THE C1TIZUN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1011. SAY n 13 Carnegie Defends Plans o1 Fortifications. A TREATY TO ABOLISH WAR. As Head of the Pcaco Society the Ironmaster Says, "Support the President! He Knows What Ho Is Doing." Kew York, Jan. 25. Andrew Carne gie, who sat near President Taft nt he Pennsylvania society dinner N:it nrday night when the latter urged thu fortification of tho Panama canal, gave a statement to the New York cone cpondent of tho Central News of Lon don. "This question of the fortiflcation of Hie Panama canal Is greatly exercising! Hie advocates of International peace hut It Is not an international question. "No nation disputes our right to fortify. Our right Is as clear as mil light to fortify Now York or New Or leans, but it is not a warlike project, feeing purely defensive. These forts. If built, will never fire n shot unless the canal is In danger from an cnei iv an enemy which would be the enemj f other nations ns well as ours, 1h cause injury to the canal would uii':'!i serious Interference with the worh'. commerce. "The president gave evidence of hN peace loving tendency at the Penney I vanla society dinner when he said tlun If he had his way and was able to sc cure tho consent of other powers h. would submit to tho senate arbltra tion treaties broader In their terms than any now existing between na tions." "Do you think the president had nn specific treaty In his mind?" Mr. Car segie was asked. "Yes, one of these treaties ho hope- to make, and which I firmly belknt he will succeed in making, Is one which will embrace the whole EnglNli speaking race namely, a treaty be tween Great Britain and this coiiiiu The race which has abolished private war within its boundaries is obviously the race to lead tho way in tho nbuli tion of the savage custom of man kill ing." "Do you think other nations world follow suit?" "I am as certain of that as that 1 am alive. They would follow rapidly. and our race would thus add nnotliei wreath the grandest of all to its l;iu- rels. It belongs to the English speak hig race to perform this supreme serv ice to mankind. "As president of the peace society I speak to my colleagues in deep ear icstness when I say let us support anrt trust the president. lie knows what he is doing." INDIAN MEETS INDIAN. Paleface Senators Enjoy Word Due Between Curtis and Owen. Washington, Jan. 25. The "Kaw met and vanquished the "Cherokee" in the senate while tho man who, nccurrt lug in his autobiography in the Con gressioual Directory is "seven-six teenths Chickasaw and Cherokee In dian," sat by and viewed the conin-1 Many palefaces looked on with dc light. Senator Owen is n Democni and Senator Curtis is a Republican Both are profoundly Interested in tii work of the redskin, but seldom agree as to what Is best for him. The contest rose over a senat amendment to tho Indian appropria tion bill which authorizes and direct the secretary of tho treasury to py to the "Loyal Creek Indians" S(iOO,(Kjt being tho "balance and final paynien duo them on the award made by tli senato in 1003. Senator Owen favored the amendment. Senator Curtis mad the point of order that it was genera legislation on an appropriation bill ani was not germane. Both senators con tended strongly for opposing views but Vice President Sherman sustained the point of order and Senator Curtl won out. Women on Warships. In the British navy of Nelson's dnj it was not uncommon for wives to live aboard men-o'-war with their sailor husbands. Scarce one of England': "walls of oak" In Nelson's time but had some woman aboard who braved the perils and hardships of the sea ii order to be with her husband. In nearly every one of the twenty-seven line of battleships under Nelson'i command in the great battle of Traf ulgar was one or more women, wive of sailors. Surprise may be expressed that English men-of-war's men wen permitted to have their wives aboard It was only by special permission of the admiralty that this could bo done and then permission was grante somewhat In the light of a penance for sanctioning the press gang system which was largely in vogue at that time. Men were seized in the street!' and other public places and compelled to serve In British warships because "the king needed men." Some of th men thus seized had political lnfluenc and, being unjustly compelled to serv in the navy, were permitted to hnv their wives share their involuntary servitude. Who Wouldn't, Ehl One task that man Wilt do with v,lm Ii teach a pretty Ulrl to swim. J Edward F. Croker, Whose Wife Seeks Divorce and Alimony. Photo by American Press Association. New York, Jan. 25. Mrs. Ella F. Croker, wife of Fire Chief Edward F. Croker, has applied In the supreme court for alimony of JffiOO a mouth pending the suit which she has irought for separation on the ground of abandonment. The couple were married in J8SS, and the alleged aban donment took place in 1003. Counsel for Mrs. Croker said the hief refused to pay any more of her bills, and nil she had, beside the allow ance of $100 a month which she ac cepted from her husband under pro- est, were equity of $3,500 in a housa and grounds valued at $7,500 and stock. The couple have two children, and Mrs. Croker said her present income was insutlicient for their support. Shb declares that tho chief receives, bo sides his salary of $10,000 a year, $50(1 for nctlug with the board of examiners and an income from investments o! $1,500. Moreover, his lodgings, she said, were furnished by the city. FOR A NEW CUEEENCY LAW. Representative Payne's Bill Favorably Reported by Houso Committee. Washington, Jan. 25. A bill Intro duced by Representative Payne of New York, chairman of the house ways and means committee, to amend the exist ing currency law by authorizing the secretary of the treasury to accept do posits of foreign gold coin and to Issue gold certificates thereon, Is favorably reported by the committee. The secretary of the treasury Is au thorlzcd to receive- deposits of gold coin in sums of not less than $20 and to issue gold certificates of a face value of not less than $10 and not more than $10,000, provided that the reserve o gold coin and bullion in the treasury is maintained at not less than $100,000, 000. When the reserve falls below this minimum the secretary Is directed to suspend the issuance of gold certifl catcs. It Is further provided In tho meas tire that whenever tne nggregati' amount of United States notes and silver certificates In the general fund of the treasury exceed $00,000,000 the treasury may suspend the issuance ol additional certificates. At least one fourth of tho outstanding certificates shall bo in denominations of $50. The Race With the Ram. In Morocco the strange season of the Mohammedan new year, beginning March 0, is generally called "Ait-el Unnwela," tho rain feast. Tho people of Morocco pay more elaborate attcn tion to the Item of sacrifice than any other Moslems. In every town a su premc offering of a ram or he goat takes place at the door of tho prlnct pal mosque. Immediately after it is struck by the official imam in pres ence of tho multitude it is flung on the shoulders of a stalwart Moor, who, ex erting his utmost strength, runs like a deer through the narrow streets, pur sued by a rabble. Tho poor animal is pelted with stones by boys and jeered at with execrations from every house, ns It is reputed to bo carrying the sins of tho people. The man rushes along with his burden till ho reaches the door of the cadi's palace. If the animal is still breathing the augury is excellent, for good luck is to bo expected nil through the year, But if the ram is dead all sorts of evil prognostications are muttered. The One Dish Diet. A food specialist said of dieting: "The simplest, easiest and most elll cacious diet to bring down the weight is the one dish diet. At no meal, that is, should more than one dish be oaten. "The dish may be what you will Irish stew, macaroni and cheese, roast beef, vegetable soup, bacon and eggs but no courses are to precede or fol low it. You may eat as much as you choose of tho dish, and yet for nil that you will lose weight steadily. "It's the variety of dishes the oys ters, soup, fish, turkey, mince pie, ico cream it's the variety of dishes, cre ating nn artificial appetite when tho body has really had all it requires, that causes corpulence. If wo confino ourselves to ono dish wo know when we've had enough we don't know oth erwiseand tho result is that we soon drop down to tho sllmness natural to children, animals and temperate and healthy men and women." NEW YOKE'S FIEE CHIEF. P1LIPS DIES. Mounds Inflicted Ly Gelds- borough Are Fatal. BULLET IN LUNG THE CAUSE. Personal Physician of the Author Re alized That Wounds Were Not Healing and Calls Consultation, but Patient Passes Away. New York, Jan. 25. David Graham Pliilllps, the novelist, ,who was .shut six times Monday afternoon by Fitz hugh Coyle Goldsborough in Gramercy park, died at Bellevue hospital. Mr. Phillips had been vomiting blood, which symptom told the physicians that the perforation in the lung caus ed by a bullet which had entered the right chest and had passed out of the body near the left shoulder blade was not healing. It was seen that the patient, who had been uuable to retain liquid food or water, was sinking. Dr. Eugene Fuller, Mr. Phillips' personal physi cian, decided to hold a consultation with Dr. John B. Walker and Dr. Lu cius. Dr. Fuller in the meantime gave the patient what relief he could, and the physicians and tho brother and sis ter of Mr. Phillips, Harrison Phillips and Mrs. Carolyn Frevert, awaited the arrival of the two visiting surgeons for the consultation. The excessive pain of his abdominal wound, the constant leakage of blood into the throat from his lung and in testinal suffering following the admin istcring of ether Monday had worn the novelist out. During u severe spell of coughing he died. At his bedside were Mrs. Frevert Harrison Phillips and Dr. Fuller. Dr. Hotchklss niul Dr. Walker had not then arrived. The sexton of the Little Church Around the Corner, Wiliam J. Minor, took charge of tho remains and tool them to his undertaking place on Fourth avenue. Whether tho funeral will be hold from there or where or when the bnrlal will take place will not be decided upon until a consulta tion is held with Senator Beveridge The funeral may bo delayed to permit the dead novelist's aged mother to make the long trip from Los Angeles. Senator Beveridge, who roomed with Phillips at Dopamv university, had been at Ills bedside, but he was com pelled to return to Washington. The last friends of Mr. P' illips to visit the hospital were George Horace Lorimor and Samuel G. Blythe of the Saturday Evening Post. Many magazine writers, novelists and artists left cards at the hospital, but none of the callers except Senator Beveridge was permitted to visit tho patient's room. Many of the visitors and others had sent lloral gifts, and after the death of Mr. Phillips these were arranged about his bier. Elephant Humor. The courage of a Hon at bay, great ns it Is, is no greater than that of tho buffalo, and he must yield his scepter to the elephant, declares H. L. Tangyo in his book, "In the Torrid Sudan," ns to courage, size, strength and intolll gence. It is a temptation to declare that the elephant possesses a sense of humor. A herd of elephants once fell In with a train of donkeys. Their attention concentrated on the load the donkeys carried. With all the mischief of monkeys, tho loads wore torn asunder and their contents distributed over half tho province. At Bor, on tho Mountain Nile, tho elephants were at one time full of practical jokes, Passing at night time through the vil lage, they would knock tho sleeper up by demolishing their huts above their heads, then contentedly march away. Beauty and the Beast. A well known churchman was visit ing Kew York, accompanied by his wife, who is as beautiful as her life mate is homely. They were walking down Broadway ono nftemoon, and the pair attracted much attention, One of two young "sports," evidently thinking to attract tho favorable at tentlon of tho churchman's wife, in an audible aside remarked that It was another case of "the beauty and tho beast." Quick as n wink tho husband turned and, ns ho swuug his right to the speaker's jaw, scoring a knockout said, "I nm n man of peace, but I nev or allow any ono to call my wife beast." Solitude. Solitude is dangerous to reason with out being favorable to virtue. Pleas ures of some sort are necessary to the intellectual as to tho corporal health and those who resist gayety will be likely for the most part to fall a sac rifice to appetite, for the solicitations of senso nre always at hand, nnd a dram to a vacant and solitary person is a speedy nnd seducing relief. Re member that tho solitary person is cer tainly luxurious, probably supersti tious and possibly mad. The mind stagnates for want of employment and Is extinguished, like n candle in foul air. Johnson. Rastus and His Razzer. "You are chnrged with carrying a razor," said tho magistrate. "What have you to say?" "But lilt's a safety razzer," pleaded Rastus. "What difference does that make?" tho court asked. "Well, yo bono,' a safety razzer am carried only fo' do moral effect." METCALFE PRAISES NAVY. Ex-Secretary Says In Ability It Ranks Second In tho World. Now York, Jan. 25. Victor T. Slot- calfe, ex-secretary of the navy, under whoso supervision tho American tleet made its first European cruise and who was sponsor for tho recent Im provements in the navy, Is spending a few weeks here. Ill health compell ed tho retirement of Mr. Metcalfe two years ngo, and he is now living at Oakland, Cal., where he is vice president and general manager of the Union Savings hank. His health has improved so much that he Is thinking of resuming tho practlco of law. Mr. Metcalfe says ho still keeps In touch with what is doing in the navy. "Tho paramount idea of the depart ment when I was in charge of It was to increase the efficiency of tills arm of our service," ho said, "aud tills idea being steadily kept in view now. And It is a fact that in efficiency our navy ranks second In the world now and ship for ship is first. The British Dreadnought could only bring six of her ten big guns to bear on a broad side, while either our South Carolina or our Michigan could train all of her eight guns of the same caliber on an enemy. Our aim Is to build our ships a little more efficient than the newest ones of other nations." TAFT ENTERTAINS JUDICIARY, Gives Second Reception of Season at White House. Washington, Jun. 25. President and Mrs. Tuft gave the second reception of the season at the White House in hon or of the judiciary. Members of the United States supreme court and of the other courts in the District of Co lumbia, officials from the department of justice and members of congress who ure on judiciary committees of the house aud senate were the presl dent's guests. As at former receptions given by the Tafts, the guest list was somewhat restricted, and the crush was not so ,'reat as It was in the days of Pros! dent Roosevelt. A Middletown Girl Missing. Middletown, N. Y Jan. 25. Mary Porrego, a sixteen-year-old Italian girl, daughter of Thomas Porrego, has been missing from her horue for four days, and tho police of several cities have been asked to look for her. She left home Saturday, and the last seen of tier was at the Erie station here. It ju believed she has been lured away by a young man from New York and is at present being hidden in that city. Her father has gone to New York to nsk the police to look for her. Nevada Returns Nixon to Senate. Iteno, Nov., Jan. 25. By a leglsla hire Democratic on joiut ballot by four votes, George S. Nixon, Repub Iican, was elected to succeed himself as senator from Nevada. A Mean Advantage. In a breach of promise caso the bar ristcr who held the brief for Injured beauty arranged that his fair client should be so placed that her charms should be well under the observation of tho jury. He began a most pathetic appeal by directing their uttention to her beauty and calling for justice upon the head of him who could wound the heart and betray the confidence of one so fair, concluding with a peroration of such pathos as to melt the court to tears. Tho counsel for tho de fendant then rose, and after paying the lady tho compliment of admitting that it was impossible not to assent to tho encomiums lavished upon he face he added that nevertheless he felt bound to nsk the jury not to for get that she wore a wooden leg. Then ho sat down. The important fact o which tho fair plaintiff's counsel was unaware was presently established and the jury, feeling rather sheepish at' their tears, assessed damages at the smallest amount The American Baby. The American baby has a fine, Btrong nncestry. The young men of England who were impntient of reli gious restraint and of physical oppres sion; the young men of Gerraauy touched with tho dream of democracy; the pick of northern Europe, the strong, the fair, the self reliant, the conscientious English nt bottom, but with a dash of the best blood of other races this is the American baby, and no king and no lord ever had a better heritage. Take It as It goes, In Mas sachusetts, in Ohio, in Michigan, in Washington, in California, the average America? baby has in Its veins more of tho OTteLof the Plantngenets than any king tnKjfallvlng has. It was his fortune to haTlsme from the daugh ter linos nnd thefeof tho younger sons, not from the'ltoer son, whom British custom has Inied for the aristocrat. David Starr Jordan. The Young Man's Tact. The man who was hnvlng his pic turo tnken lu the photograph gallery was an Innocent listener to the conver sation between two young ladies on the other side of tho screeu; "You know, Kate, I sometimes wear a long curl hanging down the back of my neck?" "Yes." "Well, when Phil was calling on me tho other evening ho asked mo if ho might have thnt curl, and I Jokingly said yes. Before I knew what he was about he had taken a little pair of scissors out of his pocket nnd clipped it off close to my head." "Why, tho Idea! Didn't that make you furious?" "Not for the smallest fraction of n second. I thought it was splendid of him that he didn't seize and pull it off." BARE, NOTED SKIPPER, DEAD. American Yachtsman Dies In Arms of Wife From Heart Failure. Southampton, England, Jan. 25. Captain Charles Barr, tho noted Amer ican yachtsman, is dead here from heart trouble. Captain Barr appeared to bo in per fect health In thu morning. He was having breakfast with Ills family when suddenly he placed a hand upon his heart and. with n cry of pain, fell for ward Into the arms of his wife dead. Captain Charles Barr, regarded gen erally as the foremost sporting skip per, won International admiration by his successful snlllng of several of the defending yachts which have kept the America's cup on this side of tho At lantic since it was brought over in 1831. Arkansas Favors Income Tax. Little Hock, Ark., Jan. 25. The Ar- iansas house of representatives went dii record in favor of tho proposed In come tax amendment to the federal ?onstitution by a vote of 80 to 3. The largo majority was secured on the ground that under the amendment Ar kansas would have to pay only $1 tc every $1,000.(!00 paid by New York thereby equalizing the taxation of the rich. Two-thirds of tho state leglsla tures must ratify the amendment pass ed by congress to make it operative. A Fair Proposition. "But," tlitf patient exclaimed, "your advertisement said 'no cure, no pay.' " "I shall cure you," the doctor replied. "if you only will be patient aud give mo time." "Very well. I will pay you if you will bo patient and give me time. When shall I call again?" Chicago Record- Herald. Meditation. Trv to secure somo nart of each dav for meditation. Apart from men we ' ?an look ourselves moro honestly In the face, lift up our hearts to God aud give our panting lives a chance. Stevenson. HeIs Maud thirty yet? She-Yes. yet. Boston Transcript FOR CATARRH. Medicine Free In Every Case Where It Fails to Relieve. Neglect or pessimism, we believe, is the greatest enemy the public has to contend with wheu applied to the loss or recovery of health. Practically ev ery case of consumption might have been cured if hope had been main tained and proper treatment had been resorted to nt the first symptom of the disease. Until the advanced stage ti reached consumption is curable. Ca tarrh is responsible, wo believe, for many cases of consumption. It is about catarrh we want to talk to you today, incidentally consumption, since the two are so closely allied. We have a medicine mado from a prescription of one of tho most suc cessful catarrh specialists known. We believe it is positively without an equal. We are so satisfied that we are right, that wo will supply tho medicine free In every instance where it is used according to directions for a reasonable length of time, should it fail to give satisfaction in every par ticular. We want every one to try this medicine at our risk. There are uo conditions attached to our offer. We put tho user under no obligation to us whatever. The medicine we want you to try is Rexall Mucu-Toue. It is a catarrh remedy that goes direct to the scat of trouble. It is carried by tho blood to every part of the system. It purifies and enriches tho blood, tones up the mucous cells, and brings about a con dition of health and strength that tends to prevent tho germs of con sumption from getting a start. Be sides this, Rexall Mucu-Tone is a. won derful appetizer, digestive aid and tlesh builder. Its good effects ure of ten felt from tho very first dose. It Is one of the largest and most satisfac tory selling medicines that we have nver had anything to do with, We know so much of tho great good that It has done that we personally hack It up with our reputation nnd money, which fact should bo ample juarantee to satisfy anybody. Rexall .Mucu-Tone conies In two sizes. 50 cents md $1.00. We urge you to try It. Rc nomber you can obtain Rexall Reme lies only at our store The Rexall Store. A. M. TiEINE. W. B. HOLMES, President. A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pkes. We want you to understand tho reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of this Bank. -mrsn- WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.00 AND SUEPLUS AND PROFITS OP . 427,342.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 527,342.00 EVERY DOLLAR oi which must be lost beforo any depositor can lose a PENNY It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving an increasing number of customers with fldeelity and satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative management, insured by the OAKKKUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly el ten the Hank's affalrB by n notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons of that SUPREME SAFETY which is the prime essential of a good Hank, DECEMBER 1, 1910 Total Assets, - - - $2,951,048.26 BST DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MffL. -a W, IJ. HOLMES A. T, 8EAULIS T. 11. CLARK A Fiddler's Velvet Crab. For the first time on the cast coast a rare but ferocious species known as fiddler's velvet crab has been tak en off Ynrmouth, where it was cap tured in a shrimp net. It derives Its name from tho plushllko feel of its upper surface, which Is densely cov ered with short silky hairs. Its pin cer claws are armed with extraordi nary spiny processes, and its legs aro marked with lines of brilliant blue in life, which rapidly fade after death. London Standard. Tho English law prevents the shoot ing of game on Christmas Day or Sundays. W. C. SPRY AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHISRH IN STATE. JOSEPH N. WELCH The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwin'6 drug store, Honesdale. ::::::::::::::j:::::z::::::::::::::::n:mmmt MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man- I ufacturer of $ i i I ARTISTIC 1 MEMORIAL 1 Office and Works 1 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. 8 naammnj:nmttJt::K:;::jamj M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING LN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodation for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN VTOT1CE Oi ADMINISTRATION, 1 ESTATE OF WIUJAM PKNWAKDKN.'OREGON TOT All persons Indebtedto said estnto are noti fied to make Immediate payment to the un dersigned ; nnd thobe having claims nguinst tho said estate are notified to present them duly attested, for settlement. OUVE l'UNWAHPEN. K. DARWIN J'ENWAllDEN. MSVI W. PEN WA HI) EN, Executory. Carley llrook. Pa.. Jan. 18, 1011. A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER You will make money Dyuaviug me. bkll phone 9-u Bethany, Pa. in mi hi' iii ii i ii 1 1 1 n m II. S. SALMON, Cashier W. J. WARD, Ass't Oabhier DIRECTQRS- CIIAS.J. SMITH, H.J. CONOEIt. W. F. SUYDAM. F, V. H. 8. J. W. KIMRLR SALMON FARLEY