THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DEO. 21, 1010. THE CITIZEN Seinl-Wcckly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1811. FOBLlBIIMl BVCnr WKDNEBDAY AND FRIDAY BV THE CITIZEN rUDLtRIlIKG COMTANY. Kutcroit us second-elans tnnttcr. nt the post ntllcc. lloncsdnlc, l'a. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 K. It. IIAKDKN'HIvUOH. - - PUHSIDKNT W. W. WOOD, - MANAGKlt AND SKC'Y J. M.SMK1TZKK KDITOlt directorb: 0. U. DORrl.lNOKK. M. R. Al.I.KN. HENRY WILSON. It. B. UAIinENBERdll. W. W. WOOD. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21, 1010. Winter Is here in cold eurncst. liinko yourself happier, liy giving freely without nny thought of re turn. O lover of llltliy lucre, get out. of tlio "Scrooge," hnblt, and put on the garment of liiippiiit-MW I If you arc unhappy yourself, try this once at least, to sen If you can't acquire tho "happiness habit" ly giving freely, liberally, generously, bountifully l others. Don't be a " tight-wad!" Santa Clans will bo kept pretty busy this year visiting the boys and girls in Ilonesdale. A certain fond mother of an "Infant terrible," toltl us the other day that "Johnny is so good of late, that I expect every morning to see wings sprouting on bis shoulders I" MERRY CH1USTMAS! Merry Christmas Ono and AH! THE CITIZEN takes this annual oc anslon to extend seasonal greetings to its thousands of patrons and friends. We hnvo received during tho past few weeks hundreds of gifts iu tho way of new subscriptions to THE CITIZEN'. Scores or people have gone out of their way to tell s that we are issuing tho best pa per in tho county. We appreciate their kind words very highly, and ju-o determined to go on, in the ven tenor of our way, and issue u paper which will tell tho truth, tho whole truth and nothing but the truth. There is no "muzzle" in THE CITIZEN ofllce. Wo take the position that the press is not only a mirror but a moulder of public opinion. It may ho that sometimes wo may seem to be ahead of tho pro ' ess I on, and then again wo may, perchance, lag behind. But wo are resolved to give our readers all the nows, in an impartial manner. Hut then we began to write a "Christ Bias editorial." How are you going to spend your Christmas dear friend? Will you make it a scltlsb one, or will you put the day into practice, by trying, just this onye, to make others hap py? When nil has been said, It still remains true "That it is more blessed to give than to receive." If you can't give presents to the poor, the needy, tho sick and tho afflicted, you can at least give your self. When you have enjoyed that bounteous dinner, and finished your fragrant Havauna, how about going out to call on that "shut in" friend o yours for an hour or so? And how about the old folks who live hundreds of miles nwny? You sure Iy won't forget to write them a let ter, if only a few lines, will you? We know you are busy. Wo are will ing to admit, that for the past fewj weeks, you have been working night and day. Hut how about sending the "home folks" a telegram, if you are too tired to mile? Tho West ern Union and the Postal Telegraph Companies will gladly carry your messages of love to tho dear old father and mother, who are longing to seo you on this day of days. Don't forget to send them a night letter on Christmas Eve, and then when they wake up Christmas morn ing, and are seated ubout the breakfast table, some bright-faced urchin will break iu on their loneli ness with a cheery "Merry Christ mas," on his lips and a little yellow envelope in his bands, and Christmas Day 1010 m ,0 tho happiest day in their lives! It is never too late to begin to make other people hap py! Start this year of our Lord one thousand nine bundled and ten, and you will enjoy, in abundant measure, tho spirit of Peace and Good Will which tho Divine .Man brought to eartii, ono cold wintry morn Judea, twenty centuries ago! "TOMFOOLERV1" "Representatives of tho press aro not admitted. This a private meet ing!" a reporter of THE CITIZEN was told when bo tried, to "cover" an Anti-Saloon League meeting re cently! It docs seem a good deal like "tomfoolery," to throw such nn air of secrecy about a meet ing called to confer on questions in which the public is so vitally inter ested, don't It? Moreover, It don't pay! JEFFERSONLWS CHRISTMAS. THE JEEFERSONIAN, our cs teemed Stroudsburg contemporary, is out with a Christinas number, is out with a Christinas number, 14 pages being required to tell tho holi day story of peace and progress in the old town of Stroudsburg. Santa Claus, large as life, meanders ull over, tho llrst page. Advertisements tell tho talo of newspaper enterprise so characteristic of our Monroe county exchange. Hero's to your health, Brother Hughes! May you live long and prosper! BOOSTER WEEK fJOOl) EVENIXO! (In Tho.Clty.) When we left