TIIK CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1011. latitat "as His Monoplane Is Wrecked Wli-n I Crashes Into Wire Fenco. Snn Francisco, Jan. 11. No ri" "-i nnd no sensational flights wore "mil nt Aviation fluid. Intt Hubert Liitlm had n very narrow oscnpo from death nnd his beautiful Antoinette mono piano was wrecked beyond r'-nilr Lnthnm wont up il urine BUr breeze, nnd Ills mncliluc failed to cle.i the ground so that lie could sail. II" alighted in n marshy part of the field nnd the wind carried one of his plane against u barb wire fence. The body of the machine wns broken In two. one of the wheels was torn off, nnd the engine was badly damaged. When an ambulance reached the spot, expecting to find the mangled body of the aviator, Latham was sit ting on the fenco calmly smoking a cigarette. DIES ON WIFE'S COFFIN. Michael Ormond Expires In Church When Requiem Mass Ends. Now York, Jan. 11. A few mlnute nftcr the requiem mass for Mrs. Mary Ormond had come to an end In the Catholic church of St. Cecilia. Mieha" Ormond, the husband of the dead wo man, died while bending over the cof fin. It was thought at first that Mr. Or mond had fainted. The priest ad ministered the last rites of the church Messengers were sent out for a phy slclan and a doctor who was passing the church was called in. Mr. Ormond was dead when the doctor reached tin body. T. R. TO HUNT IN MEXICO. This Time He'll Kill Wild Musk Hops Instead of Lions. Austin, Tex., Jan. 11. It was an nounced hero by Colonel Cecil Lyon, chairman of the state Republican ex ecutive committee, that Theodore Roosevelt will bo his guest In Texas In the middle of March and will ac company him on n hunting trip to Mexico. "We will hunt the javelins or wild musk hog with spears upon my ranch hi Mexico," Colonel Lyon said. Sixteen Die When Vessel Sinks. Vera Cruz, Jan. 11. Nine passengers end seven members of the crew of the river steamer Usumacinta wore Iot liy the sinking of the vessel In Hip Orijalvsi river near Arroyo Polo. Sonic of tile passengers who lost their live, wero prominent planters of that v ion. Hanged the Clever Forger. Of curious petitions against the death penalty being enforced one re calls the eighteenth century case of William Lyland, who was sentenced for forging a bill for 7,11-1 on the East India House. The forgery was a work of art. No less than thirty signatures wero Imitated, and at the trial not one of the victims could swear that the signature was not 111 own. However, with the help of the paper manufacturers Ryland's guilt was brought home. Then came tin petition of his friends. So clever n man ought never to be hanged, the. pleaded. Ills craftsmanship should save him. It gained him a respite Ho was allowed to finish n fine en graving h" had begun, but uothli!; more. Though the engraver was a fa vorlte of George III., that king quite failed to see how a forgery could bi excused on the ground that It was a clover forgery. Pall Mall Gazette. The Soap and Water Curo. The traveler In the Himalayas must be prepared for surprises. Two day after the Hon. C. G. Bruce had reach cd Mana ho received a message from a young lady saying that over since she had seen him on the day of his arrival she had been 111. "I was vorj much hurt. I allow," says Major Brin e In "Twenty Years In the Himalayas.' During the course of a short but Inter csting career no such snub had ever been administered to my self respect I said, 'But can't I do anything?" Sin said, 'Yes; wash your face nnd let uu have the water.' So wo got hot watei and soap, and sho sat on n rock to set that thero was no deception. Tin water, or. rather, the decoction. wn then put Into n long tumbler, nnd sin then nnd there drank It nil! What I more, the next day she sent word that 6he was quite cured." Four Hundred Years Before Peary The north pole is the place of great est dignity In the world, and the peo pie who dwell near It "have n won derful excellency nnd an exceediut prerogative abovo nil nations of th earth." How blessed we may thin!, this nation to be. for thoy are In per pctual light and never know wha -darkness menneth. by the