IF YOU WANT TO HELP SOME YOUNG LADY WIN THE 400,000 BALLOT PAY A SUBSCRIPTION N6W READ PARTICULARS BELOW. At WEATHER FORECAST: Snow. WEA K FORECAST: Snow. THE CITIZEN Is tho most widely read semi-weekly newspaper In Wayne. County. Lustier now tlmn nt any tlmo in its 08 years' lils.tory. MORNING, Hear Read- ! Aro you coing (o nt- tlio Union Revival meet- the First Baptist church week? 68th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA,, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1911. NO. 4 rmsi- mem nt GENEROSITY OF GRAND JURORS MAKE PRISONERS HAPPY I1Y LIBERAL DONATION OF FRUIT, ETC. REPORT OF GRAND JURY THREE TRUE HILLS FOUND RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDE RUBBER MATTING FOU COURT HOUSE COHUIHOH; SYSTEM OF COURT HOOM VEN TILATION THUE H ILL AGAINST LEONA LORD. "Just to let them know that wo wasn't all trying to turn them down," said Henry Martin, Winwood, a grand juror to a reporter for THE CITIZEN, "the boys got together and chipped In money to give the prisoners a general Christmas. L. "Van Dcusen, Dyberry, and I were ap pointed a committee to buy tho things. Sheriff Braman and I gave them the things. "Tears came to their eyes when we presented the things to them. It will certainly throw a different light on them. It naturally would cheer any one up. We got oranges, grapes, nuts, candy, handkerchiefs and cigars. We gave them a gener al Christmas. We gave a nice box of candy and a nice handkerchief to Leona." Report Of Grand Jury. To the Honorable Alonzo T. Searle, Judge of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Wayne: The Grand Inquest of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania Inquiring for the county of Wayne, respectful ly represents, that we have examined tho county buildings and as far as we can ascertain find them in very fair condition. Yet we think a very great improvement would be made if the County Commissioners would provide some sort of rubber mat ting and place it down the aisles of the court room to deaden the sound as people walk in and out while court is in session. We commend the County Commis sioners for introducing some differ ent mode of lighting the court room and sincerely hope they will con tinue in their efforts until they suc ceed in securing a satisfactory sys tem of lighting the same. Wo would "suggest that some way by electric wire or some other device j by which the inmates of the Jail could call the attention-iof the Sher iff or some of his household should anything happen Ike 'sickness, dur ing the night so they could receive proper attention, be installed. We have heard' rumors of the im proper use of money to control nomi nations for election to office, but not sufficiently satisfactory evidence to recommend prosecution. Wo would also recommend that the County Commissioners Install in the Court Room some system of ven tilation to protect tho health of those who are called upon to spend so many days in so poorly ventilat ed a room during the year. We be lieve there are systems that could be installed and not so very expen sive that would give very good sat isfaction. With these recommenda tions and suggestions we most re spectfully submit to your Honor. W. A. GAYLORD, Foreman. REUBEN LANCASTER, Clerk. Findings of Grand Jury. In re Commonwealth vs. Warren Simpson. Indictment. Larceny of a horse; receiving stolen goods. Chas. Spewak, prosecutor. January 11, 1911. A true bill. W. A. Gaylord, foreman, nurgess Appointed For Starrucca. In re petition to have Chief Bur gess appointed for the borough of Starrucca. "Now Jan. 11, 1911, W. W. Mum ford is appointed Chief Burgess to All the vacancy in the office of chief burgess of the Borough of Starrucca as prayed for." By the Court. The appointment was made in re sponse to tho following petition: "To the Hon. A. T. Searle, Judge: We, the undersigned voters of the Borough of Starrucca do hereby pe tition you as follows: Owing to the death of the late A. W. Brown, our borough is at present without a chief burgess, Mr. Brown (deceased) having been elected to the office of burgess In February, 1909, for the term of 3 years. Therefore wo do hereby petition that you will appoint W. W. Mum ford of the borough of Starrucca to fill said vacancy caused by the death of Mr. A. W. Brown." Largely signed. Quarter Sessions. In re Commonwealth vs. Joseph Scoepch. Number 12 October Ses sions. 