The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 13, 1911, Image 8

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St. Phllon.ena's Fair Net Proceeds
IlftMlCJ J)roui-Uiit hcnio Last...
Ice Hrcak-Up On Lncka-
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Hawley, Pa., January 12. The '
Price and Butler Company will be-,
gin a three nights' engagement at the
Standard Theatre Thursday night,
January 12. Opening play will be I
"The Minister's Son." Prices, 10,
20 and 30 cents. This company won
a good reputation when here last
winter, playing to a full house at
each performance and their return
visit will no doubt bo received with
a hearty welcome.
Irvln Buck recently made a busi
ness trip to Btach Lake.
The St. Phllomena church fair was
a great success. Net proceeds were
nearly 1,000.
Dreamland's manager, Mr
Kelly, i
has opened a Nlckeletto at White
Mills. Shows to bo given three
nights In the week.
Mrs. Charles Schlager expects to
soon start for Panama where her
husband is located.
.Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Muller, Scran-
ton, were guests of Joseph Pennell '
and wife Tuesday afternoon. I
The ladles of the Methodist church I
Will meet with Mrs. Frank Harden-1
bergh Wednesday afternoon. All '
members are requested to be present.
Raymond Williams Is the new chef i
at Hotel Denlson.
Tiiere were no services in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday ow
ing to the absence of their pastor,
Rev. W. S. Peterson, who is attend
ing the annual Presbytery of his
Rev. Mr. Smalley, of the Baptist
church, who has been seriously sick
with an attack of the grip, was able
to occupy his pulpit again Sunday.
Tho Kimble Lumber Company
have purchased the lumber on tho
WUsonvIllo property and work will
begin at once. Hon. Miles Rowland
was at the above place lirst of the
week to make arrangements to house
his large force of men.
Florence Williams has moved his
family from the toll gate house to
rooms in the Breihaupt building on
Bellemonte Avenue.
District Superintendent Rev. L. C.
Murdock will deliver the evening ser
mon in the Methodist church next
Mrs. F. L. Tuttle was in tho Elec
tric City Thursday.
Joseph Helzog, Jr., and wife, at
the Eddy, are rejoicing over the re
cent arrival of their first born.
On New Year's day a son was born
to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Williams of
Main Avenue.
The fear of another drown-out
caused the pepple of lower Hawley
much uneasiness tho llrst part of last
week. i
Earl Monday morning the Ice In
the Lackawaxeu began breaking up
and found a barrier as usual near
the mouth of the Paupack river,
backing the water up to such a height
as to nearly surround Balsden's llv-1
ery. The furnace In Park View
hotel was for a time out of commis
sion by the water, otherwise no great
damage was done. On Wednesday
morning the ice broke loose and mov
ed down the stream.
Miss Ella Paterson, Centervillo,
was a visitor of Mrs. Katherine Rid
dle and daughter, Anna, last week.
(From Another Correspondent.)
E. L. Schlager Is In Scranton to
day attending a meeting of Scranton
Fire Insurance Co.
Miss Eliza Douachy has returned
rfom a week's visit with her sister,
Mrs. Chas. Alton, at Scranton.
Frank Foster, Scranton, was a
pleasant caller In town Friday.
M. C. Rowland, Klmbles, and Dr.
H. B. Ely, Honesdale, were doing
business in town on Friday.
Thomas Burke, the hustling brok
er of Scranton, returned to that place
Saturday after a week's stay In town.
Elwood Scragg, Scranton, was do
lus business In town Friday.
Mrs. R. H. Ely is seriously 111 at
her home on Church street.
Chas. Marshall has taken a posi
tion with F. F. Swingle.
Florence Williams has moved
from the toll-gate house, Wllson
vllle, to the Breithaupt house, Bel
mont Hill.
Mrs. Sarah Kimble Is visiting
friends at Gravity.
Jack Staats, a genial knight of the
grip, was doing the town Monday.
Miss Eliza Schlager is confined to
Miss Gertrude Drake, who teaches i
at Hoadleys, spent Sunday with her
parents, Jns. Drake.
Mrs. Mame Sturdevant was a vlsl
at Wilkes-Barre last week.
Miss Gussie Crockenberg was a
visitor in Scranton last week.
Mrs. Guss Hensel and daughter.