otirjiotcl to go down to business this morning the ther monfeter reclstercd twenty deurces above en., and the fleecy Unites were YEARLY SUHSCHIPTIOXS TO m.t fnlllmr. '" IM'I'IZEX MRINCJS AX EX- "This wilt pass for a pretty cold morning," said a prominent citizen to us Saturday morning. "I had a little trouble with tho pipes up at my house this morning! Did you? By tho way I reckon you're go ing to see 'Shore Acres' at the Lyric Theatre to-night. Wo hnvo seen it btreo times. It's grent! , Monday night's show, "Tho Pow ers That lie," was line. "I'll have to write a little piece about this for tho' paper," said Mr. S. "This is an unusual performance." It "shore ly" was! TKA 7,500 BALLOT BEFORE 8 P. M. THURSDAY XI OUT COX TKSTAXTS' MISTAKES ARE AIT TO BE SERIOUS DO NOT OUT Till: IDEA THAT THE CONTEST CLOSES OX THE DATE OK CLOSING OK SPECIAL OFFER. WHO WILL INTERCEDE? THE CITIZEN has been reliably informed that a certain manufactur ing concern in the Maple City have notified one of their employees, who is married, and lias a family of eight small children, that "he can look for another job tho llrst of tho year. Wo arc also informed that tho man is very 'poor, and that lie is almost distracted at the prospect of facing the winter with it.s increased de mands for food, fuel and clothing. Who, among our public-spirited and philanthropic eiti.ens will Intercede in his behalf? WINTER. "This would be nice weather to bo iu Bermuda or some other cocoanut town," remarked a prominent citizen to us last Friday morning, and wo quite agreed with him. Winter seems to have set in in deud earnest. Wayne county is living up splendid ly to its proverbial reputation of hav ing "nine months Winter and three mouths cold weather." But then there Is a tang, a bracing quality in tho air that inspires ono to renewed zeal and activity. Wo shall soon think nothing of temperatures of twenty or thirty degrees below zero. For our part however, give us "tho good old Summer time!" in CHRISTMAS IX SCRAXTOX. THE SCRAXTOX TIMES celebrat ed Christmas by getting out n 72 pago holiday issue last Friday even ing. The columns were fairly bursting with advertisements choice ly displayed, and tho Yuletido stories were "played up" for nil they were worth. THE SCRAXTOX TIMES is deservedly included in the list of the fifty American evening dailies that win their way on their own merits. Scranton is noted for getting out rattling good papers, and THE TIMES is facile prlnceps in tho pro cession. THE MEANEST MAX. The "meanest" man isilways in evidence, in largo numbers, at this season of tho year. Ho never "lias any use for Christinas." To him the Santa Clans story is a pious fable invented to part him from a few of his tightly-hcld dollars. He takes no pleasure in receiving gifts, for, as lie says, "he feels under ob ligation to give presents in return." Ills favorite argument is that "wo Might to look up the poor and give them gifts." His way of putting it into practice, is to go to church, and drop a penny for tho "poor heath en" Into the collection basket, when ho thinks no ono is looking. .Alter all, tho true happiness of Christmas time comes from the pleasure of "giving." Wo give other IHKipIo things to iiiuko them happy. Our happiness consists iu our being able to make other people huppy, It is a mercenary man, indeed, who will deprive another person of tho privilege of being happy, by acting and looking upon a gift as a mero business matter. Christmas is not the running on a largo scale of mi "ovchango department," whereby wo pay debts wo owe other people Christmas is not a "soft-soaping" season, when grasping employers en deavor to ease their consciences, by giving faithful employees a part of that to which they aro rightfully en titled. Christinas is the time to make other people huppy and to THE RECORD'S CHRISTMAS XUM- BER. Tho Monroe Record, Stroiidsburg's nroiiresslvo weekly, is out, under date of December 15, with a hand some slxteen-pago Christmas num ber, embellished with cuts of the town, and write-ups of its various industries. Its columns are- fairly bursting with advertisements well- displayed and advantageously plac ed. A lino quality of paper sets off the press work to good advantage, and tho paper is in every wuy a credit to tho management of this enterprising and newsy journal. GOOD MORXIXG! (On Tho Farm.) "MIrondy, wherc's my shot gun? That Infernal Health Ofllccr is put ting ft "Measles" sign on our front door. I'll pepper him! Blame him anywny! Hero Mary's gono and ketched tho measles." "Sam, don't do anything rash. Tho man's got to do it. The Ijw makes him." "Well, I'm mad clear through. Hero Mary was making out well in the Bermudy contests. Now she enn't go out." "Sam, dear, can't she use tho 'phono?" "That's so! Say you're 'awfully bright, MIrondy!" mm I you 22 tho end of