1910. indictment, ist count, assault and battery; 2d count, ag gravated assault and battery; Jd count, cutting, stabbing, etc.; 4th count, A and B, with intent; Joe Gesetts, prosecutor. Now to wit: January 10, 1911, the grand Jury Inquest returns tho in dlctraent a true bill as to first count. In re Commonwealth vs. Charles Bennett. Indictment. 1st count, ag' gravated assault and battery; 2nd count, assault and battery. Henry Martin, prosecutor. Now to wit; Jan. 10, 1911, the grand jury returns the Indictment not a true bill. County for costs. Oyer and Terminer. October Term 1910 No. 5 Commonwealth vs. Leona' Lord. Indictment. First count, murder; second count, manslaughter; William Lord, prosecutor. (Continued on Page Five). "THE KING'S BUSINESS!" LARGE AUDIENCE GREETED DR. SWIFT AT FIRST HAPTIST CHURCH, WEDNESDAY EVEN ING REVIVAL FIRES ARE BE ING KINDLED "CHRIST KNOCKING AT THE DOOR," THEME OF STRONG SERMON INCREASING INTEREST BEING MANIFESTED IN UNION REVIV AL SERVICES. The revival fires were kindled at the First Baptist church, Wednesday evening, when the Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, delivered a powerful sermon from the text Rev elation 3:20:-"Behold I stand at 'the door and knock; if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and ho with me." By way of introduction, Rev. Dr. Swift said: "Motives of surpassing force have been brought to bear upon our hearts, our minds, our wills for two evenings. The first was the appeal to the better side of us the ties that bind us in a common brother hood. There is enough and to share for all the world that will satisfy the hunger tho spiritual hunger of men "Give ye them to eat." It is our privilege, our duty to pass on this bread of life to starving men. Wo must or go to the prison-cell, self-condemned because heartless. "Last evening we stood face to face with the fact that the church has failed to do Its duty to lost men and we searched for tho reason. Tho knife went deep, and we realiz ed how childish are all the excuses we try to give in explanation of our failure. The answer to the question: "Why could not we cast him the demon out?" is the answer Jesus gave to his disciples there at the foot of the mount "Because of your unbelief." We were called on to attempt great things for God now, and expect great things from God now. May I ask your attention to night to a motive that always seems to. me to bo simply Irresistible. I want to get above the thought of a common brotherhood the thought of failure' because of unbelief and ask your attention to an appeal that comes right from thelieart of Christ to our hearts or ought to do so. "Behold I stand at the' dp'pr and knock; if any man hear my voice nnd ope.n the door I will come In to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." ' Continuing Dr. Swift said in part: "Prosperous times make the Christ unreal to us. It ought to make Him, more real to us. We need Christ just as much in our bright hours as In days of darkness. Wo are apt to: think that Religion Is only for tho sickroom and funerals, times of trial. We ought to remember that Christ went to the Marriage Feast as well as to the House of Sorrow. "A man is not half a man who does not do some things with his teeth clinched and his face set like a flint. We sometimes imagine that Christian character comes to us un sought. It is tho result of 10,000 choices made through a lifetime of choices that cost us much. "The text emphasizes three things: First, That man is the arbi ter of his own destiny; secondly, That lifb Is intensely real; thirdly, that our possibilities are simply In finite. Life Is intensely real. Oh that we might know what the end less life Is! Sin stains are removed by the chemistry of Christ's blood. "I do not believe the heaven life hereafter is to bo filled with the shadows of eternal regret. "O Jesus Thou art pleading In accents meek and low, I died for you, my clilldren, And will ye treat, mo so?, O Lord with shame and sorrow We open now tho door Dear Saviour enter, enter. And leave us novermore." Rev. George S. Wendell led the singing, and reminded tho audience, at the opening of tho service, "You are not putting half the life and ginger In that song you might." Rev. J. S. Olver offered tho open ing prayer, and tho Scripture lesson was read by Rev. Geo. S. Wendell. Rev. Will H. Hiller offered prayer and pronounced the benediction. The spacious auditorium of tho Baptist church was well filled despite the rainy weather. Announcement was mndo that the service this oven ing will begin at 7:15 o'clock, so mat tho meeting will be over In ample time to hear the lecture in tho High School at 8:35 p. m. What To Do With Spare Cash. Building colleges and endowing oducatlonal funds Is selfish and use less, according to R. T. Crane, head of the Crano Company, of Chicago, which placed $425,000 In extra mon ey in the Christmas envelopes of Its employees. It Is very true that money used for cojleges and similar endowment Is used more or less at random and its direct benefits are" realized by but few. Tho sum of $425,000 directly bestowed, according to the Port Jer vls Gazette, can put many men on their feet and relieve tho stress of living and caring for a family. On account of the revival meet ings now in progress the lecture at the High school to-night will not commence until 8:35 o'clock. ThiB will give people an opportunity to attend the church service and still not miss tho lecture. bonus BALLOTS FOR BUSINESS TRIS WEEK; FORT! COMPETITIVE BALLOTS FOR 1ST BUSINESS IN CONTEST For Every $15 Turned in on New Subscriptions Will Be Given 0,000 Bonus Votes Candidate Turning in Largest Amount of Money on Subscriptions Gets a 400,000 Competition Ballot. -M- -- List of candidates with votes counted up to 6 p. m. Wednesday. -f i 4 t tUtl DISTRICT NO. 1. This Includes all tho Borough of Honesdale and all of Texas except Texas No. 3. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATES. COMPANION. VOTES. Miss Margaret O'Brien ' 39985 Miss Annie Ripple 39975 Miss Helene Purdy Frances Purdy. 39915 Mis3 Vera RIckard 39675 Miss Edna Hawker Miss Ethel Hawker 3904b Miss Gertrude Krantz 38955 Miss Alma Campileld ...38495 Miss Clara Saunders Mrs. R. B. Brennerman 38250 Miss Lucy Murtha Sadie Connolly ". 37850 Miss Blanche Secor 37815 Miss Carrie Helfrlch .-.30005 Miss Frances Demer 35650 Miss Katherine Kroll 35025 Miss Margaret Moran 34655 DISTRICT NX. 2. This includes Hawley Borough, Texas No. 3, and all of Palmyra, Berlin, Oregon, Damascus and Paupack ,, townships. A tour to Bermuda, a diamond ring: and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATES. COMPANION. VOTES. Miss Josephine Spinner 39990 Miss Nellie Langan Susie Banks 39965 Miss Hattio Seipp." Sadie Walsh 39025 Miss Hazel D. James ...Lena F. Osborne 38945 Jliss Alma Noble '..Mrs. H. C. Noble 38725 Miss Helen Lehman Lena Lehman 38645 Miss Elizabeth Tuman .38490 Miss. Frances Robinson Vllma Knapp. . .-. . jfcTL. ,.,'v',. .38425 Miss Fannie Fromer Miss--Musette,. AppleyaE! ,;t. rt . 3 80 0 5 Miss Clara Gaston . . ".T.T .W, .V..GatlieTlno,'White"-;'T-:T ;?37Q25. Miss Mathilda Llndau r , '392rn Miss Louise Rohrhuber , 35750 Miss Annie L. Pollock 35025 DISTRICT NO. 3. This includes Bethany Borough, Starrucca Borough and Clinton, Lebanon, Mount Pleasant, Manchester, Buckingham, Preston and Scbtt townships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATE. COMPANION. VOTES. Miss Adelaide Watson 40050 Miss Alice Ward 52925 Miss Mabel E. Waidler Mrs. .A. Waidler 39120 Miss Elizabeth Kelly 5S252 Miss Blanche Blake Lena Coffery 38825 Miss Mary Gilchrist Myrtle C. Heywood 38775 Miss Mae Flynn t 38725 Miss Susie McGraw Miss Louisa Lynch ". l2 Miss Viola Allen Mary Allen 37675 Miss Estella McAvoy nlrlr Miss Grace Monaghan xlo Miss Alma Gultoff 36875 DISTRICT 'NO. 4. This Includes Prompton and Waymart Boroughs, Cherry Ridge Can aan, South Canaan, Lake, Salem, Sterling, Dreher and Lehigh town ships. A tour of Bermuda, a dlaraoud ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. CANDIDATE. COMPANION. VOTES. Miss Agnes E. Beahen