reed I wish to say that after duo consideration, he has thought proper to take this course. He has acted voluntarily and at his own free will, after care fully considering all the matters In cident to and all the results which would be likely to come to him or to the community, Bhould he pro ceed lu having this matter disposed of by a trial In court. He wishes mo to say in his behalf, that the mat ter seems to him to be peculiarly un fortunate two men are engaged in a fight, neither of whom have been convicted or tried for any offense; two other people were drawn into the fight, one of whom has been convicted of manslaughter and the other has now pleaded guilty to the samo offense. Samuel Reed's Unique Position. "Samuel Reed is in a position which Is perhaps unparalleled In the annals of this Court. So closely as sociated with another person that the trial of that person to a great extent tries the Issue In Mr. Reed's case, at least to such an extent that it would be impossible for him to ob tain a jury In Wayne county who had not already formed some opinion regarding his guilt or Innocence and would make it extremely difficult if not impossible for him to obtain an impartial trial in this county; he has also taken into consideration that the taxpayers of the county of Wayne aro not responsible In any way for this unfortunate affair; that the tax payers of the county of Wayne ought not to be punished by reason of the trouble occasioned and the oxponse Incurred at this .light, and for this reason bb well as others, ho Is will ing to take the consequences of his act without any trial or any furth er expense to the county. "Samuel Reed haB from the be ginning shown a disposition in this matter to bo fair and to take such action as would best serve not only his interest but the Interest of all parties concerned. In the killing of Silas Lord he had no part; he never intended to kill him, he never had the slightest enmity or ill will to wards him, in fact he was his friend and the last man that Mr. Reed would undertake to do the slightest Injury. Circumstances and condi tions existing on the day of this fight Pleads "Guilty" On Manslaughter Charge, And Is Sentenced For Complicity In The "Big Fight" Of July 12, 19 10. however, were such that .Mr. Heed was drawn into the fight, did make an assault upon Silas Lord, but the Injury inflicted by Samuel Reed did not kill him, did not even seriously hurt him, and If the Injury Inflicted by Reed upon Silas Lord stood alone, Reed could never be charged with manslaughter or any other kind of homicIde;hIs offense could not pos sibly raise above the degree of ag gravated assault and battery. Reed's Good Reputation. i "Samuel Reed never before came before a court charged with any crime. I have gone to Equlnunk and interviewed many of the best peoplo of that town; I have Interviewed the pastor of his church where Mr. Reed not only attended but where he call ed the people to services by the ring ing of the bell which he himself was instrumental In procuring for that church. These people almost unani mously speak In the highest terms of Mr. Reed as a peaceable, quiet citizen and many volunteered to come down here as witnesses to prove that reputation In this court. Ho regrets that cost has been put upon the county through any act of his and only this morning he said to me thnt he only wished that his means would permit him to pay the cost himself thus far Incurred, but he Is unable to do so, he said this would give him the greatest pleas ure. He does not deny that he is guilty of taking a part in this fight which he should have avoided and for this offense he is willing to suf fer to the extent that this court may see fit to inflict upon him; he ap peals to the leniency of the Court, to the heart of the Court and to the mercy of the Court under the state ments which he has made and which are conceded in the community where this unfortunate affair occur red as being so, as well as through out the county where the matter has either been heard or read. Ho is prepared to accept such sentence as this Court may see fit to Impose up on him. He will do this In the In terest of the people of Wayne coun ty; he will do this also because he Is willing to suffer for his 'foolishness and recklessness In interfering in the fight of others hut not because he was any way concerned In the killing of Silas Lord. On behalf of my client I personally would ask the Court to exercise all the leniency and mercy that your Honor may con sistently see fit to do. Immediate ly after this occurrence Samuel Reed expressed the deepest regret over the unfortunate affair. Ho wrote to Mrs. Lord, tho widow of Silas Lord, expressing to her his most sincere sympathy and pity for her in her af fliction. He was repentant from the first and every act of his and every word 'he spoke contained the senti ments expressive of repentance and sorrow for the part which he had un fortunately taken and his connection with the unfortunate affair. His actions on that day Implicate him to such an extent which may make him technically guilty of the crime for which ho now pleads