f T1IK C1TIZKN, FRIDAY, DEC. , 1010. THE WEEK IN WAYNE WHAT THE STEENE. 200 Colt. Killed Ah KcmiII Of Toi- i.lt.l.. Ilelt . 1.M...M (rent lZgfi Producer :i:t'-M'Miinl Cnlf lliitchut-cd How To Get W.i'o In Strcnc. Special to THE CITIZEN. Stcene, l'a., December 22. Mr. Knglar mot with n very severe loss last Thursday morning. Ho was driving his span of four-year-old colts toward Wayninrt, when on reaching the long hill, near the Hub bard nnd Mc.Mullen stock farm, an auto came tearing down tho hill, coming In the opposite direction. While In the act of passing, tho colts plunged to one Bide of tho road Into n plowed Held, one of the colts getting his front foot fast, and in trying In his fright to get free, ho broko his leg in the fetlock Joint, splintering the bones so that tho bones protruded through tho skin. The animal was shot. A short time ago Mr. Kaglar refused two hun dred dollars for the colt. Tho slippery elm seems to be all right as an egg producer, as Mr. Bucklaml says, "that two weeks ago ho didn't get an egg from 25 hens." Now he is getting from n dozen to nftoen dally. Last Friday morning the Bobolink butchered a slx-months-old calf for his own use that tipped the scales at 332 pounds, dressed. The Link says that he is through eating chick en for at least two months. Lesley Mill is in his glory, while tho sleighing is line, as he had the promise from the lady's father, that he could have tho horse and daugh ter to skim over the snow if he would purchase a Ilrst class cutter. The cutter was purchased inside of three days. Of course the father is hold ing to his bargain with tho young man. Mrs. O. W. Chapman and daugh ter, Mrs. Poster, have left the farm hero and gone to Carbondale for the winter months. The Bobolink and mate expect to spent Christinas Day at their old home, the home of thoir daughter, Mrs. William Wright, at Carbondale. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon Perry, Car bondale, visited friends in this sec tion, Sunday. The section men on the ..onesdale branch, are hnving a two weeks' rest. William Cole is confined to his homo by sickness. Lumberman Hollenback's market for his summer's work is on the way now, as he is rushing tho lumber both ways from tho woods to the mill, from the mill to the market. Every man and team around Promp ton is busy. To all: A Merry Christmas. USWICK & LAKEVILLE. llilduanl Itchcknh J.odgo Ofllcers Installed M. E. Sunday School A'mns Tree December 2:1 Fine SleiKliltiK "Jingle Hells, .Jingle Hells:" Special to THE CITIZEN. Uswick, Pa., December 21. Our Sunday Fchool has reconsidered the subject, and decided to have a 'Christmas Tree" at tho M. E. church here on Friday evening, December 23. The Sunday school is now hust ling to memorize their recitations at such a short notice. District Deputy President Miss Eleanor Gill visited Hildagard Ite bekah Lodge Friday evening, Decem ber 10. and installed the following ofllcers for the ensuing six months: Noble Grand, Mlnnio Locklin; vice grand. Julia Welsh; recording secre tary, Maud Locklin; financial secre tary, Dulla Goble; treasurer, Lena Osborne; trustee, Christina Glosen ger; chaplain, Sarah Penneil; war den. Hazel James; conductor, Gladys Penneil; R. S. N. G., Jennie Crane; , L. S. N. G., Frances Osborne; It. S. 1 V. G., Christina Glosonger; L. S. V. G., Mrs. Minnie Miller; inside guard, Evelyn Penneil; outside guard, F. B. Penneil. After installation Rllnnnr was served. Miss Evelyn Penneil went to Ariel, Sunday, to spend a few days with her brother, Chester, and her sister, Mrs. Lewis Curtis. The recent snow storm has given us lino sleighing and on Sunday sleigh-ride parties were out in all di rections and the sleigh bells were Jingling merrily. GOULDSBORO. Special to THE CITIZEN. Gouldsboro, Pa., December 22. Mrs. Francis Hall and daughter, Essie, have been visiting her par ents, .Mr. and Mrs. John Holler, at Clifton. Mrs. SImnierson, Factoryvllle, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Slmmerson, Lake Scrun ton, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. H. W Hall. Harry Docker, Newark, N. J., has been visiting Gouldsboro