benefit o twilight and full moons, as the learni In astronomy do very well kuow which people. If they have the noth of their eternity by the comfortable light of the gospel, then arc the blessed and nil of nations most blpssed Why then do wo neglect the search o! this excellent discovery, against which there can bo nothing said to hinder ttl same? From Hakluyt's Voyage (Six tcenth Century). An III Fated City. Tho 111 fated Sicilian city of Mes slna was almost entirely destroyed b, an earthquake In 1003 and great), damaged by another In 1783. In 174a the plague carried off nearly half ot Its Inhabitants. In 1784 tho city was visited by a terrible quake rind tidal wave, which finished Its destruction In fact, It would bo difficult to And anywhere a city with a more mourn ful history than Messina, which hup been practically destroyed twenty-one times during the past 3,000 years. WORKS DEFEATS SPALDING. Los Angeles Judge To Be Senator From California. Sacramento, Cnl., Jun. 11. Judge John I). Works of Los Angeles was eUctcd on the first ballot to succeed rank P. Flint ns United Stntes sena tor from California. Judge Works re ceived 02 votes on joint ballot, A. G. Spalding of San Diego got 21. Works was a cnndldate of the In- lurgent wing of the party, but at the direct primnry, while he received a plurality of votes cast, Spalding car ried a greater number of congressional districts. Senator Quay's Widow Dead. Pittsburg, Jan. 11. Mrs. Agnes 15. Quay, eighty years old, widow of the late United States Senator Matthew Stanley Quay, Is dead here. Senator Quay died In 1004. Stockton Succeeds Havemeyer. New York, Jan. 11. The American Sugar Refining company directors have elected Philip Stockton, presi dent j)t the Old Colony Trust company of Ronton, n director to take the place f Horace Havemeyer, whose reslgnn- ton was accepted last month. A l-amous farior mala. Sydney Smith, the famous author and wit. In describing his early mar led life In a Yorkshire parsonage told liow he made a butler out of a village girl: 'A manservant was too expensive. so I caught up n little garden girl made like a milestone, christened her Bunch, put a napkin in her hand aud made her my butler. The girls taught her to read. Mrs. Sydney to wait, and I under- i.iok her morals. Bunch became the cost butler In the county." But Bunch was not merely butler- she was valet too. A visitor thus do scribes her: Coming down one morning, I fount! Bunch pacing up nnd down the pas sage before iter master s uoor in a state of great perturbation. 'What Is the matter. Bunch? Oh. ma'am, I can't got no peace of mind till I've got master shaved, and he's so lato this morning!' This 'getting master shaved' consist ed in making ready for him witli a large painter's brush a thick lather in n huge wooden bowl as big cs Mam- brlno's helmet, which she always con sidered as the most Important avoca tion of the morning." When the Danes Were Skinned. In former times the Danes used to sail up the mouths of the English liv ers to pillage the churches. When they wero caught they were skinned and their skins nailed to the door of the church they attacked. In course of time all the exposed portions would peel off, but that covered by tho nail would bo protected aud thus bear tes timony to the cruelty of the ancient Englishmen. In the London College of Surgeons may bo seen three speci mens of human skin bearing labels such as tills: "Portion of human skin said to bo that of a Dane from the door of a church at nadstock. In Es sex." A second specimen Is from Cop ford. In Essex, and a third from tho north door of Worcester cathedral. Such fragments of sacrilegious Danish hide have been found on doors hi Westminster abbey. Were Kind to Him. A West Philadelphia man who was severely Injured some months ago when Ids horse took fright at an au tomobile and bolted, upsetting the carriage, has only recently been re leased from the hospital, no Is well now and In the best of spirits not withstanding tho fact that severe op erations were necessary In order to save his life. A few days after he left tho hospi tal a friend asked him If bo had boon