Miss Laretta Spinner 2x?xS Mrs. Frank Waltz 39100 Miss Lullela Cross Miss Rose Angels 38925 Mrs. Orpha Swingle Miss Dennel Swingle 38925 Miss Cora Alt Miss Alma C. Peet 38775 Miss Margaret Spry Genevieve Lord 38750 Miss Emma Bates SS2 Miss Olive Lockwood Miss Ruth Inch 38250 Miss Ella Ehrhardt 38200 Miss Frances Richardson ! Miss Cora Miller, RD2 Miss Vera Murray 37925 Miss Elsie M. Howe 3780U (By H. C. Van Alstyne.) NEW BUSINESS OFFER. This is NEW BUSINESS week of THE CITIZEN'S great Bermuda Tour Contest which means that for overy $15.00 turned in on NEW SUB SCRIPTIONS to THE CITIZEN from now until Thursday night, January 19, at 9 p. m., you will be given 50, 000 "extra votes over and above the prevailing scale of votes. Tho regu lar scalo of votes this week is 50 per cent, abovo tho regular scale. This means that you wil) receive 3, 7.50 votes on a years' subscription in stead of tho regular 2,500. Last week was Double Votes and you no ln.il.t linvA rpnllgpil liv this time that the vote scalo Is gradually getting smallor. For that reason you should get every posslblo subscrip tion this week. Besides the 50 por cent, scale this week there is tho EXTRA 50,000 votes for every $15 turned In on NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS. A Competitive Offer Also. In order to mako this offer more interesting, and to enable the weak er candidates to work hard this week and regain lost ground, it has also been decided to give away forty competitive or premium ballots, for the forty candidates turning in the largest amount of money on BOTH OLD AND NEW subscriptions to THE CITIZEN before Thursday night, Janunry 19, at 9 p. m. These ba- lots will be awarded regardless of districts. The highest ballot will be good for 400,000 votes and will be awarded to tho young lady turning in tho largest amount of money on subscriptions this week. Both old and new subscriptions will count on this offer; Tho second ballot will be good for "390,000 votes and will bo given to tho young lady turning In the second largest amount of money on subscriptions this week, while the young lady turning In tho third larg est amount of money will receive a ballot good for 380,000 votes and so on down the list until tho forty ballbts havo been awarded. Each ballot will de crease 10,000 In valuo. Tho young lady candidates will see tho great advantago of this offer and especial ly the weaker ones who up to this time havo done little work. They will be able with the help of this big offer to regain lost ground by doing good work during this week. You aught not be discouraged now for if you get to work and win the 400,000 ballot you will have an easy race for the companionship and you can do it by working hard now. No one in tho race is above 40,000 at the present time and it will be easy for you to pass these if you make up your uiiuu iu win una oi me mrgesi. ballots. All NEW subscriptions you turn in this week will count on this offer besides giving you an ext-a 50,- 000 votes on every $15.00. Work now as you have never worked be fore and win a prize that will always remain in your memory as long as there' Is life. These special ballots will be issued In addition to the prevailing scale of votes, and It should be remembered that the scale during this period Is 50 per cent. In excess of the regular scale. Next week but 25 per cent, will be given so it will pay you to secure every posslblo subscription this week, taking advantage of the 6u per cent, scalo in connection with tho "COMPETITIVE OFFER." Tho Competitive Unllots. BALLOTS. First highest 400,000 Second highest ....i 390,000 Third highest 380,000 Fourth highest 370. OuO Fifth highest 300,000 Sixth highest 350,000 Seventh highest a40,000 Eighth highest 330,000 Ninth highest 320,000 Tenth highest 310,000 Eleventh highest 300,000 Twelfth highest 290,000 Thirteenth highest 280,000 Fourteenth highest 270,000 Fifteenth highest 260,000 Sixteenth highest 250,000 Seventeenth highest 240,000 Eighteenth highest 230,000 Nineteenth highest 220,000 Twentieth highest 210,000 Twenty-first highest 200,000 Twenty-second highest 190,000 Twenty-third highest 180,000 Twenty-fourth highest 170,000 Twenty-fifth highest 160,000 Twenty-sixth highest 150,000 Twenty-seventh highest ....140,000 Twenty-eighth highest 130,000 Twenty-ninth highest 120,000 Thirtieth highest 110,000 Thirty-first highest 100,000 Thirty-second highest 90,000 Thirty-third highest 80,000 Thirty-fourth highest 70,000 Thirty-fifth highest 60,000 Thirty-sixth highest 50,000 Thirty-seventh highest .... 