The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 27, 1911, Image 1

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f Rcnd-
Xj ere! Are you gofcj
Ito nt-
THE CITIZEN is tlio most
widely rend semi-weekly
newspaper in AVnyno County.
Lustier now llinn nt any tiino in
its 08 yours' lilntory.
tend tho union itcvifaj
lugs, nt the Central
church this week.
5 r.'.
- " ' I i i e I VTMMY'rc
NO. 8
J.. Out All Niaht, In Famous Alleged Breach Of Promise Case, Brought, counts conwkmkvnusij
Jury, Out J i o!szefsk. Aga.ns4 WiIIiam Fa Tayjor For 0,000,, ;voek of the January
Finds Verdict For Defendant.
fnnr" teuruarj nrranKe for the funeral.
An "Oxford" Bible, with thlB In-1 After the funeral Mr. Taylor got
crlntlon written on the fly leaf, as a a family in the Tioga house by the
memorial date, was an interesting name of Teller. The family con
"xhTbtt in the case of alleged breach I sisted of Mr. and Mrs. Teller and a
f nromise brought by Josephine , little daughter.
niR7Pfskl. by the next friend ner "i kept House tor . r. i.iyiui u..u
1 (liu tne wuift uicic-
1S. :"' B. ..Hnw ovhUiH Initio wnrlr mornlncs and evenings
this case was a book of sermons or Agnes came down with my father.
"Bible -Lessons." also given by Mr. Mr. Taylor said he would pay my
Tavlor to- the young lady, " because i father's expenses and her expenses,
he wanted something to remember q. How long did your sister stay
me by," he said. there?
Miss Josephine Olszefski, familiar- A. Until March, 190..
lv addressed as "Josle." is a child's Q. What if anything did Mr. Tay
iurse in the employ of Mrs. Charles lor say to you with respect to mar
Bentley, Honesdale. riage? .,,,, i
"Josle" is still under twenty-one. A. Mr. Taylor at his home in
but according to her own testimony . Philadelphia in 1007 in March ask-
and the evidence 01 lnteresteu uuu j eu me 10 imiri mm w...
January 5. 1907. Josephine went
with the corpse to Philadelphia, and ; cused from attendance
after the burial she stayed at .ur.
Taylor's houso in Philadelphia. Her
sister Agnes came down. Mr. and
Mrs. Teller and daughter lived in
the same house.
The alleged proposal was made In
the parlor after supper. Mr. Taylor
was blind. Josephine, at his re
quest, went across the street to pil-
Biie returned iu
disinterested persons, she has seen a
good deal of the world in her short
life, and. nas learueu uy au
nee that "life is not one sweet
For two whole days testimony In
the case was heard, and there was
not a dull moment in the trial from
start to finish.
A "Lay" Sermon.
"Exhibit 1" was a sermon written
y Mr. Taylor from the text "I am
not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, for it Is the power of God
unto salvation to everyone mat be
lieveth." "I wrote that for myself,
ho testified, "in my own book just as
an experiment to see If I could write
. sermon. It's the only sermon I
ver wrote. The girl wanted some
thing to remember me by. sne saw
me write it and I gae It tq her'
Attorneys M. B. Simons and P. H.
Iloff appeared for the prosecution,
and Lawyers F. P. Kimble and ,R. M.
Innlor fnr the defense.
burdening the reader
with the creat mass of testimony
O. What did you say?
"A. I said that 1 would.
This nrnnnsal of marriage occur
red. according to Josephine's test!
mony, when with her sister Agnes
was staying at l'linaueipnia.
When Miss Olszefski asked Mr
Taylor to fulfill his promise, he
postponed It. a second tunc
postponed It, and later refused to
marry her at an.
Mr. Taylor Teaches "Josle" Religion
O. What did Mr. Taylor teach
A. Ho taueht me to rend to him
nud ho corrected me. Ho wrote out
Riblo lessons for me, and tntigiu me
religion, and had mo go to church
and Sunday school with him.
Q. What church?
A. Baptist in Philadelphia, Pres
byterian in Prompton.
Q. What other studies did he
teach you?
A. He taught me grammar and
Q. How often did you read to
other place?
