The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 21, 1910, Image 7
ttir ormnx, wkdnksday, duo. 21, 1010. Clausf: A Biography, JAPS, LIKE MANY OTHEti .NATIONS, DESERTING LAND. ARE YOU A U. S. DEFENSELESS Country Totally Unprepared For War, Dickinson Says. "FORTS ARE INADEQUATE." If a First Class Power 8hould Mka an Attack They Would Have No Trou ble In Landing on Pacific or Atlantic Coaite. Washington, Doc. 15. Secretary of Wnr Dickinson has transmitted to con gress his report on the house resolu tion calling for a detailed statement of Uio preparedness of the United States for war. The report declares the United State Is almost totally unprepared for war, the regular nrmy being too small, the militia Inadequate and the forts on both coasts unprepared to repel an en emy. In the report the secretary draws a dark picture of the disaster which would overtake American arms should war with any Ilrst class power occur. The secretary asserts that an enemy would havo no trouble In effecting landings on the Pacific or Atlantic coasts. Alaska and other exposed parts of the country are reported to be at the mercy of an attacking force. Following the reception of Uio report Representative Hobson of Alabama In troduced a bill providing for a council of national defense to include the sec retary of war. who shall be president of the council. The bill provides that the council shall determine a general policy of na tional defense nnd shall recommend to president and congress such meas ures relating to the national defense ns It shall deem necessary and expe dient Twenty thousand dollars is provided in the bill for expenses of the council, which shall meet at least once a year. The effect of this bill will be to es tablish a definite and consecutive pol icy of national defense, determined by tlie deliberations of both the executive and legislative branches of the govern ment, which will insure harmony not only In determining the policy, but la carrying it out. 22 DEAD IN MINE BLOWUP. Twenty-six Others Are Entombed Be hind Wall of Fire. Blucflelds, W. Vn., Dec. 15. Twenty two men, were killed and twenty-six entombed by an explosion In the Greens mine at Tacoma, Va., according to a report received here. The ex plosion shook the entire town. The Greens mine is ownqd by the Bend & Bruce Coal company and is a hundred miles from here . Itelief parties with oxygen helmets and surgeons' supplies .are on their way to the scene. Superintendent .Tnnies Browning, who entered tho shaft Just a few min utes before the explosion, is among the dead. AVlves and children of the entombed men surround the entrance begging the rescuers' to hurry. Tho explosion is believed to have "been caused by an accumulation of gas In the lower levels, Ignited by an open lamp belonging to one of the miners. Late reports declare Are has broken -out In the mine, and frantic efforts arc being made to get aid to the impris oned men. It is declared the draft inns at tho entrance were shattered by the explosion, so great was its force. RICH BUT PENNILESS. W. C. Rhinelander, With $5,000 Income, 4 It Arrested For 'Vagrancy. Saratoga. N. Y., Dee.--16. William C. HhlneJandeiv.yvhose fatiier, tho late William Hhinelandcr, of New York city disinherited him for marrying a waitress, but who luterj was given 55,000 a year Income from the Rhlne landcr estate, was arrested and ar raigned on a 'charge of vagrancy. HUlnelander'H wife recently brought suit for separation, and" the suit is now pending. ' In court Ithinelandor said that he lias received nothing from his father's estate since Oct. 30 and that he Is now penniless and has no "place to sleep. A night or two ago ho was permitted to keep warm at police headquarters. He was warned that if' he does not find some way of supporting himself he will bo sent to the county Jail, BEDOUINS KILLING MAN'S. Railroad Stations Are Being Sacked and Soldiers Slaughtered. Constantinople, Dec. 15. The revolt of the Bedouins in the Karnk district near the Dead seu is becoming worse. The Bedouins have sucked all the railroad stations to the north of Maan and oh far as DJurfelderwlch and have slaughtered every soldier and railway employee they could And. The government is sending more troops to put down the revolt Kindly Fruits. Tho expression in tho prayer book "Kindly fruits of tho earth" has for most persons no definite-, meaning on account of tho difference In signifi cance now attached to tho word kind ly from that used when tho expression was first written, Tho word kindly In that connection meant as nearly us possible "of its kind," nnd tho expres sion "kindly fruits of tho earth" meant "tho fruits of the earth cacb after its kind." jr , t , . , Santa Claus, the moat widely known nnd popular individual on earth, was born so lone nco that it would not bo ladyllko for htm to Ac knowledge It, to nobody knowi hit oxnet age. Neither is it known Just whero he was born, nor who his par ents were, but they must havo been cmlnontly respectable people, for everybody nowadays clalniB kin with him. He Is Uia only untitled pcrton whom nobody calls "Mister," anil ho Is a bacholor of excellent repute, kl though he gives away more at Christ mas than Mr. Cftrncfile nnd Mr. ttock ofojler ever thought of giving, ho Is not classed with the millionaires. Still ho shows a preference for that class and ho puts more In tbeir stockings than he puts In the Block ings or tho poor. Perhaps ho has a taste for flno hosiery. Some bache lors do. In any event, the fact ro malus that tho rich get more out of him than tho poor do. Maybe ho Is not altogether to blame for that Anyway, he doesn't ride around In nn automobile. This may bo because he wants to savo more to give a ay At the samo time he doesn't ride In the street cars. 'So there you are. Santa Claus is th only truly re ligious person outside of tho Salva tion Army and the Public Charltio3 association, for he never asks any body what church ho belongs to be- i fore taking up his stocking to fill it. Neither does he care a continen tal about politics, and he never votes or contributes to 'the campaign fund. Ho is especially fond of children, and the children are so dead stuck on him that they want him to cotio around every day in tho year. Their parents, .however. don,'t feel so uiuch that way about it, ,Snd Santa Claus kindly considers their feelings In the matter. ,Ho. know8,,enoueh not to, 'je anxious ,to work ay good thing to a frazzle. Nobody knows where Santa Claus lives in the summer, also the spring and fall and most of the winter, but wherever It Is It must be a healthy place, because he always shows up at Christmas looking so fat and 'oi ly that really he ought to advertiso the location and take In boarders. There is one thing certain, If he did there wouldn't be any "No-Children-Taken" signs around the establish ment Santa Claus confines his attention almost exclusively to mankind, the lower animals, except the reindeer, having no pull with him whatever. This is a well-known fact In natu ral history, which may be proved by pictures of Santa Claus and his holiday turnout coming In over the snowy roofs. When Santa Claus dies there will be, the biggest' funeral ever heard of, but there Is not much likelihood of that event ever happening so long as there are any children alive.. When they are all gone Santa Claus will go too, what's the use of his mon keying with grown-ups? One-Toned Christmas Trees. Even Christmas trees ure to un dergo changes in fashion. The latest notion is that they shall bo trimmed in color schemes. No more variegat ed trees, over-burdened with baubios of every hue and color, but artistic one-tone decorations 'aro "the thing" this season. The red tree has the trunk cov ered with twigs of holly and Uio Up crowned by a starry poinsettiu or two. The globes and chains aro all in red, and little red hearts and Uny rcd-cheekod apples nre hung from the upper branches. The candles, of course, aro only red, and no is the big bow of ribbon that ties tho trunk. Tho other tree is the "Juck Frost tree." It is covered with cotton bat ting and' sprinkled with artificial snow. Silver globes, sliver chains and silver Unsel are used, because they look llko the. glitter of snoy. But tho crowning effect that gives. Uio real wintry, out-of-door touch is found In tho hundreds of glass ici cles of all sizes that weigh down the boughs. "White candles In silver holders are used exclusively. Tho top is crowned with a silver star, and at the base lies an, Esqualmau village in a snowy, cotton land of ice. Now ' York, Tribune, i Growing Population Strea-"'ng Into Cities of Mikado's Kingdom. Japan, waving the flag of protivtl'ui for lts'Infant lliduHtrlcs, has nllgnod It self with the iiinhufacturltig 'countries of tho world! "The government scorns Jenloiu of Jnpants classic reputation ns the 'land of rtixtirloiiH Hce' Oropn,' " writes an RngllShniau,' '"The l6ople want and nre getting a 'black country' to boast of. They want n Lancashire of their own. They threaten to become prouder of n forest of chimney stacks than of n forest of trees-to delight more In fin' nnces than In flowers." The fact Is that Japan la dxpciinn' lng just now that streaming of tin' country population Into her towus and cities. That thing which recently li.i been worrying Undo Jim Hill and the rest of the United States In urban i n vlronmcnt hi promising n crisis fr Japan In far shorter time. Japan's "Increased cost of living," through h sertlon of the rice paddles and or ehnrds for tin' lights and glamours o, her cities, Is promising record time is arriving. These simple people of the agricultural sections, swarming to IN cities, will encourage for n time the Japanese manufactories because of tii greater demand for those things whirl) urban Hfo demands. "But who will feed them?" the Jnpn nesc poveYnment Is asking seriously. The population of Japan Is