friendB. Allen Ueaser left Monday for Mos cow where ho will conduct a barber whop. A Mr. Schook, Wllkes-Barro, will take charge of tho shop hero and of the It. It. V. M. C. A. The "Y" was filled Monday even ing when an Interesting talk was glv on by Mr. Northcott nnd some very flno pictures shown. Mrs. Walter Williams, Elmhurst, oallod on Gouldsboro friends, the Inst of tho week. Much sympathy is felt for George Oakes, in tho loss of his wife, Ida, who diod after a short illness, aged twenty-ono years, five months and eleven days. Sho was n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michel Gussett, Le high; was born at Thornhurst; mar ried to ueorgo oaKos November 20, 1907. Tho funeral services wore hold in tho M. E. church last Friday afternoon, tho pastor. Rev. P. S. Lehman, officiating, Tho pall-bear-ors wero brothers and brothers-in-law, Floyd and Raymond Oakes, Scrnnton, .Michael and William Gucs not, Stroudsburg, Adam Young, Ju bilee, and William Richardson, Scran ton. Sho Is survived by nor bus- FOLKS IN THE SHIRE band, two children, ono llttlo girl two years old, and an Infnnt daugh ter of two weeks; her parents, nnd two brothers nnd live sisters. There wns a largo nttendnnco at tho funer nl, a largo number coming from Scrnnton, Clark's Summit, Glcnburn, lulillco nnd Stroudsburg. Mrs. M. E. Smith nnd Mrs. James Dowling visited relatives in Scran ton Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson and family, Scrnnton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Fritz nnd family, Scrnnton, Michael nnd Willlnni Oucssett and fnmllles. Stroudsburg, Adam Young nnd family, .lubllee, have been spend ing a few days with their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Gucssett. M. M. DuTot, Harry and John Fair less, who have been spending some time at Denvllle, N. J., nro oxpectod to arrive home for Christmas. Mrs. J. M. Smeltzer and son, Lu ther, are the guests of Mrs. Smelt zer's mother, Mrs. S. S. Hagcr. Mrs. John Kccsler and Willard Gross aro both suffering from severe nttacks of appendicitis. Mrs. Otto Hoffman nnd daughter, Catherine, have been spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McArec, called hero by the illness of her mother. Mrs. Otto Smith, Lehigh, and .Mrs. Lanieraux, Scranton, who have been visiting Scrnnton friends, returned home. Haymond and Daniel Oakes and Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Oakes and chil dren have returned to Scranton, having spent several days with their brother, George. George has broken up housekeeping, and with his chil dren Is living with his mother, Mrs. Charles Heater, at Lehigh. Mrs. J. W. Moore has returned from Scranton, whore pho visited her children. Misses Marllla Fairless, Bessie, Anna and Helen Smith spent Satur day in Scranton. BEACH LAKE. Orcnt Donl Of Sickness In Tlio Com munity Busy And Ilnppy Chil dren A unit Coming Of Santa Clnns Winter, Say Oldest In habitants Never Set In So Early Or So Cold Merry Christinas and Ilnppy New Your To AH! Special to THE CITIZEN. Beach Lake, Pa., December 22 The grim monster, death, has again visited . us, and this time claimed Richard Decker as Its victim. Mr. Decker, a man of 70 odd winters, was sick only a few days. His physi cian visited him Saturday afternoon, and he did not consider him danger ously ill. At C o'clock Sunday morn ing he expired. He will be greatly missed expecially by tho lovers of fun. Ho seemed to be always Jolly nnd happy, enjoying a Joke, nnd tak ing great delight in entertnining the children. But if we neighbors miss him, how must It be in his homo? There Is a great deal of sickness in our community nt present. Dr. Powell, of Narrowsburg, has R. B. Davey, John Neal, Lucy Keyes, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Pomeroy for patients. Lester Mclntlre, White Mills, made his invalid brother, Delbert, very happy by visiting him this week. G. Dunn, Hawley, who suffers so terribly from an internal growth, is visiting his brother and sister here but will return homo tho next fine day. Ms. Alex Crosby and Mrs. John Neal started for the early train Mon day morning to visit their parents, having received a dispatch that the father lay at tho point of death, and they must hnston if they would see him alive. Mrs. Tom Treverton and son visit ed the former's mother, at Torrey, Sunday. Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Sadie, will go to New York this week to spend the balance of the winter. George Ham, wife and daughter, visited C. A. Budd's, Sunday. May Bradley, West Chester, will be homo the last of tho week to spend her vacation. Children are busy and very happy making preparations for Xmas. A cantata will be hold In the M. E. church Saturday evening. J. P. Budd's house Is at a stand still, ho being laid up with lumbago. Mr. Butler's now Iioubo Is progres sing very slowly, the weather has been so extremely cold. Our oldest inhabitants cannot remember winter setting in so early and remaining so cold right along. Mrs. Eberspacker Is In Honcsdale caring for a sick daughter-in-law. Dear Editor allow me through tho columns of your paper to wish you and all of my brother nnd sister scribes a Merry Christmas and a Happy Now Year. UREHER. Otis Smith Badly Hurt On Saw-Mill Roads Filled Willi Iuipassablo Snow Drifts Plum Pudding, "A La Rots and Spots," Merry Christ mas To Everyone! Special to THE CITlZr.i. Dreher, Pa.. December 23. Otis Smith, employed ns sawyer on the George Bartleson saw-mill, on the J. P. Eck lumber tract, met with an ac cident last Thursday that may cause tho loss of his right arm. Ho and E. E. Bird wero adjusting tho bolti that operates tho log carriage and with tho machinery in operation, his hand was caught between tho spoken of tho belt wheel nnd whnt is known as tho husk, breaking both bones and tearing tho ilesh considerably. Ho was taken to tho resldenco of Dr. A. J. Simons, and it was deemed advis able to tako him to tho State hospital In Scranton, for surgical treatment. Tho chances for- saving his arm aro still doubtful. Mr. Bird had one of his thumbs, bruised whilo helping with tho bolt. Joseph Kppley, Greentown, Plko county, died from a cancerous growth In his breast on Saturday morning, Decomber 17, aged about CO years. Interment was made in tho Moravian ARE DOING. cemetery Monday, December 19. Dc coascd Is of German birth nnd is sur vived by ills wlfo nnd ono son. Dr. F. Gilpin is on tho Blek list and confined to his room, Clinton D. Gilpin ban completed a courso in Electrical Engineering nt the Pennsylvnnln State College and enmo to his homo In Drohor, last Friday. Edward Masters Is being nsslstcd In housekeeping by a Miss Uloss, of Oreentown, I'lko county, i Harry Megargel lost a valuable I horso one night Inst week from colic. .Mary Cross lost a slx-month-old Jersey calf ono night last week. It wns scared by a cow causing It to Jump Into a manger nnd broke Its neck. Abel btorm, Stroudsburg, wns a caller in this locality last week, tak ing orders for nursery stock. Winter hns not really begun yet, but the sample wo'vo had since No vember 3 was no fako, but the genu ine old-fashioned typo. Plenty of snow for all purposes nnd a trlllo too much where tho public roads aro fill ed wltli Impassable drifts. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Gil ner, of Sterling, a son, on December 17. Our next legal holiday is Christ mas and with the price of eggs nbout four cents ench, the plum pudding will bo a luxury, or possibly It can bo manufactured without any. Some of tho cold storage variety would give both taste and color to tho pud ding. Well, a Merry Christmas, ar.yhow, to everyone. SOUTH CLINTON. Christinas Entertainment At School ! Stimulus For Foreign Mission Work Ofieriiij; To Mo Received For 'Hils Branch Of Christian Ac tivity. Special to THE CITIZEN. South Clinton, December 21. On Friday evening, December 23, the scholars of the South Clinton school will give a Christmas entertainment. It promises to be an interesting event. Miss Bortree, our teacher, has spent much time in preparing tho pupils. Tho exercises will consist of songs, dialogues, and recitations suitable to the occasion. All are welcome. A very pleasant day was spent at Mr. and Mrs. John Necles' last Fri day when the Ladigs' Aid society of South Clinton mot for dinner. Miss Bortree made a Hying trip to Carbondale last Saturday. Mrs. Herman Bullock, Carbondale, formerly of this place, has been quite III, but is very much improved at this time. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bnker attended the minister's conference at Scranton last Monday. Dr. McArthur, 'New York City, addressed the conference. His subject was "Meliorism in The ology." It was listened to with great Interest. The South Clinton Bible school will give an excellent Christmas en tertainment on Sunday evening, Dec. 215, nt 7:30 o'clock, sharp, entitled "Christmas in the Sun Rise King don." The scone is laid in a Japan ese church on Christmas night and the exercise opens with a conversa tion between a missionary, a mission school teacher, two Japanese girls and two Japanese young men, who are not Christians, but are interested enough to seek out a missionary, to talk with him on religious matters, aro in the cast. The instances of conversion narrated are not Imagin ary, but actual facts on record in our own mission work. This new and popular Xmas entertainment is de lightful from start to finish. The object of such a Christmas exercise is to create an interest In foreign mission work, and to bring before the public the need of sustaining such work. Its presentation in dia logue form will convince people of the importance of this kind of work. An offering for foreign mission work will be taken a splendid opportun ity to make a now Christmas gift. ARIEL. Orphu Swingle Contributes Beautiful I'oeni In Memory Of Florenco IIouso. Special to THE CITIZEN. While we on earth aro weeping O'er a loss that sorely grieves, Little Florenco lies a-sleeping Calm as tho Autumn leaves. Awaiting God's own pleasure, The call to life again, Our darling llttlo treasure Now freed from ovory pain. As yet 'tis hard for us to say, Thy will, O, God, bo dono! Yet to that point in faith wo pray. That wo may quickly come. For in thnt land beyond death's sea, Where everything Is fair, If thoro on earth wo faithful be Wo'U meet our darling there. Just a fow moro days of sorrow, Just a few moro days of tears, Then will come the glad to-morrow. That will end all doubts and fears. Contributed to tho memory of Florenco House, tho llttlo daughter of Alvla and Murtlo House. Alvla wub a former rcsldont of Wayno county, nnd has many friends In Ca naan and Ariel, who extend to him nnd his wife sympathy In tho loss of his daughter, Florence. Sho was a bright child, aged 4 years, beloved by all who know her. Sho was bur ied In Austin. Potter county, Decein bor 7. CASTOR I A For. Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Dough! Boars the Signature ISANTA CLAUS (Continued from Pago Ono.) card sentlmcntr.llsm entirely nnd In thnt ense In later life, make them hellcvo that It Is wrong to bo led by sentiment In preserving 'Tho Old Gray Bonnot"; It should bo hurled with the other rubbngo Into tho scrnp pile together with the blue ribbons on it. "Baby's First Shoes" should also bo thrown from its place In tho burca drawer with nil the other foolishness. Teach them thnt tho sentiment surrounding Independ ence Hall Is foolishness and that Its preservation Is n waste of property; teach them that' Mo.unt Vernon hns no reason to bo hold In higher cs teom than the resldenco of any oth er man in Virginia. "Facts aro what wo want In this world." In doing this we will make tho little ones practical. They will grow up practical men nnd women; they will not bo led by foolish sentiment. The story of Willlnm Tell is told; It was beautiful but some investigator tells us it Is false, therefore William Tell must bo thrown among the Junk. This is tho teaching of Grad grlnd, Dickens' practical school master, but It is not our view. We believe there are sentiments around which the minds of children twine and which oven though based en tirely upon tho Imagination serve a wholesome purpose, and should be continued. Among these we think Santa Claus should bo classed, nnd no child will lose anything by our failure to disabuse his mind of the fraud that is being perpetrated up on him. "Teach the