The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 13, 1911, Image 4

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Til, OlTHiUN, I IUDAY, JANUAKY ill, 1011.
ScinMVcckl' Founded 1008; Weekly
Founded 18 11.
KutarctS us swoiid-class matter, at tfcrf08t
otllcc. lloncsdnle. l'n.
Fill DAY, JANUARY 13, 1011.
(In Tlio City).
When we left our hotel after a
"bang-up" brenUfiist, to go down to
business, Tuesday morning, the
tlicrinonicter registered forty de
grees above zero. Wo passed scores
of men and women, on the street,
hurrying to their places of employ
ment, with tho "fear" look on their
. . "Tho Seelyvlllo Kxprcss," with her
engine pufllng and blowing llko a
porpoise, was just pulling out of tho
Union Station. There was a weird,
uncanny feeling in tho air. Lights
vero few and far between, and it
was dark as pitch.
"When you look at his appear
ance," remarked n friend to us yes
terday, in describing tho personal
appearance of a prominent citizen.
"You'd think ho was a rough 'buck.'
But he's a gentleman everyway."
Just another way of saying that
"beauty is only skin deep," and that
"handsome is, as handsome docs,"
wasn't it?
Sleet me at the Lecture in tho
High School to-night, Neighbor!
(On Tho Farm).
"You've got everything now for
your trip to Ucrmudn, Mary, haven't
you?" Inquired her mother tho
morning after her return from
Honesdale, where her daughter had
purchased a set of mink furs.
"Oh dear No, Mother," said Mary.
"I need1 a suit tho worst way."
"What are they wearing now?"
"Everything is very, very plain.
"Hip" coats nro fashionable. Every
thing is dark; no light colors. Illnck
velvet is very stylish. Tho waist is
very long, to make you appear very
long and slender. "Long lines" they
call tho effect. Tho skirts arc made
very narrow; semi-lioliblo effect;
that's tho very latest. Everything
is strictly tailor-made; no trimming.
I want to get a Persian wulst, Gib
son effect, you know what' that Is;
one-piece wulst; and I want a Per
sian belt to match."
"3Iy, hut you know all about tho
fashions. I guess when you go to
llcrmiula the other girls won't bo
ablo to hold a candle with you," said
her mother admiringly.
"Oh, Mather! AVcll, Pa said he'd
get mc a suit next week, when Silas
Snodgrass pays him tho Interest on
his mortgage. They make altera
tions free of charge In Honcsdule,
too. Hut I must write a letter to
Jack Itundolph, now. lie's going to
take mc to a dance to-night."
Once again tho fatal combination
of the thirteenth month, the thir
teenth day, and Friday, occurs. 15y
millions of people the advent of this
duy is dreaded. And there is abund
ant reason for the superstitious fears
entertained on this score.
Terrible events have taken place
on Friday. On Friday Jesus, the
Jinn of Galilee, tho only perfect
man that ever lived, and whose
teachings have turned the world up
side down, was crucified.
"Muck Friday" in Wall street will
never ho forgotten. Tom Lnwson
has iniiportiilized the panic that
shook the country's financial strong
hold from centre to circumference on
"Friday Tho Thirteenth," some
years ago.
Capitalists hewiiro of engaging In
uny new enterprise on tlint day!
Sick folks, and well, ho especially
careful of your health on this inau
spicious Friday! Saint and sinner
do not full to "go to church" on tho
morrow! Employees bo faithful in
tho performance, of your duties, lest
somo slight infraction of the rules
may neiid you shivering, out in the
cold, cold street! Beware of Friday
Tho Thirteenth!
Governor-elect Tener has tho good
wishes of tho people of this State,
regardless of party ulllllatlous. Tho
murderous attacks on his integrity,
in tho recent political campaign, by
tho "yellow press" and "yellow
clergy," have only served to increase
tho confidence and respect in which
ho is held by all right-minded in
dividuals. "If you see it in THE CITIZEN
you know it's so." Tho people's
favorite semi-weekly with its largo
and efficient corps of staff correspond
ents, located in Washington, ). C.,
Harrlsburg, New York, and nil parts
of Wuyno county, is abundantly
equipped to give its readers ull tho
news, and give it to them first.
Ono million dollars woidd go a WHY CAN'T AVE HAVE A" SO
long way toward making most men CIETV MICE THIS IN WAYNE
cheerful. ' ) COUNTY?
Tlicro's going to be the timo of
your life In Wayne county politics
this year over the county otlices.
liOST: One Keystone Party. He
ward offered for safo return, to
headquarters in Philadelphia, in time
for uso in the Fall primaries.