guilty, but which at heart Mr. Reed was never guilty of, and I ask tho Court in all seriousness to extend to Mr. Reed all the leniency possible consistent with justice and I am led to believe that no matter how small may be the punishment or how short the term of Imprisonment given to him by this Court, It will meet with the full ap proval of tho community and I be lieve It will meet with the approval of the Commonwealth whose duty it is to conduct the prosecution of this defendant. We leave It with your Honor, because Mr. Reed has plead ed guilty to a technical offense which in law is punishable but he simply asks for mercy." Judge Searle: ''Have you anything to say, Mr, Reed, other than what your counsel has said?" Samuel Ueed: "No, sir." HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., District Attorney's Statement. "Your Honor, there has been a plea of not guilty entered upon the ; Indictment against Silas E. Lord as j to the first count and a plea of guil ty on the second count In the Indict ment. The Commonwealth is will ing to accept the plea of not guilty as to the first count and guilty as to I the crime of manslaughter as set! forth In his petition, hoping that I justice will be done in this matter. . In accepting this plea, however, I am I compelled to say to your Honor that I we must not overlook the fact that a very serious crime was committed, that the community was shocked by I tne crime and that this defendant took some part in this crime as has been stated by him through his at torney. Samuel Reed made a vio lent attack upon this man and it was through hlra and the effect of his blow, assuming that he is correct in his statement that tho conditions were made possible that the other Tafnnrlnnf rtntltrl rmmn.tt tn ..(. n0 Murder, accepting his view of It and that ho Is guilty of participating in the crime of murder or man-, slaughter, and that tho actual out come of his attack had tho effect of making It possible for tho other de fendant to commit the crime, this' should be considered by the Court. I It is due to the county and to the I people at large that crimes of this kind should be punished and while i it may be true that this defendant, was working for another party and was possibly led into this crime by her, still this would not be sufficient1 to excuse him or enable him to avoid the punishment due to the part which ho took; he Is responsible for his own actions; it is no excuse for him to say that somebody else led him and he Is not excused because he said, he did not commit it, he should not be excused because he said a woman led. him.. on. ,Adamwas pot excused for his transgression because he said he was deceived or tempted by a woman. We must not overlook the fact that Silas E. Lord was killed in the fight." Lawyer Leo Intercedes. "As attorney for Mrs. Leona Lord I would like to say a word. Perhaps more than any other member of this bar, I have spent more time, have seen more persons and learned more of the facts in this case than any oth er. I stood on the spot where Silas E. Lord fell down in the road from the effects of the hoe; I saw the spot to which Samuel Reed retreated; the place where stood Silas E. Lord when he was struck down; I know the threats that had been made by Silas E. Lord to people of what he would do if anything occurred there. The threat he made within 200 feet that very day from where the fight occurred, I know that Mr. Reed knew fully of the threats at the time; I have been acquainted with Mr. Reed for years and I want to say this for Mr. Reed that when Silas E. Lord attacked him ho retreated to the very precipice of the road before anything occurred; that Samuel Reed did all that was possible to be done excopting to jump down the bank before striking Silas E. Lord with the hoe, and Samuel Reed knew as I fully believe, that if he did not settle Silas E. Lord that there would be murder at that house that day, and I know that Mrs. Leona Lord and her son, Millard Lord, fully be lieve that the fact that they are not now sleeping under the daisies Is due to the act of Samuel Reed in striking down Silas E. Lord. If Reed had not done that upon that day, Silas E. Lord and his son would have been here for murder and Mrs. Lord and her son would have been dead; they have said that to me from the beginning and to the close, and this I fully believe. Now Mr. Reed did what a man and many oth er men would have done and with a great deal of candor Bhould have done. He made just one simple mis take, he struck a harder blow the last time than he should have done; that blow was not the result of any intention on his part to Injure Silas E. Lord, not at all, he struck that blow with a view of stopping him and preventing him from killing Leona Lord and Millard Lord, her son. Now Mr. Reed has been in Jail six or seven months for this error of judgment and nothing else; It docs seem to me that this Is a case that ought to appeal strongly not only to the heart but to the con science of the court to give him as slight a punishment for this offense as in the opinion of the court may be consistent with Justice." Judge