The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 21, 1910, Image 3

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(Continued From I'ago One.)
I'nld Siiliscripllons Count.
Ono young lady did not know that
paid subscriptions to THE CITIZEN
counted for votes until .yesterday
bccnuse she did not rend full de
tails of the contest. Sho Immediate
ly started to vork and within nn
hour had seoured payment on seven
yearly subscriptions. Any candidate
In the contest can do as woll if they
All contestants should read every
lino of tho contest write-up every Is
sue. l'rosjiect ivo Subscribers.
Now a word about subscribers to
other pnpers. who uro paid iu ad
Tance. Many such subscribers would
help them out by subscribing for
THE CITIZEN If they were not paJd
up on anothor paper for six or eight
months. When .contestants find such
persons simply say that you can
take their subscription to start at
any time they wish, oven a year from
Hero It Is well to impress upon all
contestants that your subscriptions
which are promised for pay day
should bo looked after on that day
and remember the seven thousand
Ave hundred extra votes for each
yearly subscription, t
Tho larger the subscription the
more votes you receive bo work for
tho payments and get tho benefit of
this special offer. All yearly sub
scriptions ;to THE CITIZEN turned In
by, any contestant previous to this
rote will apply ion this olfer.
Just Getting Started.
At present the candidates are just
getting started, feeling the pulse of
their friends to learn their strength
they know that subscriptions are
what count, and that to secure them
is tho surest way to pile up votes
through the dally coupons are by no
means to be despised, as the win
ning of a prize sometimes depends
on a few votes. Get your friends In
to the habit of cutting coupons out
for you, and it will keep up their
Interest in you. Later they will not
let their favorite candidate fall be
hind for lack of the utmost help they
can give.
Ever- Subscriber Should Vote.
Every subscriber of THE CITI
ZEN should give their votes to some
candidate. Send in your favorite's
name and then vote for her. Vote
just as you would for a congress
man to represent you only vote of
tener, as It Is perfectly safe, and
the oftener you vote the more sure
your candidate is to be a winner.
Your help may be just what Is
needed to encourage your favorite
candidate to do the work which will
placo her at the top of the list.
For every yearly subscription to
printed in THE CITIZEN, opposite
tra 7,500 votes for your favorite
A Tip.
Young ladies, get started early on
the companionship. You know you
have the possible privilege of choos
ing a companion on the trip to Ber
muda. The sooner you choose your
companion tho better advantage you
will have. But in choosing a friend
pick out someone of tact and in
fluence, one who Is a worker and
can help you. The name will be
printed In the CITIZEN, opposite
your name In tho vote list and as
soon as her friends see her narao
they will want to help her. At the
same time they will bo helping you
as your Interests are hers and her
intorests aro likewise yours. You
may be tho companionship winner
and you want to choose the friend
at once to get tho best and cinch the
prize. Work together for a com
mon end and you are most sure to
win. Begin now and get an early
Well, candidates, have you se
cured tho manager for your cam
paign? If so, you are to bo con
gratulated. If not be sure and
do it today. The tip given Is a "real
live." one ab you will probably roal
Izo later If you neglect to be guided
by It. The Bermuda Tour Manager
has been planning and working to
raako tho road to success as smooth
as poslble for you, and that Is tho
best thing yet figured out tho
value which amounts almost to an
absolute necessity of having some
man friend, who will assist you In
your campaign.
There are so many persons ho will
tomo In contact with daily whom it
might prove difficult for you to see.
Ho can mention to his men friends
that ho Is Interested In seeing you
win and Just as sure as shot they
are going to say, "Sure Bill, or Har
ry, or Jim," as Ills name happens to
be, "wo will help you."
Now consider again, take a specu
lative glance 'at the splendid trip
THE CITIZEN Is offering. Itoraem
bor that no ono's chances for win
ning are a whit better than yours.
The Tour Manager is primed
with answors to all questions. Ask
Ml the questions you like. Phone
or write If you can't call. Flro
awnyl lit? not bo Imslifnl or timid.
Ask what you want to know. Vlow
the situation as It exists to-day then
artpr doing so, under no circum
stances should you neglect enrolling
your name, for you can never tell
with how much success you will
meet until you hhve tried.
Volo Schedule.
Herd is tho subscription rate and
votes schedule -which will provall
during tho contest:
Ten years $15.00 75,000
Nine years 13,50 02,000
Eight yearfi 12.00 50,000
Seven years 10.50 40,000
Six years 9.00 32,000
Five years 7.50 25,000
Foilr years ....... G.OO 20,000
Threo years ....... 4.50 14,000
Two years 3.00 7,000
One year 1.50 2,500
Voting ltulch.
