The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 30, 1910, Image 3

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Artist's Will Lsavss Distri
bution of Estato to Woman.
Kewport. It. I., Dec. 23. Tho will of
John La Forge, nrtlst and author, bus
keen opened in the probate court here
and proved to be an unusual document.
None of the members of Mr. La
Fargo's family nro mentioned in the
will, nor Is there any intimation what
ever of the size of his eatate, nor does
k leave nny specific bequest in terms
f cash.
Grace E. Barnes of Larchmont, N.
1., is named as executrix, with tliu re
quest that she bo not roqulred to fur
nlzh bonds. rracttcnlly the ntlro dis
tribution of the estate is left to the
lodgment of the executrix.
Republican State Sonators Will Hurry
Reform Legislation.
Trenton, N. J., Dec. 28. When the
Kepubllcan members of tho New .Tor
sey senate camo out of a lawmaking
program conference here it was evi
dent that the senate, wlKch will be
Bepublican by a small majority, will
attempt to make Republican capital at
the expense of Governor Elect Wilson
and the Democratic house by passing
a mass of legislation between the time
of meeting of tho legislature .Tnn. 10
and tho Inauguration of Governor Wil
son Jan. 17.
In the past it has been the rule In
tho legislature to spend the first few
weeks of tho session each year with a
lot of preliminary work of tlbcidedly
minor importance. This year it Is
planned by tho Republicans to pass a
number of "reform" measures in rec
ord timo by Introducing them the
opening day of tho session, referring
them to committees and then rushing
them through tho necessary readings
to final passage by the end of tho first
week of the session.
Among the measures which will be
passed is one dealing with advanced
public utilities Ideas.
If They Grow Stronger the Canal May
Be Damaged.
Colon, Dee. 2S. Earthquakes of con
siderable severity have caused alarm
in tho provinces of CliirquI, Veraguas
and Los Santous, 1.10 to 200 milps
from Panama City. A series of severe
shocks were felt Dec. 20 and 21. Each
shod: was sharp and heavy.
The city of David was damaged
most. It Is stone built, while other
smaller towns nro of wooden con
struction. Earthquakes are frequent
even in Colon, but they are not se
vere nnd long continued as these. At
the most they break a little crcokery
nnd tip over a few chairs.
Tho recent upheavals have brought
to tho surface the ever latent dread
that the canal may be damaged by
some cataclysm of the sort.
Cheaper Berths In Canada.
Ottawa, Out., Dee. 28. The price of
the upper sleeping berths In Canada Is
to come down. The Canadian Pacific
and Northern Pacific railways main
tain their own sleeping cars, but It Is
announced that they will meet the cut
Imposed upon the Pullmnn enrs In tho
T'nlted States.
Market Reports.
BUTTnn Steady; receipts, 4,278 pack
heps; creamery, specials, per lb., 31c;
extras, I3V4a30c.: thirds to firsts, 23a2SV4c;
heM specials, 23V4a30c. ; ceconils to extras.
24a29c , state dairy, common to finest, 22a
29c process, 20aSSc; factory, current
mnkn 21n22c.
CHEESE Steady on whole milk; skims
weak receipts, 1,218 boxes; state, whole
milk specials, per lb., 15;al7Mc. ; Septem
ber quality, fancy, white, Ual5Hc. ; col
ored, 15Hc-; later make, as to quality, 11a
HV.c . part skims, 3a4c.; lull skims
EGGS Ilecelpts, 6.9S7 cases; state,
Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, white,
per dozen, SCutOc. ; brown, 40n41c. ; feath
ered whites, 3CiiSa; brown, 35a35c; fresh
gathered, extra firsts, S5a3Cc; firsts, 33a
34c , seconds. 23a32c; refrlfierator, special
marks, SBaSVic: firsts. JlaZlHc
DRESSED POULTRY Generally weak;
fresh killed turkeys, nearby, per lb., 23c;
western, yountr, choice, 20a22c; old hens,
18al9c old toms, 17al8c; broilers, Phil
adelphia squab, per pair, 40a&0c: 3 to 4
lbs, to pair. 23a25c; state and Pennsyl
vania, 3 to 4 lbs. to pair, 20a22c; chickens,
Philadelphia, over 8 lbs. to pair, 20a21c;
Pennsylvania, over 8 lbs. to pair, 16al7c. ;
western, milk fed, roasting, small boxes,
14al7Vic . corn fed, roastlnK, small boxes,
13alSc,; milk fed, roasting, bbls., 13Haltc;
corn fed, roasting, bbls., 18al3Vic; mixed
weights, 12c ; fowls, western, small boxes,
12al6c: averug best, bbls., 12al3c; roost
ers, 11c ; fprinK ducks, western, lGal7c;
spring geese, western, 12nl3c. ; squabs,
white, per doz. t2.Wa4.2fi; dark, Jl.7T.a2.