Searle, before pronouncing sentence, spoke as follows to Reed: Judge Scnrle's Remarks. "You, Samuel Reed, have pleaded guilty to the crime of manslaughter, and in entering this plea, under the advice of your counsel, have acted wisely. The evidence which could be brought against you were a trial had has nearly all been heard in the case of tho Commonwealth vs. Leona Lord, recently tried in this court. Therefore the District Attor WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1911. ney and tho Court feel clearly justi fied in accepting your plea, as under the evidence a jury would not be warranted in convicting you of a higher crime. We have considered the statement made by your counsel of your con nection with the killing gf Silas E. Lord and weighed his appeal In your behalf and taken heed to the alleviat ing circumstances admitted by the District Attorney, and we also agree with him that a grave crime has been committed by you and that you merit serious punishment for the part you have admitted by your plea was taken by you in the killing of Silas E. Lord. Prom the time of your arrest and Imprisonment in the County Jail, since July 13, 1910, you have In no way attempted to impede the pro gress of justice, and by the plea to day entered have saved the county the necessary cost of an expensive trial, and we especially give you tho benefit of this fact in fixing the term of your sentence. We have before said from this bench that any per son who, upon an indictment being found against him, shows a genuine spirit of sorrow for the offense com mitted, and admits his guilt, and does not add to his other crimes that of false swearing in a trial of his cause, in an nttempt to escape his just deserts, will always have, as far as possible, the clemency of this court extended to him upon sen tence. In the killing of Silas E. Lord a terrible crime was committed, but the Commonwealth and the Court have endeavored that justice only should be meted out to those con nected with that most unfortunate affair, and we trust and believe that the results of the prosecutions aris ing therefrom may be beneficial to this county, and that neighbors may cast, aside and forget old, grudges, hatred, envy, malice. 111 will and petty jealousies, and that in their intercourse with each other they may observe the Golden Rule. And we also hope and trust it may be many years before another homicide within her borders will shock the good law-abiding citizens of Wayne county." GREELEY CENTENARY HON. AVILLIAM II. DIMMICK DE LIVERS AN ELOQUENT AD DRESS ON "PERSONAL IMPRES SIONS OF HORACE GREELEY" LARGE AUDIENCE PRESENT TO HONOR THE MEMORY OF THE FAMOUS EDITOR. "The articles this evening are all concerning the life of Horace Gree ley, or taken from his writings," re marked Principal H. A. Oday at the beginning of the program given by the Seniors In the High School Audi torium, last Friday evening, to cele brate the centenary of the birth of Horace Greeley. The program follows: Biography, Helen Caufield; "Gree ley's Apprenticeship," Anna Kllroe; vocal solo, Mrs. Rockwell; "Politi cal Life," Leon Hagaman; reclta tation, "Fantasies," (Poem by Gree ley), Bessie Kimble; song, by seven High school boys; declamation, "U. S. Just After the Revolution," Ar thur Saunders;' "Greeley As a Lect urer," Forence Sluman; piano solo, Miss Freeman; declamation, "Con tinuation of United States Just After The Revolution," Charles Markle; "Greeley and the N. Y. Tribune," Sarah Menner; chorus, by seventeen High school girls. In introducing the Hon. William H. Dimmlck, who made the address of tho evening, Prof. Oday said that when the thought of holding a Gree ley meeting came to him he cast about in his mind to find some one who knew Mr. Greeley personally, and that he at once thought of Mr. Dimmlck. "Mr. Dimmlck," said Prof. Oday, "was a Greeley Demo crat. Ho Is not one of the old-time men; he's Just old enough to con nect us back to Mr. Greeley. I don't believe there's a man in Honesdale who has a warmer placo In his heart for the boys and girls." Mr. Dimmlck said among other things: ,,,, Mr. Diinmick's Address. MR. CHAIRMAN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: "With great pleasure I accepted the Invitation of Profes sor Oday to pay our homage to one of the greatest, noblest, grandest servants of the American people. It Is a broad, a bold statement to make, but time has demonstrated it. The greatest divines, tho greatest ora tors, the wisest statesmen, the finest and most brilliant editors have em balmed 'his name with the choicest (Continued on Page Four.) T. Judge Scarlo A Candidate Only To Succeed Himself. When seen by a representative of THE CITIZEN, Judge Searle had this to say: "While I appreciate the honor conferred upon me by the mention of my name as a possible successor to Judge R. W. Archbald, I wouldn't want to accept any position which would compel me to leave Wayne county, and reside elsewhere. "I signed and headed a petition of tho Wayne County Bar for Judge Knapp, and sent a personal letter to President Taft endorsing him, and I am not, and have not been, in any sense, a candidate for the position made vacant by Judge Archbald. All the influence I have had or may have has been and shall he directed 0 PEDAGOGUES REQUIRE COURAG Forty-six Wayne County Teachers Spend a Profitable Saturday at The High School Auditorium--"You all have A Good Deal of Courage or You Wouldn't be School Teadiers"-Supt. Koehler."I Couldn't Teach School Without a Pair of Scissors!"