Crime seem to be increasing in
Wayne County. Even tho "Presi
dent's English" Is being murdered
by somo of our esteemed contempor
aries. It remnincd for tho "Gideons," an
association of Christian drummers,
to arrange to put 0,000 lllblcs In the
hotel bedrooms of "Christless" Chi
cago. Score one for the morality of
tho traveling men.
The citizen, whether living along
tho lloulevnrd, or in Park Row, or
on tho Numbered streets, who waits
patiently for ice from his pavement,
never falls to growl when It rains.
Hut who can expect such citizens to
be consistent?
Dear Reader, wo aro willing to
make an honest confession. We've
already broken all our New Year's
resolutions hut one, and that one is,
that we'll make no aeroplane
(lights this year. Wo have fallen
from grace, almost entirely, but this
one thing wo won't do!
Thero is no doubt whatever that
the people of Pennsylvania general
ly have great conlldcnco in tho sin
cerity of tho new Chief Executive.
His promise that ho will give a busi
ness administration, governing more
from tho standpoint of practical
utility, than from that of theoretical
experiment, will not bo unpleasant
to tho average voter.
Economy, if carried into honest
and actual effect, will go a great
ways towards lightening tho burdens
of tho people.
Commissioner Foust Reports Ter
mination of 0121 State Prosecu
tions in Year.
Harrlsburg, Pa. The work of tho
State Dairy and Food Bureau for the
calendar year 1910 has in some re
spects been unprecedented in volume,
according to Commissioner Foust.
.The special agents purchased and
the chemists analyzed during the year
5594 samples, Including 1848 milks,
13G1 general foods, 938 butters, 499
creams, 288 Ice creams, 283 oleomar
garine, 278 non-alcoholic drinks and
99 samples of other classes.
Prosecution for adulteration, mis
branding, departure below standard
and other Infractions of food laws
were terminated In G21 cases, affect
ing almost 70 kinds of food and non
alcoholic drinks. Of these 231 were
oleomargarine cases, 70 milk cases
and G2 Ice cream cases.
Among the less frequent, but
highly interesting classes of cases,
were those for the sale of rotten
eggs, of cakes and crackers adul
terated with boric acid, marshmal
low confections, adulterated with
sulphurous acid, sausage containing
added starch .and water, pie filler
with artificial color Imitating that
of fruit, decomposed potatoes and
wormy chestnuts.
The commissioner adds that the
lines and costs imposed by the
courts In these cases amounted to
$30,405.84, of which those for the
violation of the oleomargarine law
amounted to $15,450.92, or almost
Tho total receipts of the uureau
for the year, Including $79, G97.ll
derived from oleomorgarino licen
ses, amounted to $110,802.95, tho
disbursements to S79,GG1.G5, leav
ing a balance of $31,141.30 excess
of receipts over expenditures.
Tho public will, the commissioner
believes, be gratified that the work
of the year has been accomplished
without any addition to tho tax bur
den. It is, he says, more Important,
however, that the annual record
shall exhibit progressive decrease In
the adulteration and misbranding I
of the foods and beverages sold In
the state.
It Is a matter of congratulation
for all concerned that In the case of
many of tho chief food staples tho
record marks a distinct decrease In
these nefarious practices.
Will Assist in Arranging for tho In
auguration of Governor-Elect
Teuer Only Two Demo
crats Chosen,
Stroudsburg, Pa., January 9.
Hon. Harvey Huffman, the State
Senator from this district, was given
a high honor tho first day of his
entrance Into that body of lawmak
ers, by being chosen one of the mem
bers of the special committee that
will have charge of tho arrange
ments for tho inauguration of Governor-elect
Tho appointment was made by
President Crowe, of the Senate. The
Senate committee is composed of
seven members, two of whom are
Democrats, Mr. Huffman and Sena
tor Morgan, of Northampton. The
many friends of the local Senator
will take great pride In the fact that
he has been singled out for tho
honor. Mr. Huffman arrived home
on Tuesday evening, the Legislature
having taken a recess for the ap
pointment of committees, etc.
Hon. Eugene Kinney, tho Repre
sentative from this county In tho
House, had the honor of naming tho
Democratic candidate for Speaker
of the House.
Have the CITIZEN sent to your
Merccrsburs, Jan. 9. On Satur
day was the seventy-fifth meeting of
the Allen and East Pennsboro's So
ciety For the Recovery of Stolen
Horses and Mules and the Detection
' of Thieves.
I This society was organized Octo
I ber 22, 183G, dnd chartered Novem
ber 14, 1870.
i To Dr. J. F. Stadizer belongs the
I credit of bringing together a num
! ber of the citizens of Allen and East
Pennsboro's townships at tho public
house of Frederick Kuster in Shlre-
manstown on September 24, 1830.