HAY ANT STHAW-Steady; timothy,
per 100 lbs., ic.atl.lO; shipping, 75a8ic;
clover, mixed, OCxiKc. ; clover, G0a&5c; long
ryo straw, 56c; oat and wheat, 41c
POTATOES Steady; Maine, per bag,
J1.40al C5, state, ll.30al.D0; Long Island,
l.C0a2; sweets. Jersey, per bbl., $l.C0a2.W;
r basket COc.atl.
Roasted Alive When Ace4;
lene Tank Explodes,
Other Gas Fatalities Include Asphyxia
tion of an Entire .Family In In
diana Tolephone Brings Phy
sician to Aid of Threo.
Ogdensburg, N. Y., Dec. 2a Word
has reached here from Warwick of the
taming to death of four children of
Ovid Burlt. The explosion of an ucety
lene gas apparatus In tho house eauseu
the tiro. The four children, who were
Bleeping in the upper part of the house,
wero burned nlivo. Tho father and
mother, occupying n bedroom down
stairs, were severely burned trying to
rescue their children.
The side wall of the houso was
blown from its foundation by the force
of the explosion.
The victims were llachol, need
seven; Luclcnno, aged live; Mnrloln.
four, and Marie Anne, three years of
Children Lacked In; House Burns.
New York, Dec. 2a Mrs. Julia Jam!
son, a ncjro, fed her children, Frances,
four years old, and James and John,
the three-year-old twins, placed some
milk and bread on the table for their
noon meal, locked them in so that
they would be safe and went to hot
In the afternoon the houso in which
she lived caught flro. "When tho fire
men entered the burning houso the
three children wero found lying on tho
floor. They had died of suffocation.
Gas Kills a Family.
Hammond. Ind., Dec. 28. Asphyxia
tiou by gas wiped out an entire fam
lly here. The dead are Mrs. John
Itucker, aged sixty; Joseph Itucker.
her son, aged seventeen, and Matilda
Itucker, her daughter, aged twenty.
The discovery was made by boys re
turning from skntlng, who saw t lie
dead form of the son leaning against
a window, which he had evidently
tried to open before he died. The boil
ies of the mother nnd girl were found
together In bed.
Doctor Saves Lives.
Muncie, Ind., Dec. 23. When a loca'
physician nnswered his telephone early
In tho morning a weak voice asked him
to hurry to the number given. There
the physician found Tony Ilofol, a
civil engineer nnd contractor, his wife
and James Foust, a roomer, uncon
sclous from the effocts of gas which
had escaped from a base burner stove
Had Incurred Enmity of Other Drivers
" by Being Last to Quit.
New York, Dec. 2S.-Charles Flana
gun, a driver of a delivery wagon for
a dry goods store, who had been one
of the lust to go out during the recent
drivers' strike and who, according to
his father, thereby Incurred the en
mity of the strikers, was shot down
and killed. The man who shot him es
Some one called him up on the tele
phone nt his home nnd told him to
come right over to the stables.