kindly treated. "Oh. yes!" ho said. "Oh, yes, In deed! Considering the fact that they amputated both my feet, removed my collar bono, cut off my left thumb, tre panned my brain, took out a piece of my underjnw and sawed my left hip bone In two. I got along very nicely, Thoy were most kind to what was left of me." Philadelphia Press. Beaconsfield the Dandy. Tho dandyism Benjamin Disraeli af fected In his dress Is tho Bubjcct of many pen pictures In Monypenny's "Life of Beaconsfield." At tho age of nineteen he Is described ns wearing n black velvet suit with ruffles nnd black stockings with red clocks. A later por trait. In 1S30. comes from a friend's diary, which has tho following entry: "March 29. B. D. to dlno with mo. ne came up Itegent street when It was crowded in his blue surtout. a pair of military light blue trousers, black stockings with red stripes nnd shoes. 'Tho people,' he said, 'qulto made way for mo ns I passed. It wns like the opening of the Red sea, which I now perfectly believe from experience. Even well dressed people stopped to look nt mo.' " Where Once a Home Stood. And what Is moro melancholy than the old apple trees that linger about the spot wbcro oucc stood n homestead, but where thero is now only a ruined chlmuey rising out of n grassy nnd weed grown cellar? Thoy offer their fruit to the wnyfnrer apples that nro bitter-sweet with tho mornl of time's vicissitude. Hawthorne. Charity. When thy brother has lost nil that he ever bad and lies languishing, and even gasping under the utmost ex tremities of poverty nnd distress, dost thou think to lick him whole ngaln only with thy tongue? South. IS' " ' .. i J mro. Pare, quarter and core one dozen good cooking apples, steam over hot water until just tender, then finish .looking with three-quarters of si cup ful of sugar and a grating of lemon peel and just enough of tho lemon Juice to keep the apples from stick ing. When quite dry beat to a pulp. Melt four tnblospooufuls of butter and cook In It four lablespooufuls of corn starch. Add gradually the apple pulp and the yolks of four eggs, beaten slightly. Cook over hot water until tho eggs are sot, then put aside to tool. Shape Into cylinder croquettes, dip into egg and crumbs aud fry in deep, hot fat. If you do not wish to use so many eggs, three will do by mibstltutlng more cornstarch, a table spoonful for each egg. or if you have stale sponge cake or macaroons or toasted bUcult substitute those for the eggs and cornstarch. Tho mix ture should bo as soft as you can han dle conveniently. These arc delicious served with a roast of pork or goose. Spanish Nougat. Ingredients are one and n half cup fu!s of brown sugar, one-half cupful pale sirup, one-half cupful water, white of one egg, one teaspoonful vnnllla. one cupful chopped mixed nut kernels. Boll sugar, sirup and water, stirring gently occasionally. When cooked suf ficiently to reach the "soft ball" stage remove the mixture from Immediate heat and beat tho white of the egg to a stiff white froth until it can bo cut through with a knife without breaking. On to this pour gently half the abovo mixture, beating it up con stantly. The other half of tho sirup slid in the pan must now be boiled until on dropping some Into cold water It becomes brittle, then beat this also Into the half with tho egg mixture. Now add flavoring and nuts. Have ready a pan lined well with waved paper and Into this pour the mixture id allow it to got cold before cutting ill ('Uhl'-t. A Good Dessert. Soullle of Apple.-. With a Border of Rice. Prepare the rlco In cream, etc., is for lice cake, and keep it of a strong, solid substance. Dross It round a buttered dish about three inches high; give It a nice shape, level and smooth. Have ready an apple marma lade, very thick. Mix with it four yolk1 of eggs well beaten, a small piece of butter and a pinch of salt: warm it upon the stove: then take the whites of four eggs well whipped, mix very lightly with the mnrmalade. put the whole In tho middle of the rice and set In a moderately heated oven. When tho souffle rises high send In to table at once or It will fall. Some cooks hold a