child," says THE HERALD, "that these gifts come from the Giver of all good gifts"; yes, he needs to be taught that It conies from Him indirectly and this teaching should be given special attention while we are dis abusing Ills mind of all delusions because wo must remember that minds considered great, have told us that the Giver of all good gifts is only a myth and that none but molly-coddles now believe that any such being exists. But if tho Giver of all good gifts should select Saint Nicholas to dispense his bounty or have it dispensed in the name of this great saint we seriously doubt that children would be harmed by the Imposition. Yes, continue to teach the children that their Patron Saint is interested in them and should they learn to love him, we doubt that there is any loss occas ioned to them; later on they may wake up to the fact that Santa Claus did not in reality give the presents attributed to him, but that the presents camo from others in his name. Should these children feel aggrieved and heart-broken at the awakening from this pleasant delu sion, It Is only what happens to us all when we lose a dcrir and cherish ed friend, but that Is no reason why we should never 'have had such a friend. We think Tennyson was right when he said, "It Is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Wo think also It was better to have Santa Claus In childhood and have lost hi in in more mature years than never to have had him at all. The joy and happiness occasioned to us in childhood by this delusion can scarcely bo dupli cated by any pleasure later on In life and to rob tho children of this pleas uro without giving anything in re turn would seem a cruelty rather than a favor. How many of us In our more ma ture years would give a large por tion of our success In life could we turn backwards time in its flight and have ono more Christmas night with stockings hanging by the chim ney prepared for the reception of the gifts which "that old scare crow imposter" would suroly bring. How many of us would bo willing to ex change all tho pleasures that we now enjoy for just one night of this de lusion, but Mr. Gradgrind says "facts are the only thing necessary In this world, nnd we must have facts." In this way there will bo moro of the practical and less of tho sentiment In life, there will be moro fact but less sweetness nnd less heart. DAMASCUS. High School Notes Prof. Chambers At M. E. Church, Tluirsday Night Christmas Vacation Teachers' Local Institute, January 21 Freshmen Elect Class Oillcers. Special to THE CITIZEN. Damascus, la., December 22. WInflold Fromer, of the class of 1902, Is home for his Xmas vacation. Mr. Fromer is teaching at Cook's Academy, Montour county, N. Y. Tho second number of tho lecturo course Is to be given nt the M. E. church on Thursdny evening of this week. Professor Chambers, who is at tho head of tho Chambers School of Oratory, Scranton. will furnish tho evening's entertnlnment. Professor Chambers ranks very high ns an elocutionist. His many engagements through tho Middle West nro con clusive proof of this fact. Ho Is not a stranger In Wnyne county, having nppeared in Honcsdale In recent years. Everyone Is heartily invited nnd urged to bo present nt tho Patrous' Day exhibition and exercises at tho High school on Friday afternoon. December 23. Tho prograramo, which will Include a dobnto between teams chosen from tho Freshman and Sophomore classes, will begin at 2 o'clock. Christmas vacation begins with the closo of school on Frldny afternoon. School opens ngaln Monday morning, January 2. ino teachers' - local .lnptltuto for Damascus township at 111 be hold In tho High school building on Jan. 21. Other urrangoments will bo given out later by tho committee. Tho Freshmen nt a recent meeting choso rod and white for their clnss colors. Tho ofllcers of tho class aro: Vornon Tegolor, president; Mary Ab raham, vice president; Ruth Coleman treasurer nnd Elsie uregg, secretary. (Icorglana Applny of the class of 1905, Is homo at present. nl-XHSTKIl'S NOTICE. Notlco is XL hereby given thnt the accountants herein named liavo settled their respective accounts In tlio oillee of the Keglster of Wills of Wnyne County, l'n.. nmt that tlmaamo will be presented nt the Orphan V Court of said county for continuation, nt the Court House in Jloncsdale. on the third Monday if Jan. next viz: 1. First and flnnl account ofjsa hel E. Calkin, administratrix ortho estnto of Roy O. Calkin, Damascus. 