40,000 Thirty-eighth highest 30,000 Thirty-ninth highest 20,000 Fourtieth highest 10,000 If you are at the bottom of the list get busy and win one of these ballots and go to tho top. If you are among the leaders capture one of these ballots and "Cinch" the Com panionship Tour. The winners of these ballots will not be announced until the last weok of the contest, but will be mailed direct to the lucky candidate. You must realize by this tlmo that tho vote Is growing smaller as each week passes. Last week 'iriore votes' were given for a single subscription than (ever. before.As. each period closes you must work" that much harder to secure as many votes as you did at first. While at first glance this offer may seem large, yet it is not near as easy as the opportunity offer of a couple of' weeks.ago. On the other hand there aro forty large ballots to be awarded this week. Will you get tho first or the last? It's up to you. The Tour manager will write which ever one you show you want. These ballots will be awarded regardless of district. "Does money turned In on new subscriptions toward the 50,000 bonus votes also apply on '.' e 400, 000 ballot competition?" ' Such were the substance of ques tions put to the tour manager yester day. The answer is yes, and every candidate should secure every possi ble new subscription this week and also collect up on every available old subscription. The winning of one of the big competition ballots and tho securing of a number of the new business bal lots for 50,000 votes each, means much toward victory on January 30. Just think of a 400,000 ballot, and you get It all for one week's work. This is tho opportunity for the "weaker" candidates to make a big killing just this one week. Some say that they aro working hard and they aro proving what they say by the number they are turning in. Th.ey are taking advantage of the six days' new business and com petitive offerB. Now, what these cheerful candi dates can do can be done Just as well by those who are crying that their work is over for lack of field to work in. If others can get subscriptions why can't you? Don't let other can didates get the advantage of you by tho simple method of "try, try again" especially during this week. The Bermuda Tours and Prizes in this, contest aro meant for you. Win it. A contest is an enterprise for thoso In it to work not part of tho time but from the start until the close. A Question for Candidates, A question for all candidates to ask themselves at tho close of each day Is: "Did I do all that was possl blo to gain votes to-day?' If yon cannot honestly answer In the affirmative then you are not do ing well enough and you should de cide firmly to Improve to-morrow. Somo newspaper contests which have been conducted In this part of tho country havo been arranged so that contestants with money had tho advantago over those who depended upon hard work to win the prize. For instance, in one contest votes havo counted double during the last week of the contest. This easily made it possible for a candidate who had money to spend it during the Inst day and smother the candidate who had been working hard throughout tho contest. In order that nothing of this sort may happen in THE CITIZEN'S con test it is hereby announced that no bonus 'votes or special inducements of any kind will be allowed during the last few days of the contest. There will positively be no doviatlon from this announcement. -i The watches and diamonds -f that will 1)0 awarded .to . tho -f contestants ns district prizes' will bo on display to-day at tho -f -f following places: CHAS. F. SPENCER & CO., 100 Ninth Street. G. I. SOMMERS, 001 Main Street. - II. G., ROWLAND, 1127 Main Street. -f Call at these places and see - them for they are worth work- -f -f ing