As Flanngan walked through Seven
teenth street a man stopped him, ac
cording to witnesses. The two stood
there a minute, nnd suddenly the man
who bad stopped the driver drew a re
volver. He pressed the revolver
against Flanagan's stomach nnd fired
Gets $100,000 Fortune and Proposals
Immediately Come In.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 28. Left a for
tune of $100,000 three weeks ago, Miss
Alma Stanley, a young teacher In the
Atlnnta public schools, is being deluged
with letters from men who want to
marry her. Miss Stanley estimates
she has received more than a thousand
offers of marriage by mall In two
weeks. The offers enmo from nil sec
tions of the United Statos.
"I am not considering nny of the of
fers," said Miss Stanley, who is very
pretty. "The motive of the writers I?
too evident."
Payakoff Was About to Explain
Charges When He Expired.
Solln, Bulgaria, Doc. 28. M. Paya
koff, ex-minister of finance, died sud
denly of heart failure during a de
bate in the sobrnnje in reference to
the proposed impeachment of the
Stauiboulofflst ex-ministers, of whom
he was one.
Eighty-eight deputies lately signed
a demand for the prosecution of the
ex-mlulsters for corruption nnd illegal
Ity. M. Pnynkoff was about to explain
his position when he fell dead.
Wrights Fail to Get Injunction.
New York, Dec. 28. Supreme Court
Justlco Page denied the application of
the Wright mpany restraining the
Aero CorponMlon, limited, which con
ducted the Bc'iik nt park avlutlon meet
from paylug out any money pendlug n
suit by tho Wrights to recover $lf,000
claimed to be duo on tho agreement of
tho Wrights not to molest the foreign
competitors in tho meet by reason of
claims for infringement of patents.
Washington Woman Attorney Is
Being Sued on Grave Charge.
Daltou. Ia.. Dec. 23. Mrs. Bclvn A.
Lockwood, the woman attorney, of
Washington has been sued here for
$10,000 dnmages by James B. Brack
ett, n citizen of Dalton, and thu case
will be called for trial next week.
Drackott accuses Sirs. Lockwood of
maliciously having him arrested In an
attempt to extort money.
The case grew out of a government
settlement of the claims of tho de
scendants of the eastern Cherokee In
dians. Brackett's family recolvod more
than ?4,000 of this money, and Mrs.
Lockwood demanded 10 per cent of
this, which Brackett refused on tho
grounds that he had not employed her.
Mrs. Lockwood had him arrested,
charging him with larceny after trust.
When the case was heard the charge
against Brackett was dismissed and
Mrs. Lockwood was rebuked by the
In St. Louis Smith's Statement Is De
nied. St. Louis, Dec. 28. Governor Elect
Wilson of New Jersey upon his nrrival
here to address the joint session of tho
American Economic association and
the American Political Science associa
tion wns interviewed for the St. Louis
Post-DIspateh regarding the statement
of .Tnmes Smith, Jr., candidate for tho
United States sennte from New Jer
The Post-Dispatch quotes Dr. Wil
son as saying that ho Intends to car
ry out his program of speeches at varl
ous places in New Jersey at the homes
of members of the legislature, urging
the election of James E. Martine.
"Any statement that I discussed
with Mr. Smith since the primary the
election of nny other person than Mr.
Martine to the senntorshlp is a false
hood," Governor Elect Wilson said.
Mr. Smith in n statement charged
that Wilson since the election told him
that Martine would not bo a desirable
senator and agreed to confer with Mr
Smith regarding nn available subsll
tute. This statement Dr. Wilson em
phatically declared to be false.
Although Late, Employees Welcome
the Gold Pieces.
Tnrrytown, N. Y Dec. 2S. Although
late, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was a
welcome Santa Claus, as he distributed
presents of gold pieces among the sta
tion employees. Mr. Rockefeller dis
tributed gifts personally and wished
all a merry Christmas and a happy
new year. Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller
are spending the holidays on their
Pocnntlco Hill homo.
Although John D. Rockefeller was
detained in Now York, he furnished
the largo Christmas tree which was
stacked with all kinds of presents for
the Sunday school children and fur
nished all tho decorations. There was
general regret among tho children
when they learned that Mr. Rockefel
ler could not bo present to hand out
the stockings of candy.
Judge Fawcett Sentenced Marie Rappa
and Pattenza to Long Terms.
New York, Dec. 28. Stunisiaw Pat
tenza and Mnrio Rappa, who were con
vlctcd last week In the county court of
Brooklyn of complicity In the kidnap
Ing of Joseph Longo and Michael Rlzzo
on Nov. 10, have been sentenced by
Judge Fawcett each to not less than
twenty-five years' Imprisonment nor
more than forty-nine years and ten
Pattenza goes to Sing Sing and Marie
Rappa to Auburn prison.
Observations of the United
States weather bureau taken at
8 p. m. yesterday follow:
Temp. Weather.
New York !10 Clear
Atlantic CMy . . ati Clear
Boston 31 Clear
Chicago 38 Cloudy
St. Louis 42 Italn
New Orleans . . (K! Clear
Washington ... 34 Clear
Buffalo 34 Clear
Albany 30 Clenr
vVns li Jen. 20, 1D13, or Fob. 26, t8?U
Histories Glo Doth.
When was President McKlnley born'.
Iteeent us is the administration of WM
Ham McKlnley, the (Into of his birth
and his age at death nre already sub
jects of dispute. In all tins years Mr.
McKlnley was a member of tin house
of representatives the Congressional
Directory, containing a sket h whi,h
he was presumed to have prepaivd
himself, gave the date of his birth as
Feb. 20, 1841.
When lie became president the same
Congressional Directory set forth she
date of Mr. McKinley's birth as .Inn.
21), 1S-1I5, a difference of n year and
twenty-eight days.
Representative Burke of Pennsyl
vania, who has been Invited to dellvet
an address on President McKlnley on
the anniversary of his birth, does not
know if he should speak on Jan. 2!) or
Feb. 20. He lias consulted Congres
sional Directories for the Forty-hfth.
Forty-sixth, Forty-seven. Forty-ninth.
Fiftieth and Flfty-llrst congresses, nml
in each Instance the date of Mr. Mc
Kinley's birth Is given as Feb. 20, 1S-1-.
Consulting the directory of lSOi, how
ever, Mr. Burke finds the president's
birth recorded as on Jan. 29, l&KJ. the
date which bus been celebrated sliu
the death of the martyred president as
McKlnley day or carnation day.
How these conliicting statement-
otild have escaped detection in all tin
ea rs that William McKlnley was a
national figure is Inexplicable, but It
now remains for tho historical experts
to unravel this surprising and mystorl
ous conflict of dates.
Netherlands to Have Schools of House
wifery and Farm Labor.
According to an Amsterdam news
paper, the government or tue isomer-
hinds purposes to establish schools l:i
different parts of the kingdom to In
struct farmers' daughters In the du
ties of housewifery and as workers on
farms. Such instruction has hitherto
been given lu tho courses of varluu
institutions throughout the country,
but never In schools specially devoted
At the outset summer schools will
be started, teaching the more essential
elements of the housewife's duties
Later the courses of instruction wlM
be broadened with the natural growth
of the schools. The design of these
schools will be to give such practical
Instruction as will combat the danger
of Inspiring farmers' daughters with
ambitious outside of farm life. Con
sistent with this design the school
and pupils will be kept In rural sur
rouudlugs us far as possible.
The courses contemplated in these
schools are nature study, zoology.
botany, cooking, washing, Ironing
sowing, household duties geiierull
household administration, nourishing
foods, etc. It is proposed that as lu
terest in the schools Increases still
more comprehensive lines of lnstrui'
tion will be gradually Introduced li
the various provluces of the kingdom
Five Hundred Stovos to Succeed Pres
ent Sm'udge Fires.
Sam Young, who owns a sixty acre
ircbard south of Atchison, Kan., Is
making fiOO sheet Iron stoves whl-li
will be placed In his orchard nex1
spring. Mr. Young has twice saved
his orchard from frost by the use of
Binudge tires and believes the stoves
will be more effective. They will cost
him about 10 cents each to construct,
not counting his own labor, and he
figures It will take Ave men to keep
them going.
Other orchard men In that locality
are being won over to the theory of
protecting their orchards from frost
l!en Stuart, who sold $5,000 worth of
apples In 1010, tlgures he has saved
several crops this way, but Young 1"
the first man to Introduce stoves on a
large scale.
Hoosier Statistician nlaces It In Brown
County, Ind.
If statistics carefully computed b
former Lieutenant Governor Hugh T
Miller of Indiana arc to be accepted
the new population center for tin'
United States has moved thirty mile
west and two miles north In the hii
ten years.
It is now situated, ho says, In Wash
Ington township, Brown county, Ind
near the Monroe county Hue, In longi
tude 8(J degrees i!l minutes 4 seconds
and latitude U! degrees 11 minutes 1
second, or In township 0 north, rungi
1 east.
Pennsylvania Farmer Has Novel Speci
men of Bush.
Itaspberrles do not grow on trees or
illnnrlly, but they do for A. V. SUaw.
k farmer residing lu Helium township,
York county, l'a. Mr. Shaw Is the
owner of a raspberry bush of the yel
low vurlety. This bush Is as large a.i
in average peach tree. It stands
tlghteeu feet high, nnd the longest
branches growing out of the side of
the main trunk reach over fifteen feet
ou both sides.
Flying Machine Is Complicated.
Four groups of wings, two of two
wings each and tho others of threo
wings, flapped by r auks attached to u
motor, are tho features of u flying ma
chine recently Invented by a German.
Cncr ng the -Xlirr r.
i:iti!-t5 ilia mirror whi-n lieiv:
rim I: i.i he Intnll) org r.i.t d lu "ia"
rfu,. ititlon that goblins, spi.ti-s, or other uncnuuy croattmi
vvoi.,.1 crowd to tho t,las3 to ook on.
More thnn 13,000 persons In
Switzerland ars employed In tho rib
bon industry.
I lots ot people were portioned
out the kind of caka thoy doner o
life would rlr thom sponge cake
Much Sickness Due to Bowel Disorder!
,A doctor's first question when con
sulted by a patient Is, "Arc your bow
els regular?" lie knows that 08 pet
cent of Illness Is attended with Inac
tive bowels and torpid liver, nnd that
this condition must be removed gently
and thoroughly before health can be
Rexall Orderlies are a positive, pleas
ant and safe remedy for constipation
and bowel disorders In general. We
are no certain of their great curative
Vnlue that we prombo to return the
purchaser's money In every case when
they full to produce entire satisfaction.
Rexall Orderllt-s are eaten like can
dy, they act quietly, and linve a sooth
ing, strengthening, healing Influence
on tho entire Intestinal tract. They do
not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatu
lence, excessive looseness, dlnrrhocnnr
other annoying effect. They nre espe
cially good for children, weak porsons
or old folks. Two sizes, 23c. nnd 10c.
Sold only at our store-The Rexall Store.
W. R. HOLMES, President.
A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pkes.
We w ant you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECUKITY
of this Bank.
LIAi -v t'Al'ITAL OK - - - $100,000.00
MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 527,342.00
EVERY DOLLAR ot which must bo lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY.
It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 515 years, serving
an increasing number of customers with fideelitv and satisfaction.
Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS.
All ot thee things, coupled with conservative manascment, insured
by the ('.Mil- l l'l. 1'EliSOXAI, ATTENTION constantly cWen the
lt-iiik' .ifl. i r - lj a notably able Hoard of Directors ussures the patrons
ot that M'I'IIKMK SAFETY whleh I3 tho prime essential ot n L'ood
DECEMBER 1, 1910
Total Assets,
A. T. SEAltI.E
T. H. (ILAliK
11. J. CONCiKlt,
Tlio Kind Ton Have Always
in use- for over 30 years,
Cy-Z- sonal supervision since its Infancy.
7, '&cA4ii Allo-iv no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trillo Avltb and endanger the health of
Infants and thildren Experience against Experiment.
What Is CM
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVorins
and allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A.M. A.. M.i A .M. A.M.ll'.M.
H ; 10 00 4 30
ltf 00 10 00 li 03
10 00 2 IS 12 M 8 30 2 IS
120 725;;!;; no i2o"Tio
2 OH 8 15 5 30 2 OS 7 55
p.m. a.m ;;;;;; p.m. YiT. a.m.
5 to 8 05 ;:.'.;: 20 2 55 8 is
6 60 II 15 fi 30 2 15 8 55
6 51 II 111 li 31 2 111 8 Nl
ti 11 30 li 52 2 37 U lb
ti 17 Oil li 5S 2 9 21
II 23 I) IS 7 01 2 W II 2S)
li 211 t) 51 7 07 2 02 32
ti 32 II 67 7 13 2 67 U 37
li 35 10 00 7 10 2 Kl 9 HI
B 30 10 01 7 20 3 01 13
6 43 10 OS 7 21 3 07 9 47
H 4 10 11 7 27 3 10 9 51)
060 10 18 7 31 3 15 9 65
p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m.
... Philadelphia
Is Your Life
Worth Living?
When the liver refuses to perform Its
functions of secreting bile, ami the bowels
become inactive and loaded witli foul waste
material, the effect on the mind is most
c'istrrisi-ig. Gloomy forebodings drive out
the un. une. You are nervous and fret
ful. Life ia not worth lining. What alls
you? It's your Iher on a strike. Con
g' t'xl. to-f .. ru!.y, it refuses to perform
Wnai's to 1)3 dor.r Taka one or two
Smitn's I'mf-npple anil lluttcrnut Pills after
.tn.'r a,-d again at niglit. In the morning
,-u tvill feet different. Thesun will shine.
'.v:..-.t's the reason? Y-ur liver has rc
rumul business, that's all. These won
derful little pills have set it going. With
clear brain, keen appetite, you will enjoy
lu' again. Take one occasionally for a
week or so and your blood will be purged
of impurities and its bright red flood will
carry health to your finger tips. Physicians
use and recommend. They form no habit.
You should always k'ep them on hand.
These little Vegetable l'ilU will ward off
many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sicir
Headache in a Night, use
BUHERNUT Diseases of K22
' tha Stomach
GO Villh In Vial 2."c All Don! era.
I SMITH'S For Sick Kidneys
TH .t.. Tl . .... 111. ..I.
SUCHSJ the one bn tt medf. KellaWe,
onilorw! by leading physicians;
P STH1A Result! Ustlng.
L,,M"" On tho market W years. Hare
trifXRipV cnr"1 thotitatuls. loo pilli In
llill0 original sla package, 60 cents.
1I I f Trial loses, W pills, SJ cents. All
(Until:!. li sell and recommend.
II. S. SALMON. Oashikii
W. J. WARD, Ash't Cashiek
jBouglit, r.ntl wliicli lias been
lias home the signature of
lias been made under Ins pcr-
Signature of
IVsVf i -i ,a I ." " M LL4 Mill f iJ KiTli -, i.TT ijTV'
I A.M.
... Albany ....
2 00:
12 10
10 60
8 451
10 60
8 45
3 63
7 31 7 32
4 06 7 15'
7 31
A . .M
1U V)
2 26
10 05
U 37
3 15 li 20
1 35
P.M. P.M.
8 29
8 17
8 13
, 61
; 47
7 41
7 39
7 32
7 30
7 20
7 in
7 IS
7 15
.. .("arliomlalo ...
.Lincoln Avenue,
.. Luke l.odoro ..
.. ". Wnymnrt....
8 03
7 51
1 35
1 26
6 40
5 30
12 17
12 07
12 03
7 60
7 33
7 28
7 1
1 2
6 21
i at:
5 US
11 4
12 50
12 51
6 01
11 37
5 60
11 31
7 17
12 411
12 43
12 40.
4 51
11 29
11 23
11 20
7 li
4 4S!
7 at
4 45
Scelyvlllo ...
llonoMlale ..
7 05
12 30
4 41
11 10
7 01
12 32
12 1M
4 37
4 31
11 1
0 5H
6 65
11 09
U 05
12 25
4 40