A. No.
term of court was opened Tuesday RaDid Gains In Votes Show Many Surprises in 1 oday s
morning by the calling of the list of, r
Results Contest Closes promptly at 10 r. ivi., munuay
Night, January 3o--Names of Judges Announced
Winners of Competitive Ballot Announced today Miss
Purdy of District No. i and Miss Lehman of ' District
No. 2 Pass Million MarkWho Will Be The Next ?
traverse jurors. For good and suf-i
flclent reasons these jurors were ex
cused from attendance: Robert B.
Decker. Lehlch: Amos Olver, Salem;
M. L. O'Hara, Mt. Pleasant; A. An-1
drews, Lake; V. S. Whlttaker, Pres-
ton; Edward Watson, Hawley.
The proceedings were interrupted
by the entrance of the jurors who had
been In charge of the case of the
Commonwealth versus Leona Lord.
After their verdict had been rendered oooooooooooooooooooo
the first case in the trial list was tak
en up for consideration.
Cnses Postponed.
The only case that came up for
trial the second week of January
f ' ...... In XTiti. V n vl.- nr At-
tan io ClS 'with Mr: Taylor? !!L .iVl
n nirin't vnn writ., vour sister for alleged breach of promise of mar
2' ?ive SuTroturnerUfrom,BAti riage, damages being laid at $10,000
witn lntoresc irom auk. iu, aui.
. t in.. J f . . J 41m mnnlli
mn"c h'f? - "r".r,. The case of Elizabeth Hawker vs.
I don't remeniber I may have GeorSe Poppenhoimer, trespass, was
fi..n,,Ie.?.el"!,r,J,i""Lff J continued on account of the Illness
ijawyur ivimuiu i ...... . ,
... I Ul LUC llUlllbllli
tne letter. ,,, noo f Tii,io w Kpit. va.
10,""VyJ.vYl .X'.'.r," The County of Wayne, trespass, Is
were going to rui.auu.. rl,u;nH
and become a school teacher?
A. I may have written a letter.
"Exhibit 3" shown to witness, a
letter written by her.
"Yes, that's my handwriting."
Q. Was It written at Tioga?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. This action is brought by your
A. I bring the case against Mr.
. . t -, n l,.i
S and under' age?" mV ' father U. G. Rldgway. defendant's appeal in
to be arbitrated.
Number 4. Wallace J. Barnes ver
sus Ernest Miller, assumpsit, was
Number 5, William Gray versus
the Herbeck and Demer Company,
the Herbeck and Demer Company.
A verdict was rendered In favor of
o Prothonotary and Clerk
Cashier Wayne County Savings o
Bank. o
of o
o uourt. u
o IlKV. G. S. WENDELL, o
o Pastor of Honesdale Baptist o
o Church. o
Candidates Notice.
Each candidate Is earnestly re
miested to look over her standing.
If she has any reason to think she
has not been credited with all the
votes she has cast, she should turn
In to the contest department a wrlt-
i iHfon,,nnts i on alntlff havinc ten notification not later than 5 p.
the defendants, the plaintiff having ciinl-iv nnd anv correct bns will
gone to Chicago, and not appearing, m. Saturday ami any cormUon. wiu
Number C, George H. Whitney vs
i t.t. 11 ...!(-
Mffi jSSphlne stated that she was M'rdXWi
19 last March, and was born March A- Conr.ghtSo n.defe nda nts
iu, isai. fendant paying.
A. Mutter of Age. Number 8, Anna May Fives vs.
O. Haven't you sworn before Ant.n Transnortatlon Co.. trespass, by
'Squire Ham that on July 1, 1907, agreement of counsel was continued,
assumpsit, was settled.
run tue ereui. uio s.Mv. . , .m.. .
nucn 01 wnicn waa imcici ...h i. icuu .-
immaterial, selections are made, and read to him every day.
thir nhiiracter. the nature of Attorney Iloff then Introduced
m UUA . I
you were under 1G?
A. I may have sworn.
Q. You do admit .you and your
father were mistaken when: youi stat
ed you were born In 1892? , 1
A. Mv father must have been
the costs of this term to be paid by
the defendant.
Number 9. HlramCole. vs. .Annie
Cole et al, assumpsit, on plaintiff's
application was continued.
Court Chronicle.