-Miss Orra Rollison, Hawley. Instructive Program, The local Institute for the teach ers of Honesdale Borough, Texas, Dyberry, Seelyville, Cherry Ridge, Bethany and Lebanon townships was convened Saturday morning at 10 o'clock in the High School Audi torium, County Superintendent J. J. Koehler presiding. Following the devotional exer cises, conducted by Prof. H. A. Oday, Miss Julia F. Schlmmel, was ap pointed Secretary by Prof. Koehler. In the absence of the first two essayists, the program, which was Intended to be a review of the re quirements for provisional certifi cates, to aid the teachers In taking tho examinations, was opened by an Informal discussion as to the Methods of Teaching "The Merchant of Venice." "You all have a good deal of courage or you wouldn't be school teachers!" remarked Superintend ent Koehler in complimenting the large number of teachers who had the courage to come out on such an unfavorable morning. Miss Vera Murray, a teacher in the Texas High school, was asked to give her views on how to teach Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice." She said: "I have them the pupils learn the time, setting and country In which it was written. In read ing, in class, I have each person rep resent one of the characters. I em phasize the character of Shylock as being the greatest character In the' play. Tho "casket plot" brings out Portia's womanly qualties. Her speech, commencing "Tho quality of mercy, etc," brings out her strength and intellectual attainments." "I had a class," interjected Prof. Koehler, "where the boys all felt sorry for Shylock, but the girls had no sympathy for him, and felt that he got what ho deserved." "Supposing we had some Jews In the class, might they not take excep tion to Shakespeare's portrayal of the character of "Shylock?" ques tioned one of the pedagogues. "Put the achievements of the race before them," answered a school marm. "They surely have a most brilliant, history." "Most of our cases in Court are spite cases," broke In Prof. Oday. "So, are we any better than Shy lock?" Prof. Koehlcr's Theory. Superintendent Koehler said: "Not a day ought to go by that tho scholars ought not to have one writ ten lesson in one of the branches, I don't believe " in having written lessons In the same branch every day." When the subject of methods of teaching the classics was brought up, a number of the teachers were of the opinion that the scholars en GOOD MOKNING, Dcnr Head ers I What, in your opinion, should n newspaper do publish the Tmtli or Suppress it? Tele- phono the Editor about SEARLE NOT IN IRE RACE ! to helping Judge Knapp to obtain the appointment. "I am a candidate for no office except to succeed myself." In this connection we publish a favorable comment upon the Judge's ability to succeed himself, from one of the Scranton papers. Hon. A. T. Searle, Honesdale, denies that he is a candidate for the judicial position made vacant hv f'e advancement of Judge Archbald. Ho says that he Is a candidate lor uo office except to succeed himself. Judge Searle's popularity and the ability he has displayed while pre siding In the local courts, certainly give evidence that ho is qualified to succeed himself or any other Judge. Editorial column in Saturday's Scranton Tribune-Republican. E" AND "SCISSORS" TO TEACR SCHOOL ! joyed the classics more than they did the Fourth or Fifth Readers, since it gave them something worth while, something more than the readers. Several townships, It was stated, supply the scholars with five an,d twelve cent classics. The money is raised by holding box socials and other kinds of entertainments, $20 and $25 being frequently cleared. In the opinion of Prof. Koehler, It was bettor for tho pupils to buy them, because It's tho only kind of books some will be able to buy. The first paper of the morning, a "Review of Twice Told Tales," First Part, was presented by Miss Bessie Dudley, Honesdale. It was an ad mirable condensation of Hawthorne's masterpiece. "I um anxious," said Prof. Koehler, "to find out whether the scholars take any interest in the works of Hawthorne." En passant, it was remarked that Irving uses a lot of long words that the pupil Is not familiar with, while Hawthorne does not. Miss Rose Swltzer, Honesdale, presented a scholarly paper on "Will," "Habituation," "Heredity," ".Impulses and Instincts." "In order," she said, "that nn act may be called voluntary it must be preceded by an idea. In Infancy the body is tho chief concern. Man is a social animal and craves the com panionship of friends. No normal man is all social, animal or spirit ual." "The ablest men have the largest County Superintendent J. J. Koehler. ! (Continued oa Page Eight).
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers