The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 28, 1910, Image 5
TIIK C1TIZKN, WEDNESDAY, 1)KC. U8, 11)10, 1 CENT .A WORD COLUMN , 1 1. i ... Tho Sheriff Iihh nn execution against VMf kitchen woman nt Ho-;tllo prol)rletor. tel Wayne. Hi The Knights of St. Paul will WAATUI) A girl wantoil for goiior nl housework. Apply to Mrs. C. II. Dorlllnger, Whlto Mills, I'a. FOll HUNT 7 rooms nml bath, gas anil furnace. CIO Church street. Inqulro nt hoime. FOl'XI) Purse containing small sum of nionuy. Call D. & H. News Stnnil. Prove contents. Wm. .1. Sllverstone. It. l'Olt SALE Kelly & Stcinman brick factory building, Including on- plno linllor nnil olinftlni?. lnnlllrn of J. B. Robinson. BOtf. i mummies is nisi ux-tcuiuiiis 1 Protection Engine Co. No. 3 FOK SALE OH HUNT One-story hold their annual social on Friday factory building 125 by 75 feet. ! evening nt tho engine rooms. Mem Covered with Century (flro proof) hers and their wives and lady shingles. New steam heating plant. I friends aro expected to be present. 200 feet of shafting nnd 2 motors.' Isaac II. Kimble, who llvo on tho Apply the Herbeck-Demor Co. tf'stnto road between Honesdnlo and , Scelyvlllo, while out walking Satur TWEIjVE muslin trespass notices ; ,ay evening, about 8 p. m., fell nnd for $1.00; six for soventy-flvo cents. broko his hip. He wns hurt badly. Name of owner, township and law Mr j h atrnMllcri the we. regarding trespnssing printed there-1 known lnllor of Maln Btrecti whllo on. CITIZEN office. . ou iis way home Tuesday, fell on tho sidewalk In front of Miss Peter- WANTHD Young men or women to J son's residence nnd cut his head wait on table at dinner hour. -12 to 1. Hotel Wayne. LOCAL MENTION. A sprinkling of ashes or saw dust on icy pavements would not make your neighbor want to indulge In profanity. Tho fortune left to the mother Christian Science church by Mrs. llary Baker G. Eddy. Its founder, is reckoned at nearly $2,000,000. Elmer B. McKee, one of the best know newspaper men of northeastern Pennsylvania, died last Tuesday night at his homo In Towanda. For many years ho was tho editor nnd proprietor of the Towanda Daily Review. Tho Rlleyvi'ne L. T. L. Dramatic Club will produce the temperance drama, "Out In the Streets," at the Calkins church Friday evening, Doc. 30. Specialties will be introduced be tween the acts. Curtain rises at Saar,ly be a brilliant one. Freq o clock. Admission, children 15 j iy it is lived in obscurity. Bu rpnts. nilnlts 25 cents. I Things aro "looking up" politi cally in Wayne county among the candidates, and about tlio first of the year It Is likely the initial prepara tions for the primaries of Saturday, June 3, will be opened, although for months past the intention of a num- teresting that Manager DIttrlch can ber of aspirants for county offices j celled their evening engagement. Tho had been known. i troupe Is stranded here, and looking T.nst Thiirsrinv nvntilnir tl,. means to get out Of town. England society of Northeastern Pennsylvania held its twenty-fourth annunl banquet at the Hotel Jermyn, Scranton. About 120 descendants of tho Pilgrim Fathers enjoyed "the feast of reason and flow of soul," Honesdale being represented by Henry Zenas Russell and John D. "Weston. "Ring down the curtain. We can't sing tonight." That's what happened to the College Days Co. which were booked for the Lyric on Xmas afternoon nnd evening. Far be it from that they couldn't sing in the afternoon. This so-called musi cal comedy was the poorest thing that ei er came to Honesdale. Plain ly speaking it was "Punk." Tile indications are that the bill I increasing pensions of Civil War vet- erans on account of age will come up ! for consideration in the House early ' in January. It is estimated that the ; passage of this bill would add $45,- 000.000 to the pension roll. Rep- rcsentatho Cooper, Wisconsin, last week introduced a resolution de- signed to expedite the passage of the ! measure. " Tho School Directors' Depart-' ,r.t r,f i.-,i,.ntin,.i L.i nation will meet In the fifteenth an nual crnentlon in Assembly Hall, High hool building, Harrlsburg, Pa, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 2 and 3, 1911. The following have been elected as delegates from Wayne county: E. R. Boille, Promp on; R. B. Simons, Sterling; W. W. Leslicr, Sterling; James Moylan, Canaan: Robert Whittakor. Drehor. I Thls Is an important meeting and it'vania will be held at the Lochlel is the desire of school men to have ' hotel, Harrlsburg. on Thursday, all the delegates present. December 29, when matters pertain- ,, , , I ing to the advancement of tho pro- The traveling public will save ,,08ed Bcll0t)1 C0(ll nnd teachers' re more than $1,500,000 annually as the , tiremont fund legislation will he dis rcui. of an order issued by tho ln-,.UB8ed- The league, which was or terstaio ommerce Commission Mon- galllzeil In Harrlsburg a year ago, day. rid wing tho charge for upper is C0In,,0sed of representatives of Pullman berths to SO per cent, of varlous teachers' societies through tho .liarge made for lower berths., out tho state. Tno dat0 has been Hie commission also gave tentative Ilxed because it is expected that approval to a new schedule of rates ,nost of tho state's school teachers fxed by the Pullman Company, ro-1 wlll 1)0 ln Harrlsburg for tho annual dating tho c ost of lower berths to $2 meeting of tho Pennsylvania State fo.r u J.2-10Ur rldc. T reduction ' Educational association. win uuiti vvviy iiuu over which i Pullman cars are operated in tho ! I'nited States except tho New Hnvon. 1 ,lMU , ,u,al , I . u il, .V the Great Northern and tho Milwau 1 reunlon a"d ,n Christmas day tho kr. rniirmiiR I Imrtv Bathored around a special , , ,,' ., . r-nat "st tastefully gotten up by Will the actions in equity , Mra. Mnry A. Weaver, proprietor of brought by the Attorney Genera s ' tho Commercial uotel. Tho follow pepartment for the recovery of mil- ,K BU0Bts wero ,,resot: Mr. nnd lioiib of dollars alleged to have boen Mrs. w. a colomun, daughter Vora wrongfully taken In tho furnishing ttnd two sonB rloyd nnd George. of tno Capitol bo settlod beforo tho Nyai.c N. v alld tho following 'T.V"11 al"InlBtratIon goes out of nono8dalo relatives: Mr. nnd Mrs. office? This i quoBtion is being askod wniiam H. Hawkon and daughtor, on Capitol Hill many times a day as Mrs. Kuzaboth Bond. Mr. and Mra. tho days of the Stuart administration , ciaronce Bond and family, Mr. and draw to a close. While Attorney , Mrg, cnarie8 j,, ija8gett, Mr. and (.cncral lodd denies that any ovor-MrB. Georgo S. Spettiguo and Mr. tnro been made to him. and tho and Mrg. ,Iarry Cl- onwaruon, i.uim-iiijum m uepi ninom wm uui talk of tho matter, it Is generally knov.n that settlement Is In tho air. That Komo "feelors" havo been thrown out la pretty generally be lieved and it would not be surprising to hear of the mutter being taken up at no far future day. As tho prose cutions wns Instituted in the admin istration of Governor Stuart, it would bo only reasonable to suppose that General Todd would doBlro to bring them to a conclusion which would bo fair to all partlos beforo ho retires from office All tho hanks -will lo closed on January 1! Now Yoar'B tiny. W. 0. Donoy, Scelyvlllo, foil on tlio Ico mid broko his wrist. Tho Greek restaurant Is closed. I meet Thursday, Doconiber 129, nt 7:30 p. m., In Grace church Suntlny school room. Tlio ailvanco salo of seats for lan Robertson In tho "Passing of tho Thlril Floor Unck" gives promtso to n season rocordureakor nt tho Lyric. Tho Presbyterian Sunday school hold their Christmas festival on Tuesday evening. A pleasing pro gram wns presented. Children mid parents all had a good time. Adam Pride, tho old votoran, who resides on Spring street, Is very 111. Ho has lost his eyesight, being totally blind, and old ago with all Its badly. 11 At Grace Episcopal church: Now I Year's Eve, '1:30, half-hour ser vice; New Year's Day, 10:30, Holy Communion and sermon; 12 M., Sunday school; 7:30 p. in.. Evening Prayer and Sermon. Appropriate services were held in the Honesdalo churches on Christ mas day. The musical programs were very elaborate, and tho rendi tion of them was a treat to tho different congregations. They aro cutting a channel through tho Ico on Park Lake so as to bo ready In case of a thaw. The town council does not Intend to have any blockade In the river which will cause trouble and damage. Tho members of tho Baptist Sunday school will hold their annual Christmas social on Thursday even ing, December 29, at 7:30 o'clock. Refreshments will bo served and a general good time is expected in the chapel. The useful life need not neces- uent- But tho impress it makes upon the human nature by which It is surrounded will count for good through all the coming years. Tho "College Days" troupe gave a matinee on .Monday afternoon and the play was so far below being In Tho only clergyman who will sit In the House of Representatives at Harrlsburg during tho coming legislative session is the Rev. Thos. J. Ferguson, a Presbyterian minister, who was elected as a Republican over Rev. R. E. Campbell, Democrat. Monday was a day of downfalls, and many of our good, staid people sat down ujion the sidewalks of our town very uncermonlotisly. The snow that fell covered the ice-clad walks, and it was a common sight to see some of our people fall to stand on slippery places. H. H. Wilcox, Clinton, recently killed a crossed Berkshire and Tam worth pig a year old that dressed 780 pounds and a full blood Berk- "hire of the same age that weighed 500 . luds. The rani worth hog was Introduced to this vicinity by W. -Norton and Is said to produce a ?, unUty f liais "u oat;n as we Jls running well to quantity. The Christmas service at Grace Episcopal church was most laudable for the day on which our Savior was born. Special music was under the leadership of Miss Mabel Broad. S?Ios were rendered by Miss Jennie Hageman and Charles Truscott. Jtev. Albert winttaker delivered an eloquent sermon at the morning ser vice, using as his text, "Let us now go even now unto Bethlehem." The Christmas Carols were sung by tho Sunday school at 5 p. m. at which time tho Christmas caudios were giv en the children. Tho annual meeting of the State Teachers' League of Ponnsyl- Tho Bond family, consisting of 111.. 1 . 1 t 1 ... and daugi,tor, and Mrs. Emma Mar- tin. PERSONAL MENTION. Earl Oncer. Scranton, passod Xmas with frlonds hero. W. M. Fowler was a IiubIiisbb call er in Scranton lnit wook. C, B. Marshall, Boavor, is spend ing sovoral weeks in town. E. A. Flnnorty, Scranton, was a Christmas caller ln town. Frnnk Kelly Is homo for n short Visit. Miss Alice Wilson, Townndn, Is visiting lior homo at Soolyvlllo. W. J. MeKonna returned Thursday from n business trip to Towanda. Miss Anna Reed, Blnghamtou, spent Ninas with her father hero. Earl Williams, Scranton, spent Christmas with his parents horo. Mrs. Raymond Falrchlld, Now York, Is pnsslng the holldnys horc. Rev. Geo. S. Wondell spent sovoral days In Philadelphia on business last week. Mr. mid Mrs. Arthur Hull, Now York, passed Xmas with relatives here. Edward Schucrholz, Englewood, visited his parents hero on Christ mas. John O'Brien, Rochester, N. Y Is the guest of his mother on Church street. L. J. Maloney, Hornoll, N. Y., visited his brother, D. H. Maloney, last week. John O'Neill and Francis Mnnsllcld, Philadelphia, are the gueBts of rela tives here. Daniel Colcmnn, who Is working in Philadelphia, is visiting his par ents horc. W. W. Stnrbuck, New York, was tho guest of Wayne county folks dur ing the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Schenck, Brooklyn, N. Y., aro visiting rela tlves In Honesdale. Mr. and .Mrs. O. T. Chambers en tertained Mr. and Mrs. George Johns of New iork Xmas. Earl Schenck has returned from a visit with relatives In New York city and Orange, N. J. John H. Weaver, Jr., and wife spent Christmas with the former's parents on Park street. Mr. and Mrs. Pohlo, Bowling Green, Ohio, are visiting the form er's mother on Cliff street. Misses May Morgan and May Rowe of Scranton, were entertained by Honesdale friends this week. Miss Helen Fowler, a profession al nurse of Scranton, is visiting her relatives on North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Church, Wil liamsport, aro spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stocker and daughter, Miss Helen, left Tuesday on a week's visit to the metropolis. Mr. and Mrs. James Ranch, i Bloomsburg, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Oehlert, on West street. .Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Weaver and daughter, Gladys, East street, are spending the holidays with relatives at Stroudsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fryer and daughter, Thirteenth street, spent Christmas 'with Mr. Fryer's daugh ter, Mrs. Charles S. Houck, and fam iyl at Hawley. Louis Menner, once employed on THE CITIZEN, returned to the me tropolis yesterday, after spending his Christmas with his parents on East Extension street. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas and little daughter, Carbondale, returned homo yesterday after spending the holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, on Spring street. Grace Cory and Angus Lawyer missed tho Saturdny afternoon train on the Erie railroad and came home by the D., L. & W. to Scranton and D. & H. to Honesdalo In order to spend Christmas with their parents. NECROLOGY. Oscar Curtis, Sherman, this county, died on Saturday. Mr. Curtis was one of our most respected citizens, and a man who was well known throughout the county. At the time of going to press we had not receiv ed any further particulars of death or funeral. Dcatli of .1. W. Robinson. J. Wesley Robinson, who died at his home in Greeno township on Dec. 10, 1910, was born in that township September 7, 1839, and with tho ex ception of six years, his entire life was spent there. Mr. Robinson was married to Miss Mary Marsch of Honesdale, April 8, 1870, and to them two sons were born, Frank L. of Sterling and William B. at home. Miss Eliza Jano Gustln died after a lingering illness at Westborough, Mnss., on December 2C, 1910. Sho was born nt Bethany, on August 11, 1835, and was n dnughter of Colonel John A. and Silvia Carr Gustln. Sho Is survived by ono sister, Mrs. Coo Durland, of this palce. Tho remains will bo taken to Honesdalo nnd fun eral wlll tako place from Mrs. Dur land'B residence. John A. Wood died in Middle town, N. Y.. December 18, 1910, where he was temporarily making his home, for tho benefit of his health, which had been failing for a long period, aged 72 years, C months and 7 days. Ho was it native of Bethel, Sulllvnn county, N. Y., nnd was for many years a prominent architect of many prominent build lugB in New York and othor cities of tho country, Including tho Wayno county court house, which was com pleted In 1885. He Is survived by his wlfo. Interment was ln tho family plot at Callicoon, N. Y. Georgo Kollar, a long-tlmo resi dent of Hoiiosdale, diod in the State hospital, Scranton, Ducemhor 23, af tor a long sickness of chronic neu ritis, or Inflammation of n nerve, aged 02 years. Ho was a native of our borough. Ills romalns wore brought to HoncBilalo for burial, tho Inter ment being ln Glon Dyberry, by tho sidd of his parents. Ills father was Joslah Kellar, for a long period n carpenter ln our borough, and quite doaf. April 11, 1879, while on the way homo, nnd crossing over tho Delaware and Hudson trncke, on tho Chorry RIdgo road, on tho way to tho Erlo coal pockets, ho was struck by a trip of. coal cars, knocked down and instantly killed. Georgo Kollar was never married. He Is Burvlved by two brothers. BERMUDA TOURS (Continued From Pago One.) mon end and you arc most suro 'to win. v Begin now and get an early start. Wo aro working for your own In terests and want you to send In tho nanio to this office ns soon as pos sible. Voting Hulcs. No more than 3,000 subscription votes or coupons per week can bo voted during tho first live weeks of tho contest. Aftor that date no cnndldato will bo permitted to cast inoro than 5,000 more votes per week than the loader In tho contest had In their published list of votes on tho previous Issuo, until January 23, after which time there will be no restrictions as to tho number of votes that the candidates may cast ach dny. Tho above applies to newspaper ballots. Theso can be voted In any quantities desired, be foro they expire, but not more than 3,000 will appear In tho paper each week. THE CITIZEN, however, re serves the right to discontinue print ing tho coupons nt any tlmo during tho contest. Voto Schedule. Hero Is the subscription rate and votes schedulo which will provall during tho contest: Ten years $15.00 75,000 Nino years 13.50 C2.000 Eight yearc 12.00 50,000 Soven years 10.50 40,000 Six years 9.00 32,000 Flvo years 7.50 25,000 Four years 6.00 20,000 Threo years 4.50 14,000 Two yeara 3.00 7,000 Ono year 1.50 2,500 f -f List of candidates with votes -f f counted up to G p. m. Mon- -f day. 4 DISTRICT NO. 1. This Includes all the Borough of Honesdale, and all of Texas except Texas No. 3. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. HONESDALE AND TEXAS. Miss Edna Hawker 21225 Miss Vera Rickard 20850 Miss Blanche Secor 20G50 Miss Margaret O'Brien 2OC00 Miss Margaret Reardon 19975 Miss Clara Saunders 19S00 Miss Alma Campfield 19G75 Miss Lucy Murtha 19500 Miss Sadie Connelly 19450 Miss Carrie H elf rich 19275 Miss Katherlno Kroll 19,225 Miss Gertrude Krantz 19050 Miss Frances Demer 18950 Miss Alice Bader 18850 Miss Margaret Moran 18525 Mrs. R. B. Brennerman 18450 .Miss Julia Schlmmell 18075 Miss Gertrude Duff 17125 SEELYVILLE. Miss Helene Purdy 21375 Miss Anna Rlpplo 20275 DISTRICT NO. 2. This Includes Hawley Borough, Texas No. 3, and all of Palmyra. Berlin, Oregon, Damascus and Pau- pack ownshlps. A ti ur to Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch aro sure to go to this district. HAWLEY. Miss Nellio Langan 21150 Miss Helen Lehman 21125 Miss Frances Robinson 21025 Miss Gertrude Bea . . 14975 WHITE MILLS. Miss Josephine Spinner 21275 Miss Elizabeth Tuman 21050 DAMASCUS. Miss Alma Noble 21050 Miss Fannie Fromer 20000 INDIAN ORCHARD. Miss Cora Weeks 20050 WEST DAMASCUS. Miss Annie L. Pollock 20950 USWICK. Miss Louise Rohrhuber 20875 Miss Mathilda Llndau 19250 TYLER HILL. Miss Hattio Seipp 20150 LAKEVILLE. Miss Hazel D. Janfos 21700 ABRAHAMSVILLE. .Miss Mildred Davies 20S50 GALILEE. Miss Clara Gaston 18550 DISTRICT NO. 3. This Includos Bethany Borough, Starruccn Borough and Clinton, Lebanon, Mount Pleasant, Manches ter, Buckingham, Preston and Scott townships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring and a gold watch aro sure to go to this district. BETHANY. Miss Alice Ward 21875 Miss Mary Gilchrist 21800 Miss Dorothy Henderson 19400 STARRUCCA. Miss Suslo McGraw 21350 Miss Carrio Lloyd 1S900 PLEASANT MT. Miss Viola Allen 21350 Miss Genevieve Leonard 18750 SHERMAN. Miss Louisa Lynch 20SC0 Miss Estella McAvoy 19S00 BRAMAN. Miss Blancho Blake 20S75 PRESTON. Miss Graco Monnghan 2100u WHITES VALLEY. MIbs Elizabeth Kelly 21400 EQUINUNIC. Miss Adolaldo Watson 21325 HIGH LAKE. Miss Mao Flynn 21175 LAKE COMO. Miss Alma Gultoff 20950 HIAWATHA. Miss Mabel E. Wuidlor 21075 DISTRICT NO. 4. This includos Prompton and Way- mart Boroughs, Cherry RIdgo, Can ami, South Caiman, Lake, Salem, Storllng, Drohor nnd Lehigh town ships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamond ring nnd n gold watch are sure to go to this district. WAYMART. Miss Ruth Inch 21350 Miss Ollvo Lockwood 21325 MIm) Mnrgarot Spry 21100 Miss Cora Miller, R I) 2 20S00 ARIEL. Mrs. Orpha Swingle 21350 Miss Elsie M. Howo 20050 SOUTH STERLING. MIbb Emma Bates 21150 MIbs Loola M. Smith 17550 GOULDSBOItO. Miss Grace Dowllng 21875 Miss Annabell Wright 18500 STERLING. Miss Lullela Cross 21275 Miss Laura A. Gilpin 19G50 PKOMPTON. Miss Francos Rlchnrdson ...21125 KEENE. Miss Maudo Smith 19150 NEWFOUNDLAND. Miss Ella Ehrhnrdt 21350 Mrs. Frank Waltz 21550 HAMLIN. Miss Cora Alt 21275 LEDGEDALE. Miss Agnes E. Beahen 21525 HYMENEAL. Iteiiny-Stepliens Nuptials. Fred L. Benny, Seelyvllle, and Miss Mary Stephens, Honesdale, wero married at Walton, N. Y., Dec. 16, by Rev. Mr. Fricker, of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Benny wlll begin housekeeping at Seelyvllle. Mumforil-roster Nuptials. At noon Monday last a pretty wed ding took place at the home of Mr. Leonora Foster, of Carbondale, when Miss Lulu Foster became tho bride of W. H. Mumford, of Honesdale. The marriage ceremony was perform ed by Rev. T. F. Hall, D. D., of the First Methodist church. The bride Is well-known in Honesdale, having been engaged here professionally on several occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Mumford left immediately for New York, Washington and other places of interest for a honeymoon trip. THE CITIZEN wishes all readers a prosperous New Year, the meanwhile, subscribe for It. Its tn A Clearing Between Christmas and New Year Stock of Ladles Suits9 Coats and Furs at a Tu'emendous $20. Ladies1 Tailored i $6. Cooney and Opossum Muffs in Brown or Black in Pillow and Rug Ply S $6.50 Opossum Shawl Collar $1.50 Children's Angora Sets A Happy New Year TO OUR MANY HUNDRED DEPOSITORS Cor. Main and 10th St. HONESDALE ' ... - - $$$$$$$$$$ ; - OFFICERS: M. K. SIMONS, Pros. 0. A. EMERY, Cashier. DIRECTORS : M. It.' Allen, Ocomo C. Abraham. J. Sum llrown, O&car E. Uunnell Wm. II. Dunn. W. .M. Fowler. W. II. (lulimlp. John K. Krantz, Fred. W. Kreltncr. John Kiililiach. ti. Win. Sell. M. K. Simons. Fred. Stcvens,.(ii;ori.'o W. Tlsde.ll, J. K, Tiffany. John Weaver. NOTICE! The annual meeting of stock holders of Mllanvillc Bridge Com pnny will bo hcid at tnc office of Mr. T. J. Fromer on Monday, Jan. 2, 1911, nt ten o'clock CHAS. E, BEACH. EV (1. PIRif " Wednesday Dec. 28th. One Performance Only. Forbes-Robertson's English Players with IN "The Passing of the Third Floor Back" Direct (rum the Entire Seaion In New ork A London. Kmrimut. Over lVrformiincc In America A KiiL'laud PRICES: 35.50, 75,$I&$I.5D Seat Sale opens at the Box Office at 'J a. m. Tuesday Dec. 27th. APPRAISEMENTS. Notice Is giv en that appraisement of ?300 to tho widows of the following nam ed decedents have been filed In the Orphans' Court of Wayne county, and wlll be presented for approval on Monday, January 16. 1911, viz: $300 to widow of Chas. J. Weav- ' er, Honesdale, personal property. ?300 to widow of II. B. Searios, Honesdale, personal property. ?300 to widow of Thomas Neville, Sterling, personal property. $300 to widow of Nicholas Smith, real. $300 to widow of O. L. Rowland, Honesdale, personal. $300 to widow of James L. Taylor, Lebanon, personal. M. J. HANLAN, Clerk. I j There will be two good plays at ' the Lyric next week. 5 lace our Entire Suits At $3.98 At 98ct IDS, inc. and .). K. TIFFANY, Vice Pros. al