The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 01, 1911, Image 6

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Shoeing the Farm Horse.
Regarding tlio length of tluio shoes
should bo left on the liorso without
refitting them, one must be guided
largely by circumstances. From four
to six weeks Is tho safest period, and
eight weeks should bo tho extreme lim
it. Leaving shoes on horses too
long Is apt to result In dangerous
hoof troubles or a permanent de
formity of tho foot, as tho shoe
prevents a normal growth of the
hoof. Some horses require more fre
fluont fitting of shoes than others on
Recount of the rapidity of growth.
Hoofs nro not so liable to rapid growth
during winter as in summer. A young
liorso that is still growing will require
much closer attention in this respect
Uian older horses and may have a
hoof ruined a great deal sooner through
eglcct or inefficient shoeing,
Dry Quarters For Poultry.
Keeping poultry dry is of more Im
portance than keeping thorn warm. If
they are dry they will bo comfortable.
For this reason the henhouse roof
should be tight to exclude all rains.
Tho same principle applies to the
poultry grounds. They should bo well
drained and dry for health in summer
and comfort In winter. The hen that
must tramp In tho water and mud in
winter with wet and cold feet will not
thrive and lay.
j Duroc-Jersey Hogs.
The more tho Duroc or Red Jersey
hogs become known the more popular
they seem to be. They are long and
rangy and at the same time well
rounded out, with good hams and
shoulders; quiet enough to make good
mothers, prolific, growing well and fat
tening well, though perhaps not as
rapidly as the small Yorkshires, but
having a larger proportion of lean
j Horses Not Naturally Vicious.
A man who has been in the habit of
buying vicious horses when he can
buy them cheaply and by proper han
dling makes good horses of them says
that no horse ever was born balky,, but
may be made so by the driver.
1 Comfort For Cattle.
4 Plenty of straw scattered in the
sheltered nnd sunny part of tho barn
yard will be appreciated by tho cattle
during tho time they nro out for exer
cise. It will also be a splendid place
to feed tho hens.
With Proper Care It Can Be
Made a Profitable Porker.
It is often advised to kill the runt
pig on sight, nnd perhaps this is tho
best plan for tho large hog growi'r,
but in this time of insufficient supply
and consequent high prices for how
I am of the opinion that It is far but
ter to give the runt a chance to grow
into a hog. There are some runts
that will never prove profitable, but a
pig of good breeding will usually grow
out and make a good hog, writes A. .1.
Lcgg in tho American Agriculturist.
Last spring there was one pig in a
litter of my Chester Whites that win
not half as large as the best pigs of
the litter. Some would have advised
killing it, but I let it go with the rest,
and at weaning time it was nearly as
largo as any of them. The man 1
sold a part of them to at weaning
time did not object to paying the same
price for It that ho did for the oth
ers. Once 1 put a runt pig of a litter
of eight full blood Chester White pigs
by Itself and fed It separately from
them. At eight weeks old It weighed
twenty pounus, while its mates were
one-third larger. I slaughtered this
pig at seven and a half months old,
and it dressed 107 pounds.
If there is a scarcity of pigs it will
usually pay to give the runt a little
extra chance. A moderate ration of
middlings or some other good feed will
aoon show whether there is anything
of value in tho runt pig.
Treatment For Worms In Hogs.
Every morning for five successive
days a week for two weeks dissolve in
slop half a pound of dried sulphate of
iron (copperas) for each hundred pigs.
Clean up, disinfect und whitewash the
pens. See that tho hogs get pure drink
ing water and aro kept away from old
contaminated ponds and wallows. Tho
Iron cannot safely be given to preg
HQUt sows.
Best to Sort the Eggs.
Sort your eggs unless there are only
a few of them. If you have many
chickens keep tho big, well shaped
ones, tho tinted ones nnd tho small
cnes together. It destroys unfavorable
contrasts, and they sell to better ad
vantage. This is highly important if
you want to work up a private sale for
your eggs.
Worth of Warm Quarters Apparent.
Tho fact that hogs alwuys make
more rapid gains during tho summer
and fall months than In tbp winter
cugbt to prove tho wisdom of provid
ing warm, dry quarters In cold weather.
now bna. res iiunt.
Tho Idcit That They K.icrt a Hyp
notlc Influence Exploded.
Many are the tales told of how
snakes of various kinds exert a hyp
notic influence ovor their prey. A
naturalist now denies this, as tho
the result of some experlinjctc
He shut a number of rattlesnakes
up In a barn, and then Introduced
rats and birds for the reptiles to
feed upoL.
Tho rats were very restless, but
this tie puts down as a desire to es
cape rather than the dread of dan
ger. Sometimes, however they
would run straight Into tho heaps
of straw where tho snalte. lay con
cealed. When a rattlesnake wanted to
catch a bird it would silently ap
proach Its victim, polso for a mo
ment, make a snap like dart, and
then In a leisurely manner retire.
In that sudden dart It had eject
ed Its poison Into the hlra, which
then fluttered and staggered about
in an aimless fashion. Presentl Its
movements became more dulled.
Ihc end hrd come.
Thon tho snake quietly seized it
and bore it off to thi hea;i oi straw
to be consumed at leisure.
Hypnotism did not play the slight
est part in this or any similar rap
ture which th naturalist watched.
Long Honey noon.
Marriage among Moslem? in India
is followed by other ceremonies. The
bride with the bridegroom Is taken
back to her father's house after four
days, then again she comes back to
her husband's house after ten days'
stay, and then after a stay oi twenty
days returns to her father's hoaso
for at least six months. Thus in
stead of having a short period of
honeymoon .hey make It last almost
a year. Near East
A Jury of Women.
A Colorado woman ordered a dress
and then refused to pay for It on
tho ground that It did not fit her.
The dressmaker brought suit for the
recovery of the amount, and the de
fendant evidently sufferl g from a
n.omentary attack of mental aberra
tion, demanded a Jury of .omen. Of
course, she lost her case San Fran
cisco Argonaut.
Mind nnd Matter.
The power of ideas In producing j
and dissipating functional troubles is i
being more and more realized, and !
thus the treatment of such maladies
is being attacked by tho psychical
route already long trodden deIously
by the patent medicine vendor and
mesmerist Hospital.
Belgian Fowls.
Tho Belgians have a breed of fowls j
tho leet of which they have short
ened In order to lessen their powers
of doing damage by scratching In
gardens. They have another va
riety which have been denuded of
tail feathers, that they may have a
better chance ol escaping from foxes.
A Curious Coincidence.
It Is a curious coincidence that
Canada's greatest railroad man, Sir
William Van Horn, ls'a native of tho
United States, and that the greatest
railroad builder of the United States,
James J. Hill, Is a native of the Do
minion. Secrets.
Here Is an excellent rule to follow:
Lcn't swap secrets. Never trust
anyone with a secret who communi
cates one to you. If you do you
may calculate upon yours being di
vulged to some other person.
Long Time Underground.
Electric haulage has supplanted
animal power In Comstock lode
and 12 of the mules which wero
brought to the surface had not seen
daylight for 20 years.
High Priced Penchcs.
A commission agent in the Paris
fruit markets recently shipped a
basket containing 63 selected peaches
to Loudon. The price for tho lot
was $540, or aoout ?9 each.
The Telephone.
If all the dell telephones made
each year wero blended into a sin
gle instrument it would be nearly
300 miles high and f'elgh 4,000
Phonograph la Schools.
In some Viennese tchools a phono
graph which repeats speeches as re
cited by eminent actors has been In
troduced in order to teaoh tho pu
pils declamation.
The Ballon Tobacco.
Three hundred tons of tobacco are
distributee, annually among the sail
ors of the British navy. It is sold
to them at cost
Postal Bcrvice in tho Desert.
A new monthly postal Bervlce
across the Sanara has just been es
tablished. The messengers are
mounted on camels.
A I!lg Sawmill.
Louslana bas a steel sawmill with
a capacity of 600,000 leet a day,
which !b said to be the largest in the,
When terrified the ostrich will
travel 25 miles an hour.
The Philippines have about 200
miles of railroads.
Anecdotes of Eminent Persons.
(Ttj nccordance with the prevailing style.)
Good Ono on Mr. MoKctchem.
Artistic nnd literary circles aro In a
high state of amusement over nu ex
cruciatingly funny story related of Mr.
J. T. McKetchem, the distinguished
artist, author, traveler and African
hunter. It seems that In company
with a frleud he wns lunching the oth
er day at a high class restaurant. Said
his friend, looking at tho checks the
waiter had brought:
"Four dollars for a Httlo spread like
thlsl That's tho most outrageous, the
most exasperating charge I ever saw!"
"That shows," Instantly retorted Mr.
McKetchem, with n smile, "that you
never saw the charge of an Infuriated
One on Alderman Miriam.
An exceedingly droll story is told
concerning n certain Aldermnu Miriam,
whose name has been mentioned more
or less In connection with the mayor
alty of a city which shall be nameless.
'Charley," said one of his friends, to
whom he had handed a cigar, "you
shouldn't carry as fine n brand of
smokes as this when you are out late
at night."
"Why not?" he demanded.
"Because," rejoined the other, "some
footpad might hold you up."
"Hold me up!" he exclaimed. "How
con anybody hold me up when I am al
ready In the hands of my friends?"
This was loo good to keep, and it
leaked out. Chicago Tribune.
A Retired Star.
A negress, very fat and well along in
years, sauntered into the lobby of a
Broadway theater the other day and
asked for the manager.