Dnrothy, have returned to their home 1
in Carlisle, after a week's visit with
her parents, James Colgate and fam-1
A Serious Hunuwny Near UswicU.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Uswlc'k, Pa January 12. On Fri
day evening, four men were driving
home from Hnwley, when they had a
runaway and general smashup. The
men wore Messrs. Rohrhuber, Long,
Dnnlels and Marcus Degroat. They
were seated in a light lumber wi)3on At a business meeting of tho Key
nnd wero coming up tho hill towards ! stono League of C. E. last Wednes-
Uswlck, near Beach House. When
they reached the top of tho first
steep part of the hill there wns con-'
siderable ice, and the wagon slid
around until the hind wheels struck
tho bank and Marcus Degroat land
ed In the brush beside the road. Mr.
Long pulled the team to tho middle
of the road, and got tho wagon in
the road, when all of a sudden It
commenced to slide again, and col
lided with the bank on the other Bide
of tho road, with such tremendous
force that It threw 'the three other
i men out, Dnnlel Degroat landing on
I his hln In the middle of the road. Mr.
1 In "omo bruBh at
thrown Into
,..,. ,1rnn.,i nlnnir n Httln
farther up the hill. It was supposed
I that the neckyoke came loose from
: the tongue of the wagon and the
team ran away, smashing the wagon
all to pieces, throwing out a now cut-
ting box and scattering the meal,
feed and groceries in all directions.
Marcus Degroat escaped uninjured
except for a severe shaking up. ,
Daniel Degroat hurt his hip and one j
leg. Mr. Rohrhuber had a gash cut
In his face and bruised him quite
badly. Mr. Long had his side and
shoulder and head hurt. They all
reached home that same evening, ex
cept Mr. Rohrhuber's horse Charlie.
The two horses became separated as
they ran, and Mr. Sander's grey
horse, Prince, started for homo, and
ran as far ns Mr. Ruescher's, who
saw that he was running away and
stopped him and kept him there un
til tho men arrived. They took him
homo and sent out searching parties '
to hunt for tho other horse. He was
found in tho woods below Ruescher's
with one of his feet cut and bleed-1
ing, and was brought home the fol-'
lowing morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Sanders, Uswick,
are entertaining Mr. Scheibl and
daughter, Miss Sophia, New York.
Messrs. Andrew Conklln and Alva
Masker made a business
trip to
Gravity Monday.
John and Emma Scllleupner re
turned home, Friday, after a two
weeks' sojourn in New York city.
Ilcntli of Curtis Layton, Mutamorns,
Fanner Resident of Lookout,
Mourned Milk Wagon Upset
Newsy Personals.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Lookout, Pa., January 11. Post
master LaFord L. Teeple spent a
part of last week in Port Jervis and
Now York City. Quite a number of
changes have been made in the postal
rules and regulations for tho new
Tho New York Dairy Product Co.
have employed a large force of men
and teams and are harvesting Ice for
tho coming season.
A number from this place are at
tending a sale at the home of tho
late L. W. Hanklns of Union. We
learn Mrs. Hanklns will make her
homo with her son, William, of Au
burn, N. Y...
Miss Rose Lane, who has been
spending her vacation with her aunt,
Mrs. Joel G. Hill, has returned to
Mr, and 'Mrs. George B. Knapp re
turned home on Wednesday from a
week's vlslti with their daughter,
Mrs. Millard L. Teeple, Pond Eddy.
Frank Bruce, who was tqken to the
State Hospital at Scranton, has re
turned home, not very much improv
ed in health, we are sorry to say.
Coo F. Younc and Miss Ada Ran-
ner, Braman, attended church here
on Sunday and spent the remaining
part of the day with John R. Mauds
ley and family.
Splendid sermon on Sunday morn
ing. Those who doubt It come out
on Sunday morning next and hear
the young pastor. Rev. F. W. Con
tant. He will surely please you.
Miss Hattle Knapp gave a birth
day party to her many friends on
Saturday evening. A largo number
were present and report a very en
joyable occasion. Presents were
Miss Lyda Flynn, who Is spending
tho winter at Long Eddy, attending
school, spent her vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Flynn.
John Hathaway, South Branch,
visited his brother, Jessie, at this
place on Sunday.
News was received of the death of
Curtis Layton, Matamoras, to-day.
Ho has many relatives in this section
where he spent his boyhood days.