The nccounts in the estates of Lucy
. Decker, Hawley; , Lotto MenK,
can be
the rest of the testimony
The Jurors drnwn In the case were:
A. E. Sheard, farmer, Damascus;
Jesse Hathaway, farmer, Damascus;
T. D. Waltz, merchant, Dreher; Ly
nn Burrus, farmer, Salem; M. A.
Utter, laborer, Starrucca; J. H. Moon,
farmer, Sterling; G. H. Sandercock,
farmer, Cherry Ridge; C. M. Fuller,
farmer, Buckingham; Alex. Dle
.terich, laborer, Clinton; David H.
Gager, farmer, L,eDanon; tu. .
rel, farmer, Clinton; Charles Mc
Hale, laborer, Hawley.
The Bible was an especially in
teresting "Exhibit." With its fly
leaf containing an appropriate verse
f Scripture and a memorial date,
ft was a mute memento of the Tor
rey meetings which Josephine at
tended while In the joint employ of
Mr. Taylor and his sister, and where
he professed conversion. "After
he professed conversion," testified
(Mr. Taylor, "she told me she had
teen to the Torrey meetings and
fcad been converted. I gave her a
Bible. I have given dozens of Bi
llies away. She gave me that date
(Feb. 11, 190G.) as the date of her
upposed conversion," and that ac
counted for that particular date be
ing Inserted according to Mr. Tay
lnr'R statement.
The lay sermon was written in a
"lfirtirfir" purchased at TJsdall'B,
103G Market street, Philadelphia.
Mr. Taylor Testifies.
Mr. Taylor was called for cross
examination under the statutes,
Tuesday morning, He stated that
ulss .Tnsonhine was employed as
housemaid by his sister, who paid
the bills. "I wrote Bible lessons
for the teacher who taught her, not
for the girl." "You must not for
get that I'm blind." "Blindness has
been coming on in the last four or
flvo years." "I had nothrng to do
with the girl until after my sister's
4eath." "Wo had an arrangement
of alternating expenses, I paying
lx months and she six months."
When pressed closely as to the
amount of his fortune, Mr. Taylor
.nlrl "t mnv ha" worth $150,000
Whon questioned further as to his
wealth, he said: "I say It's prying
into my private affairs.
n if tho turv should find a ver
41ct for $25,000, you could pay it
without impoverishing yourself?
A. Very easily, nnd I would glad
ly do it, if you establisn your ciaiiu.
O. Where did you reside In
A. 2213 W. Venango, Tioga.
Testimony of Miss Olszefski.
My home is In Prompton, Wayne
ount. I was born In Lackawanna
Q. When did you first meet Mr.
A. When I went to work for him
and his sister at his home in Promp
ton in September, 1305. Mr. Tay
inr'n sister died in January. 1907
at hla home In ' Prompton. After
her death he asked me to go to Phil
adelphia with the corpse. I did bo
Q. Who went with you?
Lawyer Kimble shows
A " n wtor wrlttpn tn Air. Tavlor,
'n nwin't vnn Rnv In a letter to Texas: George W. Leonard,- Way-
Mr. Taylor, if your father forced mart; Julia Gressman, Texas; Minor
mnnpv nut. nf M. Tavlor you'd re- children of Peter Newman, Hawley;
Exhibit No. 1 the famous "Bible turn It? F- B. Penniman, Honesdale; Roslna
Lessons," and showed It to the wit- A i wrote this letter. A. Mills, Mt. Pleasant; Warren Lake,
Q." Whether or not you can say
when and how and about where you
got that book?
A. Mr. Taylor wrote out this ser
mon for me together with the rest
of this which he told me to study.
Mr. Taylor gave It to me. He said
later on he would give me more."
"No, sir; I didn't ask him for It."
o Ynu Rnv vmi loft Mr. Taylor's Mt. Pleasant: ifimma w. Harvey, iier-
place In August, 1907, and went Un; Jane McKown, Hawley; Bern-
home to your father? ard Taroox, scott; &usan Button,
A. Yes. I staved there a few' Lake: Samuel Bryant, Canaan;
wonkR. , Hutchinson McMurray, Starrucca;
.TnRonhlno then told of attending Mary G. Reynolds, Scott; Henry
Scranton Business College and tak- Iloff, Cherry Ridge; C.H.Woodward,
inc the course In stenography. Hawley, were connrmeu aosoiute,
Q. Did you change your name ai- Tuesday, January zi.
The Bible In Evidence.
Exhibit No. 2, an Oxford Bible,
was then shown to the witness. "We
won't object to the Bible," said R.
M. Stocker, Esq., associate counsel
for the defense.
Judge Searle: You can prove any
thing by the Bible.
"That's the Bible Mr. Taylor pre
sented to me. I came home from
Sunday school and Mr. Taylor gave
mo. the Bible.
The Bible was offered In evidence
for the purpose of showing the. In
scription therein.
Q. After tne time Air, xayjor mpb.
ed you to marry him whether you
received the attentions of other
A. No, sir.
Q. Have you since that time?
A. No.
Q. Why was it you hadn't recelv
pri thp attentions of any one else?
A. I loved Mr. Taylor and I
thought he was going to carry out
his promise.
Q. What was his treatment of you
when he asked you to marry him?
A. Well, he kissed me.
"He kissed me trequentiy. i
spent most of my time In his com-
o. Listening to nis uioie wes
A Yes. sir.
O. Was Acnes at Philadelphia
when he asked you to marry him?
A. Yes. s r: living In tlio house,
helping me do the work and going
to school.
o. Whnt did Mr. Taylor say to
you In regard to the amount of his
A. Well ho told mo auout tne on
ferent properties he had In differ
ent places, and after his sisters
death, she left him half a million.
Q. Did he frequently talk to you
about his properties?
A. No.
"Ho told me about his properties
after and before he asked me to
marry him."
O. Do you rememuer tne oate
when Taylor actually refused to
marry you?
A. I think it was In August,
1907. at his home In Prompton.
Q. What did you do from August
1907, up to time he refused to marry
A. I waB keeping house continu
ously for Mr. Taylor,
Cross-examined by Lawyer Kimble.
Miss Olszefski! admitted, that Miss
Tavlor came to hire her as a ser
vant. She gave her directions and
paid her. After bis Sister's death,
ter you'd been there a week?
A. No, sir.
These appointments were made by
O. In one week didn't you change I u.""l""riL
and when Miss ueesroad, now airs,
barail milium, aaitBU juu, "hid uu nlnnlrmnrp R M
been getting married,' you said "No "waappXted master.
that oiserskl is not my rignt name , - f Sarah B New
J f"c",r"itlu combo, deceased. C. P. Searle. Esq.
tefm with the teachers afad stu auQltor tor
cai ing you Josepnme iuyiur township. Petition read, filed
TheyUcal,ed me Miss Olszefski. and Frank A smith appointed. Tues-
u. Llion t you Know mere wua u ti .... - , r,, a
5!2t V!W Clearwater adra pM
..rVntwi versus Jennie Frey et ai, ueienn-
to your father? motion of Searle and Sal-
A. W.nen 1 went to nr. x ay iur- ----- o . 00 . ,,lV nrn
Q" n,f t " ' fesso, January 24.
arv 24:
In the divorce case or tJiacitmore
Q. What was his treatment
you, as a mere servant?
A. No, sir.
. -f -f
The last day of the contest -t-
no checks will be accepted by -f
-f the Tour Department, unless
certified. Candidates having
checks should turn them in to
the tour department AT ONCE, -f
-f If inconvenient to turn in f
-f cash use postofflce money or
ders, New York drafts or ex- f
press money orders. -r
Positively no checks will be
-f accepted unless certified. -r-
In re estate Harley E. Fleming
niidltor's renort confirmed absolute,
In re estate of H. S. Sleg, auditor s
Q. What was his treatment of you confirmed absolute.
after asking you to marry him?
A. Well. Mr. Taylor treated me
llko a lover.
Appraisements To Widows.
Appraisements of $300 .to widows
of Charles J. Weaver, Honesdale, per-
Well, he led me to love him by sonal; H. B. Searles, Honesdale, per-
hls teachings. He taught me les- sonal; Thomas Neville, Sterling, per
sons and called mo all pet names, sonal; O, L. Rowland, Honesdale,
and wrote out Bible lessons for me personal; James L. Taylor, Lebanon,
and In that way he led me to love personal, were confirmed nisi, Tues
hlm. Every time he went to town Uay, January 24, and on same date
ho'd kiss me, and when he came 0f $5,000 to Nicholas Smith, Clinton,
back he'd kiss me." real.
1 was very sick. I had a bad cold Accounts In the following estates
nt thp time of Miss Taylor's death, worn confirmed nisi: Roy O. Calkins,
Mr. Taylor asked Dr. Corson to pro- Damascus; Sidney r . ueynoius,
scribe for mo. He hired Mrs. Fltz- Honesdale; Ralph G. Abbey, faaiem;
gerald to take care of me so that 1 David Wonnacott, Prompton; wn
would be able to go Wednesday with am Dassell, Honesdale; W. M.
the funeral party to Philadelphia, nuchanan. Preston; William H.
Mr. Taylor asked the Dr. and my prosser. Honesdale; A. w. urown,
father to go with me, because I starrucca; William Doughty, Hones
wasn't well. rtnin. r. Alice Vail. Damascus.
Q. Did you ever pay Dr. Corson i, w. Sandercock, Cherry uiuge,
for his services? E. W. Gammell. Bethany, w. J. ug-
A. Nn. Hir. ,inn Dvlmrrv. were appointed view-
O. Didn't Mr. Taylor say to you I era for proposed foot bridge over the
about the time that he let you go Lackawaxen, and instructed to re-
"Josephlno your father is trying to port to the grand jury.
rob mo. and didn't you answer "Yes, i. W. Sandercock. Cherry Ridge,
Mr. Taylor, I know he Is?" John M. Lyons, Honesdale, Charles
A. No, sir. E. Keene, Keene, were appoimeu
Amies Hears Tlio Proposal. viewers for three proposed bridges
Acnes Olszefski. 17 years old, a in Waymart borough
.. I ... nr tUn nlntnHW tnl1 nf roplV I 1 n loltor frnm Inannh nn nRltmC 'rdfirfl Were no Oilier IIUUUIO IU
her to come to Philadelphia. She house at that time. It was after sup
went and her father went with her. per in the evening. .No lights were
'T Attended school and helped my .lit yet In the house. I went to tno
sister do -the work at Mr. Taylor's kitchen to wash tho dishes and
innnnir. nViiin.ininliln T tipnrd nhniit mv own business.
ivioim. mvinr innnnhlnn to She testified to hearJne.Mx; Taylor
marry him:" call her sister "Dear.eaK; It was
"I was coming down Btalrs and on a common expression with him. fane
my way to the kitchen I heard Mr. saw him kiss Josephine many times.
rr ,.!,. on v ".naontiinn niii vou it wur in the latter part Of
,HJ1UI BMJ - - - 1 -
marry me?" and I went on.
"I could tell them by their voices.
(Continued on Page Five.)
nnnear in Tuesday's Issue. From
Saturday no candidate will' be able
to get any line on the work ueing
performed by her competitors, and
nobody will know the result until
the final vote has been ennvassed
by the judges.
Hustle! Hustle! Hustlel
The end of the CITIZEN'S Tour
contest Is so near that you can
almost touch it.
Only two days after to-day re
main in which to clean up your pros
pectB and' make a finish that will. put
you well up arthctop, .The-excite
ment and enthusiasm is at tne nign
est point and vote getting Is easy
if you keep plugging. Don't delay
a single minute from now on. If
you would win, you can't afford to
waste any time at an. let us crop
you a little word or advice rignt
All Over At Ten.
All candidates ARE HEREBY
NOTIFIED that the contest CLOSES
at 10 P. M. Monday night, and all
business must be In the omce uy
that hour. At 10 p. m. the door to
the contest department will be lock
ed, and candidates will be allowed
to turn In business on nano and cast
their votes. IF YOU ARE NOT IN
your lookout, as positively no busi
ness will be taken alter mat nour.
Don't He Too Confident.
During the "Competition Offer"
several of the candidates failed to
win hich ballots because they
thought they had plenty to win but
who found out when the winners
were announced that some one else
had been working a little harder
nnd hnd beaten them out. Several
times we have heard the remark
that some one of the candidates had
more to turn In but had refrained
from doing so because they thought
what they had was enough to win.
Now don't get this idea at the finish.
Should A Tie Occur.
In case of a tie for any of the
prizes offered In this contest tne
value of the prize or prizes thus tied
for will be equally divided between
the candidates who tied ror same.
Do It Now The 1-Jw.t Call.
If you wish to help your friend
DO IT NOW. If you have assisted
her, and want to help ner some
more do It now.
For there are but two more oays.
Prnmntlv at 10 o'clock p. m. Mon
day the contest will end. This Is the
last call, uauy rounu your rauui
date, for each and every candidate
needs all the votes she can get. She
may have votes by tho scores 01
thousands but some other may
have them by the hundreds of
thousands. No candidate should be
over-confident, nor should any can
didate's friends bo In the same state
of mind. Over-conlidence engend
ers defeat.
A Secret llnllot.
If candidates are unablo to get
votes In return for their subscrip
tions before 10 o'clock their suo
scrlptlon blanks and the cash to
cover them will bo placed In tho bal
lot box and counted by tne judges
according to the published scale of
votes. Thus It Is possible for a can
didate to make her final efforts en
tirely in the dark, hidden even irom
tho tour manager, with the amount
ot her last vote-getting known only
to tho Judges.
All Over Monday,
Promptly at 10 o'clock Monday
night the greatest contest ever at
tempted In Wayne county will come
to a close. Immediately after the
olnne n committee Of distinguished
business men will open tho ballot
box, make the count and announce
the winners. There will be Ave
young ladles who will be awarded a
Tour of, Bermuda at the expense of
THE CITIZEN. In addition four
Diamond rings of considerable value
and four gold watches will be award
ed young ladles.
Help The Judges.
All candidates are requested to
use-the following few precautions In
putting up their votes and It will
aid the judges considerably In mak
ing a speedy count. Sort your votes
Into denominations of like numbers!
the 2i00 by themselves and the
5000 by themselves, the 20,000 by
themselves, etc. Tie each denomin
ation In packages, using thread or
bands. Place them In one envelope
with your name and district number
in large bold hand on the outside of
the envelope. CAST. THEM NOT
P. M; MONDAY. .The WISE candi
date -will get the bulk of her votes
In the box by -6 or 7 p. m. Monday.
In order to' make It clear to every
one we will state that among th
rules and regulations of the contest
was this clause. NO CANDIDATE
words no candidate that has gone in
with some other candidate as com
panion can have her votes changed
to count for the person she is run
ning with. Everything that she has
in reserve must uu vuituu in
HER OWN NAME before she can,
go In as companion with another.
THE CITIZEN'S voting schedule
from January 23 to the end.
Tho Regular Scale.
Four months GO
Six months 75
One year $1.50
Two yearc 3.00
Three years 4.50
Four years 6.00
Five years 7.50
Six years 9.00
Seven years 10.50
Eight years 12.00
Nino years 13.50
Ten years 15.00
(Standing of Contestants on page 8.)
Tlio Newspaper Critics.
A three-months' study of the lead
ing newspapers of New York led ta
the following classification as to th
valuo of their news Items: Demoral
izing, 2,285; unwholesome, 1,684;
trivial. 2.100: worth while, 3,900,
or 39 per cent. The Items were pass
ed upon by an educator and wer
made the subject of an attack on
the press by a New York pujplteer.
Even under the high standard ex
acted by the directors 39 per cent,
of the news matter was worth while.
As suggested by the New York
World, In how many of the activities
of life Is the quality of achievement
so high as 39 per cent? Are 39
per cent, of the human careers in
this country a success according to
the standard that tho world fixes
as successful? Are 39 per cent, of
the school teachers of the country
as good aB they ought to be? Are
39 per cent, of the sermons preached
of that quality and excellence that
tho saving of souls demands?
Thlrtv-nlne per cent, of excellence.
adjudged by one who is evidently a
critic of the newspapers, is In actual
fact a commendation oi tne press.
Legislation, tho drama, art, litera
ture or music, cannot point to bo
excellent an average. Government,
statesmen and every profession is
studded with Inefficiency and failure.
The social fabric Itself is permeated
with wrecks, derelicts and down and
The millions who are poor in con
trast with the few who are rich are
examples of our Inefficiency as gov
ernors of ourselves. The Ineffective
ness of our public roads Is a single
example out of hundreds to prove
that 39 per cent, of our public life
Is not worth while.
Many are prone to crltlse the
press and to InstBt that they know
better than the successful publishers
how to make a newspaper. But what
kind of a paper would the average
critic make, how many critics would
It have and how long would It sur
vive? Oregon Journal,