The stealing of horses having be--come
frequent, and the ordinary pro
tection found insufficient the com
munity, Impressed with these facts
met to form an association for the
mutual defense and assistance.
Daniel Sherban was appointed
president and Levi Merkel, secretary
of this meeting.
A committee was appointed to
draft a constitution and by-laws. On
motion of Jacob Itupp, the organi
zation was called The Allen ' and
East Pennsboro's Township Society
For tho Recovery of Stolen Horses
and Detection of Thieves. This title
has never been changed, except by
leaving off tho word "township" and
insertion of the word "mules" after
The first constitution had eighteen
articles. The present one has' nine.
The first president was William
R. Gorgas.
Tho financial part of this society
is one of its most interesting feat
ures. Until 1842 tho balance In the
treasury was $299.80, In 1845, it
was ?380; in 1855, JGG5.31; in
1865, ?1,097; in 1875, $2,388, and
1885, $2,987.94; 1908, $4,077.3C;
in 1909, $4,248.29, and December
31, 1910, $4,253.14.
During the last twenty-five years
there have been few horses and
mules stolen, and nearly all of them
have been recovered, and the thieves
convicted. The prompt and efficient
efforts of the society In the appre
hension and conviction of these
criminals have taught them that Its
territory Is dangerous ground for
them to enter upon.
Non-Catholic University Life De
clared to bo Had.
At a meeting of the western sec
tion of the Northern Illinois. Teach
ers' Association Dr. G. Stanley Hpll,
president of Clark University, Massa
chusetts, made the following state
ment: "Reports from thirty of our oldest
colleges indicate that the moral con
ditions of the students in most ,of
our universities is Indescribable.
This condition exists more in ' the
East than through this section."
This is a fair arraignment of the
sort of education given to thousands
of young Americans. Instruction of
the mind Is the end and all of non
Catholtc colleges. The heart and
soul aro rarely considered. Coming
as the statement does from suqh 'an
educator as Doctor Hall, It merits
strong attention.
There has always been more or
less reason to believe that the life
led by young men in the secular uni
versities has not squared with Chris
tian conduct. Removed from the
restraining influences of home and
answerable to the college authori
ties for their conduct only during
recitation time, It Is little wonder
that young fellows find fertile op
portunities to sow wild oats. And
when wo take Into consideration that
most of the youth who attend non
Catholic colleges and universities
have no settled form of religious be
lief, tho wonder Is that any of them
escape a life of license.
The Catholic boy, therefore, who
Is thrown into such an atmosphere
cannot escape Its vitiating odor.
Ills character must bo pretty strong
ly developed, his moral sense the
finest and his will power the firmest
If ho would go through four years
of college life In a non-Catholic in
stitution and preserve his morals un
tainted. Is It fair to ask young men,
raw and untried, to become para
gons of virtue as soon as they leave
tho high school? Can wo blame
them If they go far astray when col
lego officials disclaim responsibility
for their conduct?
If Dector Hall had asked for re
ports from any number of our Cath
olic colleges, he would have receiv
ed replies that would have delighted
his heart. Not that all boys In Cath
olic colleges are angels, nor that the
Catholic colleges can make over and
turn into saints young fellows who
had been allowed at homo to act
pretty much as they please; but the
example of what religion does for
men, as exemplified in the lives of
their professors and tho constant
urging to better things which Is
poured out In tho Christian doctrine
classes and from tho pulpit must
touch a young fellow's moral sense
and direct It right. Add to this tho
disciplinary regulations enforced In
all our Catholic colleges, rules which
aro founded on tho right govern
ment of tho young men In their own
homes, and you have an Ideal code
for conduct In youth to bo found In
every Catholic college In the land.
At tho University of Notre Dame, for
Instance, there Is a rule which pro
hibits the introduction of lnfoxicat-.
Ing liquors on the grounds. Any
student who Is detected using liquor
Is subject to expulsion. In order the
fetter to safeguard the young men
at Notro Dame, tho university offi
cials havo an advertisement which
runs the year round In the papers of
South Bend, where dealers aro warn
ed that they will be prosecuted and
punished to tho full extent of the
law If they are known to sell Intox
icants to any boy at Notre Dame;
and ithls warning Is rigidly lived up
to. 1
It would bo interesting to learn
how many of our non-Catholic col
legos would place about their stu
dents similar safeguards. If they
should do so, tho rowdyism in col
leges that we read so much about In
the newspapers would ho at an end.