salamander over It just before taking into the room. Filled Cookies. Cream together one cupful of sugar ind two-thirds cupful of butter, add one egg, two-thirds teaspoonful cream tartar, one-third teaspoonful soda, four toaspoonfuls sweet milk, ouo teaspoon ful vanilla, flour to make stiff: chill, roll very thin, put filling on one cooky, lay another over It: bake In quick oven. Date Filling For Filled Cookies. Stew ono-half pound dntes and one half cupful of milk and water together with ono-half cupful sugar and ono half cupful shredded cocoanut till dates are soft. Cool before using. Fine Peanut Wafers. One quart of peanuts, one-half cup ful of butter, one cupful of granulated sugar, one aud one-half cupfuls of (lour, two-thirds of a cupful of milk and one teaspoonful of vnnllla. Chop nutmeals rather coarsely, cream the butter, add tho sugar gradually nnd beat until very, very light. Add milk and flour alternately, then tho vanilla, beating continually. Drop on greased tins from the end of a knife, placing them very far apart Do not bake more thnn six at n time, ns they are to be doubled over while hot. and they harden quickly. Devil's Food. Boll one cupful of bitter chocolnte, one cupful of sour milk, ono cupful of brown sugar nnd set aside until cool. Beat to a cream ono cupful of granu lated sugar, one scant cupful of but ter; ndd three eggs, well beaten, nnd one cupful of sour milk. After this has been beaten ndd your cold choco late, ouo teaspoonful of vanilla, two and one-half cupfuls of flour, sifted. with a teaspoonful of baking soda. Bo sure to use baking soda nnd not bak ing powder. Then beat nil together. Bake In layers In a hot oven. Rocks. One and one-half cupfuls of brown sugrr one cupful of butter, three eggs, two I'nd one-hnlf cupfuls of flouv. three-fourth cupful of rnlslns, one cup ful of chopped walnuts, one teaspoon ful of soda, one teaspoonful of cinna mon nud two tablespoonfuls of mo lasses. Drop In teaspoonfuls. Used Instead of Bonbons. Largo raisins seeded and stuffed with minced walnuts make a nlco sweet to serve Instead of bonbons at the end of a dinner. ' Woman Merchant Amazes Chicago By Her Ability IIICAGO has a dry goods mer chant who Is continually amazing a city already noted the world over for Its wealth and progressivenoss In that lino. One reason for this wonderment Is that the merchant In question Is a woman. Mrs. Mollle Nctcher, owner of one of tho largest department stores In the country, is the woman who lias caused Jills amazement, her latest strategic move being the purchase of some State street property, In the heart of the Chicago shopping district, for ?2, 000,000. This gives her nearly an en tire block of ground In that section, which some day she Intends shall be crowned with a huge building: While accumulating the realty bit. by bit she Is erecting the building piecemeal, so that her business Is not In the least Interfered with nor the final architec tural symmetry spoiled by the delays in acquisition. Some critics have argued that Mrs. Netcher's success Is not so very re markable, ns her husband had built up the business to mammoth proportions before he died, thus leaving tho trilling duty of maintaining it to ids widow. But Mrs. Nctcher has done more than this, as she has nearly doubled tho business and her realty holdings. Moreover, she has not delegated to some man the running of the concern, but attends to that herself. For half a dozen years she has run the store, nnd her progress In that time Is a refu tation of her earplug critics. Sho alone has invested nearly .