2. First and final account of Otis A. Reynolds, administrator of Sidney F, Reynolds, Honcsdale. 3. First and final account of M. O. Abbey and Manaton R. Abbey, execu tors of tlio estate of Ralph A. Abbey, Salem. 4. First and flnnl account of Z. A. Wonnacott and Ira Dryer, executors of the estate of David Wonnacott, Prompton. 5. First nnd final account of Mary Dassell, administratrix of the estate of William Dassell, Hotiesdale. G. First and final account of Jas. Buchanan, administrator of W. M. Buchanan, Preston. 7. First nnd ilnal account of May Belle Hudson, executrix of tho estnto of William H. Prosser, Damascus. S. First and Ilnal account of Al len W. Brown, administrator of the estate of A. W. Brown, Starrucca. 9. Second and final account of H. C. Hand, deceased, by H. S. Hand, administrator C. T. A. D. B. N. trus tee of the estate of William Doughty, defeased, for Anna M. Eldred. 10. First nnd Ilnal necount of Alsup V. Tyler, executor of the estate of R. Alice Vail, Damascus. Register's ofllcp. Honcsdale; Dec. 21. 1910 E W GAMMELL, Register. ALCOUOL 3 PER CENT AYegetable PreparolionrwAs slmilaiimi theFbotfantn?riih ling Uie Stonadis aadBcwchi cT Promotes IMgcsHonfhrerfiiH ill ness and. KestJContains nem Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not N arc otic. Ifaiflw Seed" jUxJama IfimSad tturtkd 'Jiwr Wntojtm tlnnr. m Anirfer t Itanedv for Cons tea Hon . Sour Storaach.Dlantoa Worms .I'ommsMusjevmsit- rtxss nndLoss OF SLEEP. FacSiraac Signature oT NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. jl ml Ajs "eyrt(tl iio w KTOWOT ' Tk.fl. BlickCi M CHRISTMAS FURS Fur Coatg, Pony and Canuul Coats at Special Xmas Prices. SCARFS AND MUFF SETS An Opportunity in Ladies' and Children's Fur Sets for Holiday Gifts. EXTENSIVE HOLIDAY STOCKS OF Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Linens, Umbrellas, Belts, Belt Pins, Leather Goods, Silk Scarfs, Gent's Furnishings, Dress Goods and Silks to suit Every Purse. KATZ BROS. Inc. WHITES VALLEY. Editor of THE CITIZEN: Whlto's Valley, Pa., December 22. G. N. Bonham, who has bce seriously 111 with la grlppo is slowly recovering. Mrs. D. E. Hccker has returned home, after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Per kins, at Scranton. Cecil Glanvllle, Pleasant Mount, spent Sunday at Q. N. Bonham's. Wnyno Hull has returned home, after spending several days In Phil adelphia. Mrs. Laura Coyne Is 111 at th homo of her daughter, Mrs. H. T. White. Mrs. John Romlch, Prompton, visited relatives hero last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartholo mew were recent guests at V U. Odell's. Mr. and Mrs. George Cllft and family, and Mrs. William Glovur have returned after visiting the past week with the latter's daugh ter, Mrs. Nelson Hutchins, at Car bondale. .Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Bryant, who wero called here by the death of the former's brother, Reed Bry ant, spent the ilrst of tho week with relatives. NOTICE ! A meeting of tho stockholder of the Honosdale National Bank wilt be- held in the banking house of th said bank In tho borough of Hones dale, Wayne county, Tuesday, Jan I 10, 1911, between the hours of 2 and j 4 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing directors nnd transacting any other business that may be brought beforo the stockholders. E F Tor rey, Cashier. Honcsdale, Pa Dec I 14th, 1910. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought NRISTMAS SUITS and DRESSES AT January Prices How Every Lady who ev er visited our SUIT DEPARTMENT will be interected in this great cut of Stylish and Beautiful Suits and Dresses. $25 Suits at $18.75 LADIES' DRESSES New and Stylish Dresses Elegantly made. $22.50 Dresses reduced to $16.98. Signature Vol ft Jrv In ffiX Use j For Over Thirty Years TIC OSNTAUR COMPANY. MCW TORN CtTT.