The Catholic colleges guarantee ' to
stand In plac'o of the parent; the
non-Catholic colleges make no such
Beiics Couiitlnn Declares Coming
Generation Will Recogni.o
Scientific Agriculturists.
Reading, Pa. Tho annual meet
ing of the Berks County Agricul
tural Society was held hero last
Saturday, when -James McGowen,
the president, made his annual ad
dross to tho society. Ho declared
that tho prosperity of tho country
depends upon tho annunl county
fairs. Ho said in part:
"A word of encouragment
that Includes something more
than the counting of bushels
and acres, Is In the report that
a larger number of young men
each year are choosing farming
for their life occupation. Tho
agricultural colleges are extend
ing their facilities to accom
modate increased attendance.
"This means that the posi
tion of tho farmer as a business
man Is being established, and
his sons, Instead of hurrying
to tho city to seek other oc
cupations, are realizing that
thero Is a Hold for their best
endeavor on tho old home
stead, though that term has al
most passed away. Tho com
ing generation will bo a sur
prise to those of the old school.
You will hear the man In
overalls, mllkpall or pitchfork
In hand, talking clear English
of ' 'balanced nutrition,' 'econ
omy of production,' 'scientific
breeding,' and 'specialized
farming,' in all Its forms.
"He will discuss tho quality
of soil ingredients and moral
ize on the benefit of crop rota
tion. He has learned farming
from books, but the fact that
he Is ablo to produce more
bushels to the acre and more
profit from tho year's work Is
earning him respect."
New Year's Crowds Make Life
Worth Living On Tho Great White
Way Theatres Crowded Fierce
Weather Conditions Fall To
Dampen Ardor Of Celebrants Joy
AVns Unconllncd AVoolworth's
New Store.
A happy and prosperous New Year
to all the readers of THE citizen;
The Old Year went out beautifully
as far aB the weather. New Year's
eve was concerned.
Saturday afternoon was one of
revelry. All who were at liberty
were out for some kind of amuse
ment. Every theatre was crowded
and an hour before performances be.
gan, no seats were to be had. The
writer saw "Naughty Marrltta" and
would say It's a pretty play, with
good music. At five o'clock around
Times Square, tho crowd coming
from the theatres added to the usual
,New York crowd at that time of day,
was so great that It was Impossible
to pas3 on the sidewalk. Later the
crowd was greater, but tho police
then Insisted on the people going
down town keeping to ono side, and
tho people going up town, staying on
the opposite side. Tho noise was dis
tracting. You could not hear the
voice of the person at your side, but
It was all In good humor, while wine
and champagne llowed like water in
the many crowded restaurants and
cafe. On the street, there was no
signs of intoxication. Though bus!
ness men insist times are hard and
money senrce and every one Is com
plaining of high prices, all was for
gotten for a few hours, while merri
ment hol'd sway. When the chimes
at Trinity rang out the old and rang
in the new, thousands held high the
glass, while ono toast after another
was given. Perhaps the New Year
Is In sympathy with the hundreds
who aro sorrowing and suffering,
for wo have come to bollevo as
story of ono llfo after another has
come to us, that nine out of ten
lives in this city aro a living tragedy.
And so maybe, after the hilarity of
tho holidays has worn off, and ono
after another sums up the cost of the
pleasure, given and gained, that
when all the facts are looked at In
the clear day light, Instead of the
glare of "Tho Great Whito Way,"
there is weeping and truly tho ele
ments are In sympathy, for It has
rained since Sunday, and on New
Year's Monday the fog was so dense
you could not see the building next,
and many a captain said it was tho
worst they ever experienced. Sever
al ferries wore discontinued, .and
many ships were held up for several
To those Interested In business
propositions wo would stnto that
Woolworth, of 5 and 10-cent store
fame, Is soon to build tho highest
building in New York. Mr. AVool
worth has now over two hundred
stores, all prosperous. We under
stand that these stores pay fair sal
aries, and remember their help In a
substantial way at Christmas time.
All tho beauty creams in creation
won't Improve your complexion if
your stomach Is out of order.
Bejchlng of gas and heartburn
mean bad food In tho stomach. Bad
food means bad blood and bad blood
means a bad complexion.
Try MI-O-NA stomach tablets for
stomach misery, biliousness, dizziness
and Indigestion. They relieve In a
few minutes; they make rich, red
blood. They are guaranteed by G.
V. Pell to cure or money back.
Read what a Kansas woman says:
, "I had been doctoring a year for
stomach trouble and found nothing
that did as much good ns MI-O-NA.
I only have the second box and they
havo relieved all pain In my stom
ach. For stomach trouble or Indi
gestion MI-O-NA can't be beaten.