rU,0(iO. 000, and 00 per cent of It still Is In tin rural districts. But the sign of land desertions is looming large. Tho now tariff Is for protection of manufac tures distinctly. Bnw materials arc passed in duty free, partly manufac tured goods have a light imposition ol duty at her ports. But on completed manufactures there is the flat 40 per cent duty in which one reads the Intent of the framers of the tariff. This ambition and progress of Japan In manufacturing may be seen In her cotton mills and their output. There are 100 of these mills in operation, costing $30,000,000 in tho aggregate. The output annually Is 300,000,000 pounds of cotton yams. In round fig tires these mills employ 10,000 mule and 59,000 females, the average wagi of the men standing at 21 cents a day. while the women folk average about 12 cents. An additional feature In the rapid growth of the Japanese cities Is the fact their birth rates aro so llttlt smaller than the birth rate In the rural districts. And yet the young man and young woman of the agricultural see tlons are chased away to the cities In alarming numbers. Sixty per cent of her people are on the farms today as against 15 per cent in Great Britain. L0, THE RICH INDIAN NOW. Per Capita Wealth $2,130 Against $1,30C For White Americans. The per capita wealth of the Indian is approximately $2,120; that for othei Americans Is only a little more than lfl,:!00. The lands owned by the In dians are rich In oil, timber and othei natural resources of all kinds. Some of the best timberland In the United States Is owned by Indians. The value of their agricultural lands runs up In the millions. The ranges which they possess support about 500,. 000 sheep nnd cattle, owned by lessees, bringing in a revenue of more than $272,000 to the various tribes, besides providing feed for more than 1,500,000 head of horses, cattle and sheep and goats belonging to tho Indians them selves. 'Practically the only asphalt deposits in the United States aro on Indian lauds. TWO HENS WORTH $22,000. Eggs of Either Mother or Daughter Bring $25 Apiece. Winner over all others of her breed, I.ady AVnshlngton, a raven black Or pington, lien, worth $12,000, has only one of her kind ns a rival, her own daughter. Her offspring Is worth $10, 000. Whenever either chooses to do the commonplace thing of laying an egg that egg is wortli $25. Both chickens were on exhibition re cently at a poultry show. Lady Wash ington arrived from her home at Fnc toryvllle, Pa., accompanied by two at tendants, and occupied a specially con structed coop in a specially reserved compartment. PUPILS ARE TOO NUMEROUS. New York Has 2,424 In Two Blocks of School District. The census taken by tho New York department of education of children of school ngc In Manhattan shows that In the two blocks bounded by Madi son, Cherry, Scammel and Jackson streets there are enough children to fill n school. The department found there children of school nge. In tho, block bounded by Madison, Monroe,' Jackson and Scammel were l,2.'t(t children nnd in tho block to the east 1,188. These two blocks nre the most congested not only In the city, but probably In the world. Famous Models Being Collected, The United States patent ofllco. Is as sembling the models of tho first Ideas along several Hun of InvcnUon, such ns the first telephone, first sewing ma chine and first phonograph. Machine Sells Newspapers. A coin in the slot machine that n Now Yorker has Inveuted to sell news papers Is arranged to accommodate various sized, papers and to accept va rious prices. t ".i(T'l 33 1TIZEN3S Great Tour of Prize Voting ly subscript NOMINATE A CANDIDATE Nomination Blank Good for 1,000 Votes The CITIZEN'S Tour of Bermuda and Prize Contest I NOMINATE A1)I)1U2SS : DISTRICT NO . . . . ; SIGNED ADDRESS Only the First Nomination Blank Cast for Each Candidate will Count as 1,000 Votes 7 500 EXTRA Over and above the regular scale will be given for every yearly subscription paid to the Citizen during "Booster's Week," between Friday, Dec. 16th and Thursday, Dec. 22nd at 8 P. M. Every reader should pay a subscription during "Booster's Week" and help some deserv ing young lady win a Tour of Bermuda. Old subscribers are entitled to vote. The same number of votes are allowed on both old and new subscriptions. REMEMBER, candidates, 7,500 votes on EVERY yearly subscription Get as many as you can during this week. ! SUBSCRIPTION 1 "BOO TH EN YOUR FAVORBTE IN THE Contest by paying a yeair- CUT THIS OUT THE CITIZEN'S Trip To Bermuda Contest 25 VOTES CANDIDATE ddress District No This Coupon, when neatlv trimmed out, name, address, prop erly filled in and brought or sent to the TOUR DEPARTMENT OF THE CITIZEN, will count as 25 votes in THE CITIZEN'S TRIP TO BERMUDA CONTEST. The first one of these Coupons received for any young lady will place her in nomination and will count for 1,000 votes. CUT THIS OUT STER?" Bermuda and nuf? 'I r '! . to-' .X' 1 D VOTES