tho'pcrlod, marked tho close of tho entire contest. Such Is not tho caao. THIS CON TEST CLOSES .IAN. 30, SIX WEEKS HENCE, AND NOT BEFORE. (Continued on Pago 3.) NOXO(,EXARLX SERIOUSLY INMURED. CURFEW! Our esteemed down-the-avenuo contemporary seems to have a sad attack of "Curfew Must Ring To Xight," on tho brain. Wc would re spectfully submit, while not for an instant opposing tho measure, wheth er or not any one, man or woman, boy or girl has ever been "inado good by statute?" Isn't "goodness" an abstract quality, n matter of the heart? Train up a child in the way ho should go. Make homo so at tractive for him that he won't want to go out on the street o'nights, and the problem is solved! SANTA GLAUS. In order to facilitate deliveries Christmas Eve, Santa Clans has es tablished several "Christmas tree" stations in Ifonesdnlc. BERMUDA TOURS (Continued from Page One.) This contest will close officially on Monday night, January 30 at 9 p. m. Join tho Boosters. HIAWATHA. Miss Mabol E. Waidler 14875 SHERMAN. Miss Louisa Lynch 15750 Miss Estella McAvoy 11800 DISTRICT NO. 4. This Includes Prompton and Way mart Boroughs, Cherry Ridge, Can aan, South Canaan, Lake, Salem, Sterling, Drelier and Lehigh town ships. A tour of Bermuda, a diamoud ring and a gold watch are sure to go to this district. WAYMART. Miss Cora Miller, R D 2 15C00 Miss Olive Lockwood 1G350 Miss Margaret Spry 1C175 Miss Ruth Inch 1G100 ARIEL. Mrs. Orpha Swingle 1C450 Miss Elsie M. Howe 15G50 SOUTH STERLING. Miss Emma Bates 1G250 Miss Leola M. Smith 13550 GOULDSBORO. Miss Grace Dowling 15750 Miss Mildred Sehring 15550 Miss Annabell Wright 15550 Miss Bertha Crooks 15350 Miss Gertrude Smith 14350 Miss Minnie Courtney 14200 STERLING. Miss Lullela Cross 1G175 Miss Laura A. Gilpin 12G50 PROMPTON. Miss Frances Richardson . ...1G000 KEENE. Miss Maude Smith 15150 NEWFOUNDLAND. Miss Ella Ehrhardt 1G250 Mrs. Frank Waltz 1G150 HAMLIN. Miss Mao Walker 15000 Miss Cora Alt 14850 NEWSPAPER ETHICS. In regard to an editorial expres sion of our esteemed down-tho-avo-iiuo contemporary, as to a "breach of newspaper ethics In telling their good stories," wo submit, that when our good Mr. Rhniuauthus Mortimer Stocker writes about newspaper elliics, ho writes of something con ecruing which ho knows next to noth ing. But then wo ran sympathize with him In his troubles, for wo hnvo been reliably informed that a "re cent unpleasantness" in his own es tablishment reminded him quite for clhly of tho fact that there is con siderable truth In tho oft-repeated statement, that some of tho Journals of tho Maplo City aro "muzzled." Now 'fess up, Mr. Rhainanthiis Mor timer Stocker, and do bo good, at least until after Christmas! AVE Joined the b o osters? It Is time to get busy If you expect to have some real fun out of THE CITIZEN'S Great Tour of Bermuda and prize contest. It's fun to pick ono, and then turn in and try to make her a wltiner. Savo your cou pons and seo that your subscriptions are paid and the votes given to your favorite. Don'l lose any time in seeing your friends and getting them to subscribe for THE CITIZEN and cast their votes for your candidate. Be a booster. You will enjoy tho contest as much as some of tho candidates, If you can be of assist ance to some worthy candidate. Remember you can give your fav orite 7,500 extra votes by paying your subscription during "Boosters Week.'1 There Is still plenty of room for new candidates, as dally some drop out and others take their places. In some districts especially there are, up to the present time, so few can didates that a prize In one of theso sections is a certainty. It will ap peal to anyone with a little ambition to see that they can enter In an al most open Held and have the best kind of a chance at a fine prize. Thursday will see the close of "Booster Week" in THE CITIZEN'S Great Tour of Bermuda Contest." If you have a friend in the contest boost her along by giving her a sub scription. You will get your money's worth, for THE CITIZEN is the best and newsiest paper In the county. It Is cleanly edited and you will never And anything In It you would not care to have your children read. No petty personal slander is allowed to appear in the pages of THE C1T- I IZEN which makes it the only HOME newspaper In Honesdale. It will mean a whole lot to your favorite candidate. This Is a friendly race for honors and prizes and the list of candidates represents the best class of people in this section of Pennsyl vania. Candidates should bear In mind that "Boosters' Week" ends Thurs day night and until then every year ly subscription to THE CITIZEN means 7500 extra votes to you. These votes may be held back if de sired and it is a good Idea to keep your aqtual, vote to yourself. Don't even tell your best friend, for she would spoil everything if she would happen to leave a word drop. Re member the Lord gave you two ears and one mouth that you might hear twice as much as you talk. It is the reserve vote that will count in the end. All voting ballots that have no limit date on them can bo held until you want them counted in tho paper. Those that have a limit date must be deposited in the ballot box before that date. Remember, you have two more days to get the 7500 extra ballots on each yearly subscription, so make the most of the time left and in crease your pile of reserve votes. Yearly subscriptions secured pre vious to this week will apply on this offer. Contest Closes Jan. !0. "No I don't believe I'll make any effort to win in this contest; it closes too soon for mo to get nny work in." Such were the words of a candidate who was asked yester day about their intentions In regard to her candidacy in THE CITIZEN'S Great Tour of Bermuda and Prize Voting contest. She thought tho contest closed December 22 because she had read about Boosters' Week" ending on that date. She thought that Dec. Wealthy Resident Of Seclyvllle Falls Thursday Night On Icy Pave ments, Badly Bruising His Leg Truiued Xurso In Attendance. Falling right outside of tho gener al store of Gustavo Smith and Son, Seelyvllle, as ho was going around tho store cellar, after leaving tho building, Thursday evening, W. L. Ferguson, a wealthy resident of Seelyvllle was badly shaken up, and It Is feared Injured Internally. Honry Owens and Georgo Sharp picked him up and carried him into his home next door, where ho was mado tis comfortable as possible. Dr. P. B. Peterson was BUinmoncd and found him badly bruised, and unable to move his right leg. Miss Margaret McGettlgan, a trained nurse of Scranton, Is In attendance. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Fer guson In his misfortune. able physicians, as tho damago they will do is ten fold to tho good you can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no morcury, and :b taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo bo sure you get tho genuine. It Is taken in ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price "be. per bottle. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The line of linn furs for La dies' and Misses nt Manner & Co. stores aro especially suitable for holiday presents. 00t4 Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Russell and daughter, Miss Marrletta, loft Friday for tho metropolis where they will meet Miss Lucy Russell and Milton Russell who will return homo with them from their respective schools to pass the Christmas vacation. Hon. John Kuhbach has been making extensive repairs at his homo on Court street. Tho kitchen has been made smaller by convert ing part of it into a laundry. It Is now ono of the mbst modern and complete kitchens, being equipped with cvory facility known to the modern housekeeper. BEWARE OF OIXTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MER CURY, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces, except on prescriptions from reput- FOUR MORE SHOP PING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS THOSE WHO HAVE NOT TAKEN THE OP PORTUNITY OF OUR ENDLESS VARIETY WILLSTILL FIND OUR STOCK COMPLETE. JEWELER BELL PHONE FLAGG'S HOUSE The Christ mas Store for Men and Boys Abounds In Com fortable nnd Useful Garments Opposite D. & H. R. R. Station Overcoats and suits, Cor duroy and Canvass work coats, sheep or blanket lined with high storm collars. Dress 6hlrts in white or fancy patterns. Silk Mufflers In plain or quilted styles. Neck wear in fancy Fo r e-1 n-H and Bows, scarfs, a new as sortment of sleeve but tons. Umbrellas for Men and Women, with a choice selectlou of hand les. Neat and catchy suits for children; also "Mother's Friend" Boys' Blouses. Wo have ai ready established a rep utation for low prices on Sweaters and Underwear. Learn our prices and Judgo for yourselves FLAGQ' Clothing Htise3 863 Mam St.9 HonesdaSe OPPOSITE THIS D. & H. R. It. STATION. Try This TWO MINUTE CURE FOR COLD IN HEAD OR CHEST. It is Curing Thousands Daily, and Saves Time and Money. Get a bowl three quarters full of boiling wator, and a towel. Pour into tho wator a tcaspoon ful of IIYOMEI (pronounced Htgh- o-mo. ) Put your head over tho bowl and cover both head and bowl with towel, Breatho tho vapor that arises for two minutes and presto! your head Is as clear as a bell, and tho tight ness In the chest is gone. Nothing like it to break up a heavy cold, curo soro throat or drlvo away a cough. It's n pleasant curo. You'll enjoy breathing Hyo mel. You'll feel at once its sooth ing, healing and beneficial effects as It passes over tho lnilamed and Irri tated membrane. CO cents a bottle, at druggists everywhere". Ask G. W. Pell for extra bottle Hyomel Inhalant. THE .MUSICAL COMEDY, "COLLEGE DAYS," LYRIC THEATRE, MATINEE DECEMBER 11(1. AND NIGHT, MONDAY,