"What can I do for you, mammy?"
asked the manager.
"I want a ticket into the gallery,
boss," she replied calmly.
"Hut why should I give you a tick
et?" "Cos I'm a retired actress."
"You? What did you do?" inquired
the other In amusement.
"I played In 'Antony and Cleopatra.'
I was fan bearer for Miss Fanny Dav
enport." She got her ticket. Detroit Satur
day Night.
The Now Industry.
"You must own a great many cat
tle," wo say to the grizzled ranchman.
"You seem to have a large number of
cowboys. We saw you showing them
how to lasso tho cows this morning
and all that sort of thing. Were you
teaching some new ones?"
"Cowboys!" laughs the ranchman.
"Shucks! Them was a lot of fellers I
am teachin' stunts to do In Wild West
shows an' on the vaudeville stage next
season. I ain't been In tho cow busi
ness for ten years." Life.
Vagaries of Finance.
"I understand you have paid the
mortgage off your place."
"Yep," replied Farmer Corntossol.
"Then why do you complain of hard
"All the neighbors have done tho
sumo thing. That leaves me with mon
ey on my hands that nobody wants to
borrow." Washington Star.
Marked Superiority.
Mrs. Lash Dat makes mo sick, SIs
tah Sprudloy do proud and sassy airs
dat gal done puts ou since she mnr'd a
Mrs. Spradley Well'm, she brags
dat she's do on'y culled lady In de
c'munlty dat's got a husband dat does
do wnshln'. Suppln' to dat, atter nil,
Sistah Lush!-Puek.
One or the Other.
Nell Is your boss engaged to that
girl he called on so much?
Belle (the typewriter) I don't know
whether she has shaken him or prom
ised to marry him.
Nell What do you mean?
Belle ne has stopped buying her
costly presents. Catholic Standard and
The Bandit Foiled.
"Pinch yer sister's muff, Jimmy. We
want dat muff for de captain's bear
skin cap."
"She won't lemmo have do muff."
"Well, ain't yer got yer trusty two
banded sword?"
"Yes, but she's got a hatpin." New
ark Star.
It Must Have Been.
"What's de matter wlf yo face,
"Accident. Man wlfo done throwed
a plato at me this mornln'."
"Do yo' call that an accident?"
"Yes, sah. Didn't she hit what she
was aiming at?" Buffalo News.
An Indication.
"Do you think they approved of my
jermon?" asked tho newly appointed
iVctor, hopeful that he had made n
good impression.
",Yes, I think so," replied his wife.
"They wero all nodding." Scotsman.
The Other Legs,
Benham I don't see how you get
around In your hobble skirt.
Mrs. Benham Do you remember
when It took n surgical operation to
get you out of your skin tight trou
sers? New York Press,
Queer Solution.
"Uncle, why do inoro blonds get
married than brunettes?"
"Because they're light headed, I sup
pose," Spokane Spokesman-nevlew,
Mann and the Voter.
In the eyes of some people a seat in
congress is merely an opportunity for
tho man who occupies It to accumulate
much money In wnys that aro devious
and queer.
When Representative James It. Mann
wns In tho thick of his fight for re-
i nomination in his district in Chicago
a voter approached him boldly with
the request for a gift of ?3.
"Look here, my friend," said Mann;
"I can't give you any money. In tho
"I'm sonnr, but i can't help you."
first place, 1 haven't got it to give, and,
In the second, there's a law against
handing out money to voters."
This had no effect on the visitor,
who lowered his request to $2. "I need
that $2," ho pleaded.
"I'm sorry, but I can't help you," an
swered Mann. "Why, just look at this
thing from a flunnclal viewpolntl Sup
pose there were 25,000 voters in this
district and each one had to have $2.
If I could give It to tL""'' under the
law that would mean an expense of
"Oh, what do you care?" asked the
visitor, laying his hand familiarly on
Mann's knee. "You can get it all back
when you go down to Washington."
A Dry Weather Horse.
Jacob Hope, the animal expert 01
Philadelphia, was talking about ani
mal fakers.
"There was a Manayunk man," be
said, "who wanted a piebald horse.
He visited a dealer up in the Blocks,
and the dealer tho next day produced
a beautiful piebald half cream and
half black that the man bought at a
stiff price.
"But the first time ho drove his new
liurchase in tho park a rain camo up
nnd the spots ,wnshed off. Tho horse
wasn't a piebald after all.
"Tho man drove straight to the deal
er's again.
" 'Look at that horse!' he said. 'The
rain has taken all the spots off.'
" 'Good gracious,' said tho dealer, 'so
it has! There was n rubber blanket
went with tho animal, sir. Did I for
get to give you a rubber blanket?' "
Washington Star.
How Oliver Holmes Made a New
Year Resolution.
Tho late Julia Ward Uowo was no
believer In Now Year resolutions.