$0,000,000 In downtown Chicago realty In the last four years. Prior to tho death of her husband. Charles Nctcher, this woman had llt- M1!S MOMilE NCTcnrn. tie business experience, ner field was their home and children. It is said that the husband, who had a phe nomenal rKe in the commercial world owed much of his success to his wife's sage advice, but that embraced nil let' knowledge of business. Forced by her situation on tho death of her husband, Mrs. Netcher divided her time between homo nnd store. Sho became a silent but none tho less po tent force downtown, nnd she Is the same to this day. Sho keeps regular ofllce hours, and not a mercantile move la made in the establishment that sho floes not know of. Her face is not known by three-fourths of her em ployeos, and this enables her to make dally Inspections of each department and observe quietly what Is needed In tho way of goods and service. Following tho practice of Mr. Notch or. whose life was Insured for ?o00,0(l0. Ihe widow Insured herself until sho now holds policies aggregating $1,000,- 000. She Is said to bo ono of tho Jhrco most heavily insured women in Amer ca. Mrs. Harriman's Yodeling Cowherds The artistic Is to reign In the liar rlman estnte at Anion, N. Y., so far as the live stock Is concerned, anyway, and tho residents of that burg and nearby Tuxedo and Hnrriman ure wondering what the coming spring will bring forth. Mrs. Mary Ilarrl man, widow of the railway mag nate, Intends go ing back Into his tory In tho man agement of her flocks and her herds, and tho tentative p 1 a n h embrace many Jepartures from present customs. To begin with, the entire Hnrri man holdings will bo made one vast estate devoid of all fences except for boundary purposes, nnd over these acres tho lowing kino, tho bleating sheep, etc., will wander guarded by :owherds dressed In Tyrolean costume and replacing the historic "co-boss' with n yodel and shepherds with rrooks and sheep dogs. As tho estate sontnlns 10,000 acres It Is anticipated that the, pictorial effept will be greatly, increaspa by the fancy costumed nt tendants. rtOURT PROCLAMATION. -Whereas, (J the Juduo of the several Courts Of the County of Wayne has Issued his p recent or uoiuiiijj auotirt or ijuurier actions, uycr nu icrniiurr, anil ucncrai ,iau Delivery iu ml for said County, nt the Court House, to tin on MONDAY. JAN. 1G. 1011. and to continuo two weeks: A ml fit rnplllia I lifif n fln.lwf .Inrv fur ln ourts of '.luarter Sessions ami Oyer and crnilner bo summoned to meet on Monday, in. a. iuii, :u z p, in. Notice if thiM-nfnrn hnrphv elvpn tn thp Coroner and Justices of the Pence, nnd Con stables of thu County o( Wayne, that they bi men nnu meie in mcir proper persons.ni snld Court lloui'e. nt 2 riVlnrk In the nftnr- noonof said 11th day of .Tim. lull. Willi tlicir corns, iiNiuisiiioiis.exiiiiiiimtions miiiotiier uieiiibrnnccs. to do those thlnizs which to iieirolllccs appertain to He done, and those vlio lire hound by recoinilzniice or otherwise to prosecute the prisoners who nreor shall he In the .lull of Wayne County, bo then mid there to prosecute uculnst them us shall be ust, (llvrn linrtnr mv liniul. nt. ITnnpmlnlp. this 15tli day of Dee. 1U1U, anil In the ldlth year mc inuepeiiuence oi me unneu mates M. LEB 1IKAMAN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollke I onesdnlc. Dec. 10. 11110. f lMwf lniAL LIS T Wayne Common J. Pleas; Jan. Term, 1911. Week beginning Jan. 1Q, 1011. Olszefskl v. Taylor. Hawker v. Poppenhelraer. Keltz v. County of Wayne. Barnes v. Miller. Cray v. Herheck-Demor Co. Whitney v. RIdgway. Cromwell v. Cortrlght & Son. Fives v. Auto Transportation Company. Colo v. Cole; adm'x. M. J. HANLAN, Prothonotnry. 9. Appraisements. Notice is giv en that appraisement of $300 to the widows of tho following nani- d decedents have boon Hied in the Orphans' Court of Wayne county, and will be presented for approval on Mondny, January 1G, 1911, viz: $3UU to widow of Chas. J. Weav er, Honesdale, personal property. sauu to widow of II. B. Searles. Honesdale, personal property. auu to widow of Thomas Neville. Sterling, personal property. sauo to widow of Nicholas Smith. real. ?300 to widow of O. L. Rowland, Honesdale, personal. $300 to widow of James L. Tavlor. Lebanon, personal. M. J. HANLAN, Clerk. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is JLt hereby given that the accountants herein named have settled their respective accounts In the ollk-e of the liesister or Wills of Wayne County, Pa., nnd that the same will wiircbcuicu iu me nrpnans court or said oiintv fur umllrmntlmi. nt ttm f Nint-t ITittun 111 lionctl.'tlt. on thn thtril Mmtiltiv nf jan.nexi viz: 1. First and final account of Isa bel E. Calkin, administratrix of tho estate of Roy O. Calkin, Damascus. !. First and final account of Otis A. Reynolds, administrator of Sidney i Reynolds, Honesdale. !. First and final account of M. O. Abbey and Mannton R. Abbey, execu tors ot the estate of Ralph A. Abbey, Salem. 