No moro than 3,000 subscription
votes per week can bo voted during
tho first four weeks of tho contest.
After that dato no candidate will bo
permitted to cast more than 5,000
more votes per day than the leader
In the contest had in their published
list of votes on the previous day's
issue until January 23rd, after which
time there will be no restrictions as
to the number df vbtos that tho can
didates, may cast cacti day. Tho
above does' ndt apply to newspaper
ballots, which can be voted in any
quantities desired, but T H K
CITIZEN reserves the right to dis
continue printing the coupons at any
time during the contest, and to raise
tho voting limit or remove same alto
gether at any time.
T)ip results of the contest will bo
printed In each Issue of THE CITI
ZEN. Votes that are sent In up to
six o'clock Monday' evening will be
printed in Wednesday's paper, while
votes sent in up to six o'clock Wed
nesday evening, will be printed in
Friday's paper.
The coupon found in THE CITI
ZEN today has no expiration date
and can be polled at any time and
in any manner.
The vote limit will soon be rais
ed and then you can vote all you
want to. The 10,000 ballot must be
voted before December 30. On that
date all those ballots must he in this
O the
young lady
who falls
to receive
a trip to
will be given
a beautiful Tiffany diamond ring,
which will prove a valuable prize to
the winner
man O the young lady recelvln
I the third highest number
of votes In her district
will be Riven a beautiful cold watch.
The name of tho jeweler where the
watches are to be purchased, will
bo announced In tho near future and
they will bo on exhibition.
Department Accept Offer to Instruct
Officer Regarding Aeroplane.
Washington, Dec. 15. The offer of
Glenn I Curtlss to Instruct a naval
officer Iivthc operation of the aeroplane
will be accepted by the navy depart'
Mr. Curtlss proposed to drill an olll
ccr In the flying and management of
an aeroplane in all Us detail at the
aviation grounds In the vicinity of Los
Angeles, Cal. The Instructions will bo
given this winter. ,
Why Waste HI Breath?
Teacher Now, Tommy, supposo you
had twoynpples and you gave nnother
ioy nis choice or them. You would tell
him to take the bigger one, wouldn't
you? Tommy No, mum. T.encher
Wby? Tommy Cos wouldn't be nee
cssary. Suburban Life.
Fairly Warned.
He My dear, I can't afford to buy
you that hat. She Still, you'd save
money If you did. He How bo? She
Because I'll Just be 111 If I donit have
It, and yon know what doctors' bills
m. . 02.
Copyright, 1010, by Amcrlcnn Trets Asso
ciation. I'M happy si a bird,
Santa Clam,
For I'm lure that joit have heard,
Santa Clauy '1,
How I'm hoping every day ' ,
That yoa're really' on your way ,
And that toon we'll hear your ilelgh, ,
Santa Clauil , i ' 's
Oi l, the ilollt. Santa Cliu'it
Oh, the toyi, iSanta CUuiI
Oh, the happy, happy, happy girli and
boyi I "
Oh, how merrily we'll ling
Whn we hea( your ileighbelli ring.
For w love like everything,
' Sanla Clausl
OH, 1 hear your' belli ringing.
Santa Clam I
1 icarcr can keep from tinging,
Santa Clausl
Oh, such gladneia and such joy
To each little girl and boy
Comes when you are drawing nigh,
Santa Claual
OH, the dolls, Santa Clausl
Oh, the toys, Santa Clausl
Oh, the happy, happy, happy girls and
boys !
Oh, how merrily we'll sing
When we hear your ileighbells ring.
For we- love like everything.
Santa Clausl
Charloy Hing Says His Machine Over
comes "Bumps of Air."
New York, Dec. 15. Charlie Hing,
a Chinese laundryman at Lawrence,
N. Y., has In a shed near his home an
aerial machine which he says will real
ly lly and which Is not at all like -the
ntodren aeroplane.
Charlie's contrivance consists of two
wings and a tall, all built of bamboo
and light canvas. The wings are
shaped something like snowshoes and
have attachments so that they can be
fastened to the arms. Then a tall
piece Is attached to the feet.
The Chinamen has flown 700 feet
with h's wings and has gone seventy-
five feet into the nlr. This is his the
ory its to air currents.
"Tho air comes bumping to the
ground," he said. "It bumps up again.
The higher you get the easier it Is to
fly, because you don't get so much
bumpety humps of air."
Two Commit Suioide After Insuring
Success of Their Plan.
Camden, N. J., Dec. 15. Howard
Nowcomb, thirty years old, of Balti
more and Mrs. Morris Hall of this city
committed suicide by inhaling gas In
an apartment house here.
Mrs. Hall went to the house a week
ago and engaged the, room. The even
ing before the suicide sho and New
comb retired nt an early hour, and
nothing more was seen of them until
they were found dead. They made
every preparation to Insure the success
of their plan.
Mistake of Interne Kills Child, Makes
Another III.
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 15. Johnnie
F. Staley, six years old, is dead and
his brother Chester, four years old, Is
In a critical condition as the result of
an overdose of atraphlue sulphuto
from a prescription prepared for them
by an Interne assigned to duty as am
bulance surgeon at the City dispen
sary. The mediclno was given to
them by their mother.
Lynch Still Head of National League.
New York, Dec. 15. Thomas J.
Lynch was re-elected president of the
National league for a period of one
year by the owners of the eight clubs
of the organization. The rote was
Fort Arrive In Washington.
Washington, Dec. 15. Governor Fort
arrived hero today to attend the Judi
cial conference, which was opened by
President Tuft this morning. Tho gov
ernor will dine with tho president this
Mis Gould, 19, to Wed Lord, 44.
London, Dec. 15. The engagement
of Lord Decles and Miss Vivien Gould
s announced, officially. Miss Gould Is
the second daughter of Georgo J. Goujd
of New York. Miss Gould Is In her
nineteenth year. Lord Decles was
forty-four years old Dec. 6. lie Is a
distinguished soldier.
Dig Battleship For England.
Loudon, Dec, 15, Tho admiralty has
placed an order for the construction
of tho next to the largest battleship
In the world. It will be of 2-1,000 tons
and have a speed of 22 knots. This
vessel will be exceeded in size only
by the battle cruiser Lyon, now being
built at Devonport.
CfjrtetmaS JHcmorp
(With apologies to Alice Cary.)
Of all the bountiful pictures
On Childhood!? memory's wall
Is one qt an evergreen .Christmas
That standeth bepad and tall;
In whose very topmost branches.
A blue'-'oyed dolly swings,
While lower down' ib a fi'lcndly"b'ouh
A Teddy bcarlet clings; '
And there quite close to Teddy ''
Hangs a soldier' bold, or 'tin;
A drum, with Sticks mupeilded.
To make a warlike dm;
A fife wth wondrous music .. ,-
Quite hidd'n away Inside;
A sled so strong and spleqdld ,..
That at least four boys may "rldej
A plcturo book of fairies, "' '
An engine that will run;
A toy piano with real keys,
A tool chest and a nni
And from the gay, green branches;
Festoondd as ribbons bright, ' '
Swings strings' of soft 'whlto popcorn
That, glistens In the light,
And .everywhere.-hangs candy ,.
For children, great and.mall.
Bo,( of all the Childhood's memories,
This seometh the best of all.
Maud Walker, in the Birmingham
Wear a Christmas Facel
Holly, smilax, mistletoe,
Decorations, up they go!
Leave your irritation where
Twin De comrade for your
care ;
Into trouble's ample pouch
Stow away your ugly grouch;
Leave behind you frown and
Put away each sneer and I
Angry fling and fretful word,
Put them where they won't
be heard.
Indianapolis News.
Origin of Christmas Cards.
Is the originator of the first Christ
mas card destined to become as great
a subject of controversy as tho In
ventor of the adhesive stamp and the
safety bicycle? Up to yesterday most
people who took an Interest In the
matter would have credited either
the late Sir Henry Cole, or Mr. .1. C.
Horsley, 11. A., with tlje production
of the first card, and they would
have put the date down to-day iho
late Mr. W. A. Dobson, It. A., and
his claim is supported with circum
stantial detail In World's Work.
The birth of the Christmas card
Is put back two years, to 1S41. Mr.
Dobson was a lonely young man. who
one day conceived the Idoa of ac
knowledging the kindness of a frienJ
by sending him a picture Illustrative
of the festive season a choertul fam
ily group, surrounded by the familiar
Christmas accessories.
The distant friend was delighted,
showed It to other friends, and Mr.
Dobson was encouragod, tho follow
ing year to securo the aid of tho lo
cal lithographer. Then came Imita
tors one, after another, until ten year,?
later the business man,' stepped In to
make money out of what wad origi
nally a work of love. But the ambiti
ous Christmas cards) of to-day are
a long remove from tho primitive
Father Chrlstmases and Robin Red
breasts of sixty years ago. London
Dear old Santa Claus 13 on bis way,
"Sleddln' or no cleddln"' he'll bo
here Christmas Day.
You Run No Risk When You Use Thl
We promise you that. If your hair Is
fnlllng out, nnd you have not let It go
too fur, you can rcpnlr tho damage al
ready done by using Hcxnll "03" Hair
Tonic, with persistency and regularity
for n reasonable leneth of time. It Is
a scientific, cleansing, antiseptic, gcr
mlcidal preparation, that destroy ml
crobes, stimulates good circulation
around the hair roots. promottH hair 1
nourishment, removes dandruff and re
stores hair health. It Is as pleasant in ,
use as pure water, and It Is dellcateh ,
perfumed. It Is a real toilet necessity
Wo want you to try Itesnll ,
Hair Tonic with our promise that li
will cost you nothing unless yoti im
perfectly satisfied with Its use. Ill
comes in two sizes, prices 00c. aud
$1.00. Itemember. you can obtain
Itexall Remedies In this community
only at our 'sfdro The Hexall Store'
Trains leave Union depot at S.2oj
a. ni and 2,48 p. m., -week dayB.
Trains arrive Union depot at
and. 8,05 p. m. week days.' ;
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming
arrives at 3.45 p. m. and leaves Uf
0.60 p., m.
Sunday trains ,leve 2.48 and a
riv at 7.02. '
... .. i i. .1. . -
rjiR'I A'L L'IST Wayne Common
1 Pleas, .Ian. Term, 19L1.
,W.eok beginning .Ian, 1.6, 1911.
,L Olszefskl v. Taylor,
2.' Hawker V. Poppenhelmer.
' !!. "Keltz' V. County of Wayne.
'4. Barnes v. Miller. .
fj.., Fives v. 'Auto .Transportation
G. Clancey et al. v. Tuttlo.
' 7'. Gray V. Herbeck-Demer Cdi
S. Whitney v. Hidgoway.
9 Cromwell v. Cortright & Son.
10. Colo v. Cole; adm'x.
Honesdnle, Pa.. Dec. 14, 1910.
Christmas) Both ?ich
. and
Presents ) Beautiful
enner &
Table Settings in Double Damask Napkins and
Cloth, Center Pieces and Doilies.
Bureau Scarfs, Carving Cloths, and Side Table
Rugs in Royal K Wilton and Smyrna, Regular
Portieres,ColoredCurtains, Lounge Throughs.
agrees .
Table Covers, Velour and&Tapestry.
Irish PointBon Peimme and Nottingham Lace Cur
iipains.i: MENNER & CO.'S
3iHr: Keystone Block
GS?88?' ' TO ill'Y YOl'lt
I i Christmas
i Presents!
AVe huvc the Largest and Jlest line of. the follow ln goods
in tho county nt prices ruiiKiiitf us follows :
Horse Blankets at 75c to $7.50 each.
Lap Robes for Carriage or Auto use. Fur, Plush and
Fine Wool, at from $3 to $12 each
Trunks from $3 to $20 each.
Dress-suit Cases, $1 to $12 each.
Traveling Bags, 50c to $15 each.
Ladies' and Gent's Pocket Books, 10c to $10 each.
Gentlemen's Fur Driving Coats, $10 to $35. '
Fur Driving Gloves, $1.25 to $6.
Fur Lined Gloves, $2 to $3.50.
AVe also carry a full line of Working
and Driving Gloves and Mittens.
Work Shop I am prepared to do all harness
work promptly.
&WTT7 Harness and Horse
Eld 1
You will make money
byhnvlnc inc.
hEu,i.noNR9-u Bethany, Pa.
Specks Before
The Eyes.
In no part of the body aro tho effects of
constipation more quickly noticed than in
the condition of the eyes. When you see
a yellowish tinge in the whites of the eyes
it shows that the poisonous bile pervades
the whole system ; but it is the specks and
Hitting objects in the vision itself that are
even more quickly apparent. Thousands
of people ".seo things"; their vision is
blurred, floating specks and spots which
seem almost real pass before the eyes.
Such conditions can always be traced to a
torpid liver and a conjested condition of
the bowels. The only thing to do is to
take Smith's Pineapple and llutternut Pills,
which cure constipation as if by magic.
They regulate the functions of the liver,
remove the bilious elements from the cir
culation and strengthen the nerves. li
your eyes are clouded, if you have specks
and floating objects before your vision,
use Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills
and get the poisonous elements out of
your blood. Physicians use and recom-!
mend. They form np habit. You should
always keep them on hand. These little
Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills'.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
CO PHIi In Glass Vial 50c. All Dealers.
SMITH'S For Sick Kidneys
Bladder DlMa-, nticumattim,
BUCHU ,he ono ' rfraedf. Reliable,
endoracd by leading ptiyitclara;
I1THI& safe, effectual. Results laitlng.
" On the iBarHet M years. IUto
KIIiMFV emed tbomantv lco puis to
Trial boxes, CO pills, a cents. All
dragging sell and recommend.
Co - s Stores
Harness Store I
Mm Furnishing Goods.
f SMITH'S V'r . 'V5A
HHIH 1-ffrHi