The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 01, 1911, Image 1
WEATHER VOI MSG A ST: Fair. WEATHER FORECAST mHE CITIZEN is tlio most X widely rend scnil-wcckly newspaper in Wnyno County. Lustier now than at any tlmo in its 08 years' hlwtory. n OOI) MORNING, lia>cad- vJT erst Wo tlMRKcwu for your co-operation inc the Hcrnitulu Contest, n great success 1 68th YEAR. HONESDALB, "WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1911. NO. 9 i 22,740,108 VOT Miss Helen Lehman, Hawley, With 1,732,474 Votes Procession, And Wins The Companionship "That was dandy!" "Isn't that lovely?" "I never expected to get It." "I am more than pleased," "I worked for all that was In It." These are only a few of the ex pressions of delight that were waft ed over the telephone to THE CITI ZEN office by the successful contest ants, when the result of the "battle of the ballots" was made known to them. The omce of THE CITIZEN was the scene Monday night of an ex citing meet. Promptly at 10 o'clock the ballot box, brimful and running over, was opened by M. .1. Hanlan, one of the Judges and the counting of the votes began. Rev George S. Wendell, the popu lar pastor of the First Baptist church, arranged the subscription and vote coupons in little heaps. Prothonotary M. J. Hanlan with the accuracy and precision gained by fifteen years' experience' in Court House work, tabulated the returns. It was a real treat to see H. Scott Salmon, the veteran cashier of the Wayne County Savings Dank count and recount the vouchers, and an nounce the results of his computa tions to the judges and the crowd of anxious and excited lookers-on. "A Woninn Is Only A Woman, Hut A Good Cigar Is A Smoke!" It was midnight before the strenu ous task was over. The Judges heaved a sigh of relief, lighted their fragrant Havanas, and strolled leis urely homeward. And the contestants? Oh yes, they were "on the Job" all right. From six o'clock on there was an Inces sant stream of 'phono calls. And when the result was Anally announc ed to them, the chorus of "Oh my's ' and "Oh joy's" from the delighted victors was good to hear. And those who ran and failed to win? Well they took the result good-naturedly. It was a great fight, and those who lost were "good losers. And those who wagered money on the outcome? Well, we are not re sponsible for their actions. Not a man on THE CITIZEN bet a dollar on any of the "heats." If the management of THE CITI ZEN could do it, ALL, would have received prizes. And now, dear dear dressmakers! Out with your latest fashion plates! And oh you milliners, produce your latest creations! For the crowd of contestants, both winners and losers, are a good-looking set, and your wares will but enhance the beauty of an already attractive bevy of girls and young women. And lastly but not leastly: All aboard for Bermuda! It's all over. THE CITIZEN'S Bermuda Tour contest Is now a matter of history. At 10 o'clock Monday night the biggest newspaper contest ever con ducted In the northeastern part of Pennsylvania came to a close. After counting the votes Monday night and checking and re-checklng to Insure absolute fairness of decis ion the labors of the Judges are at last over and the complete records are announced. Five young ladles of Wayne county will prepare for the delightful trip to the Bermuda Islands, four are the proud and happy owners of genuine diamonds rings of considerable value. These rings are all ready to turn over to the winners and the tour winners may now commence their preparations for the trip. Full de tails as to the day on which the par ty will leave Honesdale will be an nounced later. There are also four watches which have been won by young ladies nam ed as the result of the votes. Some ten weeks ago THE CITI ZEN announced Its contest. The re turn mail brought the first nomina tions, and in a few days following the initial announcement popular ladles from all over the county wero nominated. The contest appealed to everyone as manifestly fair, for It provided that at least three of the prizes should bo awarded to each division, regardless of the votes cast In any other division and that the candi dates receiving the highest number of votes in the entire contest would be permitted, to choose a companion on tho tour. Guin To Contestants. Tho candidates will havo been the gainers, although their names do not appear on the list of the winners, for they havo Increased their acquaint ance and have cemented their bonds of friendship even closer than when admiring friends placed their names before the public as a candidate for a prize. Tlio .Largest Contest Ever, With the closing of the contest for the tours of Europe, the diamond rings and gold watches given by THE CITIZEN there has ended the largest and most successful event of the 1 tltL kind ever held in Northeastern Penn sylvania. During the entire ten weeks tho Tour department lias been kept burled in votes, and as the clos ing days began to draw near, friends of tho ladies who wanted the prizes grew more anxious and showered votes on the department, and Mon day night the ballot box was almost full, and It was no small job for tho judges to count the heavy mass of little white papers. At 10 p. in. Monday the last votes had to bo polled, and with a rush to cast a few votes for their friends the contest ended, and to-day is mndo known tho happy winners of the five tours, the companionship honor, the four diamond rings and four gold watches. The result of these prizes will make a number of young peo ple happy for a long time, and they will have cause to remember long the efforts in their behalf. The con test has been a success from all points of view and THE CITIZEN de sires to thank the contestants and their friends for the interest taken and the good work which has been done in adding to THE CITIZEN'S subscription list. THE CITIZEN re grets sincerely that it is not able to give prizes to all who took part in the contest, for all deserve to win the coveted prizes, and it is hop ed that those who won will enjoy them to the utmost. Fairness Of Tho Contest. Disinterested parties everywhere, business men and the contestants themselves are praising THE CITI ZEN for the impartial treatment ac corded every candidate. Everything was done to facilitate the work of the contestants and their friends and the result Is that everything has turned out in tho most gratifying manner. Honors Deserved. Tho successful contestants are named to-day as the result of the official count of the prominent and disinterested gentlemen who acted as judges and who had no concern In the contest other than to accept the invitations of the management to make a thorough and complete can vass or the votes. The mere mention of the names of these gentlemen Is assurance of their integrity. They are well known and highly esteemed by their business associates, and by all with whom they come In contact, as thorough and honorable men. All Could Not Win. The one feature of the contest that THE CITIZEN does not like is that everyone could not win a prize, but in the very nature of things this is impossible and there is sympathy In plenty lor those who have no mater ial benefit to show for their efforts, Later on they will surely find that benefit there has been, and of a high kind, for they have necessarily de veloped self-confidence, business ability, and Independence which will help them to bo successful in the bat tle that lasts long after the "battle of ballots" is forgotten that Is the battle of life. Those who win certainly feel rich ly rewarded for their efforts and they will appreciate the handsome prizes far more than If they had been laid at their feet without any work on their part and without the manifold associations of friendship and good will which go with these prizes won by the assistance of their acquaint ances. Make The Awards With Pleasure. It is a pleasant task for THE CITIZEN to make the awards to the successful candidates with the heartiest good wishes for their en joyment of them, nnd a keen apprec iation of the work that they have done during the past ten weeks. Tlio Contest Company. The public can have no adequate Idea of the immense amount of de tail work necessary, nor of the gen eral magnitude of such an enterprise as that of conducting a contest such as that which has just closed. To tho outside It looks easy, but to tho promoters and workers in the office, it assumes a different aspect. Dili gence, judgment, absoluto fairness theso are some of tho attributes that are necessary to make a successful contest, and, each must bo employed to the limit. The men who come In contact with the contestants must possess every one of these virtues. The publishers of THE CITIZEN realized this when the .question of a contest was first considered, and the extremely favorable endorsement presented by the United Contest Co.. Incorporated, of Cleveland, O., to gether with their enviable record of a large number of successful con tests, led to the engagement of tholr services. THE CITIZEN welcomes this opportunity to publicly express Us opinion that no better choice could have been made. An abso lutely fair, clean-cut contest was de manded of them In every particular. The firemen of Seelyville gave a dance Friday night. 