4. First and final account of Z. A. Wonnacott and Ira Dryer, executors or the estate of David Wonnacott Prompton. 5. First .and final account of Marv Dassell, administratrix of the estate of William Dassoll, Honesdale. G. First and final account of Jas. Buchanan, administrator of W. M Buchanan, Preston. i. First and final account of May Belle Hudson, executrix of the estate of William H. Prossor, Damascus. 8. First and final account of Al len W. Brown, administrator of tho estate of A. W. Brown, Starrucca. a. Second and final account of II. C. Hand, deceased, by H. S. Hand, administrator C. T. A. D. B. N. trus tee of tho estate of William Doughty, deceased, for Anna M. Eldred. 10. First and final account of Alsun V. Tyler, executor of tho estate of R. Alice vail, Damascus. Register s ofllce, Honesdale, Dec. zi, 1910. E. W. GAMMELL. Register. ClHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUAULIi tJ REAL ESTATE. -By virtue of process issueu om o uie uourt oi uommon Pleas of Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to me directed and delivered, I have levied on ano will expose to public sale, at the Court House in Honesdale, on FRIDAY. JAN. 13, 1011, 2 P. SI. All those two parcels of land, sit uate In Mount Pleasant township wayne county, Pennsylvania. The first: Beginning at the south' easterly corner of lot of land In the possession of Thomas Meagher, Jr. at a point in tho middle of said road running thenco by the said Meagher land north eighty-four degrees west two hundred twenty-eight rods to a corner; thence south six degrees west seventy rods to a corner; thence south eighty-four degrees east two hundred twenty-eight rods to tho middle of said road; thence along tho middle of said road to placo of beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. Excepting and reserving from abovo described lot about two and one-fourth acres as reserved In deed dated Aug. 5, 1904, from C. F, Wright et al. to Marian R. Huga boom, also excepting 285 perches of land which Marian R. Hugaboom ot al. by deed dated Sept. 2, 1904, re corded in Wayne county in Deed Book 93, page 24, granted to Morris Meagher. Tho second lot: Beginning at the southwest corner in center of tho Belmont and Oquaga Turnpike road and the south lino of land of James Dalphen; thence north eighty-two degrees east ono hundred forty-nine nnd five-tenths rods to the middle of west branch of Lackawaxon creek thenco southward along center of said creek sixty-five, nnd two-tenth rods to corner of land of Oscar Bates; thence south eighty-two de grees west by said line of Bates to a corner in the center of said turn pike road; thence north along said Turnpike road slxty-flvo and two tenths rods to place of beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less, Being same lot which Oscar Bates sold to Marian R, Hugaboom on land contract dated Nov. 8. 1901. Xlid first lot is unimproved and the second Jot '(a Improved with a framo house and ham, and a portion ot land Seized nnd taken In execution as the property of Marian Hugnboom and II. C. Noble, M. D at tho suit of Wayne County Savings Bnhk. No. 11. March Term, 1U08. Judgment, ?400. Kimble, Attorney. ALSO All that certain plcco or parcel of land, situate In the township of Scott, couilty of Wnyno, nnd State of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows: Beginning nt a pine stump on tho bank of the west branch of tho Dela ware River and running south soven thrco degrees oast twenty rods to a to a stake; thenco south seventy threo degrees east twentyrods to a stake on the river road; thence south ono and ono-half degrees east fifty two rods to a stake In the creek road; thence south twenty-five de grees west thirty-four rods to a stones corner; thenco south seventy three and one-half degrees west fourteen rods tn a stake; thence south