TUB CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DIJO. 2.1, 1010. U ' '" 11 inni ...no For lis Old Partner By HAYDEN CARRUTH icoc:.,""l"iO Wo wero proud of that tree wuon wo got it ready a half-hour lioforo the exercises were advertised to begin. It was the flrst Christmas tree tin camp bad over known. Everything was going suioothlj when a man came in loading an lui' menso mongrel dog of sinister expres sion. "Gents," ho said, with a mannei which was a mixture of tho imperti nent and tho diffident "gents, ar ! you going to do a favor for an old ! man?" I Why, cortalnly, certainly," replied ! tho minister; "certainly." "I wouldn't ask it ord'narily," ha continued, "but I reckoned at this season of good-will mebby you might not object" "Certainly," chirped tho good man again; "certainly." "Hobby some of you might know me Old Man Pluramer. I live over in Ghost Gulch, betwixt Slnclalrville and Forty Rod. Might any of you gents know my old pardner, Caleb Huff?" uno man saiu no tnougnt ue uia, , and tho dominie started to say "cor- ! - lily," but checked himself when h ill i i, 1, .. w,.u i 11 Oda HUk ilia num. "What I want to do. If it ain't going too fur," he went on, smilingly, "is to put a little Christmas gift on your tree for my old pardner Cale." Wo all said we'd be dollghted to 1 have him do so, and he went on: "Cale will bo tickled to death to find that his old pardner has remembered him at this-year holerday season. I He's soft that way, Cale Is. I "It's the dorg, gents, what I want to give to my old pardner Cale. Can . you handle a dorg on your tree for a i poor old man, gents?" "Why, certainly, Mr. Plummer," said tho minister, quickly, "and bo very , glad indeed to do so." ; "Thank you. Parson. That dorg comes from the heart, that dorg does, and my old pardner Cale will feel it. i It ain't the money valuo of a gift what , counts, gents, but the heart what's ia It" The minister mado the usual semi humorous remarks and then turned to begin taking off the presents. The dog Jumped at his throat. The chain , saved the dominie, but tho Jerk on it was so severo that half the pop-corn and most of the candles came tumb- 1 ling off tho tree. There were sounds i of indignation in tho audience. I Then Harley Brown volunteered to ; shoot tho creature, at the same time ' producing an implement for the pur pose. I At this point we noticed agitation in an unshaven citizen standing on tho other side of tho church. Then tho head of tho man slowly besan to rise, and wo saw our mistake. When some five feet of him had becomo visible above the heads of those seat ed about him we realized that he had at flrst been sitting. Tho uplifting had been performed slowly, and with slight pauses, and even now we were not sure that he was all uo; he might be simply on his knees. Ho -eyed the scene ipread out hefo. . i for some time In impressive eih n . then bowing like a Leaning Tower Pisa, he said: I "Ladies and gentlemen. 1 nk know something about dorr:." "Pardon me," broke in t' e ster, springing up, "but are you V . 'alebj Huff?" "I may say, sir, with trooth n fact, it is my dooty to say that 1 n thai indervidual," "Then you aro the raa-i tha dog is intended for. Your .1 a oa tho tag," and the mlnUiei" :' d to tho creature, who was sit": i ? on his haunches and occasIon&!'y king his chops in anticipation a9 h oked at the good man. "My name? That dorg f met" cried tho stranger, throwing boty IOOI THE TALE OF A XMAS GIFT The First Xmas Tree the Camp Had Ever Known Becomes a Thine to be Avoided Mr. Plummer's Present to His Dear Friend, Caleb Huff 8 ico: you'll just -emovo Mm, ploaso, wo can "That dorg comes to mo in the namo of friendship. I accept him In tho tivfrlt In mlilMi tin to trltm ll l,11 ou. 'uto the aisle, and slowly advanced , toward tho front. His hand had ad-, rauced roluctantlr almost to tho dog's ! collar. Tho animal now up llko a steol spring. Mr. Huff wont back- nard over a Pw- "In my opinion," said Harley Brown, rising, "the only way is to shoot tho critter, as I said boforo. Wo want our prosents sometime to-night." "Young man," replied Mr. Huff, "don't talk of such violent perccedlngs at this-ycar timo of poaoo on yearth. The dorg is mine, and I'll havo tho law on any man what touches him. No; we'll got them gifts, precious re membrances from lovod ones, by mild ways. If no one will come for'ard with a shank bone, will somebody loud mo an umbroll'?" Ho was ao- commodatcd in this rocpoct, and again advanced cautiously toward the treo. The dog stood up and growled. "There, uow. younK man." he conUnued. "von cce these things can bo removed eas i lly with this-ycar umbroll". Como I for'ard, my young friend, and show 1 that your desires for them there gifts Is genyooine, and that you aro not acchooatcd merely by a thirst for tho blood of a feller-crlttor." Harley Brown stopped up and took tho um i brulla, but his efforts met with rather mcagro reward. Tho dog constantly 1 tugged at his chain and made tho most frantic efforts to reach tho throat of Harloy. After ten minutes' work ho succeeded in hooking off a i china doll and a meerschaum pipe, ( but as the labels had been lost from ! bOuh articles tho sltuaUon'was not ma- terially improved, "Gontlemen," began Caleb, keeping at a safe distance from the tree, "wo must try other tactlc3. Wo musfnot be discouraged. Sot down and remain calm. I will now propose a plan my seif. We will ropo off them gifts. 13 there any cow-man hero who knows how to sling a lariat?" The stock-growing interests did not seem to bo represented, probably from the fact that there was also a Christ mas entertainment that night down at South Fork. "Very well; I can do it myself," re sumed Caleb. "Somebody please get me a clothesline." Undo Dan Bannock departed for the lino, and while he was gone Mr. Plummer's partner en I tertalned us with a slight dissertation ! on the dog in literature. When the line operations, but he soon found that he stood too near the ceiling for success ful effort, so ho turned it over to Har ley Brown. All Harley succeeded in doing was to get the noose fast around a top branch, and to shako off a few parcels, all of which fell within tho dog zone, and only served to exas perate him further. Caleb Huff again offered a sugges tion: "Let tho party what got tho line go and fetch a good bamboo flsh pole." Uncle Dan was back with the pole so soon that Caleb had scarcely warmed up on tho probability of dogs on other planets, much to his disap pointment. Ho took tco pole, affixed a shingle nail in tho end, and with an elaborate flourish turned and began angling for tho prosents. This plan proved rather effective, and he con tinned to operate it. He had taken off perhaps half of tho presents and gracefully waved them to tho pooplo or tho end of the pole, after presenting each to tho min ister, twenty feet away, for him to read tho labol, whon, on starting to turn buck to tho treo to get another, and in the midst of an apropos quota Hon from "the follor." suddenly at a terrific leap of the baby's pet the chain snapped. Tho old partner ut tered one yell of consternation. Then he projected hlmsulf down tho aisle head llrst. llko i.n arrow. His velocity wns no greater than tho occasion de manded; tho lam") was close behind. In tho past tho church door had open ed In, but this time. In graceful recog nition of the exigencies of tho situa tion; It opened out. Calob Huff went on into space, with the dog at his heels. The minister and Harley Brown distributed the rest of tho pres ents. We kept the tree standing In a back lot for months, hoping to have the pleasure of lynching Plummer on It; but bo was never soen In our pnmmlff ait - 9 r ft 9K c 1 1 c n t (j I a Hfcermnls itoeffe hci Ofcfimirfj Cirnf SZUelf ten Iciitc bie Siflnrrc ivi: ben Dlnnb m Sdjrcibtifdjcft, lieu b.c j RtitflerBiIenrc rnnrfcix unb djnelltc I tin uufidjibareS ?ljrl)citau6rl)cn Don Iptncin yloaarmcl. ?uf bcr SBcrrmba lintcit Ijattc bn3 fiadjen anffleljort jeneS bauccfjnflc, fyalb erfticftc, baiin nricber Ijcll atif- !lld,3t"tte"C7cl,e,J',DICs- -fr ,nu6iSd)cn bantlidj ocftdlt fjabc, fa hat im.HC wuiiiujcii imueii, uic iiujuu " acfidjert finb. Slbcr c3 tuar Olof cine 1 r -..... :.. v van amcn in uuui ui'iuiuijuuui:ii, , r.i . p .... ..... rt . f H,T 1 4. . . jiuftltinnuo fleiiniocncn woiioucoe; 1 Dtn IUJI oer tfrewr ueui er fflraf ftretftc fetlt QlCflClttlbcr mit ehtem beforflteit 33ttcf lltlb iofl bann btn mnditinen araucn Sdmurr- Imrt burdj bie fiittflcr. S)a cr bnbet bie Sibpen borjdjob unb btc Sluflcit' braufit fraufte, naljm fid) bad ftird)t bar (treng, betnalje nn'ttljenb au3. ffl toar aber nttt eine SfnQeruoIW' bett. SBie e3 SWenidjen fli&t, btc fid) tie Sttafe retben, lucntt fic ein SMIti unteriruclen eber eine Serleflcnfjcit Dcrbcrgen roorien, gibt e3 oud) lucid):, bie martialtfd) auSncI)incn in loldjem Salle. d)Iieilid) anff er toicbet nad) fcl ncr 8i0at n& l"3 He nut jtuci 3'i ncn in ranb. SJfo unb rote flet)t5fonft ju aufe?" Cut" on tnberotti Iiefe fcincn ut fallen. 92ad)bem er tljn aufQcfjoben, licrlten nod) ein aaf rotfcu mcf)r cm feiner tirn unb ben fciftcit to tfjrn Banaen. 3anfe: Utanfe rjefiorinmfi! ehr nut fotoeit. 9JJama tjat in 2JZaricn tinb ieiurtib3M3Qn3i!i $funb obqe nonrmen, unb ala ift feinc nidjtifdje ?fttaie glitcTnid) luicber noS." a8 ift ja fetjr erfreulidj", nicfte bcr raf jerftreut. Suf StaberrtD jog fctn Safdjeuhttf) unb irombetete gernuidjUoU ntnetu. Ua tljat er be3 oftcrcn, urn ben Sin fdjein 0u ertuecfen, ahi ruemt ein todi'd)nupfen feinc Sluvfbradje be I)iiibere. Unb e3 flang and) fo. Ijnttad)Iid) aber gab c3 fein I in f ct ncm ?IIpI)aBet. SII3 ttinb Ijattcu ifjm f unb g gefeEjIt, fobafj cr Shigel roie Subel au&gefprodjen. Spatcr batten fid) btefe ifoitfonantcn allgemad) ein gefunben; bafiir aber bcrfdraanb bat? I unb blieb berlorcn. 5a, ti roar biclmal befonber? fdjltmm", aufjerte er eruft, inbem er mit bem ju einem ilntiuel geballten Sudje bie Setttingel in fcinem JJacfcn frotttrte. ktpa memtc benn and) e roare beffer, tuenn er bie 33cftjirt&' fdjaftung bon 5Jud)b,agen aufgebe unb gana nad) 33ie3baben 3oge " xa roome oent water oamais id)on, all er SBrufort) berfaufte." ga, oarrtals luar td) nod) 3tt jitng. eute tann tdj ba ut iiber nerjmen. uno id) rouroe e gern ubernehmen, loenn ' Gntfd)iiIbige mat ttillft bn imrflid) ntd)tS e cn?" CDer SDttfc fdjiittcltc fcitf3cnb ben .ftoif, inbeS bcr raf luicber ben Sdjnurrbart bnrd) bic Singer ',og nnb ba3 bnju gcbonge ruutfienbc c ftd)t mndjte. 2enn uon ber Bernnbn Fier flaug nun ein anbercS SoIfSIieb yeraiif: Gine SCttbcI lam gcflogen, ilt e3 mir obcr gilt e3 bir 2uf Staberolu lunr fo mit fidi be idjoftigt, bafj er nil' beffcu nidit ndi- tcte. Gr fjotte bie 33nIaitiirbL'rfiid)C nut oem .yute luicber nuigenommen uno ti fdjicu nbcrmalS cute Oie fttriidjSpaufc einjehen 311 ruollcn, al3 Dec ra bloljltd) fid) crbob, ben Rd linber an fid) nafjm unb itjtt anf cincn yiebentiid) bnmite. ao, mem Sieber. GrftenS madit cS mid) neruoS, luenn bu mit bem ibi forttunbrenb greifeu ft'ielft, unb 3m Slubertn fclje id) cm, bnfi e fet ncn tuerf Ijar, beinem Slnlicacn an3 3uiucidjen. 25u luiflft alio rjiitrn Ujcn (finige efitnbcn fdjnute bcr IMcfc 3ii y3obeu unbxd)cnerte mit fceiben .Oiiuben bie prallen 5Tniee. 2nnn fdjaute er auf banfbar unb ucr fliirt. ?InnerbingS bo3 modjte id) gem." .Sdjon. bn in enrorf imb 3r)Iinberf)iit nugetait3t bift unb gam egen beine i.nuoI)iif)eit nod) uidjtd u effen uerlangt tjaft, fo uctjmc id) an, bafj bein fjentiger 53efnd) mit bei ncn $eirat()3ilcinen in S3erbinbiing ftct)t - SWit incm 2eiiT3er bcr Grlcid)tc rung erfjob fid) Cnf bon 3taberoiu riirfte fein rjodjjeitlid) Sllcib iiber bem 2Jaud)e glatt unb tronibetete rafd) nod) einniol in iein Inidjcntndj. 9Mcbcr Dnfen SSenficn id) bittc, bid) fo anreben 311 biirfcu, luic id) nnS fiinb bid) genannt Onbe, bn juir nod) 9?od)bar3ncitte tuaren. Un fere Sorfjantniffe fenuft bn fo gut luie id) fenbft. Wi bem Sfttgcitbnirfe, tuo id) f)cirotf)!, befommc id) mndjOngcn unb 3iuQU3igtatifcnb iOaner iie riebSgenb. Tvuuit niifjt fid) ueben Unb mid) fennft bn and). Set) bin gcfnnb bi8 anf ben fneinen Sdjnupfen. ber iid) iuofjn mit ber Beit geben luirb. Gr ift fdjon bieu bejfer grtuorben. ftiira nnb gut id) niebe Rentier; Sftiita nttl Site tint i'w $anb." 5)rnf ffiJclffcu finttc luafirenb eicrlidcit Vlufprndic ctnett :H ttjei:. : ijcr in tfarm imb (S';uidt tvt una Dtete v. i. nut,n jd)icu mvMt a f)(lhe. .Aifn,, l)Mc lticI,t. mcf)l. -emwA jQl, c.r nltc $err luicber cridjrcc'lid) luiitljcitS nuS, oIS er ben rf)iturrDiirt bnrd) b. tjinner 30(1. ,a3 rjafie id) ucfiirditct. incut Sung. lino ttjcitn tdi mini .utcrit cm sfl (, ,,. niltb bttr It. bn t dl 0.1' nIt ' miten Q3e.?ehiiitncit imiercr 7?.i rtolPllt " u- 1 i-i-v t.t,. H-4JC attfa bu ntm abr rnflte fif Sdi fonftarirc nur, bait unierc greunbidjaft untec aUcn Umfthnben dncn ftnacf-J befommt. Siillft bu ab tuaS nad) meinen bisfjerigen Gr farjrungen ba SBaljrfctjcinlidjfte ift, bann feib Stjr belcibigt. Sic o30. tuer tjaben ntir au3 gleid)em ?tnloi) bie Sagi gefunbigt, bic id) ieit 31U0P Sabcen abren tit adji Ijabe unb Otr junge 3led)berg bat mid) gar for on rooHcn; 'o f)abcn bic SIad)fro ten i6.niieKapbeTt.Sabu audj rctdjlid) eitel bift, ntcin Soljn, fikdjtc id) ba elimntite, 9limmt fie bid) aber luiket aHe3 Grtuartcn, bann luirb hinterljer mir bie Sdntlb 3ugefd)oben on affeHt 3d)inbluir unb Unfng, ben meine SOiariell anf 33ud)I)agen anitent. 9?a unb bann bin id) Beleibigt. "Dttijalb erfttire id) bir ftiermit aui bal feterltdntc, bnfj Ulftna ebenio nuc SJHIa iur &t)t taugen tu'te Sael jum Senfterpuljen. Slber td) mebe te ood)i" JBMe bu ba3 anftcEftt, ift ntir fd)Ieiert)aft bet ber 33ef)aubluitg, bie bir bie cillofeit SJtangeit b'tsber 5aBen angebetljen laffeu. Stterfit on btnn ba3 gar nid)t in beiner fonitigen Selbftliebe? 3Me Jfomteffen finb mtftig unb 311 ntir tmmer fcfjr nett. ftomteb" 3K'm.- bat neulid) iogar gciagt, fte lunrb nur einen SWaun ficiratbcn, ber eine oerftobfte 9laie bat. Uitb ba ba3 bei inir ber Svauu ift 3o tit bie erite Borucbtngung fntr eint gliirflidje Gf)e gegeiren", erganc bcr raf, tnbem cr .fid) amuanote 2ann trat er an feinen diretbttidi unb bri'tcfte ani ben fhtobf bcr elefm idn fllingel: dy tucrbe alio 2Winn rufen Iaffen 2Mtte ntdjt aJftna." j 3)u fagteft bod " ..Carbon, id) meinte fromteii SJZina!" 9?a ja S0?inal 0 fjaBe id) bid) and) uerftanben." 2ut Staberoiu nricgte cincn Wla ment ratl)Io ba5 .aitbt bann troutpete er hftig in fein Zaidjentudi w$d) mcine 3)ii na, Dnfen SBen ften; SDMna mit bem n!" eid)3eitin beid)rieb fein 8iaefiuger ein I in ber Suft. ?fd)io QlfoSWilal 2nf Staberoiu nicfte Segeiftert. ?;aroobn id) fagc bod) immcr SKina!" raf SBelfien jerrte an fcinem Sdjnurrbart, al3 tuenn er itjn au-: rei&en 'luollte. 2tc SWtfiberftnntiHiffe faugen alio fdjon beim Jianten an. Set) will bir run? fagen, mciu Sung: ttnter biejen Umitiinben ift e3 ant beften, bu inaV. bie 2)iibel3 anf unb berftcinbigft bid) erft mat. 23et Biuiriingoidjiueiteru, bic fid) fo aljnlid) ierjen, gibt a fortft nodi tueitcren flubbelmubbel. 33o finb meine SoditerV" frngte er ben eintretenucn 2icner. .ftinncrf. ba altc ffiklficnfdic Sat- totnm, rieb berlegcn ba3 Slinn mil bem .ftnnbriirtcn. Stuf bent 2anbenfd)ag, err raf:" 53a3 lua5 trei&en bic ben:' ba?" 5d) nicifs c3 nidjt, .err raf. Tie gnnbigen omteifen fiabcn in bcr Dbftfammer fammtlirfje matid)i genQ3irncn 3uiammenge?nd)t nub finb bnntit aui ben Sdjlag gefticgen. Ten Gnb(d)Iaud) ber gro&en artcniprihe fiabcn fie and) mitgenonmicn." Taun iperren Sie foiort bic 2ci tnng nb unb fagen oie 'ben irojut.'i fen, bafj id) fie beibe nod) bente in bjr cufion 3uriicrbriiigcn miirbe, tuenn fie nidjt fofort berabfticgen unb bir Sirnen oben liefsen." ,Zt)t luoljl, .err raf." S53iIlft bit ba3 9tennen nid)t bod1 licber anfgeben?" fragtc ber ra' crnft, nadjbem ber iiencr babonge jnftet tuar. Sief)' mal id), bcr Sinter, babe fein anbereS SJiinbi gnngSmittel, al3 bie enfion, bor Oct bie 2lad)6fr6ten einen ..eibenrcipeft fjaben. 53omit luillft bit bir gegebc ucnfnns IjelfeuY" Wit bcr Sfiebe", bcrfidicrte 2nr Staberoiu feicrlid); bie 9ciebe ber mag "JlnneSl" G3 modjte cine tnappe Stitube tier fein, bafj 2nf anf bie ondje nad) ben BiuiningSfoiuteffeu gegangen tuar, al ber nlte inncrf bci fcinem .errn ciutrat un'b fid) nod) cijrigcr, alss uor ber, baS fiinn fdjeuerte. 2cr3eif)cu, .err rat $crr bon Staberoiu Irifit bitten, oic moditen ifjm mit trorfencn Sndjen nuSfjelfen." raf fflelficn furr entfebt tjeruni. 8nm Tonnerioetter fjaben Sie benn bie 2citung nidit nbgefperrtyr .Sefje luotjl. err raf." Saturday Qight fa!lfC By ReT.F.E. DAVISON tOlftj Rutland, Vt NOT SANTA CLAU9, KINQ. BUT THE International Bible Lesson for 25, MO (Luke 2:6-20). Deo. Tho whole world Is celobratlng tho anniversary of tho birthday of Its j Redeemer. AH oyes aro turnod to wards tho Bethlehem mangor. All knees aro bowing In loving adora tion at His shrine. Again, unlvorsally, men aro opening tholr treasures and presenting unto Him, gifts, "gold, franklnconse, and myrrh." Gold, for Christ, tho King; franklneenso, for Christ, , the Priost; myrrh for Christ, the Sacrifice Hvory offorlng mado In love to "ono of these little ones" Ho regards as mado un to Himself. And so the woalth ot tho world is His. Whon Christ was born a new light was lunoioa in tno scarry neavens, a now learnlns was Introduced among tho sagoa of earth, a now terror en tered tho palaces of tyrants, a new meaning was givon to tho oldest prophecies, a now Joy burst upon 1 tho lovers of truth, a now dis pensation openod to tho race, a now song was aung by the heav enly hosts. Its echoos are la the sir to-day. Long Anticipated. This wondrous birth was long an ticipated. Virgil the greit Roman poet, though a hoathoa, causht a glimpse of a coming one, looming in the dis tance, solomn-cryod, calm, majestio, and In his "Polllo," in almost In spired language sots him forth. But Isaiah, moved by tho Holy Ghost, 700 years boforo tho ovent, turned his prophotlc toloscopo down the ages and announcod His birth. One of tho most wonderful verses In the Blblo is tho 6th verse of tha 9th chapter of Isaiah. Hoar it: "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall bo upon bis shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Tho Mighty God, tho Everlasting Fathor, the Prlnco of Peace." The central flsrure of his tory Is the one to whom Isaiah re ferred. Wonderful! Wonderful in His birth! Wondorful in His nature! Wonderful In Hi3 character! Won derful In His teachingj! Wonderful in His sorrows! Wonderful In His Victories! Wondorful la His des tiny! Isaiah was right whon he called Him "Wondorful." Tho prophot doubtless did not un derstand tho full meaning of his words. Astronomers have fore-casi-ed the existence ot unknown planets on account of tho perturbations o tho known heavenly bodies, but havo died without tho sight. They have foretold the presence ot unseen 1 bodies, and it has been left for other (fenerations with better facilities of observation to behold the coming of the starry visitor into the field of vision. Through 700 years the poo plo looked and waited, and then ono day over tho llttlo town of Bethle hem, the Wondrous Star, led the wondrous Wise Mon to the Wondrous Babe. Thero has always been a spec tral presence In history, an outline of a figure in tho dark, a shadow be hind tho curtain, the coming "Won derful." And on Christmas morning 1900 years ago, "God so loved the world that He gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever belloveth in Him should not perish but have everlast ing life." His Coming Interested Heaven. When Napoleon returned from ex ile his flrst footfall on the pier shook the continent of Europe, but when Christ landed on tills planet all heav en beut over tho earth and watched tM"MM t THE OLDEST BANK IN WAYNE COUNTY THE CAPITAL, SURPLUS TOTAL ASSETS WE ARE You havo more or loss banking business. Possibly it is with us, such being the case you know something of our service, but if not a patron would it not bo well for you to becomo ono ? OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT will help you start. It is calculated to servo all classes, tho old and tho young, tho rich and tho poor, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IT RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UP nnd allows three per cent, interf st annually. Intercut will be paid from tho flrst of any month on all deposits miule on or before the 10th of the month provided such deposits remuia three calendar months or longer. HENItY Z. KUSSKIJ, 1'ItEBlDKM. ANDKKW THOMPSON VICK MttbintNT. Ills rocoption. Ho came s a babo that He might uinctlfy childhood, and tho family rotation and tho home. He cauio in pororty that Ho might sympathize wttli the poor. Ho took upon Him human nature that He might taste every cup of trial, temptation, tantallzatlon, traltoroua treatment common to men. And yet so wonderful were tho opposltcs of. Ills naturo, that Ho unstopped doaf , oars, and struck light into blind oyos, and loosened dumb tongues, and straightened bent forms, and ex polled domona and rured lepers, and ralscd tho dead to life Ho spoke but one word and tho mob sent to arrest Him fell on their facoa as though struck by lightning; Ho took a handful of bread and bless ed It and It made a feast for 5,000 men; He trod Gennesorot as though. It wero a crystal pavomont; He lift ed tho burden of guilt from tho re penting sinner with the Immortal words, "Nolthr do I condemn thee, go and sin ho more." This wonderful being demonstrat ed His power to forgive sin, to heal disease, to csjt out demons, to de stroy deth, to win hearts, to over throw false religions, to expel In iquity, to open the door of paradlso, to bestow everlasting life. On Hla head aro all the frowns, la His hand are all the scvptors, at His feet break all tho hallelujahs. His King dom Is an everlasting kingdom, and His doralnUn small havo no end. Isaiah wm right whon he called Him "wonderful." From the hour In the bodnnlng whoa "All things wero made by Him," until the hour when the "heavens shall be rolled together like x seroll," and "time shall bo no more," He Is the Alpha and Omega, the A b4 the Z of the Universe. CASTOR 1 A lor Infants and CidMrsa. The KM Ym Havs Always Bought Bears tka Blgnatwre of ttttt?tnt?ttitttttrttttt MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. a a a a H a 35 if S a 0 a a 8 , a a a B 1 H juutitjjutuiiitijtitjjn; JOSEPH N. WELCH The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Bund ing, over C. C. Jailwin's drug store, HoiiPfdale. ESTABLISHED lS.'Hi f $ 150,000.00 241,711.00 1,902,000.00 AFTER YOU ! KDWIN K.TOHItKY CABIIUB. AUJKHTC. LINDSAY AbbUTAMCAf HUE t t t bands and striking the cellia;; "Ym. sir. Tho dor le v Ti camp scale