"We should make and keep good res
olutions all the year round," tho cele
brated author once said in Boston.
"I am no great believer in New Year
vows, for. although they are splendid
things, they really don't amount to
much more than Oliver Wendell
Holmes' tobacco resolution.
"Mr. nolmes, with affected gravity,
said to a friend on the first day of tho
" 'I really must not smoke so per
sistently. I must turn over a new leaf
a tobacco leaf and have q cigar only
after each' hero he paused as if to
say 'meal,' but he continued 'after
each cigar.'"
The Two Dramatists.
Thompson Buchanan, tho brilliant
young dramatist, was praising the dra
matic critics of New York.
"If these men err," said Mr. Buchan
an, "it is on tho side of generosity and
forbearance. Set dramatists to criti
cising ono another and there would bo
a different tale to tell.
"For dramatists are cruel critics.
Two dramatists once sat opposite each
ether at a Christmas dinner. A wait
er, in filling a glass with champagne,
joggled against tho older man's car.
Ho growled:
" 'Bo careful, there, waiter, Ite
member, please, I've got a head on'ray
"But tho younger dramatist said,
with a nasty laugh, across the table:
'"A head? Rubbish! You've only
got a pimple on you shoulders thnt
Will never come to a head.' "
Tho Giant's Staircase.
One of the most widely known geo
logical curiosities in tho vicinity of
Cork is a scries of knobs or knots pro
jecting from tho face of a cliff. There
are sixteen of these huge projections
all together, all rcgulnrly set In tho
faco of tho cliff, one abovo the other,
forming n scries of such uniformity ns
to give It the general appearance of n
stairway. Since time out of memory
this queer ascent and Its projecting
"steps" have been known as the Gi
ant's Staircase.
How Ho Won.
A rich old man was asked how he
made his money. "Simplest thing in
tho world," he said. "I always did the
revorso of what everybody else wasi
doing. If everybody bought, I sold
prlces wero high. If everybody sold.
I boughtprices were low."
Prepared For the Worst.
Husband- -Goodby, my dear. A pleas
ant voyage. I have taken every pro
caution In case of accident. Wife
What do you mean? Husband Insur
ed your life In my favor Journal
Her Dear Friend.
"I have declined marriage proposals
from five men." said the fair widow.
"Have you?" her friend asked. "I
didn't suppose your husband had been
as heavily Insured as that." Chicago
The Fleur-de-lis,
The fteur-dc-Ils, the well known em
blem of France, Is said to have been
brought from heaven by an angel to
King Clovls, ho having made a vow
that If ho proved victorious In an Im
pending battle with tho Alemannl near
Cologne he would embrace Christian
ity. It was the national emblem until
tho revolution of 1789, when the tri
color (white, red and blue) was adopt
ed. The royalists in 1871 tried to re
store tho old emblem to tho flag, but
without success. New York American.
To dress well and look well
is one half of the "battle of
success won
A poor fitting and bum
UltlUU ClUI. Ol U1U111US 13 f
than a ton of bad luck to the
man who wantB to make a
success of life.
Our Prices are the Most Reasonable.
Anything and everything that a man needs for Comfort
or Style can be found at our store.
Farmer, Mechanic, Laborer and Merchant.
Typewriter Supplies
Office Necessities
Giant nrcakwntcr.
In the construction of tho new har
bor at San Pedro. Cal., the Govern
ment Is building a breakwater that
extends two miles out Into the sea.
Piling Is first driven, on which a
railway trestle was built, and Im
monse quantities of rock aro being
dumped on both sides o- It.
Children for Monkeys.
Evidence has been give- by th
police that children aro frequently
hired In order that they may bo tak
en out with organs, that the usual
rate of payment for them a sixpence
a day and that they have practically
supplanted monkeys for the purpose.
Singing Cure.
The suggestion that singing may
be used In the fight against pulmo
nary tuberculosis Is an Interesting
one and Is a further .nstance of tho
therapeutic value of hygienic meas
ures, which Is so large an Item In tho
current professional creed. Hos
pital. Never Saw n Car.
Miss Mary A. Egge, one of Allen
town's oldest women, died recently,
after having lived more than 50
years within a block of a railroad,
and for ID years close to an electrio
railway, but without ever having rid
den on a steam train or trolley car.
At the Three Hal Sign.
New York City has 238 pawnbrok
ers, and such Is the nature of their
busines that the law requires that
their books shall be open to tho
Major, Criminal Courts, Magistrates
r.nd police.
Growth of German Cities.
In 1800 Germany had not a slngla
city of 200,000 Inhabitants and only
two (Hamburg nnd Berlin) had over
100,000. To-day there are 41 cities
or 100,000.
We have the most dressy
the best made, the finest pat
terns and the largest assort
ment of Gent's Clothing and
Furnishings in Wayne county.
Represent Reliable
Companies ONLY