for. -f J The Citizen Publishing Company wants the candidates who have work ed to win tho tours and prizes, and this announcement Is made with the idea of taking the affair out of the hands of the candidates who may wish to spend their own money. Candidates should look oyer their "yellow slips" before sending them in to make suro that every name and address is complete. When writing about a subscriber or ordering a chnngo of address, be sure to give tho complete name and address, as well as the number. A little care given to these details saves much time and trouble and permits. us to give them our immdlato attention. Voting Rules. No more than 5,000 subscription votes can be voted per week, above the leader in the district until Jan. 23, after which date there will be no limit or restrictions on the number of votes candidates may vote each day. Tho coupon printed in each issue of THE CITIZEN is redeemed to-day to 5 votes. The tour manager reserves the right to discontinue printing the coupons at any time during tho con test. JUNE PRIMARY CERTAIN TO GO. Plan Said To Bo To Change It To Tho First Mondny of Septem ber. Harrlsburg, Pa. While the com mission named to codify the election laws of the State and to bring them down to date has not completed Its work, It Is said that It has determin ed to recommend a change in the primaries from June to September. At the recent meetings, of the Leg islature opinion among the members was strongly in favor of a change, as" every one declared In -his county some strenuous fights were ahead and that by hoiaing the primaries in June it -would only add , to the trouble caused by an -oarly prjmary fight by prolonging tho campaign. The last gubernatorial campaign, is pointed to' as an instance of the trouble caused' by early action. Hint of Independent Hill." In case the commission does not come forward with its bills nt an early date, it is said that a bill to change tho date of tho primaries from June to September will be put in from independent sources. This bill will do no more than make a change in the date. Tho election commission may be continued by the next Legislature in case it cannot complete its bills. The plan is to get the bills which It Is In tended to pass presented to the Leg islature before the apportionment bills come In. This week a number of commis sions and committees in charge of bills will meet to frame their legis lation. Most of these bills will come In very soon after tho committees aro named on the 18th. Tho committee lists are now being made up. HONESDALERS AT TOWANDA. What "Tho .People's Dally Advo cate," Townnda's New Daily, Has To Say About Them. Hon. John Kuhbach of Honesdale Is In town today (Tuesday) on busi ness connected with tho cut glass factory, in which he Is a largo stock holder. Mr. Kuhbach was a candi date for Congress six years ago, and is being talked of by his friends as a candidate from this district at the next election. Mr. Kuhbach would make a strong candidate, as he is well fitted for the office and has a host of friends throughout the dis trict. Ml! John H. Weaver, Sr., treasurer of the Wayne Cut Glass Co,, Is attend ing tho stockholders' and directors' meeting, and the annual election of the company in Towanda, Tuesday afternoon. JIM J. S. Brown, president of tho Wayne Cut Glass Co., is In Towan da to-day .(Tuesday), attending a meeting of tho directors and stock holders. How Old Is A Young Cut? North Adams, Mass., Jan. 11. "How old Is a cat when it is young?" and "What is the natural life of a cat?" Mark E. Couch propounded to Pro bate Judge Edward T. Slocum theso and similar questions In a petition asking for an Interpretation of the will of the late Mary J. Cross. The will, written by Mrs. Cross herself, provides for the "food and kindly care" of Teddy, her pet cat, "during his natural life," and "should he die young I desire the interest given to tho Boston Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to An imals." Letters Remaining In Honesdale, Weed Ending January O. W. Slsnor Glnsippe, Miss Riemer, Mr. Goorge B. Sidener, A. L. Slo cum, )7. Wilson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers