The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 20, 1911, EXTRA, Image 1

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68th YEAR.
Homely Philosophy of Aged Mrs. James Sherwood, Equinunk, Who Swears She
Saw Leona Lord Strike "Sike" Lord With A Pick.
lien the sessions of court
-were resumed Wednesday
morning, the prosecution in the
case of the Commonwealth ver
sus Leona Lord, who is indicted
for the murder of Silas E. Lord
at Equinunk last July, William
Lord was recalled as a witness.
Mr. Lord's recollection seemed
rather faulty as to some of the
events connected with the big
fight. After identifying Samuel
Reed, he was excused.
Joseph A. Bodie was the next
witness for the prosecution.
Mr. Bodie testified to being a
photographer for almost forty
years. There was considerable
objection by the defendant's at
torneys to the introduction of
V. H. LEE, ESQ.,
Associate Counsel For The
certain pictures in evidence. It
was finally agreed by the Com
monwealth and defendant that
the distance from the "L" of
Silas Lord's house to the north
east corner of Leona Lord's
house is 38 feet, and that the
distance from the kitchen door
ip the "L" of Silas Lord's house
to corner post of the meat mar
ket is 58 feet. The pictures
were then marked and handed
to the jury for inspection.
Mrs. Estanya L. Logair, New
York city, testified to being in
Equinunk last summer. She
swore to seeing parts of the
"big fight" on July 12, 1910, at
Equinunk. She was not posi
tive as to the exact time of the
"difficulty," but it was "some
where's between n and T2," she
She related seeing Silas Lord
and Will Lord passing her
home, and told of the conversa
tion between Silas and Sam
Reed about the marker.
Mrs. Estanya L. Logan, New
York, tho "star" witness of the
prosecution was called and gave
'damaging evidence against tho de
fendant. Tho severe cross-examination
to which she was subjected by
Attorney P. P. Kimble, leading coun
sel for tho defendant, did not shake
her testimony in the least. She
swore to being in the lower story of
Jier mother's house at Equinunk last
Summer, and gave a circumstantial
account of what took placo at tho
"big fight."
Sho dramatically described Mrs.
Leona Lord's coining upon the scene
screaming "Oh," and giving an In
articulate shriek, dashing down the
front stoop and picking up tho pick.
"Shall I go over the ground again,
Mr. Kimble?" she said, when the de
fendant's lawyer tried to trip her up.
At the time the fatal blow was struck
she said, "I covered my face and
Every available seat In the court
room was occupied, and a largo per
centage of tho gaping curiosity-seekers
were women,
"I'll Kill Him, I'll Kill Hini."
Mrs. Meda Denio described graphi
cally how Leona came down the
steps and ran In front of the house,
etooplng over and picking up the
pick and screaming: "D n him
I'll kill him." "Well," continued
tho witness, "she wont at him with
a pick and at that I turned my head
and I didn't see any more.
Samuel Reed, who is also under
Indictment, sat through tho morning
with an impassive face. Although
but a few feet away from his form
er alleged love, he made no attempt
to speak to her.
Wednesday Afternoon.
The first witness called Wed
nesday was Mrs. Harford. She
testified as follows:
Mrs. Jas. W. Harford: I live
on same side of street on the
corner south. At about 1 1
o'clock saw Mr. Lord lying in
the road. She stood on the
road; saw them fighting and
turned and went back a little
James Harford: Was at the
meat shop on July 12 at about
12 o'clock or thereabouts.
Would you recognize the pick
that she gave you at the time?
Yes. (Exhibits 4 and 5 two
picks.) Can you tell which of
the picks you saw on the porch
covered with blood? Yes; the
one in the left hand, number 4.
That is the one? Yes. Can
you fix the tiine when you saw
it there covered with blood
more definitely? Not exactly;
it was around 12 o'clock. Did
ou see Leona Lord there ? Af
ter dinner she was there.
Cross-examination Have
ou looked at the pick carefully
recently? Did on that day.
Look it over carefully now.
Where is the blood on the pick
now. (Marks with pencil spots
where blood is). All blood.
The black spots are blood?
Thinks they are. The pick was
covered with blood? The
whole handle was covered with
blood. You didn't use the pick
afterwards? No. Where has it
been since you took it? I de
livered it to Oakley Tyner.
How long did you keep it?
About one or two days. Exam
ined it carefully at Mrs. Lord's
request. Thinks the blood is
changing or fading; not quite
as red as it was before. The
black spots were red then.
When you had Reed grst arrest
ed you didn't have pick before
ujstice? No. The blood was
smeared and spattered on the
pick. On what part of it? On
the iron part. Where was the
blood on the porch? On the
floor, on the north side of the
meat market door. Mrs. Lord
was washing the porch. Used
a broom to wash the porch
with, and a cloth on the siding.
You didn't see the place where
Mrs. Lord got the pick from?
Oakley S. Tyner: Where do
you live? Equinunk. What
relation are you to Mrs. Lord?
Nephew? Leona Lord's hus
band was Silas Lord's brother.
Identified picks. The distance
from Gilbert Lloyd's porch to
the northwest corner of the
meat market is 105 feet.
Will Lord, recalled: Were
you present at the death of
your father? Yes, sir. When
was that? The 12th of July.
Where do you live? Equi
nunk. Mrs. Dr. F. C. Frisbie Testifies
Mrs. F. C. Frisbie sworn: I
am a physician and live at
Equinunk. Went to see Mr.
Lord in her husband's place.
Knew Silas, but not personally.
Lived there about eight years.
Knew him by sight. Called at
house between 11 and 12
o'clock. Where did you first
see him? He was in his bed in
his own house. What did you
do? 1 went in the house, and
saw there was two beds in the
room. His bed was in front of
a window, with his head to the
window. She couldn't see him
distinctly. Asked a lady if they
wouldn't remove him to his
wife's bed and they did. His
body was covered with blood.
The pillow was covered with
blood. His outside shirt was
removed and there was blood
all over his chest, face and
Little Shop In Centre Of Picture Is The Watchmaking Estab
lishment, At Equinunk, Of Samuel Reed.
hands. There were clots of
blood all over bis hair and
moustache. You could take
them in the hand and put them
in a basin of water and they
would be still formed. It was
sometime before I came to the cut.
Then I saw a bone which stood up,
but it was dlfflcult to get hold of it.
I asked for a pair of scissors, Mrs.
Emery gave hers. He had very
heavy hair. I cut off the hair to get
to the mound. Then I used carbolic
acid and washed It. I saw the
brains pulsing. I worked at him
until my husband came, when I
went home. Were there any wounds
on the head? There were large
cuts; a number of cuts. The piece
of bone sticking up was on the left
side. The wound from which the
bono protruded was triangular in
shape. The other wounds were
longitudinal and some trasverse.
There were many of them but the
largo wound caused the ' trouble.
Said to Mr. Sherwood and Mrs.
Emery In front of Mr. Lord: "He
will never get well."
Walter Anderson sworn: Vou
wero at tho meat market on that
day? Yes, sir. What time of day
was it? About five minutes to 12.
Did you observe any blood about?
Yes, tho pick was covered with
Cross-examined How did you
recognize tho pick? Looked like the
one on the porch. It Is not covered
with blood now. No. Was it all
covered with blood? All but about
six inches from tho top of handle.
How far away from tho pick were
you? About two feet.
Mrs. Mary Slater recalled: Heard
Mrs. Lord say that if she knew that
it wouldn't cost any moro than It
did she would knock his other eye
out. She was talking to my hus
band's mother, but within my hear
ing. Ten-Yeur-Olrt Hoy Testifies.
Willie Blaes sworn: How old are
you? Ten years, With whom do
yon live? My aunt and uncle, Jas.
Harford. Were you .here when
they had the trouble? No. Where
wero you when the fight commenced?
On the road coming up toward Mr.
L's barn. I saw Will Lord strike
Millard Lord with a hoe. ' Sammy
Iteed struck Silas Lord several times.
Then Slice went down and Sam
need after him. Leona Lord ran
down from the stoop, and as she ran
down sho was screaming and put
her hand over Millard's face, Then
Ske .Lord pushed her back. Struck
him again and again. Then Sike
Lord got up, and "Tanl" Logan
screaming, drew my attention that
way. I went down tho road before
Silas got up.
"Was that before Silas got up?"
"Yes, when he was knocked down
that skeercd me, and I ran home."
Cross-examination The first thing
I saw was Will Lord come down and
lie had hoes. Did you see him
swing the hoes? Yes. Did you see
him bring the hoe down on his head
and then jump on .Millard at the
ssme time? I saw Willie jump on
him from tho rear. Did you watch
Mrs. Lord all the time iVhtil the time
Tanc Logan shoved you? No, not all
the time. She went direct to her son,
Millard, and kept her hands over his
face to keep' Will from punching
him. Sho was down on her knees
reaching over tho dirt pile trying
to help him. Sammy need struck
Sike Lord several times.
Dr. P. C. Frisbie sworn: Practicing
since 1898. In Equinunk for about
eight years. About 12:iso or 1:20 to
7 when he wont to the house. How
I did Mr. Lord look when you saw
I him? Ho was not looking very bad;
I he had been washed up. Recognized
mm wnen ne stood betore him, per
fectly conscious. He was not In an
extreme weak condition. 1 found
several wounds on his head; one on
the side and several others less dan
gerous. There were no wounds on
tho forepart of his head. At this
particular time the wound was
bleeding some. Used cotton; put it
In wound, then took it out and kept
on until it stopped bleeding. Thore
wero other wounds slmilnr In ap
pearances to cuts. About 7 of 8 of
them. No great attention was paid
to them. One cut was of the nature
of cut made with a longitudinal
I shaved around an'aera of 20 or
30 square Inches In order to get
around the wound. Then washed
around tho wound again. Put fin
ger in, after surveying the deep
wound. Treated the wound once or
twice a day. Cdlled Dr. Woolsey
DilTereiit Symptoms.
The wound was on tho loft side.
Couldn't handle the thumb and first
linger of tho right hand. Lost pow
er to use them. This showed that
Injury was done to the brain. Af
ter a day or two he complained of a
headache. He was not as interested
and pleasant with those around him
as he was before. Shortly after-
District Attorney M. E. Simons
Who Is Vigorously Conduct
ing The Prosecution, In The
Case Of The Commonwealth
Vs, Leona Lord.
mtnttt I extrIm
t -im
20, 1911
ward he couldn't use his thumb and
linger at all; then he couldn't use
his arm. Then he had difficulty with
his speech. He could understand,
but couldn't talk; all ho could say yes and no. Lastly the leg was
paralyzed. After four or live days
I he couldn't move right hand at all.
men ne nau paralysis m rigm iooi.
This was all due to the wound on
the left side of the head, in the Ito
wandic area. Gained Dr. Searles'
concent in everything he did.
I Counsel for defendant object be
I cause the defendant is not present.
Any other organs ot tiie uouy out
of order? Looked at the intestines.
They were healthy and normal, In
every way. The liver seemed to be
all right and normal. The body was
opened above the chest on one side
to experiment on the organs in the
chest and found them normal. The
heart was all right and In the prop
er position. Took heart out and
examined the valves. They were all
right. There was nothing to inter
fere with the blood passing through.
Then I examined tho lungs, cut out
the top point of the right lung. Cut
it all to pieces. There was nothing
in it. Couldn't find anything the
matter with the body. Then I took
the head; sawed right straight across
the head through the brain. Then
sawed around the head on tho left
side. Found pus. Pus extended
downward and forward. Took a
knife and cut down in the brain in
tho same direction as he sawed
around the head. This -one wound
was the cause of his .deaththe
wound in the Itolandlc, ar'ea.-
I)octorj,'.hqwpi(lSlip iy6um . Iul(tli6
JinilnTconiparcSwithltiro pol'iit of.plck?
(Exhibits cast of Skull). ' '
When did you make this cast?
At the time of the post-mortem.
How did you make the- Jmpres
By pressing soft puddy In the hole
and then made Impression. Cast of
the hole In the skull.
Objected to. Objection overruled.
Have you ever seen wounds in the
skull? Yes. A larce number?
(Yes. Reason for stating that wound
was caused by a pick, shovel and a
hoo which made Impression? Tho
hole was too small for shovel; not
too small for hoe. There are other
reasons why hoo didn't go in. On
account of depth of blade of hoe.
Triangular hole. The scull is Vt or
V inch thick. This man's was
of an inch thick. The hole was
broken straight into. The hole was
too narrow to allow the point of a
hoe to go into as far as depth of the
hole. At the post-mortem I had ex
act Impression of pick axe and com
pared it.
What caused the wound?
The pick-nxe, ns it was exactly the
.same shnpe; of that 1 am positive.
Dr. F. C. Frisbie was on the wit
ness stand when court adjourned at
4:30 p. m. Attorney F. P. Kimble
stating it would take fully half a day
to cross-examine him.
Thursday Morning.
On Wednesday night the jurors
wanted to go to the revival meetings
and when they found out that they
couldn't they wanted to get shaved,
so Mr. Schoell came over and shav
ed them.
When Mrs. Leona Lord walked""ln
the court room, she looked rather
nervous and very pale, and. after
! shaking hands with Mr. Lee took her
usual place. Dr. W. T. McConvlll
was at the defendant's table, and
Dr. Harry B. Ely sat next to him.
Dr. Frisbie recalled: The shape
of the wound in the head was trian
gular, and was 1 inches on one
side, 1 Vs on the other side and 1
inches at the base across bottom.
1 Cross-examination How many
times have you sworn and testified
to this matter? Before this time,
onco at Honesdale, two times before
Grand Jury and I think two times
at Equinunk.
Attorney Kimble objected to his
argument beforo the jury. Sustain
ed. ' Is your reason for believing that
the pick did the Injury indictlve or
A. Deductive.
I Q. On what day did the pus make
its appearance?
I A. On the 4 th day. Paralysis
. made its appearance on the 3rd day.
I Q. Did you not say that if a per
son had tho strength of 17 men he
could not drlvo shank of tho hoe
In tho head, breaking both bones?
A. A man wouldn't swing a hoe
over nnd make a death wound. A
man of average strength would be
unable to wield a hoe and break
skull of the man with shank of hoe,
so as tp break both bones of the
skull, and make wound such as this
one was made. (Exhibit mado from
cast showing size of wound was now
shown, but this was objected to. Ob
jection sustained.
What is now and has been Mrs.
Silas Lord's physical condition dur
ing the past year?
Practically helpless. She is par
alyzed on one cidc, and sho is unable
to speak. She might be able to say
a word or two. 1 think I could
draw anything out of her that I want
to as 1 understand her. She can't
say many words, and might say the
wrong ones, saying yes when she
means no. Don't think she could
give intelligent answers.
James Sherwood: Lives at Equi
nunk. Was up to his house on the
12th of July. Where wore you, what
did you see? I was in front of the
house. They had a fight, the two
cousins, Will Lord and Millard, Lord.
Saw Leona Lord come on her stoop.
Sam Reed struck Sike with hoo.
Then Leona Lord hit Silas Lord on
side of head. Then need struck him
with hoe on the head. He was struck
on the road and laid there.
Cross-examination Sherwood is
83 years old. House is about seven
feet from where fight took place.
You appeared before Justice of the
(Continued on Page Five.)
Counsel F. r The Detendant.
Friends of Young Ladies Should
Come to Their nescue With Sub
scriptions this week.
(By H. C. Van Alstyne)
Tho Lnst Special Offer.
From Fridny, Jan. 20.
to Thursday, Jan. 26, at
10 p. m., a Bonus Ballot,
of 15,000 votes will be is
sued for every club of $15
turned in on subscriptions
by candidates or their
Positively no other offer
will be made in this con
test. This is not to be
All money turned in on
last week's offer will also
apply and this one and
bonus ballots will bo mail
ed candidates.
Tour Department The
THE CITIZEN'S Tour Department
to-day announces the Last Special
Vote offer, which is briefly outlined
above. Severnl offers have been
made during the contest, but this is
tho last. There will positively be
This is POSITIVELY tho last of
fer of special votes. Subscriptions
will have more voting power, dollar
for dollar during tho first three
days of this offer than at any future
This Is positively tho last subscrip
tion offer of tho contest. When we
say last It will be the last with a big
"L." There will bo no other. Do not
wait expecting It, It will not be
You should govern yourself ac
cordingly. For every $15 turned in on sub
scriptions to THE CITIZEN by can
didates or their friends a special
ballot for 15,000 will be issued in
addition to tho schedule of votes pre
vailing during the week in which
(Continued on Page Four.)