eighty-three and ono-half de grees west twelve rods; thence south seventy-five degrees west, fourteen rods to a stake; thenco south seven teen degrees west fifty rods to a hemlock tree; thenco south eighty- seven degrees east thirty rods to a stones corner; thenco north seventy degrees east forty rods to a stones corner; thenco north fourteen nnd three-fourth degrees west forty-six rods to a stones by the creek; thence north sixty-one degrees oast flfty-ono rods down the creek to a stake; thence north sixteen degrees east twenty-nine rods to a stake down the creek; thence north two degrees east forty-six rods to a stake; thence north llfty-slx degrees east eight rods to a stake; thence north twenty-live nnd three-fourth degrees east ten rods to a stake; thence north forty-throe degrees est, sixteen rods to a stake: thence south eighty degrees west, thirty-five rods to a stake and thenco north eighty-five degrees west twenty rods o the place of beginning; containing forty-six acres of land moro or less. Being the same land that Marvin Wheeler conveyed to Rebecca G. Moro by deed recorded In D. B. No. 1, page 398. Also part of Lot No. 0 upon which Rebecca More now lives, containing 10G acres, excepting one-half acres fenced for burying ground and about one-half acres sold D. L. Demoney. Said lot being situ ate in Buckingham township. Also excepting ten acres sold to the Ball's Eddy Chemical Company. The land Intended to be conveyed being same which is described in deed from Wm. H. Stone, adm'r of Rebecca G. Moro to Clair E. More, D. U. S5, page 94. Upon said land Is a frame house, two barns and over ono hundred acres of the land Is im proved. Seized and taken in, execution as tho property of Clair E. Moro, at the suit of Leander Howard assigned to . V. More to the use of Edwin N. lumcnfelt. No. 95, October Term, 1910. Judgment, ?94J. Kimble, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs .must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 1G, 1910. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF WAYNE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. NO. TERM, 1910. In re petition of Louis W. Healy for satisfaction of mortgage. A petition of tho abovo number and term has been presented to said Court praying that a mortgage given by James M. Porter and Wil liam Shouse to Charles Pomberton Fox dated Oct. 2S, 1840, for the payment of $5500.00, recorded in Wayne County in Mortgago Book 4, page 40, and against certain lands in the Counties of Pike and Wayne as described in said mortgage, be satis fied of record because it is legally presumed to have been paid. All persons interested are notified to appear in said Court Monday, Janu ary 1G, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m. and show cause why said mortgage shall not bo satisfied of record and tho lien thereof discharged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Laurence H. Watres, Attorney. G02 Connoll Building, Scranton, Pa. 99eol4 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF WAYNE COUNTY. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. NO. TERM, 1910. In re petition of Louis W. Healy for satisfaction of mortgage. A petition of the abovo number and term has been presented to said Court praying that a mortgago given by John Shouse, Henry W. Shouse, and Francis T. Shouse to William Shouse dated December Z, 1854, for the payment of S15.000.00, recorded in Wayne County in Mort gago Book 5, page 215, etc., and against certain lands in the Coun ties of Pike and Wayne ns described In said mortgage, be satisfied of rec ord because it Is legally presumed to have been paid. All persons In terested are notified to appear In said Court Monday, January 1G, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m. and show cause why said mortgage shall not bo satisfied of record and tho lion thereof discharged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Laurence II. Watres, Attorney. G02 Connoll Building, Scranton, Pa. 99eol4 M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodation for Farmers Prompt and polite attention ot oI times. ALLEN HOUSE B1RV is cuiuvaieu.