Some forty years ago he attended
school with a number of people that
aro still living here. The bereaved
family have the sympathy of all.
On account of tho Icy road, John
H. Flynn, who carries the milk, to
tho station, had the misfortune to
upset his load; little harm was done,
only a loss of milk and cheese.
Mrs. Edward Lawson and daugh
ter, Maud, have been spending the
past week with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Toms.
Georgo Mogrldge, a Civil War vet
eran, is spending the winter at tho
nome ot Frank Lester. He has a
r. .. T .... ,1 t .1 , .1 1
"uu ""J""
much telling his war record which
was grand as a soldier
E. Teeple shot a fine wild cat one
day last week. He will have It
Misses Jennie and Sarah Robb aro
spending a few days with their par-
nt,8, M,r' 1nd SIrs- James Rou,-
Ico Harvesting At Lake Henry Sur
prise Party For Miss Jennie Groni
lidi News Nutslielled.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Maplewood, Pa., January 12. Ico
harvesting on Lake Henry was re
sumed Saturday when 12,000 cakes
were stored, Aaron Black Is super
intending the work for the Consum-
I ers' Ico Company of Scranton.
day evening, William Kenner was ad
mitted as an active member.
Miss Augusta Mitchell was leader
of tho Endeavor meeting Sunday
night. Rev. J. G. Rosenberger fol
lowed wltti a splendid sormon from
Rev. 2:7 "To him that pvorcom
eth." Rev. A. M. Sampsel will be present
for-quarterly conference Friday, Jan.
13, at 3 p. m. At 7 p, m. there will
be communion services and a sermon
! by the older. This will be Rev.
Sampsel's last visit as elder as hlB
term expires at the close of the con
ference year.
The many friends of Miss Jennie
Gromllch tendered her a pleasant sur
prise Saturday evening. Games and
music were indulged In and refresh
ments served by the hostess, assist
ed by Mrs. Anna Schoonovor and Miss
Maggie Ransome. Those present
were: Misses Minnie Budenhagen,
Pearl and Effle Bell, Edith Jones, and
Jennie Gromllch, Messrs. George and
. John Barthow, Ivan Bell, Ferman
Schoonover, Guy, Roy and Friend
Black, Samuel Ferris, Lyle Jones,
Clyde Bell, Lyle Keeno and Howard
E. J. Black has his mill yard
stocked with logs ready for spring
The Van 'Dusen cottage at Lake
Henry is for sale, as Mr. Van Dusen,
who was employed by tho Erie as
storekeeper at Dunmore, has accept
ed a position with tho Delaware &
Hudson, and will reside in New York
Many "Grip" Victims Leo Smith
Critically 111 "Sunshine Sewing
Circle" Meets.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Ariel, Pa., January 12. Quite a
number of our citizens aro afflicted
with the grip; among the victims at
present are J. W. Sandercock, E. W.
Simons, Earl Rockwell and P. T.
Lee Smith, who has been in fail
ing health the past year, went to
Scranton recently for a consultation
with his physician, after which an
operation was decided upon, which
proved his disease to be cancer of tho
stomach. He is at present in a criti
cal condition at the home of A. B.
Stevens in Scranton.
L. II. Simons, who has been spend
ing his holiday vacation at his home
here, returned to resume his studies
at the Harvard Law School, from
which place ho will graduate in June.
He was accompanied by his sister,
Frances, who will take a course in
Domestic Science at Boston, Mass.
Elmer Samson, a student at Penn
sylvania University, who has been
spending the holiday vacation
his parents, returned last Monday.
Miss Ethel Headley, formerly pf
this place, but for the past few yeaijs
a teacher at Atlantic City, spent the
holiday vacation at the home of her
sister, Mrs. William Swartz, of this
The "Sunshine Sewing Circle" met
at the home of Mrs. Elsie Howe on
Saturday afternoon, January 7. The
next meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Floyd Boston.
The ice harvesters are very busy
putting up a superior quality of tho
clear as crystal which Is about four
teen inches thick. (
E. P. Jon'es 'has returned home
from a visit with friends in Ithaca,
N. Y. 1
Mrs. H. B. Nuff, Laurel, Montana,
is spending some time at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Calvin San
son. Mrs. O. P, Smith' is visiting rela
tives in Newark, N. J.
Mrs. C. A. Benjamin is In Scran
ton where she underwent an opera
tion for a cancerous tumor of the
Oscar Bigart, Carbondale, spent
tho holidays at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. P. T. Howe.
Allen Pethlck has rented the bjaclc
smith shop recently vacated by Theo.
Mr. and Mrs. William Noble, De
troit, Michigan, were pleasant call
ers in this place recently.
Good Advice About "Early Retiring"
Ico Harvest Begun.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Steene, Pa., January 12. An old
adage and a true one: "Early to bed,
early to rise, attend to your business
and advertise."
The Lake Lodore Ice Company has
commenced to harvest their ice.
John Vanbusklrk, au old resident
and farmer of Steene, has launched
out Into the manufacturing of auto
mobiles. His headquarters are at
Wilkes-Barre. For a Now Year's
present Mr. Vanbusklrk sent the
Bobolink an auto or sample of his
own design and manufacture with his
William Nichols, Waymart, spent
Sunday with Lesley Mill hero at
Mrs. Oscar Clark and son, William,
returned to their home at Deposit,
N. Y last week after spending the
holidays with her parents here,
, ua a "ur""y w, iw
f?r Lumberman Hollenback's team-
sters and Jobbers,
Plenty of water now with springs
Butcher Arthur Is at his old trade
again picking up all veal calves.
Plenty or Sickness in This Commun
ity A New Phonograph Has
Arrived Hero.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
East Hamlin, Pa,, January 11.
Tho Now Year has started In with
plenty of sickness In the neighbor
hood; those who are complaining and
sick In bod aro: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood
Peet, Mrs. E. B. Smith, Abner Peet,
Mrs. Emerson Peet, Mr., and Mrs. L.
Chapman, Harry Smith, M. S. Peet,
Ira Ressegino, Mrs. H. Fergueson,
May Lamberton and "Grandma"
Roy Patterson Is working at J, E.
BIgart's Ice plant at Ariel,
Ira O. Ressegino went to Scranton
on Thursday to receive a new Edi
son phonograph wagon, returning on
Friday. I He will soon start on the
road as a traveling salesman for tho
Edison people.
R. W. Kellam, Homer Ames, and
Ernest Chapman aro harvesting lco
at Maplowood for the Consumers' Ice
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Braman, Pa., January 12. The
recent rains have filled tho streams,
wells and springs to the joy of all
those who wore out of Water.
There will be a dime social at tho .
homo of Grant Caffery Saturday even-
ing, Janunry 14th. All are cordial
ly Invited to attend.
Coe Young and his niece, Addle
Rauner attended church at Lookout
last Sunday and called at Mr. John
Wo are glad to report all the sick
at this place are better.
Mrs. Eugene McClure, Deposit, N.
Y., visited her daughter, Mrs. Harp
er Keys recently.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Rev. William Usher, pastor of the
Pleasant Mount Presbyterian church,
left for Freeland and Rev. F. Von
Krug, D. D., presbyterlal missionary,
will preach Sunday morning and con
fer with the elders.
Heath Of Jacob AVoliIsclilagel Fine
Coasting And Skating Breezy
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Equinunk, Pa., January 11. The
wife of Jacob Wohlschlagel, South
Branch, died In "The Methodist
Hospital" in Brooklyn Saturday,
January 7.
Mrs. Herbert Lakln and two chil
dren, Long Eddy, are visiting at
the home of her grandmother, Mrs.
The young people are enjoying
the fine coasting and skating and
several who have been indulging
In the sport are nursing severe
Tho singing class conducted by
Charles De Lackner met at the
home of Mrs. Elmer Billings on Sat
urday. This Is an opportunity that
tho young people and children of
our town should take advantage of
as Dr. DeLackner Is donating his
talent and time. The class will
meet at the home of Dr. Frlsbie on
Mrs. J. B. Hagadorn, Long Eddy,
has returned home. She has been
caring for her mother, Mrs. Glle,
who has been 111.
Mrs. Joseph Woodrow spent last
Wednesday and Thursday In Han
cock. Leon Gaston, Galilee, spent Sat
urday and Sunday in our village.
Addle Sherwood returned to her
school duties in Long Eddy Mon
day. Charles Mortgridge, Endicott, N.
V., visited at tho home of Judson
Young recently.
The editor of THE CITIZEN was
a business visitor here Saturday.
Richard Watson will return to
Mercersburg Academy, Morcersburg,
Pa., Tuesday.
Hildegard Itehekali Lodge Enter
tained Mrs. C.'A.- Daniels Con
valescing News Briefs. '
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Lakevllle, Pa., January 11. Mrs.
S. Miller passed tho week-end in
Scranton with friends.
Miss Lena F. Osborne, Arlington,
passed Sunday last at Gobies, as the
guest of Miss Hazel James.
A. Goble went to Scranton on
business on Thursday. He called on
his niece, Mrs. D. A. Smith at
Scranton, Dr. and Mrs. Foss, Edward
and Silas James and family at
Wilkes-Barre. He returned Satur
day evening.
Rev. and Mrs. W. Walker and
daughter, Olive, passed a short time
with Mrs. Walker's parents, G. La
fayette James and wife.
R. W. Murphy, Hawley, called on
his aged mother, Mrs. Eliza Mur
phy, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Miller entertaln
talned on New Year's Mrs. Levy and
son, Davoy, Flnklesteln Bros, of
Scranton, Abraham and Hyman Mil
ler, Newfoundland, and Misses Min
nie, Mary and Sammlo Miller.
Miss Gladys A. Pennell has been
confined to her bed with quinsy and
lagrlppe. We are glad to note she
Is somewhat improved at this date.
Miss Lena F. Osborne entertain
ed Hildegard Rebekah Lodge, No.
359, of this place, at her home at
Arlington on Thursday, January G,
1911. Card playing and other
games were indulged in after which
a dainty, toothsome lunch was serv
ed. Avmong tho party were Miss
Minnie Locklin, Misses Hazel D.
James, Elizabeth Alpha, Miles Bis
hop, Clarence Pennell, Phil Sheeloy,
Irvln Daniels, Mrs. A. Goble, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Seegar, Mr. and W.
Everly, William Alpha, Miss Esther
Flnley, Mrs. George Hazelton, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Chapman, Mrs. G. Pen
nell, Miss Cora Pennell, Miss Marie
Schrader, Mrs. Lucy Glossenger and
son, Kenneth. The happy party
left at 1 o'clock wishing Miss Os
borne many happy returns of the
Mr. and Mrs. Alfrc'd Locklin pass
ed Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walker, near Holllstervlllo.
Mnrlo C. Schrader, Ledgedale,
passed a few days here as the guest
of Mrs. A. Goblo.
Edward Loveless visited friends
at Sterling recently.
Frank White, Gravity, was a call
er at this place last week.
Tho many friends of- Mrs. Chas.
A. Daniels will bo pleased to learn
she is slowly Improving, which was
the last reports from tho State Hos
pital last Friday.
Wayne and Susquehanna County
ti range News.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Orson, Pa., January 11. Reaper
Grange, Number 1048, of Orson,
now has sixty-four members. Tho
young ladles recently repeated
their drama, "Not a Man In the
House." and tho "same "evening an
oyster ' supper was given which
netted quite a nice sum for tho
Grango. Each young lady for her
trouble will receive a Grange hat
pin as a souvenir.
The Grange at -Herrlck Center
hold an nil-day meeting Saturday,
January 7, to celebrate tho New
Year. Dinner was served nt noon.
Reaper Grange, Number 1048,
will hold their regular election of
ohlcors on Friday, Janunry 13. All
members In irnnil ntnmllni? am ox.
pected to be present.
Brothers D. J. and E. W. Hlne
aro ill at their respective homes.
Brothers Floyd Belknap, of Reap
er Grange, Or3on, and Arthur Spen
cer, of South Preston Grange, re
cently attended the State Grange,
which was held at Butler.
Thompson Grange, Number 8GS,
hold an all-day session on Satur
day. The meeting was called to or
der, and the oillcers-elect installed,
in tho forenoon, and an oyster din
ner served nt noon.
We would suggest that all inter
ested In the Grange subscribe for
"Pennsylvania Grange News," and
read tho odlclal communications
from the State Master, also the let
ters from State Lecturer E. B.
Dorcett. Tho farmer will keep bet
ter in line with what is being done
in the Legislature during the coin
ing months, and will know what is
being done in the Interest of the
farm and home.
Lexon Grange, Number 931, .held
an all-day meeting Saturday, Janu
ary 7; also an oyster dinner was
served at noon. In tho afternoon
occurred the installation of offi
cers for 1911. Brother D. N.
Hardy was the Installing officer.
Brother Smith Hlne, of Reaper
Grange, spent several days In
Wilkes-Barre and Edwardsville, re
Secretary of Reaper Grange Num
ber 104S.
Rcinckc Pennell Nuptials.
Miss Gladys A. Pennell, one of
our most highly esteemed and re
spected young ladles, was united In
holy matrimony to Conrad Relneko,
a very energetic young business man,
formerly of this place, now of Haw
ley, on New Year's Day, 1911, at
Jersey City. Congratulations are ex
tended! HUB.
January Thaw Sleighing Over Ice
Crop Harvested Much Sickness.
Special to THE CITIZEN.
Hub, Pa., January 11. The Janu
ary thaw has come. No sleighing
Mrs. Lizzie Cook has been very
sick for the past month. She Is now
Mrs. Arthur Bidwell and daughter
Alice, have been spending the past
week with Scranton friends.
Mason Gilpin has returned to
Wyoming Seminary where he Is at
tending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foster, Scran
ton, spent last Sunday -with the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Emma Brink, of this place, has a
situation In tho Correspondence
Schools In Scranton.
Mrs. Bessie Gilpin has recovered
! A Clearing Sale I
Christmas and New Year
of Ladies Suits, Coats
and Furs at
$20. Ladies' Tailored Suits
At $10.98
$6. Cooney and Opossum Muffs in Brown or
Black in Pillow and Rug Ply
$6.50 Opossum Shawl Collar
$1.50 Children's Angora Sets
To Bermuda Contest
District No
This Coupon, when neatly trimmed out, name, address, prop
erly filled in and brought or Bent to the TOUIt DEPARTMENT OF
THE CITIZEN, will count as 5 votes in THE CITIZEN'S TRIP
Tho first one of these Coupons received for any young lady
will place her in nomination and will count for 1,000 votes.
from an .attack of quinsy.
Mrs. Robert Race was" called U
Scranton a week ago, to caro for her
sister, .Mrs. John Stophcns, who is
ery sick with pneumonia.
Some of the farmers have their
lco crop gathered.
Damascus High School Closed On
Account Of Scnrlet Fever IHblo
Study Course Auspiciously Open
ed. Special to THE CITIZEN.
Tyler Hill, Pa., January 11. Ow
ing to a case of scarlet fever at
Damascus, the High school has beca
closed for an Indefinite period of
Everyone Is predicting snow, but
we haven't gotten any yet.
A number of young people from
Damascus were skating on Laurel
Lake, Monday afternoon.
Jacob Swendsen's new house is al
most ready for occupancy. Robert
Gregg, Abrahamsvllle, Is doing the
work on the building.
A valuable horse belonging t
Howard Lord is very sick.
Andrew Llvendsen, who has been
sick all winter with some broken
ribs, Is now able to be around.
Charles Selpp made a business
trip to Honesdale, Monday; also C.
M. Pethlck.
Rev. R. D. Mlnch's second year
course of Blblo study opened on f
Sunday afternoon at the school
house. Tho service was well at
tended, as was also tho preaching
service in the evening.
Pugislst's Mother '.Declares Woinau"
Cannot. Lodge in Her House Any
Chicago, January 7. Whether or
not Jack Johnson will lose the,
heavyweight titlo of the pugilistic
world during this year, as predicted
by Madame Do Thebas, the Perisian
seeress, lull is already bringing
trouble in big bunches for the black
Peace and happiness around the
negro's home vanished when his
mother, in a statement, reiterated
that the white wife of her son, now
confined In a hospital as a result of
a "run In," In which Gaston Lo
Frolt, the champion's former
French chauffeur, and a gun figured,
"would never, never be allowed to
stay under her roof again." The ul
timatum of Johnson's mother, deliv
ered last night, caused the champ
ion to pack his grip and seek lodg
ing at a liotel.
Mrs. Johnson asserts that John
son's white wife is responsible for
the former chauffeur going on the
hunt of Johnson with a gun a few
days ago and that she the white
wife gave mi-al support to the
venture which has placed the
French motorist behind the bars.
Johnson will not. discuss the Issue
and refuses to say whether he will
return homo.
Union revival meetings all week
in first Baptist church.
ace our
3 Tremendous