MI-O-NA has done a world of good
for mo when doctors failed." Mrs.
Cordelia B. Mann, 207 E. 11th St.,
Junction City, Kans.
MI-O-NA stomach tablets aro sold
by druggists everywhere nnd by G.
AV. Pell for 50 cents a largo box.
Test samples freo from Booth's Ml-o-na,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Flvo Mils May Bo Presented From
tho Legislative Commission.
Harrlsburg, Pa. It Is said that
the election law commission has
prepared live bills for submission to
the legslalors, although but two
have been prepared.
Specific recommendations, it is
said on good authority, will bo made
In favor of the "Massachusetts bal
lot," or one resembling It as closely
as practicable in this State. This
form of voting is described as akin
in Its simplicity to tho old "vest
pocket" system, wth safeguards sur
rounding it that were absent from
tho old form.
The abolition of personal regis
tration in cities of the third class
and the return to the assessment of
voters which prevailed thero prior to
tho enactment of the present law are
also said to be contemplated In the
recommendations for the revised
A uniform ballot for all tho coun
ties is recognized as difficult of ac
complishment on account of the dif
ferent conditions existing In congest
ed election districts of the State, the
varying needs of large cities like
Philadelphia and Pittsburg and
sparsely populated regions llko Pike,
Monroe, Fulton, AVayne and other
of tho rural counties of tho State.
It is admitted that it would be dif
ficult to apply tho same system of
voting and the listing of electors In
such localities as those named, and
it is desired by the clmmlsslon to
perfect some system that will solve
this problem.
it is planned by tho commission
to recommend the changing of the
date of the primary elections from
Juno to September and forbid the
name of a candidate for nomination
to appear on more than one ticket.
The object of this proposition is to
prevent the "raids" on the tickets of
minority parties that are so easily
made under the present system, and
of which vivid illustrations have
been given In this city and elsewhere.
Ah, I saw It in THE CITIZEN!
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured- by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
AValdlng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken 1d
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. W. B. HOLMES, President.
A. T. SEARLE, ArlCE 1'iies.
We want you to understand the reasons
of this
HAS A CAPITAL OP - - - $l00,ooo.ou
MAKING ALTOGETHER - - fi27.342.00
EVERY DOLLAR ol which must bo lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY
It has conducted a growing and successful business for over ii years, serving
an increasing number of customers with fidcelity and satisfaction.'
Its cash funds aro protected by MODIORN STEEL A'AULTS.
Total Assets, - - - $2,951,048.26
rtsr deposits may be made by mail. ia
T. It. (M.AUK
Will close out Winter Goods
in all their Hadeup Stock.
Ladies' Tailored Suits, Fur Coals,
Muffs and Collars, Long Heavy Coats
in black and colors, Separate Skirts,
Ladies and Misses Bath Robes.
A genuine reduction on regular prices.
An annual opportunity that you will be wise
to take advantage of.
Man 81 years old who has been
disfranchised" for selling his vote a
number of years ago says that he
feels that he has disgraced his fam
ily and will never cast another bal
lot. Seems funny that to some men
dlsgraco spells only exposure.
beni. n. DimiCH, - - - Lessee & mmi
30 -PEOPLE-30
Expert Dancers
Wonderful Acrobats
Big Plantation Scene
"Zclla" the Human Frog
"Prices : 25, 35, 50 and 75c.
SEAT SAT.E opens at the Hox Offlce at
9 a. m. Monday, Jan. IB.
Tho Commissioners of AVayne
county, Pa., have fixed the following
days and dates respectively for hear
ing general appeals from the assess
ment of 1911 at the Commissioners'
offlce, Honesdale, Pa.:
Monday, Jan. 30, beginning at 2
o'clock p. m., Honesdale, Bethany.
Tuesday, Jan. 31 Berlin, Damas
cus, Lebanon, Oregon, Manchester,
Buckingham, Scott and Starrucca.
AVednesday, Feb. 1 Preston, Mt.
Pleasant, Clinton, Canaan, South.
Canaan, Prompton, AVaymart.
Thursday, Feb. 2 Lehigh, Dreher,
Sterling, Salem, Lake, Paupack,
Cherry Ridge, Dyberry.
Friday, Feb. 3 Hawley, Palmyra,
and Texas.
Real estate valuations cannot be
changed this year except there ara
improvements made, some noticeablo
depreciation or an error.
Persons who have complaints can
mall them to the Commissioners' of
fice and they will have consideration
by the assessors and Commissioners.
George P. Ross, Clerk.
Commissioners' Offlce, Jan. 2, 1011
H. S. SALMON, Cashieii
Guy Bros