1 REPORT OK TUN JUDGES. I t ! We, the undersigned committee, appointed to canvass tho -f f official vote of THE CITIZEN'S Bermuda and Prize Contest, do -f , ncreoy state tnat to tne Dest ot our Knowledge ana oenei, mat -t-1 the contest was conducted upon fair nnd business-like methods, -f f and upon official canvass of the votes, we find the persons men- tioned below entitled to the prizes offered by THE CITIZEN. -f (Signed) II. S. SALMON, x M. J. hanlan; H- GEO. S. WENDELL. X ' THE COMPANION HONOR X -f The honor of choosing a companion Was won by MISS HELEN LEHMAN, of Hawley, who will take her sister, MISS LENA LEHMAN on the Tour. THE BERMUDA TOUR WINNERS. -f . DISTRICT NO. 1 Helene Purdy 1,501,(100 -f DISTRICT NO. 2 Helen Lehman 1,732,471 -f DISTRICT NO. 3 Mary Gilchrist 1,040,023 DISTRICT NO. 4 Ella Ehrhardt 770,000 -f THE DIAMOND KING WINNERS. DISTRICT NO. 1 Edna Hawker 1,437,028 DISTRICT NO. 2 Elizabeth Tuman 1,103,570 -t- DISTRICT NO. 3 Alice Ward 045,751 DISTRICT NO. 4 Olive Lockwood 730,031 THE GOLD WATCH WINNERS. DISTRICT NO. 1 Clara Saunders 1,003,813 DISTRICT NO. 2 Hazel James 833,348 f DISTRICT NO. 3 Adalaide Watson 543,015 DISTRICT NO. 4 Mrs. Frank Waltz 730,002 -f List o candidates with votes counted up to 10 p. m. Monday. -f "r -K ,. DISTRICT NO. 1. This Includes all the Borough of Honesdale and all of Texas except Texas No. 3. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATES. COMPANION. VOTES. Miss Helene Purdy Miss Frances Purdy 1,5G1,600 Miss Edna Hawker Miss Ethel Hawker 1,437,028 Miss Clara Saunders '. Mrs. R. B. Brennerman ..1,093,813 Miss Margaret O'Brien 842,771 Miss Blanche Secor 4G7.45G Miss Annie Ripple 373,580 Miss Lucy Murtha 339,315 Miss Alma Campfield 247,085 Miss Vera Rickard 170,120 Miss Gertrude Krantz 40,880 DISTRICT NO. 2. This Includes Hawley Borough, Texas No. 3, and all of Palmyra, Berlin, Oregon, Damascus and Paupack townships. A tuur to Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATES. COMPANION. VOTES. Miss Helen Lehman Miss Lena Lehman 1,732,474 Miss Elizabeth Tuman 1.1G3.570 Miss Hazel D. James Miss Lena F. Osborne 833,348 Miss Alma Noble Mrs. H. C. Noble 741,000 Miss Josephine Spinner 728,405 Miss Fannie Fromer Miss Musette Appley 410,600 Miss Hattie Seipp Miss Sadie Walsh 392,701 Miss Frances Robinson Miss Wilma Knapp 391,597 Miss Clara Gaston Miss Catherine White 321,227 Miss Nellie Langan Miss Susie Banks 108,390 DISTRICT NO. 3. This includes Bethany Borough, Starrucca Borough and Clinton, Lebanon, Mount Pleasant, Manchester, Buckingham, Preston and Scott townships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATE. COMPANION. VOTES. Miss Mary Gilchrist Miss Myrtle C. Heywood . .1,046,623 Miss Alice Ward Miss Adelaide Watson Miss Blanche Blake Miss Lena Coffrey 527,688 Miss Estella McAvoy IliHIS Miss Suslo McGraw 5?'S Miss Viola Allen Miss Mary Allen 3?2'rl? Miss Grace Monaghan ? 7,011 Miss Mae Flynn rH?? Miss Mabel E. Waldler Mrs. A. Waidler 50,145 Miss Alma Gultoff 44.485 DISTRICT NO. 4. This includes Prompton and Waymart Boroughs, Cherry Ridge Can aan. South Canaan, Lake, Salem, Sterling, Dreher and Lehigh town ships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATE. COMPANION. - VOTES. Miss Ella Ehrhardt . 215'Sij? Miss Olive Lockwood Miss Ruth Inch 73C.931 Mrs. Frank Waltz .. Miss Cora Alt Miss Alma C. Peet 554.52G Miss Cora Miller, R D 2 Miss Vera Murray Miss Margaret Spry Miss Genevieve Lord Mrs. Orpha Swingle Miss Dennle Swingle 459,048 MIbs Lullela Cross Miss Rose Angels Hl'lV Miss Elsie M. Howe ll'llr Miss Emma Bates ? J'onn Miss Agnes E. Beahen Miss Frances Richardson , 45,975 Death Of Georgo W. Homes. George W.. Barnes died suddenly at Monte Carlo. Mr. Barnes married Miss Alice Barnes, daughter ot the late Coe F. Young, Honesdale, March 27. 1877. TIZEN'SCONTEST! Death Of R. P. TnggnrU T? V. Tnirsrnrt. Hlprt .Tnnlinrv 23. at Hillsdale, Wyoming, at the age of SD years. Air. faggari enusiea iu 1862 in Honesdale In Company 0., 141 P. V. A complete obituary sketch will appear in our next issue. To Her Credit, Leads The Bermuda Trip. MATRIMONIAL. Frcy-Wcrt Nuptials At South Ster ling. On Wednesday, January 25, at 12 o'clock, noon, a beautiful home wed ding took place at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wert, South Sterling, Pa., when their daughter, Miss Caroline, became the wife of Russell E. Frey. Rev. Webster, Sterling, Pa., united the couple who, unattended, stood under an arch. The bride wore a beautiful dress of white moussellne satin and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The wedding inarch was played by Miss Ella Ehrhardt. After congratula tions all retired to the large dining room where a -sumptuous repast was served. The presents were many, consisting of money, cut glass, sil verware, decorated china ware and furniture. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wert, South Sterl ing; Mrs. William Haser and son, Haven, South Sterling; Miss Annie Wert, South Sterling; Ray and Ralph Wert, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. John Frey anddaughter, Charlotte, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Akers, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Robacker, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Frey, LaAnna; Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Frey, South Sterling; Mr. D. L. Frey, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ehrhardt, Jr., Newfoundland; Mr. and Mrs. George Ehrhardt, New foundland; Miss Ella C. Ehrhardt, Newfoundland; Harry Ehrhardt, Newfoundland; Mr. and Mrs. William J. Beehn, Newfoundland; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barnes, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. William Robacker, South Sterling; Mr. Ward Frey, South Sterling; Mr. Lewis Akers, South Sterling; Mr..and-Mrs.. E. E. Carlton, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gilpin, South Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gilpin, South Sterling; James Gilpin, South Sterl ing; Mrs. Margaret Frick, Sbuth Sterling; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carlton, South Sterling; Miss Mable Smith, South Sterling; Miss Mable Carlton, South Sterling; Miss Lila Carlton, South Sterling; Miss Lila Haag, South Sterling; .Mrs. Pearl Frick, South Sterling; Fred Gregg, LaAnna; Miss Kate Simons, La Anna; Mr. and Mrs. William Gcigel and son, Robert, Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall, Goulds boro; Mr. and Mrs. G. Holtz, Goulds boro; Mrs. George Schelterle, Gouldsboro; Mrs. Fred Dierolf, Gouldsboro. POLITICIANS VADEMECUM. Election Law Date List Convenient To Carry In Your Card Tho following are dates provided by various election laws and amend ments subject to change by the Leg islature of 1911: Primary election, Saturday, June 3. General election, Tuesday, Novem ber 7. Last day for filing petitions for nominations of Spring primary, with tho Secretary of the Commonwealth, Saturday, May G. Last day for fil ing for same election with the coun ty commissioners Saturday, May 13. Last day for filing certificates of nomination, made by tho State Con ventions, with tho Secretary of the Commonwealth, Tuesday, September 2G. Last day for filing nomination pa pers for November election with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Tuesday, October 3. Last day for filing nomination pa pers with the county commissioners for county and municipal offices, Tuesday, October 17; for school di rectors, borough, township and elec tion officers, Monday, October 23. Last day to be assessed, Wednes day, September G. Last day to pay tax, Saturday, October 7. Last day to file election expense accounts, Thursday, December 7. In addition to abolishing tho Feb ruary election tho constitutional amendments of 1910 provide as fol lows: All county officers who were elect ed In 1907, and whoso commissions run from the first Monday of Janu ary, 1908, will servo until the first Monday of Jan. 1911. All county officers who were elect ed in 1909, and whose commission runs from the first Monday In Jenu ary, 1910, will serve until tho first Monday of January, 1914. All officers elected In February, 1910, to offices the regular term of which Is two years, and also election officers aud assessors chosen at that election, shall serve until the first Monday of December, 1911. Asses sors named at the November elec tion, 1911, and thereafter, shall serve four years. Election officers will serve two years. All Justices of the Peace, magis trates and aldermen chosen at the February election, 1910, shall serve CAN, I WILL ! 00 BELIEVE SIX CONVERTS PUHLICLV PRO FESS THEIR FAITH, FRIDAY KVENING IN CENTRAL M. K. CHURCH REV. W. II. HILLICH PREACHES STRONG SERMON ON "I RELIEVE GOD." " Thero Is not a man on earth so black, or crime so damning, none so bad but what if he come to God, God will pardon his sin, blot out his transgressions, cleanse his heart, and make him every whit whole." This was the comfortable doctrine held out to "poor sinners" at the Union Revival services held in the Central Methodist Episcopal church last Friday evening, by the paBtor, the Rev. Will H. Hlller, who deliv ered a powerful sermon, preaching from the text, Acts 27:25, "I believe God." The audience was disappointingly small, but what it lacked In num bers, it made up in enthusiasm, for at the altar service, six penitents, four women and two girls, who have given themselves to the Lord, dur ing these revival services, came for ward, and there followed a good, old-fashioned season of spiritual re freshing. In the Introduction to his sermon. Rev. Hlller gave an intensely real istic description of the tempest-tossed vessel In which Paul was being conveyed to Rome. So vivid was tho portrayal of the fury of tho ele ments, that one could. almost see tho waves rise mountain high, and the panic-stricken faces of the sailors whose lives were In jeopardy. "The strongest reason that any man can give for the hope that Is In him," continued Rev. Hiller, is "I believe God. That makes the pris oner, ruler. Belief in God that's what conquers every situation In this life, makes every man mastei of circumstances, who can truly say, I believe God. "God has spoken unto men, so that men, If they will, may under stand what He said, at least so far as to bo obedient to His commands. The important question for you and me is, whether we believe those things that God has spoken. "Thero's none righteous, no not one," "The soul that slnneth, It shall dlo" death because of sin." God speaks again. That sentence Is not absolute. If men meet the conditions God has given. There is no man on earth so bad but what If he come to God, God will pardon his sin, blot out His transgressions, cleanse His heart, and make Him every whit whole. "Men, who can say in tho depth of their hearts, I believe God, and obe diently do His will, to such God will give the victory." "And so to you who are out of Christ will you take Jesus us your Saviour? believe God and be saved' Never mind the difficulties and temp tations. Cast them by faith on the Lord. O poor sinner, hear God call, and come to Him, and bellovlng on Him, be saved." The Rev. G. S. Wendell directed tho singing, and the Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D., offered prnyer. Purview Hospital May Ho Enlarged. Harrlsburg, Pa. The segregation of all convicts, criminal insane and epileptics, in the state, at one mam moth institution is planned in a bill soon to be introduced In tho Legis lature. The scheme Is to have the convicts work, making tho Institu tion practically self-supporting. A commission Is to dispose of present penitentiary and hospital grounds and buildings and secure options of a site for tho proposed In stitution. Farvlew may be selected and the building under way there enlarged. Tho commission Is to report to the 1913 Legislature. NO GRIP IN HONESDALE I So Says Authority On This Impor tant Subject. "Thero Is no genuine grip around here. There's lot of bronchial troubles, coughs and rheumatic troubles, and to satisfy the people, wo call them "grlppy colds." Grip Is generally due to climatic changes of the weather, carelessness In dress, etc." until the first Monday of December, 1916. .After the year 1910 all terms of city ward, borough, township and elec tion officers shall begin on the first Monday in December in odd number ed years.